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Moc, in Apple Adds 6TB and 12TB iCloud+ Storage Tiers

Prices should be going down


Should they? The cost of everything is going up not down.


Storage costs are definitely going down.

Nogami, (edited )

Maybe you’re thinking of home devices as opposed to commercial products that pay salaries for employees buildings, IT infrastructure, R&D, development, security, etc?


Yes, but that’s been slowing. They’re reaching limits until the next advance in HDDs.

Flash is still much more expensive per GB.

Power costs, server costs and Datacenter space are going up.


The next advance on HDDs literally came last year. 20tb+ drives are available at ever decreasing prices these days, after being stalled at 16/18tb for a good few years.


They’ve been out for a while, but it’s the same SMR tech. HAMR/MAMR are just starting to get going that will enable the next leap. But they’re not shipping in volume and reliability isn’t yet known. It’ll be a bit before you see them in widespread use.


The HAMR/MAMR are exactly what I’m talking about. It is obviously unproven, but you can get new 20/22tb CMR HDDs now for 17.5¢ per GB very regularly, not counting sales. They’re what I’m currently running, and the normal price has dropped something close to 20% in the last year alone.


HAMR is still not out, but will be 30+TB. We’ve had 20+TB drives for a long time. They’ve been plateaud there for a while.

Price per GB hasn’t really been coming down much on CMR/SMR.

Which was my point. Until HAMR is in use and at mass production, storage costs haven’t really come down.

DarkWasp, avatar

Should at least offer 10-15GB as the fee tier at least, it’s 2023. Or add 5GB per owned/registered and in use device.

nicetriangle, in Is a Mac more than a big iPhone? (Serious post) avatar

Should we first start by explaining what a desktop computer does?

yuriy, in Apple Explains Why It Won’t Make iPhones With Replaceable Batteries

jeeeeesus christ, the idea that a component in your MOBILE PHONE will never need repair is a one-way ticket to fucking landfill electronics.

add a gasket, holy shit it’s waterproof again!


I mean, they said it never needs to be repaired, so just offer a lifetime warranty if it degrades. Should be easy enough

soren446, in Meta ‘blacklisted’ developer after learning his VR fitness app will also launch on Vision Pro, lawsuit says avatar

Damn. If Meta is this scared of Apple’s headset then it’s going to have a bad time finding developers. I can’t imagine a device that costs ~$3.5k usd is that much of a threat to Meta’s market share


They’re probably not scared of the Vision Pro, they’re probably scared of whatever comes after. Apple has a history of being able to take established tech and make it so user-friendly (for the casual user, not the power users) that your grandmother could use it. I think that’s what they’re afraid of. I think they’re scared that they’re the BlackBerry and Apple’s gearing up to launch the iPhone.

soren446, avatar

Their Reality Labs division loses billions every year. They are going to be the BlackBerry whether they like it or not. Absolutely idiotic for a social media company to get into the hardware business.

StefanAmaris, avatar

Meta is not in the hardware business, they're in the software and data transport business.

The hardware is just an intermediary step while they wait for someone else to take on that burden


Facebook / Meta is one of the few data hoarding companies that doesn’t have “full control” of how their products are consumed / used and how much data gets collected in which way. Apple has the Mac, TV, Watch, and iPhone platforms. Google has the Pixels, Android, and Nests, Amazon has Kindles, Fire, Alexa devices, and so on.

Facebook doesn’t have any of these. The best they can do today is being a parasitic add-on to a platform they have no total control over like “the others” do.

Making their own hardware is a key element, not a burden. But they’re still treating it like the latter. If the Metaverse would already have been the New Thing ™, they’d have been the quasi-dominators of that territory because they’re pioneering the hard- and software. But along came AI which doesn’t need it’s own hardware platform, and still nobody wants to live in the Metaverse.


“a history of” being the iPhone mostly.


And the iPod and iPad. But I see your point. My sweet Zune lost that war.


The more likely reason for blacklisting the developer is to cause a chilling effect on other developers. Apple has one of the best developer ecosystems and Meta is likely terrified of letting their developers anywhere near Apple. Having good apps is so important to a platform

garretble, (edited ) in Valve Says Counter-Strike 2 for macOS Not Happening Because There Aren't Enough Players on Mac to Justify It avatar

In other news, your local city government said they will not be building dedicated bike lanes because there are not enough cyclists to justify it.


Too soon

avater, in The iPhone 13 mini is dead, leaving small phone lovers in a lurch avatar

fuck you apple, I will use the mini until it dies and then I will replace its fucking battery and will continue to use it! Never ever will I buy another bigger phone than the mini.


I’m reading a lot of this and most of my friends got the mini. I wonder why it didn’t sell well? Seems like a lot of tech enthusiasts actually care about one-handed usability – but nobody else cares.

pavnilschanda, avatar

That seems to be the case: Ars Technica, Reddit, even this forum, are in favor of the minis. But the thing is most of us are tech enthusiasts who’d rather use our computers and tablets for a larger screen over the iPhone, so most of the population who would be drawn to the minis are concentrated there.


For most “normal” people, the phone is the only device they use nowadays.
If your phone replaces a pc and a tablet, a bigger screen makes sense.


The common complaints i’ve read are that it had mediocre battery life and the screen felt cramped.


Not me, count me as an enthusiast who wants bigger phones. My ideal is a 2340x1080 screen at 6.7" or even 6.8".

bob_wiley, avatar


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  • HidingCat,

    Never thought I'd see someone call an Apple product lineup bloated. xD


    I disagree, the regular 14 massively outsold the plus. The regular 12 and 13 were also the most sold of each year as well.

    14 overall wasn’t as popular this year as the pro versions though.

    revs, in My GF Macbook Pro has reached end of life support

    10 years of support. Not bad.

    Just install Linux on it (if this is what she wants, regardless of if you think it’s better) or find a M1 MacBook Air for 7-800 if she wants a Mac.

    I have a 2012 laptop, and upgraded to the M1 Air. Using the old machine is painful now, I didn’t realise how slow it was.

    10-11yrs from a laptop is pretty great. I wouldn’t call it planned obsolescence.


    Yep I upgrade my SO’s 2012 MBP and my 2012 Mac Mini to the M2 versions and it was amazing how large of a jump it was. I don’t know if I will drag another 10 years out of these machines, I think I probably could but I may sell them off in like 5 years and upgrade if there is something worthy out there.

    Would it have been nice for Apple to support them for an extra couple years? Yeah, but I’m sort of happy they forced me to upgrade as I too didn’t realize just how much I was missing.

    Mpeach45, in All my Apple devices switched themselves off overnight avatar

    Really terrible idea to share iCloud accounts. That’s what family sharing is for.


    Wish I could upvote this more than once. Apple IDs are not meant to be shared. It will cause a whole mess of issues. I used to work Apple support and can’t tell you how many times I had to help people untangle this.


    don’t worry, I upvoted for you

    Emwe, in Does anyone else think this is kind of expensive?

    You chose an excessively overpriced product - now you complain about prices of an the excessively overpriced product’s accessories?

    woulda thought you had taken these things into consideration when deciding to buy an excessively overpriced product


    Op didn’t buy shit, they just like complaining. And who can blame me, it’s fun.


    What’s a good mobile not overpriced phone?

    abcd, in Apple Explains Why It Won’t Make iPhones With Replaceable Batteries

    It would be great if the EU steps back:

    Dear phone manufacturers. It seems to be impossible to build water resistant phones with easily replaceable batteries. So we have an alternative for you: In future you must provide a unconditional, professional battery replacement, free of charge for 10 years for each individual phone which is water resistant. Since the phones are so water resistant you also have to replace all water damaged phones free of charge.

    2 hours later Apple announces a keynote for next week. A week later Tim Cook presents us next years iPhone with an easily replaceable battery…

    fartsparkles, in Apple accused of ‘trying to thwart emerging startups through anticompetitive measures’

    I’m an Apple customer but this is straight up wrong. Non-compete clauses this broad are ridiculous and practically stop ex-employees working anywhere they’re actually skilled to work. It quite literally ends someone’s career after their tenure.

    If you’re expertise is SoC design and implementation, to be contractually restricted from working anywhere else that does SoC-related business is effectively kicking you out of the very industry and job pool you’re capable of working. Your mobility is totally stifled.

    These kinds of restrictive covenants need to be outlawed or at least be limited to a short time frame no more than six months, requiring ex employers to pay the ex employee during this time if made redundant or fired or requiring the incumbent employer to pay the new employee during this time until they’re legally able to work again.

    Hopefully this case goes against Apple favour and sets a strong precedent against absurd non compete clauses like this.


    In Denmark, non compete clauses like these require the old employer to pay you for the period you’re not allowed to compete.


    Darn that Denmark and its sensible employment laws and strong economy (especially considering GDP per capita).


    Non-compete clauses should be illegal (or done like in Denmark, like the example of our fellow commenter here)


    They’re illegal in the province I live in. They were all voided a few years ago.


    They’re illegal in the country I live in. I mostly meant they should be illegal basically everywhere.

    Blaubarschmann, in Drop tests leave iPhone 15 Pro absolutely battered; iPhone 14 Pro comes out fully functional

    Well I mean this is sample size 1. Not possible to say how much the test results were affected by the phones not landing exactly the same way. Maybe one was weakened by an unlucky early drop and then shattered faster? From this, I would not generally infer that one is “better” than the other. But it is still plausible

    xan1242, avatar

    In the stress test video on the JerryRigEverything YT channel, you can tell that the back is much easier to shatter than normal. That does kind of make this seem suspicious.

    Earthwormjim91, in There Is No iPhone 15 Mini: Here's Why

    Because the 12 and 13 minis didn’t sell for shit. That’s why.

    There’s no point in keeping around a product line that nobody is buying.


    Yeah great.

    I just returned a pixel 7a because it was just too big. After years of android, from the g1 onwards, I was about to switch to Apple, just to get a small phone as there’s just no small android on the market. But not anymore… No reason to switch ecosystems if I know I’ll run into the same problem in a few years there.

    /edit That doesn’t mean you’re wrong. I obviously want something nobody else wants. It’s still annoying.


    Both Sony and Asus make great small phones.


    Aren’t they all closer in size to the non-mini iPhones than the minis?


    A bit taller but about the same width (3.8mm wider for Xperia 10 V).


    Its width is exactly between the regular size iPhone and the mini, but it is both taller and thicker than the larger iPhone. The iPhone mini is already a bit tall for one-handed use so the Xperias really aren’t suitable replacements :/


    Sony doesn’t make small phones. The Xperia 10 and 5 are 68 mm wide and 155 and 154 mm tall. The zenfone 10 is just as wide but 146.5 mm tall, which is better but still too damn big. The iPhone Mini is 64.2 mm wide and 131.5 mm tall. That’s 1.5 cm less than the zenfone and almost 2.5 cm less than the Xperias, while still being almost half a centimeter less wide. Like, see the comparison of the Xperia 10v, the zenfone 10 and the iPhone 13 Mini:

    BombOmOm, avatar

    The iPhone SE line is pretty small with a 4.7" screen.


    And rumours are the next one is going to be 6.1 inches.

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    That’s really sad. My wife loves her iPhone mini. It’s great for people who don’t want a giant phone in their hands.

    avater, avatar

    I bought two. One for me and my wife, love them.


    I haven’t bought a single mini because it’s always nerfed in some way. I don’t want to compromise for not being able to comfortably hold the expensive model.

    As soon as Apple releases a mini model that’s on par with the rest of the flagship lineup, I imagine these metrics will tell a different story.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen any time soon.

    HeartyBeast, avatar

    The 13 Mini wasn’t nerfed in any appreciable way, that I recall. Slightly worse battery life was the only downside


    You’re right. That one I was weak on my spec knowledge as I got the 12 and skipped that year. I do remember being disappointed in no 14 mini. If only they had kept going for one more generation they might’ve had a few more upgrade from a prior model :/

    HeartyBeast, avatar

    The big advantage of the 13 Mini over the 12 Mini was the battery life was half decent


    The 12 mini is decent, but my aging 2 year old battery needs to be swapped.


    If they brought a mini pro version it would be a no brainer. I need telephoto and promotion and the island in a small package.


    The ultra wide lens’s is such a bad camera in my opinion. I would have rather had telephoto.


    It wasn’t nerfed at all. It was exact same cup and camera and a slightly higher resolution display.

    The battery was smaller because the phone was smaller, that was it.


    Yes thank you someone already pointed that out. I was mistaken about the 13 mini, admittedly because I had the 12 and skipped the 13.

    Still, I was disappointed to see no 14 mini, and even more to see no mini at all this year. Additionally we had only 2 release cycles to buy/upgrade. IMO iPhones last so long it wasn’t even really enough time to know for sure if people liked them or not.

    HeartyBeast, avatar

    From the article

    In April 2022, CIRP released more data suggesting that the ‌iPhone 13‌ mini accounted for just 3 percent of ‌iPhone 13‌ sales

    I may never be one of the 1%, but at least I can proudly proclaim my membership of the 3%


    I love my mini, going to hold on to it as long as I can and hope they offer a refreshed model a couple times a decade.


    Also if a quick Google result is anything to go on, Apple sells hundreds of millions of iPhones a year. 3% of that is still a fuckload of people and IMO proves there is a market for it. Just maybe not a market that needs yearly attention. You also have to remember that's split between tons of SKUs, so you would expect all of them to hover in the single digits to low teens.

    I got my wife a 12 Mini - she loves it. The battery life is absolutely the worst thing about it, but it sounds like the 13 Mini was a huge upgrade in that regard and I had hopes it would continue to get better with future versions.

    Something else that may not be taken in to account - the kinds of people buying the Mini are I would wager on a longer upgrade period than the kinds of people who buy e.g. a base iPhone or Pro model. The kind of person buying a Mini I would bet is closer to the kind of buyer that has historically bought the SE - they probably only upgrade every 3 or 4 years rather than the more stereotypical 2. Pro numbers are also skewed by the hyper fans who upgrade yearly and therefore show up in the stats a lot more, even though they're both a firm Apple customer.

    There is also this interesting note at the end of the article:

    "Other reports ... overwhelmingly presented the same picture of low ‌iPhone 14‌ Plus sales, to the extent that Apple was forced to slash production, suggesting that the low sales of the ‌iPhone 12 mini‌ and ‌iPhone 13‌ mini may not have been caused by the device's size after all."

    I think the Mini should become the new SE. Keep it on 2+ year old CPU, keep it 60Hz, at least the form factor and design language will match the rest of the lineup unlike now where the SE has a design from 2016. That would be perfect for people like my wife, who want the smallest cheapest phone that's technically an iPhone, and are only going to upgrade every few years.

    bob_wiley, avatar


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  • paraphrand,

    Where did you find that affordable used 13 mini by the way?


    The kind of person buying a Mini I would bet is closer to the kind of buyer that has historically bought the SE

    I upgraded from an SE to a 13 mini

    HeartyBeast, avatar

    Probably right about the rate of buying for people like me - I upgraded to the 13 Mini from the iPhone 7. Here’s to the iPhone 19 Mini :)


    Relative. They sold millions of them. Billions in revenue. Any other company it would have been a huge success. But apple being a Trillion dollar corporation, they didn’t sell well enough.


    It’s not really that people weren’t buying.

    It was more about where Apple could focus to generate more profit and have the fewest models they would need to support.

    If they decide they want to produce 4 general models (like with the 15), they produce the 4 they will sell the best and generate the most profit.

    Even if a 5th still has some market as a mini there’s diminishing returns for tooling up another full model they already know won’t have the same profit potential.

    My guess is that Apple tools up a mini just often enough to have 1 mini model that can support the most current iOS version, so every 5 or 6 years they’ll make a mini model that die hard mini fans can keep until iOS is no longer supported on it.

    drspod, in Malicious Google ads deceive Mac users into installing Atomic Stealer malware

    The ads are legitimate and paid for but disguise themselves as the website or software the user is searching for.

    That is not what “legitimate” means.

    _bug0ut, avatar

    Eh, “legit” as in “paid for, payment accepted by Google, displayed in search results without proper QC.”


    A “legitimate” google ad tricked my friend into installing a version of vlc with spyware packed with it. This was a few years ago. Are tech journos just figuring this out?

    Zummy, in Apple faces renewed pressure to protect child safety: ‘Child sexual abuse is stored on iCloud. Apple allows it.’

    No, people don’t want this. To be clear, I AM NOT saying that people don’t want the end to CSAM. I would say most people want that. What I am saying is that people don’t want someone to spy on your data to stop it. Spying on everyone to catch the few sickos out their is not cool. Apple protects privacy, and that’s what I want.


    Apple “protects privacy”***************

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