Who went "full fedi" yet?

Bit of a simple question: Some people on lemmy are still posting stuff from youtube, xitter and the like.

Have you gone full fediverse yet or how far are you?

  1. traded reddit for lemmy/kbin
  2. xitter for mastodon
  3. discord for matrix
  4. youtube for peertube

Obviously I also mean other alternatives. Which ones do you use and why?

Disclaimer: this question is me asking genuinely but also trying to make it fun by arbitrary ranking/escalating it. Not trying to say one is better than the others.


Youtube: I don't spend a lot of time watching videos, but when I do it's still usually on Youtube, as I can't find what I like anywhere else. I don't expect to be able to completely ditch this one unless the cost of hosting videos goes down a lot.

Facebook: It's been a few months since I used this one. The only thing I use it for is to send someone a message if I don't have any contact information aside from their name, which is something the fediverse can't currently replicate. It's slowly becoming less relevant as fewer and fewer people in my cohort are active on Facebook.

Twitter: I used this one for less than a year in 2021, and deleted my account in 2022.

Instagram: I made an account on this one a few years ago but never made posts with it, and evetually deleted my account. I don't use , because I can post pictures from so I don't see a reason to make another account.

Reddit: I deleted my account recently. I haven't made a or account though obviously I can still interact with them from .

Discord: This is the proprietary social network I use the most. There are a lot of communities that don't seem to have alternatives elsewhere. I am hopeful for the future of , but it still feels like a beta, and I can't recommend it to people without technical skills.
Tiktok: I haven't used this in a few years, but I haven't deleted my account either.
Pinterest: I haven't used this in a few years, but I haven't deleted my account either. I'm also not sure what the fediverse alternative is.

Zoom: I have to use this for work. I'm hopeful matrix video calls will eventually be a viable replacement.

Fandom: I have stopped making constructive edits, but I kept my account in case I can use it to vandalize wikis or help them leave Fandom. There is no fediverse alternative I'm aware of: just a bunch of self-hosted wikis that can't interact with each other.


i haven’t used Reddit since the big migration, and quit Xitter way before then. i still use YouTube a lot, but use NewPipe instead of any app or webpage. can’t stand Discord either way, but use it for a couple MMO guilds i’m in. it sucks that the shitposting scene on Masto isn’t as big as Xitter, or maybe i’m not looking in the right places. (i know jorts.horse has some good posts on their local, but i don’t wanna move from my instance.)

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Understandable. But tbf I didnt get xitter so I dont expect to fully get masto. I‘m still happy its there and am impressed that the fediverse is working the way it does.


Shit, man, if I went full fedi, I’d have even less to contribute than I already do. We’ve gotta have some external sources of news and knowledge.

I have traded reddit for lemmy and just closed my Meta and Xitter accounts and I’m already feeling a disconnect from society. I’ve been subscribing to new youtube channels and setting up RSS feeds to make up for the lack of connection to current events.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Damn. Relatable though.

Remember that you can bridge matrix with discord, whatsapp, telegram, signal and others to unify your communication on IM/Chat

Otherwise, you could try mastodon. Its cool if you liked old twitter. I do kinda but lemmy is more my cup of tea. Also, feel free to contribute. We need people who bring relevant news to non corpo land.


Yes, thank you. I saw you mention bridging matrix to other services in another comment. I’m definitely intrigued and will investigate that. As for Mastodon, I’ve been wanting to find the time to spin up my own server for that one. I’ll definitely be getting deeper into the fediverse, but I also need outside sources of news, preferably not curated by antagonistic algorithms like Facebook.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

News is kind of important, depending on your neurologic configuration. I must limit my news input as to not panic (world stands in flames and such). There are a ton of news sources on mastodon if you are willing to check for them.

On another note: i like to look at allsides.com (i think?) if I want to see balanced news. Otherwise I mostly get updates from lemmy memes. :D

@eugenia@lemmy.ml avatar

I have. I still use the other ones occasionally for specific topics that don’t get much attention in the fediverse yet (e.g. ufos – I know, I know…), but overall, my main platforms are the fediverse, not the corporate ones.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Congrats! I‘m trying my best to stay off of corpo media but a lot of kinks still need ironing out. Trying to help get peertube to a point where it competes better (since I feel like its very close).


Yes for Lemmy and Mastodon. YouTube has too much good content to skip, I feel like sites that can only rely on advertising to be profitable such as video hosting and search are going to be the hardest things to make fair.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

I agree. Youtube is very good content wise and peertube still needs work but I dont think ads are the solution. Imo, some kind of small donation would work. Needs more thought though.

@gerryflap@feddit.nl avatar

A small donation like YouTube premium? I honestly can’t blame YouTube too much for their monetization strategies. Hosting video is terribly expensive, so some form of compensation will always be required, whether it’s via ads or subscription.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

While I agree that some compensation is a good idea, youtubes strategies are nothing but monopolist trash.

Take a large youtuber with 2000 videos. Each one being 20 minutes. That is 1 GB max per video. So 2 tb. With a decent connection we‘re talking 50 bucks for the server per month.

I don’t think you understand how much crap these companies are feeding you.


Didn’t use twitter or discord much at all. Switched to lemmy from reddit entirely no pain. Still use Youtube.

However my access and consumption to anything on twitter, a discord channel, or Youtube is probably through Lemmy to begin with.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

I‘m really happy that there are bots now that post youtube alternative links like piped. I would love to have something similar happen with peertube at some point. „This channel is on peertube, go a nd watch it there“.


Yes, yes, don’t use, always have avoided anyway. I also touch grass more often, which is nice


I’ve gone full Lemmy and Mastodon. I’m not going to pretend like Peertube is ever going to be a serious contender. None of my friends are on matrix sadly, so will probably be stuck on sms/discord for a long time.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Two things: peertube is not doing illegal stuff which is how youtube got successful so obviously, people are gonna want to do the right thing if anyone is to have a chance against corpo media. Second, there are matrix bridges for (nearly?) all other platforms (discord, whatsapp, telegram, signal, fbmessenger, etc).


Could you recommend any good tutorials for setting up a bridge?

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Trying to make one. Will update

  1. I’ll follow a search result to reddit, but I don’t actively browse it.
  2. Never used either. I created a Mastodon account somewhere once upon a time but never used it.
  3. My friends use Discord, and aren’t interested in moving. So I use it.
  4. I don’t post or comment on YouTube, but I do follow a handful of people. Not signed in, just using rss feeds.
@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Sounds very healthy.

One thing about matrix: it has bridges to most all of the common services (discord, whatsapp, etc) so you can manage all from one account (which is nice) and have a strong argument for your friends. Good hunting! :)


i probably can’t go full fedi unless if YouTube stops being a monopoly then i maybe can

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Only way against monopolies has always been legislature and thats notoriously slow.

What everyone can do is try something new (like peertube) every now and then. It definitely still needs work though.

spiderplant, (edited )

Instead of going fedi I’m going minimal.

Reddit -> Lemmy, with the caveat that time spent on here is minimal, to be reviewed at a later date.

xitter -> nothing, nitter.net if I want to read a xeet linked by another resource. Ultimately for me micro blogging social media is a time suck with little return.

discord -> still on it for a few different reasons, not sure if I’ll set up matrix just to do a bridge, privacy and minimalism are clashing here.

YouTube -> nothing, invidious if I want to watch yt content. Short or low quality video content is another time suck, try and keep video streaming to a minimum for environmental and mental health reasons.

Netflix and others -> the high seas (it is decentralised)

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

The high seas definitely are a legit strategy in my book.

The discord bridge of matrix is insanely good and I dont see a problem with using discord or just bridging to it. In opposition i think bridging is a lot safer since you‘re not running the site in your browser but in a containerized app which otherwise has no cookies etc.


Already using libre wolf with containers so not sure how much of a benefit I’d get from moving to an app.

Again back to minimalism I’d rather move away from it completely than have to have a another service to continue using discord. Could change if I start using matrix.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

You do you. I‘m speaking from the pov that you need at least one way of communicating with friends and peers. Thats what I use matrix for. Lemmy is a forum for me and thats basically it.


I’ve got too many atm, fb messenger, insta, discord, signal, SMS.

Signal is what I’m trying to push, not sure if it counts as decentralised 🤷

Looking to consolidate rather than tack on another that I don’t think anyone I know uses.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Tbf signal is pretty good. Since I‘ve had someone else mention signal in this thread before I‘ve just spent an hour reading. Here‘s what I‘ve found:

the signal protocol and app

The signal protocol is rather secure and anonymous, trying to achieve zero knowledge situations with the server owners. Your contact list can apparently be reconstructed by following the messages, not sure how that works. Just found this in a reddit thread

xmpp (omemo)

The protocol used by whatsapp. Is also very secure, some vulnerabilities have been noted and some concerns with the ability to break the encryption. Not sure how that would work either but I‘ve read that a couple times now.

the matrix protocol

Matrix is notably more focused on stability and has more decentralization capabilities (apparently easier horizontal scaling since your chats are saved on ever server your chat members are on) therefore less failure likelihood.


All the protocols are vulnerable to some attacks and none has a significant advantage. The xmpp foundation has apparently been influenced by google at some point and the matrix foundation has thinly veiled corporate ties which may or may not become a problem. All in all, it’s probably not important which messenger you promote, I have to say the interoperability of matrix through web api bridges has been noted by multiple sources.

Have a good one. :)

@Killercat103@infosec.pub avatar

Yes for all except youtube. I use frontends there. LBRY when feasible and there’s not a lot of content creators on PeerTube at least we got “The Linux Experiment”. PeerTube needs a monetization model imo (benefiting content creators and instance hosters). I wouldn’t mind paying a low fee for watching content for instance.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

What we need is more people discussing peertube and things like monetization. It has promise (and there are creators on there) but the discoverability sucks. You‘re correct, it needs a lot of work.

covert_czar, (edited )
@covert_czar@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ve migrated to almost all foss services. I’m only sharing from non free services if i can’t avoid. I’m using this username in each and every services

1,2,3 yes
Its hard to avoid youtube as most of my favourite youtubers wont migrate or even they don’t know about foss platforms. They want their ad revenue. Its hard to convience them and hard for them to move

My Fediverse accounts:
Mastodon not Twitter Lemmy not Reddit Friendica not Facebook Peertube not Youtube: Funkwhale not spotify: Bookwyrm not Goodreads Writefreely not blogger:
Lichess not chess.com: Matrix not discord: matrix.to/#/
I’m also on pixelfed (not instagram)

Sure i do use proprietory softwares and nonfree services. I do consider them as useful as foss softwares. I just explored most of the fedi universe doesn’t mean i hate non-free services.
I’m more active on mastodon, pixelfed, lemmy, matrix and lichess

lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/4205915And finally A meme i made about fediverse😂 Edit: deleted all personal links


Only the ones that have achieved full feature parity.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

And which ones are those in your opinion?


I am yet to find one that for anything I actually use.

If I would want to make a full time switch there’s need to be a user base large enough to support niche interests without seeing a sad little 2 subscribers in 4 versions of the same thing all on a different instance. None active.

Don’t get me wrong, I use them. But it’s not exclusive.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

But those are many different statements. Feature parity Exclusivity Activity Large userbase

Feature parity is impossible to achieve while staying away from corpo cash, this has nothing to do with activity and that has nothing to do with userbase. Lastly, exclusivity is your decision and nothing else. I‘m fine (and so are about 50 others in this thread) with leaving reddit behind for example.

The issue here is that you treat community projects like multi billion dollar businesses. Thats very ignorant to say the least.


PS - If someone wants to get into watching PeerTube, TILVids.com is a great start.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

I just followed their instance. Seems pretty cool to me.


Their Matrix channel is also bery active. New uploaders submit their content there for approval of the community.

@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Wow! Thats interesting! Might check it some time.

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