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kromem, in Google weighs Gemini AI project to tell people their life story using phone data, photos

I find it odd when people get upset at the idea of having access to their own aggregated data but almost never get upset when they hand over massive amounts of data to companies that can privately do the same things on their data.

Google already processes your Photos data, and while you get their facial recognition data pipeline fed back to you, there’s a fair bit of other analysis going on that you aren’t always seeing. But people aren’t generally complaining that they are scanning your photos for criminal activity or trying to maximize product engagement using the data.

But if suddenly they turn back over access to that deep analysis so you can ask a chatbot “what did I eat for my birthday two years ago and who was there” and get a description of the meal, who else was there, and relevant images without needing to scroll back your timeline - now it’s suddenly creepy and we don’t want it (even though literally all that information is already being processed at roughly the same level of fidelity already).

People are weird.


Good psychological analysis.


Out of sight, out of mind.


It was always creepy. But this just pushes that creepiness right into peoples’ faces so they can’t ignore it.

HubertManne, avatar

yeah. I prefer actually to see the data they collect on me plainly so I have a better idea of what it all is.


I love this post. Thanks. 🥰

Kidplayer_666, in Google will store Location History, Maps Timeline on your device

*and then maybe sent it back to google anyways

Alonely0, in Beeper Mini’s iMessage fight with Apple is about platforms, protocols, and power - The Verge avatar

@ijeff this article is factually wrong.

Dave, avatar

Can you be more specific?


Explain your thought.

syd, in Beeper Mini’s iMessage fight with Apple is about platforms, protocols, and power - The Verge avatar

If a client can broke your system, then your server/protocol is problematic and not the client. Software developer teachings for starters.

golli, in MKBHD's blind smartphone camera test (2023)

Very late to reply, but thanks for posting. I got the OP11, Pixel 7a and Pixel fold in the standard test. I might do the others at a later point.

Always fascinating to see how much the skin color and sweater colour can vary between pictures.

TheMadnessKing, in Google is working on message editing feature in Google Messages - TheSpAndroid

High time Google opens up the RCS for other apps on Android.


True. This would be an issue for anyone with a custom ROM. Although Signal is there as an option as well.


Signal is great but Signal ≠ RCS


I think they mean allowing Signal to use RCS would let them combine all their messaging into a single app and/or use it for RCS on ROMs without Google apps. Kinda like how Facebook Messenger tries to be your SMS app as well, except with apps like Signal, people might actually use the feature.


Signal cut out their sms integration. Don’t see why they’d have RCS.

NicoCharrua, avatar

If RCS is end to end encrypted, and doesn’t use messaging fees, then every reason they decided to drop sms is no longer valid, except for needing to spend more time developing it.

I doubt they’ll add it even if they did have the option, but it’s not ridiculous that they could.


The removal of SMS will be necessary because Google is cutting out third party apps from being able to access the messaging framework, including RCS. Google’s closing the walls around their garden.


I’ve actually never heard of this. Do you have any further reading on this topic?


SMS and RCS are distinctly different techs, the former being antiquated and insecure.


Custom ROMs are able to use RCS with Google Messages just fine. It only becomes an issue if you also want to de-Google your phone.

skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • n2burns,
    1. That assumes your carrier has a RCS app and you can either download it or extract it from the stock ROM.
    2. AFAIK, most of those apps rely on Google Play Services/Carrier Services so you probably can’t stay Google-free.
    cole, in We enabled Android's new App Pairs to show you split-screen shortcuts in action avatar

    sick! this is awesome

    Fake4000, in Google’s Android app store monopoly violates antitrust law, jury finds

    I don’t understand, you can pretty much install any app store on android.

    Am I missing something?


    Yes, you’re missing something, IMO.

    Google to OEMs: Hey, I know we market Android as an open system, but since we know the market reality is that you can’t use other software, we’re going to force you into signing these agreements saying no third party app stores and you will bundle our software and telemetry, without giving the option to uninstall. You will also make installing apps from outside the play store show a scary message and requiring changes in the settings.

    Google to app providers: Hey, there’s a 30% fee on anything both through the play store, and inside your apps once you’re done with the play store. Unless we have a secret backroom deal with you giving you an unfair advantage over competing apps, like we’ve done with Spotify and Netflix.

    Courts: Uhhh all of that seems like an abuse of your market position, no?

    Doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.

    Carighan, avatar

    I don’t think including the base store is even a bad thing. I reckon the big change from this will be that if your app is signed as an app store and preinstalled or in turn signed off by Google, the usual safety precautions are dropped and for all intents and purposes you can behave like the Google Store.

    Though… I give it ~1-4 minutes until the shitstorm about malware installing their own app stores to get around all security begins. And in this particular content, Epic counts as malware, given the shit they did on PC.


    Thanks for the explanation. Very helpful and insightful.


    we’re going to force you into signing these agreements saying no third party app stores

    So why do a bunch of OEMs have their own app stores?


    Samsung has one and they aren’t allowed to have it as the default.


    They are allowed to have it as the default. They’re just paid not to.





    1. Extra revenue stream
    2. To be able to sell their devices in countries not supported by Google Play (China).
    3. As a leverage to get better licensing deal from google. Manufacturers must pay Google to include Play Store in their device, and it can cost up to $40 per device. By having their own app store, phone manufacturers might have some leverage in licensing cost negotiation (e.g. Google offering them money to not include other app store).

    That’s clearly not what I was asking. The question was rhetorical because they DON’T prevent other OEMs from installing their own app stores.


    As a similar comparison, Microsoft was found to be in violation of antitrust laws with internet explorer even though everyone could pretty much install any browser they wanted to on Windows.

    Teknikal, (edited ) in Every Android 14 QPR2 hidden feature: Circle to Search, notification cooldown, and more

    I hate Android updates mostly as Google seems to want to restrict it down to Ios levels recently.

    They seem determined to make it hard to use emulators and to kill off apps like tasker… My latest experience has also been soured by having a nothing phone were every update seems to introduce more issues and not even attempting any bug fixing or optimisation it’s turned what was a pretty good phone originally into a constantly rebooting pos.

    scrubbles, in Google weighs Gemini AI project to tell people their life story using phone data, photos avatar

    Hey is this something that could be a black mirror episode? If yes, Google, you probably shouldn’t fucking build it.


    I think it’d be a huge win for privacy. People don’t understand how much data google has on them or what’s possible to do with it. This will illustrate it exactly and hopefully open people’s eyes to switching to privacy focused alternatives.

    key, avatar

    Wasn’t there one really close to this? AI created using people’s social media posts and stuff. Though I think in that it was meant for after someone died.

    scrubbles, avatar

    I’m not surprised, and I think that’s coming. For sure I see a character AI style “chat with grandma even after she’s passed on” as being a very lucrative business.

    Sure it’s just an amalgamation of approximations of what they think she would say. But I’d put it at around 60% of people would think they’re actually speaking to Grandma beyond the grave.

    rhythmisaprancer, in Google’s Android app store monopoly violates antitrust law, jury finds avatar

    I wonder if just this exposure will lead increased numbers to alternatives. Would that be good?

    avatar, in ChatGPT with Voice made me forget I was talking to an AI

    Can anyone use this? Right now?


    It’s hidden in a subtab in the article, but it says you can get it with the free tier of chatGPT app for Android or iOS by tapping the headphone icon to the right of the text box.

    So, apparently you can?


    Seems to be! Rolled out to the free tier, according to the article. But you need to install the app.

    gunpachi, in Here's your first look at Private Space, Android's answer to Samsung's Secure Folder avatar

    I’m already using shelter to achieve a similar result.

    ndsvw, (edited ) in Motorola Razr 2023 Review: Nonplussed - MrMobile avatar

    I don’t understand why peoole buy this. It looks like the early 2000s weren’t done yet. It looks like a step backwards IMO.

    Edit: Ah, nice… This gives me Reddit vibes… Getting downvoted just because you have a different oppinion. “10 dislikes? No, not enough!!! Take mine, too!!!”. What’s the goal? Do you want me to delete my post? I don’t get it…


    Perhaps, but it’s price makes it more accessible compared to the z flip


    Probably because I had a wonderful time with the first razr phone. Do you realize there is a thing called: reputation, and Motorola has a good amount of it


    What was the Motorola mobile arm is now owned by Lenovo, so…ehhhhh… That being said, the Razr reboot line has been pretty neat. Although the lack of OS updates is absolutely terrible.

    lorty, avatar

    It’s a way to have big screens and still fit in your pocket.


    Plenty of reasons; its small & compact, looks cute, different from the normal slab style phones that everyone has become used to, and it has a screen that folds which does look fun and futuristic.

    Ive been waiting to buy one myself, but the prices have just been to dear until now with this one and future entry levels coming out.

    ndsvw, (edited ) avatar

    Thanks for sharing your opinion instead of just downvoting the tell out of my comment for no reason like the others…

    I don’t share that it looks futuristic.

    It was a serious question from my side. I’d have predicted that the concept fails. It’s a surprise for ne that it did not…


    I down voted you for complaining about downvotes

    ndsvw, avatar

    That sounds as intelligent as downvoting all comments that contain the letter “t”.

    Downvoting different opinions (we are not event talking about insults, racism, … here) is a perfect way to create echo chambers. Guess, why Facebook, Twitter and like 80% of all social media sites never introduced a downvote… Guess, why YouTube removed the downvote… Because the average user does not seem to be able to accept different opinions without flooding the platform with downvotes.

    I think, you have also a few opinions where 7/10 people have a different view than you. 70 people press downvote, 30 press upvote. Now, you are at -40 and think about removing your post, although a 70/30 opinion isn’t that crazy at all.

    I think, downvoting every different opinion hurts the platform. That’s why my like/dislike ration is probably like 98/2…


    u seem to care a lot more about it than anyone else

    most folks just downvote and probably half read. i wouldnt worry about downvotes theyre not even tracked.

    ndsvw, avatar

    Well, I think, it’s an interesting topic and I like to share arguments.

    If I’d actually worry about downvotes, I’d probably delete my comments.

    ElPussyKangaroo, (edited )

    Downvotes are to display disagreement. So if I disagree, I downvote.

    Edit: I think people have misunderstood my point. What you use the button for isn’t relevant here… The button is for voting whether you like or dislike something. If you don’t find something interesting, you don’t vote, and if it seems Irrelevant, you invoke the Moderators.

    ndsvw, avatar

    Who defines that? There is a third option (not clicking anything). I use that for disagreement. If I disagree, I write a comment why I disagree instead of just using the middlefinger button and creating echo chambers…


    Why do you think the downvote button exists? For funsies? Sorry we aren’t saving you’re precious feelings by using one of the fundamental features of the website

    ndsvw, (edited ) avatar

    Why does it exist? I can only tell you what I use it for: For spam, for hate, for racism, for off-topic-stuff, for advertisement, for trolls, for “bad” bots, for people who ignore facts, …

    A personal question: How exactly do you differentiate between a post that suggest to destroy country XY and a post of someone who thinks, that topping XY on a Pizza is good, although you don’t like it? IMO, one of these 2 posts is way worse than the other.

    Sorry we aren’t saving you’re precious feelings

    You don’t hurt my feelings. You hurt the platform (Lemmy).

    I just want to make people think about it.

    I hope, I did not hurt your feelings… I mean… You couldn’t even accept the existence of my post without downvoting it…

    Imagine, you have an opinion and 30% support it and 70% don’t support it. Now, you post it, get 30 likes and 70 dislikes. You total score is now -40. What do you do now? Some people will think “What a stupid platform”. Some people will delete their post. Some people will leave the platform.

    by using one of the fundamental features of the website

    Ever wondered why Facebook, Twitter, … have no dislike button and why YouTube removed this “fundamental feature”? Because it caused too much negativity which is not good for the platform.


    You said everything but what was asked of you. You’re making this harder on yourself. You raise good points, at the wrong places.

    ndsvw, avatar

    I was asked what I think the button is good for and I answered it above:

    For spam, for hate, for racism, for off-topic-stuff, for advertisement, for trolls, for “bad” bots, for people who ignore facts, …

    Blaze, avatar

    Interesting, I use them for relevancy/irrelevancy to the discussion


    Understandable. Although, I think the report features are usually in place for such actions, right?

    Like, if my comment makes no sense under a certain post, or if my post is irrelevant to the community, then wouldn’t reporting it to the mods be the more logical action than just downvoting?


    No. If I disagree, I hit reply.


    Sure. That’s you. But these rating systems came from the idea of Like/Dislike, meaning you like or dislike something. You don’t rate it if you have no opinion.

    At least, that’s what I understand.


    Yeah you’re not wrong, it sucks. People treat it as a “I disagree” button while it was intended for off topic comments and spam.

    Then the hive mind takes over and people pile on. I used to call it the reddit hive mind, but I guess it’s not limited to that.

    I know it’s frustrating but I don’t think we can change human nature. If you are sure you said nothing “wrong” (like hate speech, off topic comment, etc) then it’s best to shrug and move on.

    ndsvw, avatar

    it’s best to shrug and move on

    I understand what you mean, although not saying anything means not even having the chance to make someone think about it…


    I know what you mean. Unfortunately, when the answer is “the room disagrees with your take” there’s not much to think about. So if you make sure your comments are clean, you’ll have to accept it happening from time to time.

    Its better for your mental health in the end!

    janguv, in Here's your first look at Private Space, Android's answer to Samsung's Secure Folder

    The app “Island” sort of does this already.

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