What's a current or growing trend only you seem to have concerns about?

I’ve definitely turned into the paranoid nutcase within my friend group in recent years, I hate that everything is “smart” nowadays requiring an app/internet connection & account, just to do basic things that didn’t require any of that before.

What’s some things currently making you ramble like an old man?

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar


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  • yamasaur,

    The popularity of brachycephalic dogs especially French bulldogs and backyard breeders of them and their horrible health issues. 90 percent of people who have them have no idea why their 5,000 dollar dog can’t breath or aspirates or get paralyzed/horrible back pain.


    Almost the only way to get a 49€ ticket in germany is with a smartphone


    American here; what kind of ticket are you trying to buy in this case?

    @emptyother@programming.dev avatar

    Public transport, probably. We’re heading the same way here in Norway too. Everyone needs phones and internet to access society.


    The fact that the entertainment industry has weaned entire generations with a way to access popular works, or events such as sports and concerts - and then started to privatize them, first with cable, then with subscription services, and each of them with higher costs and more draconian controls than the last. It feels as if the concept of “popular culture” was manufactured to hook us into paying larger amounts of money to the entertainment industry.

    @A2PKXG@feddit.de avatar

    But… you have choice. Nobody needs to go to taylor Swifts concerts. Nobody needs to see the next Marvel movie. It’s a business.

    As long as people only spend money on things that are worth more to them than said money, everyone is fine. If people can’t control their purchases, it isn’t the industry’s fault.

    I’m fortunate to not enjoy popular culture in the first place.

    @artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

    It makes me angry when I see the sort of stuff that trends on popular services. It’s like the vast majority of humans have zero standards. We’re all just human centipadding, groveling to our Hollywood and RIAA overlords, worshipping celebrity idols. It’s really sad and pathetic.


    The propietary shit around bicycles was never good, especially drivetrains, but on the other hand most of it was some sort of standard easy enough to machine with modern technology that you got at least 1 factory in china still cranking out the most esoteric shit possible because ehh it costs them $2 to make or something and they can sell it for $25 or something, why not. It’s just pipes and diameters and threading.


    The bicycle industry really needs to settle on a singe bottom bracket standard. It’s not like there’s a significant difference in performance from the million different variations. An industry-standard rear derailleur hanger would also save a lot of headaches where people try to hunt down a replacement for a frame that’s been out of production for years.


    I reformated that so much I forgot to include my dissatisfaction was mostly with e-bikes and the associated electronics lmao

    But yeah, bottom brackets are ridicolous. Only reason we ever moved away from BSA was cost cutting and now that everyone and their grandma has creaky high end bikes people just return to BSA anyways.

    I tell you, if I ever become emperor of a country it will have the world largest bicycle industry and everything is in absolutely standardized parts


    Casual language is hyperbolic and violent.

    Does everything you do need to sound like you’ll stop at nothing to avenge the rape and murder of your family?


    War on drugs/terror/whatever.

    Battle with (insert illness here)

    People that internet people disagree with are unhinged/deranged/(ableist slur here).



    I think strawberry pop tarts have less frosting than all other flavors.

    It’s petty and small, but every time I have a strawberry pop tart the frosting is so thin that the holes on the top are clear through the frosting. No other flavor has this problem. I don’t think it matters, but it feels like a conspiracy.

    @z500@startrek.website avatar

    I’ve noticed the same thing with cool ranch Doritos. A while back they seem to have realized they went too far making them practically naked. They were heavily seasoned for several months but now it seems like the level of seasoning has been creeping down again. No idea why they single out that one flavor. Does it have silver in it, or something?


    You have to turn the bag upside down for two hours before opening. It re-ranches the flavor molecules, so when the oxygen hits them when you open them it has that cool flavor you are looking for. If you don’t disperse the ranchaloids properly, it won’t fully oxidize.

    What probably was happening is some bags were getting shaken or were flipped over during stocking right before you bought them. Those had the extra flavor because the ranchaloids were properly dispersed, but when you left it sitting at home too long before opening, they all sunk to the bottom, hence no oxidiation, and very little flavor.


    Coronavirus, capitalism, climate change, nuclear weapons, the most recent normalization of Nazism which began with Biden’s presidency, etc.


    Climate change. I live in a city with decent bicycle infrastructure and good public transport. Yet most people still argue they need their damn car to get to work alone without luggage, less than 5 kilometers away.

    @A2PKXG@feddit.de avatar

    And a lifestyle that doesn’t require cars seems incomprehensible to them.


    have you considered my spontaneous daily shopping trip for my family of 8 that includes either a washing machine or large furniture


    Lack of computer literacy. When I was in school, we had computer classes that taught us how to use Word, Excel, even Photoshop and Illustrator, etc. And also things like proper netiquette. It seems like students nowadays are just expected to have computer literacy, and it’s either not being taught anymore or is being taught in a severely diminished way. I’m extremely concerned by the number of younger students who don’t know how to use Excel (or, frankly, anything that’s not a social media website/app). Likewise, I believe the fact that young people are no longer taught to be wary of privacy on the internet (and are in fact encouraged to share their personal lives on the internet) is an oversight in education that will harm these people, as well as society, in the future


    Friends of mine had IT classes but with a 60+ teacher, that told them that lcd screens are the new hot shit. I don’t know what’s worse, nothing or such outdated information in this rapidly changing environment.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    why do you need to know how to use excel if you don’t ever use it?
    That’s what you learn when you get a job. How to use the tools.


    You know school is there to prepare you for working life right?

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    Does School teach you welding? Does school teach you how to swim? Does school teach you thermodynamics? Does school teach you how water drainage systems are being kept in good condition?
    Want me to go on?


    School did teach me how to swim, yes. Public school. And welding was also an option for kids who decided to go to tech school instead of regular HS. As well as HVAC.

    Yes, school taught me thermodynamics because it was a course I needed for my major.

    I’m not sure what point you think you’re making here…? Have you never heard of technical school? Vocational School? College?

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    welding was also an option for kids who decided to go to tech school i
    So you agree with me.
    Not everyone needs Excel and it doen’t need to be taught in school.
    If one needs it they will learn it when it’s required.

    Yes, school taught me thermodynamics because it was a course I needed for my major.

    That’s not School, thats University and it’s because you chose to take the course.
    You chose to learn it.
    It was not part of your regular Middle to Highschool curriculum.

    Lucky you, that they taught you how to swim.


    College is school. Early education teaches you skills to be a competent adult …and so we don’t have a population of mouth breathers.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    College is a chosen path. You chose to learn it. It is not a required course for everyone.
    Not everyone needs to know how thermodynamics work.
    No Plumber needs to know how to configure firewalls.
    No Secretary needs to know how to do plumbing.


    So what is your argument then? “Not everyone needs to know Thermodynamics”. Maybe that’s why that is an advanced class in highschool. Do you just not like people getting a general, well-rounded education?

    It looks like an English teacher never taught you how a paragraph is formatted, Mr. I-make-a-new-line-after-each-sentence.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    Are you just here to agree with me?
    Yes. Not everyone needs Excel. That’s why you learn it when you need it.
    That’s why it’s not on the curriculum and why it’s not important. That’s also why Excel and computer literate do not go with eachother.
    “The new guy at work doesn’t know how to use =(index …)” is of no indication of anything. Just teach him.

    Yes. Because Lemmy has a non-dynamic line width that everyone adheres to and a proper wordprocessor in its editor.
    I use lines because it makes text more readable. This isnt Latex, i am not writing an Essay.
    I am telling you people why Word and Excel are not life defining skills, that everyone needs to know.
    Why do children not learn how to use Latex anymore. How are they ever gonna be technologically literate when they cannot even use Latex.



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  • Nobsi,
    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    That is called University/College


    Sounds like you should have stayed in school

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    “Nuh uhhhh. No you!!!”


    I hate to burst your bubble but you have to go to trade school to learn the basics of welding, then you can grab an apprenticeship to learn how to do it professionally.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    You proved my point.
    You go to trade school. That is when you have already decided to be a welder. Then you get an apprenticeship.
    And both teach you how to when you need it.
    Didnt need a schoolcourse on it.


    But you said your job should teach you.

    I’m saying that your not going to find a job that teaches you unless it is an apprenticeship (which is not a common thing outside of trades anyways)

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    There is not a single program, that every job has as a requirement.
    None of my employees, unless they choose to, work with Excel.
    We have no Excel sheets. Unless someone chooses to.
    And if someone comes to me and has the technical skills required to do networking or low voltage work, then we teach him all the software we use.

    And nobody that learns the trades that i employ for learns networking in school. They learn it when they need to learn it, which is when they have already decided that they wanna do the job.

    No Starbucks Barista needs Excel


    This is so naive and just so incorrect. You never get the job in the first place if you don’t have skills (such as Excel) to put on your resume. And if you do, your employer is going to be pretty disappointed to find out that they need to teach you the most basic shit ever.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    No. Just because you learned Excel in School doesn’t mean it’s useful to anyone.
    If you apply to a welding job straight out of school your employer is still gonna teach you how to weld.
    Excel is such a niche thing to know.
    Electricians don’t know shit about high voltage lines before they get the job. They learn it. Welders don’t know how to weld. They learn it.
    No employer is gonna be pissed because they have to train the trainee how to weld. No electrician is gonna be pissed because they have to explain how a voltage converter works.
    Those are also basic things.
    You are delusional if you think that more than 5% of all Jobs need Excel knowledge.
    Adding onto that: Its so fricking easy. I can explain all you need in excel in 5 minutes.

    DRUMS_, (edited )

    Your are very ignorant of how professional work is conducted. Companies want to higher people that know how to do their job and have years of experience doing it. Some places do have entry level or junior positions where some training is expected. But in general, you will be hired for the skills you have (not because you have ‘potential’ and they would love to spend months teaching you).

    For welding and electric work, that is often learned through an apprenticeship, which aren’t easy to land either. That’s how a lot of trades work. But most jobs do not just offer apprenticeships or ‘free teaching’.

    Also, have you ever heard of Trade School?

    EDIT: If your argument was true I would just ask to be a brain surgeon and have the surgeons explain it to me.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    Lol no. Most people get hired because there is a need for them.
    Is a Starbucks Barista new-hire required to know what the difference between a 2 week old robusta and a 4 week old arabica is?
    Does he need to kow how to use a POS System?
    Nope. You just train them.

    Does a straight out of School Sysadmin need to know what all the 7 Layers are for? Or how to use Wireshark? Or how to configure a Switch from Brand ? No. They learn that on the Job.
    Sysadmins also don’t have a trade or vocational school.
    Does a new-hire junior programmer need to know the codebase for the program they are being paid to work on? No they get the codebase and learn along.
    The last 2 examples were much, MUCH deeper than the amount of excel you realistically need.

    Highschoolers do not learn cisco unless they choose to.
    And Excel and word are not that deep that you need any knowlede in them. One is a sheet that you can learn in 5 minutes and the other is a word processor.

    It is naive to talk about the downfall of computer literacy when everything is moving away from computers.

    I manage my Staff from my phone or tablet at home.
    I click where i wanna go and i put in what it wants from me.
    I can teach this stuff to my 5 year old and the rules behind it to my 16 year old. Both have never touched word or excel.


    Did you just say everything is moving away from computers? Dunce.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    Yeah. I can do most stuff on my phone.



    Someone has never used any function more complex than =sum() in excel…

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    First of all i did. When i worked in a place that used Excel heavily. Didn’t touch Excel before that and learned them all in minutes. You’re not that cool.
    And then: Why would i need to? I do not use Excel for my work anymore. Any of them actually. What Plumber uses =(getpivot on a regular basis and why would he need to know that before using it?

    @nudnyekscentryk@szmer.info avatar

    you won’t get a job if you don’t know the tools.

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    Here. I made it into meme Format so you understand it. https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/c92bb31c-509b-4172-bcb9-132cf1f347e6.png

    @nudnyekscentryk@szmer.info avatar

    what do you think is important enough to be a general school subject, if not computer literacy?

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    English. Math. Whatever your Primary Language is. Chemistry, Physics and all other subjects that are already in every school curriculum.
    School is not there to feed you everything you need to know for every possible Job.
    Technological literacy might be a Subject worth talking about. But that does not have Excel and Word in it.
    How do i find Information. How do i fact check information.
    Not “how do i use Access and Excel to create a Form for filling out my Taxreport”
    That is elitist circlejerk shit that only people in tech jobs say.
    “Hurr durr that highschooler doesn’t know how a master slave drive configuration works, nobody is computer literate anymore”

    @nudnyekscentryk@szmer.info avatar

    mate I get what you’re saying, but doing simple calculations using functions in a spreadsheet is helpful in everyday life, it’s really unfair to compare it to welding


    You do know that Excel is used in every job right?

    @Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

    Lol no. When i go to a site and do networking i do not use excel. When i go to a site and pull miles of CAT7 cable i do not use Excel.
    Not even my Tax guy uses Excel.
    I do not use Excel apart from Eve online.


    Computers are dying out in the home. Phones and tablets replaced them.

    PCs are the big clunky tablets that don’t have Swype typing, and you have to use a mouse instead of just pressing what you want.

    The age of computer literacy came and went. Give it another 10 years and kids great-grandparents will be teaching them to double click.


    I have at least 4 companies on my banned list, but the ones that come up most often are…

    • Starbucks - I like good coffee. They just can’t seem to deliver and just focus on mass appeal to overly sweet milk drinks. No thanks. Good coffee doesn’t deserve that.
    • Blizzard/Activision - They need to clean house. Horrible treatment of people inside. The games they produce aren’t good even that good. I refuse to play their stuff as popular as it might be.
    • Disney - I don’t think they produce anything really valuable. Their marketing is amazing but I don’t like what they have given us. I honestly want nothing to do with Marvel or Star Wars and dislike the direction they have gone with those franchises.
    • Wizards of the Coast - all their game products are clearly cash grabs. Building in expiration so customers have to buy more is awful. I do not play Magic the Gathering and never will. I have also grown to dislike Dungeons and Dragons. It’s not even that great and there are so many better, more interesting games to play.

    That’s just a few of my old man rants.



    As far as I’m aware, things are better, but Bobby psychotic is still at the helm, we’re hoping that MS boots him after the merger.

    They’ve put non-HR platforms in place to combat the discrimination and harassment. Unfortunately everyone gets paid really badly.


    They are still China simps


    I used to play paper Magic the Gathering; I liked the game, but it became unaffordable after a while. Magic the Gathering Arena has been a good alternative. You don’t have to spend money (nor much time) to get good things, and you can easily find players in formats that accept old and new sets, for example, Historic mode which accepts everything that has been playable in Arena, except for some banned cards.

    About D&D being fun… I have played Dungeons and Dragons only a couple times in my life, but some friends invited me to Baldur’s Gate 3 and it is a great game that has a lot of the things I remember from the tabletop game. However, this is entirely subjective, so I am just sharing my experience.

    My point is not to defend the Wizards of the Coast executives, as I have heard they are terrible. I guess my point is that there are still options to enjoy their games or the essence of their games (Arena, BG3) without falling into their cash grabbing.


    Autonomous driving vehicles. I’ve worked in software for over a decade and if their internal processes are anything like the places I’ve worked then no thanks


    What always surprised me was the bigger the company, the worse the code base.


    It’s worse. They use “machine learning”. So nobody can know the failure modes before they happen.


    I support that point of view, but you also have to compare their performance to human drivers. We often have the expectation that technology have to be perfect (which it isn’t). Since you also have an IT background you know this pretty well probably. But if it’s safer than human drivers it could as well be an improvement.


    I work in IT and you can basically track enthusiasm about self driving cars along the lines of technical knowledge

    @mayo_cider@hexbear.net avatar

    We still don’t have a reliable enough way to automate trains, and that’s a (mostly) centrally controlled and closed system. The driving assists like automatic braking can at least be tested to a reasonable confidence, but I’d rather drive drunk than sit in a fully autonomous vehicle.

    chic_luke, (edited )

    Capitalism is growing, it has successfully seeped through every aspect of our life, creating consensus and effectively becoming more and more the norm in the social fabric. Right now there are many opinions against capitalism that are beginning to become almost taboo.

    • It has taken our privacy: it is almost mandatory nowdays to use things like social media and operating systems that track you. You can’t opt out without being a social outcast. As much as I wish I could live with pure Linux on every single device I use (including my phone) and without touching any proprietary software (except games and professional software with no privacy - invading tracking, but that doesn’t work well financially with a FOSS business model) belive me I would. But I would have to give up so much, it becomes almost impossible.
    • It’s beginning normal to defend profit and condone terrible things for profit. Everybody knows about how the supply chain relies on several human rights violations to continue, but it’s considered normal.
    • It has instilled the idea that everything you do must be useful. I’m seeing the idea that your hobbies must be “productive” in some kind of tangible way in your life spread around more and more, and it is making us appreciate life less, as “doing it for the sake of doing it” is beginning to be shunned as an useless waste of time.
    • Relationships are becoming molded by capitalism. Think about the dating apps culture, swiping left and right on people who basically sell themselves as products on a market. It is becoming normal to see different people in parallel and then just committing to the one you like best - as if you were trying a bunch of laptops in an electronics store. Relationships themselves are less committed and more transactional, as we are normalizing stuff that makes me raise both eyebrows at once. People are starting to become scared of commitment and scared of committing to one person. More and more people are not only opting out of monogamy, but shunning those who choose to practice it as some kind of close - minded conservatives. There is more and more pushing and popularity in something like fluid and open relationships - which allows you to be in a relationship but still be on the market, never fully commit to a person, always keep looking for something better to jump onto, and have a normalized free trial with your partner’s consent. While it does work for some people and I don’t put that in doubt, I feel like at large this is being used to commodify relationships, sell ourselves as products on a market, lose our ability to commit to another human and get used to returning people like an Amazon package. It’s literally treating relationships as products. People want to live in the comfort that, if they decide to try a MacBook Pro M2 and later a more powerful M3-based iteration comes out, they can smoothly transition to the newer model - but for relationships - which is, in turn, damaging the very idea of a serious long-term relationship.
    • Likewise, we are becoming all too trigger-happy in throwing people away from our lives like yesterday’s trash. Is your relationship or friendship hitting a rough spot? Nuanced opinions are getting more and more rare. “They’re a narcisist and you need to cut them out”, “they’re gaslighting or manipulating you”, “They don’t deserve you, you should leave immediately”. It’s super good that we are finally starting to take mental health seriously, thank goodness this is one of the things where I think the present is much better than the past at, but people we are overdoing it and using it out of context. In a world where people are commodified, they are too considered as disposable as products, and as such, easy to throw away and replace. The tendency to do real and actual work to work on a relationship or friendship with a person you love is starting to go out of fashion.
    • We are making people work several jobs at once and completely drain themselves to even be able to afford their rent and basic survival. Everyone is becoming lonelier. Real friendships and relationships are being replaced with parasocial ones - only accessible through proprietary software with Draconian privacy policies that you would be very hesitant to accept if you took the time to actually read them, of course. There is a push to get part of our social need met by watching “stories” and social media updates by friends, mistaking a few reactions and comments here and there for actual interaction, and parasocial romantic relationships are actively being sold on platforms like Onlyfans, where not only creators sell their content (which I think it’s fair - content is content and everybody should be free to distribute it and sell it as they want and take profit for it), but also chat (or, more often and more unethically, hire someone else to chat with) lonely people who pay them to have someone to talk to and a semblance of a connection, one they cannot get in today’s hyper capitalist lives with low energy and low free time
    • The rise of the right. Have you noticed that, right around when capitalism has gotten this intense, it has become almost acceptable once again to be openly fascist, without euphemisms? Have you noticed the sudden rise in far-right leaders in elections worldwide? It’s not just you, this is happening, the far right is making a huge comeback.

    I absolutely look like a boomer typing this, and I am fully aware of this. I hate absolutely everything about contemporary culture, except for the much higher attention to mental health, broader acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community, more attention on the problems of feminism and a few other things that I think are a net positive to out society. I think capitalism is fully to blame for most of the things that are going to shit right now.


    Damn there’s so much to agree with. The way you’ve found a common thread in all this, it puts into words many criticisms I’ve started to foster. growing up in capitalism with such a far reach (into our private lives) and high speed is absolutely leaving it’s mark on the culture.


    I think it’s especially the money and LGBTQ+ and non sexual norms that are driving people to the right. I notice when I talk to a lot of younger guys theyre tired of hearing about it.

    Because it’s pushed on so much of their TV shows and things they like that they side with political candidates that are conservative at a young age and they further grow into it. These are conservative candidates with lots of money usually.

    I hate to say it but it was universally cool to defend LGBT people when the media and TV shows didn’t push it. Because you were defending an oppressed person. Now it more so feels like it’s popular which means it’s no longer an obscure thing, the anti culture is the new trend.

    I want to disclaim that I don’t agree with any of this other than to say this is my observation of the behavior. I play rainbow six ranked on Xbox and use the looking for group party finder with a buddy of mine. We group up and encounter a lot of guys in the army and Marines, a lot of teenagers and this is cumulatively the culture I’ve heard. Same thing on like world of warcraft classic and using discord to raid but those guys run older typically.


    when the media and TV shows didn’t push it

    This infuriates me more than I can express. How is the existence of lgbt people in media “pushing it”? I that case, I’m sick of the “straights” who have been “pushing it” since I was born.

    A few months ago someone I considered a friend came to me and was like, I know you’re trans, but what’s your opinion on all the trans stuff in the media, I don’t want my kid exposed to it. Like, wow, the only reason you know I’m trans is because I told you and now my existence has become political, something her kids need to be shielded from. Fuck all these people to hell and back.

    You wanna know how that kind of shit makes you feel? This is what I wrote in a comment yesterday:

    You know what’s fucked? Being told every day, wherever you look that you shouldn’t exist, that you’re disgusting and gross, that you deserve to die, that you’re unwanted and don’t belong. Online, in the news, on TV, from family, people you considered friends, people you tell when you’d like to date. People like this are part of the reason that the end of a rope gets more enticing by the day. You can only take so much constant abuse and hatred. So I guess they’re winning, they should be proud of themselves because they’re achieving their goals, with some luck I won’t exist anymore.


    Playing the victim is the right wingers favorite pastime. Crying that someone’s right to exist is a burden for you to hear about. Fuck on off back to 4chan or whatever


    I am with you on a lot of this, but I will never and I mean ever understand the impulse that so many people have to say that online dating has made life worse. Dating is much better now because of online dating. Instead of constantly needing to be vigilant for an opportunity to find a mate and then pursuing them only to often be shut down or find out about a huge deal breaker on the second date, we can filter out a lot of those cases simply by reading a profile. Yes I’m aware people lie and hide things. But if they’re on a dating site they probably are looking for a relationship of some kind and if they wrote 3 or more sentences you probably can get a feel for what they generally value in life.

    I also think it’s quite a stretch to try and say online dating = capitalism because “marketed as products” and “throw people away like trash”. It sounds like you were broken up with by one too many online dates?

    Are you somehow intelligent enough to write all of this so thoughtfully, yet somehow unaware that relationships have ALWAYS been highly “transactional”? One of many aspects I could focus on to illustrate this is just the concept of marriage period. In many cultures, since thousands of years ago, you literally paid a family for a bride. It still continues today if I’m not mistaken, you just call it “paying a dowry” instead of buying a wife because it sounds better.

    If we are talking about r/datingadvice I think there it’s a legit complaint to say that people seem to be more in the “throw that person away” camp but I don’t think there’s actually a shred of evidence that anything is new about this. We just now have a conduit for public opinions about dating to end up in our faces while we doomscroll.

    I also blame capitalism for a lot, but I think it gets tricky to link capitalism to everything bad. I’d say it’s more like all these things are symptoms of a condition and all somewhat related. Greed is what a lot of this is, and yes capitalism is all wrapped up in that but I don’t think if you somehow took it away that every problem goes away.


    First things first, throwing people away and online dating are in two different camps entirely. For the throwing people away it’s something that I have seen a lot: the Reddit dating advice is also more and more common and spread on social media, and it’s becoming to be eaten up by people. Ask random friends in your social circle in general, and you’ll find that - at least the younger ones - are susceptible to this trend.

    As for online dating: we can meet in the middle and say that I think it would be a net pro on something that is structured differently than Tinder, which represents the embodiment of what I think is bad about it. There is, of course, value in being able to have access to a wider pool than “your friend group and social circle”. This is how I would structure my own dating app:

    • Free and open source with no invasive data telemetry, full GDPR compliance, you can request all your data to be wiped clean with a button.
    • No freemium model to encourage buying a pro option for it to actually work. Using a simple, unbiased algorithm that does a sort by distance, then a sort by sexual/romantic orientation compatibility (without requiring you to state it on your profile, for privacy reasons)
    • Use a model that discourages “serial dating”. Every match you have with the app has a countdown, and the chat automatically terminates after some amount of messages and days. Every match has a “Set as Exclusive” button. Both parties press it when they’re not quite in a relationship, but are seeing each other exclusively. When both people press it, both people know they have agreed on this, and from then on the app goes in total lockdown until you deselect it and go back to non-exclusive dating.
    • As for the last thing, I will freely borrow an idea that already exists from the Hinge app (which I consider to be the absolutely least worst option around; I have read a book written by one of the people who worked on it and I have agreed with every word): The app is made to be deleted. When two people enter an official relationship, both select a “Make official” button in their match’s settings view. When that’s done, the app congratulates you, deletes both accounts and then invites you to delete it.

    Yes, I am aware this would not work for open relationships or stuff like couples looking for a third unicorn for kinky stuff, but that’s by design, as existing apps already work well for that. Tinder, for example, is more widely used for casual sex that it is about building romantic relationships, and it is perfectly adequate for that.

    Yes, you are pointing to combines marriages - but I am not suggesting we go back to the 50’s, I am talking about the past few years. Capitalism has already been an upgrade over feudalism, I agree. My point is that, lately, we have been overdoing it and everything that started off as a positive innovation, like social media and dating apps, is starting to lose its soul and become more Draconian or anti - capitalism.

    Greed is what a lot of this is, and yes capitalism is all wrapped up in that but I don’t think if you somehow took it away that every problem goes away.

    I have a question for you: why is it that billionaires and big capitalists have been amassing more profits and pushing this more intensive version of capitalism? I know this argumentation all too well, I have once had a long discussion with a friend who argued capitalism or not wouldn’t change anything because greed exists. My counter point is that, while greed exists and has always existed, it’s never been quite that bad in recent times and, for second, greed and capitalism feed and reinforce each other. It’s an endless loop that keeps reinforcing itself.

    Also, do consider the fact that while I was highly upvoted here on Lemmy, the same wouldn’t be true at a random table with some friend group out there in the world. These opinions of mine that are popular here are fringe in the real world, so if you get the impression my comment is disconnected from reality and what people think when you touch grass, yes, that is precisely the point why I wrote it. This is my own little grumpy old man yelling at a clown view of a lot of modern things that I talk about in spaces like these online, but mostly shut up about when I’m out there having a drink.

    @LilDestructiveSheep@lemmy.world avatar

    Absolutely agree. I am afraid of where capitalism will bring us one day If I am being honest.


    By the way, to be precise and pedantic, they are the results of neoliberalism and not purely capitalism. From the outside, it seams not very different but it’s. Capitalism is only a part of neoliberalism.

    MrFunnyMoustache, (edited )

    But isn’t neoliberalism a natural progression of capitalism? This is like a rolling snowball that becomes an extremely destructive avalanche.

    Edit: spelling.

    @WittyProfileName2@hexbear.net avatar

    Doorbell cameras.

    Let’s turn the whole fucking planet into a surveillance state because some people like to jerk themselves off about (typically racialised) fears of petty urban crime.


    Literally every single door on this street. Can’t go anywhere without bezos and the cops with backdoors knowing.

    @WittyProfileName2@hexbear.net avatar

    Innovation is when you make every street a panopticon.

    One time I was walking down a street and this woman rushed out of her house and starts yelling that she knows what I’ve done and she’s got it all recorded on her doorbell camera. To this day, I still don’t know what I was supposed to have done.


    One guy was so paranoid that he had a camera in his yard (out in a well-off suburban neighborhood) pointing at a public path that strobed and vocally warned you that you were being recorded. Totally unhinged

    @Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

    not to forget getting their pizza slaves to dance for them.

    @Syldon@feddit.uk avatar

    Let us see that same opinion once you have been the victim of a burglary. I have replaced two back doors to the tune of a few thousand quid. I spent years with higher home insurance because of the claims. Yet they never even got in. My cameras only record when my property line is breeched.

    @WittyProfileName2@hexbear.net avatar

    “Oh you don’t like the idea of always on cameras monitoring every street at all times? Guess you want burglaries to happen all the time.”

    Statistically, doorbell cameras don’t lower this risk of burglaries. A lot of the claims that they do come from companies selling them.

    This study found that they actually increase the risk of being targeted by burglars

    All the while you are sticking a camera with a history of shoddy cybersecurity to your home.

    Look at this case of harassment that involved the use of a doorbell camera and try to pretend my concerns aren’t valid.


    I don’t understand the assertion that if I’d been burgled I’d agree with you.

    I do: chuds have this power fantasy that they are the keepers of exclusive truths that everyone would agree with if only they could see those truths, and by see those truths, they mean getting their brains flooded with cortisol and adrenaline after a burglary and deciding that a surveillance police state is cool and good. grill-broke


    The association of the internet with mass amounts CSAM or Terrorist information. It’s a line that governments have been pushing ever since the internet evolved from ‘weird invention’ to ‘vague sense of threat to the integrity of nationstates’.

    Are these real problems that need addressing? Absolutely. Though on a much smaller scale than gets exclaimed. And rather than the priority being hunting down perpetrators, the effort almost exclusively goes into shutting down or bugging any server that law enforcement’s whim decides. The reality is that with end-to-end encryption, most “real” criminals on the internet will be entirely unaffected, while the created laws are instead mostly used for political censorship, the ‘war on drugs’, etc.

    As a line, it’s pretty much used to justify every act of censorship, privacy invasion, and restriction on the internet that satisfies a government’s awful interests.

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