snowe, avatar
  • Kleenex
  • toilet paper
  • paper towels
  • potato chips
  • daisy sour cream
  • batteries
  • tampons
  • butter
  • olive oil
  • ziplocks
  • pumpkin puree
  • contact lenses

This is a combined list from my wife and I.

BillDaCatt, avatar

Most of that list is not brand specific.


I think he meant they don’t go for genetic brands for those products

snowe, avatar

doesn’t really need to be brand specific… We just don’t go for the generic versions of any of these items. Like energizer or duracell, doesn’t matter, but cheap ones included with a remote absolutely not. same for tampons. the generic versions all use cardboard, not plastic, so they’re painful. toilet paper and paper towels, once again, the generic versions are all bad, none of the name brand ones are bad.


Do you use rechargeable batteries?

snowe, avatar

I use ikea rechargeable batteries for my Xbox controller and Panasonic or Samsung 18650 batteries for my flashlights. Most stuff I use rechargeables for, but when you’re camping you often want backups that aren’t rechargeable.


I didn’t know about IKEA batteries, will check these out.

snowe, avatar

they’re alright… best thing is how cheap they are lol.


Tech products. It’s not worth the risk of getting some Chinese spying crap. Even chargers and cables have the risk of damaging your hardware.


Yeah, but all tech products are sourced from China no ?


Lots of them, yes. But most of them aren’t designed there. And yes, I am aware that there are reputable Chinese brands, but the Chinese genetics are not those.


I’m hoping you’re a victim of spellcheck and meant generics.


Yes, I meant generics. Spelling on phone keyboards is rather difficult when your thumbs are as wide as mine…


I mean even if it was reputable, doesn’t mean it’s trustworthy, in fact it’s quite the opposite, and even if it was designed elsewhere, the manufacturing process still happens there, which is concerning to say the least, that’s why Apple wants to start manufacturing in the US, and UK ( and other Eu countries ) wants to remove huawei 5g networks,

Now, is all these news nothing but propaganda? Is it for political reasons and Chinese tech products are clean and safe, just the US wants to bury the competition, I don’t think so, everyone I know owns a Chinese phone and the way these things behave makes me confirm my suspicions ( activates GPS randomly, scan your downloads, disactives privacy features… Etc )

Note : the video talks about Samsung which is not Chinese, but it’s a famous brand


Now, is all these news nothing but propaganda?

Literally yes, not because chinese companies don’t spy on you, literally all companies spy on you. You prove it by linking a video about samsung. Google and Apple do the same shit. The fact that software is riddled with spyware has nothing to do with the hardware being manufactured in China. China isn’t some big bad, moving production elsewhere will change nothing. Lastly you should be far more concerned about western companies spying on you, the ones that cooperate with your local government and leave backdoors in their OS for NSA and the like. What do you think the CCP is gonna do to you? You’re outside of their jurisdiction completely.

So yes it js just propaganda, in a sense that it’s trying to make you think this kind of behavior is somehow unique to Chinese companies or a result of tech being manufactured in China.


moving production elsewhere will change nothing

Probably yes, but isn’t relying on a single country to get your chips, equal or even more problematic. especially when you know that that country is heavily invested in cyberwarfare, espionage and censorship.

Even their constitution states that every Chinese product ( software or hardware ), must send data it collects to the government.

What’s stops them from “chipping” every phone they export ? Or hardcoding spyware into the motherboard or CPU ? Nothing ( this is way more scarier than software level spying )

What do you think the CCP is gonna do to you? You’re outside of their jurisdiction completely.

You don’t know that 💀

it js just propaganda, in a sense that it’s trying to make you think this kind of behavior is somehow unique to Chinese companies or a result of tech being manufactured in China

This is like Apple saying your Android spies on you… lol ( I believe they did say that )

I’m aware of US privacy laws ( e.g. Cloud Act ) and technologies ( e.g. Intel ME ), yeah it’s not unique to China


especially when you know that that country is heavily invested in cyberwarfare, espionage and censorship.

Which country isn’t? The US does more spying on its own citizens than China could ever dream of doing. The UK is currently trying to pass a bill to break e2ee.

Even their constitution states that every Chinese product ( software or hardware ), must send data it collects to the government.

This is false as far as I know, can you provide a source? China has some of the strictest laws on data protection, you can read more about it here:…

This is like Apple saying your Android spies on you… lol ( I believe they did say that )

Not sure where you were going with this. My point is you don’t hear any of these concerns raised about any other and as we both agree it’s not something unique to China.

The real reason why you hear a lot of talk about moving production out of China lately is simply because Chinese manufacurers have narrowed the the gap a lot in terms of chip designs and are becoming an actual threat to western comanies’ profit margins.


China has some of the strictest laws on data protection

Is that so ? , protection from who ?

just so we on the same page, I’m talking about data is gathered, not whether it’s protected ( legally ) , idc

can you provide a source?

I’m not a lawyer but I think somewhere in the DSL it mentions data is collected from companies within China and outside, but why is it hard for you to swallow, knowing that US based companies ( with all the power they have, lawyers… Etc ) comply with data collection laws

Not sure where you were going with this

It’s more of a metaphor I guess, basically it’s a decoy, they tell you these people are spying on you, while they do the same or worse

becoming an actual threat to western companies’ profit margins.

Aaside from that, US officials make good points when they talk about the threat of Chinese products ( Tiktok, Huawei ) from a Cybersecurity perspective


Linking to the great firewall article is completely nonsensical in this context, and you would be aware of that if you had bothered to open the link in my previous comment.

just so we on the same page, I’m talking about data is gathered, not whether it’s protected ( legally ) , idc

Which is exactly what I’m talking about, which you would again know if you read what I linked.

I’m not a lawyer but I think somewhere in the DSL it mentions data is collected from companies within China and outside

It doesn’t, what I linked to discusses the very laws you are talking about at length if you are actually interested rather than just spouting nonsense like “it’s in the constitution”.

Just so we’re on the same page you have no idea about Chinese laws on gathering, processing and handling of data, but you heard it somewhere, repeat it, won’t bother to research further and then claim there’s no propaganda.

but why is it hard for you to swallow, knowing that US based companies ( with all the power they have, lawyers… Etc ) comply with data collection laws

Because they don’t. Evidenced by all the fines the EU is handing out to google, meta, etc. You could also look to all the stuff Snowden blew the whostle on. Do you think they just stopped doing mass surveillance on a global level?

adam_b, (edited )

Oh, shoot didn’t realize China is a privacy haven, maybe I should move there, maybe I should install Tiktok as well, is that what you’re saying ?

Because they don’t. Evidenced by all the fines the EU is handing out to google, meta, etc. You could also look to all the stuff Snowden blew the whostle on. Do you think they just stopped doing mass surveillance on a global level?

There is a misunderstanding here, I meant they do comply with FBI subpoena’s and they do handle data to US government and 3 letter agencies, why is it that you think Chinese companies are safe from their government ? ( I’ll rephrase it : if US gov can just order US based companies to hand over user messages and emails, why can’t China gov do the same to Chinese based companies ? considering their track record )

I did open your article BTW, it doesn’t answer this question, off course i didn’t read the whole thing

then claim there’s no propaganda

how ? When ?

Didn’t say it’s not propaganda, I was the first to suspect the news I shared to be propaganda, but that doesn’t mean there is no truth in it, that’s how you make successful propaganda, you add false narratives to the real ones, have you listened to why your government officials wanted to ban Tiktok ?

Manmikey, avatar

SD cards, SSD, USB drives, any form of computer memory really and replacement batteries too eg for cameras. I suck up the cost and buy directly from a reputable manufacturer.


Electronics in general are you get what you pay for. It might work just as well for a while, but cheaper components will almost always fail quicker.


Apple is kinda a mixed bag in this regard. Sometimes the extra premium you paid is worth it because it lasts ten years, sometimes it breaks in six months because a single pin got bent in some critical internal connector. And sometimes they intentionally slow down old iPhones.


Apple products are so incredibly overpriced, they are never worth the money.


There’s nothing quite as frustrating as loosing photos and footage before it’s been ingested. Always use name brand media and always duplicate it asap. Ask me how I know.

EddyNottingham, (edited )

Oh no, whose wedding shoot did you lose? 😄




Alright alright, I corrected it 😅 thanks haha


It was a cousin’s wedding. Fortunately I had two cards, filled the first and the second one bit the dust. The ceremony survived but most of the reception pictures are lost. Not the worst case but they were not happy with me. Mem cards were a lot smaller back then.


Glad you survived the bride and groom’s wrath! 😄


Dual memory card camera. Copy after each shoot onto two different storage devices. (Eg laptop and external drive).


Would have been nice at the time, but unfortunately wasn’t affordable yet.


Agree for the expensive stuff, but started buying cheap usb sticks a few years back and yet to have one go bad. They aren’t as quality as fidget toys, no moving parts, but they do the job they were made for, unless you drive over them with a car or something.


Huh, I’ve never had any problems going bottom of the barrel on anything PC related besides micro SD cards for home security and dashcams.

Most power supplies that aren’t just ripped out of some unknown piece of tech are great these days too.


That is very highly dependent on your definition of great. Compared to cheap ass shit 20 years ago, sure. But compared to quality today, no.

Cysioland, avatar

Coffee. It’s always from a proper indie roaster and not the store brand


Switched to beans years ago. Now I can’t drink instant coffee anymore or else I got stomachache.


Yes! This is the only way to go 😀


Peanut butter. Generic peanut butter is downright nasty. Skippy or Jiff for me.


Skippy or Jiff

I thought Skippy and Jiff were generic, isn’t good peanut butter the stuff that only has one ingredient: peanuts?

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Coffee and tea. Otherwise I always buy store brand because it comes from the same factory.


Coffee and tea doesn’t?

nudnyekscentryk, (edited ) avatar

oh I’m sure it does but in my experience tea and coffee are the only products where you can cut corners by reducing costs of production and it’s actually tangible, and not merely abstract like removing brand name logo from the box


Mine is Q-tips…. Let’s just say you shouldn’t put a flimsy cotton stick in your ear unless you trust it’ll come out in one piece

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, avatar

Let’s just say you shouldn’t put a flimsy cotton stick in your ear unless you trust it’ll come out in one piece. Just don’t.




I have daily for decades and have never had a problem


Yes, every day

tiredofsametab, (edited )

I did, too, until my early 40s when it caused a wicket wicked ear infection. Tiny pieces of cotton, like threads, eventually built up over time. I ended up with a fungal ear infection that had me in pain and dizzy for weeks. I was very close to having my eardrum burst. Never again. It was really hard to break the habit of using qtips, but it's fine now; ears are self-cleaning.


I know it is not recommended, but I produce a lot of earwax, and if I don’t use them sooner or later it will mess up with my ears, actually now that I recall, I have been for years without any issue in my ears 🤔


I use these regularly. I feel like they do the best job and they also allow me to gently “scratch” the inside of my ear. It’s not really scratching, but it relieves the itch I can sometimes get.


QTips cause wax plugs, if you use them gently to clean just the outer bit of the ear canal, it is kind of okay, but really you shouldnt. The ear canal is cone shaped so as you insert the Qtip you inevitably push some wax down.

Furthermore the ear canal is self cleaning.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

If you need to clean your ears that desperately, buy yourself earwax dissolver instead. Medically safe and easy to use, and unlike qtips, it will reach every nook and corner of the ear canal and clean up everything, pouring out the dirt like oil.


You might not notice them, but id say theres a good chance you have wax plugs built up in your ears from using QTips (and inear headphones if you use them).


Wait, my headphones do this too?? Why is this the first time I’m hearing this? I thought I was being so responsible by not using a q tip on my ears like once a week, but all this time I’ve still been shoving those bluetooth earbuds in on the daily. Sleeping with them sometimes. I feel like an idiot. What else am I doing wrong?

…Also, what type of headphones do you use, if you don’t mind me asking? :')


I never really liked the in-ear feel, I also dislike bluetooth, so my go to for moving is Koss PortaPro, these are very open so no real isolation, however. For bluetooth the staple overear is WM1000xm4, though I have no experience.


Ay thanks for the reply! I’ll check em out ^_^

PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, avatar

I’m glad it’s worked out for you so far, but you really should stop. Your ears probably don’t need to be cleaned at all. You could end up damaging your ears at worst, and at best you’re just pushing ear wax deeper into your ears, possibly creating a clog that might not have happened otherwise.

Anecdotally, I stopped cleaning my ears 15-20 years ago, and not once have I had ears clogged due to earwax.

dingus, (edited )

That’s not at all true for everyone. My ears 1000% need to be cleaned, unfortunately. My ears will periodically get physically clogged with wax and it will both impair my hearing and feel gross/uncomfortable. My brothers all have this issue as well, so maybe I am just genetically predisposed to create too much earwax or something.

I don’t use a Q tip though. That can’t at all unclog a wax impaction. Instead, I use something called an “ear syringe” (there’s no needle don’t worry lol). You fill it with water from the sink and squirt it into your ear. Cheap, reusable, and will get rid of wax clogs. You can pick one up cheap at any drug store.…

The wax impactions could be from things like in ear headphones, but I very rarely use in ears to begin with. It will happen even during long periods of not using them.

It’s really easy and quick to use, and creates minimal mess. Whenever I start to feel a clog coming on, I just use it for a few minutes over the sink and I’m good to go. I’d highly recommend it to anyone with wax issues. The chemical wax softeners like Debrox (or even hydrogen peroxide) cost too much and are really not very effective compared to simple mechanical removal.

obinice, avatar

You shouldn’t put cotton buds in your ears at all, honestly I don’t know how an industry managed to trick so many people into doing something so potentially hazardous.


I buy nearly everything generic but generic Band-Aids have terrible adhesive so I always buy name brand.

Edit: Oh, and frozen pizza. I’ve had too many generics with crusts that might as well have been made of cardboard.

ZeroCool, avatar

I buy nearly everything generic but generic Band-Aids have terrible adhesive so I always buy name brand.

Yeah, this is a case of a brand that’s been subject to trademark genericization where the knock-offs and generic products genuinely aren’t as good.

bestusername, avatar

I find the cloth generic band aids to be identical to brand name, the plastic one of any brand, well they’re just crap and I don’t know why the even exist.

jeffw, (edited )

My local grocery store just made one that slaps actually. But most others suck

edit: I am talking about pizza. I don’t eat band-aids

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

i eat bandaids, please recommend good ones to eat.


Ignore the haters, this is actually hilarious.

TheAnonymouseJoker, (edited ) avatar

Its not organic haters, but a witch hunting crybully cult called GrapheneOS that I holed off away from most of the internet with years of effort, that drops 4-7 downvotes on every comment I make. They leave out one or two comments to make the downvoting look organic, but this comment getting downvotes makes 0 sense. They chase me on every possible platform, Reddit, Matrix, XMPP, Telegram and even Lemmy.

Sorry for the lore, hopefully its short and not too annoying.

Interstellar_1, avatar

The android ROM?

TheAnonymouseJoker, (edited ) avatar

Yep. Look at my comment history. Anything prior to today/yesterday comments should have 4-7 downvotes for no reason, even the ones that have nothing to do with their custom Android fork.


but if you don’t eat the bandaids you can’t have pudding, that’s how this works right?


Great Value used to have an amazing 5 cheese and bacon white pizza... can't find it anymore though.


Honestly, Safeway Select frozen pizza is pretty good. I’d take it over most of the midrange name brands.


It’s pretty weird to be basically shilling for brands in here but Nexcare bandages are superior to band-aids in pretty much every way; i agree that band-aids beat generic though


Can I make a plug for Curad bandaids? So much better than band aid brand and you can get all the available sizes in fun colors. I may be an adult, but I’d like a bright orange band-aid on my skinned elbow thank you


LOL, I’ll fight you on Curad vs. Band Aid.

Bang for the buck though? Meh, you gotta use more Curad to get the wound over with, but they’re cheap and not nearly as shitty as the generic shit.

Still. Mediocre.


I feel like the Curad bandages I got in the stores always sucked, but I found different ones on Amazon (I know I know, I hate Amazon too) and they’re bigger in comparison to Bandaids, noticeably better quality, and stay on forever if you don’t pull them off.I’ve stuck one on and forgotten about it until over a week later when I realize its still on. I don’t know why they’re different than what I’ve always seen in the stores. I’m also wildly allergic to Band Aid brand adhesive to the point that I have scars shaped like bandages and I’m only very mildly allergic to whatever Curad uses.


Can you tell me the generic brand? LOL, let’s just say I often need band aids.


You a paid rep? No? Then you’re not shilling, you’re sharing a positive experience with $whatever. And that’s a good thing. Helps us all.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

You can be a shill without payment. It is known as fanboyism, involves selling your soul and using that brand/thing to fill the void in your empty life, making it part of your persona. Plenty free of cost zealot armies exist for everything on internet.


That seems like a really big stretch to me. The essence of being a shill is dishonesty. What you’re calling fanboyism isn’t dishonesty, just questionable judgement.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Fanboyism has a very thin, blurred distinction between passionate enjoyment and shilling.

shalafi, (edited )

Band-Aids are a great call out!

I’m both active and clumsy with DIY stuff. Nothing else sticks “right” like Band-Aid brand. Yes, the off-brand shit is cheaper, better than nothing, but it’s shit. And you’re not saving any money by using twice as many.

And serious y’all, let me preach the gospel of Hydro Seal Band Aids. Game changing. No clue how they work, but they stick, puff up around the wound (infected bit) and come off when, and only when, you want them to. And taking them off don’t hurt a tiny bit. Got a few in every med kit.

Any more than a paper cut, Hydro Seal. And even then, if I want it healed fast? Hydro Seal. They’re also great for capping torn fingernails when you fucked it up too far down.

Tried the generic Amazon version. Meh, they’re OK for half the price, “healing” tech seems the same. Doesn’t stick quite right so you’ll use twice as many. Worth it if you want that painful finger wound done with in 24-48 hours.

Caveat: They work a little too well on puncture wounds, seals the infection in, only treats the top. If you got poked deep, and congrats if that’s your thing, it seals off the wound and makes it worse. Surface wounds like slices and scratches, go for it. Punched a drill bit 1/4" deep? Nope. Clean that one up and let it breathe a bit.

tl;dr $.70 for a band aid sounds crazy. I know. Just try it for me. Try it for yourself.


I love those things too!


What frozen pizza do you recommend? Every single time I have the misfortune of trying a frozen pizza, I regret my life choices because they taste like dogshit. Even the crappiest delivered pizza is way better than any frozen pizza I’ve tried. Granted, my experience is limited and I can never remember which ones I’ve tried.l


I’m a fan of Freschetta rising crust personally, with the caveat that you’ll want some hot sauce or something for the crust.


How dare you talk shit about Jacks.

Never had problems with tombstones either but Hy-Vee has a nice inhouse pizza for $5. A bit heavy on the 4meats though.


My experience with frozen pizza is very limited! I’ve never tried Jacks but I’ll keep it in mind! No Hy-Vees in my state tho.


There aren’t really any good ones, just a few different quality tiers between “low” and “extremely low”

The ones with rising crusts usually have higher quality sauce, cheese and toppings and are more filling because they’re breadier.

insomniac, avatar

The problem with non-generic frozen pizza is they cost like a dollar less than a real pizza. Some of the fancier ones cost even more than a pizza from the place right next to the grocery store. Maybe I’m just blessed living in the pizza sphere but even the best frozen pizza is fucking disgusting next to even mediocre real pizza.

atrielienz, (edited )

Shave gel. Some soaps. Some said Old Baby Bay seasoning and I am 100% behind them on that. Toilet paper. Menstrual pads. Ritz crackers (the consistency, the flavour, the texture/mouth feel). Certain electronics. Definitely tools (I’ve broken so many pairs of diagonal side cutters and the ones that have held up the best and had the best warranty are knipex). And yeah. I buy Advil (the candy coating makes it easier for me to swallow dry and I’m pretty prone to need it for lots of pains because I’m basically a walking talking broken vessel).


Yummmm Baby season


Frozen burger patties. You can taste the money going down the drain.

kyden, avatar

Heinz ketchup, Hellman’s Mayonnaise, Coca Cola, Western Digital hard drives back when platters were a thing.


Ever tried Duke’s mayo? I was Hellman’s always until my sister in law turned me on to Duke’s.

kyden, avatar

I will have to give them a shot!


I always preferred Seagate spinning steel over Western Digital. I’ve had some WD drives fail horribly, unexpectedly and very prematurely on me. My PC today still has some Seagate HDDs in it that are approaching 15 years of age.

kyden, avatar

I had the opposite experience. Though 15 years ago was around the time I worked at a computer shop and I recall quality between the two comps flip flopping. On a side note, that was also the era of Asus capacitors failing at a surprisingly high rate.


Debian. All those off-brand derivatives just add cruft and instability.


But debian is the generic.


Zoop zoop!

lichtmetzger, avatar

Debian for the server, Fedora for the desktop. 💪


This shit was asked a week or two ago. Go away advertiser.


It was a common question on Reddit too. Just thought it would be fun

ivanafterall, avatar

Huy Fong Sriracha. As the shortage has made painfully clear. When I dream at night, I'm eating food covered in sriracha and tinkering with my roomful of Raspberry Pi projects.

And don't talk to me about disgruntled pepper farmer rivalries or whatever bullshit. Just please give me back my sriracha. :(

Deceptichum, avatar

I’ve never seen it go low in stock here in Aus.

ivanafterall, avatar

I haven't seen a bottle in a grocery store in maybe two years? Your comment made me think maybe I just haven't looked hard enough, but I just checked my local Walmart delivery and Instacart and neither has Huy Fong Sriracha available anywhere nearby. I'm in Utah, U.S.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I’m an NJ resident, have also had trouble finding it for the past two years. They’ve had a lot of trouble sourcing the peppers they need to make it.

ivanafterall, avatar

All I hear are excuses. Supply chain schmupply chain. Sourching schmourcing. Have I made my point? Shortage schmortage.

Sorry for the strong language.

NOT_RICK, avatar

You’re right, they mostly did it to themselves by trying to screw their main supplier

strong language

Thanks for the laugh


The owner of the company and the the farmer that exclusively sold to them began to feud. Then came a drought and the variety of pepper they use went off the market. They are recovering now and product is coming out in smaller batches but not at previous volume. It’s still really hard to find.

NOT_RICK, avatar

My Trader Joe’s knockoff is not great. Too much vinegar taste and hardly any of the sriracha bite. Sucks that it’s so hard to find the real deal now.


Yes this is it absolutely. There are 5-6 sauces in my fridge that are ok but I don’t use. Need the good stuff.


So far the Tabasco version has been my favorite stand-in.

ivanafterall, avatar

I haven't tried that one, but have seen it. Will give it a whirl.


Indeed, I bought a different brand thinking it’d be the same because the recipe is public, boy was I wrong 🤮

ivanafterall, avatar

Same. "It's basically spicy peppers and garlic, how hard can it be?"

Very hard, apparently.


Underwood Ranches uses the peppers Huy Fong used to use. It’s made by their old pepper supplier. It’s what I buy now.


All the alternatives I’ve tried never get the flavor right, not even close. Most are way too sweet.


I prefer mine a bit sweet. I usually buy YellowBird Blue Agave Sriracha


Fuck Huy Fong Foods. Chinese-American businessman appropriates a traditional Thai sauce and uses marketing to brainwash the world into thinking they’re the only ones that can make it. They tried to use their size to squeeze their longterm supplier and lost a $28 million judgement because they were objectively wrong as proven in a court of law.

They started their own shortage trying to fuck over farmers when they already had over $150 mil/year in sales and they deserve to die off.

The only meaningful impact we have against these predatory businesses is by voting with our dollars and if you cant give up a fuckin sauce that has hundreds of excellent options available from other companies then you are part of the problem.


While I agree, where do we draw the line in our personal lives? There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


Agree but also any non Hellmans mayonnaise is a fucking disgrace.


Used to be Heinz but now they’ve replaced tomato with more brown sugar or something so it tastes bland.


Try the Heinz Simply line. Personally, I find it tastes better than the classic which has turned bland.

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