
Use windows + p to change the presentation settings on a laptop when connecting to a monitor or audio / video system. This lets you quickly change between laptop, dual display, and extended desktop.

Windows + x and then b brings up a menu where you can turn on “presention” mode, preventing the laptop from going to sleep during a presentation.


Also Win + K brings up the casting option if you want to connect to something.


Is that for like mirrorop and such? I did not realise that.


And Ctrl+shift+alt+win+L to open LinkedIn (seriously, try it!)


Most microwaves can be muted so the button pushes are all silent. You will have to look up how to on each microwave model but almost all models have a mute option.


A partner of mine has an above-range microwave with the worst implementation of this that I’ve ever seen. When you mute the button beeps, it mutes the entire microwave. Food finished cooking? Silent. Manual timer set? Hope you’re looking to see when it hits zero. There’s no way to silence the buttons without muting all alerts completely.

18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

Ugh, that’s how mine is too. All the noises or none at all.


Usually its holding start and stop buttons for a few seconds


I read somewhere you just have to long press zero on most model to mute them


Is this a joke my microwave is too analog to understand?

UdeRecife, avatar

When you’re about to face a high risk, high reward situation, you should willfully, willingly start to hyperventilate, as this helps your brain …

NEVER take any stranger’s advice on the internet as credible without checking it with a specialist. This is especially true when said advice relates to your health and/or safety.


That seems like good advice…

I guess I can’t trust it. Since a stranger in the internet told me eh? Lol

UdeRecife, avatar

… without checking it. If that’s your understanding, you’re correct.

On the affirmative, ALWAYS check whatever advice you hear/read on the internet. Be ultra careful with your health and safety.


Sounds risky, but the rewards are limitless.

BananaPeal, avatar

In Windows 10 & 11, window+shift+S then draw a box to grab a quick, pre-cropped screenshot. It goes to your clipboard for easy paste and you get a notification you can click to view and save to file.

Bonus: use window+L at work to lock your desktop, preventing shenanigans.


I keep learning this exists and then instantly forgetting about it…


Yeah, but they removed the “Ctrl+Alt+cursor” shortcut I used to use to punish people for leaving their computers unlocked.


Lol it’s still around, a graphics tray shortcut or something

bob_lemon, avatar

That was part of the Intel integrated graphics program, not Windows.


What did this do?


Changed screen orientation. The cursor indicated which part of the monitor was the top of the screen, so with a standard monitor config “Ctrl+Alt+Down” flipped the screen, for instance.


Ahha of course. I remember using this to mess with people when I was in school. Thank you


Drowning is very fast, seconds not minutes like in the movies. People in distress can take minutes before they are actively drowning. Active drowning is silent, they will not be yelling for help. It looks like the person is “climbing” or pushing down at the water. They will be vertical in the water and may be “bobbing”, going underwater and resurfacing. They will have their head tilted back parallel to the surface of the water.

If you see someone go under in open water keep looking at where they went under while calling for help, don’t take your eyes off it. If you are the only one who saw them go under, your job is to direct others to where they went down. In open water it’s very hard to find people because the bottom isn’t visible.


Drowning is very fast, seconds not minutes like in the movies. People in distress can take minutes before they are actively drowning. Active drowning is silent, they will not be yelling for help. It looks like the person is “climbing” or pushing down at the water. They will be vertical in the water and may be “bobbing”, going underwater and resurfacing. They will have their head tilted back parallel to the surface of the water.

If you see someone go under in open water keep looking at where they went under while calling for help, don’t take your eyes off it. If you are the only one who saw them go under, your job is to direct others to where they went down. In open water it’s very hard to find people because the bottom isn’t visible.


Username does not check out.


There’s a YouTube channel that shows videos of people drowning and being rescued so you can see what it looks like:


Also drowning can happen after inhalation of water. All incidents involving children being rescued from water may require medical intervention, even if they seem fine initially. “Dry drowning”


If you see someone go overboard, get someone else to start throwing stuff off the deck to where they are in the water (while you keep pointing at them). Makes for much easier locating by others, and a quicker rescue


We trained on this a lot. Also yelling “swim” because apparently the shock of sudden cold water can make you forget to do that.


Bleach + vinegar = toxic chlorine gas that can be lethal.

Not sure how many people know this but I was in my mid-20s when I found this out, luckily not the hard way.


Also bleach and ammonia.

Basically, don’t mix cleaning chemicals.

yogthos, avatar

Don’t clean a cat litter box with bleach either.


Or a toilet. Basically anything that gets pee on it.


And not just because of the ammonia! Bleach is highly toxic to cats and they can absorb it through their paws.


Also don’t pee in bleach.


Just another in a long list of things you’re not allowed to pee in!

Hamartiogonic, avatar

Also, ammonium nitrate + gasoline = bad day.

I know a farmer who lived to tell the tale. He had a bunch of empty sacks, and he had piled them up and was ready to burn them. He poured some gasoline on them so that the fire would start easily. Unfortunately, he didn’t know that one of the sacks contained a little bit of ammonium nitrate, which happily combined with the gasoline and fire. Next, the mixture exploded, throwing burning gasoline everywhere.

After he managed to put the fires out he was taken to the hospital. Today, he still has some nasty burn marks on his skin, but he survived.

CaptainBlagbird, avatar

You shouldn’t use gasoline for anything else than your vehicle anyway.

tomcatt360, avatar

If one must use liquid accelerants, kerosene or (gasp) charcoal lighting fluid are good choices because they don’t turn into gas as readily or burn as quickly as gas. Again only of you must. Solid fire starters are more reliable and safe anyway.


I think he must have left a bit out. To make it explosive, typically it needs to be in a space that will allow it to compress when ignited. That can be a hole in the ground or a large quantity in that it will create its own compressive reaction. Also generally to set it off, you generally need a shock wave type of igniter. A small amount will simply burn.

Dynamite is same way. I worked with it quite often when younger. Old dynamite can begin to sweat and when like that, it is a bit unstable. Few times just burnt it to destroy it. Otherwise you would need to use a blasting cap to set it off. That was now expensive and might annoy neighbours if you do it above ground.

  • Exercise grows your hippocampus
  • So do antidepressants according to recent research
  • Small hippocampal volume is an excellent predictor of depression and anxiety
  • Exercise grows your hippocampus, in a dose-dependent way
  • Exercise grows your hippocampus
  • Exercise grows your hippocampus

This is the most important fact I have ever learned.

blanketswithsmallpox, avatar

Just adding some sauce for the weird cult like talk:


Excuse me what do you think is cult like about that?

blanketswithsmallpox, avatar

It straight up reads like cult craziness or crazy 2 am infomercials. HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO FOREHEAD! I'm glad you've placebo'd yourself into happiness though lol.

You said Exercise grows your hippocampus in 4 different bullet points lmfao. Great, it increases size by 2%. It proves nothing about whether it affects depression in adults. In fact, the studies show they do jack shit except help memory lol.

Exercise training increased hippocampal volume by 2%, effectively reversing age-related loss in volume by 1 to 2 y.

More showing it means little to nothing:

The effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in patients with psychotic disorders

Four studies examined the effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in people with schizophrenia or first episode psychosis (n = 107). Aerobic exercise did not significantly increase total hippocampal volume compared to control conditions (g = 0.149, 95% CI: -0.31 to 0.60, p = 0.53, Table 2). Among the two studies which reported effects on left/right hippocampus separately, there was no evidence of effects in either region (both p > 0.1). There was also no evidence of heterogeneity or publication bias influencing these results.

The effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in other populations

Data in other populations was insufficient for pooled meta-analyses, and so results from individual trials are summarised below. Individual trials which examined effects of aerobic exercise in patients with depression (Krogh et al., 2014), mild cognitive impairment (Brinke et al., 2014) and probable Alzheimer's disease (Morris et al., 2017) all found no significant effects on total or left/right hippocampal volumes. One study examining the effects of exercise in young-to-middle-aged adults found no change in total hippocampal volume but did find a significant increase in anterior hippocampal volume following 6 weeks of aerobic exercise (Thomas et al., 2016).

Effects of exercise in relation to participant age

Meta-regression analyses were performed to examine the relationship between mean sample age and effects of exercise on hippocampal volume. No statistically significant associations of effects of exercise with sample age were found for total, right or left hippocampal volume (all p > 0.05).

In conclusion, this meta-analysis found no effects of exercise on total hippocampal volume, but did find that exercise interventions retained left hippocampal volume significantly more than control conditions. As these positive effects were also observed among the subgroup of studies of healthy older adults, the findings hold promising implications for using exercise to attenuate age-related neurological decline. Currently, the overall quality of the evidence is compromised by the fact that 10 of the 12 studies included some risk of bias, therefore more high-quality RCTs are now required. In additional to RCTs, a prospective meta-analysis examining how changes in physical activity and fitness predict hippocampal retention/deterioration across the lifespan would provide novel insights into longer-term neural effects of exercise, while also reducing the impact of methodological heterogeneity often found across exercise RCTs. Further research is also required to determine effects in younger people (Riggs et al., 2016), and establish the neurobiological mechanisms through which exercise exerts these effects, in order to design optimal exercise programs for producing neurocognitive enhancements. However, the functional relevance of structural improvements has also yet to be ascertained. Nonetheless, the link between cardiorespiratory fitness with both structural and performance increases indicates this as a suitable target for aerobic training programs to improve brain health.


Oh you noticed the repetition did you?


So it’s right there in the results you quoted:

In conclusion, this meta-analysis found no effects of exercise on total hippocampal volume, but did find that exercise interventions retained left hippocampal volume significantly more than control conditions.

Apparently it simultaneously shrinks your right hippocampus while growing your left, for an average change of zero while the left grows?

That’s the only way that sentence makes sense.


I read that as “the hippocampus shrinks at a rate of [x] [y]s per [z]. Exercise slows that shrinking in the left hippocampus.”


Okay so it’s not making anything grow. Yeah that’s probably it.

Though that is still an effect on hippocampal volume.

Maybe they meant to say something like:

“Overall exercise doesn’t affect hippocampal volume, except in cases the hippocampus is actively shrinking in which case it can slow down the left side” (and reading between the lines possibly on the right side with a p value a little higher than significant?)



I wonder if it would “regenerate” an atrophied or shrunken hippocampus. Like the way rest and nutrition won’t make your skin larger but it will heal missing patches of skin.

I know I’ve seen claims from reputable sources that exercise raised BDNF levels, and that BDNF leads to hippocampal neurogenesis. I can find the sources again I’m sure if you’d like; let me know.

But how could hippocampal neurogenesis be happening without volume change? Could it be replacing dead cells (and preventing shrinkage)? Packing neurons in more densely?


But is there any benefit to exercise?

1984, avatar

Not sure, it wasn’t very clear from the comment.


So hang on. Are you trying to tell me that exercise grows the hippocampus?

Nonameuser678, avatar

So does meditation according to my psychiatrist

Mothra, avatar

What do you mean by “in a dose dependent way”?


I think it means more exercise leads to more growth.

CaptainBlagbird, avatar

Apparently it also increases the feeling of needing to repeat yourself 🤔


Something that applies when you get a little older - if you’re in a relatively specific job field, don’t burn your bridges at a job you’re going to leave. You never know who will be sitting across the table from you at the interview, at the meeting table, on the job site. People in the same field tend to move around in the same jobs as you. If it’s someone you burned, you may not get the job, or if you do, it could be pretty miserable.


Yep. It absolutely never hurts to handle a situation with grace, even if it sucks in the moment.


I am now the client of a company I worked at for over 15 years.

Because I handled a difficult situation leaving well, we still have a very good working relationship.

It’s a very niche industry, and I’ve worked for or with almost all the players in my region. My former employer, while small, is the best at what they do.


Tires can get damaged internally and the only real way to tell is to dismount them from the rim. If there is internal damage they can potentially explode while being filled with air.

I see a lot of people filling up their tires while sitting straight infront of them and if they do explode it explodes straight outward. My tip is to connect the air gauge and then stand of to the side while filling, just in case.


I have filled a lot of tires and I cannot think of a single time where I had appropriate equipment to inflate the tire from any position that wasn’t right in front of it.

makingStuffForFun, (edited ) avatar

In all my life I’ve only heard it now. My own little portable compressor, as I am 4wd travelling. Agree, before that I’ve never had that option, nor seen, or heard of a tyre exploding. Not to say it doesn’t happen.


It happens far more with heavy vehicles than it does with cars. A truck tyre will be inflated to somewhere around 90psi, vs the 30ish a car tyre is. Fleet service technicians for heavy vehicles will place wheels inside a metal cage before inflating in order to contain any explosions which may occur.

makingStuffForFun, avatar

Sounds terrifying.

captain_aggravated, avatar

The aircraft mechanic school I attended had a little cage to put tires in while inflating them. This is the only such thing I have ever seen including during aviation service in the field.


Don’t you fill your tires at the gas station? Here in Germany they have a stationary compressor with a hose (that doesn’t sound like it’s the correct word) that’s about 5 m or so and the buttons to fill in or release air are at the station itself. So you connect the valve and then have to get up and walk away to push the air in.


America has a similar setup except our hoses don’t attach to the valves, we have to hold them. And if they do attach, there’s usually a squeeze valve we have to squeeze near the tire to ‘open’ the hose and allow air in. America’s setup seems designed to keep you near the tire.


Interesting. I doubt my next statement, but I have to wonder if this is a setup that was carried over from when before gas stations were self-service (I was actually shocked how you used to not be allowed to refuel your own vehicle). Maybe something along the lines of “This setup is cheaper to run and if it’s only the underpaid employees complaining about a less-than-ideal way to fill up tires, that’s a cost I’m willing to eat.”


Tires being products that can directly affect consumer safety have very stringent rules about safety factor, which usually allows close to twice of rated pressure or load before they fail. So unless you are ballooning it to uncomfortable levels you should be fine.

The more credible danger from tires are if you constantly use them under inflated, which can cause them to separate out during transit causing loss of control in vehicle. So keep check of pressure once a week to rated pressure and you should be fine

Hamartiogonic, avatar

Too bad the little clip mechanism at the end of the hose is always broken or very loose. There’s no other way than to stand in front of the tire and presses the end of the hose with my hand.

Sir_Kevin, avatar

Magnetic USB connectors are a thing and can save your cables/devices not just from wear and tear (unplugging/replugging constantly) but also from cables being tripped over or otherwise pulled. Highly recommended if you’re using VR! Sadly there are no standards to these.


Bonus tip: get as many as you need, and then a couple more. Sounds like I’m some kind of salesman, but trust me. I bought some to create a simple charging station for my vr controllers. Works great. Now I want some more to charge other things with the cables I already have laying around (I had some more). Didn’t have the right adapter pieced for in my devices. (Needed usb c, only had micro b and lightning). Now, a few years after I bought them to make that charging stand thingy, they don’t sell this exact one anymore. Bummer.


My dad has Parkinson’s Disease, so he has poor coordination in his hands and can’t plug in small cords like a charging cable.

My sister bought him magnetic USB connectors and it’s changed his life! There’s a small USB end that plugs into his smartphone port, and the cable connects to it via magnets. Takes my dad almost no effort; he just needs to get his phone near the end of the cable and it latches on.

There are regular charging cables and fast-charging cables. Depending on your device, make sure you know which one you’re buying. The regular cables take half a day to charge my phone.


QI charging should also work well for him.


True, but magnetic cables are better. My elderly dad has terrible eyesight and low sensation in his fingers, so unless you have a magnet to properly align the phone on the pad like the iPhones do, wireless charging is unreliable for him. A magnetic connector is better because he only needs it to be near and it will just snap into place.

Atemu, avatar

Are there magnetic USB-C connectors that can do USB 5Gb or even 10Gb?


There are, but are recommended against. Since they expose all the pins in a way it doesn’t happen normally in the connector. If a device is not 100% perfectly protected you might send 20V in a data line that’s expecting <1V, therefore frying something.

Atemu, avatar

USB 5Gb/s uses voltages > 5V?

(I’m only talking about speed here, not USB-PD.)


No, but laptops often do :)

Atemu, avatar

That’d be USB-PD, not USB 3.


I know.


Which brand/type can you recommend? I want some, but I find them hard to search for.

Especially with the amazon whatever slightly matching keywords providing bogus results.


Move the decimal point one number to the left. That’s 10% of the original number. Double that number to get 20% of the original number.

Now you have your tip.

makingStuffForFun, avatar

Pay liveable wages like the rest of the developed world, with medical, retirement contributions, and taxes all sorted. Then you don’t have to tip.


No one has to tip.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Then people turn out like your username in “developed” unbalanced countries.


Tipping in the US is fucking wack. We have a service charge already on the bill and if i liked the service I tip, giving them more. Nobody should tip for standard service.


As a kid, I was taught to tip 15% for standard service. I still do that today.

20% is for exceptional service. 10% for mediocre. 2¢ for service that’s so bad they should probably think about getting a different job.

Anyway, getting 15% is still very easy. Get 10% the way you said. Now add half of that.


That “coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, can have lasting effects on nearly every organ and organ system of the body weeks, months, and potentially years after infection (11,12). Documented serious post-COVID-19 conditions include cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological, renal, endocrine, hematological, and gastrointestinal complications (8), as well as death.”.

This is true regardless of symptom severity or health status, every person is at risk. I think most people really aren’t aware of this, they absorbed the narrative that it’s gone, mild, only kills/harms the vulnerable, etc. This isn’t really their fault, there are a lot of factors that have led people to that belief, but people should know their lives and livelihoods are much more at risk now than 4 years ago.

And that this isn’t inevitable, there are simple methods of disrupting transmission and protecting yourself and others. COVID-19 is here to stay (unless we do something about that) and it has impacts on every person infected and on society at large. That shouldn’t mean folks accept illness and worse quality of life. We adapt and adopt precautions in our life to reduce long-term health impacts, like we’ve done before with many other illnesses that plague humanity.


And the possible risks are compounded with each infection. People are acting like covid just isn't a problem anymore, like it's gone away. Meanwhile, roughly 100 Americans are dying of covid every day - and we're not even in a surge at the moment.


I’m too lazy to verify your numbers, but realistically, covid nowadays is simply just another life risk. Yes, people are still dying and that’s bad, but most of them are just in the age where people tend to die of such infections.

I’d guess, there are about 4 million deaths a year in a country the size of the US. So having something on the order of 100k per year due to covid isn’t that concerning, if the lifespan isn’t affected that much.

We have vaccinations against covid. If you’re properly vaccinated, you’ll probably be fine and younger children will grow up in a world where you just get covid once in a while and get better immunity than we old folks could ever have.

makeasnek, avatar

Get this though: many children still do end up hospitalized. The majority of them have no underlying comorbidities or conditions. Their only reason for ending up in hospital is luck of the draw. That was presented at the CDC meeting where the recent booster was approved. It’s not just the elderly or infirm who end up in the hospital and die from it. It’s still killing, hospitalizing, and making seriously ill way more people than flu.


Yes, but as I said: this is just life now.

You’re getting all raved up about covid, but in reality, this is just a tiny bit more risk. Yes, more risk is bad, but what is the alternative? Continuous shutdown forever?

You have to accept, that there are just some risks that we have to accept. If you’re going out on the street, there’s a chance you’ll be run over, do you stay indoors all the time because of that?


No, we don’t have to just accept continuous illness and death. Why do you think that it’s necessary for people to suffer when there are simple solutions? There are steps between nothing and total shutdown, read above for some of them.

Covid isn’t like people going in the street risking getting hit. Covid is a communicable illness spread by others, not a personal choice someone makes. People can’t just choose to never be exposed even if they wanted, we have to interact with others. Further, people can and do avoid being run over in the street by walking on sidewalks and crosswalks, riding in vehicles with protections, with lots of traffic safety rules in place to minimize accidents. Right now our covid elimination strategies are similar to that of traffic safety in the early days of automobiles when there were no safety regulations. Right now we have a bunch of people driving wildly with at best ineffective vaccines, we need a lot more than that if we want to stop repeatedly trying to dodge covid crashes and have any sense of stability in actually living with covid.


There are no simple solutions. Vaccines solve 95% of the problem, but not 100%, and the remaining 5% are what you’re complaining about.

All other solutions can only be temporary, since they require massive changes in pretty much any aspect of our lives, and they will cause massive problems in other areas.

You’re basically proposing suicide for fear of death.


Actually I’m proposing life is valuable and we should protect it.

The vaccines don’t solve the problem and the solutions do not require massive change, but they do require people reflect on what’s important and adjust their behavior accordingly. I think that living a good life is important so I believe we should do things to better those odds, like reducing the amount of damage covid does to the body. Choosing continuous illness and your worse years coming much sooner sounds closer to suicide to me. Masking, improved ventilation and filtration, paid sick leave, and other simple steps are not absurd and shouldn’t be temporary. We know easy ways to reduce massive suffering, it’s ridiculous to me that people oppose it.


You still don’t seem to understand the opportunity costs you’re overlooking here.

Reducing people’s freedom is justifiable to a certain extent, if it saves lives. But that’s a trade off. Currently, the death and illnesses due to covid are very rare, so overall the “sickness load” is rather low. Changing behavior in a way that reduces that load significantly will necessarily cause reduced freedom for huge amounts of people. You’re taking away more than you’re saving.

That’s what I meant by suicide for fear of death. Sacrificing very much to protect very little.


These misunderstandings about covid are what I mentioned in my original post. Covid is currently killing fewer people than it did the first few years, it already burned through the most vulnerable and you can only die once. But illness is not rare at all. Aside from the rampant acute illness, Nearly One in Five American Adults Who Have Had COVID-19 Still Have “Long COVID” and about 10% of infections results in long covid. We don’t even know what the long term effects are, we do know it’s already having impacts on people’s health and on healthcare services, and that there is no lasting immunity. People used to suffer and die from preventable diseases, a lot. We didn’t say oh well, sucks to suck. We learned and adapted, that’s what we need to do that again.

You mentioned costs and freedom, what does freedom mean to you in this context?


You’re comparing apples and oranges here.

Most of the current long term cases are in people without vaccination - either because they refused, or simply because it wasn’t available at the time.

There is a lasting immunity, or better, the residual immunity lasts long enough until the next wave/winter hits. Especially the amount of severe or long covid cases drops drastically.

Freedom can mean pretty much anything that could be affected by “measures”. Lockdowns might be the most obvious case, but even mask mandates are limiting how and where you can go, they also put financial (and environmental) strains on people. Stay at home orders for infected people are also pretty drastic reductions of freedom.


No, I’m continuing the original statements I made. That covid is causing long term health issues, and while vaccines can lower the odds of long term impacts they do not prevent them. The only way to prevent long covid is to not get Covid.

I agree masks are cost prohibitive, I support free distribution of n95s or elastomeric and fit testing in communities, but how are they limiting where folks go? When we had widescale masking I was able to go the places I wanted, safely. I disagree that asking people to stay home while sick is a drastic reduction in freedom, I actually believe people’s desire to go in public and spread disease that can cause serious problems for them is a much great reduction in overall freedom. Another drastic reduction in freedom is what people who don’t want to get covid have been experiencing, which is being cut off from all public life. One-way masking is not enough, it’s like wearing a helmet in a monster truck rally, helpful but insufficient. Even hospitals are not places one can go without getting ill.

I can’t convince you to care about yours and others wellbeing. I believe that freedom is something we share and create for each other, not simply being able to move about and do whatever I want as an individual. I truly hope you educate yourself on the risks of covid and take proper care to avoid it. Peace.


For workplaces and businesses, improved air filtration would be a huge big deal for reducing respiratory illnesses. It also helps with allergens and with stinky coworkers. Smarter workplaces are already doing this; but there’s a long tail of people working in spaces with grossly inadequate ventilation to begin with. Air filtration is an occupational safety issue.


They don’t want to be told they have to wear a mask or that people should stay home from work when they’re sick. Anything that would impinge on the rights of businesses to make money is against my freedoms.

It’s the climate crisis but for health. Some people just can’t bear to give up their treats in order to save lives.


Anecdotal evidence but I have collected the 4 big strains and albeit vaccinated correctly it was quite the hassle each time (a week in bed or more), and yeah short of breath and more after each (once for around 3-4 months with brain fog, with the addition that I didn’t really feel spicy food at all spicy during that period, just very good).

It’s definitely not a joke and I hope I won’t catch it again.

makeasnek, (edited ) avatar

To add to this, SiDock is an awesome project working on an open-source, patent-free, self-stable antiviral for covid using the computers of volunteers. Anybody can volunteer their spare computational power with a few clicks. I have been crunching it since 2020 and find it very fun.

MooseGas, avatar

You can only help people who want to be helped. That goes for yourself, too. You can't help yourself until you actually have the desire to improve.

Haui, avatar

Pretty awesome advice!


In the same vein, wanting different outcomes requires different incomes.

Take all your actions and add them up = this. If you wanted that not this, all your inputs need to be under the spotlight and changes made; including and especially habits, vices, behaviours, opinions, assumptions, collection and quality of knowledge, relationships, etc etc. Sometimes the cost or sacrifice from and of yr current self is large and largely invisible.

Being uncomfortable means you’re learning. Learning means you’re growing. If you’re never uncomfortable, you haven’t reached luxury and made it, you’ve reached stagnation and have stopped ‘living’ your life.

Choosing the lesser of two evils, or the devil you know, or never doing anything about a life you don’t like or want, is cowardice and will slowly crush your soul into despair. Choosing the unknown might end up sucking, but it might be better. If the known is guaranteed to suck, take the unknown - at least there’s hope there and despair, a feeling worse than pain, is a failing to find hope.

NENathaniel, avatar

The cable is the weakest link of Earbuds for durability.

IEM’s with replaceable cables are readily available and getting very cheap & good these days (e.g. Moondrop Chu 2, Truthear Hola, etc)


Better yet, you can get Bluetooth ear hooks for both 2-pin and MMCX IEMs, if you ever want to lose the cable. They last longer than airpod types, offer better sound quality, and you can replace them without replacing the IEMs themselves.

NENathaniel, avatar

I’ve yet to try these myself but I definitely like the concept. Mostly worried about the weight & comfort, plus large case size (I have the Sony XM5 and love how tiny and pocketable the case is)


I like it a lot.

I have pretty narrow ear canals, so I can’t really wear airpods without fear of them flying out while biking. The ear hook design solves that. I misplaced a pair of KZ AZ09s on holiday this summer, but I’ve since replaced them with a set of Fiio UTWS3.

I have nothing but good things to say. The weight of the Bluetooth hooks negligible, especially because the majority of the weight is resting on your ears. I hardly feel them when I’m use (besides the feeling of the actual IEMs in my ears), and having a button on each ear is really convenient.

The case is on the big side, but it fits well enough in my pockets to not be that big of a deal. The battery in the units are big enough to last for ages, and the battery in the case being an actual big battery means I charge them once a month, at most.

0_0j, avatar

offer better sound quality,

The hisssssesss

Can you recommend the ones that dont have these hisssesss


The UTWS3 hooks I have now are AptX based, and they don’t seem to have a noise floor that I can hear in the slightest.

0_0j, avatar



Whoa this is interesting. What kind of setup would you suggest for someone that wants: products that have replaceable parts (especially the cable), microphone, sound quality not being the most importantly aspect, being able to use while playing pc games? Seems i should get an iem with a cable that has a Mic, but maybe that’s a bad idea

NENathaniel, avatar

That’s not a bad idea if your setup allows for wired buds into a mic-compatible port.

You could look for buds with a mic cable or, of course you could just replace the cable with one with a mic.


Would you happen to have any product recommendations? I’m new to IEMs and kind nof don’t know where to look, and which brands are decent. I appreciate any info you provide!

strawberry, avatar

there's a chu 2? I love must chu should i getta the 2

NENathaniel, avatar

2 is a lil bassier, perhaps slightly too bassy for my taste but still great.

Still just as comfortable as the original and the new cable is much nicer

strawberry, avatar

sweet, light Havel to grab them. Still $20?

NENathaniel, avatar

Yea like $26 Canadian, great value.

I work retail and usually rec my customers don’t buy the cheap bullshit we have and buy those instead

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Really intelligent frugal advice for those that have no clue. There are other great value pairs like Tin C3, Tin T3+, Tangzu Wan’er as well. I got myself my KZ ZST Pros about 3-4 years ago precisely because of this, and the official KZ 2-pin replacement cable costing $8 is amazeballs.

Personally, I am venturing into Yincrow X6 ($12), as they are the most repairable earbuds, have good bass WITH open earbud (Apple earbud) design, allow environmental sound awareness, and have the most common earbud shell of all time - MX500/Vido.

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