
My IKEA 100cm blahaj for 30€. Now I don’t feel as lonely every night.


I bought a nice sandwich last week




it was


Nice, what was on it?


Turkey and swiss cheese :)


A robotic vacuum cleaner. I just have to clear the dust bin weekly and manually mob some spots that the robot couldn’t clean


My roborock has been revolutionary for my apartments cleanliness. I’ve had it about 1.5 years and I’ve only emptied the dock’s bag twice (I live in a small apartment). I have the water change kit so it auto refills the docks clean water tank from the laundry hookup and auto empties dirty mop water down the laundry room’s drain. I only have to clean the sensors and rinse the drain screen every 2-3 weeks but otherwise it’s on autopilot on a schedule and my floors are spotless and free of dust and cat fur.


An extra vote for the roborock here.

I had an older one, for the best part of a decade. Upgraded to the S7 Max. The difference is impressive. Even with manual fill and empty of the water, it only needs doing once a week.

The build quality also seems on par with the older one. (It’s now been relegated to the upstairs carpets).

Kuma, avatar

I second this, i haven’t hooked it up tho. But vacuum cleaning everyday because of cat hair got cumbersome. I also use it as an alarm, when it starts am i done for the day (work from home).

KSPAtlas, avatar

How many people do you invite to mob the spots?


lol. My bad.


Came here to say the same thing. The robot vacuum cleaner is the hardest working member of our family. We have a white dog that is part husky that has an under coat and she sheds like crazy. If it weren’t for the robot vacuum we would be knee deep in fur.


I recently bought an electric car and I’m loving it. I would recommend getting one. I charge it at night and it can go all over town. We recently took a long trip too. It definitely took more time than it would have in a gas car but we just ate while the car charged and that worked out awesome since we needed to eat anyways.


Especially for a pet lover or a parent.

My daughter fell asleep as we were reaching a destination. I could just leave the AC waiting for her to wake up on without causing any noise nor carbon dioxide.


My 2nd monitor. It’s some 24" curved 165Hz 1080p monitor that I bought from a guy at my university for $105. While not the best for gaming (noticable ghosting), it’s been incredibly helpful for work as it gets more complicated in university. The extra screen real estate lets me fit so much more without needing to alt tab or click on another window.


You’ve started down a dangerous path.

I’m looking into how to squeeze in a 4th monitor now.


42" 1080p TV. Again, probably not the best for gaming, but I don’t really game heavily. And for work - complete game changer.


When I get a bit more space to myself, I’m thinking of somehow wall mounting a 42"-50" 4K TV and using that as a work monitor. Or maybe I don’t need a wall mount. I’d have what feels like acres of screen real estate.


Kuru brand shoes. I’m on my feet for 12 hours shifts and I actually have zero foot pain, they’re amazing. Also I have extremely high arches, and the Kuru Quantums are the first shoes I’ve ever owned in my entire life that I don’t have to add orthotic arch supports.

I buy a new pair twice a year.


Nice. I’ll look into it. I need a good pair myself. Thanks


Do checkout this brand “bata”. I was told that these are better than kuru.

Witchfire, avatar

Why is every shoe brand 4 letters in the same consonant-vowel order?

Bata, Kuru, Hoka, Nike…


Because four letter domain names are easy to remember. A lot of companies now find an affordable four letter domain and then name their company that. Amazon’s router company eero is an example.


Not sure about the other brands, but Bata’s been around for 100 years longer than domain names or the internet


They were planning ahead


I definitely will check them out. Kuru were a god damned revolution in my life after years of struggling with Brooks and Hoka.


Thanks, I’ll avoid them like the fuckin plague if they only last six months!


Do you work 12 hours on your feet constantly? That’s some pretty decent life span for that aggressive wear. My old ass can’t even imagine regular 12s of standing or moving all day.


Boots last years and are more comfortable IMO. Most jobs that require you be on your feet all day require safety shoes anyways. Spend double and get 10x lifetime. Shoes that only last 6 months are cheap garbage marketed to idiots. It’s the same crap with those on cloud shoes, they are comfortable for a month then absolute shit.


Any particular boots you might recommend? I tried going this route but apparently should have researched more as the ones I got didn’t really hold up that well.


The weird recommendation I have is sort of a boot adjacent shoe. Asolo agent evo are my daily shoe. They last at least a year for me and I tear through salomons in 6 months max. Downside to these shoes for some is they are flat with little padding. For some reason I love them and I recommend trying them on if you can find them.

For actual boots I use when I need safety shoes, Danner Vicious with super feet inserts. I’ve worn them for more than 20 hours with little issue. And they are still waterproof 5 years later. They were close to $300 with the inserts.

I also want to warn you that my recommendation is me specific. Everyone is different and some people need to step on clouds to make it through a few hours on their feet, I’m not like that at all.


Ah, yeah, I find I need some more padding in my shoes to feel comfortable, but appreciate the reply all the same!

I’ve tried on some without much and was pretty sure my feet would feel like trash within a few short hours standing and walking. Think I spoiled myself with some shoes with gel insoles.


The boots I recommended are fairly squishy. But they are nothing like most running shoes these days. If you are interested in switching to boots I’d recommend going to a store that only sells boots.

Funny thing is I have the opposite problem now. Squishy shoes give me horrible joint and back pain. I think it’s because the force over time is longer and more damaging. I’m not a barefoot advocate but it’s everyone’s own preference.


Self employed mate, I wish my days were only 12h 😂

If a pair of boots lasted me 6 months I’d never buy that brand again


Do you routinely walk 3-4 miles a day on your feet for 12 hours in addition to full time wear outside work? I’m a nurse, dude. Yes, I replace my shoes long before they’re threadbare. These feet pay my mortgage.


They really named their shoe brand after the disease you get from eating human brain?


I know, right? Trust me, as a nurse it makes it very challenging to recommend this brand to my colleagues lol


Only if it’s uncooked.


So you’re telling me I’ve been wasting perfectly good food for years?


Vasectomy. Before I got my vasectomy, I had a lot of anxiety that the condom might fail and an unwanted pregnancy would occur. That’s not to say vasectomies can’t fail, they can, even years afterwards, recanalization can happen so I get tested every year.

Annual failure rate of condom (average use) is 18%, and with perfect use it’s 2%. This means that over a span of 20 years, even with perfect use, there is a 33% chance for a pregnancy which is too high for me. A vasectomy with annual testing of sperm count is as close to zero as possible.


This guy fucks


Is the annual test really necessary?


If you want to be 100% Sure then yes.

Most people are fine with being 98% sure though.


Okay, thanks.


Most people don’t do it, but it’s mostly for my peace of mind.


Got my procedure scheduled in two weeks, so I am hoping it’s a one and done thing


Vasectomies rarely fail, just make sure to follow the instructions and use other contraceptives until you get the tests cleared (since you will still release sperm even afterwards for a while). Hope you have a smooth experience like mine.


I worked with a guy that had to go in three times but I think he was no following post operation care. You are supposed to abstain for a few days while it heals.

When I got my vasectomy it was no needle, no scalpel. They make a small hole then pull the vas deferens out cut and tie it to itself then do the other, all with pain numbing spray. Was 5 minutes not including the ball shaving. I went in to work that night, with an ice pack on my balls all night but barely had any issues. Some extra swelling happened but I went back for an injection of anti inflammatory and it went away.


Yes, if you fuck once annually


Yup this is why I got my tubes tied. Too much anxiety just relying on the pill!


Pretty smart. Hope it wasn’t too difficult for you to get it (many doctors treat their patients with condescension and dismissal about sterilisation, especially towards women).


Oh man it was a nightmare finding someone who would sterilize me. I was 24 when I started seriously looking, and I can’t tell you how many doctors told me I’d change my mind about not wanting kids (insert huuuge eyeroll here), and one doctor even said that he thought my boyfriend was forcing me into it and that I didn’t understand how permanent it was. Thankfully I did finally find someone to take me seriously but man, what a pain in the ass!


Before leaving Reddit, I spent a lot of time on the r/childfree subreddit and read many threads with similar experiences. They have a list of CF friendly doctors, so this is a great resource that can save people a lot of time and frustration.


Yep - back in the day the LiveJournal childfree comm had a similar list which was really helpful!

Nath, avatar

Yeah, this isn’t the usual holiday present thing… this is something you buy for yourself.

I agree with OP though on the cast iron though, these are super affordable and last forever. restoring a rusty cast iron skillet is pretty easy, so there is no reason to buy them new; from a bang for the buck perspective, this is really good.


Yeah, I’m 5 years in and stopped getting tested.

It was a fantastic purchase though!!!

ComradeLove, avatar

What sort of frequency are we talking about? 500 times a year? or more like 200 times a year?


I don’t actually know.

I didn’t go too deeply into it, just assumed this was average frequency, but I didn’t check what it is.

DreadPotato, avatar

This means that over a span of 20 years, even with perfect use, there is a 33% chance for a pregnancy

No this is completely inaccurate and wrong…there’s a 33% risk of a condom failing. You’d still have to time it with ovulation of the person you’re boinking for there to be a risk of pregnancy. And even then, having sex in the most optimal period isn’t even a guarantee of pregnancy, far from it.


This is talking about the percentage of women with unintended pregnancies. They also compare it with no contraception which is 85% annually.


aye aye


Hard plastic pan scrapers, kinda like these.

A friend had a bunch in her kitchen when I was housesitting and I took one home. First started using it in my air fryer to get rid of gunk without scraping up the finish, but now I use a set all over my kitchen. For all I know they’ve been around 20 years and I never knew. Dirt cheap, too.


Bought a cheap AU$40 pair of generic hiking poles. Use it for the entire Camino de Santiago. Friend borrowed for her Camino walk as well. I later used it for the first half of the Coast to Coasthike in UK. Earlier this year i used it for my Kumano Kodo hike. Still going strong.


Yeah hiking poles are game changers.


GPD Win Max 2. A very capable 10" laptop with controller built in. It’s very versatile and extremely portable. Emulates everything very well. Nothing like having everything you’ve ever played or want to on a 10" hand-held. I use it for work too. They just released a smaller device too, just as capable, but with fewer stage options.


I love those gpd devices. I haven’t used one or seen one in person, but I like the infovation.


The highest end Green Pan cook set. I’ve had expensive cookware before, but these are unbelievable. Actually makes me want to cook more.


I’ve used this but prefer cast iron as they are much durable than ceramic.

comrade_pibb, avatar

I love my enameled cast iron Dutch oven


Until you try an cook anything with tomato in it aye


No issues here as long as you season the cast iron pan properly. All acidic food can be cooked without any issues.


Never had that issue and I’m not even remotely precious with my pans. Just wash and dry with a bit of oil on the stovetop, and they’re ready for tomorrow’s fried egg


Should I not be cooking anything tomato based with my cast iron?


If the cast iron is well seasoned you’re fine.

The acid in the tomato will attack the coating you’ve developed but if you use it and season it regularly there is nothing to worry about.

The great thing about cast iron is even if you “wreck it” it’s pretty much always possible to fix.


I love that the best way to fix cast iron is to cook bacon.


Soldering Iron, the amount of money you will save from fixing your own stuff is ridiculous.


How much will I save from burning my hand… again

But genuinely, that’s rad, I’m happy it’s working out for you lol. Stay safe :)

hrimfaxi_work, avatar

Decent quality automatic cat feeders.

We have 3 cats, and I resisted getting autofeeders for 5 years because it felt silly to buy what amounts to three $75 food bowls.

They paid for themselves the first weekend I didn’t have 3 razor sharp dickheads screaming at me to feed them at 5:15 AM. I should have bought them years ago.


Seriously. My cats are so relaxed because they get their food at the exact same times every day. I still hand feed the first and last meals (canned wet food), but it gives them something to look forward to during the day, even when we are at work.

They can also apparently tell time now because they get ready within five minutes of most feedings, I like to think that makes them feel more connected to their world and existence.


Avoiding 5am starvation yowls is exactly why I free feed, and I’m sure it’s going to bite me in the ass when my two are older and stop maintaining their weight easily. But for now, they’re active and healthy weight even with the free feeding. So we’ll see


After watching a Jackson galaxy video on how to stop your cat from waking you up early, I followed the advice of never feeding immediately after getting up, and instead doing a certain activity first, like making coffee. After a month of taking a shower before feeding, my cat no longer makes any noise in the morning and only starts getting noisy when I step out of the shower. So thats a good tip for those who can’t free feed. I also started collecting every toy and putting them in a secure box before bed since she has a tendency to chase toys around in the middle of the night and yelp with one in her mouth.


wish there was one that could open wet food cans and parse it out. my old gato is on soft foods only.


We use ice cube trays to freeze wet food, then put the cubes in the automatic feeder.


I bought a house back in 2009 for around $290,000, sold it in 2022 for $600,000, paid off my original loan and then bought another house outright with the proceeds. No house payment is a huge stress relief. I own this place and will as long as I pay my taxes.

DeltaTangoLima, avatar
  • Kettle barbecue
  • Charcoal pit + rotisserie
  • Air fryer
  • Small benchtop induction cooker

The top two have resulted in some of the tastiest meat I’ve ever cooked. I chucked away my gas barbecue recently. The bottom two are just way more efficient (and environmentally friendly, with my solar) for small meals, rather than the natural gas hob and/or big electric oven.


Foodie alert! Haha but I love my little kettle barbeque

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