
Was taking an undergrad psych class. Teacher asked if we had any odd dreams. I mentioned that I had a dream where I was standing in a circle or benevolent strangers with my gf at the time. The song “brown eyed girl” was playing and then suddenly stopped. My gf and I turn to each other in surprise with a general “huh?” and the dream ends. The class has a fun time telling me I have a fear of commitment etc, we have a laugh and move on to the next person’s dream story.

That weekend, I visit my gfs college, we attend a huge bonfire. Ton of people gathered around. There’s a band. They sarcastically start playing brown eyed girl as a joke, as it was way off for their vibe, and then stop the song and make a joke. My gf and I turn to each other as if we were wanting them to play the whole song and we were surprised they stopped.

Then I freaked out! What made it wild was the fact I had shared the story a few days prior to my class.

I went back the next week and had to tell the class about the event. The professor was like “you have a gift”…

Ah, community college…


It took place on a weekday morning, in the late 2000s, I dropped my ex at her workplace, and then I start driving towards my own workplace. I need to take a tunnel downtown, there’s a traffic light just before the tunnel. The light is red, I wait. The light turns green, I go ahead, along with another car next to me.

Right behind me, in my mirror, I see police cars blocking the street at the traffic light. I’m the last car that went through the traffic light. No other cars can make it behind me.

I’m kinda freaking out. Why are the police cars blocking the way to the tunnel?

I then realize there are only two cars in the tunnel, mine, and the car just before me. No other car. At 9am. On a weekday. What the hell is going on?

I keep on driving, everything seems normal, apart from the complete lack of cars.

Eventually, I see the end of the tunnel, with police cars on either side of the road. And police officers making OBVIOUS signs with their arms : “Get the fuck out of there, quick, faster!”.

Me and the other car make it out of the tunnel, then In my mirror, again, I see 4 police cars blocking the way out of the tunnel.

I turned on the radio. Nothing about this event. I searched the news websites for the whole day, I didn’t find anything. I asked around, at work, in social media, nobody knew about this. I didn’t think of calling the police station. I never learned what the hell happened in this tunnel.

My bet is it was either a bomb threat, or they had to catch a known criminal in this tunnel, or maybe a collapse danger of some kind. But the fact that it didn’t make local news is mind boggling to me. I sometimes wonder if I dreamed this.


Maybe the ventilation system failed in some way. A carbon monoxide buildup in a tunnel could be problematic.




Was walking through the woods. Came across a clearing where a guy was sitting on a log sharpening his knife. His back was turned to me so I just ran away. A little while later I came across another clearing with a random guy digging a hole with a shovel. A few seconds later I heard a loud thud as if something had been thrown into the hole. People do weird things when alone in the woods. It is a weird that I had both of those encounters in the same day. Who knows maybe it was the same guy? They were both wearing dark orange. Prolly just a concidence right?


We were way back in the woods. My brother thought it would be funny to read Deliverance at camp. We had just cleaned after dinner when he came up from the lake, having washed our dinner dishes, saying “there’s two guys coming in a canoe”.

They were hammered, smoking and drinking beer, and reeked of b.o.

They started poking around our camp rudely and making remarks that were vaguely menacing.

Eventually, my father was able to convince them he’d been fishing at this lake since he was a boy and dropped a few names in a non-boasting way.

They left but it was freaky for a bit. I figure they had an outdoor grow op. It was a week or two from harvest time.

@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like hunting + dressing an animal? Perhaps they buried part of it for some reason.


Once when I was younger I was seperated from my family on Halloween. I panicked a bit and walked up the street towards where I thought they had gone. Then, I turned left, and came onto yet another street packed with Halloween celebrators. However, nobody was talking. I mean it was silent enough for me to hear my own footsteps and brushing past people in the crowd. For comparison, the other nearby streets were too loud to talk without shouting. I finally found the other members of my group after walking for a solid 5 minutes, and they all seemed to think I had never left.

@SirStumps@lemmy.world avatar

While I was truck driving I saw a UFO when I had pulled over for the night. Was it aliens? Was it a government project? I will never know and no one believes me.


i believe you bby

@SirStumps@lemmy.world avatar



The fact that I’ve survived so many disasters that have tried to poof me.


My spouse said yes when I asked them to marry me. Still don’t know why anyone would do that to themselves.


Now now.


Maybe their a machochist?


I’m convinced my wife is paying off karmic debt for being a war criminal or something in a past life. Lovely person, she really doesn’t deserve this but our marriage keeps on truckin’.



Learning basic grammar.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

Really? You're not even gonna touch "machochist"?


My english is pretty bad tbh.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

That misspelling gave me great joy, so thank you


This is something that still happens. When I go on any road trips that involves driving on the interstate (US), I will always happen to glance at mile marker 66. I’m usually never thinking about it when it happens. I’ll be totally absorbed into my phone (as a passenger of course!) or talking, and just happen to look up and right at mile marker 66. It always gives me a bit of a shock that I’ve noticed it again. Otherwise I don’t really pay any attention to the little green mile marker signs on the side of the road. I am not at all religious or believe in anything like that. I guess it just means I die at MM 66 on some interstate somewhere. This started happening in my teens.


You glance at other markers too, but 66 fires a special, primed network.


… and it’s a self-reinforcing process too.

@emptyother@programming.dev avatar

Like I seem to glance at the clock every day around the same time, wondering how long it is until my workday (or schoolday in my younger years) is over. Somehow its always exactly at 13:37.


I also happened to get that at 14:53.


I always get 3:13 - the king of time.


Same for me. It was more often when I worked in an office for some reason, but I still glance at the watch on my PC and see 13:37 more often than any other times. Always accompanied by me thinking “hehe…1337 hax0r”

@Crabhands@lemmy.ml avatar

I always get 10:24. I call it the cursed time, and now my family calls it out too.


I can sometimes sense cops or deer when I’m driving.

I’ll be sitting at a red light for a while with nobody coming, I think to myself “yeah I can probably just run this, nobody’s around. I won’t in case a cop…” and then one will pass the light. It’s happened multiple times to me.

When I hit a deer with my car I was coming home from work at like 2am, I suddenly got a really strange urge that there was something up ahead and I dismissed it right before I plowed into it. I’ve gotten the same feeling a few times after that, and I’ll always look to the sides of the road and see deer somewhere in the distance. Terrifies the shit outta me

@thrawn21@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve come to learn your brain is really good at subconscious processing of things that don’t quite make it to conscious awareness. Some part of your brain saw the cop and the deer and was trying to alert the rest of you.

I had that happen once when I was out hiking alone doing geology research. I reached this area of the woods and was suddenly overwhelmed by this feeling of TIME TO LEAVE. I tried arguing with myself that there was still enough daylight to check out an outcrop I could see in the distance, but the feeling got so powerful, I finally gave in and called it quits for the day.

I realized while walking out, that with all the little noises of the quail and other animals I’d been hearing all day, that spot in the woods had been silent. The next time I visited the area (and not alone this time), I found a cave right behind where I’d been standing, with fresh mountain lion tracks. Who knows, some part of me might have seen a mountain lion in that cave and was doing everything it could to tell me to get the fuck away!

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve had a few moments in my life where I dream of myself doing a mundane thing and then years later I end up doing that thing, remember the dream from years ago, and ponder if I have the worlds lamest precognition where I only realize I caught a glimpse of the future after already living out he moment I caughta glimpse of.

Oh and also when I was a toddler I vividly remember the experience of freezing to death in the back yard while playing in the snow. I mostly chalk it up to a dream but I remember the nightmares I had as a kid and all of them were surreal chase dreams with a monster version of the easter bunny or the geiko lizard getting me.

This was different. I still remembee the back yard, the ‘fort’ I had made and trapped myself in, I remember clawing at the snow to get out until my hands went from burning to feeling nothing, screaming for mommy to save me to no avail, and eventually succumbing to the cold. I dont know how toddler me would b able to imagine up the exact sensations of freezing or that level of grim detail.


I read somewhere that those deja vu and precognition dreams are actually mostly your mind having a glitch, believing this present moment is also past. No dream or past event exists, you just think it does because it feels like it. Weird stuff.


That’s probably true for most stuff but I’ve heard weird stuff. I knew someone that said they had one of those moments where they were able to guess who was going to walk through the door next. Or they chose a college based on a dream and then remembered when they ended up in the situation with the dream at that college.


I get that that is the rational explanation. But I swear this one day I woke up after having a short but very specific dream, I was in class talking to my friends sitting in a very specific position and one of my mates said something. Later that day that situation happened and I almost said what he said in unison.

Years later one of those guys also told me about it, so its not like I made that memory up. But it just doesn’t make sense??


Next time it happens try to predict what will happen in the next 30 seconds and say it out loud or write it down before it happens. If you can’t, it’s natural Deja Vu


And if he does he is a goddamn psychic.


I dunno without spoon bending how can you make such a wild claim lol


The brain accessed ROM when it should’ve accessed RAM.


Yeah I have been saying for a couple years now that I have the lamest super power: a fairly accurate mental timer. It’s not like I’m always on time myself, hell I’m late regularly by a few min to most social events, but I have a weird reoccurrence of being almost right on time if I have a timer going.

I use Alexa to set timers at least a few times a day. For brewing coffee, cooking, and various other mundane tasks. Nothing exciting. But I almost always expect that when I go to check on the timer, in within 10 sec. I’m not even consciously keeping track or looking at what time it is when I start generally, and sometimes I forget I even had a timer until last few seconds when I check on it.

I remember a few months ago I was slow cooking a bean soup that I like to go for 12 hours. I started it a few hours before bed. I woke up, went downstairs to start coffee, and the moment I walked in the kitchen, the slow cooker chimed because it had hit exactly 12 hours.

One of these days I’ll use it to get my butt out the door on time. Maybe.


I was once standing with my family in our breakfast nook, and a large ball of blue light floated in through the closed kitchen window. It was about the size of a basketball, very bright, kinda sparkly, and it was some sort of electricity, because it made all our hair stand straight up.

It just hovered in the middle of the kitchen for a minute, while my family and I stood there with our mouths hanging open, then it slowly dissipated. We all looked at each other in disbelief, then continued setting the table like nothing had happened.

I’m still not sure what it was. I call it ball lightning, but I really don’t know. It was a beautiful sunny day, not stormy at all.


It is called ball lightning, so you’re right!

I’ve never been lucky enough to see it, but my mother had an eerily similar experience to yours. It was years before I was born, and she was feeding my older brother in his high chair in the kitchen when a ball of blue light the same size as yours came through the kitchen window, hovered a bit, and dissipated. She also said the air felt electric.

Nobody believed her until many years later.




I mean… the first line about it on the article is: it’s an unexplained phenomena. So… no learning here, no. Just more mysteries.


There’s also a long list of descriptions from sightings over the years, as well as summaries of scientific hypothesis attempting to explain the phenomenon. There’s even an emission spectrum published in 2014. I for one can learn stuff without having all the answers completely figured out (which is good, since almost everything has something unexplained about it if you dig deep enough). For example, I learned I can make plasma balls in the microwave! Very cool.

@AgentOrangesicle@lemmy.world avatar

Atheist and skeptic, so I can’t jump to conclusions, but I watched a sphere of light move alongside me in my car while I was driving next to the Willamette river in West Salem, Oregon. It moved and stopped with more precision than I’ve ever seen from a drone and stayed about 50-some feet in the air above the river. I moved my head around consistently to ensure it wasn’t a reflection on my windshield. My friend had told me about his “alien experience” that sounded shockingly the same, also in West Salem, but a good year before this. He claims to have seen multiple and was just standing outside for a cigarette.


Some relative of mine told me a very similar story once. He says a few other people have experienced the same in this particular spot, here in my city. I wonder what it is…

@NataliePortland@lemmy.ca avatar

You saw an orb! That’s a classic sighting that lots of people see. I believe you! I wonder what they’re about?

@AgentOrangesicle@lemmy.world avatar

Probably an attempt at a viral marketing campaign. Everything seems to turn out disappointing these days.


“We’ve been trying to contact you about your planet’s bypass warranty.”


The plans were in the basement of the civic center on Alpha Centauri. That’s on you if you didn’t check.

@Dalek_Thal@aussie.zone avatar

But you found them didn’t you?

Yes, it was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of the Leopard”

@AgentOrangesicle@lemmy.world avatar

I personally think it was part of the “Bone a Drone” movement that was used to collect samples of human DNA in order to synthesize fake human beings that would potentially make it into statures of power in order to create a new world order.

I don’t really, but that’s a much more compelling story than, “late stage Capitalism sucks for almost everyone involved”.

@lol3droflxp@kbin.social avatar

They can be certain burning gasses, lights in the distance and such. Depends on the are and weather sometimes.


Sounds like ball lightning

@AgentOrangesicle@lemmy.world avatar

It was a good sustained 15 to 20 seconds, and the lumen it projected didn’t really fluctuate. It was more in the yellow than white spectrum as well. Makes sense for my initial description, but it doesn’t make sense for the Willamette Valley, the color, and pattern of movement. Not that I have a better explanation, but I’ve spent my whole professional life as a food QA auditor and lab tech, so I’m used to just reporting things I’ve seen and not reading into them.


It was the spirit of Homer Davenport. Rejoice and have another slice of marionberry pie.

@TALL421@lemmy.one avatar

When I was younger (probably round 6-10, best guess) I was snacking on pickles one day as I would at that age, when later that evening I had clearly had too many cause I had a real bad belly ache. To skip to the important part, I swear to whatever gods you choose, that I threw up a whole unchewed pickle spear

@NataliePortland@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh I love this. Did it just like slide smoothly down your throat without you noticing? That’s crazy

@TALL421@lemmy.one avatar

I honestly don’t remember. I only remember seeing the puddle and the mass.


That sounds like a Tool album… the puddle and the mass

@sour@kbin.social avatar

when i had a macbook i found a random article in a weird browser window


I had’ a dream a few years back that death (a dark cloud with skeleton head and a black hood) came down from a hill that I had to drive over to get to work. On my drive the next day I narrowly evaded a dude overtaking and driving on the wrong (my) lane at the top of the hill…

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