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thesmokingman, in Paper cuts that come with every new software update

17 was my first major OS update and 17.1 was the first patch I got for it. All of my share sheet suggestions got fucked. The people I send things to multiple times per day in almost every app no longer appear as Messages suggestions. I get random people I haven’t texted in forever. I also can’t search group chats when sharing to Messages any more unless I do a very specific ordering and that only works some of the time. I can’t find anything about similar problems anywhere and doing resets hasn’t solved the problem for me. What used to take under a second now takes multiple seconds and infuriates me at least once a day.


Ah, the share suggestions never really worked for me.

I know the OS tries to intelligently identify with whom I want to share an item, based on the type of item, recency of conversation, etc. “tries” being the operative term.

The OS does not even honour the app order I manually set under “More” in the share sheet. I remember filing a feedback for this specific behaviour long back.


It worked well enough that I didn’t notice pre-17/17.1. It really disappointed me. I reset all my contacts and did a ton of stuff to try to fix it. I send most things to my partner; my partner no longer appears in the bar even after resets.

sosodev, in Paper cuts that come with every new software update

In iOS 17.1 videos playing in Safari no longer prevent the screen from locking if they aren’t full screen. Maybe that’s intentional but it certainly seems like a bug. I find it very annoying.

Another Safari regression is the inability to scroll over video elements. Which really breaks the Voyager experience :(

Also, WatchOS 10.1 broke a bunch of complications for watch faces. They usually just fail to render. Which is also very annoying.

WatchOS 10 did fix a bug that was around for a long time. My watch used to fail to measure elevation gain while hiking but it works now. So that’s cool.


Another Safari regression is the inability to scroll over video elements. Which really breaks the Voyager experience

I have noticed this as well. I didn’t realise this was an OS issue. I assumed this was because I am using the TestFlight version of Voyager.


Nope, it’s a WebKit/Safari bug. A fix was merged at the end of September but it hasn’t been released because Apple has the world’s slowest release process for system apps. It sucks that they won’t ship minor patches like that if it isn’t a security vulnerability.


It indeed sucks.

I hope the fix is delivered in one of the point releases rather than the next annual one.

Also, thanks for the information on this! :-)

original2, in Apple to face £853 million UK 'batterygate' lawsuit

So… £35.50 per iphone affected? Thats just a cost of business… Basically a cost of buisness not a serious punishment…

HeartyBeast, avatar

It's about what a 3rd party battery replacement costs

curiousaur, in M1: the normal one

MacBook pro, or m1 pro? There’s a pro machine, and a pro chip. Which are you talking about?


The pro machine


So it’s the pro machine with a regular m1 chip? The one with the touch bar? If it’s the pro with the touch bar, get the air.

Syldon, in Apple to face £853 million UK 'batterygate' lawsuit avatar

The UK does not hold companies to account. This is pointless under this Tory government. Google got away with data abuse because no one suffered any damages apparently. P&O dismissed its workers.


No government holds companies responsible for anything. It’s no better in the states. We as citizens have one purpose, to make the rich richer.

As the French revolutionary Voltaire put it: “The comfort of the rich depends on an abundant supply of the poor.”

Syldon, avatar

OFC government can hold companies to account. What do you think the Leveson inquiry was about? The monopolies commission, Grenfel inquiry and many more.


Can. Have in the past. Don’t anymore.

Syldon, avatar


The UK does not hold companies to account. This is pointless under this Tory government.

SpeziSuchtel, in My take on the “Scary Fast” shot on iPhone controversy avatar

I don’t get why this is debated apart from getting clicks.

Just because a car has been driven and tested on the Nürburgring doesn’t mean its quicker when it’s driven by a regular person in everyday life. It’s just a tool and all its power derives from the conditions its used in and whos using it. Same principle with cameras.

shellsharks, avatar

For The Verge, probably just for clicks unfortunately…

nieceandtows, in My take on the “Scary Fast” shot on iPhone controversy

I didn’t even know it was controversial. This is so stupid. Even for an expensive camera, you would still need those accessories to make the video. That doesn’t mean you can’t say you shot the video on a Red camera, for example.

btw, nice to see that blogs still exist. Slice of mind content reads better as a blog post than making text posts about it.

shellsharks, avatar

Thanks! Yeah, the mild slights against Apple were silly but for me, I thought it was at least worth pointing out the cool features Apple highlighted in their behind the scenes article.


Ya it’s not at all controversial. Aside from the techno crane, everything else I could see is MSRP at prosumer pricing.

So it really is Apple lowering the barrier to entry. Even if you only have a few of these goodies, your footage will look fantastic if not cinematic.

ultratiem, avatar

It was mostly the Verge that put out that incendiary article. I think most people understood the production crew would keep the same rigging and just swap out the cameras they were using for iPhones. But apparently the Verge expected some dude running around with his iPhone filming shit and got triggered.


Thanks for the link. Nice to see them clowned in the comments.

ultratiem, avatar
upsurge, in My take on the “Scary Fast” shot on iPhone controversy

This isn’t a controversy. Let’s move on.

shellsharks, avatar

The Verge out here rage baiting everyone to perfection hahaaaa. Guess I got suckered in too.

garretble, in My take on the “Scary Fast” shot on iPhone controversy avatar

Apple uses expensive film camera plus hundreds of thousands of dollars of “pro studio” equipment to make a video: no one bats an eye.

Apple uses an iPhone plus hundreds of thousands of dollars of “pro studio” equipment to make a video: everyone goes apeshit.


And it’s not even that much. The crane is probably rented.

Staff costs aside you’re probably looking at $40,000 tops which is cheap cheap cheap for production costs

And if you don’t have $40k, rent everything except the phone and make your movie. Easy.


Apple wouldn’t be renting anything and the staff are probably very well paid.

They pay professionals who could work in the best paid positions in the industry and get them to film year round on projects like this - it’s part of their R&D process for software like Final Cut Pro/etc.

And it seems it’s also part of their R&D process for the iPhone camera.


Everyone rents gear, from the biggest Hollywood films down. The biggest blockbuster you can think of was shot and edited on rented gear.

Nobody buys a techno crane and just puts it in a storage room in Apple HQ.

GONADS125, in Sadly, cancelled my Apple One subscription.

What is it with companies that they lack basic business smarts?

Short-sighted greed and appeasement of shareholders.

dmtalon, in Sadly, cancelled my Apple One subscription.

I run my own storage, mostly via NextCloud (as a docker on unRAID). But I still use a couple apps, and my old phone to take advantage of Google’s old ‘unlimited original uploads of photos’ as a secondary, backup. I like this for publicly sharing photos vs giving people access/direct links to my stuff.

Nextcloud is also our dropbox/onedrive etc…

Important bits are backed up ultimately to Backblaze (my only cloud storage)

The biggest thing I worry about with this setup which is pretty low cost compared to paying Google, Apple, MS for cloud storage/features. is that if I get hit by a bus tomorrow. This stuff will likely eventually fade into oblivion. While I did finally get my wife onto a shared password manager I am not so sure she’d be able to recover stuff if she needed. Of course it would all work as it does right now for a while. But eventually unRAID will crash or have some hardware failure, then things get tricky. Again, my wife has access to accounts/passwords through the password manager, but there are still technical challenges. I guess I need to add to the ‘in case of emergency’ to pull off all important digital documents and start backing them up some other way.

RotaryKeyboard, avatar

I am in precisely the same situation (except I don’t use Backblaze. I store my data offsite in a safe deposit box). My wife is also non-technical. Here’s what I’m planning to make the “bus moment” less impactful:

  1. I’ve got a couple friends who are technical enough that she can call them for assistance. I’m running a VPN server that at least one of them knows how to access so they can walk her through what she needs.
  2. I plan on storing the RSA key for the password manager, along with digital documents explaining how to keep certain things running on a thumb drive that I’ll drop in the safe deposit box mentioned earlier.
  3. I need to get my wife to log in to the NAS a few times and perform some basic maintenance to build a little muscle memory.

I’ve been trying to decide how to handle the critical documents backup. They’re backed up on the NAS, but that’s a complicated piece of equipment. I have them organized into a folder structure so that I can find them easily. I’m thinking of just dropping the whole folder structure onto the thumb drive, just in case. I can’t think of a better solution, especially since my wife is going to be busy and distraught after I’m dead, so she won’t be able to handle a super complicated retrieval process.


I have also considered the ‘trusted friend’ thing. And while that would certainly solve the ‘hit by a bus’ situation, they are my age and not any healthier than I am. I don’t believe I have any/many technically capable younger friends I could rely on as that trusted person long term.

These things are stuff I’ve thought about on/off for a while. Not just my personal storage, but just in general as things move to cloud (especially company clouds) when those places fail what happens? As people die off and have their data locked online somewhere, when they stop paying, or company ceases to exist that stuff is just potentially lost. Meanwhile, I have a huge box of pictures my grandparents took. I’ve digitized a lot of them since it’s much easier to share that way, but the box is still in my closet and will exist after I’m gone.

I didn’t intend to make this so dark :)

RotaryKeyboard, avatar

It’s scaring me how similar your situation is to mine! I also just finished scanning in a bunch of photos that my grandmother took. I chose to host the photos in the Photos app, and considered for a long time whether I would let that sync up to iCloud. Sure, the photos would exist on Apple’s cloud. But if I die, they can only be accessed from my Apple devices. If someone can’t get into them for any reason, they’re as good as gone, because Apple – as good a company as it is when it comes to customer service – can’t be counted on to let anyone else into my account to retrieve data.

So I stored them in Photos, and will store copies of them on my NAS, in hopes that having them in multiple locations will increase the chances that someone else can access them. Same thing goes with my data – I ignore iCloud, but I store that data on my Macbook Pro, inside of its periodic backup, on my NAS, on the backup of the NAS, and potentially in the future, on a thumb drive. More locations means more chances of being able to get at the files in the event of a catastrophe.


I use Photoprism also as a docker on my NAS. It is Internet facing but I only really share kinks to friends and family since it is hitting my server. Its firewalled/port forwarded etc, but I’m not comfortable sharing that publicly.

Inside our house NAS shares are accessible, however read only unless I need to update/add to it.

Nextcloud runs in parallel to the NAS and contains it’s own data but it’s ease of use allows my wife to use it

One other paid storage I didn’t mention (for photos) is I also have a $40/yr zenfolio account where I do upload photos. Mostly stuff taken with my DSLR not phone pictures. (A lot of soccer pictures). My grandparents photos are there also so the family can access them.

Thief, in Sadly, cancelled my Apple One subscription.

Only issue is I have had my phone stolen once and dropped into a drain once by a drunk friend. So for me backup of photos is critical (with apple I have never lost photos even after this happened). My photo library is currently 205GB and the other phones in my family are 249gb of data.

So I have the 2tb icloud plan and the apple one plan so it is all shared (currently using 463gb/2.2TB) among my family. 4 people use these 2 subscriptions.

How am I supposed to get a service that auto backs up my photos daily for me, and for 3 other phones unless I use apples offering?

Genuine question. I have not been able to answer this question for over 3 years now. Other services I tried like amazon photo backup expected me to open the app to make photo backups. Makes the service pointless imho.

httpjames, avatar

It’s a limitation imposed by Apple, so you won’t find anything that can sync as seamlessly as iCloud. Apps can only sync for up to 60s in the background when receiving a wake-up notification from the server.


If you used Android you would have the freedom that makes it doable instead of paying extra money to have limitations artificially imposed on you (literally this is the entire apple business model). Syncthing automatically syncs to my home machine and it costs nothing except a little setup time and electricity


If it’s family photos, we bought SmugMug basic $75/year, and set up the same account on our phones. Boom. All our photos are backed up and shared with each other. And there s no limit in sight.


“It’s important to note that any HEIC images will be converted into JPGs when uploaded to SmugMug, and LivePhotos will be converted into still images. “


I can recommend Nextcloud. Its self-hosted, supports ios, android, windows, mac and linux and can auto upload photos in the background . It also allows you to syncronize any other files, like icloud.

This way youre not locked into only using apple devices and can freely choose your next phone.

It can also sync contacts, notes, calendars, and more. You can have as many accounts as you want and (optionally) use shared folders. The only limit is the size of the Disk in your server.

But you will need some technical knowledg

You need an old desktop pc (i have one with a 12 year old dual-core cpu and its works just fine), install a 2tb HDD and finally install Linux and Nextcloud. There are many good tutorials for all of these steps.

I like Nextcloud because its free (exept for the hardware and electricity your server needs) and you actually own your data meaning its acessible even without internet, or any external server.

Nextcloud gmbh (the company behind the open-source project) doesnt collect any data, so it is as private as can be.

You should of course do backups of the server disk from time to time, just incase the HDD fails or your house burns down or gets flooded.

I have been using it for my documents and photo backups for years and its great, but it requires some maintenace and is definitly less easy to use than icloud or google photos.

Rolldach, in Paper cuts that come with every new software update

How long will it take them to fix the system preferences? I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I have to scroll on my huge external monitor to find a setting. Scrolling on a smartphone? Of course, but on a computer with a massive display? Whyyyyy?


I try to rationalise this as a side effect of System Preferences now using SwiftUI, and have given up hope on it becoming sanely usable any time soon.

HoornseBakfiets, in Sadly, cancelled my Apple One subscription.

Anyone paying for cloud storage for home use has no smarts in the first place, just buy a Synology NAS


Anyone smart enough knows you should have both. You should be backing up local and offsite.


Off-site backups don’t need to be in the cloud - they can be on your own hardware or that of a friend, just elsewhere.


Of course but how many of us have a friend who is gonna let us set up a NAS at their house? Cloud is a much easier solution.

cosmic_slate, avatar

Running a NAS is fine and all, but iCloud is one less thing in my personal life I have to spend time to sysadmin. I use a NAS for some things and iCloud for photo sharing. No port forwards/etc needed at all.


I have iCloud for family and OneDrive. For local backups I use Time Machine.


Why do people resort to insults when other people prioritize things differently? This always baffles me, and I’ve been seeing it a lot on Lemmy lately.

I don’t have a NAS. I don’t want a NAS. I have no need for a NAS. I have iCloud purely for my mother, and my time is way more valuable than the cost of iCloud. I also don’t want to deal with troubleshooting if something goes wrong. I fight enough fires at work when a release goes sour.

I’m not stupid because I value my time more than the cost of a subscription. I value the ease of use for my mother more than the cost of a subscription. I understand your values don’t align with mine. That’s okay! You’re not stupid for that. And I’m not stupid for my choices.

Try to see the human and realize that we all have individual lives, goals, and priorities. Insulting people for being different than you is something we should be moving away from, not continuing.


I have a synology nas. The cheapest 2 drive model. The nas plus a pair of 4tb drives set me back $380. The time period for roi is pretty significant.

HoornseBakfiets, (edited )
  1. Looking at what you’d pay for 4tb of cloud storage and you’ll quickly find that return of investment
  2. That’s forgetting the additional advantages of faster LAN backups, hosting docker containers & includes a free tin foil hat
  3. If you look at the second hand market the prices are significantly lower (most people sell their NAS having upgraded to a larger model)
  4. Not stuck to a single company that can change prices later
SuperFola, in M1: the normal one avatar

I prefer the pro as it has more power and active heat dissipation through fans. Otherwise you said it, they are pretty much the same.

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