@ji88aja88a@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not agym.go-er or a trainer… aerobic workouts. I lost 30kg over 12months just by walking 10000 purposeful steps a day and doing 2 rounds of interval training (HIIT) a night. Once my fitness came back/got some fitness, I started introducing weights… and more importantly, I watched what I ate. Specifically, i stopped all sometimes foods and stopped eating bread. This worked for me. But you can’t go from little to no exercise tomall the exercise. Work up to it


Losing weight is actually more about eating at a calorie deficit rather than what exercise you choose. Exercise is still very important in overall health though and can certainly help lose weight, but the actual mechanism is a calorie deficit.

But to more answer your question, chose something you enjoy so that you actually have motivation to stick with it. If you like cardio, do cardio, if you like weight lifting do that, if you like calisthenics do that.

And the last thing, be patient with it and yourself but be consistent in both exercise and eating well. As long as you are consistent you will see results.

Good luck!


Of course, yes, good point. You can lose weight by doing nothing as long as you are in a calorie deficit.

It is also essential to enjoy what you’re doing or it’s impossible to stick with.


This…everything else is just sales tactics on memberships and gimmics that won’t do much without eating differently.

Run a deficit and be patient.


You can still run a deficit even if you eat 10000 calories a day


I mean, maybe you exaggerate to make a point but there are practical limits to what you can exercise your way out of. I set a challenge to myself to jog a half marathon every day for a year. From January 2022 through January 2023 I jogged 22km a day seven days a week for 367 days. I also did light weights and exercises for my upper body. I burned around 4000/day, as best as I can track with my Garmin watch. Which throw in a couple of milkshakes and you can blow through 5k calories in a day.

I will say, I did struggle to keep my weight up with such a regimen and a fairly healthy diet and dropped to 150lbs at my lowest (6'2"tall). But if I wanted to eat more calories I could easily get there with fried food and ice cream.

Edit: and for most people this is completely infeasible. Most people don't have the time flexibility to wake up at 4 am every day and put on those kinds of miles.


I give myself a decent cushion to eat garbage by cycling 90 minutes a day. Raising your resting heart rate will also passively help you lose weight.

@insomniac@sh.itjust.works avatar

Exercise lowers your resting heart rate


You pretty much can’t. You’d need to run for 6-8 hours per day to burn 8000 calories. For most people who are not professional athletes, that’s impossible between work and sleep. To get much beyond 1000 cal/hr output, you need to get into the anaerobic region, which will exhaust you long before you can burn 8000 calories.

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

You exaggerate, but there are some limits to how much energy the body can use in a day.


That's really interesting given what I mentioned in my other comment about plateauing at 4k calories/day when I was on a running challenge. Once I tracked about 4k calories burned, my energy level would just plummet.


My favorite weight loss exercise is existing but being very cold. Not even joking. That’s the whole thing.

If you want to balance calories with low effort, expose yourself to whatever temperature you shiver at (cold water is great for this because you lose heat 25x faster when wet). You burn an absolute ton of calories for heat, and recruit beige fat cells to function as brown fat cells which exist only to burn through fat to maintain homeostasis. The more you shiver, the more effective you are at ambient calorie burn when you don’t shiver.


Cardio is wonderful for upping your overall metabolism, as is building any muscle. They also both work to strengthen your overall system. Do those things. They are good for you.

But for pure calorie balancing and deficits, cold wins hands down as far as effort involved. Because it’s just sitting there being uncomfortable, and that’s easy, some of us are that way always :)

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

while i’m sure this does work well, i’d maybe tone down the miraculousity of your message a bit. Don’t want to overhype people and have them hurt themselves or simply not see such a big effect and conclude it’s a sham.


I don’t think I oversold it at all, it’s just a calorie balancer, it’s not going to do anything else, and it won’t fix a bad diet…

But it does work; it’s just a standard biological mechanism. If you shiver, you burn a ton of energy to do so, it comes from fat. This is true in any species with the shiver capacity, that’s what it’s for.

Bigger people need more shiver time and lower temps, which makes it harder to see the result, but it still works.

@jarredpickles87@lemmy.world avatar

I also wanted to lose a bit of weight and get stronger, but to me, going to the gym sucks. I never stick with that, but I really enjoy physical activities with a purpose. So I joined a rock climbing gym. It’s all the physical working out that I want with all the fun that I need to stick with it. Now if I could just eat better…



“You can’t out run a bad diet”.

Exercise helps, but once you do the math and see how many calories hard exercise consumes vs how easy it is to eat more calories, it becomes very clear.

flubba86, (edited )

Exactly. Its “I could eat this chocolate bar, and do an hour of cardio later in the gym” or to achieve the same outcome: “I could just not eat the chocolate bar”.


In my terrible diet I eat the chocolate bar and then cut out something like breakfast…




Hour of cardio? Maybe 2!😲


The reason it’s hard to build muscle, is muscles are incredibly inefficient and a huge calorie sink.

If you’re heavily muscled, you’re using more calories even if you’re not working out. Just reaching out to grab something takes more energy.

So building muscle means you have a higher caloric baseline.

And that’s not even getting into calorie density. 150 calories worth of beans will keep you feeling full for a long time, and a 12 ounce can of soda won’t make anyone feel full because it’s all liquid already.

Then there’s physically eating slower and chewing more, because we evolved to not feel full if we’re still eating.

Reducing it just down to “eat less calories than you use” is technically correct, but it’s the details that help people.


Also remember that you can’t lose weight in a specific part of your body. As you lose weight, your body chooses where the fat is reduced. No exercise can target fat in a specific area. Anyone telling you otherwise is selling you something.

Should note that working on the underlying muscle might help certain areas look less fat but that effect is negligible compared to finding a regimen that works for you in the long run to keep your calorie intake less than your calorie burn rate .


Okay, so I’ve never been one who wants to lose weight. I’ve always wanted to gain. If I interpret what you’re saying, I’m just not eating enough?


Unless there’s an illness at play, then yes, you’re just not eating enough

rufus, (edited )

Monitor your calories. Sometimes we’re off when only estimating. Make sure not to skip meals. And maybe you like some nuts and other additional stuff. And probably also work out and add some more weight in muscles.

The internet contains instructions for people who like to gain weight. It’s not so easy to change your body weight. But it’s possible.

If in doubt, ask your doctor. You can be born with this and it’s perfectly normal for you. There can also be something wrong with the thyroid. Or a tumor. Other less severe conditions. But most likely this is just how you are. Especially if you’re young.


You cannot spot target weight loss. It will decrease as a total over your whole body rather than in a particular area. And don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise.

If you want to lose weight in the most efficient way possible, just sit. Or rather, SIT.



If you don’t want to do sprints, my weight loss rule of thumb is panting.

You gotta be pushing yourself to get out of breath. That’s literally how you lose weight. You exhale it. So push your body to exhale a lot.

I use small hikes to stay in shape.


True, it was quite a surprise to learn that fat is exhaled.


Can you expound a bit about panting? Do you mean any kind of activity that results to you panting would work?

@anolemmi@lemmi.social avatar

Unless you’re panting because you’re scarfing down food so fast you need to catch your breath, then yes.

Weight loss can pretty much always be simplified to calories in, calories out. All the different fads, trends, diets, and fasting are all just different means to either reduce your calories in, or increase your calories out.

Anything that makes you pant is more calories out.


You cannot spot target weight loss

Hey that’s not true, not only can you spot reduce fat, but do it successfully within a single day!


Good point! Actually there’s also the caveat that if the spot is your entire body then it’s also possible!

gigachad, (edited )

Take it easy, patience is key for sustainable weight loss. As a beginner 3x workouts a week are good.

Be sure to make a training plan you can use for orientation. Cardio is great for burning calories, but don’t underestimate the power of muscle training. Building muscles will help shape your body and you’ll lose a lot of calories on the long term. Do not be afraid of gaining “too much muscles”, that is not happening within a couple of months.

Best would be a full body workout, splitting muscle groups is not recommended for beginners who work out 3x a week. Start with the machines, they are relatively easy to use and to adjust, there is less danger of wrong movements.
Challenge yourself, but don’t overdo it, otherwise you can hurt yourself seriously (joints etc.).
Do not forget a warm-up, 10-15 minutes of whatever machine you like (bike, treadmill etc.). Finish with a 30 minutes cardio session if you are serious.

That’s the part in the gym.

For weight loss the most important thing is your diet. No need for protein shakes or meat the whole day, just don’t eat over your budget. Maybe you have already tried this and you are frustrated because it didn’t have the effects you expected - don’t worry, the gym will accelerate this. Eat something not too heavy after workout, ideally protein/fats instead of carbs.

The third aspect is sleep. Your body will regenerate during your sleep so it is super important. Try do get your 8 hours or whatever amount you need.

Last advice is again patience. Success will only come from continuity, not 2 weeks but several months. 1-2 pounds per week is already great and sutainable and if you watch out for workout, nutrition, sleep, it will for sure happen.

You got this!

Edit: As others have said, you cannot target a region for weight loss. However in my experience there are regions where you first start to gain weight and also lose weight. For people born as biological man this is often face and belly.

@Scew@lemmy.world avatar

ask chat-gpt (and your doctor or a nutritionist as chatgpt will also reccommend)

@Scew@lemmy.world avatar

Just laughing at the stupidity of the downvotes here. Yeah people shouldn’t use the tool that easily accesses large swaths of data from and about humans to figure out an optimal means of working out at the gym. Definitely should only listen to the few anecdotes shared by random people kind of paying attention on a relatively anonymous social board. 凸(¬‿¬)凸

@subignition@kbin.social avatar

Absolutely, try to get the user that already demonstrated an uncertainty with how their body works, to trust the bullshit engine that can't understand when it is mashing counterfactual things together in the output. Definitely a chill solution with zero negligence or potential to harm.

I understand the desire to be helpful, but if you don't actually know anything about a topic, don't contribute.

@Scew@lemmy.world avatar

I understand the need for you to insert your opinion and attempt to exert control over people but fuck off. ;)


Definitely should only listen to the few anecdotes shared by random people kind of paying attention on a relatively anonymous social board

Except chatGPT was trained in no small part on data from reddit, Twitter, etc - so asking chatGPT basically is listening to random anecdotes shared by random people, only with the added complication that if someone spews BS on here, they’re at least somewhat likely to be called out, whereas ChatGPT will just present it as the definitive truth

@Scew@lemmy.world avatar

“so asking chatGPT basically is listening”

No. I disagree. You’re minimizing the math.

" if someone spews BS on here, they’re at least somewhat likely to be called out"

Great, and if someone is using the internet in 2023 and believes everything they read, the problem isn’t who or where they’re sourcing their information.


Garbage in, garbage out. The “math” doesn’t change that simple truism.

Also, the fact that chatGPT it’s prone to making shit up isn’t conjecture, it’s fact. It can be a super useful tool for some use cases, but getting medical advice? Yeah fuck no lol

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Losing weight is at a minimum 75% about your diet, so don’t forget to focus on that. Eating protein helps keep you full and also pairs great with recovery for exercise; try to cut out as many sugars from your diet as you can, they’re worthless calories.

@jeena@jemmy.jeena.net avatar

The truth is that you can’t outrun a shitty diet.


You should record yourself in the mirror and act like a victim when guys pass by you. Then post the videos to tiktok.

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Don’t bother with the gym, it will almost certainly just be a waste of money and a source of stress.

Instead, learn how to eat healthily (good start is eating less in general and eating more greens) and start easing yourself into getting more exercise.
The key to weight loss is making changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life, otherwise you will inevitably rebound and be sad.

If you can, probably the single most effective way to lose weight for most people is to start biking or walking to work, this is a trivial way to burn tons of calories compared to driving.

Also important is to fully expect it to take a year before you notice a difference, this is going to be a lifestyle change so you have to commit, and it’s better to be positively surprised to see a difference early, than the opposite.


Like most others have said, diet does way more work than doing cardio at the gym. You need to change your lifestyle and eating habits to lose weight and keep it that way. Forcing yourself to run for an hour every 2 days at the gym and then coming home eating cheetos chips and a pizza won’t do anything.


Idiots here says there’s no gimmic to do it but here you go:

Do a vacuum and breath with your chest

rest your tongue uniformly on the palate

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Hunger is the feeling of fat leaving the body.


Honestly, this helps motivate my weight loss. When you’re hungry you know you’re doing something right.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

Thanks! Simple things like this are what helped me a lot. Another was the fact that humans use most of their calories maintaining body temperature. So while you do burn more calories while exercising in warm weather, staying cold will cause higher continuous calorie burn.

So the secret to weight loss is to be cold and hungry, and to supplement this with forced labor. Using these methods I was able to get into the best shape of my life.


I’m not saying that you have a problem, but I will point out that this sounds like the kind of thinking that can lead to eating disorders.

It’s possible to eat less and not always feel hungry. It’s just not easy. Turning hunger into a “good” thing isn’t actually a healthy approach to dieting.


Yes and no. There are certain things you can do on the margin, such as eating more satiating foods, but ultimately you will likely feel hunger pangs when you are eating below your caloric maintenance.

I don’t mean to say that one should always feel hungry, regardless of what they are eating.


Best piece of advice I ever got for losing weight was “make friends with hunger”.


exercises that target weight loss in specific areas dont exist. your body has a genetic predisposition in regards to where it allocates fat. eat a bit healthier, eat a bit less, exercise regularly and your body will do its best with what you give it, every day


Get a digital food scale and start tracking calories and macros. MyFitnessPal’s free version is sufficient for this.

Be honest with yourself. Research an appropriate calorie deficit to work with. Realize that ~3500 calories is approximately 1 pound. Set some weigh in goals at the 3 and 6 month marks. Try daily weigh ins but only track the week to week average.

Not concrete advice, and everyone is different, but hope this helps.


Weight is lost in the kitchen. You go to the gym to improve your fitness.

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