
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Peacemeal12, in Can a rich person be a good person? avatar

I'm probably more on the extreme than most people here but I don't completely agree with some of the things others say on here. I do see that in our system, the kind of person and the things that you have to do to attain that kind of money requires that you be a sociopath. There are certain points on the path to that kind of wealth where you consciously make decisions that are unethical.

What that looks like is making the conscious decision to fire thousands of people, real people who have families to feed, health insurance they may depend on their employment which in the end which ultimately simply boils down to wanting to have a bigger profit margin.

I mean even just thinking about it—when you have
much more money than anything for one single person to do with, why hoard it when there's so much you can do in the world with it? The moment you begin to care for things beyond yourself is the moment you realize that no matter how much money in the world you attain, there still would never be enough left over for you to be able to be wealthy.

patchw3rk, (edited ) avatar
snooggums, in How do we feel about federating with Threads? avatar

I would prefer not to federated with threads and will block if kbin federated. If I wanted Facebook content I would use Facebook.

Ganondorf, avatar

How would you block threads? There are still many things about kbin that confuse me, so asking in earnest.

snooggums, avatar

Kbin has settings to block entire instances. Unless threads is implemented as a ton of different instances it should be easy to just block threads.meta or whatever their instance is called.

I have a few instances like on my block list already.

Hank, in Did you ever have a classmate that pretended to be a vampire or some other supernatural creature? How much did they commit to it?

Half the traffic of this post comes from people worried that they might've been mentioned.

ReCursing, avatar

What? Me? No! Definitely not!


We see you, Hank.


I put on my robe and my wizard hat.

cyberian_khatru, (edited ) in What are some interesting internet rabbit holes to dive into? avatar

TempleOS - a very gifted individual made his own OS from scratch by himself but was thwarted by his own schizophrenia and delusions of persecusion. He was also incredibly racist. Ultimately though it's very sad story seeing him lose his grip on reality thinking government agencies were after him and he was a prophet doing God's work. It's a decade long saga, he ended up homeless for a long while and died a few years ago.

John McAffee - talking about delusional tech guys, this one takes it to the highest level. This guy travelled the world running from the u.s. govt for tax evasion, won a game of russian roulette through quantum immortality (debatable), killed his neighbor for poisoning his dog(allegedly), and was an avid crypto enthusiast. He was found dead in a spanish prison right before he could be brought back to his homeland. It was declared a suicide but many people don't believe that.

00, (edited ) avatar

It was declared a suicide but many people don't believe that.

Not saying he didn't commit suicide, but he actually tweeted this:

ivanafterall, avatar

Say what you will about him, the man revolutionized hammocks, for better or worse.


Terry's story is equally fascinating and heart-breaking. It's sweet how his story hasn't been forgotten, in fact some people are currently modernizing TempleOS through a fork called Zeal OS. It's even on github and all:

ivanafterall, avatar

That's so nice. I wish he could've seen that.

minnieo, avatar

it is terrifying how schizophrenia can just pop up whenever, completely unexpected. his came about at age 27 and completely derailed his life. i wouldnt wish schizophrenia on anyone

ivanafterall, avatar

I went down the rabbit hole via the fittingly titled TempleOS - Down the Rabbit Hole and wow.

DrNeurohax, avatar

Every single one of his videos is top notch. Easily one of my favorites.


He wasn't wrong about the glowies tho...

Kaldo, in What Fast Food do you love? avatar

I sense a conflict of interests 😁

XGC75, avatar

Nice to see the Fediverse hasn't lost that certain charm

YolkBrushWork402, avatar


dosidosankofa, avatar

good looking out ✌🏾

man_in_space, in Since we’re here now, what common AskReddit questions do you NOT want to see in the Fediverse? avatar

For my part:

I’m a linguist by education. Questions about “wrong” pronunciations or grammar are nails on a chalkboard to me. Language changes over time; there’s no stopping it, and people have been complaining about it for millennia (see the Appendix Probi, which ranted about changes in Latin that eventually became standard in Western Romance).

There’s an old saw that “a language is a dialect with an army and a navy”. It is also said that “today’s dialects are tomorrow’s languages”. If it helps, think of nonstandard constructions and pronunciations as a sort of sociolinguistic X-Men—they’re the trend that’s coming.

Eggyhead, avatar

As an ESL teacher I love this. I’ve had coworkers in the past say things like “X is ruining the language!” And I’m just thinking “feel free to tell a river not to flow downhill while you’re at it.”

awsamation, avatar

But just like the river analogy, just because it's prone to change doesn't mean a every change is inevitable.

With enough effort you can divert a river, or stop it flowing at all with a dam. Likewise if enough people look at a chaneg to language and decide "no that's dumb and I'm not doing it", then the change doesn't happen.

Otherwise I could tell you that gnark is now the word for you as an individual, and you'd have no way to tell me that I'm wrong.

If enough people are willing to actively resist the change then the change won't stick. There's nothing magic about the new thing that makes it inevitable.


I'll add to the analogy and say that "downhill" is an apt word choice for where things will go if you let them. Nothing wrong with letting a river take it's natural course but if we want it to work for us it has to be directed and controlled. We can have both aspects of language we just have to conscious of what we want and where it's going.

man_in_space, avatar

Strong disagree. Languages are self-correcting. The trope of “The Martians have no word for war!” is bunk because they can simply borrow the term from another language.

For a real-world example, African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) is very much a Thing, and it is by no means a degenerate form of speech. If anything, it has a richer TAM system than English does.

Arotrios, in Can we have one day without talking about poop? avatar

The first rule about poop club is we don't talk about poop club.

Polarsailor, in What is the most Successful Lie in History?

"Iraq has WMDs" - W

man_in_space, avatar

I would hesitate to call it "the most successful" given the course of the War on Terror and Bush's/America's public perception since.


A lot of us didn't even believe it at the time.


I don't know, it was pretty successful in enriching a number of bloodthirsty and soulless goons in the MIC, and helping to continue to destabilize the middle east and generate more terrorist sympathies to the west given the awful methodology employed.

It's all about perspective.

sethboy66, (edited )

Though it's important to remember that the whole WMD thing came from British intelligence; Bush's fault was blindly trusting their intelligence or, perhaps more accurately, accepting our own intelligence's appraisal of "maybe" as enough confirmation.

0xtero, in Do you think Meta's Threads app will be beneficial or detrimental to the Fediverse? avatar

Meta should be considered harmful to humanity, not just to the fediverse.


They are. Like, objectively speaking.

whofearsthenight, in Kbin: What is your all time favourite video game?

Ocarina of Time.

Peacemeal12, avatar

Ocarina fans know that this is the only correct answer. Lol

Scott, avatar

People that vote for Ocarina just couldn’t handle Majoras Mask.


It's funny - I loooove Majora's, but I have to acknowledge the impact wouldn't be the same without OoT.

My answer is both of them bc they're such a package.


Honestly, I just didn't like the hub-wield element of MM as much as the geography of Hyrule in OoT. It had much more interesting social quests, and combat was smoother, but it just wasn't what I was there for.

It probably didn't help that I didn't have a Memory Pak, and didn't get to play MM until I got the GCN Collectors Edition disc like 10 years after it originally came out.

Peacemeal12, avatar

Despite Ocarina being my favorite game ever I still haven't beaten Majora...

That being said I respect anyone who favors it over Ocarina. It's incredibly imaginative, the way it takes Ocarina and spins it. I don't think we're going to ever see something like that in gaming again in a long time. It's really something special.

Detry, (edited ) in What is the most Successful Lie in History? avatar



My grandpa never stopped talking about that play, He was a steeler for life

livus, in How do we feel about federating with Threads? avatar

I'm strongly against it because of Embrace Extend Extinguish.

I'd encourage everyone to read How To Kill A Decentralized Network like the Fediverse if you haven't already.

I think Meta's history reveals it to be a bad actor and I don't think their intentions here are above board.

CoffeeAddict, avatar

Microsoft put that theory in practice with the release of Windows 2000 which offered support for the Kerberos security protocol. But that protocol was extended. The specifications of those extensions could be freely downloaded but required to accept a license which forbid you to implement those extensions. As soon as you clicked "OK", you could not work on any open source version of Kerberos. The goal was explicitly to kill any competing networking project such as Samba.

This is a great article describing exactly how Meta can control the fediverse and destroy smaller instances with anti-competitve practices.

LinkOpensChest_wav, in What's a dead giveaway that someone is a bad person? avatar

Mean to animals


Reminder that eating animals is unnecessary and cruel


don't worry, people don't eat penguins except in extreme circumstances. even if you were a penguin, you'd be pretty much safe.

Gamers_Mate, in Let's say the worst case scenario happens with kbin and Meta. What are some alternate sites/instances that would be more resilient to enshitification?

I am glad the instance of Mastodon I use will defederate from meta.

The two biggest instances at the moment as far as I know is kbin social and lemmy world if one allows meta I will just use the other one. Though I recommend any instance that has signed the anti meta pact.
This shows a list of instances that signed it I would pick one of those.

ch1cken, (edited )


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  • Kaldo, avatar

    Users can de-federate client side already

    Factually untrue

    SpacemanSpiff, avatar

    It’s true in Kbin in the sense that you can block instances as a user preference. You can also block any other domain as well, which means what a post links to. Theoretically you can block Facebook itself, Instagram, Imgur, etc.

    Kaldo, avatar

    Blocking a domain through kbin only blocks threads from appearing on your feed. You still see users from that domain and their comments, and they see you and anything you post since it gets sent to their server. It is also a feature only available on kbin so tough luck for lemmies.

    SpacemanSpiff, avatar

    Good point, I hadn’t thought about users and comments.

    Thanks for the info!


    I haven't quite figured out how to do that. I can block instances by going to the instance homepage, but I can't figure out how to block domains.

    ch1cken, (edited )


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  • Kaldo, (edited ) avatar

    You can stop your comments from being sent to specific instances? Client-side filters just hide incoming traffic but AP is still doing its own thing in the background afaik, but do correct me if I'm wrong. At least I couldn't find anything to suggest otherwise, and client-side does kinda imply that it's just a visual alteration on the client's side.

    But I was mostly talking about kbin/lemmy, sorry about that. I dont have that much experience with mastodon yet.

    strepto, avatar

    Owners of an instance can do whatever they want. That's the whole point of the fediverse. If you don't like it, then change to an instance that does what you like or create your own. It's that simple.

    ch1cken, (edited )


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  • Dark_Blade, avatar

    Individuals are forgiven for certain things purely because their influence doesn’t threaten the entire Fediverse.

    strepto, avatar

    Being allowed to do what you want doesn't mean it justified. That's not what I said. Move to an instance with nicer mods or make your own. Really, that's all there is to it. You're looking for something to be annoyed with.


    We're talking about the fediverse as a whole. The whole thing is threatened by meta.


    in this case we don't talk about users who want to block users of another instance. The problem is not the users of meta. The problem is meta itself and all the problems it will bring to the federated network. Whoever cannot see that their intentions are not to promote federated networks but to exploit and extinguish them, is just naive.

    ch1cken, (edited )


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  • duringoverflow,

    it depends what you consider as consequence. For me, setting up a clear boundary between what is now known as fediverse and whatever it is this that meta will create is not consequence but choice.


    Yeah, it seems like their idea of consequences is the fediverse not becoming mainstream. But, the draw of the fediverse to me is that it can be an anti corporate space where power is more in the hands of individuals than corporations. A huge community of millions like Facebook or Reddit isn't the reason I'm here. Seems like centralization is what they really want, which doesn't need the fediverse to begin with.


    I agree. The mass influx of users from reddit have brought here people who are not familiar with the core principles behind such projects. They literally see it as a free social media that could potentially be in the place of lets say facebook. They don't understand that the mainstream social media are what they are today because of decisions that have been taken based only on their profit. And this is something that we don't want to copy here


    Isn't the whole draw of the fediverse that people aren't stuck to being in one instance and can leave for one that matches their own? Each instance having the autonomy to do what they want while choosing how much they stay connected or not is a pro to me. This isn't reddit or facebook. You can even run your own instance for those who don't want decisions to be made on their behalf.

    HidingCat, in Hello fellow adults! Anybody else feel like almost every time you have to talk to someone to buy a thing, you're being swindled? If so how do you keep yourself from being taken advantage of?

    I've spent a fair number of time in computer and photography shops, and also been in the retail side for the latter. Here're my tips for retail stuff!

    1. Always know what you're looking to get. Do your own research first. If you need to rely on the sales person to make a recommendation, you've already lost. There's always a community of enthusiasts to rely on. Find them.
    2. Always do a price check with various reputable sources first. That way you have a rough idea of the price range.
    3. If add-ons of any kind are being recommended, say no and research first. Don't fall to pressure tactics to get them. If the salesperson is geniunely being helpful with the add-ons, they'll be happy to let you come back another day to get it. If they're saying you have to act now, it's a high-pressure tactic to sell higher-margin products to pad their bottom line.
    4. If a similar but alternative product is being hawked at you, again, do research first then come back. There's always a motive behind that. Sometimes it's just a need to clear stock of an otherwise decent product, but usually it's because the profit margin is higher, there're sales targets to hit etc.
    greatwhitebuffalo41, avatar

    This is great advice. If you walk in somewhere with no real idea what you want and no research to back it up, you’re subject to the bull shit the sales person might tell you. They could also be 100% totally honest as well but, you have no way of knowing that. Do you research.


    Yes, even when I dabbled in customer-side of retail, there's alway some pressure to sell the more profitable stuff, even when I wanted to help the customer. Many places will have even less scruples.

    livus, avatar

    I agree with this advice. In my mind, the sales person is there to ring up the sale of the product I have chosen. Not to advise me on what to choose.

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