
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

key, in I'm seeing a lot of "beardy guy with glasses" profile pics, some alarmingly like my own. How many of us are there? avatar

You weren’t informed about the kbin cloning experiment? It was in the t&c

man_in_space, in What is the most Successful Lie in History? avatar

That the Confederacy was a noble cause. They say history is written by the victors; the American Civil War is a counterexample. Even today you still have people who fly the Stars and Bars and populate the KKK.

Hyacathusarullistad, avatar

BuT It wAs aBoUt sTaTeS RiGhTs


" Oh yeah? Which rights were that? And which states' rights? Did all states have these rights, or were only certain states able to express their rights?"


It amuses me how often these people haven't even read the articles of confederation or the sessession letters that specifically state that slavery was one of the main reasons they seceded or that they were actively trying to remove the rights of other states to not participate in slavery.

BarrierWithAshes, in What’s a place from your childhood that doesn’t exist anymore? avatar

You can't step in the same river twice. ~ Heraclitus.

I'm just glad I realized this early as I did. I made sure to cherish each place, knowing full well it would eventually disappear.


You can't even step in the same river once

BarrierWithAshes, avatar

Heraclitus was a genius.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, in ✨ What is your favorite thing about kbin? ✨ avatar

Not sure if I can think of a favorite, but here are a few candidates:

  • The fact that Kbin is built for both microblogs and threads. They're neatly distinguished from one another, and the UI accounts for their unique formats. It's very clearly thread aggregation + microblogging, not thread aggregation with microblog posts crammed in there or vice versa.
  • The UI, which is what made me pick it over Lemmy. I just find it a lot cleaner and more pleasant, especially with the Tokyo night theme.
  • The community around userscripts and userstyles, or at least what there was initially. It's dwindled a ton, but it's what got me to learn HTML/CSS. Being able to make a userstyle is also really nice for improving Kbin's UI to my tastes.
  • @ernest. Alongside just being kind, he also keeps us up to date and lets us be involved in the development process. The daily updates on @kbinDevlog have been awesome for seeing and helping the platform develop.
minnieo, avatar

hey, someone else who got inspired to learn html/css from kbin! speaking of recognizing usernames, i see you around a lot :D. yea, i really miss the community on @kbinStyles. its sad that it's pretty much gone now. that was the most fun for me, the scripts and styles. im always scripting and making styles, maybe ill post there soon, i wont let it die completely lol

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

Also recognize you as well! I'd love to see @kbinStyles revived sometime and to contribute to that goal if given the chance. I've just imagined that a thread for every idkbin update would be more annoying than appreciated. It's also helpful that the magazine is in the official kbin collection, so that might help visibility.

EDIT: Fixed link

minnieo, avatar

i'd like to see it revived as well, maybe we can both try to post a bit, even small stuff! this is the first im seeing of kbin collections, that's pretty cool :D. and i didn't know you made idkbin! thats awesome! coincidentally, i was just looking at the css for that to see how to select pinned posts in mags. its so neat and nice lol, whatever you've been doing is working bc ur waaaay better than me at css lmfao.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

Eh, I try. Idk if I'm great at CSS, but I'm pretty happy with what I've managed to make. You should also give yourself some credit, since the stuff you put out is also awesome!

If I come up with anything, I'll make a post on the magazine about it. Maybe I could take smth small from idkbin like the official collection checkmark and make it its own thing for people to download.

Kaldo, in What features you may be missing from reddit would you like to see? avatar


Hogger85b, (edited )

Yeah I was thinking that like "moods" somtimes I want my "news" mags, other times I want memes.i had to block meme mags as they were taking over but might have a different account for them if I can't swap between meme mode and news/tech articles.

Kaldo, avatar

Yeah, "All" or "subscribed" is not granular enough, I like having groups based on my interests at that time - software / gaming / etc. Would be nice to have for sure.


Not only that, but there’s a lot of duplication of topics across different magazines. If you could “multibin” them into a meta magazine, that would be really helpful.

Cloudless, in Please delete empty, opportunistic magazines created during the rexit avatar

I created a magazine hoping that people who migrated from Reddit would find a new home. I intended to moderate the magazine, just to help the community grow.

It turns out there just aren't enough participants. It would be pointless if the moderator is the only person contributing to the community.

I don't see anything worth bragging about being a moderator. I do hope there is a way to "free" the magazine name so someone else can manage it.

insomniac_lemon, avatar

I mean if you have a magazine description and logo, and at least 1 post (even a pinned introduction post)... that's much better than what OP is talking about where the only substance there is the community name.

fearout, avatar

I feel you. I made a couple of communities I’d like to help grow and develop, but they don't seem to attract much activity from other users since they're rather niche (1, 2, 3, in case anyone's interested). I hope they might increase in size organically over time, since I don't want to flood them with my own posts, but I'm not sure what timelines to expect or if it's ever going to happen.

By the way, have you tried posting to new communities?

PositiveNoise, (edited ) avatar

Your jewelry design magazine is what I would hope for and expect from people who create mags. You have a logo, and have personally seeded it with over half a dozen posts. It's a bit niche, so I'm not surprised that you don't have many subscribers yet, but you seem to have done your part to establish it. Thanks.

I subbed to your mag Urban Details. Seems right up my alley, and I notice that a couple of folks have also been posting there. That seems promising.

fearout, avatar

Thanks. Yeah, it seems like Urban Details should have the widest audience between the three. Finders crossed :)

TeaHands, avatar

Bookmarked this comment so I can sub when I’m back on desktop. I’m actually happy to see an industrial design group!

For the jewellery one, is that intended for professional jewellery designers or is it also for the craft hobbyists?

fearout, avatar

I'd say both, however it should depend on the quality of content, imo. I don't want it to get filled with somewhat low-effort or completely beginner posts.

TeaHands, avatar

Yeah that’s fair. My other Lemmy account is craft focused and I’ve chatted to a couple of people who were looking for a jewelry making community but couldn’t find one. Will point them at you next time but let them know it’s more about the design side than just the “look what I made” side. Cheers!


I'm in the same position but I'm trying to post some content to try to induce participate. I'm going to give it a few months where it can be my personal link farm and I'll rethink after that if it gains no traction.

herpderpedia, avatar

I created two communities (both on here and Lemmy but trying to use Kbin as my Reddit replacement). What I plan on doing is leveraging the Reddit API and the Kbin API when it becomes available to mirror the posts made on Reddit until the community grows enough.

Could be a lofty goal, but that's my plan. Granted it's difficult when self-hosted videos are posted on Reddit because there's not a way to upload that to Kbin right now and I don't want to link to Reddit since the goal of many here is to migrate off Reddit.

Lunyan, avatar

Yeah I feel similarly. I created a magazine and was excited about moderating it even, but I'm not very much of a poster, more a lurker and commenter. But yeah it has a few subscribers now so I should probably just make some posts as a start at least

livus, avatar

It would be pointless if the moderator is the only person contributing to the community.

I feel personally attacked ha ha ha. :-D

Seriously though, if you believe there is a need for a community keep it, if not Ernest is building the mechanism.

barnyard_noise, in What is one generally common thing a lot of people do or believe that you cannot understand? avatar

I cannot understand the people who do those annoying social media “pranks” that involve making a mess for some poor retail person/janitor/cashier to clean up. Especially because the most direct explanation is that the videos gain traction—to which I then ask, who are the people that watch those videos and go “heck yeah I love this”??

sailsperson, avatar

People who dislike these videos and comment on them to say that the perpetrators are morons also contribute to the tractiosn it gains because algorithms love engagement, corporatations love engament, so they'll happily show the videos to more people in the vicious cycle of engagement.

niktemadur, avatar

This is why I hate the constant bombardment of trump/musk/reddit/etc posts. Or toxic-flavors-of-the-month like Andrew Tate.

People feeding the noise, and I bet you most of them are convinced that "It's okay if I do it, because I'm being ironic, I'm above it all".
No they're not, they fixate on the most negative shit that floats across their field of perception. And there are always enough of these "I'm special, I get a pass" people to make the noise reach maximum level all the goddamned time.

sailsperson, avatar

Sometimes you also think that you're the one who's got it all figured and can provide something so insightful, so powerful, so eye-opening that you're going to change someone's life, and consequently, the world, for the better - we like to feel special and big, but we're not.

Eggyhead, avatar

A few years back there was a social media moron who came to Japan and pulled some stupid & offensive shit. I was actually living & working there at the time and, while I’m not a violent guy, I desperately wanted someone to go knock his teeth in. He had zero comprehension the shit he did for his pos channel meant more xenophobic discussions toward those of us who had/wanted nothing to do with him.

Ganondorf, avatar

If this is the same person I'm thinking of, eventually a bystander did get angry enough to have a physical altercation with them at one point. They either overheard him or recognized him and shoved him, then told him off.

Eggyhead, avatar

I hope so. He deserved it.

DocSophie, in What Fast Food do you love? avatar

Honestly? Mcdonalds. They're (reasonably) cheap, pretty consistent, and still decent enough that I think "Yeah, I didn't mind spending two bucks on that."

Like it's not the best food ever or anything, but if I ever want a super quick breakfast or kinda crappy burger and don't feel like making one myself, then I just hit up the nearest Mcdonalds.


I'll fight someone who tells me I shouldn't have McDonald's breakfast burritos. I don't eat them because I want a good breakfast burrito, I eat them because I want those specific breakfast burritos.

DocSophie, avatar

EXACTLY! Like, man, if I wanted a good breakfast sandwich, I'd make it myself or hit up one of the local places. But I don't want a good one, I want a McDonalds one.

Jorgelino328, (edited )

@DocSophie This reminds me of Spacer's choice slogan from Outer Worlds.

"It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's choice McDonalds"

@YolkBrushWork402 @elscallr


I cant get out of McDonalds for less than 10 bucks, and that’s skipping the drink and using app deals

jcrabapple, avatar

@DocSophie everything else on McDonald's menu can fuck off, there's nothing like a Big Mac.



Funny way of spelling Quarter Pounder Deluxe with Cheese

brownpaperbag, avatar

Between my teens and early 20s, I worked there 3 times. I left on good terms to focus on other areas of life and they were always happy to have me back. I still love McDonalds as a treat! My go-to's are cheeseburgers or Big Mac's.


The McDonalds app is the most useful of all fast food options. My husband and I use the 2-for-1 breakfast sandwich deal on the Steak, Egg, & Cheese Bagel whenever we want to treat ourselves on the weekend. There is nothing else like it. Also, the McDonalds rewards rack up super quickly. Anytime, we need a light meal, I get one or two free sandwiches with reward points. 10/10 recommend. 👍👍

Taco Bell would be my second choice if only because their cravings box scratches the hunger itch so fantastically. 🤤

DocSophie, avatar

YEP the mcdonalds app is the second reason i go there; a big-ass coffee on the cheap, which gives me an excuse to get away from the bird-kids when they're being particularly shouty? you bet your bippy im taking that offer


I keep forgetting that damn app exists. I just opened it after forever and there's some pretty decent deals in there even without the rewards.


I love the blueberry pomegranate smoothie, the new chicken wraps are pretty delicious too

HipHoboHarold, avatar

I'm not a fan of the burgers. In general would rather just not get anything if that's the option. But their fries and breakfast items? The chicken nuggets? Yes. Hands down some of the best. I will fight someone for a McGriddle.


Mcdonalds fries are top tier

DocSophie, avatar

I used to like them, but lately I've gravitated to Wendy's fries. It's not even the beef fat/vegetable oil switch that happened back in the 90s??? or whatever, I just think I prefer thicker potato cuts for my fries.


I swear they sprinkle crack on those fries.

RheingoldRiver, in Is there any one else who feels like their life has been disrupted by this whole debacle with Reddit.

Yes absolutely. I miss so many subreddits so dearly, and some of them aren't leaving reddit and I feel too guilty to go back there even though I'm a PC user. I'm really sad about everything, and I feel really lonely and awful. I've been super active in both the /kbin and Artemis communities, and they're both wonderful, so I'm making new friends, but nothing's going to fill the void truly.

Everything is not awesome :(

Sinnerman, (edited )

Go back to your Reddit friends (e: if you miss them).

I hate Reddit as much as anyone else, but why make yourself miserable because of an API change?

Stay on kbin AND stay on Reddit. Evangelize!


Consider my comment here as a rebuttal. If you want to stay on Reddit, that's OK, but I see this as an opportunity for you to be a part of doing something different.


I don't have any interest in contributing to spez's prosperity. He destroyed the modern Library of Alexandria.

drinkleadsoup, avatar

I think it's largely more than an API change. It felt miserable before Spez made his choice. This most recent choice was the end of a long line of bad choices Spez made. And I absolutely don't care to see the trainwreck of that site after it's IPO.

themadcodger, in How many of you are still working full-time remote and how is it going? If not, why not? Was the decision made by you to go back to the office or did your employer decide for you? avatar

I'm practically full-time remote, though technically hybrid. But unlike the "x days at home, y days in the office" hybrid, we're wfh unless we have a reason to be in the office together for collaboration, which actually is helpful. So in reality, I go in a day or two every couple weeks or so. No complaints on my side.

Frog-Brawler, avatar

Same scenario for me. We have some weird system to reserve a desk, that a lot of people mostly ignore. I've tried to reserve a desk a few times and all but once, some asshat was already sitting there. I didn't feel like being confrontational so I just went home.

QuestioningEspecialy, avatar

Sounds like a lucky excuse tbh. 👍🏿

iLikeGoats, avatar

LOL! My org is doing this as well. The couple of times I've been in I just plopped myself down in a conference room without booking it. No one was around to complain.

kestrel7, avatar

Honestly this seems like a best case scenario to everyone except whoever has to pay rent on the office lol

iLikeGoats, avatar

My thoughts exactly!


I don't even know about that. Since not everyone in the company needs to be in the office at the same time, they can downsize to a smaller office without making it too uncomfortable.


Just to be a pedamt you mean the person paying rent to.....the person paying the rent should be happy they can downside and reduce it soon..

It is those receiving rent and those that those recieving rent owe loan payments to that are getting squeky bottomed on their investments.

Tigbitties, in What’s a place from your childhood that doesn’t exist anymore? avatar

There was a forest we use to play in behind my friends house . It had a few giant trees. They must have been hundreds of years old. One was 3-4 meters in diameter. We used to climb them using the coarse bark up to the branches and see how high we could go. You could see the whole neighborhood. Wonderful memories.

That whole area is filled with Mcmansions now.


Same where I grew up, worst part was the developer bought it like two decades ago, sat on it for five ish years (logged a single dirt road), then put in paved roads/utilities and a demo house for another five with empty lots cut, and the last ten or so have built maybe four more. So it's not even utilized, they cut down huge swaths of forest and it's just sat most of the time.


This happened on a much smaller scale to me. My grandparent's home was demolished to make way for a McMansion after they sold it. They were the only people to ever live in that beautiful house.

brownpaperbag, (edited ) avatar

We had an incredible ravine that got destroyed for a highway that I've driven many times as an adult. It's a rare trip that I don't think back to the beautiful place where I spent countless hours of summer breaks being wild and free.


There are some woods in our neighborhood, which aren't owned by anyone in the neighborhood. The risk is obvious. I would like us to buy those woods so we control them, but every time I say it, they start screeching, "I don't want an HOA!" Neither do I, I have two RVs sitting in my driveway. But I would like some limited partnership simply for owning those woods....

TadeuszBonawentura, in Aside from Trump or Biden, Who do you wanna see as the President of the United States of America?

At 2020 debates I rooted for Elizabeth Warren. I live on the other side of the world and know nothing about american politics, but still think she would've been great president.

CoffeeAddict, in How do we feel about federating with Threads? avatar

My main concern is that this is just Facebook Meta utilizing the “Embrace, Extend, Extinguish” strategy that Microsoft used against Netscape in the 90s.

I feel like our small communities here - which are just getting started - are going to be flooded by Threads users who don’t even know what federation is and then all the content, power & control will realistically be in Meta’s hands.

My gut says that is probably Meta’s goal, but what do I know? I’m just some internet person.

livus, avatar

I think you're right though.

CoffeeAddict, (edited ) avatar


Decentralized networks are a threat to Meta’s entire business model which runs on advertisements. That doesn’t work very well when your users can just jump to another instance without ads.

Meta wants to nip the fediverse in the bud now before it’s too late for them to get a foothold. I think they’re gonna do it by (trying) to port their massive userbase to Threads, make other instances dependent on their content and users, and then pull the plug so they can go back to selling everyone’s information to advertisers.

I saw this image floating around a few days ago that I think helps illustrate that even if a fraction of Meta's userbase migrates to Threads it will be enough to dominate the fediverse. Instagram has two billion users, and the entire fediverse only has around 1.5 million.

FaceDeer, avatar

Threads, despite its name, is not a threaded discussion forum like the Threadiverse. It's more like Mastodon, a microblogging protocol. I don't think we'll be seeing Threads users flooding here because the format of these communities isn't really compatible with that.

atocci, avatar

How would power be handed to Meta just because Threads has more users? The communities are under the control of the instances where they were created, and Threads users couldn't create larger communities to replace them either since it's only a microblogging platform.

CoffeeAddict, avatar

The concept is that overtime, communities and connections will organically grow. If Threads has a disproportionally large ubserbase, then overtime they will create a similarly larger number of communities. This then would give them a lot more influence over the fediverse and anyone federated with them.

For smaller instances that become accustomed to seeing those communities and content, the danger is that Meta can just “pull the plug,” defederate, and extinguish the competition, or at the very least hurt their competitor's users experiences when interacting with content from Threads. The reason they might do this is purely because it fits into their business model which is selling user data to advertisers; it is in Meta’s interest to have as much data on their users as possible, and to have those users be based on Meta’s platform.

As I said in another comment, I could be totally wrong and this could benefit the fediverse. I just think the opposite is more likely because I do not trust Meta. I think they will play nice in the beginning, but then start to flex their muscles once they feel they’ve got enough influence.

Also, there is nothing stopping them from expanding Thread’s capabilities to include the threadiverse. Kbin has already demonstrated both are possible in one app.

atocci, avatar

If they pull the plug on ActivityPub and take their users back, things would just be exactly how they are now. Since they can't create communities or magazines like we can (and it's very unlikely Meta is going to try to implement this), if they want to participate in discussion here, they'll be posting in our communities. Kbin's magazines are uniquely suited to this as well because content gets sorted into them based on hashtags, so they wouldn't even need to know that they're posting to a magazine to do it.

We're already in a situation like you describe though with's near monopoly on large communities, which seems concerning to me as is.

CoffeeAddict, avatar

I hope you’re right.

And I agree, does have a near-monopoly on large communities. I attribute that to lemmy being more developed and having apps ready and kbin simply not being completely ready in June (no shade thrown at ernest - he’s great and I like kbin better.) I hope overtime kbin grows some of its own large communities so it’s not so skewed towards a single instance.

atocci, avatar

Just to clarify what I mean,'s position is bad for the threadiverse as a whole. It's where most of our users and largest communities we all post to are. If .world goes down, it'd be a major blow to our current, mostly stable, position and we'd be significantly worse off than if Meta were to come and go. Things are improving though and communities are slowly spreading to other instances! I also deeply appreciate that we have kbin as an alternative to Lemmy - thank you Ernest

SmoothLiquidation, in What films that flopped when they came out but you saw in the theater and loved, that are now universally acclaimed or cult classics?

I don’t think The Emperor’s New Groove did well in the theaters, but it is one of the best Disney movies of its time.

Ganondorf, avatar

Emperor's New Groove and Lilo & Stitch were also two of the last few times Disney put out something original. The last two decades of Disney releases have mostly been franchises they've bought from others or remakes of older Disney films that weren't even their original stories to begin with, e.g. Star Wars, MCU, 20th Century Fox, Pixar, a majority of Disney classics.

geoffervescent, avatar

Funnily enough it did fine at the box office but because it was positioned at the end of Disney's "golden age" and made noticeably less than any other Disney movie of the era, they pivoted away from it to the point where many people assume it's a DreamWorks or Universal animated flick.

mutant, in Did you ever have a classmate that pretended to be a vampire or some other supernatural creature? How much did they commit to it? avatar

there was a group of girls at my high school who self identified as witches
i imagine they grew up to moderate r/witchesvspatriarchy

density, avatar

Or catholics


I mean, it is a religion. Not much weirder than someone saying they’re Buddhist.

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