
Land enclosure. Screwed everything up for everyone stg

Microtransactions in video games. Remember when everyone got pissed over horse armor?

Trading Card Games. The whole trading card thing is about psychologically manipulating you into buying shit you don’t need, shoulda been stamped out as soon as cigarette companies started doing it, but if you think about it the ideal capitalist institution sells you literally nothing and selling people heavy paper with little pictures on it is damn close to that ideal.

Software. Should be free, isn’t. Blame Bill Gates.

Advertising. We all know about propaganda (even though we might disagree on what is and isn’t propaganda at times) and we all know it’s bad, but we literally let rich people propagandize us every single day in every single orifice.


Trading card boosters are literally analogue loot boxes targeted at children and for some reason everyone is just fine with them.


Why should software be free?

@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The qeustion would rather be, why shouldn’t software be free? Because there is no good reason it shouldn’t be.


So people who create it can afford to live?

@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I forgot not everyone knows what free software means. Free as in freedom not free as in gratis. The other one has good, even great reasons for existing as you’ve said people need to pay the bills. The first one does not.


This definition of “free” in the context of software is used only in specific circles. It’s confusing for everyone else and another word should be used.

@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

libre is one word that is already popular


Perhaps if we built a world in which no one needed to worry about necessities, it would not be even excusable to charge money for commodities?


Software. Should be free, isn’t. Blame Bill Gates.


that’s just some dumb take. Some software can and should be free (operating systems, for example) but all software? lol

@ButtBidet@hexbear.net avatar

You like your free Android kernel? How about your free browser. Or MF’er, do you like this lemmy shit that you’re using?!?!?!? What about all the network architecture so you don’t have to pay dozens of owners so that you can send a packet of data from your the open-source router software to the Linux server that is hosting your game.

Make no mistake Microsoft has been at war with open source since its business model requires people to pay for software. It would destroy open source if it could, it it probably will after it acquires enough enough market share.


MF is your choice of term to open discussion with someone on a topic you disagree on? Surely this is going to get your audience to be open to accept your views/input.

Edit: the discussion likely is about your use case of the term free

@ButtBidet@hexbear.net avatar

Weird way to avoid the Epstein island, charter school proponent, weird bullshit in Africa guy, literally at war with open source guy discussion.

Hey I’m sorry that I made an abbreviation for a naughty word.

@Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space avatar

I’m assuming uralsolo is talking about free software as in, software which gives users the four freedoms.

I don’t think all software needs to be free, but in some ways, it’s no longer the issue of the day. In this day and age, a lot of what we’re using is no longer really software. We’re using services with client-side Javascript which is nominally free software (but not really). Most of the actual software is sitting behind a server. I see this as good and bad. It means users of less popular operating systems get access to the same services as users of popular operating systems so long as they have browsers, and the negatives are, well…I’m sure you don’t need my help to think of some.

It’s hard to make money with free software because everyone has the right to commercially exploit it. For this reason alone, I don’t think it’s necessary for all software to be free, but I’ll be there to celebrate the programs that are free.


In the past few years I’ve seen “turns out printer ink is a scam” videos trending at least three times on YouTube, so I’m assuming printer ink.


Ive been getting these in my feed too.

I remember a time when i bought a printer and it came with refillable ink cartridges which worked out significantly cheaper and better for the environment.

The next printer i bought had microchips that identified the cartridges as being genuines so the cheap off brand ones didnt work anymore.

That was easily 15 years ago. Why is this only just coming back up now. Its beena scam for over a decade. Maybe longer.


Let’s not forget HP making an “update” that effectively self-destructed the printer for use if you don’t use their cartridges. Evem after the public outcry and back pedaling by the company with a new bios update, my printer still “manifested” the same problem they intentionally introduced.

Replaced parts, tried other things, then just said “forget it” and replaced it with a more expensive color laser from a competitor. Happiness and reliable printing ensued.


Girl Scout cookies


Tell me more


Stfu i love lemonades


They’re a fund raising tool for the troop, which is very transparent. Nobody is forcing you to buy them, but people love them and do so voluntarily. Where’s the scam?


Back up off my thin mints motherfucker.


gacha game, paying premium money, an insane amount event just to see virtual character


Oh you mean the unregulated, gambling industry?


The gop


It’s crazy how much the party has changed since i started voting.


The “Covid is over” propaganda. Covid is not over. It is still killing people, still disabling people, still giving people lifelong autoimmune conditions and other long-term health problems. “Covid is over” Is code for “Go back to work so the capitalist class can reap the rewards of your labor, no matter how dead or disabled you become in the process.”


I’ve been struggling with long COVID since I got it a second time in April. It’s destroyed my body.


That’s really rough. I’m so sorry.


I don’t really know what to make of it to be honest. I always knew it would be “over” before all of the circumstances that made it an emergency were over. Actually I was very surprised it continued to be taken seriously for as long as it did at least here in Australia because I assumed political and economic interests would kick in after only a very short while I guess because of my usual cynicism.

However, part of the trouble with the whole thing is that there’s no agreement on what over would really mean and no acceptable set of preconditions that could reasonably be set to define it. It’s very unlikely we’ll ever eradicate the virus, so we need to become endemic, but it’s also very contagious and frequently mutates. We can set the threshold of the point at which health services can keep on top of cases but that’s dependent on different contexts in different countries and regions and also politics. We can help that along tremendously with vaccines but that has to keep going and be taken by whopping majorities of people forever. Take up was good, but helped in large part by being an emergency and if it needs to be an emergency to achieve that then it will never be “over”. It’s also difficult because while critics and conspiracy theorists kept pointing out how the mortality rate was comparatively low against other infections diseases, the comparatively heavy (albeit with a shaky start) public measures to combat the disease could be justified by both the numbers of people vulnerable to it making the total number of deaths high and the fact that we posessed means we previously didn’t to respond to such a pandemic scenario which made us ethically obliged to do so. That’s all entirely reasonable justification for being in a state of varying forms of “emergency” which allowed for temporary and extraordinary measures but it begins to wear away with time as the consequences of the measures begin to manifest their own harms and ironically as our measures begin to see some success.

It’s a hell of a problem because diseases just don’t fit with the way we go about solving problems which is more like a project with an end date and a budget and a tally of easily identified harms and benefits. Unfortunately it means COVID will inevitably be “over” because we say it is before it ever actually can truly be and it kind of puts us on track for more waves of it and also for forgetting about and leaving behind people still contracting or suffering lasting consequences from it.

But I don’t really see a solution. It really does have to be over at some point. People genuinely can’t be expected to be worrying about this forever and eventually will tire of caution and tire of restrictions and as well they should since we’d consider it madness to still be in a state of health emergency with temporary restrictions to freedom of movement and business and mandatory medical procedures and constant news broadcasts with the latest case numbers for the Spanish Flu pandemic, it even the 2003 SARS virus.


Well said. I see a considerable number of people online advocating going back to harsh restrictions, when in real life no one I know asks for that even when they are vulnerable. The reality is that there isn’t the public will to go back to restrictions like at the beginning of the pandemic, and the situation is better than it was. It would be impossible to stamp it out anyway, we just need to learn to live with it.


That’s probably the only real conclusion to draw from what I said, but I guess not quite what I said. I don’t really advocate that nothing should be done but I just can’t really see how it could given certain realities and I wonder to what end measures should be undertaken. That’s very similar I guess to “we just need to learn to live with it” but there’s an important acknowledgement there that I make which is that inaction, while perhaps inevitable, is going to lead consequences that we aren’t going to like.

@ButtBidet@hexbear.net avatar

There are better vaccines and antivirals coming out of the research pipeline. There are generics for Paxlovid coming on the market. In the short-term, mask and ventilate.


Covid is the third or fourth leading killer in the USA, right after heart disease and cancer, but liberals believe it no longer exists. They are literally killing themselves and everyone around them to keep the line up.


This is why I can’t understand hexbear comments.

liberals believe it no longer exists

Who said Covid no longer exists? Except some deluded right-wingers who never believed it existed in the first place, everyone knows it still exists.


Are you wearing an n95 in every indoor public place? If not, your actions say that you no longer believe covid to be an issue. In your mind at least, because covid only affects the old and young and disabled and the poor, it might as well no longer exist.


Life is not black and white as you are trying to make it out to be.

In your mind at least, because covid only affects the old and young and disabled and the poor, it might as well no longer exist.

Not true. I know I could get it and suffer. But I no longer wear masks because the probability of that outcome is low, compared to the 100% probability of inconvenience with wearing a mask (fogging up my glasses, for example - I’ve never been able to stop that problem).

I also know the next time I get into a car, I could be in a very serious life-altering or life-ending crash. But I still ride in cars. Because the odds of a serious crash like that happening are low, and the convenience of riding in a car far outweighs that probability.

Everyone has to gauge their own risk levels for events and decide for themselves what is appropriate.


But I still ride in cars.

Do you wear a seatbelt? The sooner you admit to yourself that you’re a eugenicist, the happier you’ll be.


Do you wear a seatbelt? The sooner you admit to yourself that you’re a eugenicist, the happier you’ll be.

Do you use cars? Isn’t that being a eugenicist as well since you might kill someone doing it?

And here I thought I’d found the first hexbear I’ve seen who might argue things in good faith. Nope. I can’t wait until we can block whole instances at a user level. You guys aren’t adding anything useful to lemmy. Reading the things you post is like reading a “I’m 15 and I know everything” group.


Do you use cars?

Can you survive without a car (outside of like 2 major cities) in the USA? A better question would also be: can you survive without a mask while airborne AIDS is blowing around and turning people’s brains into Swiss cheese? You have at least a 10% chance of getting long covid each time you’re infected. And some of these people are bedridden. Like unable to even turn themselves over in bed. But it’s too hard to put on a mask. It’s too hard to conceptualize a world in which we work for each other and help each other rather than our bosses.

Actually, I would love to live in a car-free world. I would love to take trains, buses, and bicycles everywhere. But I can’t because of piece of shit liberals like yourself licking the boot of the capitalists who run the fucking USA. Bullet trains might save the planet from climate change, but then how are the investors in oil companies and car companies supposed to pay for their endless vacations? It’s such a hard choice! I, too, could be rich someday, even if the whole fucking planet is going to be incinerated long before that ever happens!

Reading the things you post is like reading a “I’m 15 and I know everything” group.

I’m 35, I have a spouse and kids, I’ve worked all kinds of jobs and lived for years in other countries. I’m telling you from my experience that you are placing yourself (and the people around you, including me) in incredible danger, all to help people like Biden and the Democrats who don’t give a fuck about you, who are paid to lose, and who think it’s weird that you’ll do what they want without even being told. But it doesn’t have to be this way.


Yeah. The propaganda machine has told them covid is not a problem anymore, and that’s what they believe. People are being brainwashed.


Car dealerships.




Honestly I’m ok with tipping at sit down restaurants. I don’t want to tip at 5 guys.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d prefer if restaurants just charged me what it costs to pay their staff a decent wage so I could skip the song and dance.


Nah I’ve come to appreciate tipping after spending time in the UK where they don’t tip. Service is absolutely dismal here.

@nik282000@lemmy.ml avatar

If it takes the threat of starving-to-death to get good service out of some one then something is fundamentally wrong.


Resort fees, especially in Las Vegas.


Never been to Vegas. What do you mean?


One pays resort fees at resorts when booking a room only, outside the normal packages. It’s to pay for and use the other perqs like the free booze, the free food, the pool, the tennis courts, and for access onto the private beach. .

Vegas offers none of these things, yet demands a resort fee because, essentially, fuck you.


Credit scores


This is the real answer to this question. Not just an invention to unfairly evaluate folks (and charge them originally to see it!), but nothing more than a “how much we can fleece you for” score that has become so widely embraced you can’t ignore it.

@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

Does this even exist outside of the US?


110%. Same companies keeping record too, like Experian


Credit scores are at least significantly better than the system that preceded them. On the other hand the system that preceded credit scores was so broken and so racist that pretty much anything would be a significant amount of progress in the right direction

@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar


@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar



🏆 🏆 🏆

We have a winner!

🏆 🏆 🏆

@ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml avatar

11 landlords found this post

@SmokinStalin@hexbear.net avatar

Wait are there downbeats on it? We don’t have downbeats anymore so we can’t see them


Private health insurance.





Insurance (am American)

@exohuman@programming.dev avatar

Totally. Make a claim and suddenly your rates skyrocket. I’m trying to figure out what I have been paying for.

@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

In some ways, Australia is actually worse than America. Not like, in terms of how “good” the overall system is. We’ve got you way beat there. But in terms of it being “a scam”.

We have a really good public healthcare system called Medicare. But, if you’re over 30, you’re required to take out private health insurance anyway, or you pay the “Medicare Levy Surcharge” if you have above certain thresholds of income. This levy is not marginal, so you could theoretically take home less pay after getting a pay raise if it puts you over the next threshold.

Additionally, if you later do sign up for private health insurance, you pay an addition levy of 2% on top of the normal premiums for every year you waited. So sign up at 40 and you pay 20% more for insurance than you otherwise would have.

All this means more funding being funneled into the private health sector, taking resources away from the public system, increasing wait times for non-urgent procedures—except for those willing and able to pay to cut the queue. If that’s not a scam, I don’t know what is.


WTF? This makes no sense whatsoever

@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

Welcome to the Australian Government!

Their logic is “it gets people out of the public system to take burden out of the public system”. Neglecting completely the economies of scale that would be involved if the public system got all of that funding.


“Welcome to capitalism!”



These guys have been ridiculing the AU government for years about everything


@Faceman2K23@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

conservative governments in Australia have been trying to kill off medicare and other public services for a long time. the problem is our progressive governments have refused to push back hard enough as it always results in election losses.

Basically the people are stupid, the media influences them, and the government is too spineless to take the risk needed to fix things.

@Commiejones@hexbear.net avatar

In 2021 I would have said Crypto. Now everyone but the most dense people see it for the scam it is.


Crypto as an investment, and NFT for digital art, sure it’s a scam.

Crypto as an extralegal means of moving money is totally useful.


Yep, I was gonna say, if you use it for what it designed and not for the abuse a handful of wannabe wallstreet guys decided to parade about for years, it’s very useful…

@Commiejones@hexbear.net avatar

Crypto as an extralegal means of moving money is totally useful.

How is another way for billionaires to avoid paying taxes not a scam?


Zabadoh is talking about drugs I’m pretty sure

@Commiejones@hexbear.net avatar

I bet more crypto gets used for trading CSAM than for drugs.


It’s true that crypto is commonly used in online drug transactions, but there are other justifiable uses, such as moving money out of countries with repressive regimes like China and Russia.

Also paying for certain genres of porn that major credit card banks like Visa and MasterCard have somewhat arbitrarily designated as unacceptable, such as certain types of BDSM e.g. consensual nonconsensual, anything that shows blood, kinky hypnosis and mind control, vampires, etc.

Of course obvious child porn should be banned by credit card companies, so some regulation is needed. But I 'm not sure that the government delegating responsibility for regulation to the credit card banks is the best way to do it. The rules and enforcement is completely arbitrary and cannot be appealed.

@AntiOutsideAktion@hexbear.net avatar

No it isn’t. Every single person has a complete record of every transaction. It’s the opposite of secure. It’s only useful insofar as intelligence agencies want tall grass to hide in for their own illegal transactions. Same as .onion btw


Don’t confuse crypto for Bitcoin

@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Monero is the only torelable crypto currency for communists before revolution. After it is a liability.

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