@hellweaver666@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I got jiggy for the first time in five years. After our third kid she just went completely off it and we’ve been in a dead bedroom situation ever since, she told me how she felt and despite my frustration I understood and respected her wishes. A couple of weeks ago I just opened up about how I was feeling unloved and then blam! It happened out of nowhere. I was in a daze and couldn’t believe it. Now I’m scared it’s going to be five years before it happens again.


I know this is just a thread to vent, but I really want you to focus on the fact that communicating how you felt helped the situation so much. Please don’t wait 5 more years to try that again.


From the way I read his comment, Im sure he communicated plenty.

Anti_Weeb_Penguin, (edited )

Damn, the yellow robots from Murder Drones are so attractive, why did i have to watch that series?


You mean murder drone ? If so I will have to agree


I corrected it.


I’m in love with an old friend. I’m married. I have two children.

It still feels right.


Are you gonna divorce for your friend?


I have decided to assume that OP is already married to said old friend, and has two kids with said old friend. His marriage to this old friend just feels right.


Let’s just leave it like that, it’s more wholesome.




I know for a fact this friend wouldn’t take me.


Did you ask them recently?


No need, she told me herself.


I’m sure other people out there understand this, but like I’m such a sinkhole right now. I lost my job a few months ago, and I am trying so hard to get another one but its just not happening. I feel like I’m always hitting like 2nd or 3rd place in the lineup. The interviews go well, get call backs, then boom last minute they went with the other candidate. And everyone is telling me I’ll be okay cause they say I’m smart and have skills.

But it doesn’t matter, I’m broke, my medications running out, I’m tired, I have bills, everything hurts, I have no insurance, and I don’t want to be a leech and already my boyfriend has picked up the rent and stuff, but like he has his own bills.

I just don’t understand, why does shit have to keep happening, can’t it just settle for like 5 minutes so u can catch up. I feel like I haven’t been able to breath in years, and there is something that everyone else is in on that my autism doesn’t let me understand, and I’m just… idk anymore.

I’m bleh.





@businessfish@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

why doesn’t Radiohead put out an entire album of songs like pulk/pull revolving doors? they had a really unique and cohesive idm sound going and kinda dropped it to the side


Ok ok. Unexpected comment. Respect.




Why I can’t get the music to level 1 of the NES game Jackal out of my head. Been like 2 weeks now.


Just think of the Duck Tales intro song, that should at least replace it.

@phpinjected@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

My mental health


I wouldn’t say nobody, but I would say the people that dominate the area I’m trying to volunteer and work in.

I work in a healing center where there are 29 women on staff and 1 man.

I cannot get these people to understand that as much as they want to push forward social movements, which I very much agree with, this must not come at the expense of men who are trying to heal.

I will literally have counselors co-facilitating with me, who want to make every point about how women are oppressed, pushed down in the workforce, face issues.

I’m not in denial of those, but no man coming into a healing environment to work on themselves, be vulnerable, and explore their own journey, needs to hear how much men are shitty.

@gmate8@lemmy.ml avatar

Exactly. You can see this on various aspects of life. Racism, sexism, etc. Many use them as excuse to throw out the baby with the bath water.


They say that to the patients? That sounds incredibly unprofessional.


It’s insane, I even made a complaint to the director who of course is a woman, and she effectively denied that it was happening or could happen.

I told her I don’t even want people not to think these things, everybody who is in their own place of trauma has to get their shit off their chest.

All I wanted was a place where men didn’t have to hear this crap.

And that’s being incredibly neutral in my opinion because there are a lot of opportunities for men to talk about just how insane and shitty women can be. But I don’t want to talk about those things, I just want them to stop shit talking men especially their own clientele.


putting out the fire of gender inequality with oil

its interesting how when people are a majority they dont see the irony in their actions.


Pushing any sort of socio-political agenda on people who desperately need help should be grounds for losing your license to operate. If someone was having a mental health crisis and the people who were supposed to help them instead tried to convince them that women have it worse, I could see it pushing that person over the edge into committing suicide. That sounds so incredibly invalidating and possibly malicious.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

This is a ridiculous comment. If you can’t handle the way your actions affect others than get out. If you think you know how to “heal” better than nurses then go do it yourself


“I am depressed.”

“Have you considered that women have it worse?”

Is the type of mental health care you are okay with?

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar



I mean, that’s essentially what OC said his coworkers were doing. Not those exact words, sure, but summarization =/= strawman.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

And the bigots can’t stand to understand that their actions need to be consitered and they aren’t the end all be all of the world? If sexists don’t like the service then they aren’t under any obligation to use it


Lol what? It’s a health facility, not a fucking Walmart. You don’t have to be a bigot to not want your feelings invalidated by a misandrist counselor.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I quite frankly don’t give a shit what some sexist thinks. Don’t use it if they are just so bothered

@Sir_Kevin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

There are many jobs that I don’t bother to apply for despite knowing I’d excel and enjoy it, simply because I’m male. Many people aren’t comfortable with males in certain roles. Obviously the reverse is true and disproportionate but most people seem to be oblivious that men are oppressed too.


That’s an excellent point and it’s one of these elephants in the room that people can’t see.

Does anybody wonder why there’s virtually no male kindergarten teachers? Convicted before the crime as if women have never acted inappropriately towards children?! I mean for fuck sakes my own mother sexually abused me.

If you’ve ever known any male nurses, they will tell you the stories of being outnumbered 30 to 1 at minimum, and then facing constant sexual harassment, abuse, and career suppression because of their gender.

And my own story, I work in a system of power, the healing sector, which is dominated by women. And as the one guy they’re trying to do the right thing and serve men, we face nothing but abuse. It is driving me out.

@rjs001@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I disagree. If someone isn’t able to handle the way their actions affect others then they shouldn’t be around others

@callyral@pawb.social avatar

(and (lisp programming) (libre software))


What are you using lisp for?

@callyral@pawb.social avatar

for now, configuring neovim with fennel lisp (it compiles to lua), i just like how it works, specially the s-expressions.

i like coding as a hobby but i still haven’t decided on a favorite lisp dialect


Sounds cool. Was wondering if still use lisp for bigger projects. Last time I was using it was when I was studying psychology. Psychologist still used it for whatever reason back then.


Why not emacs in evil mode? Native lisp support.

@callyral@pawb.social avatar

I don’t know where to find any up-to-date comprehensible learning resources. Specifically about whatever “melpa” or “non-gnu elpa” are, if the package management is built-in, etc.

I have also seen a bunch of front-ends and I don’t think I know what Emacs is…? Like in the Void repos there’s a command-line one (emacs) but also GTK (emacs-gtk and emacs-pgtk), for example, and even an X11 (emacs-x11) one even though that’s not a GUI toolkit.


What are you working on? I’d love to learn Lisp, it looks really cool!

@callyral@pawb.social avatar

i’ve configured neovim with fennel and i made a fennel lisp port of my small neofetch-like program written in C.

for now i’ve only learned fennel since it targets lua but i’d love to learn something like scheme or common lisp.


Lots of Insane Stupid Parentheses


I’ve been dealing with this back pain under my right shoulder blade for like 6 years or so and I can’t seem to figure out what’s causing it or how to treat it. I think it’s called “rhomboid pain”. I’ve seen a doctor once and physical therapist twice and the best they can do is recommend I stretch and go get a massage. Yeah thanks guys. Totally haven’t tried any of that.

I’ve always had a bad posture but it’s been getting better yet the pain has gotten worse so I don’t think it’s that. I doubt it’s weight lifting either because I had been lifting for almost 10 years before the pain appeared and taking a break doesn’t make it better and lifting heavy doesn’t make it worse. I don’t think it’s mountain biking either because the pain started before I bought my bike. I also got a new bed, tried different pillows, tried sleeping on my back, pillow under my knees. Sleeping on both sides with a pillow between my legs. Nothing. Also it’s rarely bad in the mornings but rather on the evenings.

Well - it’s still early to say, but I have a new idea what might be causing it and I think this might actually be it. I think it’s because I switched from a desktop computer to laptop. It perfectly correlates with the time I started experiencing this pain. I now sit for hours and hours every day with my right hand extended to reach the trackpad. It has to be that. I now switched to mouse and a keyboard and let’s see if that makes a difference. Only been doing that for few days now but I have zero pain right now.


I was getting something similar a few months back and it’s funny you mention a laptop because I started using one around the time my pain appeared, I think I was a bad knot in my muscle, I helped it go away by lying down on a tennis ball and massaging it out, hope ya find some relief dude.


For anyone wanting to try this tennis ball thing, that might not give you enough of what you’re looking for. Lacrosse balls offer less resistance and more pressure

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dude, that’s exactly what it is. I get the exact same pain when I’m editing on my laptop. I swapped out for a trackball myself. I can type all day long because I can get things set up to eliminate that strain, but editing takes a lot more awkward movement using the trackpad.

I like a trackpad, they’re convenient as heck, but they just aren’t good for sustained use imo.


Do you keep your wallet in your back pocket when sitting?


Nope. Thanks though.


I hope the new keyboard and mouse do the trick! I also was experiencing wrist/arm/shoulder pain after I started working primarily on a laptop. I got a split keyboard that i can angle in a more ergonomic manner, and that single change cleared my pain up. Repetitive stress injuries suck. and I hope you find relief with your new work setup.


It probably doesn’t help that I’m also literally sitting in front of my dining table on a shitty chair, but it’s not like I had some super ergonomic computer station before either. I really hope this helps because otherwise I’m out of ideas.


I would definitely suggest getting a good chair. Being able to adjust the height and stuff is really important, especiallyfor shoulder pain. Take a look at used gaming chairs and/or keep an eye out for recently discontinued models at brick-and-mortar office supply stores (mine was super cheap because they only had the floor model left).


Track pads suck, I hope this solve your problem


I have had chest discomfort for decades. I’m 46 and it started when I was about 25. Doctors never found anything. I’m lucky to have good benefits and have been going to masseuses for over 10 years.

A couple of years ago tried a new masseuse mentioned the tightness and she found a huge lump of scar tissue she massaged out. I’m still not perfect but I’m light-years better.

My point is, get a massage and never give up. You just need to find the right person to find it.


Yep. I even got this back when cleaners moved my mouse from in front of key keyboard spacebar to the right of the keypad, until I noticed what had happened.

I put my mouse between my body and the keyboard and it goes away.

Good luck!

@Commiejones@hexbear.net avatar

rhomboid pain

I had this from having my shoulders curled in while working as well as sleeping on my side. I was picking fruit which requires lots of reaching. Try to be aware of keeping your shoulders square and get a friend to jam their elbow in there and grind it out.


Yeah I’m a side sleeper aswell and my bad posture includes shoulders curled in. I’ve been meaning to get one of those elastic things that’s supposed to pull my shoulders back. It’s interesting when sitting against a backrest or using a foam roller my shoulder blades don’t feel symmetrical. Like the right one is sticking out more.


I replaced the back wheel bearing hub on my Celica, but yet I can still hear the droning noise. What gives?


Is it a rear wheel drive? Maybe your differential is worn. I hope not because that’s expensive to fix.


It’s front wheel drive


I have a distant sibling that I’ve been building a relationship with over long distance. Saw them in-person and realized that they have quite a few toxic traits from one of our narcissistic parents. I don’t know what to do now. I’m pretty traumatized from that parent and my sibling doesn’t see any of it as a negative. I don’t think I have the ability to open their eyes on it, either. I want the relationship I thought we had.


Why I can’t simply use an iPad as a Mac Mini monitor

@JCPhoenix@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve done it before using Duet.

But it’s not like that’s the only “monitor.” It’s always been secondary (mainly because I’ve used it with an MBP).


I’ve tried that, but it’s just not plug and play. I’ll be looking for a small laptop type monitor


If it’s an old iPad the issue is the terrible lightning port that isn’t able to transfer nearly enough data to be used as a monitor. This is partly why most solutions for that involve a network.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Converting a high resolution photo scanner into a large format digital camera

There’s a lot that goes into it and I’m still fairly early in the process but it is possible and has been done before

I already have some lenses that will cover the whole scanner bed, it’s mostly a question of power at this point

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

only thing i don’t understand about it is why are you dong this


Perhaps a huge sensor like that is good for night/astrophotography

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Not so much really, it would be more capable for like landscapes and architecture due to the time frame it’d take pictures in

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

so you’re really trading long exposure time + large size for extremely high resolution, that’s pretty cool actually

@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

Will that not just result in a terrible camera…? O.o

Gormadt, (edited )
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Surprisingly no

Such scanners can scan at incredibly high resolution

Hundreds of Megapixels in fact

The main thing the time it takes to scan the image is quite high, like 30 seconds or do

Edit: Here’s an example photo from someone who did what I’m talking about.

@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

That’s actually pretty fascinating, thanks.

@urshanabi@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Wow, that’s beautiful. Best of luck!


Please do update us on your progress! This is really fascinating

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Once I finish it I’ll be sharing information about it and pictures it takes on multiple photography groups across Lemmy

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