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pomi, in What is Kbin’s identity? avatar

If I remember correctly @ernest once described kbin as a "gateway for the fediverse" (but at the moment I don't have a source for that).
This would allow kbin to gather and integrate even more services from the fediverse - maybe

jared, avatar

That's what I'm hoping for.

ScottyB, in What are some great hobbies for an introvert? avatar
  • Lockpicking
  • Rubiks Cubes
  • Raspberry Pi stuff.
  • Narrative driven Video games, obviously
  • Cooking
h3x, avatar

Are you me?

shepherd, (edited ) avatar

Just cause I'm going through the magazines anyways!



Oh god there's so many for cooking lol. Most popular seem to be:

ivanafterall, in How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"? avatar

His last message to me was him asking me to stop and that anyone has a right to believe what they want.

Valhaitham, avatar

I am starting to believe this is the best way forward. I care for N and his health, but this is ultimately out of my control.

ivanafterall, avatar

Caring doesn't give you a right to exceed others' specifically stated boundaries.

Valhaitham, (edited ) avatar

You are correct, although the tone of your reply doesn't sound very friendly but more condescending. That was his last reply to me because I didn't reply after, instead I sought advice here. No boundaries were crossed. I apologised and let him know I would be there if he wanted to share with me, we're on good terms.

be_excellent_to_each_other, (edited ) avatar

Only thing I'd add is that what you describe sounds a lot to me like Wicca. FYI for you (and I say this because of a similar experience decades ago that caught me off guard) there are likely a lot more people around you who practice Wicca than you might expect.

Not saying everyone you know is doing it either, but I was surprised to find I had 3 people in unrelated friend groups who considered themselves practicing Wiccans - and 2 of them were in their 40s.

I share this only as more context for you, and also if this is what your friend has discovered you can get a little more info about what it entails.


I don't think it's meant to be condescending, just something to keep in mind when it comes to discussing belief systems. It's good that you respected your friends boundaries, but it's not an out of place assumption to think you may have without additional information, given how people who look down on non-standard belief systems tend to act, especially those that would try to invalidate what they believe in.

I'm somewhat curious if your academic stance against witchcraft and the negative mental effects extends out to 'normal' beliefs. If not, what is it specifically about witchcraft that makes you feel that it will have negative effects on their mental health? It sounds like you may just not be knowledgeable about it, so it may help you (and your friendship) to take an open and academic view and educate yourself on the stuff your friend believes. At worst, you'll gain knowledge on another belief system and have a deeper understanding of something that was foreign to you.

In the end, much like the other posters have said, let them believe what they want so long as they're not hurting themselves* or others. Believing in the make believe is something we all do to one extent or another, and I feel that my gods are no better or real than any others' - it's all just a crutch we use to get through the day.

*I have a much looser definition of hurting yourself than others would, and don't consider much short of permanent lasting effects as hurting ones self

Valhaitham, avatar

It sounds like you may just not be knowledgeable about it, so it may help you (and your friendship) to take an open and academic view and educate yourself on the stuff your friend believes.

Absolutely! I know very little about it and expressed interesting in being educated on the topic. I have no problem with witchcraft in itself. I would not be against participating but I told him that it would be, of course, for leisure and entertainment. My issue was him taking this into delusion, which is why I told him it to talk to his therapist about this interest. This is where his biggest issue with my statements came from. He's been through a lot. He's currently transitioning from F to M and it's been putting him through a lot of stress right now too, so I don't want to him to bear more from what circumstance it may bring from the prejudice around this. Sadly enough, I think that's what I did with my initial reaction so I made a big mistake in handling this situation.


I have no problem with witchcraft in itself. I would not be against participating but I told him that it would be, of course, for leisure and entertainment. My issue was him taking this into delusion, which is why I told him it to talk to his therapist about this interest.

I can see why he was offended when you phrase it like that, that seems like you're trying to belittle their beliefs. Imagine you were finding something that really spoke to you and helped you through a dark part of your life, and a friend said it was a delusion and would only participate as an amusement.

I don't want to him to bear more from what circumstance it may bring from the prejudice around this. Sadly enough, I think that's what I did with my initial reaction so I made a big mistake in handling this situation.

You absolutely did, but at least you're emotionally mature enough to see it.

Regardless of how you feel about it, id apologize to them and see if you can try to redo that conversation and at least try to pretend about caring about doing it, or at least let them know that you'll do it without any of the intellectual judgement you showed before. Might go a long way to showing your friend that you really care about them, and will go a long way to try to help them overcome the inevitable pushback they get from less open minded individuals.

HidingCat, in Rather than a particular dish, what's your favourite food ingredient?

No mention of garlic?

Any of the spices in five spice powder, or said powder.

Soy sauce.


GeekFTW, avatar

Garlic 100%.

Always have garlic powder and 3-6 heads of garlic in my kitchen and I am not above roasting a couple of them heads at a moments notice so I can toss roasted garlic into anything.

My wife hates me lol

rodhlann, avatar

Garlic is the only answer for me. I double the garlic quantity in any recipe that calls for it. It's just so good


"Garlic is not measured with spoons but with the heart"

Someone once posted that on reddit, I believe it.

GeekFTW, avatar

Same goes with vanilla. Oh 1 teaspoon? Cool tablespoon it is lfg!


When I started cooking, I thought a "clove" was the whole head of garlic. It tasted about right to me. XD

Flaky_Fish69, avatar

Depends on if it’s raw- an extra fine micro plane grater will happily “mince” a clove into something that would easily overpower everting in the dish.

Roasted and whole? It is the dish.


There's always freshly minced garlic. In fact for a lot of recipes that call for garlic slices I usually turn that into minced garlic.

Luckily for me, wife is even more into garlic. She doubles the quantity in a recipe. XD


Garlic and onions. Any onions is good onions.

GeekFTW, avatar

I like every month or two buying a pound of onions, run em over the mandolin and spend an afternoon doing a nice slow caramelize on em. Reduce em down to a cup or so of dark brown amazingness, toss it in the fridge and add into a bunch of food just like I do roasted garlic.

niktemadur, avatar

I've been going for garlic and shallots lately.
In my fridge, there's nearly always a container with garlic butter and olive oil that I make, and another with chopped shallots with salt and pepper, soaking in olive oil.

Niello, (edited )

I'm not sure how much smell is factored into people's enjoyment of garlic, but my nose basically doesn't work (and not because of covid), maybe that's why. It's a nice to have but not that high for me. Disclaimer though, I am Asian. It's just my preference. For example, while garilic is really nice on fried food, I'd rather have them with salted egg sauce, pepper sauce, various spicy condiment etc. There are so many things to add for flavouring and I'm not particularly picky. I do know someone who's a garlic fiend though.

As for eggs, there are so many dishes here with eggs or eggs as a topping, you could have eggs in all your meal for a day and it wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. Like, in a lot of western cultures it's probably normal to have fried eggs on their own in the morning or something. Here it's very easy to just put fried egg or crispy omelette on rice and it won't be strange. Not to mention you can put them in noodles, soup and so on.


I'm Asian too, garlic is also common in Chinese dishes.

Whirlgirl9, (edited ) in What are some events in recorded history that are extremely hard to believe, but without a doubt actually happened? avatar

The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre

The 1921 Attack on Greenwood was one of the most significant events in Tulsa’s history. Following World War I, Tulsa was recognized nationally for its affluent African American community known as the Greenwood District. This thriving business district and surrounding residential area was referred to as “Black Wall Street.” In June 1921, a series of events nearly destroyed the entire Greenwood area.


Considered "The deadliest race massacre in American history". There are so many parts of the story that are unbelievably insane.

  1. It was reported (by the attackers and the victims) that at least one plane was flying low over the town shooting at people and dropping explosives during the massacre.
  2. The massacre began with a white mob gathering to lynch a black teenager who allegedly assaulted a white woman. In the end, the woman did not persue the case, and the teen was released. The sheriff snuck him out of the city for his safety. (This story alone is fascinating and worth the deep-dive)
  3. The mob gathered after a sensationalized news article that described a brutal attack by a black man on an innocent white girl. This was all factually inaccurate, and it's unclear where this story originated (the author? The police?) The paper later apologized for the story.
metaStatic, in I'm seeing a lot of "beardy guy with glasses" profile pics, some alarmingly like my own. How many of us are there?

" I'm seeing a lot of "Grey Square" profile pics, some alarmingly like my own. How many of us are there?"

SpicyPeaSoup, avatar

Omg me

Cyzaine, in Subscribing to the same magazines/communities on Kbin and Lemmy? avatar

You kind of have to think of this differently than you would on reddit. The fragmentation is to an extent the point. Maybe you talked about pcgaming on Reddit, 2 or 3 discords, 4chan, and Steam communities in your daily life already. If you miss out on a conversation in one place, that's unfortunate but not the end of the world. If its big enough news you'll see it in another community too.

Here you can talk about gaming in Kbin, Lemmy, Mastadon, Pixelfed etc. As your explore and your network grows, you'll get it all, possibly in the same feed. And possibly you don't care for the kbin pcgaming, you unsubscribe from it and perhaps a big strong community forms on and thats where everyone goes but you're not subscribed? Someone will boost it your way eventually and you'll discover it too.


Curating your own feed takes some time and effort. But the beauty of it that it'll be fully yours.
On reddit I've always used my Frontpage which consisted only of my subbed subs. At the beginning I went through r/All for a few hours and subscribed to everything that interested me. Then after a few days I've switched to my Frontpage and never looked back. After that I discovered new subreddits through comments. I had several hundred subs at the end.

Yewb, in What’s a place from your childhood that doesn’t exist anymore?

The Texas from my childhood, most Texans dont give a shit about identity politics, you would think there are a bunch of brown hating cowboys - that was not the case Texas was incredibly tolerant.


someone messed with Texas. I do believe there were specific instructions against doing so.

Detry, (edited ) avatar


GW_Delenda_Est, avatar

I feel the same way about my home state. The hate and bigotry in the area is just heartbreaking. Maybe I was just too young to see it was always there.

Flaky_Fish69, (edited ) in How do you stay interested in something for a long time? avatar

Take breaks.

A hobby is supposed to be fun, or relaxing. Step back for a bit when it stops. (This is why good hobbies frequently make bad jobs.)

ETA: it's also not important that hobbies be perfect or even useful, take the stress of perfection out of it. enjoy the imperfection.

Shawdow194, avatar

Great point!!
I think we assume a lot of the +1000hr folks are better when in actuality they probably just enjoy doing it whether good or bad at it!

34, in I just found out that the people onboard the Titan submarine are dead. Is OceanGate in trouble?

The CEO is definitely going down for this.


I think that ship has sailed... wait, sank.

pasci_lei, in If you could place any object on the surface of Mars, purely to confuse NASA scientists, what would it be? avatar

The flag of North Korea.

EndOfLine, in What's a dead giveaway that someone is a bad person?

“You can easily judge a person’s character by how they treats those who can do nothing for them.”

… or something really close to that. I’m too lazy to look up the actual quote right now.

ripcord, in What is something that can be considered as bad as smoking, but people still do it anyways? avatar

Drinking alcohol.

TheArstaInventor, avatar

Agreed, especially young adults who get drawn to it thinking "drinking is cool" or something you do when you become an adult, that, has to stop.

JelloBrains, avatar

I bring this up all the time, especially with Menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars being in the news recently because the FDA missed its own deadline for banning them. They specifically mention the flavor bans are because children like flavors, WTF, you gonna ban a coughdrop-tasting cigarette but still sell me Cotton Candy Vodka? How fucking hypocritical.

massive_bereavement, avatar

Beyond that, getting drunk has become a "fun" event when you're young or hanging out with friends. It is also so prevalent in movies and tv..


Alcohol is way more ingrained into society though, we’ve been getting drunk for most of human history!

adonis, in Do you prefer Android or iOS, and why? avatar

Dude, you're asking an open-source fetish community about ios vs android.... it's like asking vegans whether they prefere steaks over salads. 😂

TheArstaInventor, avatar

When you put it that way, I guess you are right, but you should also consider we have m/Apple, a whole apple community and it's one of the biggest places on kbin.


MacOS doesn’t have the same level of lock down as their mobile devices do. Apple also sets the trends so there’s great interest in what they do, since their moves are those that other companies will follow good or bad.

TheArstaInventor, avatar

I mean, iphones is widely a bigger business for them than macOS and the whole mac lineup.

adonis, avatar

I know, and I've subscribed to them early on, but my feed is flooded with other communities and I don't recall ever seing amything from /m/Apple...

I also just went there and the newest posts are mostly days apart from each other...

So "one of the biggest" might be true for the subscriber count, but threadwise not so much activity there.
Which is a bummer, honestly... I'm not a huge fan, but I'd still love to be up-to-date on their stuff.

TheArstaInventor, avatar

Well, that is obviously because Kbin is new, smaller than something like Reddit, other communities that may flood your feed is mainly because they are generic, while m/apple is well, focused on Apple and it's products, it has more to do with having less users to post on a community that is more specific.


it's one of the biggest places on kbin.

I mean, it's got the 20th most subscribers. But it's only a third of /m/tech and half of /m/news.

hariette, in What are your favorite Kbin clients for Android/iOS? avatar

Def subscribe to /m/ArtemisApp magazine. We’re just starting our staged rollout to beta testers who signed up. With a public beta aimed for end of month.


Been following your work for a bit over on mastodon and signed up for the beta. Looking forward to getting to try out the app when it's ready!

hariette, avatar

Thank you for following along! <3

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