
That GoodWill and Autism Speaks are not valid as charities/nonprofits.


Could you provide a explanation for someone not in the US?


GoodWill is a chain thrift store that uses legal loopholes to achieve charity status. A lot of charities are like this in America as well as elsewhere (should stress it’s not just an “American thing”). Sometimes the legal definition of a charity isn’t well-thought-out enough which allows for too much wiggle room when it comes to what a charity is. GoodWill achieved charity status by presenting itself to exclusively offer positions to people with disabilities in a society that does not favor them for job positions, but at the same time GoodWill underpays them and inserts them into working conditions comparable to the beginning of the industrial revolution when children would be injured or killed by the machines they were supposed to be working on.

Autism Speaks, another famous so-called charity, has a similar story. They came into prominence for saying they will help “treat autism” and help those in need, and they are partners with Sesame Street, with whom they are co-sponsors. However, people often ignore their attitude is one of eugenics. They believe the people they present themselves as helping are burdens and will side with anyone who has acted on this, including Planned Parenthood and even the Canadian government pre-2020, the former of whom is preferential with abortions (therefore amounting to eugenics, in fact that was why they were eventually cancelled) and the latter of whom did not let anyone with a disability immigrate into the country for forty years.


Mitochondria (the famous powerhouse of the cell) is a symbiotic bacteria that became so entangled with our cell that neither can now live without the other. Sorry to everyone who knows, in some regions this is not common knowledge. Knowing this makes your life immensely better because it’s such a cool fact.


Here’s another fun fact: The proper singular of “mitochondria” is “mitochondrion”.


Mind blown, thanks!


Ok, wait, does that work for bacteria too?


Nearly - a single bacteria is a bacterium. There’s some Latin rule going on here but I’m not sure I’d reccomend going into those weeds


It’s ‘easy’, bacterium is Latin and mitochondrion is Greek


Mitochondria is basically a bacteria that got stuck in our cells and found a symbiotic function inside us. Fun fact: the mitochondria has its own DNA and is used in lineage tracking.


The mitochondrion apparently turns out to be a relative of the bacterium that causes typhus. At some point, an intracellular parasite evolved into an intracellular symbiote.


And the first children conceived with 3 parents happened relatively recently. Genetics from traditional mum and dad and another set of mitochondrial DNA from another donor.

reiver, avatar

@RatzChatsubo @angrystego

DNA sometimes moves from mitochondria to the cellular nucleus.

This can lead to speciation.

0_0j, avatar



The power in your punch comes from your legs.


Explain please.


The strength behind your punch is in how you pivot your feet and twist your torso, not from your arm or fist itself.


I’m sure you’re right, but I have so many questions now! Doesn’t that depend on the technique I use? Like what if I neither pivot my feet nor twist my torso? What about punching in different directions, for example upwards? I’ve been punching the air around me for a full minute now.


They explain the physics of it pretty well here, I think


It’s partially but not entirely true. Having correct technique in your upper body matters too, as does accuracy, timing and the ability to create collisions.

All else being equal in terms of technical skill and leg strength, the guy with the bigger arms, fists as shoulders will have a stronger punch.

I had a ton of muscular atrophy in my right upper body due to a bulging disk in my neck --since corrected by surgery-- and I definitely noticed a huge diminution in my striking power, as did my regular sparring partners at the gym. So it definitely does matter.

I’m doing better now, but still not back to 100 percent and probably never will be. But that’s OK since I’m pretty old anyway.


What if I sit down and punch downwards ?


And everyone should know that, because ??


One day you may find yourself in the same room as a wheelchair bound 101 year old Henry Kissinger


Heaven doesn’t wants him and hell is afraid to have him. Only reason he’s still alive and kicking.


Oh god forbit. I agree. Everyone should know how to punch properly and with force.


Most of what society tells us will make us feel happy and fulfilled in life is bullshit. Living a good life is primarily about your personal relationships. Things like social status and personal wealth are far less important.


How to sing, dance and make music.

Life would be different if people wouldn’t argue but express their emotions in a song.

VinesNFluff, avatar

Health related:

  • “Healthy food” is a grift meant to sell you shit. And by that I mean most “Healthy Foods” you find on the supermarket or are advertised as superfoods or are at the core of the latest fad diet are in fact just as trashy as any other ultraprocessed prepackaged food. Even if they are truly healthy foodstuffs, they are often something that isn’t a staple of people’s everyday diets (usually shit that is part of the diet in a foreign culture, but not on the West) that you get massively overcharged for because “Muh superfood”.
  • The real way to eat healthy is to buy fresh ingredients, cook your own meals, and inform yourself on what your body actually needs so you can be smart about what you cook… But that requires time and work investment, which most people cannot afford to do, which is why obesity is more common in poor folk than on rich folk. Have I mentioned that knowing certain stuff will make you, if not politically radicalised, very angry regardless?

Computer related:

  • In windows 10 and 11 if you press Win+V instead of Ctrl+V you’ll get the option to activate clipboard history. After that, you can use Win+V to get a little menu that lists things that were in your clipboard and which you replaced by copying/cutting something else. You can then choose what to paste. Linux has plenty of programs that add this functionality and was in fact there first. No idea about MacOS.
  • Learning a bit of your operating system’s command line interface will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run – And you don’t need to become one of those turbo-weirdos that uses nothing BUT the CLI – But the reason the good ol’ console-host/terminal-emulator has stuck around after all these years is that there is a lot of shit that is just faster and more practical to do by typing a few words vs. going through 10 different menus and tabs.
  • Save yourself some money: If you’re not gonna be doing hardcore state-of-the-art gaming or heavy video editing or some other intense task, a middle-of-the-road computer from ten years ago with some light upgrades will carry you just fine. Get a used PC, get a decent quality SATA SSD and some extra sticks of RAM (8 minimum, ideally 16 or more) and you’ll be all set for everyday internet browsing and office tasks and shit. Heck, slap in a GPU later and you can get away with playing a lot of games, if not with DigitalFoundry tier performance.
captain_aggravated, avatar

On the topic of the command line interface: it doesn’t necessarily mean using the computer by manually typing long lines of code. The CLI, be it Bash, cmd or PowerShell is also a programming language, and you can save series of commands you frequently use into text files which can be run like executables. At least in Linux, you can weave these into the GUI; For example in the Cinnamon desktop it’s fairly trivial to create context menu items; I can convert a .docx or .odf file to a .pdf by right clicking on the file, no need to open it in an editor, and so on. A few lines of Bash and a little config file and that’s it.


You do not have to embody or enact your thoughts and feelings.

We have no real moment-to-moment control over what comes down that highway…it just comes, an endless firehose of bs, at times, and it is entirely possible to notice and observe this activity, instead of being swept along and/or making it all mean things.


Use windows + p to change the presentation settings on a laptop when connecting to a monitor or audio / video system. This lets you quickly change between laptop, dual display, and extended desktop.

Windows + x and then b brings up a menu where you can turn on “presention” mode, preventing the laptop from going to sleep during a presentation.


Also Win + K brings up the casting option if you want to connect to something.


Is that for like mirrorop and such? I did not realise that.


And Ctrl+shift+alt+win+L to open LinkedIn (seriously, try it!)

wizzor, (edited )

Lithium batteries are happiest between 20 and 80% state of charge. You should not store them outside of that range. Charging a little often also doesn’t hurt your battery like many seem to believe.

Charging while cold is bad, but storing in cold is good.

Also, NiMh and NiCd batteries are different tha Lithium based ones. Check what type of battery you have. Phones and EVs are almost always lithium though.


To be clear, a car that uses either gasoline or diesel will have a lead acid battery and not a lithium battery. Electric cars have lithium. Just to clear up any confusion.


Quite a lot of electric cars will still have a lead acid battery for the low charge things like wipers, electric windows and electric mirrors. It’s simpler to do that than to have a complicated system to step down the voltage to something they can accept from a lithium ion battery.

So essentially electric cars have two independent electrical systems that have nothing to do with each other. Interestingly this means that you can use an electric car to jump start an ICE car, even though a lot of people claim you cannot.

That said some electric cars do go the route of a step down transformer so check your car.


Yes, correct! I will update my post to reflect this. Working with EVs can give me EV blinders.

ManosTheHandsOfFate, avatar

Dang it! And I just rigged my alternator to stop charging my car battery at 80%.


Yeah but also most modern phones will self regulate to reflect this.


It’s a setting in Android phones I think.

You can set them to only charge to 80%.


85% but yeah. You can also set them to slow charge. So my phone, when set to Night routine, will change these settings to 85% slow charge while I sleep. I’ve yet to need to top-up that charge but if I did, I just leave it plugged in while I get ready for the day (with night mode off)

0_0j, avatar

70% is the Sweet spot…

As a camper, i set the dc to dc to stop charging at that, let the solar fill the rest sloowwly as im at the desired destination.

Been happier with the battery health since

sirico, avatar

If you’re unsure which side of a path to be on especially with shared paths default to the national driving side. Bonus if you hear a bike bell don’t jump to a side or call your dog into their path just keep doing what your doing


The bike thing is real. So often I hit my bell or call out “on your left” when about to pass people from behind. About 50% of the time those people immediately move to the left, which is why I always try to indicate far enough in advance for them to get in my way, realize their mistake and move back before I catch up to them .


The only people that keep doing what they were doing when I call behind them on my bike are the ones that are walking in a group side by side blocking the entire width of the pathway…


I’d suggest not calling anything out. People may well not hear exactly what you said and, even if they do, are unlikely to be able to process the information quickly enough. They’ll end up guessing what to do and that will often result in them doing the ‘wrong’ thing.


I never call out or ring my bell, and it works great every time. Except then people get pissed for some reason that I didn’t ring my bell? No idea why they care, I’m not going to hit them.


If you're in a country where most people don't drive, don't expect this to work well. Japan seemingly has no system (though people in most of the country will probably move left most of the time). It definitely takes some adjusting to the chaos of everyone walking wherever the hell they want.


The gas gauge tells you which side the filler is at on a vehicle.


Most but not all sadly.


I’ve never seen a cat where this is not the case. It’s great when it’s time to top off the rental car.

aard, avatar

I just took my cat to the petrol station to give it a try, and have to report that not only does she not have any indicators like this, she also was vehemently opposed to being refuelled and scratched me up badly.


Must be one of those electric cats then.


A friend of mine took their cat to the gas station, after refuelling the cat took a couple of steps and dropped on the floor. I was like “Damn, already out of fuel? What did you say the milage was?”


On most newer cars.


I’ve had it on every car I’ve owned since 1990. So, newer might be relative here.


Newer?? How old are your cars???

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

All salespeople in every shop have negotiation brackets (well perhaps except grocery supermarkets) for most products and are willing to go down on the price if that may encourage you to buy. The negotiation wiggle space is normally included in the price and yeah, they do know you’re uncomfortable haggling and will go out of their way to not discourage you from purchase.

Also, but this is something I only heard from a colleague, you can negotiate up to 40% off if you convince them to purchase the product using their employee discount (so bulk price) and split the difference off the record.


I’m just imagining some jackass negotiating at Walmart now.




No I haven’t seen your mother today.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

uhm, yeah. very much doable. I successfully negotiated 5% off a laptop and extended warranty in a Mediamarkt, which is pretty much like Walmart but solely for consumer electronics.




Control + Backspace deletes entire words rather than individual characters


similarly if you’re using arrow keys to move the cursor where you want, ctrl + arrow key moves you along word by word instead of letter by letter.


Control + Arrows also moves your text cursor by whole words. Combine it with shift and you can easily select a bunch of text without the mouse.

Another one that took me far too long to learn: Shift + Tab will do the same thing as tab (next element) in reverse


Also shift+pos1/end selects whole rows or parts from where the cursor is.

BassaForte, avatar

Learn vim and you can completely forget this information

russjr08, avatar

And once you do, you can use them in bash by running (or adding to your ~/.bashrc) set -o vi!

xthexder, avatar

It’s the Home/End keys on US keyboard layouts. I use them all the time when coding.


CTRL + Shift + Home/End will select all to the start/end of a document. I use that one a lot

riskable, avatar

In bash, it’s alt-backspace 👍


Ctrl + shift + v to strip formatting before pasting (can be application dependent)


think it’s cmd+alt+shift+v for our mac friends


For a key-combo I’ve found handy:

shift + ins = a more general paste-command. While ctrl + v works in most Microsoft-contexts, shift + ins seems to work both in MS Windows, Command prompt, Linux and several other systems.



That being said though:

You can save a life by always carrying around aspirin. Aspirin prevents platelets from clotting, which is very useful when someone is suffering from a heart attack. It’s even one of the first medications first responders often use when someone is having a heart attack. After you’ve called 911 have the person chew on and swallow aspirin, making sure they’re not allergic.

The act of chewing makes it so the aspirin is absorbed quicker. Stay with the victim until emergency services arrive and tell them you’ve given the person aspirin and the dose. This is useful information for them to know.

P.s. Here are the signs someone might be having a heart attack:

Chest pain or discomfort;

Shortness of breath;

Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder;

Feeling nauseous, light-headed, or unusually tired.

Sources: - heart attacks - daily asparin therapy (it has a section on aspirin during a heart attack)


Heart attacks are scary.


Can confirm. Ignore the person protesting “I’m fine”, override that dumb shit like Geordi LaForge dumping a warp core. Call 911.


Just FYI: The chewing itself isn’t what makes the aspirin work faster. By breaking up the tablet you give it more surface area which allows it be dissolved faster in your stomach. You could create the same effect by crushing it in a glass and giving it to the person in need to drink if they can’t chew.


Reminds me of back in the days when guys were doing stuff like that to get a better hit off their X


If someone tells you no or you try and fail at something, life actually just continues on from that point, and you can try other things


In my very early life if I tried things and failed my parents would then try to help by offering harsh criticism and then a very tedious and didactic lecture. Made me unwilling to try to do anything.

In later life I belatedly learned that being really good at anything usually involves being really bad at it for a long time. Also, there will come a point where you don’t suck at something and you will mistakenly think you have become quite good at it. You can still take pleasure from not sucking but be careful of overestimating your abilities.

tl;dr - It’s ok to be bad at things, you have to be bad at things before you become good.

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