Asudox, avatar

Ok. The activity isn’t great in here but at least there are some good posts that interest me in a while. I only use Lemmy actively though, Mastodon isn’t my thing as I never liked Twitter in the first place.


Mastodon was my first experience of the Fediverse, and I forget which instance I joined. The one I chose chose was nearly empty and it felt like the only active user on there was the server admin. Abandoned it when I saw that the ‘Federated’ feed was completely filled with bots that reposted hentai from Reddit and various imageboards.

I’ve been looking for a Reddit alternative for a while now, but the ones I used before either died due to lack of users (i.e. Snapzu, Hubski and Syzitus) or got astroturfed into ultra white-supremacist cesspools (i.e. Voat and Ruqqus.)

Lemmy improved massively thanks to the Reddit exodus and apps like Boost and Sync being developed. Frankly I hope it doesn’t become mainstream because Reddit went to shit when everybody and their mother was using it.


What I like: Alexandrite for desktop Eternity for Mobile

Dsklnsadog, avatar

Eternity is the best, it’s perfect like infinity. I usually only realize I’m on lemmy because of the quality of the users


Not to quell your enthusiasm or anything, but I’d say it’s definitely close to perfect. I really like it much better than any of the other options I’ve tried so far. I also made some suggestions to the developer, who was very receptive. I’m excited for the potential for sure!


It’s good but the lack of people and interaction sucks. One of my favourite things about Reddit is reading the comments and discussions, but there’s almost none of that here.

SamXavia, avatar

@souma It's one thing that I am trying to fix on my part where I try to make a few posts a day and interact with as many people as possible in my spare time. I do hope that over time, especially when places like Reddit screw people over, people will start to move across to the Fediverse and enjoy their time on here and stick around.

otter, avatar

Same here, I post the cool things that I see on other platforms and about the topics I know more about. We’re still seeing more people hop over it’s just a slow process.

I also think we’re at the point where we can start working with individual people/communities/organizations to figure out what they need and help them shift over. I’m trying that with some others for a few communities, but it’s just a slow process (most often because it seems like a lot of mods on the subreddits have straight up disappeared over the past few months).


I tried commenting a bunch of times but always got “log in first” Luckily I don’t have that problem on mastodon, where I have a ton of interactions and people are way way friendlier than on any social media platform I’ve used before

otter, avatar

Is that because you end up on communities on other instances? There are extensions that help with that, you can open the post on your home instance: !instance_assistant

If you’re on mobile it should be handled automatically for most apps


I think it was a problem with authorization. I was already logged in, butt wasn’t verified, of that makes sense. Basically logging out and back in did the trick at some point (and a lot of help from the instance owner)


You need to be the comments and discussions.


I certainly try!


I’ve been thinking about that too but realised, reading loads of messages saying nothing is not as good as a few small conversations.

Although some of my interests haven’t made it over here yet


My problem with that is I’m incredibly unoriginal and the lame joke I think of is usually the top comment, so I don’t have anything meaningful to add to the conversation.


Yeah I experience that quite a bit more than I care to admit also haha


As a long-time Reddit user, before the Digg users joined, there are parallels to what Lemmy is now.

Frankly, I don’t give a fuck about the Fediverse. It’s a nice idea, sure, but the average person really doesn’t care. What I like is having a sane Reddit alternative with decent apps, so I can look at memes while I take a dump.

If there’s something to dislike, it’s the lack of content. There are no alternatives to many of the subreddits I used to frequent, like Hajime No Ippo and BJJ.


BJJ, was that a sub for jeans you wear while getting head? /r/BlowJobJeans

SamXavia, avatar

@EnderMB Yeah I really hope the smaller communities start popping off a little more as it would be good to have smaller subs like them grow and get created.

totallynotsocsa, keeps banning my accounts for basic participation, which has been extremely frustrating since they have a lot of the most active communities.

The major ml communities have a pretty established track record of arbitrary rule enforcement. Eg, letting hexbears post thier pig shit memes, but then ml mods having a hair trigger on the ban hammer for everyone else.

I consider myself a leftist. A democratic socialist. I have studied political science and am genuinely comfortable discussing the academic principles thereof. Even so, I’ve caught bans for “genocide denial” for discussing the mass abduction of children, and more recently for pointing out that the US revolution generally avoided mass murder. At this point I basically have a soft ban, and anything even slightly against the grain get me another 30 days. The admins seem quite comfortable with some pretty rigid ideological protectionism, at best.

You can check my history and the modlog. I can be sarcastic and confrontational, but I am generally participating in good faith. It sure as hell feels like my ml accounts, and a few on other instances have been flagged for stepping out of line.

SamXavia, avatar

@totallynotsocsa I suggest trying out different instances, luckily it's the Fediverse you can move around and try some out, I see you're using beehaw and I hope that's a lot better for you, if not try Kbin / Mbin as they are great Instances as well.


The problem is that these are very active communities which are some of my primary interests. I’m just browsing all and not even any particular instances. I’m commenting on things I see which look interesting and engaging with the content in an area I have interest and knowledge, but I seem to be doing so in a way which defies some unspoken orthodoxy.

It’s just been very frustrating. I’ve been a pretty prolific forum poster going back to Usenet and have several decade-old reddit accounts and I’ve never felt targeted or marginalized like this for what are honestly pretty mainstream ideas.


Too much of the same kind of people. Not enough diverse, different opinions.

So. Many. Tankies. I’ve had to block countless instances/communities.

Tired of hearing about Linux. It’s a cult on Lemmy. Like the people who bully you into using Apple products.

Technology instance is too often not about genuine technology. Usually whining about Amazon business practices or bitching about Musk.

If I stick to my own subscriptions, it’s not bad. On All? An endless hell pit.


Feel pretty much the same. The echo chambers seem to be as bad if not worse than Reddit. People just don’t want diverse opinions. Everything is black or white regardless of the problem. I will probably leave soon. I honestly don’t feel like lemmy and the type of people it attracts are good for my mental health.

Blaze, avatar

Sorry to hear. !casualconversation tries to be more laid-back conversation. We are also trying to get !moviesandtv going after losing the previous community. Movies hopefully are not as polarised as other topics


I’ll probably be sticking around, but for sure the echo chambers are worse than probably every social media I’ve tried (which admittedly isn’t very many). Imo it’s easily the worst part of Lemmy, and it’s a self-feeding problem. I don’t think the bottleneck to lemmy’s growth is technical anymore, but a culture thing. Personally I’m hesitant to share lemmy with other people in real life because I’m scared that they’ll think I’m a tankie.

SamXavia, avatar

@SpookyUnderwear What sort of opinions are you looking for as you mentioned you don't like the Linux, Tankies and stuff like that (Sure I don't really like seeing everything about Linux) but what is the ideal 'community' for you?


I’ve had a similar experience. I have actually engaged with the tankies in good faith on several occasions, and it has just gotten those account banned for I guess being a leftist heretic? For arguing that there is more to socialism than Marxist orthodoxy? For opposing campists? Idk, they really seem to dislike that, and these days It’s pretty obvious that the worst sin on ml is making tankies look dumb by actually knowing even basic political science.


My experience is only with Lemmy.


  • My app functions


  • Significantly reduced amount of content
  • Most of my content from Reddit is not available here or has an incredibly small community
  • A tremendous number of posts are polarized to the point of being aggressive
  • A disturbingly large number of openly suicidal comments (Eg. “I see no reason to live except…” )
  • Seemingly every climate-related post has someone stating “eat the rich” as a solution to the climate

Overall, mostly negative, but since the alternative for me is nothing (my Reddit client of choice doesn’t work), it’s still better than nothing and is something to scroll through briefly while on the toilet.


Seemingly every climate-related post has someone stating “eat the rich” as a solution to the climate

I wonder why that is? Could there be a relation?

Nighed, (edited ) avatar

The rich have a really high carbon footprint per kg of meat, even pork and beef have a lower carbon footprint!

Don’t encourage the billionaire meat industry!




/jk - Don’t eat people folks


I agree wholeheartedly, it’s like people in this platform only want to talk about politics. Even with a random unrelated meme people start talking shit about politics it really ruins it for me

ShitOnABrick, (edited ) avatar

Most climate related posts on most social medias have “eat the rich” as a “solution” I think this is a good idea I think we all love a good bbq

On a serious note a good solution would be to pay a visit or email a local representative or politician in your local community or nation and asking if they’ll add anti monopoly laws


If you don’t each the rich I’ll kill myself

skybreaker, (edited ) avatar

I still get my click fix without having to resort to scummy Reddit, but I miss the niche communities which just don’t exist here yet.

SamXavia, avatar

@skybreaker It's why I'm trying to encourage people who enjoy smaller communities like that sort of community to try and grow them, try and be the change you want such as more posts, comments as well as useful content about things, you never know if someone might be trying to find the information and then find it on the community.


I enjoy the mainstream content on here, but it is severely lacking in the specialized interests department. So if I had to ask important questions, I would do it over in reddit due to the bigger crowd and chance to find a good answer.

SamXavia, avatar

@Aurix Yeah I get that sort of stuff with ObsidianMD (A great Note taking tool) sometimes I have so many questions but not the community is very small on here compared to Reddit.

Hopefully this changes in the future, especially if Reddit is pulling away from Google and Bing Search.


Everyone on the fediverse is a white male tech nerd. Obviously, not everyone, but it really feels that way. There is a distinct lack of voices from outside that demographic, and it’s super obvious. Reddit had this, too, but it’s way worse here.

It’ll get better in that regard, but it’ll take a decade to get there.


Everyone on the fediverse is a white male tech nerd.

I’m not, I was here to promote a movie.

(So, only 2 out 3.)

WeirdGoesPro, avatar

I know of two non-techie women on here.

liv, avatar

I’m not either.


And it’s definitely not helping that the biggest Mastodon instance for artists is pretending to be progressive while being hostile to the LGBT community. Mastodon has a chance to snatch up artists who are pissed off about Twitter, and of course they’re going to check out not knowing about their bullshit.

I’m not sure what the solution to that should be, however. Take down I’ve been telling people to avoid that instance, but non-techie people don’t understand that the Mastodon developers don’t own it.

SamXavia, avatar

@danielton I would suggest people to go to something like or another one that puts the LGBTQIA+ community in the front. Obviously LGBT arts are stuck between going for Art or LGBT at that point but the hope will be once they realise isn't good for LGBT people they will move to another instance.

BlueFairyPainter, avatar

Not sure about white and male without people talking about it, but tech nerds for sure. Saying this as a non-white non-male tech nerd myself.

It does get a bit monotonous in here…

SamXavia, avatar

@echo64 I'm like 1.5 lol, white and nerdy about tech but more geeky about it, know a little but not much.


I’m technically part of that demographic but I’m sick of it too dude


I like the flexibility and freedom.
I dislike all the duplicate stories clogging the feed

SamXavia, avatar

@BradleyUffner It's one of the downsides I've seen, it seems like some people choose to post the same thing on 3+ communities of the same topic and it really just gets annoying sometimes.


I wonder if there could be a technical solution to this problem, like letting users define aggregates of multiple community and let them choose a deduplication algorithm of their choice… 🤔


I usually really like seeing the little number pop up when I get a response on my comment, instead of dreading it’s someone trying to pick an internet fight. People are nice here. (Usually)

But it needs more original content, that’s how Lemmy and the entire fediverse can grow.


Okay, I’ll bite

First off, I totally agree! People are my much nicer here and the little notification is often a nice thing.

So I read a bit of your post history. I’m not the -most- socially aware but I’m assuming sans-proof you’re not actually Margot Robbie. So like … Why? Is it a promo thing? Weird quirk? Actually an actor doing “normal people stuff”? Do you actually use Arch(why?)?

scrubbles, avatar

No dude it’s really her


Of course I am, why would esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Elise Robbie ever lie to you over the Internet?


Is it a promo thing?

I did do my movie promo here in July before the SAG-AFTRA strike started. (it’s all on my account) Then the movie did amazingly well at the box office, I thought maybe I found the hidden secret to social media success, so now I wanted to see if I can shitpost my way into finally getting an Oscar this year.

Do you actually use Arch(why?)?

A few years ago, I thought it would be funny if I learned how to use Linux and tell people that “I use Arch by the way” like the meme, so I spend a couple of hours and installed Arch an old laptop (it’s really not that hard, you just follow the directions on the wiki!), then nobody got the joke, so now I have this Arch laptop to play around with and type sudo pacman -Syu in occasionally.


I had no idea who Margot Robbie was so I looked it up in Google images

Guys, it’s that chick from Eight Out Of Ten Cats Does Countdown

Wouldn’t bother, that Joe Wilkinson’s been there, that’ll be minging


I think you have me confused with someone else.

Also, you shouldn’t bother, I’m married.


I really hope you can actually shitpost your way into an Oscar and thanks for the reply potential-future-Oscar-winner-Margo-Robbie. I liked Barbie!

That’s amazing, and the best reason I’ve heard to start using Arch. I kinda like that no one even gets it, and I’m always a tiny bit sad that package manager doesn’t make their loading bars pacman eating dots


Same! I realized not long ago that I don’t actually dread the notifications anymore. I used to get such anxiety over the red envelope that I had already started thinking I was due for a change before the blackout happened.


Here is a notification for you:

Keep on being awesome!

SamXavia, avatar

@MargotRobbie Yes original content and growing smaller communities are most likely ways to grow it further and we can only hope that other places like Reddit, Instagram, X / Twitter just get to the point the users do actually give up and look for something new / better.

adam_b, (edited )

Confused by duplicate communities ( community of the same name and topic hosted on different servers beehaw and for example ), so I follow them both and judging by which one is more active, I unsub from it

Edit : from the one that’s not very active I mean … 😅

SamXavia, avatar

@adam_b Yeah sometimes it's because they don't know about the other one or it's because the other one might have different rules and stuff but tbh it's just like finding 2 subs of the same topic on Reddit with slightly different names. Hopefully people come together a bit more but it's still an option if someone just tries to control a community.


I think I just realized after reading this thread that I’ve posted more threads on here since I started a few months ago than in all my time on Reddit. Part of that is genuinely missing the niche communities I liked there and helping to build ones for people with similar interests here (and I’m finding new ones in the process).

Another part is my long-standing interest in decentralization in general. Ruthless efficiency has centralized everything, from where I shop to where I hang out. There’s something civic lost in that somewhere. Things don’t have to be as efficient as possible, and good jobs and honest opportunities for socializing are created when it’s not all striving to place offerings at the altar of stock dividends. It’s why I don’t mind seeing the duplicate communities on the Fediverse. The sociologist in me is fascinated to see how it all shakes out in a place where the forces shaping these things aren’t all sociopathic.

That said, I do wish development was more active. I imagine there’s some hesitancy for users to literally buy in, but they really do need more funding for developers.

Blaze, avatar

That said, I do wish development was more active. I imagine there’s some hesitancy for users to literally buy in, but they really do need more funding for developers.

Mbin has been getting some traction lately, as a community-supported fork of Kbin (which was handled by a single person):

This seems promising. Lemmy can also be developed of course, but Rust seems a more niche language than PHP

SamXavia, avatar

@Blaze @Ashtear Yes Mbin has been great for me, It works faster and more reliable than Kbin has been lately as well as the community actually listens when you put a bug report or feature request on there github.

Blaze, avatar

Great news!


This is good to hear. I started my Fediverse journey on kbin but eventually moved over because the spam was out of control. Hopefully this makes it easier on mods.

SamXavia, avatar

@Ashtear Yeah the only way the smaller communities that we miss from places like Reddit to move across would be to start posting relevant content on the Fediverse in there own community and eventually there will just as much or more useful content on the Fediverse as there is on Reddit, and maybe people from smaller communities will move across growing the Fediverse further.

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