
i have a few all time favourites on android:

-Aves, a really good gallery app

-openboard, awesome keyboard without tracking software

-fairmail, really good email app

-liftoff for lemmy

-dolphin emulator, if your phone can run it

-SD maid SE, one of those storage cleaner thingys

-syncthing, for making backups over WiFi

there’s even more i use on windows. if you look hard enough, you will find an alternative to every program you’re using.


Rad, but openboard doesn’t swipe? Bummer… I’ve been meaning to learn how to tap, so I’ll give it a go all the same.


pretty sure you can swipe. i just never use it.

edit: nvm you can’t

SnokenKeekaGuard, (edited ) avatar

Floris board has the best swipe amongst foss options Ive tried. And Ive tried a few. But unfortunately google/ samsung swipe keyboards were super convenient.

Actually keypass2android, my password managaer has a keyboard thats the best (but its really ugly) so I cant use that.


Oh fantastic, that’s really worth a look.

Pity I’ve just trashed my phone and am stuck on a corporate-managed device!


Amazing list, thank you!!


Syncthing was the way I ended up solving the problem of having the same playlists on mobile and desktop.




.m3u format is shared between most sound apps, and I was keeping music on the same relative path anyways between devices. So basically I can define playlists on PC and have them show up on the phone. Then on the phone I can track the number of times and the rating of each music and create dynamic lists, which I can send back to PC if I feel like moving things around.


Just downloaded openboard, seems pretty good. Have been growing dissatisfied with Swiftkey for a while now.


openboard, awesome keyboard without tracking software

I have tried to use Openboard, but Gboard really spoiled me with the quick language auto detection… I have even tried using the iOS stock keyboard and it sucks balls compared to Gboard…

Lolors17, avatar

GNU/Linux and the PineTime

j4k3, avatar

Why PT?

Lolors17, avatar

Its very cool and I love the minimalism. I love, that I have so many choices. I can choose what OS I want, I can choose which Watchface I wanna flash and so on.

MigratingtoLemmy, (edited )
  1. Vim
  2. Void/Alpine/Debian Linux
  3. Ublock Origin
  4. Sauerbraten
Fisch, avatar

What’s sauerbraten? I feel like searching that up won’t give me the results I want…

And btw, you missspelled Ublock Origin




Fisch, avatar

Are you sure that’s the correct domain? My browser tells me it doesn’t exist.


For me the link works. :(


It’s a FOSS FPS game


Thanks, corrected

MadBob, (edited )

I’ll second Openstreetmap, I use it exclusively. There’s also a set of lightweight versions that are locally hosted, so I use if I want to quickly look at where something is. It also forces the names to the language of the server, so you can use it to improve a second language.

I use an adblocker on my phone called Blokada. It blocks adverts in apps as well as on websites, so I don’t get adverts if I play something like Words With Friends for example. Also blocks adverts on Youtube which is an absolute godsend. Advertising is one of the few things I get irrationally upset about.

I make music using LMMS. It has its limitations but it’s quite versatile if you’re handy with it. This song was made in it for example:

I use Betterbird for email on my PC. It’s Spartan in design, which is what I’m into, and you can sign in with multiple addresses. I use K-9 Mail on my phone which has the same advantages.

I use an app called Saisonkalender to look at what veg is in season. Quite niche but it’s handy for ordering ingredients for soup of the day in work.

I have a game on my phone called Lexica which is basically Boggle. It’s good fun.


I also love OSM, but I often heavily rely on Satellite imagery for orientation.

For example, when I explore an area, I‘m going to travel to, I almost exclusively look to the city‘s satellite imagery beforehand to identify landmarks and use them for orientation. Unfortunately that doesn’t work well with OSM.

Has anyone an OSM equivalent for satellite imagery?


I use OsmAnd on Android and it has a feature to overlay (or underlay) map tiles from multiple sources. I use the OSM tiles as my default and overlay Microsoft’s satellite imagery over them, which I can turn on and off (or even adjust opacity with a slider).



Thank you for this one, it’s desperately needed. Downloaded and subbed.


Do betterbird and K-9 work with exchange?


I have no clue what that means sorry!


OSM is good for public transport?


You can look at routes and stops on it and that’s about it, but I maintain that Google Maps is awful for public transport. I used to work on the railway and I have some anecdotes about it.


Oh. In Dublin at least Google Maps is pretty good for public transport. OSM doesn’t show correct routes


Ah shame. To be honest I use dedicated public transport websites and apps anyway, or I just do it the old-fashioned way when I’m not away travelling and remember the routes.


Bitwarden for sure! It is certainly the easiest way to increase security on all your accounts by making extremely secure passwords. Plus you can self host it if you want!


What’s that mean, “self host”?

frippa, avatar

Jellyfin, it’s pretty simple and if you have a spare computer, a decent connection (and by decent I don’t mean even a decent one by 21th century standards, I still have a 100/10mbps ADSL) and a 2/4tb Hdd, you can host your own FOSS Netflix/Hulu with all the shows you want, if you’re in a county where “sailing the seven seas” is a huge deal, the only subscription would be a cheap VPN or even better something like real debrid.


Literally, and I mean literally, just downloaded this yesterday because I was tired of using Syncthing to pass media files back and forth between my phone and my NAS.

Plex is a shit show, charging you to view remote files.

Got any recommendations on where to put together a decent setup? The documentation seems a bit sparse.

frippa, avatar

Do you use the flatpak version on Linux? I’m a bit of a noob but I think due to flatpak sandboxing it can’t access your home folder or something, so I had this problem where it could only access my /media/ external HDD.

Aside from that, I just make folders named something unambiguous like “jellyfin documentaries”, make a jellyfin directory from the control panel, name it something like “documentaries” link the two and then add the documentaries and then scan the libraries. (i may have misunderstood your question lol sry, English is my 2nd Lang)


The “best” setup (simplest to maintain, not to set up), is using docker to host jellyfin, sonarr, radarr, lidarr, transmission with wireguard VPN, and prowlarr for all of your media needs. Jellyfin plays stuff, sonarr manages shows, radarr: movies, lidarr: music, prowlarr: your sources for said media. Transmission + wireguard VPN for the downloading.

But then you are getting into self hosting stuff which opens up a whole good, but time consuming rabbit hole

Fisch, avatar

For self hosting I recommend Yunohost. It allows you to install a lot of stuff with just one click but you can still install things manually if you want.

lambda, avatar

I posted a different link earlier. But this one is more educational.


I run Jellyfin in Docker on a Pi4 and it works great. The only problem are x265 files, because Jellyfin tries to transcode them and the Pi cannot handle that.

Fisch, avatar

You can disable that, I did that too. I don’t have any issue playing h.265 or even AVI on any of my devices.


How did you disable it? I would love to just have a direct stream, but I can’t find an option for that anywhere.

Fisch, avatar

You have to change it for each user. Go to the users settings and scroll down, under Media Playback there are options to allow audio and video transcoding. I still have audio transcoding on but that doesn’t seem to cause any issues.


I tried that, but then it won’t play any HVEC video.

lambda, avatar
lambda, avatar

perfectmediaserver.comCheck that out, one of the guys who is a main personality of the self-hosted podcast made that website. It’s all about setting up automations to download movies and TV shows automatically and stuff.


Wow, I’ve just downloaded and set up Jellyfin based on your post. It took literally 20 minutes and looks like it will immediately replace the awkward DLNA Serviio setup I had running. Amazing

frippa, avatar

Well nice to know (^_-)

Just so you know, there are custom CSS themes aviable on some official page I don’t remember, but if you look up “jellyfin custom CSS” an official jellyfin page should come up, they look so much better.


I tried to use Emby and Plex since both were available bydefault on my NAS, good lord they both suck ass and charge for the most basic functions. Switched to Jellyfin, so much smoother and completely free.


I love how Jellyfin is like “nah we don’t want any donations. If you wanna donate, just volunteer and contribute”

frippa, avatar

Lmao didn’t even know that. I guess my contribution will be spreading the word, since I can’t code to save my life


They have non code contributions (like translations)

boboblaw, avatar

Never heard of real debris, why is it better?

Edit: looks like it’s a seed box?


Freetube = seriously good.

HiddenLayer5, avatar

NewPipe as well!


Nah. Newpipe is incredibly slow and the UX/UI are ponderous. Imo, the best way to watch YouTube videos is to use libretube or YouTube revanced.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Do you use a potato with a screen? Newpipe cannot be slow. I use a 4 year old $300 phone.

LUHG_HANI, avatar

Newpipe isn’t slow. The gui is absolutely fantastic being minimal.


Did you tried libretube ? You should try it.

LUHG_HANI, avatar

Yeh I’ve tried it. I don’t see the appeal over newpipe in the gui/ux at all. It’s honestly slower for me also.

Just not what I want.


Termux: A terminal emulator for Android.


I love a good terminal. But help me understand, why for Android?

Fisch, avatar

I mostly use it to ssh into my raspberry pi at home


Because why not! Easy way to SCP files over, run scripts. Repurpose old devices as always on, low power servers. It ties in nicely with Tasker so if you want to extend functionality it’s easy.


I can use the same tools/scripts on my phone that I use on desktop (using mostly terminal apps there, too)


Because Android is based on linux.

captain_aggravated, (edited ) avatar

Really going to plug KeePassXC. I think there are several forks for different platforms/slightly different implementations of the KeePass family of password managers, but I prefer the “app that creates a file” paradigm of KeePass to Bitwarden’s “server that hosts a database” paradigm.

RedNotebook. It’s not 100% what I was looking for in journal software, but it’s the closest I tried. For the longest time I kept a journal in plaintext using basically any text editor that fell to hand, but RedNotebook lets me use some formatting and rich text (apparently via YAML or similar markup notation?) and adding pictures/links etc. I do sometimes use my journal to kind of stream-of-conscious-brainstorm, and checklist functionality would be handy for that but any app I’ve found that provides that is also incomprehensible. I also like that RedNotebook respects my system theme.

AutoKey. You’re aware of AutoHotKey for Windows? Well AutoKey runs on Linux, and it uses Python for its scripting language instead of its own proprietary weirdness. I use it all the time.

Gonna mention FreeCAD. FreeCAD probably has the worst case of FOSS disease I’m aware of; it’s UI is a klunky mess, it’s perpetually unfinished, but if you can survive the utter pain in the ass it is to live with it’s extremely powerful. Just the fact that it’s a CAD program with a built-in spreadsheet is a total game changer. There’s a lot to dislike here, but I honestly don’t know what I’d do without it.

Firefox. Everyone reading this already knows everything I’m going to say.

Thonny. A pretty basic Python editor/IDE aimed at beginners and students, but I’m quite fond of it, especially when playing with Micropython on various little microcontrollers.


For RedJournal you mean Red Notebook?

captain_aggravated, avatar

Yes I do. Fixing…

PlexSheep, avatar

Besides software mentioned by others:

NeoVim: The single most perfect editor of all time.

QOwnNotes: A pretty good note taking app for markdown notes with tons of extension and options. But tbh Obsidian is still the gold standard.

SSH: It’s everywhere. Controlling my servers from remote is a trivial task. Also, it does tunneling.

Syncthing: Syncing files around has never been easier than with syncthing. And it’s decentralized, encrypted, private.

Kitty: A great Terminal Emulator


NeoVim: The single most perfect editor of all time.

I’m sorry, I think you mistyped EMACS


Did you mean Ed?


I think he could have meant nano. :)


Ah, I see you are also a person of culture.

PlexSheep, avatar

Are you trying to start a war? I have (doom) emacs installed at least, but neovim is my light.


I used to use Kitty, but I switched to Konsole due to the lack of tabs.

PlexSheep, avatar

Kitty has tabs, I use them all the time


I read somewhere that it hasn’t have tabs, but I might have mistaken Kitty with some other terminal emulator.

PlexSheep, avatar

Alacrity does not have tabs. Maybe you mistook them? I can definitely say that Kitty has very well working tabs


Yes, I think I made this mistake.

Genghis, (edited )

This app isn’t fully ready yet but Accrescent is a secure and private app store for Android. It aims to be a better alternative app store on Android rather than using the Google Play Store. It currently has 11 apps right now and more to come soon.

Highly recommend to check out and support this project cuz this appstore is the best out there right now security and privacy wise.


Try F-Droid instead.


F-Droid has many security vulnerabilities and has many issues such as:

  1. Hosting an outdated APK client.
  2. Utilizes an obsolete installation method.
  3. Does not take advantage of modern appstore features.
  4. Has no moderation.
  5. Has no old app deletion.
  6. Has an arbitrary FOSS only rule.
  7. Does all building and signing themselves.

If you want more details about these issues read this:…/f-droid-security-issues/

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited ) avatar

#2 can be solved by using one of several alternative clients with root permissions. Yes, manual APK install is tedious but not inherently insecure, and the only option for nonroot devices without an ADB host.

#4 is not really true. They are just very lenient, mostly just flagging apps with problems (known vulnerabilities, telemetry, non-FOSS services/assets/libs, ads).

#5, #6 and #7 are actually advantages. It’s nice to know that all apps are FOSS and correspond to source, and I can install old apps / earlier versions on old phones – as opposed to Google Play, which denies an app’s existence if your device is incompatible, resulting in shady alternatives and adware typosquatters topping search results.


2 - Manual installation methods can be insecure because a lot of people don’t update their apps all the time. Obviously rooting a phone is insecure, but having no auto updates in 2023 is crazy.

4 - It is very true, having zero quality control on new apps. The flagging of apps with problems is just following the FOSS philosophy. Any FOSS app can be added to F-Droid.

5 - Not sure why you would want to install abandoned apps on F-Droid, let alone use an EOL device. A lot of people don’t check if apps are maintained because they trust their app store.

6 - FOSS doesn’t automatically mean its secure or private. Also, why is it that I have to install proprietary apps only on the Google Play Store?

7 - FDroid signing keys isn’t an advantage because it requires an extra layer of trust. I’m already trusting the developer by installing their app, so the developer should be signing the keys. This is a reason why Signal is not on F-Droid.

ChaoticNeutralCzech, avatar

2 - You cannot really fix this unless an alternative F-Droid client is installed as a system app by the manufacturer, or they allow relocking the bootloader. Good luck convincing them.

5 - I can run anything of any age on my devices, accepting the security risk. I want to be able to factory reset and use one of my Android 4.4 phones with an unmatched speaker as an Internet radio receiver instead of throwing it out. F-Droid explicitly tells you how long it’s been since the last update and ranks old apps low in lists and searches.

Genghis, (edited )

This is why Accrescent is amazing. It has automatic updates for Android 12+. Also leaving the bootloader unlocked is a security risk. Using stock or GrapheneOS (better option) on Android is best because you can lock the bootloader.

I don’t mind Fdroid being around. If you’re okay with the security risk, I have no problem. I’ve explained to you the security issues and the misinformation that people give that FDroid is secure. I was just explaining their security vulnerabilities and explaining why Accrescent is a much better option for installing apps.

Vej, (edited )

Libre office, a great office option. I’ve been using it for 15 years. Foreshadowing

VLC, Plays media. It’s a tank. Also Highways use VLC to mark many winter potholes.

Linux, It’s not that hard to use anymore.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

WINE, not just for one night stands! it’s great for running Windows Stuff on Linux.

Also, and my personal favorite, your mom is free and open source. Mic Drop going to bed. With your mom. Wasn’t expecting that twice were you? Well, neither was your mom. Got 'em.

otter, avatar

Also Highways use VLC to mark many winter potholes

I was searching for some kind of VLC based image / video processing algorithm to detect potholes

Was this a joke about how the logo is a traffic cone


Yes. Very much so.


VLC: Very Large Cone


mpv has superior playback quality to VLC in my opinion.


Aren’t they both based on ffmpeg? Surely any quality difference is just a configuration issue?


Yes. If I remember correctly VLC was originally configured (maybe still is) to network streams and prioritize no lag. That’s why you get weird artifacts in VLC sometimes that’s not present in mpv.


I use celluloid, because I absolutely hate the mpv interface. Seriously, how unexplorable and unintuitive can you make it?


It’s driven by keyboard shortcuts


Yes, that is deeply connected with being unexplorable.

Celluloid is also keyboard driven. But in celluloid there are clearly marked buttons for the most used functions and I can open the menu to check the keyboard shortcuts. Not so in mpv.

For what it’s worth, I think celluloid is a thin wrapper around mpv with the only purpose to provide a better UI. And I’m very thankful for and happy with that.


I really like the idea of Celluloid. However, last time I tried, it somehow felt less performant than pure mpv. Colors a bit washed out and not perfectly smooth playback. Should try it again soon.


Yeah, it does have some hickups when playing a movie from my HDD. I think it doesn’t prefetch enough data, because I didn’t have any issues after copying the movie to a tmpfs.

I still use it over mpv, because I truly cannot stand mpvs UX. But a valid point.


I used to feel the same way, but the interface is actually super customizable if you are ok with editing config files!

Here is the manual.

There is also a huge variety of third party scripts, like this one shows thumbnail previews when hovering over the seek bar.

dave, avatar

I’ve also find mpv about a thousand times faster to start up.


And to seek to position!

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

MPV cannot fulfill the playlist needs. So I regularly use MPV to play standalone videos, since it is superior, but I use VLC to play video playlists and to be able to rotate/flip and play a weird video.

SMPlayer frontend for MPV is just not the same as VLC.

VLC is the Swiss Army knife of media playback, while MPV is the superior standalone video player. Use both.

Tibert, (edited )

MPC-HC instead of VLC (the still maintained one) (windows only)

For me VLC had issues to stream very high bitrate content on my pc. MPC-HC used less resources while being smooth too.

Carighan, avatar

I will say that on Windows at least I prefer MPC-HC because of how much smaller and snappier it is compared to VLC.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

MPC-HC has an amazing function of video thumbnail on position seekbar, like YouTube and most online video sites. I really would want something like that for Linux.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Libre office, a great office option. I’ve been using it for 15 years. Foreshadowing

I love LO as well, it’s perfect if you’re used to old versions of MS Office and like to be in control of everything. A good open-source alternative for the new releases of MS Office is Onlyoffice.

j4k3, avatar

Oobabooga Textgen Webui - because offline open source AI is the biggest force multiplier and most powerful game changer in the last 20 years. It will reshape everything in the next couple of years. This will be bigger than the revolution of capacitive touch screens. Oobabooga is easy, and it makes playing with AI easy even if you don’t have the best hardware. Get it on github, then go to Hugging Face for models. Look for prequantized models by The Bloke, read the model card. His models tell you the minimum requirements and what you need to do.


Blender. Maybe not everyone needs to try it but it it’s great if you like 3D.

I can suggest everyone to try Bitwarden if they don’t have a password manager yet. I use Pass now (because UNIX^TM^) but was a Bitwarden fan before.


Bitwarden is very good. And it is not getting hacked every year as Lastpass… (another free password manager).

I also saw that proton has launched proton pass as a password manager. Seems to also be free, but only the app, I think is open source, and not the server. It also works less well than bitwarden, being new it can be expected.


I was a Bitwarden user for 2yrs and recently moved away to ProtonPass. Primary reason for me was native mobile apps and email alias feature. Although it doesn’t have a web version yet (which is planned and would be coming in future), browser add-ons and native apps cover what I need and migration was mostly seamless as well


bitwarden is nice because you can selfhost it. i’m too lazy to do that so i use keepassxc

riley0, avatar

Qbittorrent and LibreOffice

landsharkkidd, avatar

Yeah I’ve been a uTorrent person for years, but I think two years ago or so I just went “fuck it!” Because the constant ads (and also horny af ads) were doing my head in. So highly recommend Qbittorrent.

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