
I love it. Don’t have to bend over and take it from the corpos and shareholders.

If we don’t like how one host runs their server we can fuck off elsewhere or run a server ourselves.

SamXavia, avatar

@scottmeme Do you think the Fediverse could be the future for 'social media'?


Not the one you replied to, but I don’t think so only because most people believe that it’s not as simple as your standard social media, and, to some extent, they’re right.


I don’t know, I downloaded Boost for Lemmy the day it came out and setup was easier than it was for Reddit

I think the 3rd-party apps Reddit hated so much massively help cater to the preferences of users with varying levels of experience and dedication

SamXavia, avatar

@brown567 @pepsison52895 As brown mentioned, things like 3rd party apps really help with stream lining the process, I know I was confused about Instances but with things like Tumblr, Wordpress & Threads trying to get into the Fediverse it's a promising sign.

I explain instances more like login in with emails, you can still communicate with the other but can't log in on the other one unless you have another account.

otter, avatar

Yes, for things that are focussed on the individual (microblogging Mastodon, photo sharing Pixelfed) or anonymous (threadiverse Lemmy/Kbin)

It will take much longer for things that are more about your direct community or for family members. That’s not really a Fediverse thing, I don’t think a new Facebook could take off easily either. It’s really difficult to get grandma to learn something new, and in some countries Facebook IS the internet (because of shady dealings and anticompetitive practices)

SamXavia, avatar

@otter The hope would be more towards existing platforms adapting for the Fediverse at that rate, Tumblr already want's to move across to the Fediverse what helps some people join the fun but META's Threads is also a step into the Fediverse and if that does well maybe they will add Instagram and Facebook into the mix as well allowing Grandma to still see people's posts even if you don't want to be on Facebook itself.


It’s good but the lack of people and interaction sucks. One of my favourite things about Reddit is reading the comments and discussions, but there’s almost none of that here.

SamXavia, avatar

@souma It's one thing that I am trying to fix on my part where I try to make a few posts a day and interact with as many people as possible in my spare time. I do hope that over time, especially when places like Reddit screw people over, people will start to move across to the Fediverse and enjoy their time on here and stick around.

otter, avatar

Same here, I post the cool things that I see on other platforms and about the topics I know more about. We’re still seeing more people hop over it’s just a slow process.

I also think we’re at the point where we can start working with individual people/communities/organizations to figure out what they need and help them shift over. I’m trying that with some others for a few communities, but it’s just a slow process (most often because it seems like a lot of mods on the subreddits have straight up disappeared over the past few months).


I tried commenting a bunch of times but always got “log in first” Luckily I don’t have that problem on mastodon, where I have a ton of interactions and people are way way friendlier than on any social media platform I’ve used before

otter, avatar

Is that because you end up on communities on other instances? There are extensions that help with that, you can open the post on your home instance: !instance_assistant

If you’re on mobile it should be handled automatically for most apps


I think it was a problem with authorization. I was already logged in, butt wasn’t verified, of that makes sense. Basically logging out and back in did the trick at some point (and a lot of help from the instance owner)


You need to be the comments and discussions.


I certainly try!


I’ve been thinking about that too but realised, reading loads of messages saying nothing is not as good as a few small conversations.

Although some of my interests haven’t made it over here yet


My problem with that is I’m incredibly unoriginal and the lame joke I think of is usually the top comment, so I don’t have anything meaningful to add to the conversation.


Yeah I experience that quite a bit more than I care to admit also haha


Too much extremist and people who just here to sell their blogs, website, onlyfans, ect.

SamXavia, avatar

@banana_meccanica What Extremists are you coming across as I haven't seen any on here. Least people trying to promote there sites are filling up the space a bit as well as no 'ads' anyway so it's almost understandable hopefully it get's better in the future though.


I’m not the OP but tbh I think I understand where they’re coming from. At the very least, it seems to me that there are way more actively idealistic pushy people on lemmy. See for example the commie instances, the anarchist, antiwork, union-promoting, anti-car, anti-capitalism communities, etc etc. For anyone who thinks I’m for or against any of these, please consider I did not voice any opinion on them one way or the other, just acknowledged their existence. It’s difficult to get a feel for the general sentiment or develop an opinion from the comments. I opened recently a news post about the Gaza conflict and there were people there who said that people on this website just “hate the jews”, and then there were people who said that the instance was “run by jews”. When a post has 10 comments, 2 stand out.

The reason it seems like there are more extremist people here is that these posts get to the ‘front page’. Browse ‘All’ on and you’ll see quite highly opinionated posts. For someone who is just trying to pass the time, share some hobby stuff, look at memes, that kind of thing, it can be a little off putting.

Dave, avatar

Report the blogspam stuff. Admins are in a constant spam battle, but knowing about it is half of that battle.


Pros: generally friendlier communities and discussions. Sufficiently shitty communities are defederated rather than tolerated until they gain the attention of advertisers. There are no advertisers, communities are voluntarily supported through donations.

Cons: Reddit is still about 100 times larger and therefore has more content. Sometimes posts/comments dont federate. Gatekeeping is still fairly common.

SamXavia, avatar

@xkforce Yeah we has some really good pros, hopefully we get larger over time as I know if we had even 10% of the content that Reddit has we would have so many more people want to use the Fediverse rather than Reddit.

I've never really seen any gatekeeping on here, is it certain communities? if it is then people can just create another sub with the same name on another instance lol


Its more like general gatekeeping of Lemmy itself. i.e some people want it to never become popular because they like being among the “special few”

SamXavia, avatar

@xkforce Oh yeah I've seen that, it's annoying really as the Fediverse could be a really cool future for the internet I know I moved away from Lemmy instances a while back but still like the communities so hop back in for posts and stuff from my instance.

silas, avatar

I think it’s incredible, just needs some more love from users and developers to get it to a stable place. It truly feels like something we’ve all built together. I think the pros outweigh the cons by far

SamXavia, avatar

@silas I do to, user love is really what this place needs more of (even know we have a lot already) as more posts we have the more people feel we might be a good place to use instead of places like Reddit.


The only thing I don’t like about the fediverse is the constant stream of people blathering on about how “we” supposedly need to centralize and homogenize it and fill it up with botspam, so that easily confused morons with short attention spans will move here.

SamXavia, avatar

@Rottcodd I know one of the bits of content I hate is the cross-posted news stuff, yes I saw it the other 50 posts you done of it. I've already tried to get friends involved in the Fediverse and some really refuse to even look at it due to the open source-ness of it.


This type of cynical, self-righteous, pompous attitude is not helpful. No one is advocating for homogenized bot spam. They’re trying to grow a community that has a novel structure.

And if you think anyone potentially interested in coming here is merely an “easily confused moron with a short attention span,” then you’re part of the problem. And it says more about you than them.


I really enjoy Lemmy, it’s pretty much the only social network I use nowadays. I also have a Mastodon account, but I don’t really use it, I just don’t like the concept that it follows, I don’t like Twitter and how it works either, even before the acquisition.



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  • SamXavia, avatar

    @CubbyTustard I'm glad it's feeling like a better home for you, seems like a lot more people are better mental health wise using the Fediverse what's good, just hope it stays that way into the future.

    Crackhappy, avatar

    A lot of people comment that they don’t like the lack of content/comments. I personally see it as a plus. I curate the communities I subscribe to, comment and post in those, and find the discourse and topics chosen to be much more reasonable and thought out instead of spraying vitriol and diatribe across my screen daily. I was on Reddit for 15 years and Lemmy has been a massive breath of fresh air.

    SamXavia, avatar

    @Crackhappy Glad you're getting the best out of the Fediverse. It would be nice to have a few more useful bits of information as often I can't find it on the Fediverse, so I end up going back to reddit to find what I'm looking for.

    Bishma, avatar

    It took a while to get the hang of Mastodon, but gradually I found a good mix of hashtags (and people) to follow and have done some strategic blocking. Now my feed feels active and is a lot more lively than Bluesky.

    Lemmy is slower than I’d like, but at this point my “Subscribed Hot” feed does a pretty good job separating the wheat from the chaff and also is getting at least a handful of new posts every couple hours. I’m trying to do my part and post more, but I’m still rarely the first to find a thing worth sharing.


    Everyone on the fediverse is a white male tech nerd. Obviously, not everyone, but it really feels that way. There is a distinct lack of voices from outside that demographic, and it’s super obvious. Reddit had this, too, but it’s way worse here.

    It’ll get better in that regard, but it’ll take a decade to get there.


    Everyone on the fediverse is a white male tech nerd.

    I’m not, I was here to promote a movie.

    (So, only 2 out 3.)

    WeirdGoesPro, avatar

    I know of two non-techie women on here.

    liv, avatar

    I’m not either.


    And it’s definitely not helping that the biggest Mastodon instance for artists is pretending to be progressive while being hostile to the LGBT community. Mastodon has a chance to snatch up artists who are pissed off about Twitter, and of course they’re going to check out not knowing about their bullshit.

    I’m not sure what the solution to that should be, however. Take down I’ve been telling people to avoid that instance, but non-techie people don’t understand that the Mastodon developers don’t own it.

    SamXavia, avatar

    @danielton I would suggest people to go to something like or another one that puts the LGBTQIA+ community in the front. Obviously LGBT arts are stuck between going for Art or LGBT at that point but the hope will be once they realise isn't good for LGBT people they will move to another instance.

    BlueFairyPainter, avatar

    Not sure about white and male without people talking about it, but tech nerds for sure. Saying this as a non-white non-male tech nerd myself.

    It does get a bit monotonous in here…

    SamXavia, avatar

    @echo64 I'm like 1.5 lol, white and nerdy about tech but more geeky about it, know a little but not much.


    I’m technically part of that demographic but I’m sick of it too dude


    I love the small-town feel of it. It almost feels like the old-school forums, where you felt like part of a community.

    The relative sparsity of comments is a major negative, but I’m hopeful that that’ll change with time.

    SamXavia, avatar

    @DirkMcCallahan It will most likely change over time especially with more and more content over time being added especially useful content that people can use for things.


    Rocky. I run an instance and the codebase is really unstable. FIghting duplicate data in the database, fighting database eating all the ram infinitely and then dying. Here’s hoping the future is brighter as the present is absolutely murky.

    As to the whole fediverse being the more difficult one - it technically is, but I think people need to stop being absolute wankers and put more effort than touching a few buttons into everything, not just fediverse.

    People wise - the majority of active community is incredibly left shifted, to the point of delusional crap getting to the “frontpage”, if you will. I find it sad that some articles posted get treated as “the real thing”, but the people chanting them haven’t even bothered reading them, as otherwise they’d find those same articles don’t say what they think they say. In that regard it’s just like reddit, I guess.

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    I can’t go 24hrs without some conservative running to the defense of google/calling people opposing predatory business practices “entitled” so clearly we both need to prune our subs lol

    SamXavia, avatar

    @Illecors Hey I know you mentioned about delusional crap? What do you mean by it as haven't seen anything like that?


    I can’t believe I’m that lucky - literally an active thread - adaptive link | direct link

    The whole premise is made up.

    BolexForSoup, (edited ) avatar

    I’m seeing the exact same fatal flaw I’ve seen on every single forum that gets any traction where moderators are afraid to ban people, or at least temporarily ban them, when they are just generally disruptive/acting like assholes. Just because someone doesn’t clearly 100% break a rule to the T doesn’t mean they should get to stick around. Disruption is grounds enough to remove someone.

    You do not have an obligation to free speech. You are not a government entity. Yes, it is laudable to embrace different points of view and allow the free exchange of ideas. But some people are just assholes and keeping them around is bad for the community. Don’t be afraid to ban those people.

    UngodlyAudrey, avatar

    Beehaw’s admins have been trying to address some of those issues.

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    I have a separate beehaw account and they definitely are better about it than most.


    I keep a finger over the "block" button at all times. Which isn't to say that I block anything I disagree with - but some people just show their colors so fast.

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    Truth. I just don't want to suffer those people anymore.


    There’s just so much more on reddit, including stuff I can’t find here. Fewer communities with fewer people means there’s just less to discuss. Honestly, I don’t think Lemmy will ever overtake Reddit. Eventually, both will die when something else comes along

    Still, I’ve not been hating it. My introverted ass gets its dose of anonymous interaction, and I do think Lemmy will at least grow more overtime

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