
For the same reason people hate the Nazi trolls. Extreme left or right does not matter. Normal people don’t want that garbage.

@the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net avatar

Because liberals and other right wingers hate when they find out they’re not actually “as left as you can get” and coming here and having that black mirror reflection is always a shock


there are no good Marxist instances

@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

Karl Marx had some great ideas. It’s too bad everyone who identifies as a Marxist has such a twisted worldview.

@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Sounds like something a dronie collaborator would say


ITT: offended lennygrad and hexbear users giving good examples to answer the OP

@jackmarxist@hexbear.net avatar

chapo.chat is great




It’s a bunch of Ledditor liberals saying that. Lemmygrad can be a little sectarian, but otherwise it is perfectly fine.


Strange question. Nothing’s wrong with them? Nobody’s hating on them. Just people…

@juchebot88@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Because le epic former redditors are mad that Russian firepower made the invincible Leopard tank look like this almost as soon as it reached the battlefield.


Also because Beijing and Detroit look like this and this, respectively.



@CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Here you go, case in point

@juchebot88@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Exactly, losers hate winners.

leftzero, (edited )


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  • val,

    Lemmygrad I can’t comment on. As far as I can tell they basically just talk politics and I’m not interested in microwaving my brain by obsessing about politics online. Haven’t seen them out in any of the threads I’ve been on.

    Hexbear I’ve enjoyed honestly. They’ve got nice hobby communities and it’s all I’m here for. Quality of discussion is usually pretty good. My take on people hating Hexbear is people have made their personality getting mad about politics and Hexbear don’t share their views. People screaming “tankie!” just seemed deranged to me, literally who cares what a handful of nerds in the US think of China. Neither of you have any influence on what China does at all.

    @AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

    The only good take on China


    I block anyone who uses tankie as an insult, I taken as a positive cuz I’m a gamer lmao

    @krimsonbun@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



    Thanks! I can tank all day!

    @krimsonbun@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


    @booty@hexbear.net avatar

    Yes, it has nothing to do with their inability to follow other instances’ rules and constant need to “dunk” on “shit libs” mostly by posting the same image of a pig pooping on itself. /S

    Such discourse. Much Praxis. So brave.


    If this is your vibe normally I wouldn’t want to engage and would just post a troll image as well, it’s rancid.

    @AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net avatar

    I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that?

    Because the majority of Ledditors are either liberals or full blown reactionaries and the ones who are not range from some cringey techno-libertarian who think FOSS will usher in socialism to some radlib cruise-missile socialist who strangely never deviates from the US state department. The very few who could legitimately be considered socialists are some kind of anarchist. They certainly aren’t Marxist.

    Are there any good leftist instances?

    Outside of those two, I won’t hold my breath. The easiest litmus test in the world is how they’re responding to the genocide at Gaza. There’s very few places where you’ll get complete support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and not whining about the imaginary babies Hamas allegedly beheaded or trying to equate the conduct of a genocidal nuclear power to a paramilitary fighting for national liberation.


    What’s your opinion on killing civilians attending a festival?

    Garfield, (edited )

    just a heads up that they cant see your comment and wont be able to respond because according to the hexbear modlog you were banned from hexbear 3 months ago for transphobia and mocking non binary hexbear users for using alternative pronouns


    just a heads up that they cant see your comment because according to the hexbear modlog you were banned from hexbear 3 months ago for transphobia and mocking non binary hexbear users for using alternative pronouns

    Ahh, what actually happened is I said they behave like alt-right, and their neo-pronouns look more like a mockery of trans people than being genuinely trans-inclusive in ways that matter in real life.

    Which, I’m still open to an explanation of how they are advancing trans right irl, and taking the L and admitting I was wrong. Their response was to sexually harass me instead. I’m not mad, but if I accuse you of behaving like alt-right and you dig your heels in deeper to behave like alt-right, that’s on you man.

    Thank you for the heads up though.

    ** Edit: as a sidenote, for all the lip-service Hexbear gives trans people, they still cannot tell the difference between men and people with penises.


    as a trans person reading some of the comments they cite as the reason you’re banned they seem pretty transphobic, just because you preface one of them with an ‘im not transphobic, but…’ comment it doesnt make it not transphobic to mock people for using neopronouns

    “I think neopronouns are stupid and come from a place of privilege and boredom”

    “neopronouns are entirely a basement dweller thing.”

    “I’m not even a liberal, but y’all are so chronically online and accustomed to being in a little echo chamber you can’t talk to anyone rationally. I’ve never met a trans person IRL who needs me to remember 4 pronouns, or needs pronouns like “Fae”, but say something on Hexbear and you’re instantly transphobic liberal Hitler.”

    “Pronouns are fine, y’all took it to a level that looks like alt-right satire of pronouns. Trans rights are human rights, but am I literally Hitler because I don’t think “comrade” or “fae” make sense when used as pronouns? You seem very rational and not at all unhinged.”

    “Trans people don’t need 4 pronouns including things like “Fae” and “Doe”, or by “trans” you are you referring to “trans-species” people? I’m not yet open minded on trans-species, I’ll grant you that.”


    Yeah I was a complete asshole. Not an excuse, but this was after about 2-dozen people sexually harassed me, so I was not at my best. And I will apologize any time for anyone who is hurt or offended.

    That said, I was also speaking to people who started out as rape apologists in the context of Russian soldiers and Ukrainians families. If you’re pretty cool with kids getting raped by soldiers, but you’re offended that someone didn’t memorize 4 different neo-pronouns, that is 100% a place of privilege. Am I wrong on that?

    Edit: also, as you are a trans person, recognizing that you are in a world where your safety is often a razor-thin line, anything I said that you felt unsafe around, I do deeply apologize.


    looking at the original thread through the modlog on their side they were actually talking about food security in china and not r*pe apologia. Even if they had been saying how great SA is, the transphobia you showed in that thread entirely unprompted wouldnt have been justified because they were doing something that was also bad


    So maybe you can help me out with this bit:

    Where I’m at right now, I feel like trans inclusivity means, that regardless of being born afab or amab, if you want to be perceived and treated by he/him pronouns, she/her pronouns, or they/them pronouns, you deserve that recognition and treatment.

    That is currently where I am at for trans inclusivity.

    I support that, in my workplace and in my community.

    Am I falling short here? Am I not reaching far enough to be trans inclusive?

    Edit: SA was a different thread, it’s somewhere way back there in my history.

    spiderplant, (edited )

    Gonna give you my honest two cents.

    You come across as a cunt whenever you police who can use neo pronouns based on how they look or act.

    Pronouns are something people should be free to explore.

    Hopefully being able to look into the topic without prejudice will allow people to discover their own queerness and/or empathise with people that do use them.

    Neverind that that is bad faith to argue that hexbear enforces neo pronouns, trad pronouns or anonymous can be used.


    Also gonna bug you again because I am so thirsty for conversation around this.

    I am not trans, but from what I’ve seen and experienced from people close to me, especially in the midwest, living as a trans person is difficult and dangerous. There’s so much work to put in to be perceived a certain way, which bathroom is it safe to use, getting medical care, getting hormones and transitioning, who is it safe to come out to.

    But then you can have over here a super privileged white man, who decides he now goes by neo-pronouns, puts no work or risk in and retains every privilege in society of being a white man.

    This looks to me in absolutely no way comparable to what it’s like to be trans.

    I would say something like, I feel like neo-pronoun people have culturally appropriated the struggle of trans people. You can pick up some neo-pronouns and get all the leftist points, without actually putting yourself on the line the way trans people put themselves on the line.

    I’ll take the L again and say the above is coming from a place of personal ignorance. I am an ignorant asshole. I’m very interesting in learning different and even better perspectives.


    Since you’re either unable or unwilling to engage in any further, I’ll tell you what it looks like right now:

    Any rational well-adjusted person will be pro-trans rights. Therefore it doesn’t make a good enough loyalty check for a rather high-key cultish group. The neo-pronouns are the loyalty check. Neo-pronouns have nothing to do with being trans, everything to do with checking to see if someone fits into the cult.

    Hexbear weaponizes accusations of transphobia the exact way Israel weaponizes accusations of antisemitism. It’s nothing to do with trans people or Jewish people, and everything to do with the cult. You are either with the cult, or you’re against it.

    At the end of the day, Israel is bad for Jews, and will happily sacrifice the rights of Jewish people around the world, I think Hexbear is bad for trans rights, and will happily sacrifice the rights and safety of trans people anywhere in the world to achieve its own political goals. For example, Dems in the US might be trash, but they are also the only change trans people have right now. I think Hexbear would throw trans people in the US in front of a train if it meant a geopolitical win for them.

    So call me whatever you want; when it comes to afab and amab people who want to be identified as a brother, a sister, or a sibling, they have always had my unwavering support. When it comes to Hexbear and the neo-pronouns, that is demonstrably the real transphobia, and trans exploitation. And I am still waiting to hear otherwise.

    Garfield, (edited )

    i literally just wasnt looking at lemmy, i didnt see your three comments until now, i wasnt like evading you or anything. i’ll just like read what you said fully now

    edit: having actually read it the like whole stereotype of like a privileged white person changing their pronouns for attention and so they can feel oppressed is largely a transphobic trope that gives cover for putting down trans people. to some degree i agree that like queer white people can use their queerness as a weapon against racial minorities as a putdown (i’ve seen this happen myself personally) and solely refer to violence against trans people without mentioning that the majority of transphobic murders and sexual assaults that happen are against black trans people so even though all trans people are under threat, black queer people are at the meeting point of queerness and blackness where violence against them is considered the most acceptable by frothing conservatives - but this is like a discussion to be had between queer and POC people, not white cishet people.

    the majority of people who like use neopronouns mainly do it in queer exclusive spaces because like there’s a risk of having conservatives get really mad at them over it, that’s why its not really visible to cishet people outside of the internet because most cishets arent privy to the spaces where queer people do it, it’s not just a thing people do to seem special (for instance Leslie Feinberg, a very well known trans liberationist activist used neopronouns “I am a human being who would rather not be addressed as Ms. or Mr., ma’am or sir. I prefer to use gender-neutral pronouns like sie (pronounced like “see””) and hir (pronouncedlike “here”) to describe myself. I am a person who faces almost insurmountable difficulty when instructed to check off an “F” or an “M” box on identification papers.”).

    In regards to the “hexbear is like israel” thing, i disagree with quite a lot that they say but to compare them to a country currently doing a genocide is a bit out of hand. I disagree with their whole “Dont vote” shit but like i can understand where its coming from, in my own country (Britain) there’s a sense that like the labour party is stripping away the pro queer stance that they had under corbyn while platforming transphobes and cynically using queer rights to promote the actual Israel. The conservatives would be so much worse than the labour party and are currently basically teeing themselves up to be like american republicans were a few years ago but i get the urge to just burn it all down, when it comes to the vote i’ll be going to vote and cursing starmer’s name while i do it, but i’ll probably still be voting for him


    Do you mean the civilians at the festival that the IDF admitted to killing on the 6th?

    @Gormadt@lemmy.ml avatar


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  • Rhoeri,


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  • fred,

    I haven’t seen or maybe haven’t noticed much of lemmygrad. But hex bear has a culture of spamming the same handful of images, using them like punctuation in their posts. And they show up huge in my reader at least (I just found out they look small to them.) So it’s like you’re trying to have a discussion and someone comes parading through with like five crappy drawings that take up all the space. Also I don’t mind having Marxists around but they tend to want to steer every discussion toward it, regardless of its relevance. Can’t wait to be able to block the instance.



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  • CriticalResist8,
    @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Marxism is relevant to everything through dialectics, which was synthesized by Hegel first. Also the emoji size is a quirk of Lemmy, all custom emojis take up their original size on other instances regardless of which instance it comes from.


    Well at least now I got a taste of lemmygrad, lol


    Just take a look at this question, all of the answers are from lemmygrad and hexbear users. You are not going to get a good answer from them because they’re the people you’re asking the question about.

    They are not hated they’re just annoying, no one really cares about their opinions the problem is is that they try and push their opinions on everybody else.


    Yeah, they have a very alternative interpretation of geopolitics and they’re loud about it. If there was a flat earth instance with users that spammed every physics thread there would be some grumbling just the same.

    Hodja_Nasreddin, (edited )

    An liberal idealist who compares “geopolitics” to an exact science, and materialist Marxism to a belief in a flat earth, is like an religious obscurantist who attacks a nuclear physicist for lack of science. Do me a favor. Read some actual scholarly literature on politics, (liberal subreddits and CNN don’t count), before you open your mouth. You’re embarrassing yourself.


    Cool story. You’re right, it’s not an exact science, so why are you so sure about your perspective on it either? I think the answer is “identity”.

    As for my reading list, I’ve probably gotten further into Das Capital than you have, and it belongs on the side of electrification that it was written on.

    @frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    and it belongs on the side of electrification that it was written on.

    Colonizer take. Your username checks out.


    Love you too.

    @frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    The answer is dialectical materialism. It’s not “my perspective.” These are objective laws of social development that were discovered by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Italian bourgeois economists who discovered the existence of social classes with their own interests. Again, this is the development of materialist social thought, which has been going on for centuries. You with your meager knowledge cannot understand not only Capital, but even political economy for pre-schoolers. That makes your attempts to appear smarter than you are look pathetic.

    @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Capital is a thesis on economy, why would it help you on politics?

    Surely you’d know what it’s about if you’ve read it.


    Yeah, I do. Usually when an “anti-imperialist” tells you to read more, that’s what they mean. What are you thinking of, then, Settlers?

    @frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Actually, do read Settlers, it’ll help you unfuck your colonizer mentality

    @juchebot88@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    I’ve probably gotten further into Das Capital than you have

    Apparently not far enough to be able to spell the German title correctly.

    CanadaPlus, (edited )

    Oh yeah, K. It has been a few years.

    I swear, I did read a good chunk of the thing. Maybe a third or so. And yes, it did make my eyes bleed.


    Hexbear also weaponizes accusations of transphobia the same way Israel weaponizes accusations of anti-semitism.

    Now Hexbear hasn’t done any genocide yet, but it does loove to talk about executing people, many and frequently.


    no one really cares about their opinions

    So you don’t care so much that you can’t keep quiet about it. Lol The only annoying ones here are libs like you who want to turn lemmy into another dull reddit circlejerk and when no one cares about their wrong opinion, they get hysterical.



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  • el_abuelo,

    Said the lemmygrad user without a shred of irony.


    Cry about it.


    Well, when I see a .ml user from here on out I’m not sure I’ll be able to give them the same sort of leeway.

    I had one of their users confirm they were racist. Then I saw that only the parts where our conversation was removed by mods, and not shit canning the user.

    You want people to like you, don’t lie down with racists.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

    I concur about .ml. It’s been eye opening being on the receiving end of a homophobic rant by a moderator of their world news community implying I’m not queer enough. It wouldn’t surprise me that they’re racist, too. Bigots tend to subscribe to more than one strain of bigotry.

    I know it shouldn’t matter what people like that think, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not disappointed and dismayed. I’ve survived so many things and had a long hard road to self-acceptance. It’s disgusting to be invalidated by someone who likely has more than I’ve ever had.


    I used to be confused when right wing nutjobs would say that the left is Racist, or Homophobic, or bigoted in general, it would make me confused as that wasn’t my experience and it’s not baked into left wing ideology. Hell, I didn’t really see it on reddit when I was there (the hate was from right wingers or gatekeepers).

    Then I came here. Nice place in general. Waaaay better users than reddit as a whole. But now I know where the RWNJs got the idea.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

    Ain’t that the truth! I will say during my tenure on reddit, I heard of CTH and thought to myself, “I ultimately support a similar vision for our future, how bad can it be?” I was shocked to find one of the most exclusionary, bigoted dens of filth I’d seen outside of places like r/T_D

    Ableist and bigoted language abounded, it was impossible to engage because they’d immediately bristle when anyone they perceived as beneath them wandered in.

    I see a lot of the same things here. It’s really disappointing to us leftists who actually want to effect change. No one will listen to people like that. Hopefully they’re just kids who grow out of … whatever this is.


    Middle class white gay men could use their privilege to help out the rest of the lgbtq community instead of being right wingers, but then that would require examining their privileges, and we can’t have that.

    So pointing out those privileges and how different rights affect different subsections of the community differently because of those privileges is homophobic./s

    Fuck off.

    frauddogg, (edited )
    @frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    This is exactly why the only gays I have the time and energy for have to have some melanin in them. Black, Latino, indigenous, it don’t matter to me from there but you can’t be a hwhite gay and expect to just chill with me anymore; not without HARDCORE vetting. I’m talking “six months to two years worth of figuring out if you’re some kind of narc, some kind of queer(they exist), or some other kind of malevolent settler-queer” hardcore vetting.

    I don’t spend an IOTA of my energy on these three-no’s-on-they-grindr-profile-assed settlers anymore; not with all the crybullying about “reverse racism” and all these other fuckboy games they’d rather play than actually do any kind of meaningful work on themselves or the way they navigate the world.

    Required reading: x

    As several scholars have noted, contemporary gay life is marked by high levels of racism directed towards gay men of color by gay white men, with much of the racism manifesting itself as negative sexual attitudes towards, and sexual exclusion or fetishization of, non-white men (Armstrong 2002; Bérubé 2001; Epstein 1996; McBride 2005; Tenunis, 2007). After examining online personal ads and interviewing gay men, Robinson (2015) found that gay white men often exclude gay men of color as potential sexual partners while denying that their racial preferences are racist in nature.

    Despite gay white men’s insistence that sexual exclusion was not racism but rather personal preference, and that these personal preferences have nothing to do with racism, Collander and his colleagues (2015) found that attitudes toward sexual exclusion were related to almost every identified factor associated with racist attitudes in general.

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    I’m white and Asian but look fairly white and you wouldn’t believe(well, you probably would) the fucking shit I hear from white lesbians and trans people too. They’re much better than gay men overall but holyyy shit.


    The hexbear and lemmygrad users/posts I run across in All mostly remind me of those street corner preachers. I don’t care one way or another about their ideologies but it’s tiring that they always feel the need to shout it in your face.

    I don’t hate them but find them to be obnoxious and mostly cult-like.


    mostly cult-like.

    Very much like a cult actually. Often times the opinions they are espousing don’t actually make much sense even within their own ideology, mostly because their kids and they don’t actually understand what they’re talking about.

    It’s not communist ideology to claim that Tinnamon Square didn’t happen, it’s just China’s propaganda. It’s not the same thing.

    Equally criticizing China is not the same as criticizing communism as a concept. It’s perfectly acceptable to think that communism is good but what China did is bad, but these idiots won’t allow you to say that. If they actually understood what they were talking about they’d realized that, but they don’t because as you say they’re in a cult.


    Far-left echo chamber that from my experience really hates Jews.

    @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

    I thought hating the Jews was job of anti-Semites and rightwingers like you? Because last I checked, Zionist Israel is not the “promised Jewish land” in any shape or form, and is not representative of all Jews.

    @davel@lemmy.ml avatar

    Hating the settler colonial, apartheid State of Israel, which has been ethnically cleansing for three generations and is committing genocide as we speak, is not antisemitism.

    @LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.one avatar

    Not just Jews. They also hate any LGBT+ people they deem not queer or marginalized enough.

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