
Some sort of magical game that people with radically different skill levels can enjoy together. I tried to get my friend to play nioh2, but she just doesn’t have the practice to be any good at it yet. If we put in 100 hours she’d get competent, but that’s a big investment. I want someone to figure out a way that I can play like Nioh2, and my friend can play like Bejeweled, but we’re doing it together and it’s fun for both of us.

@kenoh@lemm.ee avatar

Playing Dark Souls with one as melee and the other as a magic user is pretty much like this.


I almost also wrote that I wanted something like dark souls, but built for co-op from the ground up. The dark souls games typically have a fair amount of stuff each player has to do alone, and you’d have to do the game twice.

It’s still fun and I actually coop’d the franchise with a friend, but I don’t think I could get my “plays bejeweled” or even “plays Mario games” friends to do it happily.

(There is Remnant, but it didn’t really do it for me)


Have you tried Outward? It is built with co-op in mind. The solo and coop experience is exactly the same, maybe a bit tougher solo.


I think I tried the demo or free weekend and it didn’t quite click for me, but I was playing alone. Thanks for the recommendation, though.


Word of warning: the game is jank personified, but once you get past the animations, visuals, and weird storytelling, it has a lot of charm. It does quite a lot differently to other RPGs and survival games, and because of that, it has a hell of a learning curve.

Playing it makes me remember how I felt when I played Morrowind, for some reason. Not because it is the same caliber of game though, that much is for certain.


Making a standard dark souls or Nioh like game, but with a co-op that incorporated Puzzle Quest like mechanics could be cool. In order to power up the main character the side kick could make certain matches in their match 3 game, or to pick locks, or cast spells, or even Estus flask use.


A lot of team games can have something like this. I’m throwing my pitch in for Deep Rock Galactic because it is one I know well. I’m a decently good player at this point and I still have a blast joining games with greenbeards. I get the challenge of carrying and teaching the younglings and they get to see the kind of magnificent bears they’ll have one day. There is decent variety in how you can approach the game with different classes and the roles people pick for different challenges. As for two different genre of game where you’re playing together, I’m not sure. I think that Age of Empires 2 could do something kinda like this. You can assign multiple people to the same faction and everyone has control of everything in that team. It is a bit clunky but you can do i teresring things like one person is tasked with infrastructure, another with combat.


Adding another potential thing here, I just learned of a game called Silica. It is a hybrid play where some people play as RTS commanders and some people play as on the ground FPS soldiers. Haven’t played it yet but could be interesting for mixed skill level based on which genre someone is good at


A game where there’s a mundane task like fishing or gardening, but it gets kinda minigame-y and trippy and it branches into maybe some kind of either party game or some other super complex shit. The closest someone has come to this was with Dave the diver.


You should check out Frog Fractions


Star Wars Clone Wars, but CoD mobile style.


100% science based dragon MMO

HawlSera, (edited )

I actually thought of a ridiculous concept for an mmo, not so much an mmo, but a response to my frustrations with World of Warcraft, and how the most play race was human and the most played class was warrior. You know the one combination that you can actually be in real life, human Warrior.

It gave me an amusing thought, then if I ever ran a fantasy-based mmo, there would be absolutely no human option, and no realistic class options, like you wouldn’t be able to pick a class that you could definitely do in real life.

And the first major expansion would introduce the scientist class, and be all about humans finding this fantasy world. And just make that the main selling point you could play as boring Mundane Human doing real world stuff. Just a little social experiment to see how people would react… The humans would definitely have a mad scientist vibe, so it wouldn’t be completely boring.

@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

Dragonriders of Pern - the game.


That already has a game though

@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

If you can even call that old pukestain a game. Definitely not one that anyone would love to play.


Awww, I always kind of felt bad for that person. Hilarious though.


Baldurs Gate 3, but set in the Red Rising universe.

@anarchoilluminati@hexbear.net avatar

Lord of the Rings, but as an open world game similar to Skyrim and with the entire map of Arda as explorable. All of it! Including Harad and Rhûn. Make it, for the love of God! Take my idea and make your billions, I don’t care, just let me FUCKING PLAY!!!


I would LOVE this. Especially if the war of the ring or other plot was on-going and you could participate as you pleased, potentially shifting the balance one way or the other. The idea of an open world RPG where the world exists and evolves with or without you is my dream. Mount and Blade is almost that, but for being too army/strategy/overworld focused, and the lord of the rings mod for warband had me hooked for a long time before the limitations got to me

@anarchoilluminati@hexbear.net avatar

Especially if the war of the ring or other plot was on-going and you could participate as you pleased, potentially shifting the balance one way or the other.

That is actually a really cool idea if it can be done well! Not a new member of the Fellowship or anything too directly cheesy, but somehow get pulled into a quest to help at Helm’s Deep and then Pelennor or something. Or you can get connected to help Sauron through quests in Harad or Rhûn. Likewise, it would be cool to potentially help revolutionary movements in Harad or Rhûn that oppose Sauron.

So much potential!


I want a game that is a standard sci fi/fantasy RPG, except the main characters each suffer from a mental health condition that affects their gameplay (and of course the story).

My brother (now deceased) had both schizophrenia and numerous personalities. He had visual and auditory hallucinations thanks to the schizophrenia. On top of that, in my last conversation with him, he mentioned that all his personalities ‘shared information’ except for one that was in denial. Because of that, when a different personality took over after that one, he would have no idea what happened during the time that denial personality was in control. Sadly, my brother passed after he had stopped taking medications for a week and decided to use computer duster (something he had finally got clean of) to sleep and never woke up.

Now, imagine that in a high sci fi or fantasy RPG. You might begin fighting and wasting energy on enemies who aren’t actually there, but you think they are. You can go into battle and no other party members will help because, as you find out after, those enemies weren’t really there. Maybe you become weak because of a would and have to get through a dangerous area to get to a hospital. There you find you never had an injury, it was a hallucination (based on a 911 call my brother made thinking he had slit his throat when he had not). Maybe you go to learn some key information from a character who then dies dies suddenly. However, you don’t remember any of it.

Most important though, in the end, you are still the hero and still save the day. The idea being that yes people with these mental health challenges struggle, but they aren’t monsters. My brother was one of the kindest people I know and loved to help people. A game like that, if done right, could help players understand what these conditions are actually like (not hollywoods bs) and show that they can still be heroes. I think that would be cool


You should play Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. I’ve finished it and it’s awesome. Wear headphones. It’s on Gamepass if you have an Xbox.

The game’s narrative serves as a metaphor for the character’s struggle with psychosis, as Senua, who suffers from the condition but believes it to be a curse, is haunted by an entity known as the “Darkness”, voices in her head known as “Furies”, and memories from her past. To properly represent psychosis, developers worked closely with neuroscientists, mental health specialists, and people living with the condition.


Also has a vr mode. Super spooky.


One of the best VR games for the immersion factor.


You should check out Dead Space 3 co-op mode. It’s basically what you described here.


I’m thinking about ways to implement other mental health conditions. Generally staying on the lower end of severity because I’m more familiar with it, but you could represent anger issues by having skill checks when other characters do seemingly innocuous things, and if you fail all the dialogue options are bad. ADHD could be done with a required mini game of correctly identifying all the steps in a process and having cooldowns between them to reflect executive disfunction. Hyperfocus could be implemented with certain objectives not being completeable, or even showing up in the game anywhere outside of dialogue, until one is. Seasonal affective disorder could be shown with a characters stats just drastically dropping when the seasons change, and the HUD colour scheme becoming more muted.


Vampire The Masquarade Bloodlines.

Pick the Malkevian clan.

You’ll talk to stopsigns and be interrogated by your own TV.


So kind of like some of the simulations that exist to allow people a glimpse of what it is like to suffer from schizophrenia with audible and visual hallucinations, constant repetititious dialogue in your head etc, that I have seen videos of. I don’t think they’re widely available, but if someone made an actual fleshed out game with that, I agree it would be really cool. Unfortunately the stigma that still exists regarding mental illness would make it hard for anyone to really go for it, unless it was entirely indie.

HawlSera, (edited )

I have a horror game concept, based around the old days, back when used game stores actually were a good deal instead of just a price gouging den of collectors. Back when buying a copy of a game pre-owned meant that you got the save files of the old user with it.

So this is a harvest moon type, there is already a file here, the game yells at you if you try to delete it, you get characters telling you that you can’t hide from what you have done. And when you play the game everyone is pissed at you, the world is in ruins, and making any real progress is next to impossible due to the horrible state the world’s in and no one wanting to help you.

The object of the game would be to convince the people of the game world that you are not the original user, and that you want to set things right. And the new game plus would just be what the game is supposed to be like under normal conditions.

Admittedly I got the idea from hearing about a Harvest Moon friends of Mineral Town Creepypasta called The Goddess Has Not Forgiven You, which I can’t actually find. But it was described by a harvest moon iceberg video. When I couldn’t find the story that it was talking about, this was just kind of the idea I had for an indie game based off of it.

If you are an indie game designer who wants to do this, feel free to steal my idea, Just credit me for it and shoot me a copy of it if you can get a hold of me.


I dig this one, it’s pretty cool.


NOTE: Someone probably has developed it, but I’m too poor to buy a decent computer.

I’ve been wanting the shittiest, most grindy military logistics game possible for a bit now. Like, “oh you didn’t upgrade your Sock factory? Fuck you now your platoon has trench foot” type Grindy.

I want to feel pain


I believe this is the Black Ice mod for Hearts of Iron 3


Rimworld is probably the closest thing to that right now. Watch your village starve as their clothes wear out and they get frostbite.

Or dwarf fortress if you want to get medieval


Funny thing, I’m actually playing rimworld right now!

@Outdoor_Catgirl@hexbear.net avatar

Foxhole? I’ve heard that that game has hella logistics


Thanks! I’ll look into it


the grind got so shitty the logistics players actually went on strike


Not military but have you tried oxygen not included? That game will give you trench foot.


Have you tried dwarf fortress?


Oh, you lost your leg to an elephant ? Here’s a crutch, go learn how to use it.


Not really military logistics, but you might check out Captain of Industry. Everything sort of depends on everything else. You need food for your workers. But you need building parts to make farms. So you need bricks, iron, wood, and concrete. Each of these has a building and process associated with it. You need trucks to move materials. You need excavators. So you also need factories making vehicle parts, and maintainence parts. And all of these machines and processes make a waste product you have to deal with.


Foxhole is a good game but probably not as grindy as you are looking for.


Try some hex and counter war games.


No man’s sky but focused as a shooter mmo. Imagine clans of 100+ people fighting on planet and in space to control galaxies


Wasn’t there some companion game to EVE Online that was supposed to be like that?

@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Dust 514 and apparently a new one called Vanguard?


Cries in 10six


Never heard of this til now


Kingdom hearts style combat with co-op campaign

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

kings quest ix or final fantasy ix hd remake


I loved Final Fantasy IX but sometimes I think I dreamed it because no one else ever talks about it, just VI, VII, and then over to X usually lol.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

kuja > sephiroth 😊

and freya is the best character ever

@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

and freya is the best character ever

Finally a fellow person of culture. IX was imo best FF.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

yes!! alexander vs bahamut was chefs kiss just imagine how it would be with ff16’s engine

and there’s not one bad character in the entire game

now if you’ll excuse me i’m gonna go listen to beatrix’s theme and sob

@FangedWyvern42@lemmy.world avatar

Probably because it was the last PSX title. People often forget games released at the end of a console’s lifespan, especially when they aren’t also released on next-gen systems.


I once had a dream where I played a game like warcraft 2, but with mythical animals. Basically age of mythology, with better controls, and a darker aesthetic. I still wish that existed, so I could play it.

@GrappleHat@lemmy.ml avatar

VR tourism. Or even better: VR historical tourism!!!

No points, no battles, no level ups, no upgrades. Just exploring faraway or historical places.


Isn’t there VR Google Earth? It’s probably the thing I’m most tempted to buy a headset for.


Exists and is free. Lookup The Dawn of Art. Includes narration by Daisy Ridley.

@GrappleHat@lemmy.ml avatar

This looks great, thanks!!


There’s a Dali one too, but it’s a little weird. The name escapes me, but there’s also a virtual museum that was cool to noodle around with. All free.

@LaGG_3@hexbear.net avatar

Not VR, but I think the ancient Egypt Assassin’s Creed had a mode where you learn about the pyramids. Wish they did more stuff like that.


There need to be more educational videos games that are actually fun and educational


There are many VRChat world like this, and some of them quite photorealistic

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

More arcade style multiplayer hack and slash RPG stuff in the spirit of gauntlet dark legacy or even something that stretches the concept like Armada 2 and makes it a space-based drop-in drop out multiplayer free-for-all frenzy that’s just for fun.


man I have suggested the first - gauntlet same screen multiplayer couch style w/ fuck any theme (sci fi, fantasy, grindhouse fuck I don’t even care) - for so many gamejams… instead, yet another a dating farming single player 2d topdown gets made. lol. but I totally agree.

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