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dankapotamus, in What happened to dancing at weddings?

Do you want people to participate and make themselves look silly or stay off the dance floor unless they’re professional dancers because you give both opinions in your post.

Hatchet, (edited )

Not at all. I think you may be referring to the part where I said "I am loth to even call it dancing." I am referring to when people simply stand on the floor without making any attempt to actually engage.

As I said in the post, even my non-dancer friends would still happily participate in a swing dance night without having any sort of training. It seems that people at weddings don't even attempt to make an effort.

I'm a huge fan of being silly. I am not much of a swing dancer myself, but I will still throw myself on the floor with gusto. It's fun!

zugzwang_03, avatar

I am referring to when people simply stand on the floor without making any attempt to actually engage.

The shuffling and swaying that you dismiss as "not dancing" IS their attempt to engage.

Dancing isn't as common anymore. A lot of people have no idea how to dance. Swaying to the music is how those people dance because they don't know any actual dance moves and don't know how to make it up.

Hatchet, (edited )

I guess that is the answer to my question that I just didn't want to hear: that dancing is not as oft-practiced anymore.

mac, in Why is no one decorating their magazines? avatar

I appreciate you putting in the effort, but it looks kinda scuffed on mobile

Jaysyn, (edited ) avatar

Need to figure out how to scale the background to the display, apparently.

EDIT: I think I fixed that. Now to fix my other magazines.

TGRush, in Best news aggregator? Where do you get your news? avatar

RSS never fails me.

dismalnow, avatar

Same. Also using IFTTT and Pocket to automatically aggregate my own feed from sources I enjoy to curate my own feed to my Kobo reader.

Feels snazzy to read the news in e-ink so that my OLED work/play world and news world are separate.

rcoelho14, avatar

And when, for some reason, there isn't an RSS feed given by the website, check RSS-Bridge and see if it has the site you want ;)

(and if it doesn't, if you know PHP, consider contributing with your own bridge)

natarey, avatar

Wow! I've been a heavy RSS user forever, and this is the first I've heard of RSS-Bridge -- thanks for this!

rcoelho14, avatar

Just learned about it last week here on Kbin, because of the Reddit blackout.
I've been feeding a lot of sources to my RSS programs, and just found out a lot of sites either hide or don't have RSS, so that project was enticing.

So I contributed with 4 sources to help it grow ahahah

sgibson5150, avatar

The decline (and perhaps fall) of reddit put me in the position of needing an Android RSS client/newsreader app for the first time. I want to say I used to use the functionality built into Firefox? Is that right? Anyway, for Android I've been using Inoreader. Seems to work ok. Mostly use it for the AP news RSS feed.

Jon-H558, in Introducing partner magazines, check these communities out!

Rather than splitting and instantly trying to replicate the other place, until we get self sustaining content we should centralise like early version of r

TheArstaInventor, avatar

We've tried that with m/kbindotcom, hasn't been a great success so far, and we have indeed come a long way from where we were back around the early version of r.

jon, in What something you wish you had done during your 20's? avatar

Now that I'm in my thirties, I can answer this. Two things come to mind.

First, really should have just done college after high school. I really wasn't looking forward to more school after graduation and wasted about 5 years before going back for my CS degree. I'm in a good place now, but could have had a 5 year head start on life if I'd just gone straight in.

Second, please take better care of your health while you have it. I was skinny as a rail in my early 20s and sort of took that for granted. I'm not obese or anything right now, but as you get older keeping in shape takes conscious upkeep. Get in the habit now and it'll be easier to maintain later. It's harder to lose the weight once you have it rather than keep it off.

minnieo, avatar

great answer. im currently doing what you were doing all those years ago, procrastinating more school, so you and the other person's response about getting a degree sooner rather than later are resonating with me. if only i knew what to get a degree in 😭 and great advice about health, especially dental hygiene

jon, avatar

My advice for picking a degree: pick something that you want to do, but also something marketable. The degree is useless if you can't get a job in it.

If you're worried about college being difficult, it can be, but 95% of your success is going to be based on motivation. I was a TA in college, and the best students were the ones that asked questions, came to office hours, and participated. I saw many a "smart kid" bomb a test due to overconfidence.

If you're not sure what to do, you can start with general education credits or even do the first part of your degree at a community college to save money. A lot of times a 2 year associates degree will serve as the first 2 years of a bachelor's.

minnieo, avatar

this has been an eternal struggle for me as someone with ADHD. i cycle through hobbies weekly to monthly, i never stick to one thing. one month something can mean everything to me, and the next, i never want to touch it again. this is what makes it hard to pick a career to do for life, i don't actually know what i like. it's like i like everything, but actually nothing. i decided i need to just buckle down and pick something i can stand to do for life, considering IT. i think if i work hard and try to stay motivated and disciplined, i can make it through like you said. i def plan on doing community college for the first 2 years.

jon, avatar

For IT you could do Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, etc. There's a whole lot of angles you could come at it from too. Would you want to maintain systems or develop them?

If databases interest you, you could be a DBA. If networking interests you, a network engineer. If you want to do development, you can focus on front-end development, back-end development, full-stack, embedded systems, and more. Maybe hardware interests you, so you'd like to be a computer engineer. Computers/IT has a lot of components to it, and even if you find yourself a person that likes to bounce between different things, there's a lot here that you can bounce between. School will have you touch a little bit of everything, and you can find that part you want to specialize in.


Community college is a great place to start, allows you to get your toes wet without too high stakes. Speaking as a software engineer, don't worry to much about the adhd stuff, there are a lot of us in the tech field (being able multi-task well and hyperfocus on something we are somewhat interested in are actually pretty valuable in his field). I'd probably advocate for making sure you adhere to a strict schedule for a bit when first starting out, makes it easier to not burnout on school long term (it's hard I know, but once you establish those little habits school stays more managable).


Something in IT is great, I think, and will be applicable to such a variety of fields and allow you to pivot in your career. Once you're progressing in your career, well, I've seen or heard of people making surprising shifts. So much learning for various jobs is really institutional anyways and will happen on the job. Just make sure you learn to well, learn. Always be playing with and learning new tools and processes and be adaptable. For instance, you could start out a developer and find out you like managing projects on your team and finding ways to make things more efficient and wind up a project manager who also understands what your team is talking about and working on.


As others have stated here, CS might be a good fit for you. I don’t have ADHD, but I’m neurodivergent, above average intelligence, and easily bored. I also know that, for me, work is absolutely shit. CS has allowed me to have an endless array of related skills to veer off into side quests, projects, whatever you want to call them. It keeps me from stagnating and the pay can be enough motivation to show up.

minnieo, avatar

i considered CS but went with IT for a less math-heavy focus, i am absolutely shit and way below average at math

jon, avatar

It's tricky. Depending on what direction you take, CS can be very math heavy or not. If you get into algorithmic stuff, deep learning, data analysis, etc., that has a lot of math. But if you focus on, for example, front end development, there's not that much.

I won't lie and say CS has no math. At my university, you were able to avoid higher level calculus by doing a bachelor's of arts instead of a bachelor's of science. Calculus 2 is usually the highest level you have to take, which focuses primarily on integration. I was kinda in your boat of being hesitant to do CS because of the math, but I ended up minoring in it. The CS-focused math is mostly logic stuff and discrete math, which I feel is way easier than calculus. And honestly, calculus isn't nearly as bad as its reputation would have you think (until Vector Calculus, that almost broke me).

Look into it, but I'll say that while the math is there, it's not as bad as you're probably thinking. And if you know you're not going into heavy algorithmic stuff, see if there's a path that avoids most of it. And once you're out of school, you'll never touch calculus again (unless you do a lot of physics, maybe? Game dev, perhaps?)


Oh crap you’re right. My brain loves math, but like you, my ADHD son struggles with it. IT is a great way to work in the same field without the numbers nightmare!


Heh, I relate to this a lot. Went for CS a decade ago and bombed out because I couldn't grok calculous. Now I'm working as a systems administrator and making 6 figures a year at an MSP. One thing I will absolutely recommend is if you go into IT, is to make sure you know how to use native platform scripting (bash/powershell) and work on keeping up with it as well. It will open all sorts of doors for you.

Knowing powershell as well as I do 1) is a decent part of how I got the job (pitched myself as being able to automate parts of their build processes) and 2) quickly made me indispensable for my team and within a year of starting I was already promoted to a senior administrator.

minnieo, avatar

i wanted to do CS too, but the program didn't interest me at all, i just like coding, the course was all theory and physics, plus yea the fucking math lol. i am enrolling in school Monday in a Computer Networking Tech program, hopefully to get an Associate of Applied Science degree in 2 years, then go into IT right after. i have dabbled in powershell a teeeennny tiny bit, like 10 lines of script max lol, it seems fun! your reply has inspired me to really start learning Powershell. its in the CNT program as well, so i will be extra prepared.

anything else i should know? i am kinda worried about 1. being a woman (a WOC at that) and not getting hired due to that and 2. being too dumb/feeling like an imposter. do you think being a woman in IT will affect my chances of getting hired and rising the ranks?

Unaware7013, (edited )

Honestly, any place that won't hire you for being a WOC is a place that you wouldn't want to work for anyway. As for being a woman in IT, don't think about the people who would look down on you for your gender and focus on being the best tech you can be. I've worked with numerous POC and women, and outside of noting race/gender at the beginning of an interaction, people worth their salt don't give a shit about that as long as you can pull your weight and get the job done.

Regarding powershell, look into the book "learn powershell in a month of lunches" or something like that. Will give you a good base to build off of. Then from there, find excuses to shoehorn it into stuff you're doing at home, as that's the best way imo to really learn a language. For example, one of the big projects I wrote was a massive powershell script to scan my media intake folders and automatically convert files to the standard settings I use for my library.

For your last point, I can't really give you any meaningful advice because even after my time in the industry and the praise I get from my management and peers I still struggle with feeling like I'm too dumb to figure something out or I'm just pretending to be good at my job. Imposter syndrome is just something you get used to after a while.

minnieo, avatar

any place that won't hire you for being a WOC is a place that you wouldn't want to work for anyway

very true, guess im just worried about simply not getting hired at most places i apply to, but ill cross that bridge when i get to it

look into the book "learn powershell in a month of lunches"

thanks for the rec! currently looking into this and eager to learn :D

find excuses to shoehorn it into stuff you're doing at home

this is me while learning javascript. any time any little thing inconveniences me, i make a script for it and solve the issue. it's sooo fun.

Imposter syndrome is just something you get used to after a while.

understood, i think nearly everyone has this. fact of life.

another question if you don't mind, is an associates applied science degree going to work fine for me to find jobs? im worried it's not enough, and in 2 years i will wish i had gone for a 4 year,, idk. maybe this is too broad a question but throwing it out there anyway. im attaching my program for an idea of the things i'd be learning, if it is relevant or helpful to know

Unaware7013, (edited )

another question if you don't mind, is an associates applied science degree going to work fine for me to find jobs?

I think it will depend on what your AAS is in, but it is definitely sufficient to find a good job. For example, I've only got an AAS (my local CC had a program for systems administration, I got that and took both the Linux and windows paths), and I've never felt that an AAS was holding me back/I needed a BS to move forward.

My experience is that a degree of some kind is helpful to get you past the HR bots, but the people actually working in infrastructure don't generally care. I've had waaaay more instances of a certification being required/needed for a position/raise/promotion. On that note, figure out what specialization you want to go down, and begin working on some certifications, and don't be afraid to pick up certs in other specialties that interest you.

I have/had certifications for Windows and networking, but I've never had a networking gig (officially. I was backup to my net admin at the 3 tech map I worked at). The knowledge has helped me figure out issues that stumped peers because they didn't have much networking knowledge.

If you're looking to start out and don't know what to go for, check out the CompTia site, they have a ton of good and entry level certs that you can use to figure stuff out or get a basic idea of other knowledge domains. I took A+ back in the day, and I really wish I would have gone with network+ at the time, but I got my ccna years later, so it probably wasn't a big deal in the end. But it at least got me through the HR drones at my first gig.

Looking over that course list, that's actually a decent program from the looks of things. Gives you basics for windows, Linux, networking, desktop and security. Should cover all the major bases and help you figure out what track you want to go down. About the only other thing I took that I don't see on your list is DBs, and I don't blame anyone for not wanting to deal with DBs... SQL was my least favorite course.

minnieo, avatar

its in computer networking tech, thats what the program is called. hoping its enough, your answers have been encouraging. i bookmarked the CompTia website, will circle back to it when the time is right :D thank you so much for your thorough answers. they are endlessly useful for me, cause i'm sorta just winging it atm haha


You're welcome, glad I could help!

And if it makes you feel any better, I've basically been winging it the whole way. Seems to be working out for me so far.

jon, avatar

BS looks better than AAS, but honestly that'll only really apply for your first couple jobs. Once you've got a few years of experience, your specific education matters less and less. I will say that a BS is "better" in terms of teaching you more, but your Associate's credits will transfer if you ever decide to go that route.

Also, once you pick up one language, you basically know them all (with some obvious exceptions). If you know PowerShell, you can pick up Bash pretty easy. If you know JavaScript, you can pick up Python. If you know Python, Java is pretty easy. If you know Java, you pretty much know C#. Learning a language becomes just figuring out how that languages does things. Picking up a new language goes from being a process that takes a year or two and schooling to taking maybe a week and watching some videos. There are some exceptions (Python doesn't tell you much about SQL, and systems languages like C/C++ are their own animal).

minnieo, avatar

its been 3 months since you left this reply, and im nearly done with my first sem in computer networking tech! im in college because of your replies, how crazy is that? anyway, i have a lot of career related questions, i'm feeling both doubt and excitement and worry and everything you can imagine about continuing on with this program. your replies were so impactful for me that i am back here 3 months later rereading them to get a better sense of direction.

feel free to say no this of course if uninterested, but would you be willing to chat on discord? you're very insightful and intelligent and i could use some of that from someone who knows what theyre talking about lol


As much as I'd love to chat and give you more advice, I'm loathe to give out my discord publicly (been an issue in the past). It doesn't look like I can PM you, so if you want to send me yours, that's cool, otherwise we can chat here if you have more questions.

Uranium3006, avatar

As someone with ADHD choosing CS as a major was the worst mistake of my life.

minnieo, avatar

why is that?

Uranium3006, avatar

A degree where moat of your classes grades are from projects you can't panic complete the night before is incompatible with my condition, and now I have all the debt of a BS from my failed attempt with none of the potential

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

I was able to get in the best shape of my life in my late 30s, but it took living alone, not having enough money for food, and having four acres of property to keep up so I could sell my house.

Mowing for three hours on a small bowl of rice and beans or pasta with vegetables three times a week will melt that fat right off. But you'll be miserable almost the entire time.

SnowboardBum, in Apps for kbin? is developing one.

skellener, avatar

Awesome! 😊👍

Duchess, in Wich fictional character is unfairly hated by the public ? avatar

i’m only a couple of seasons in to breaking bad but i truly don’t understand why skylar is so hated. i think she’s reacting not only rationally but startlingly calmly considering the circumstances.

Bertha, avatar

I feel like it's because of really good writing. Walter is objectively a bad guy. He's committing crimes, he's making a dangerous and highly addictive drug, he's killing people, just because he's too proud to accept help from his former colleagues. But the writing is great, the acting is incredible, so we see Walter from his own perspective--as the hero of the story. Skylar's not appreciating him as a hero, she's upset with him for putting the family at risk. When Skylar reacts reasonably to Walt's behavior, it makes us mad because it makes Walt mad.

Duchess, avatar

i think it is easy to get caught up in this kind of thinking, i agree, but the show itself does an excellent job of showing contrast by really displaying the ripple effect that walter’s actions have

blivet, avatar

Also, purely from a mechanical standpoint, her character’s goal is effectively to prevent the premise of the story from playing out, which is the exact opposite of what the viewers want.

snooggums, avatar

At the core it really is sexism. A male character criticizing the main male character's shitty behavior would not get nearly the rage that Skylar got.

Honestly it is a testament to the writing and the actress on making the character being reasonable so anger inducing.

Duchess, avatar

the writing really is fantastic but i think i really lost all sympathy for walter when he tried to assault skylar. i’d also like to add that, while not an excuse, the whirlwind of hormones a pregnant woman would be experiencing makes it nothing short of a miracle skylar managed to keep a lid on everything

SloganLessons, avatar

The show is about a guy going down the crime route, and Skylar is an obstacle to that. From the viewer perspective, Walter is fun to watch, he's doing something cool. Cooking Meth is cool. But then comes that boring character that nags him about "morality". Boooringgggg, who the hell does this chick thinks she is? I came to watch a show about a guy going in a downward spiral, why is she nagging?

Pardon my "monkey brain" thought process description lol. My point is that from what I've seen, people tend to dislike characters that stand in the way of the protagonist doing the main thing that he's supposed to be doing.

For example, Chichi from Dragon Ball, Goku's wife, tends to be disliked because she "nags" Goku. Her "nagging" tends to be basically reminding him that he's a father and has responsibilities, like helping out at home and financially. It's a shounen so it was always overlooked, but technically Chichi is the only one managing finances, and they've been living off only from her father's wealth. Wealth that eventually starts to run out at the end of the Z series iirc. Goku, for all intents and purposes, is a terrible family man.

But, it's a fighting show. It's about Goku and his friends fighting bad guys. So people don't like when characters detract from that objective, so they hate those characters, even if they are actually being the reasonable ones.

Duchess, avatar

i get the point you’re trying to make but goku and walter white are quite fundamentally different characters lol

SloganLessons, avatar

Oh yeah of course, didn't mean to imply they are similar lol. The only connection I'm making is about the similarity of side characters of their stories being hated by the viewers

Walter supposed to cook meth > people hate Skylar for standing in the way

Goku supposed to fight > people hate Chichi for standing in the way


Same reason people rooted for Nancy in Weeds. Fictional works don't have the same logic and morality of real life applied to them, since audiences wish for things that they wouldn't wish to happen in real life. Like who says my current life is too boring and these people I like are redundant need to be written out, and there needs to be something tragic that happens because everything is too happy right now.

1chemistdown, in did anyone else from the USA grow up being forced to say the pledge to the flag in school? avatar

As a genX-er, I grew up having to say it through elementary and middle school. I quit participating in the mid ‘80s. We were forced to attend John Birch Society events in school hat would talk about how horrible Russia was and how they fed propaganda to the kids from an early age. Reagan would always talk about all the horrible things USSR would do with their childhood propaganda too. I realized right away that everything the school was doing was the same thing.

I got labeled as a bad kid. Not Christian enough and not obedient enough.

Remillard, avatar

Also Gen X (1971) and while I remember it in first grade (so this would have been around 1976-77) I don't think it continued much past 1st grade. MAYBE 2nd. So I lucked out there I suppose. I cannot imagine getting indoctrinated by JBS though. I'm sure it would have gone down well in a lot of the midwest where I grew up, but I suppose I also lucked out there in that the school board and staff were pretty apolitical when it came to school structure.

1chemistdown, avatar

The irony, to me, is that town is liberal now. The surrounding county is super maga but the city is all hippie liberal. But as a child, this Colorado town was Texas red. Don’t spend money on education because we need a better high school football stadium type of town.


Holyshit, I’ve heard stories, but hearing your firsthand account sounds so dystopian.

acronymesis, avatar

We were forced to attend John Birch Society events in school

Damn, that sounds unconstitutional as hell. I imagine you went to some time of Christian private school?

1chemistdown, avatar

Nope, public school

acronymesis, avatar

Well, then, it was definitely unconstitutional as hell!! Just brazen indoctrination from on a hilarious/terrifying level...


From the Pledge of Allegiance to in-school John Birch society events is a hell of an acceleration. Holy shit.

acronymesis, avatar
a-man-from-earth, in What is one generally common thing a lot of people do or believe that you cannot understand? avatar

Religion and the belief in an invisible god, for which there is no good evidence.


if you believe in God, I have a teapot you just CAN'T live without

ivanafterall, avatar

I don't believe in God, but I'd like to hear more about this teapot.


Russell, is that you?

Lunyan, avatar

I'm not religious myself but I do understand it sometimes. I feel like it can be a way to make sense of a world that doesn't really make sense a lot of the time. It can be nice to have at least something to hold on to.
But people who use religion as an excuse to do bad? Hate them

TheRealKuni, in Do you prefer Android or iOS, and why?

I use iOS currently. I used Android for many many years, and loved it. I dreaded iOS and its walled garden.

But for various reasons, when my OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren Edition died and nothing in the Android world really wowed me at a reasonable pricepoint, and knowing that I would be able to get full-quality images and videos from my family and my wife’s family without them having to change their messaging app to accommodate me, I decided to try iPhone for the first time since like, the 3GS.

I’ve had the 13 Pro Max for over a year now and honestly I love it. It took a lot of getting used to at first. Everything is a bit different, and getting over those differences was frustrating. There are still things I really miss. Android handles notifications better, Android does gestures better (being able to go back from either side of the screen is huge), and OnePlus at least, maybe Android in general, let me open the camera by double-tapping the power button, so I could have the camera loaded by the time it was in position. I’m still much slower on the draw with my iPhone, unfortunately.

But iOS has its advantages, too. The battery life is amazing. The Apple Watch kicks the shit out of every Wear OS watch I owned (and also fixes my issues with notifications). The search function is crazy quick to the point that I hardly ever open apps from their icons in the Home Screen or App Drawer equivalent. Everything is polished and rarely fucks up. And when anything IS wrong, there are local stores that can fix it that day. I had a faulty front camera on my phone originally, it was replaced within the day, didn’t have to send it off for OnePlus to replace it. When the back glass broke they replaced basically the entire phone for $30 or something, again within the day. Integration between devices is beautifully seamless.

Basically I’ve found that both are very good options these days. It’s silly that anyone really cares which device you use.

When I was younger I liked to root my Android phones and use custom ROMs. But it had been years since I had done any of that, and I realized that what I was giving up moving to iOS was much less than I had thought.

I may go back someday. I’ve tried to keep everything in Google still so that I don’t have to give up anything except app purchases if I go back. But for now I’m happy on iOS.

Voyajer, avatar

I'm currently still using a OnePlus 7T, the battery is starting to die on it after so long though.


The 7T and 7T Pro are some of the best phones. Period.

I wish they had kept going with the pop up camera from the 7 Pro and 7T Pro. It’s such a cool concept and worked so well.


Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap

I’ve set double tap to launch camera. Not sure if this solution fits your camera needs, but it works really well for me on my 14 pro.if you’re prone to false launching then triple tap is also available


knowing that I would be able to get full-quality images and videos from my family and my wife’s family without them having to change their messaging app to accommodate me, I decided to try iPhone for the first time since like, the 3GS.

This is the biggest pain for me, but my solution is different. I just ask them to share a link to an iCloud album, which is also asking them to make albums! So far it has worked pretty well, and they almost all appreciate having an album for related pictures. I think it’s insane that Apple does this on purpose.


Yup. Fuck Apple for how they handle iMessage interfacing with the rest of the world.

hawkwind, in Do you think Meta's Threads app will be beneficial or detrimental to the Fediverse? avatar

We probably won’t find out because a majority of the fediverse will not want facebook a part of it.

KnittingTrekker, avatar

I hope so...

Kierath, in How can I help a friend who is falling into "witchcraft"? avatar

@Valhaitham i mean, would you be asking this if the friend were exploring christianity or islam? because they all have the same basis in reality. if your friend isn't hurting people, what do you care?

Valhaitham, avatar

Absolutely yes. There are parts of those religions that can be prejudiced and hurtful so I would challenge a friend that would fall into them. Of course, if no harm is being done I would be supportive, which is the new position I've taken from the advice here. I recognize there are also benefits from practicing an organized religion for a person that might need it.

Litany, in Kbin: What is your all time favourite video game? avatar


I love making efficient systems and the freedom to do things the way I want to, such as by using the game's alternate recipe system.

The exploration and movement systems in the game are also to notch. It's not quite Titanfall, but I struggle to think of any other game where simply moving around is so fun. That's on top of how pretty the actual environment is to explore.

SnowboardBum, in Kbin: What is your all time favourite video game?

Super Mario World


Sid Meier’s Pirates! (originally on the C64)

ripcord, avatar

My favorite version is the original DOS one for some reason.


I would love to find a pirate game that captures the magic of this game. So simple, but so much fun!

Itty53, avatar

Super Mario RPG

Lilkev, avatar

This is up there for me with Super Mario 64.

pure_honey, in Should we be more enthusiastically asking questions to build content on here? avatar

Yes, I think so. I have the same "problem" as you where I would much rather search for something than ask a question myself which in lights of recent events needs to change so that we can stop relying on sites such as Reddit asap.

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