
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

EpicFailGuy, in Apps for kbin? avatar


The main problem is that unlike lenny ... kbin does not (yet) have an API ... expect the floodgates to open when that is done (it's being worked on right now)

skellener, avatar

Thanks! That's great news! 😊👍

GeekFTW, in So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy? avatar

Extra features like (apologies for the run-on sentence) being able to see upvotes and downvotes on threads and comments like lemmy admins can, better integration with mastodon, every community has both a 'reddit-like' section like Lemmy/Reddit, and a 'twitter-like' section which as I mentioned integrates with mastodon via hashtags, we can block users, communities, domains and (soon) instances, we have a wide variety of user-style scripts via Tampermonkey to customize the UI (the base UI is also, subjectively, better).

Given its all federated, you also don't lose anything by using kbin since you have access to lemmy too. Plus the dev is just the nicest, hard working son of a bitch lol.

Only drawback is we dont have an API yet, so for mobile you're stuck with the mobile site, but the mobile site is also really good so eh. Once the API is up tho there's a few apps which have already said they'll support kbin as well, so that's a matter of time.

SamXavia, avatar

Thank you for breaking it down for me, seems like it’s really up to if someone wants better control over things than Lemmy currently does.

readbeanicecream, avatar
GeekFTW, avatar

Ooooh perfect!


Do you recall which mobile apps were going to support kbin?

GeekFTW, avatar

If my (usually shite) memory serves, I believe I Artemis, Boost, and Sync, but I may be wrong.

JWBananas, in Wich fictional character is unfairly hated by the public ? avatar

Any female character in literally anything

wagesj45, in What is one generally common thing a lot of people do or believe that you cannot understand? avatar

The Korean belief in fan death. Blows my mind.

ivanafterall, avatar


wagesj45, avatar

wish i could say i meant to do that lol

ivanafterall, avatar

That just makes it all the better. Doing it on purpose just sucks the air right out of the room.


Chill with all these fan puns.

curls, in What is one generally common thing a lot of people do or believe that you cannot understand?

I don't understand why people hit their children. I grew up seeing my siblings get beaten in front of me and then I tried to be as obedient as possible so I wouldn't get beaten as much. I feared my parents so much, I started having anxiety attacks from a younger age and not only acted neurotic about things that could possibly get me in trouble but would piss myself if I was sure I was going to get hit. I have told people this and they just say I was hit too much or I'm too sensitive, that's all, it's still fine to hit your kid. I've heard people defend being beaten with branches, shoes, belts, brooms, hangers, and cables. It made them "strong" and how else can a child understand right from wrong. I took a class on childhood development and the texts overwhelmingly say don't hit your kids at all. I cried reading those textbooks, someone finally agreed with me. I have a friend who is expecting, they are religious and said they will be hitting their kid because essentially God wants them to. It was very hard to hear those words.

1chemistdown, avatar

Are you sure you have a friend expecting? Because, everything you wrote says you need to get away from people like that.


Child protection services will be happy to hear about this. And if you're in a country where they actually do anything, even better.

density, avatar

hopefully the thing they do isn't house the children with sex predators, engage in eugenics, etc

adonis, in Do you prefer Android or iOS, and why? avatar

Dude, you're asking an open-source fetish community about ios vs android.... it's like asking vegans whether they prefere steaks over salads. 😂

TheArstaInventor, avatar

When you put it that way, I guess you are right, but you should also consider we have m/Apple, a whole apple community and it's one of the biggest places on kbin.


MacOS doesn’t have the same level of lock down as their mobile devices do. Apple also sets the trends so there’s great interest in what they do, since their moves are those that other companies will follow good or bad.

TheArstaInventor, avatar

I mean, iphones is widely a bigger business for them than macOS and the whole mac lineup.

adonis, avatar

I know, and I've subscribed to them early on, but my feed is flooded with other communities and I don't recall ever seing amything from /m/Apple...

I also just went there and the newest posts are mostly days apart from each other...

So "one of the biggest" might be true for the subscriber count, but threadwise not so much activity there.
Which is a bummer, honestly... I'm not a huge fan, but I'd still love to be up-to-date on their stuff.

TheArstaInventor, avatar

Well, that is obviously because Kbin is new, smaller than something like Reddit, other communities that may flood your feed is mainly because they are generic, while m/apple is well, focused on Apple and it's products, it has more to do with having less users to post on a community that is more specific.


it's one of the biggest places on kbin.

I mean, it's got the 20th most subscribers. But it's only a third of /m/tech and half of /m/news.

SJ_Zero, in How to make social media less for instant gratification and more for long term value? avatar

I would argue that the current form of Lemmy (and kbin, and lotide) is a lot like a forum, to the point that there’s a phpbb front-end.

I think the key to long-term discussions is going to be having small enough communities that you can recognize the other people you’re talking with.

Once you recognize the person you’re talking with, then the conversation naturally becomes a continuation of the last one.

My soapbox instance is a good example. There’s a number of people that I routinely have discussions with, and because I recognize those people and I know who they are, and I know where they’re coming from, we don’t need to rehash earlier forms of the discussion. Instead, we can keep the conversation going even though the Twitter style conversation thread would suggest that you can’t do that.

One of the things that I think will help in the long term is having profile pictures. Somebody who’s having a conversation with me may not remember my specific name, but the icon next to my message is going to be the same and so they will remember the last time that they had a conversation with me.

I think that that sort of long-term conversation also might help with some mutual tolerance. You see someone, and you know their views and so you end up having a conversation with the person rather than with the class of people that they represent.

I think that’s one of the biggest problems in political discourse online today, is that instead of people having conversations, people have conversations with classes of people as represented by one other person. In that way, there can’t be any nuance because not agreeing with the class that you represent is itself a sort of own, instead of common ground two individuals can agree with.


That's just not feasible once the fediverse grows more. You're expecting people to memorize hundreds of names/avatar images or else stay in a tiny echochamber in order to know the people. And doesn't address the issue of other people coming in and having to scour numerous threads and comments to follow your "conversation".

SJ_Zero, avatar

Unfortunately, the problem is that it’s big, and as reddit shows us, threading won’t fix anything.

The fediverse however can grow in decentralized ways so there’s smaller more tight-knit communities that know each other instead of megacommunities where everyone is just a molecule of water in the stream


threading won't fix anything

Tell me you didn't grow up using forums without telling me you didn't use forums. There's a reason even discord has added forums back. They work.

SJ_Zero, avatar


I did grow up with forums. They key though is that communities are much weaker today despite many still having threaded conversations. Back then you’d get to know people because there were few enough people to know. Today when you have a subreddit with millions of users it doesn’t matter that there’s threads or not because due to sheer volume it’s all ephemeral.


Again, tell me you've never been on a large forum without telling me.

Ensign_Crab, in Let's say the worst case scenario happens with kbin and Meta. What are some alternate sites/instances that would be more resilient to enshitification?

So Meta’s plan is to make a twitter-alike that spies on its users and manipulates them into being the hate fueled engagement engine, and then inflict that on the fediverse?

What’s to stop everyone from pointing out as often as possible that users can still talk to Zuck’s twits without the spying and manipulation by simply doing so from a non-Meta instance, and then defederating Meta once they are no longer dominant?

Am I just misunderstanding this?


Am I just misunderstanding this?


0xtero, avatar

So Meta’s plan is to make a twitter-alike that spies on its users and manipulates them into being the hate fueled engagement engine, and then inflict that on the fediverse?

No one outside their boardroom knows what Meta's plan is, but I doubt they care much about fedi. They are trying to kill off Twitter and take that marketshare of ~500M users. The fediverse with a total of 9M users (and no advertising revenue) isn't very important in that scheme.

They are in deep legal trouble with EU privacy regulations and need to show to EU they are "taking things seriously". ActivityPub was most likely a nice "freebie" they can use and point out they offer interoperability. The whole fediverse bit is just to escape further GDPR trouble with EU.

What’s to stop everyone from pointing out as often as possible that users can still talk to Zuck’s twits without the spying and manipulation by simply doing so from a non-Meta instance, and then defederating Meta once they are no longer dominant?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean? That people would migrate away from Threads if they knew they only knew can access their followers from somewhere else? Why on earth would that ever happen? The opposite is more likely.

Am I just misunderstanding this?



That’s an interesting angle that I completely failed to notice. I thought this whole experiment is for Facebook/Meta to get a headstart in a new tech space, like they’re been trying to do with VR and the whole crypto craze.

While I never assumed their intentions were pure with any of this, I clearly was not nearly as cynical as one has to be with these people.


I’m not sure I understand what you mean? That people would migrate away from Threads if they knew they only knew can access their followers from somewhere else? Why on earth would that ever happen?

I mean, that’s what happened when people left myspace for facebook. Facebook provided tools that let them use facebook while still communicating with myspace users until enough people switched and myspace became irrelevant. Myspace’s dominance was unassailable until it wasn’t.


What’s to stop everyone from pointing out as often as possible that users can still talk to Zuck’s twits without the spying and manipulation by simply doing so from a non-Meta instance

Facebook users are stupid, network effects ensure that most people go to a single provider and then minor incompatibilities between threads and the fediverse slowly cuts off the fediverse and ensures it dies.

Blakerboy777, avatar


@Roundcat @Ensign_Crab

What does "dies" mean in this circumstance? We already only have 1% of their users. Are we afraid that access toore content here will cause users to leave for Facebook?


Dies means activity slows to the point that the site isn't worth using. It's not dead right now for example. I have people to talk to.


Or worse, Facebook forks activitypub and then once most domains are on the forked version they kill it. Or make it part of their walled garden.

UnhappyCamper, avatar

I'm hoping the large majority of people here on the fediverse are here because they prefer an outlet away from soul sucking corps like Meta and won't want to touch their forked version.


I guess the fedipact is a test of that.

UnhappyCamper, avatar

What is that, I'm unfamiliar with it.


Group of instances who have stated their intentions to defederate from Threads.

BraveSirZaphod, avatar

Ah yes, I'm sure talking about how stupid the average person is what we need to do in order to promote the Fediverse as a positive and welcoming platform.

"Join Kbin! We think you're an idiot!"


Given the fediverse is pretty open by design, meta doesn't even need to be part of it to spy if they wanted. It's the EEE strategy that people are more worried about.


Given the fediverse is pretty open by design, meta doesn’t even need to be part of it to spy if they wanted.

They can’t gather all the same information that they could from a phone app, and we’ve seen what permissions they ask for on that. They also can’t manipulate the feed to drive engagement by fostering hate like they can with their own site/app.

It’s the EEE strategy that people are more worried about.

Hence the “get them off meta and onto other instances and then defederate” thing.

Nepenthe, in Help, since yesterday's maintenance my kbin is in polish! avatar

Ok, if you go into settings (second option down, if you don't recognize it in polish) and scroll aaall the way down. I mean all the way down, below the copyright year at the very bottom. There should be an unlabeled drop-down menu for language.

On mobile, it's just at the bottom; on desktop it seems to be in the very lower right corner. See if that fixes it

Mr_Figtree, avatar

I don't think you even need to be in the settings. That drop down is on every page (might be harder to get to on some pages if you have infinite scrolling on).


Thank you! I was looking through settings but didn't think to check in the footer!

rokker84, avatar

Thanks, this solved the issue. The drop down is present on all pages at the very bottom (including this one).
I tried changing it on the settings page but i just got an error when saving my new language settings there.

Nepenthe, avatar

The drop down is present on all pages at the very bottom (including this one).

Oh, it is. I really should have bothered to check that..

I think my assumption was because I have infinite scroll turned on for my feed, so I've literally had to resort to going to another page like settings just so I could reach any of the buttons on the bottom at all before the page updated again. And I've just never had a reason to scroll past the numbered pages in the comments. Feelin' kinda dumb, but at least I know now.

Maly, avatar

Thank you. :)


Thank you!

Fitik, avatar

Thanks a lot!! Cause it's happened to me too

PabloDiscobar, (edited ) in Has anybody tried using Meta's Threads yet? How is it? avatar

The reason why there is only a mobile version is so it can syphon data easier. Do not install this thing on your phone! Your curiosity is costing you a lot.

Yeah, I'm aware it's from Meta so automatically it's going to be hated by people from Fediverse... But I think it's not fair to judge something until we try it directly

The purpose of this app is to dig into your private life, don't put it on a "fair" scale.

stackPeek, avatar

I also found out that the account is tied to existing Instagram account... and from what I seen, you can't delete the Threads account, only "deactivate". I suspect this is why they can't launch this in EU? Anyway, looking at how limited the features are, this app is a pass for me

IONLYpost, (edited ) avatar

account is tied to existing Instagram account

That is the initial purpose of Threads I think. Install the app and you will see it on the ToS page/phase of your registration.

tunetardis, in What are some great hobbies for an introvert?

This is going to sound a little strange, but playing music on stage works for me. At least in moderation, and provided you aren't the lead singer/MC who has to interact with people. You just wanna be some guy in the corner jamming on whatever you jam on.

You kind of get the best parts of being in a social situation in terms of seeing new places, having interesting experiences you can ponder for days to come, and occasionally getting free food and/or a green room where you can veg out in isolation and no one expects anything of you. But you can avoid the negatives: having to make small talk, looking awkward with nothing to do and no role to play, being labelled antisocial, getting roped into some horrible activity you did not sign on for, etc.

And it turns out there are a lot of introverted musicians. You only really need one extravert in a band.

Tigbitties, in What are some great hobbies for an introvert? avatar

Do the Blender donut tutorial and learn 3D modeling. It's free. It's a great time sink. Amazing online community. Personally, I find it very rewarding. I learned during lockdown and it's one of my favorite accomplishments and I still have so much to learn.


What's the doughnut tutorial? Been thinking of getting into blender for checks watch years at this point.

DrYes, avatar

I believe this is the latest version but it might already be outdated. Blender changes stuff around often so these get outdated pretty quickly. I did the version before that (came out 3 years ago).

edit: if stuff isn't there or not working like it's shown you can search "how to do [x] in [current Blender version]"

shepherd, avatar

@blender (

@3dmodelling (

@blender (

fearout, avatar

Definitely +1 on 3D modeling. It’s very cool to just be able to come up with a thing and then just create it :)

drdiemz, in What are some great hobbies for an introvert? avatar

I had a lot of fun building my 4wd rc car

ScottyB, in What are some great hobbies for an introvert? avatar
  • Lockpicking
  • Rubiks Cubes
  • Raspberry Pi stuff.
  • Narrative driven Video games, obviously
  • Cooking
h3x, avatar

Are you me?

shepherd, (edited ) avatar

Just cause I'm going through the magazines anyways!



Oh god there's so many for cooking lol. Most popular seem to be:

Prej, in What are some great hobbies for an introvert? avatar

Metal detecting, provided it's legal where you live.

Wot_The, avatar

I am ignorant about this, but have had thoughts about taking it up. Why would it be illegal?

ArtieShaw, avatar

Some countries with a wealth of antiquities (like Turkey) have tried to stop looting by banning metal detectors. It doesn't work. Lots of ancient coins are being taken out of Turkey, despite the illegality.

In contrast, England allows detecting, but has strict laws on reporting if you find significant treasure. Their laws on the sale and ownership of the found treasure are also quite fair and reasonable.

<edit: a word>

aroom, avatar is a really wholesome show about this

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