@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

I'm . The sound of the train blowing its horn as it passes my house makes me cover my ears in pain. But the throbbing bass of the engine that causes a deep pressure in my chest from the vibration makes me feel happy.

When I was a kid, I used to crank up the bass of my parents' stereo and sit directly against the woofer to feel that pressure. They would always yell at me to turn it down. I've always loved that feeling.


@brainpilgrim@mastodon.social avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I love bass drum and weighted blankets.

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


I run a room air conditioner year-round, so I can sleep with a heavy quilt on my bed.
I installed solar partly so I don't feel guilty about running an air conditioner year-round.

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@brainpilgrim@mastodon.social avatar

@ScottSoCal @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

In summer, I hug a body pillow.

I have a partner and we do sleep with cats 🤣 so that's year-round.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@brainpilgrim @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity When I was school-aged, I'd put my school books at the food of my bed, where the rail would keep them from tipping off, and I'd sleep with my feet under them.

@brainpilgrim@mastodon.social avatar

@ScottSoCal @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

I love tire swing. I would spin it until I got dizzy and had to lie down and watch the sky whirling, but the centrifugal force was so soothing.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@brainpilgrim @ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity That makes me turn green just thinking about it. But I also have inner ear problems so I can get the same sensation when I'm sitting perfectly still sometimes.

@asbestos@toot.community avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
Exactly opposite. The horn I like.
But don't get me started on Harley Davidsons and their obnoxious and illegal "mufflers"

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@asbestos @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Oh god I hate loud revving engines like that. The rumble from the train is completely different, IMO. I blow up on people sometimes over the shitty muffler thing.

@asbestos@toot.community avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
Damn Harleys you can hear like miles away. I go camping and I'm in BFE and there's these loud idiot jackasses.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@asbestos @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Noise pollution is the bane of my existence.

asbestos, (edited )
@asbestos@toot.community avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
I once saw some dudes launch this penis boat with a huge engine on it that was appallingly loud, like dragster loud. It stalled almost right away and I watched them try to get it going as they drifted down the Ohio River. They disappeared from sight about 40 minutes later. My only regret was not being in a boat to chase them and do a Nelson laugh over a bullhorn.

@asbestos@toot.community avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
The level of Schadenfreude I had, the tremendous pleasure it took from the universe setting things right....

@AutisticMumTo3@neurodifferent.me avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
I always loved the roar of the Vulcan Bomber's engines for how it made my insides vibrate. But I hate high pitched sounds (I struggle with Soprano voices) yet I am OK with high pitched recorders so long as there's not too many of them.

My twins have always been noisy, they still tend to talk too loud at 23, but have sensory issues with other people's noise.

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar

"But I hate high pitched sounds (I struggle with Soprano voices)"

Reading this was an "Oh, wow, yes!" thing for me. I've never connected those two things before.

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@mori@mastodon.au avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Yeah big bass booms love it

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@mori @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity As long as I have a choice! My bodily autonomy comes first, so I get upset when strangers inflict it on me and I have no power to stop it.

@mori@mastodon.au avatar
@kkffoo@mastodon.social avatar

@hosford42 @mori @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
For me it goes beyond the noise, people who have their car stereos turned up to max with lots of bass nearly always look somewhat desperate emotionally and that affects me as well. Maybe this is just in our area?

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@kkffoo @mori @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity It happens here in Texas, for sure. I'm assuming it's much more widespread.

@mori@mastodon.au avatar

@hosford42 @kkffoo @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Happens here in Sydney Australia as well. I’m not such a fan of that type of bass.

@Lipk@masto.ai avatar

@kkffoo @hosford42 @mori @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity i haven't noticed that, but maybe that's because I usually have my bass up high in the car. I don't recognize the emotionality though, I just like the music and I don't have a stereo at home so I enjoy it in the car (or headphones)

@dweebish@neurodifferent.me avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Rhythmic bass sounds >by themselves< without any other music drive me up a tree. When neighbors crank their music or a movie in a closed building so the only sound that can be heard is the bass, I have to go elsewhere. If the bass sounds are mixed with something else I can usually manage.

@marronvulpes@pawb.fun avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity When I was a kid, I was entranced by the sound of pedistal fans, I loved how it altered my voice when I talked in front of it.

@crashglasshouses@tsukihi.me avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

i like both, but i'm one of those people who enjoys a lot of different kinds of sound. squealing bus breaks is not one of them, however.

@jaystephens@mastodon.social avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
more-or-less neurotypical here... hell yeah, that throbbing bass just brings a completely unique kind of happiness

@eric@neurodifferent.me avatar

@jaystephens @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
Becareful Jay, I hear some people are coming into this thread thinking they are neurotypical, but end up leaving realizing they are neurodivergent. If the possibility of that is not something you are ready for, you might want to turn back now. :autistic_lurker:

@jaystephens@mastodon.social avatar

@eric @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity maybe the real category categories are the frames we make along the way

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@hosford42 I am the opposite. I cannot handle the bass beat, because it does not match my heart rate, and causes distress. The thumping is also distressing. I loved train whistles. I love truck air horns. I am .@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity You aren't joking about being the opposite! Truck air horns...nope!

It's cool that you can sense your own heart rate. Sometimes I can hear it from the blood rushing in my ears, or even see it from my retinas shifting slightly from the pressure, but I can never feel it unless I just exercised really really hard.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I wonder how common it is for NTs to see their heartbeat in their eyes. I feel like that's a thing that they might find really weird because they tend to filter out tiny perceptual changes like that. Sometimes I wonder just how differently we experience the same universe. I feel like NTs live in a cartoonified version of reality where only the most salient details are preserved, while autistic folks have life under a microscope checking out the fine details, which can distract us from the big picture stuff.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@hosford42 I see them mostly skating across the surface of things. In my observations, those I perceive to be neurotypical are all noise, no feeling. If something bad happens to them, they collapse like a bouncy castle when the air is being sucked out of it. Poor shallow humans. @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I understand where you're coming from, but they are still human beings, and their experiences are just as real as ours. I try to take the high ground and be more understanding of them than they generally are of us. (It's not easy, though.)

Tooden, (edited )
@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@hosford42 Of course they are. Live and let live...until they mess with me. @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity "until they mess with me"

Spunky! Love that attitude. :D

@StevenSaus@faithcollapsing.com avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

TFMW you learn that yet another thing you thought everyone experienced isn't...

@markusl@fosstodon.org avatar


I consider myself NT. I can detect my heartbeat in my eyes, my hands, my forehead and my belly. As you say, I normally filter it out.

(I'm a bit of a mutant: I have a strong pulse in the crook between thumb and forefinger on each hand. For decades, I wondered why nurses checked patients' pulses on their wrists when the one in the hands is so much stronger. Apparently no one else has it -- that's why!)

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@ashtardeza@mas.to avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Well, not quite no one else.. I have it too 😅

Guess we have the same mutation 😅

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity "I consider myself NT" famous last words. I just looked at your profile & I wouldn't be so sure. 😃

@markusl@fosstodon.org avatar


Heh! 😄 What makes you say that?

I'm a software engineer, so it's true that I'm not quite like other people. 😆

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Well yes a software engineer definitely gets you points but also that you've been married since Moses was a boy. Loyalty & faithfulness is very common in autists.

Also you have a clear social conscience. We're notorious for our railing against injustice. Take Greta Thunberg for example.

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity That was just based on your profile. Looked at some of your posts & boosts there seems to be a number of neurodivergent folk there.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@sentient_water @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity "Birds of a feather" very much applies to neurodivergent folks.

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar
@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@sentient_water @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Especially, I would say. I was hanging out with ND folks long before I knew what ND was or that I was autistic. Friends who I assumed were NT later turned out to be ND, and I just didn't know it at the time.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@sentient_water @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Like, literally all my closest friends after middle school eventually turned out to be ND

@eric@neurodifferent.me avatar

@sentient_water @markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Can be a tricky thing trying to spot someone who identifies as NT as ND. We would have to go by external traits and behaviors. (which has some of the same shortcomings as the diagnostic criteria that we all "know and love"). And where it can be easier for us to spot the commonalities, the proof would be in how their brain is wired. And the person in question is going to be in the best spot to know that.

Even if someone is ND but in the dark about it (or otherwise haven't disclosed to others), they might not be in the proper head space, or in a safe/accommodating environment to start exploring their ND traits.

All that being said, I would add that saying "I consider myself NT" instead of "I'm NT" leaves a bit of wiggle room that they might be wrong. 😜 (I'm just kidding here Markus. You're the one who is in the best spot to know your neurotype)

Kind of like if someone said "I consider myself cis" instead "I'm cis", my thoughts would immediately go to "oh, you poor, poor little egg", but I would go and call them out on it though.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@sentient_water @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity And taking suggestions of potentially being ND in stride without considering it upsetting or insulting is also a hint. :)

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@hosford42 @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Oh yeah. I use that as a diagnostic tool. If they're offended you were likely wrong. Not at all offended & actually pretty curious. We may have one!

@independentpen@mas.to avatar
@dbc3@mastodon.world avatar

@independentpen @sentient_water @hosford42 @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
Or two, based on my reading about myself in this thread

@markusl@fosstodon.org avatar


You may be right. I remember having to be taught how to make eye contact when I was 20. So it's not impossible!

I'll be on my own this evening, so I'll do some reading, and maybe see if I can't find an online autism test.

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity That's telling. Be careful when looking around for information. If it's produced by NTs it'll be littered with myths.

@dpnash@mastodon.online avatar

@sentient_water @markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity > I'm a software engineer


Hmm. Well, ok, that's sometimes a false alarm.

> I remember having to be taught how to make eye contact when I was 20


That usually isn't. The radar is going off pretty hard now.

(I sometimes used to call it "ASDic", after the old British name for sonar, but I know that ASD is a rather loaded term these days.)

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@dpnash @sentient_water @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Same. The eye contact thing is way more of a signal than being a software engineer.

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@hosford42 @dpnash @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Yeah the software engineer thing is more for your typically atypical types. Computer loving, Lego twiddling white boys. Like myself.

Still I've noticed a lot of women (trans too) who are autistic are also more prevalent in tech. No evidence just a feeling I get especially from the Fediverse.

@dpnash@mastodon.online avatar

@sentient_water @hosford42 @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity The long-standing joke about Fediverse is that it owes its existence and continued operation to autistic trans catgirls.

@ginsterbusch@kosmos.social avatar

@dpnash @sentient_water @hosford42 @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Dont know if @cwebber is a cat person, nor autistic, but 1 out of 3 sounds .. good.

@brainpilgrim@mastodon.social avatar

@dpnash @sentient_water @hosford42 @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Almost The Ballad of Lost C'Mell.

That's perfect.

@lmemsm@fosstodon.org avatar

@sentient_water @hosford42 @dpnash @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
I know a lot of female software engineers and programmers in the field. Never got the impression they were autistic. Would have been nice to meet some who were. Would love to discuss common interests such as C programming.

@AlisonW@fedimon.uk avatar
@brainpilgrim@mastodon.social avatar

@sentient_water @hosford42 @dpnash @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Spent 20 years in tech. Next 20, used that to do different things, but tech always helps me.

@ginsterbusch@kosmos.social avatar

@dpnash @sentient_water @markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I just call it "Aut(d)ar", similar to "Gaydar" - though mine seems broken. The Gaydar, not the Autdar. Could be because of the Autdar, or because I'm not monosexual xD

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Check out this site it's got some great stuff by researchers like Damien Milton, Kieran Rose & the creator of the resource @ferrous


I was just being playful at first but you wouldn't be the first person I've alerted to their neurological beauty.

@ketmorco@fosstodon.org avatar

@markusl @sentient_water @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I was in Jr. High and I 100% remember a teacher telling me to look at forehead or nose so people think I'm making eye contact.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@ketmorco @markusl @sentient_water @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I remember my dad yelling at me for adopting that strategy after he demanded I look him in the eye to assess if I was telling the truth. In his mind I was being doubly dishonest. Fond memories. Yay.

@sentient_water@neurodifferent.me avatar

@hosford42 @ketmorco @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity They really don't get us. I fell out with my youngest sister because after saying something about how my autism affected me she said "That's not autism". I was studying a master's in autism.

I responded with "I don't tell you what it means to be a woman or a mother because I have no idea. Please don't tell me about who I am."

@ketmorco@fosstodon.org avatar

@hosford42 @markusl @sentient_water @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity big oof, I'm sorry for that. Just watched a philosophy deal on YT about cops (in the UK specifically) - the guy said they weren't supported but what he meant was Real Cops have a 6th sense and should never be questioned (despite the statistics saying their stop & search being largely ineffective)

ND folks definitely have hard mode when dealing with NT authority 😞

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

There are many legit self-assessment tools at embraceautism.com (including ADHD as well as autism)
@sentient_water @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@ginsterbusch@kosmos.social avatar

@markusl @sentient_water @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I just read the ICD-10, under "Atypical Autism". Matched nearly 100%.

@markusl@fosstodon.org avatar
@ginsterbusch@kosmos.social avatar

@markusl @sentient_water @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity No, not this version. The edition from 1991 I think. It also got pencil notes on the sides, by my father, who still is convinced "adipositas + autism", but point to the "autism" description / chapters, too.

OT: Apparently he never realized I've been "like this" WAAAY before I ever aquired "unhealthy amounts of body mass".

@brainpilgrim@mastodon.social avatar

@markusl @sentient_water @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

On the other hand, I was a software engineer and never had a problem with eye contact unless the person was mean. And I am autistic and ADHD.

I have two minds!

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@brainpilgrim @markusl @sentient_water @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I am fine with eye contact as long as nobody mentions it and makes it awkward. Then I'm done. But I do spend a lot less time doing it than most people. I tend to look at the walls or people's mouths while I'm talking, with only the briefest glances towards their eyes.

@axnxcamr@mstdn.ca avatar


I consider myself autistic... and I have the same... mutation, to use your word 😀

Watch this! 🤣

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Close up of a hand with pulse apparent in the crook between index and thumb.

@axnxcamr@mstdn.ca avatar


Of course, being NT or ND has nothing to do with it... I guess.

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

I... have this too. This very thing. Left hand only, because I cut the artery (I assume) in my right hand by accident when I was a kid.

Also, thanks to a weird trick I tested as an adult, I can sometimes see the blood vessels in my eyes. It's similar to visual noise on a TV tuned to a dead channel.

...and, of course, the pulse in my ears. Especially when tired.

Ah, and I can tell if Im stressed or calm by the way colours dance when I close my eyes (and it's dark). The colours themselves also matter.

I guess it's weird.

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@morpheo @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Interesting about the colors when you close your eyes! I never thought to try to correlate those to my stress levels. Now I'll be paying attention, though.

Seeing my heartbeat in my eyes kind of creeps me out a little. The way it throbs makes me think a little too hard about how I'm just a bag of meat, and I have body integrity-related phobias, so it gets to me a little. (I'm absolutely terrified of needles. They always tell me it won't hurt -- like that matters one iota.)

@dpnash@mastodon.online avatar

@morpheo @markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity > colours dance when I close my eyes ...

Do they take on a vaguely trippy paisley or spiral pattern sometimes? If so, could be this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Form_constant

Which (at least the "spiral" mode) is something I also see regularly when it's dark and I'm relaxed.

I don't even need the hallucinogens that assisted the person in the Wikipedia article credited with one of the first systematic characterizations.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@dpnash @morpheo @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Yep, at least for me! This is the kind of stuff I see when I'm trying to go to sleep but I haven't taken my melatonin. Sometimes I get more geometric, fractally stuff, too. And sometimes it even weaves in more complex objects, but always in the same weird, stylized presentation, like concentric outline drawings, not actual pictures.

Awesome link, btw! Nice to finally have a word for this phenomenon, after 4 and a half decades.

@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

Sometimes, yes. Moreso a bunch of years ago, when I often lost sleep over it. Nowadays they're cloudy and flowy, often in a tone of lilac, rather fractal-y, when I'm well, and spiky, more blue-toned when I'm stressed or upset.

Thanks for the link.

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@morpheo@kolektiva.social avatar

sometimes lines and twinkles appear, and sometimes I decide (as in control) to fly away, often into space. In my dreams, of course. I'm almost always aware that I'm dreaming and can control those dreams to some extent. My speculation is that it's a consequence of my sleep apnea; I've often had to wake myself from "drowning" when apnea sets in. (I use a cpap now, so less often these days.)

Ah! I love to listen to electronic music when I sleep (:

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@Ferles@meow.social avatar
@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Days before I gave birth to my second child my vision was alternating between red and green. You know how if you cover one eye you see a green tint, and the other eye, a red one? Both my eyes were open but they were taking turns and it was intense. My care provider didn't know what I was talking about
@morpheo @markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@independentpen@mas.to avatar
@GrandmaWolf@mstdn.games avatar

@morpheo @markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic Ooooh, I hate it when I can hear my blood in my ears. Usually happens when I’m trying to sleep and it makes me so uncomfortable.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@GrandmaWolf That's why I have Classical music playing on low volume all night. Some folk like white noise. I can't stand it. @morpheo @markusl @hosford42 @actuallyautistic

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Tooden @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @actuallyautistic If there's music of any kind, it holds my attention and won't let go. So even if it succeeds in drowning out the background noise I don't like, I'll end up lying there awake all night listening to it despite my best efforts.

@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


Yeah, I tried music and it just stimulated me.

Someone else mentioned Classical. I haven't tried Classical, but if it works, that may tell you something about my own appreciation of Classical that you maybe wouldn't want to know. :madjoy:

(i.e. Classical is so boring that it puts me right to sleep. :derpface: )

@Tooden @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @actuallyautistic

@PeteLittle1970@fosstodon.org avatar

@yourautisticlife @hosford42 @Tooden @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @actuallyautistic

Your opinion is 100% valid and I respect your right to say how you feel..

.. that said! "classical boring? Get out and never darken my door again !!" ;p hehe (I jest of course)

I've always loved Classical, but then I love a wide and eclectic mix of music. Classical, Jazz, Punk, Rock, Metal, K-Pop, Blues, Prog, Opera, Minimalist, Chiptunes, Synthwave, Dance and even Mongolian Throat singing! ;D

really !!

@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


Truth be told, my tastes are eclectic too, and I do enjoy some classical music sometimes. Some pieces even make me cry, which is a high compliment.

I do suspect that those pieces that I actually like would fall into the same category as the other music I've listened too: stimulating and not conducive to sleep.

@hosford42 @Tooden @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @actuallyautistic

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@yourautisticlife Holst would do that. Probably need Brahms, or Schumann. @PeteLittle1970 @hosford42 @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @actuallyautistic

@PeteLittle1970@fosstodon.org avatar

@Tooden @yourautisticlife @hosford42 @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @actuallyautistic

Grieg's Piano concerto in A minor is one of my most listened pieces. When playing the piano I mostly play Beethoven but have/can play the piano part from this.. (just never with the orchestra so it's somewhat lacking!)


@Tooden@aus.social avatar
@markusl@fosstodon.org avatar

@PeteLittle1970 @Tooden @yourautisticlife @hosford42 @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @actuallyautistic has composed and performed an eight-hour classical piece that's designed for people to sleep through it. Here's an article about it:


You can hear it here:


There's a documentary about the piece with extracts from a performance, but it's not available free of charge at the moment:


@Tooden@aus.social avatar
@nycCatHerder@universeodon.com avatar

@GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic I am relieved to know this is a thing others experience. It can even trigger anxiety.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@nycCatHerder @GrandmaWolf @morpheo @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic And I bet that just makes it worse, too. :/

@Ferles@meow.social avatar
@niamhgarvey@mastodon.ie avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I feel my pulse everywhere you. I can feel and hear my eyeballls move too which apparently is abnormal.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@niamhgarvey @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I thought feeling them move was normal. Can't say I can hear them, though. It's hard for me to imagine them actually making an audible sound, even with heightened sensitivity.

When I miss or delay a dose of my antidepressant, sometimes I get what's referred to as "brain zaps", which are jolts that, for me, lie halfway between a full brain reset and a short burst of staticky hallucinated sound. They hit me specifically whenever my eyes make large saccades. Could the sound maybe be something along those lines, instead?

@niamhgarvey@mastodon.ie avatar

@hosford42 @markusl @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity no I can actually hear the movement. Not with every movemenr, but if I look up or very far to side. Perhaps I have extra moist eyes though as the sound is like moving something against moisture

@deirdresm@hachyderm.io avatar

@markusl @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I can also feel my pulse there! It’s called a purlicue pulse. (Purlicue is the region between the thumb and index finger.)

@Ferles@meow.social avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I quite often see my blind spot in my eyes and you are not supposed to be able to do that normally.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Ferles @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity That's wild! I can tell when something disappears but I can't see the blind spot itself.

@UncleGooberleg@mastodon.social avatar

@Ferles @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

I'm one of those lucky people whose blind spots are hidden by clouds of floaters. Envy me.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@UncleGooberleg @Ferles @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I do not! I've had the floaters. So not fun, even when they are mild.

@Ferles@meow.social avatar

@hosford42 @UncleGooberleg @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I have floaters as well and I see yellow-honeycomb (particularly obvious when I looking at something white)

@UncleGooberleg@mastodon.social avatar

@Ferles @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

I've been told by my ophthalmologist I can have those floaters filtered out with a simple, painless procedure. I told him I'd sooner have my eyeballs packed to the point of lumpiness with those bastards before anyone inserts tubes in my... what he calls "face eggs." Oh, he actually only studied chiropractic.

@UncleGooberleg@mastodon.social avatar

@hosford42 @Ferles @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Oh. I'll consider myself unfortunate going forward. Thanks.

@f1337@hachyderm.io avatar

@UncleGooberleg @Ferles @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
I have double astigmatism, and see lens flare at night. Which is doubled by my contacts or glasses. Driving at night is like every headlight is a disco ball.

@UncleGooberleg@mastodon.social avatar
@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@f1337 My Dad used to wear special yellow lenses to cut the flare/glare. It's funny, but Blue LED headlights are actually less disturbing when you have that lens-flare problem. I don't get that halo effect from LED either. @UncleGooberleg @Ferles @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@UncleGooberleg@mastodon.social avatar

@Tooden @f1337 @Ferles @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

My dad wore these over-the-specs blue blockers, but he did so for the wrong reason: he thought they looked cool. We’d all duck down in the station wagon. Super cringe. https://www.blockbluelight.com/products/fitover-blue-blocking-glasses

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@UncleGooberleg Hehehe. Dad's were prescription. If they had had those, he would've worn them. @f1337 @Ferles @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@Ferles@meow.social avatar

@Tooden @UncleGooberleg @f1337 @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I've actually tried something similar and they work. I got them for the computer but they help at night with glare.

UncleGooberleg, (edited )
@UncleGooberleg@mastodon.social avatar

@Ferles @Tooden @f1337 @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

If thEY'RE half as effective at stopping night glare as they are at making my mom yell, "CAR! DOWN KIDS," they're magic.

@crashglasshouses@tsukihi.me avatar

@f1337 @UncleGooberleg @Ferles @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity not a fan of super bright lights either. car headlights are awful, especially when there's no other street light, but especially when they're super intense white LEDs. ambulance flashers are also too much.

@Ferles@meow.social avatar

@crashglasshouses @f1337 @UncleGooberleg @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity one of the states I was in had a safety inspection every year and they tested the lights to make sure they would not hit people's eyes directly. Even the ones that are indirect are a problem I know, but those ones that right at your eyes? There is no need for that.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@Ferles Unfortunately, big rigs'/prime movers'/tractors' lights can't be lowered. And they're a bitch in your rear view mirrors, too. 'Blinded by the light' @crashglasshouses @f1337 @UncleGooberleg @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@servelan@newsie.social avatar
@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@servelan Oh, true. Dodge Rams, F150s, GMC Sierra, Chev Silverado, Toyota Tundra, Nissan Titan... @Ferles @crashglasshouses @f1337 @UncleGooberleg @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Wow I never thought about eyes! Can you describe what you sense?
@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@independentpen @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity It looks like I'm looking at everything through something squishy and pulsating...which I basically am. IDK, it's kind of gross and unnerving, honestly.

@aaron@synaptyx.com avatar
@aaron@synaptyx.com avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Thanks for this thread everyone. I’m at the beginning of understanding myself at the moment (as I’m about to turn 50 😅) I have taken numerous online tests over the course of the past year and the tests listed in this thread today. I think I’m ND. It seems the process of ‘official’ diagnosis here in the UK is lengthy and difficult to get started with, so I’m not sure where this is going, but that doesn’t matter so much as the self acceptance.

@gri@neurodifferent.me avatar

@aaron @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity the UK timeframe depends on local NHS region. I had to speak to my GP then put in writing why I felt diagnosis would be relevant (I basically went through the DSM criteria and put down relevant examples to make it easy for them). The GP forwarded my letter to the local diagnostic service. Then I waited 2 years before this spring I had to fill in a form and have two long sessions with different people. Right to choose I think is an option too

@aaron@synaptyx.com avatar

@gri @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Thank you for sharing your experience. That’s really helpful. I’m not sure yet what to do with this, but you’ve given me some essential detail I was lacking. 😊👍

@littlescraps@mas.to avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity sometimes I can hear my heart pulse in my temple making contact with my pillow. Makes me fricken nuts… haven’t had a chance to note when it happens if there is a connecting thing like over tired over stressed etc

@asbestos@toot.community avatar


@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
A lot of stuff is common for NT people they just don't obsess over it like NDs do. 😁

@johnettesnuggs@mas.to avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity i see my heartbeat in my eyes…always have. Is that not normal???

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


Most people don't, if that's what you're asking.

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@johnettesnuggs@mas.to avatar

@ScottSoCal @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity that’s kind of mind blowing. I thought everyone felt their pulse that way. I feel my pulse in the tips of my fingers and toes as well. I could never take a person’s pulse accurately by hand because I feel my own so strongly. I just ignore it by habit.

@FrightenedRat@mastodon.scot avatar

@ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Visually, I filter even more than NTs. I struggle to notice things I don't expect to see. I guess I'm either hypo-visual or hyper-filtery!

My visuals come pre-packaged as objects - I don't consciously assemble them from micro-details in the way many #ActuallyAutistic folks describe + luckily don't overload from complex visuals (though motion/flicker/brightness destroy me).

Q: what % are oblivious Vs hyper visual?

@estellechauvelin@masto.ai avatar

@FrightenedRat @ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I'm visually oblivious. I frequently completely fail to notice things I don't know to look for, and I can't find things if I don't know where to look for them. I have trouble switching back and forth between pictures and text so in social media posts with both usually only one or the others registers, and I don't absorb graphic novels/comics with more than the most basic line drawings well.

@FrightenedRat@mastodon.scot avatar

@estellechauvelin @ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Ooh - it's interesting that you have difficulty with graphic novels/comics - I can't manage them either!

When I say this I get accused of snobbery, but the effort I need to put into extracting info from them makes me stressed & exhausted. I simply don't know where to look - especially if the speech bubbles jump about.

& in video games I'm awful at tracking both the mini-map + the main content.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@FrightenedRat @estellechauvelin @ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Hmm... This brings up an interesting point for me. If it's a task that's highly familiar, I'm bad ass at it. But if it's the first go, I usually suck extra. It's like my brain is laying down new wiring specially tailored to the task, and in the mean time I'm garbage. For stuff I've programmed myself to do efficiently, I've been quizzed as to how on earth I do it so quickly and precisely, because I hit speeds that are double-digit multiples of their own. If only I could pull that kind of performance out of the box...

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


I'm running into:
A task I've done a lot before, and I'm really good at it, but someone else changed things. What I used to do doesn't work anymore, and what I now have to do doesn't make sense. And there are parts of it I can't do - no access - so I have to rely on other people, and their ability to get it right.

I'm just about climbing the walls with frustration.

@FrightenedRat @estellechauvelin @johnettesnuggs @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@TeacherGriff@mastodon.coffee avatar

@ScottSoCal @hosford42 @FrightenedRat @estellechauvelin @johnettesnuggs @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Sounds too familiar. A tool that worked for me and has for years was taken away and replaced with a cheaper, prettier, substandard tool that won't do at least six things I need it to do. And of course, this is my problem, not theirs.

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


I'm lucky in that I was able to change at least a few things, by calling a meeting and starting out "We're in violation of contract because this new thing..."

People pay attention then, and they stop arguing.

@hosford42 @FrightenedRat @estellechauvelin @johnettesnuggs @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@ScottSoCal @FrightenedRat @estellechauvelin @johnettesnuggs @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Yeah, when you're hyper-optimized to the problem, you become way more sensitive to changes in the problem, because your solution becomes more and more dependent on minor details to squeeze that extra "juice" out of your performance.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@FrightenedRat @ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity This is the first I've heard anyone describe this assembly process. Mine is more like grokking. I immediately see the object, and the fine details. Sometimes my brain misfires and I see something as something else very briefly, like an optical illusion, before it quickly corrects, and then I get really confused. Same thing happens with sounds and words.

What's strange is, I'm worthless looking for things. I'll look right past them if they aren't where I expect them to be. But if I know what color something is, I can pick it out of a broad field of view with my peripheral vision really quickly. So I'm simultaneously really bad and really good at it, depending on minor variations in the task and how I go about it.

@llPK@mastodon.social avatar

@FrightenedRat @ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity My best introspective understanding is the following (comments and corrections welcome): I believe we process verbal information top-down, so if there’s no apparent structure to what is presented or said we try to “build it” mentally first (and interrupt the speaker a lot compared to NT).

@llPK@mastodon.social avatar

@FrightenedRat @ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity If the structure seems there (which it might not actually be, we make errors sometimes) then we move on to what seems important or new or singular and we hyperfocus on it. Anything else is filtered.

@llPK@mastodon.social avatar

@FrightenedRat @ScottSoCal @johnettesnuggs @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I think what you say about visual info applies to me as well. Food for thought! Many thanks 😊

@emurphy@c.im avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Which is why it's good to have both.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@emurphy @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity That's the troof! I just wish more people could see it takes all kinds.

@brainpilgrim@mastodon.social avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Yes! It's like they live in fog.

They see and hear. I think I do much more looking and listening.

@Ferles@meow.social avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity oh, there have been so many times that I hear it in my ears and just have a really difficult time not focusing just on that

and unfortunately it happens a lot if I wake up in the middle of the night and want to go back to sleep

@independentpen@mas.to avatar

Oh man I feel mine so much and often wonder how many people do or don't. I can control it to some extent too. Last time I was in the hospital I was showing my partner how low I could get it and he was like, okay but stop no lower please 😂
@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@aaron@synaptyx.com avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I struggle with town noise and I live in a town centre. Oops. I have to have my earbuds on noise cancelling all the time. I can only really deal without them when I’m with a friend so I’m distracted by being with them. I love deep bass. Please never make me get on a plane without noise cancelling headphones. That’s hell. 😅

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@aaron Ooh, yes. I think it must be the pitch. @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@niamhgarvey@mastodon.ie avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I am highly aware of my heart rate. My brother used to play bass and I could feel the vibrations through the house and it drove me mad. Can't stand the sound either, feel like it crunches my teeth. Although I wouldn't like a train whistle either!

@littlescraps@mas.to avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity oh yeah never knew being able to see your heart beat in your eyes was wasn’t something everyone can do. I have also been known to play games with sunlight at an angle in morning and those floaties in your eyes. Does that make me NT or Autistic, or just easily entertained.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@littlescraps @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity That by itself isn't enough to make you anything, I'd say. If you think you might be autistic, there are some quizzes and screening tests people have linked to further down in the threads. They aren't enough to diagnose you, but they can tell you if it's worth further consideration or not. I highly recommend you give it a go!

@littlescraps@mas.to avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity ah yes.. I am most definitely ND and Autistic. Sorry, I was trying to be clever and funny, but realize you don’t know me. So not getting the inside joke. I am new to the understanding of my amazing ND power source. Been about 2 years since I started saying hmmmmm. Nothing like figuring it out at 55. I feel so much better . Used to think I could fix me. Know I know I don’t need to be fixed!

VulcanTourist, (edited )
@VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

@littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

I sense my own pulse from multiple locations; chest or neck most often. I can't wear earbuds because of the resonant bodily feedback (breathing and more) in the closed space created by the earbud.

I too have floaters, but I have mercifully finally stopped being aware of them most of the time. I never tried playing games with them as a means of coping with my frustration about them.

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


I have to stay still when I'm wearing wired earbuds. I can handle the body feedback, but the sound of the mic rubbing against my clothes sends me over the edge.

@littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

@ScottSoCal @littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Your sensory tolerance is a little closer to typical than mine, it seems. All my senses are hypervigilant, including taste (supertaster). When I'm present in the moment, I'm REALLY present in the moment. Sometimes I have no choice to avoid being present. Sounds and smells intrude easily, and I especially smell things that no one else does.

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


I think mine is context dependent. I wear earbuds for teleconferencing or walking. When I'm trying to go to sleep, sounds like the pillow settling, my heartbeat, hearing my own breathing, or having something pop or click in my nose/throat can force me to get up, blow my nose, find a new position, whatever it takes to make it go away.

@littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@littlescraps@mas.to avatar

@VulcanTourist @ScottSoCal @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity oh my gosh me too … super taster… super smeller … my husband says the food I make is so bland … and don’t get it… I taste all kinds of stuff. hot spicy food is not any fun for me AT ALL. And I HATE BITTER. I can taste the red dye in candy. Yuck

@johnettesnuggs@mas.to avatar

@littlescraps @VulcanTourist @ScottSoCal @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I have the same problem. I cannot eat red velvet cake because all I can taste is the red food dye. It tastes so bad. I can’t believe anyone could like it. I can’t sit close to someone with strong perfumes or colognes on because they make me sick/give me headaches.

@VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

@johnettesnuggs @littlescraps @ScottSoCal @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

I may not be as extreme a supertaster; I'm not aware of red food dye being bitter to me, but I don't eat much candy and can't recall when I've eaten red velvet. My wife says I did once and wasn't disgusted but didn't love it like she does.

@johnettesnuggs@mas.to avatar

@VulcanTourist @littlescraps @ScottSoCal @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I’ve only tried it a couple of times once as a kid, and once at a wedding, and never again. I didn’t finish either piece.

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


Is that why red velvet cake is bitter? I've always tasted that, but didn't know it was the food coloring.

@johnettesnuggs @littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@johnettesnuggs@mas.to avatar

@ScottSoCal @VulcanTourist @littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity yep that and the dark chocolate…but I don’t even taste the chocolate.

@VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

@littlescraps @ScottSoCal @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Yeah, bitterness is the bane of every supertaster. It kept me from drinking coffee, tea, and beer, and my hatred of the buzz kept me away from everything else alcoholic. Strangely, I can eat at least some dark chocolates....

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


I only eat dark chocolate, love coffee, and also like mole (mo-lay) sauce, a savory sauce made with chocolate. I don't dislike bitterness, but it has to be in the right context.

@littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


I like dark chocolate. So much so that my aftercare food is dark chocolate M&Ms. They come in a handy bag, and are ready for consumption. (Since apparently you can't readily Google it... I'm talking about sexual aftercare.) However, there's a limit to the bitterness I can tolerate. 75% is about right. I'm also fine with coffee. I wouldn't know mole sauce from a hole in the ground. (Sauce made of moles??? :catthinking: )

@VulcanTourist @littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar


The first time I had mole it was badly made, and tasted like used coffee grounds. The second time was in a restaurant in Santa Barbara. I ordered the steak with mole sauce and asked them to hold the mole. The chef was so incensed he brought me a ramekin of the sauce and dared me to taste his mole and turn it down. It was delicious.

@VulcanTourist @littlescraps @hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar
@littlescraps@mas.to avatar

@hosford42 @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I also am so fascinated to find all these things that are linked… it is like I go “ ah ha” that’s cool, I do that too! Finding my tribe here. So fucking cool to find all these people like me! It is like meeting my birth family at 30 and realizing I have people like me .. I’m not broken like my mom kept trying to make me feel. (They were quiet very NT, and passive aggressive) you guys are the BEST!

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@hosford42 Btw, Aaron. Have you heard a Vuvuzela? Cos with your sensitivity, you won't want to. I can't stand them myself. @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I was worried looking that up! Thankfully it's one of those things that can be described without instantly making a sensitive person miserable. :) But yeah, I'll pass on being exposed to them IRL.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@hosford42 I'm so sorry. Truly, I never thought that would be an issue. 😳😬@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity No harm done, don't sweat it. I'm just paranoid because my wife occasionally pulls little pranks on me of that nature.

@yourautisticlife@mast.yourautisticlife.com avatar


Great... yet another device whose only purpose is to create social annoyance.

The event I was at last night was tolerable, but sometimes... 😩

  1. A guy just decided to yell his joy to the sky. Thank you, do you also drive a douchemobile?

  2. At some point, two music sources were competing, and I was right in the middle of it. Before the mix of the two sources I was :catjam: and then I was :catangry: . (If anyone has trouble seeing the emojis, the first one is a cat jamming to the music and the second one is an angry cat.)

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@yourautisticlife @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I absolutely cannot tolerate mixed music. Why it sucks so bad to be able to get multiple songs stuck in my head at once.

@KingCarna@mastodon.social avatar

@hosford42 @yourautisticlife @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I get this completely. I don’t like the shuffle button AT ALL. I want to listen to my soundtrack of “Tick…Tick…Boom!” In order and in peace ahthankyou

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@hosford42 Competing sources of music, like in a shopping mall? Music, plus someone spruiking specials? Shopping can be extremely stressful. Christmas, or Sales days <shudder> 🎧@yourautisticlife @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@Adventurer@sfba.social avatar

@Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
How about bathroom fans? They drive me insane. I have some like the laundry room taped off so no one uses it. And the neighbors music. The music is not rap or anything terrible but the bass hurts me. I don't know how to ask them since they are not friendly but I can't get away from it.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@Adventurer This is where that spectrum comes in. I hardly notice the noise of exhaust fans. My partner, and my youngest son can hear the buzz of the television on standby. I can't. A heavy bass beat doesn't annoy them, because their heart rate is faster than mine. @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@Adventurer@sfba.social avatar

@Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity
Thank you for this conversation. I have been confused on why some noises are actually painful but others are not.

@VoxofGod@mastodon.social avatar

@Adventurer @Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I live in New York City, as an opera singer, noise is especially troublesome, ask an ent doctor who's hearing is the best, and he's likely to say it's us.

Pounding of feet into the hardwood floors above me, two floors, barking beeping dripping buzzing droning trains slamming steel doors construction boulevards highways and thousands of people all within less than a quarter mile radius of my 700 ft²

There are a bunch of mitigatons

VoxofGod, (edited )
@VoxofGod@mastodon.social avatar

@Adventurer @Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Especially if I am needing to go into the Andy roddick towel over my head space and shut out everything, I put on television I like and wouldn't mind watching again

Not necessarily television I would love or that would move me just something with characters or vibes that I didn't mind

And I loop it and get stoned and sleep

I slept to Voyager for years

Also to the song of Bernadette, and our Lady of Guadalupe telenovela


@VoxofGod@mastodon.social avatar

@Adventurer @Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

Working on my Spanish and my spirituality studying Teresa of Avila, (one of my favorite writers and saints and life coaches) passively with the eight episode miniseries about her life teresa de Jesus starring concha velasco

When there is noise happening and I can do nothing about it I try to get a little bit active or do the things that I've been avoiding so that I don't have multiple things to worry about

I also think about..

@VoxofGod@mastodon.social avatar

@Adventurer @Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity things that are bothering me that I might fix. Prayer really works/ if I'm having a problem sleeping, doing all of that stuff tidying up getting food ready dog walk etc It's an excellent system to tire me out and to get things off my mind. After that's done, or I'm tired and my mind is racing a rosary is the best sleep aid I'm also louder than everyone when I decide to sing, so a nice bit of Wotan, I can settle the air and me.

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Adventurer @Tooden @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I've been known to walk a block and a half, hunting down the source of loud bass, so I can awkwardly plead with them to turn it down.

@KatLS@ohai.social avatar

@Adventurer @Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I hate that bass has become weaponized in our cities. It literally makes me nauseous 🤢 to feel the boom boom boom from the car at the red light or an adjacent apartment. If I can feel your sound, it’s too much.

@pussreboots@sfba.social avatar

@Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I am like you. Trains and trucks are fine. Bass thumping is agonizing.

@Homoevolutis0@austintexas.social avatar
@deirdresm@hachyderm.io avatar

@Tooden @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity with (another aspect of neurodiversity). Could never match my heart rate because it’s all over the place, so became a bass player.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@deirdresm Isn't it peculiar? I love Blondie, and Suzie Quatro, and a lot of Heavy Metal bands. But the doof-doof beat disturbs me. @hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

@ScottSoCal@computerfairi.es avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

In my much younger/prettier days I used to dance on top of the speaker at the bar. That thump is just as nice coming through the soles of your feet.
A guy once told me that dancing with me was like having sex, standing up. Best compliment I ever got.


@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I still feel that way about bass. If speakers/headphones don't have enough or not what I like I won't get them. We had to get the subwoofer fixed a couple years ago and really missed it while it was gone. It seems to really add something.

@Marc@fosstodon.org avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

move me

Inertially and emotionally

@hosford42@techhub.social avatar

@Marc @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity The pun is fitting :)

@digitalCalibrator@neovibe.app avatar

@hosford42 @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity i sometimes joke that my corset is like a thundershirt for humans, cause the pressure makes me feel less anxious when i wear it.

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