spark947, (edited )

Just an open source e-ink device with the build quality of a Kindle. Nothing fancy.


e-onk device

A donkey?


An electronic pig?


reMarkable, been using gen 1 then 2 for years now, runs on Linux and active dev community

less slick and much smaller community but the PineNote also works with Linux, kind of.

daddyjones, avatar

Remarkable would be awesome if I could read my Kindle books on it. It seems to me that most e-ink tablets are good at either taking notes or ebooks, but none are really good at both…


This is more of a kindle lock in thing than a limitation of the Remarkable IMO. I use my remarkable 2 daily for reading. Everything I read is pirated and DRM free though.

If you feel strongly about giving money to the author amazon, then you could limit yourself to only downloading books which you’ve purchased for your kindle.


I only read books that I have a physical copy of, or books that are on project Gutenberg. But really, we should seek to make all books free. An unencrypted epub is like 1 MB for like 300 pages usually.

I do wish that there was an open source e-reader that ran Linux. You can already read these things on your phone or on your computer. But I like the dedicated devices for reading.

Someone made an open source one that runs on a microprocessor, and it is a super cool project. But you really need a kernel to run arbitrary code, and gain access to open source e-reader software that gets you compatibility with publishing formats, layouts and fonts.

Getting Linux kernels onto more open source devices is probably a good goal - its still rather hard for a hobbyist to design a devicw that supports Linux.


Remarkable looks cool, but I was talking about a dedicated e-reader. They probably won’t bother because their differentiator is the writing.

There needs to be one that is kindle adjacent, ru s linux, and comes with a ton of selections from project gutenberg, selling a little bit above cost. Thats the only way I could see this working.


A small screen phone with Linux OS that I can plug into a docking station and use it as a desktop pc. It would replace all of my devices.

drcouzelis, avatar

Nokia N900, 2023 edition. 🥲


Roughly 10 years ago Ubuntu was planning an Ubuntu phone which would do just that. I remember backing it on kickstarter, but it never made it to release :/

mdwalters, avatar

There is actually a phone that matches how you want it:


A grand!? Fuck me that’s an expensive phone!


If it’s doubling as an actual desktop OS I’d say it’s well worth it. iPhones and flagship Android phones go for that high already.


But an inexpensive PC


check PinePhone then, with a USB hub it does all that


That looks really awesome.


A Microsoft Duo phone that isn’t shit

erogenouswarzone, avatar


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  • Synthead,

    This is any computer and remote desktop. Could build a Linux machine to start a remote desktop tool instead of a desktop environment, if you want.

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    Again I do not want another computer.


    Actually, you do, but you’re just in denial about it for some reason.


    Congratulations, you just reinvented dumb terminals.

    You’re severely underestimating bandwidth and lag.

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    Yes, a dumb terminal is exactly what I want, but mobile.


    Right, so slap Linux on a craptop and SSH into your desktop. Done.


    This exists. Get a cheap netbook and stick your Linux distro of choice on it, and then just use it to ssh to things.

    krdo, avatar

    Do netbooks still exist? I can’t seem to find them for sale anymore.


    Lol dude what are you talking about? I just searched for “netbook” and the first few links are Amazon and Best Buy product listings for netbooks.

    krdo, avatar

    Those aren’t really netbooks though. But I guess the term now just stands for 11.6" laptop.


    This is what I did. I purchased a Lenovo Yoga 11e on eBay for $37. If you get the model that has an Intel processor, you can put Linux on it. With Ubuntu MATE, the touchscreen and auto screen rotation work out of the box. From there a VNC viewer is all that is needed. The laptop I received was in pristine condition.


    They generally work great with any x86 CPU - doesn’t need to be only intel. If you get an ARM-based netbook, just make sure to use the architecture-appropriate image for your distro.

    That said, if you grab an older model, you may run into some hardware weirdness. Source: years ago I did this with an old Asus netbook that had a 32-bit UEFI and a 64-bit CPU, and I had to do some weird hackery in the ISO before writing it to the flash drive to get it to load the install image at all

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    I’m not sure how to stress this enough… I do not want another computer.

    I do not want another computer.

    I want a wireless interface to the computer I already have.

    1. Mobile hotspot/ my phone’s hotspot
    2. Bluetooth Mouse/keyboard combo
    3. Wireless Monitor
    4. Something to convert bluetooth connections to wifi.
    5. A laptop case to put it in.

    If they can make laptops for $37 they can make this for $1.

    1. So, just WiFi?
    2. Why Bluetooth? They can just be integrated into the device.
    3. Not a thing. How about attach it to the mouse and keyboard?
    4. That doesn’t even make sense. What are you trying to accomplish with this?
    5. So it needs to be laptop-sized?

    All of these requirements can be met with a laptop.

    Nobody’s making laptops for $37, and your bizarre requests certainly cost far more than $1. What planet are you on?

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    I’m sure you don’t want to hear this, but…

    Nit-picking the minutiae of new ideas may make you feel better, but ignoring the core idea will only hurt you and your creativity in the long run.

    Instead of finding ways that it won’t work, you could use the same amount of energy to make the idea better.


    I replied to your comment point-by-point, addressing the entire core concept.

    Talk about nit-picking that limits creativity and ignores core ideas - you’re the one who doesn’t want to accept that what you’re looking for already exists.

    You’re mind-bogglingly dense.

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    Ok buddy. I’m sorry to have upset you.


    I’m not upset, but I’m a little baffled. Do you actually have a response to what I said, or are you simply being deliberately obtuse?

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    No, I’m having a good time seeing how many ways you can call me stupid because you feel so butthurt.


    Sure, kid.

    Sir_Kevin, avatar

    I do this regularly with my phone as well as my laptop. You don’t need anything special to run a remote desktop client.

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    I do not want a remote desktop client. I do not want another computer. I want a screen and keyboard. Do you see the difference?


    So you are demanding magic?


    To be fair the thread is products that don’t exist… Plenty of other requests for holodecks and brain implants, etc.


    The problem is that this product exists, and that commenter can’t even explain how a laptop falls short.


    a tablet like the PineTab, just not starting X?

    ElGosso, avatar

    Didn’t they make that for video games?


    Robot that could completely clean my house while I’m at work.

    That would save me so much time.

    Bonus points if it could also cook healthy meals.


    And not only do the laundry, but fold it and put it away as well.


    Better idea, send the robot to work and you can hang out at home


    Hmm tough call, go to work or fold laundry. I think I shall require 2 robots.


    There are humans that can already do that

    mvu, avatar

    @OP The Motorola Atrix tried this a while ago, but it wasn’t particularly popular with reviewers


    Instachill, microwave oven for cooling.

    Sickos, avatar

    Just a big “fuck you” to entropy. Yes please.


    This costs a lot, doesn’t it?


    3,5-5k€ depending on size and finish. My sister has a 45cm one in their kitchen.


    Over 6k USD for one of these. They’re not made for us plebs.


    They’ve got blast chillers, that are like air fryers/convection ovens, but cold.


    Give me a normal good smartphone with a 100mm OLED display that I can use with one thumb and I’ll never have another want in this world. The iPhone 4 was fine


    Then just use an iPhone 4


    Very dated specs, no software compatibility, probably no carrier support, if you got it to connect to the internet it would be highly insecure from years of no updates. Tragically it’s very much not an option


    Fine, get a Fire Phone

    u202307011927, avatar

    Just carry your own landline with you at that point then


    It’s newer than the iPhone 4.


    But… Why? I could use one-handed-mode and use it with, well, one thumb. That’s the best of both worlds. Unless you just want a tiny phone.


    I’ve generally found the one-handed utilities on iOS and Android to be inconvenient and they don’t help me well enough with horizontal stretches

    (yes I really want a tiny phone)

    JCPhoenix, avatar
    crunchpaste, avatar

    I would love to have an open, hackable, linux-based eBook reader.


    Isn’t there a project for that is working on that concept?

    Edit: Found it! It’s called openbook


    PineNote exists too, though it’s often out of stock. Remarkable tablet has a pretty decent hacking community, and gives you its root password in settings. Kobo devices have been able to run aftermarket software for years, and recently there’s been progress in booting a complete OS. If you’re okay with Android there are even more choices. @crunchpaste you’ve got some options!

    GarfieldYaoi, avatar

    Now that we’re on the topic, an idea for an eCafe where there are plenty of physical books, but you can plug in the reader to a machine to fully download the book so you can read it offline.

    I think I want to learn more about coding and find a bunch of leftist buddies and make shit that’s actually “innovative”.

    Synthead, (edited )

    The older Kindles are basically this. Most of their software it runs on are shell scripts under the hood.


    reMarkable, open-ish but runs Linux and active dev community


    A high end phone with a headphone jack and Linux that works with banking apps.


    Why does it need to be high-end or Linux if all you’re gonna do is render some banks’ webviews?


    That’s not all I’m going to do, I want to be able to run stable diffusion and nationwide on the same device in my pocket.


    So, two webviews.


    No, locally.


    So you just want proprietary Qualcomm software?


    No, where did I say that?

    Nath, avatar

    If you root/jailbreak your phone, banks will no longer allow you to use it for payments. The NFC chip won’t be trusted any longer.


    There is a Magisk module that bypasses that on Android. Look up SafetyNetFix.


    Good tip but definitely does not work 100% of the time, I used different bypass methods and some worked for one app but blocked another again. It’s possible if you know some code but to maintain it it’s not worth it IMO. Where I live being hacked is covered by insurance but if you bypassed root restrictions they definitely won’t be on your side.


    Easily fixable, also I think KSU exists for this reason? And seems like another alternative is on the way.


    OK, but that’s not a “banking app.”


    Why do you need a headphone jack? Any DAC in a phone is going to be useless if you’re saying because of HiFi Audio. And when it comes to using a HiFi DAC I’d much rather just use a USB-C powered port for my headphones.

    iOS is based off of Darwin which was based off of BSD Linux. So was MacOS for that matter.


    I’d like a headphone jack because it interfaces with the handful of devices I have that also have one, some of which are not easily replaced - like my 10 year old car.

    Comparing iOS to Linux is like saying cats and dogs are the same. Like sure maybe at a really high level in that they are both operating systems but similarities end there. The biggest and most glaring difference being open source vs. proprietary. Even android which is actually based on Linux is a far cry from typical Linux experience and leaves me wanting more freedom to tinker outside of the walled garden.


    My phone has a Hi-fi DAC. One of several reasons I haven’t “upgraded”.


    Agreed, sadly not a technical problem but a business one. Unless governments step it I don’t see this changing.


    It will eventually but of course it depends what is really meant by “high end”.

    As the decades roll by I find I care less and less about “high end” and more and more about avoiding bullshit. While presently the portion of people who would buy such a phone is too few to make manufacturing viable, I suspect that portion will grow in the coming decades as millennials get older.


    wait til he learns what android is


    I am using Android right now, it’s very locked down - not that it’s not the lesser of two evils.

    lemonadebunny, avatar

    headphone jack

    Bishma, avatar

    The snooze button on my alarm clock needs to actually pause time, so I can sleep until I’m not tired anymore.


    Great idea and great username.

    Bishma, avatar


    enteroninternet, avatar

    That made me lol. Thanks.

    Staden_, avatar

    Something that lists my tasks automatically and displays them in order in my HUD like an objective icon in a videogame. Could be made combining with smart glasses or AR glasses.

    This would help me a lot. I have ADHD and a bit of executive dysfunction, and having a constant reminder in my vision would help me staying on track of what I need to do.

    TheImpressiveX, avatar

    You know how Ctrl+F helps you find specific words in browsers? I want that in real life.

    Maybe some special glasses with this ability built-in?


    I’ve wanted this for so long!


    residential inventory bot sounds awesome


    I think they have minecraft mods for this


    Take a look at

    Cool software for the mac and they plan to release a personal device that records everything and do what you ask plus more


    Chat gpt now has a feature that will let you take a picture of something and tell you what it is. There was a new contraption that showed up at my work when we combined offices and i used chatgpt to find out that it’s a manual comb binding machine used to bond books and other such things together. What’s neat is that if it can’t tell what something is from one picture, you can take additional photos to help narrow it down.


    Pretty trivial technically speaking, you record everything once you get people consent, then you transcribe with e.g whisper.cpp or whatever else you have, search within the transcriptions and generate a link back to the original files, if need be, with seeking timing to double check.


    A DVR but for dreams.

    erogenouswarzone, avatar

    I feel like there was a Built to Spill song about that.

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