
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

UziBobuzi, in Can a rich person be a good person? avatar

People who hoard more money than they can spend in several lifetimes while people are literally dying in the streets cannot be good. These things are mutually exclusive.

minnieo, avatar



For me personally it's more a question of does your money hoarding system exploit people or is it family money that's been made unethically. I think keeping that kind of money to yourself is unethical. And I don't mean you should go living from riches to rags but recognize that you own something to society and do something about it.

BeHereNow, avatar

Soros attempted to gain wealth to use it as a tool to fight for the oppressed. Didn't work out too well for him.


Can you at least try to explain this take... I think we are having hard time seeing where you are coming from?

How is some rich clown trying to influence political process for his own benefiting helping the homeless or the working poors?

What about middle class?

BeHereNow, avatar

If you're down voting please explain yourself. I'm guessing it's not because you are pro fascism/authoritarianism.

I don't know much about Soros, but I find how effectively the powers that be (and wanna be) were able to turn him into a boogeyman fascinating.

IninewCrow, avatar

Another way to describe individuals who hoard enormous amounts of wealth to the detriment of society and other humans is ... pathologically unsound and incapable of compassion or empathy for others around them

1chemistdown, in Don't you think kbin has really gone downhill since the good old days? avatar

Shit, I remember when I had to check the cloud flare box just to get into kbin and now all you just show up without any extra work. SMH

EROLoLICON, avatar

Those were difficult times


You had it easy in my day we had to fight Godzilla, Superman and five Shreks before we would be even allowed to login.

niktemadur, avatar

Godzilla, Superman and five Shreks before we would be even allowed to login

On Captcha?


I cant even remember what the Captcha was. I meant outside.

Eggyhead, avatar

Uphill, both ways!

… and in the rain!!

Otome-chan, avatar

yeah? well when I joined kbin, 503 errors said to check back in a few days!

livus, avatar

But it would usually let you go to some other part of kbin 10 minutes later with a nice Capcha of some cat paintings...

CoderKat, avatar



Kids these days just have everything handed to them

Bendersmember, in Is there any one else who feels like their life has been disrupted by this whole debacle with Reddit. avatar

Reddit was something unique and personal to each user. Some it was new, some it was the only place to find specific tech or other advice that wasn't corrupted by ads and algorithms on goggle and other big corporations.
Reddit was my way of disengaging from world news before I knew about anxiety, and how things could affect me and become personal even though I had no way to help world events. So I used it to personalize my mental diet, if I was creative I could sub to many craft subs like leather or metal etc, it's where I went to get other perspectives on movies and content that I didn't fully understand.
End of the day, is all that possible still on Reddit, kinda, but it's going away, and they pushed me personally to leave as I could see it was becoming google/Facebook, ad algorithms to push what people pay for or get paid for. So time to reset.
Become involved, I'm way more involved and adding to discussions on the new sites I'm on. Everyone adding comments and posts and perspectives and opinions are building this up from bottom up.
You are the future, make your perspective part of the future by helping guide these new sites to something we can be proud of.

1chemistdown, avatar

Well said @Bendermember




I’m upvoting your comment because you bring up great points, but I personally disagree with the disengaging from world events aspect. I’ll miss the niche subreddits that helped you solve the most random of issues, but I think reddit was far from a great place to disengage from news and the political discourse brought by news. Ever since the 2016 election cycle, I personally saw a considerable increase of posts regarding politics that came from both established subreddits and new ones that popped up (like /r/enoughtrumpspam which simply added more spam to the pile).

I think Trump’s campaign and presidency really ignited a lot of this, and while I neither like nor support Trump, I miss when the biggest disruptions were from isolated events (like the Occupy Wall Street movement or the Ellen Pao fiasco) rather than 4 years of a presidential tenure.

After years of nonsense, it all just got tiring. You can curate your reddit experience, but what happens when all the political doom scrolling finds its way into your favorite subreddits?

Kbin and the rest of the fediverse will grow, and I’m aware that the same kind of posting will find its way here, too. Thankfully the fediverse lets you subscribe to multiple communities of the same name, so maybe /m/news isn’t up one’s alley but /c/news is, for example.

I didn’t realize how shit reddit was getting until I stopped using it. The constant barrage of political shit accompanied by low effort comments/puns did a number on my happiness. I stopped using Facebook for similar reasons.

I’m glad you’re also adopting the mindset of being an active contributor. For years I also just would scroll and seldom upvote, but if we want to make “this house a home”, we need to put in the effort ourselves! I look forward to seeing how this all plays out. So far, I am very optimistic. I hope you find your niche interested here sooner than later!

tal, (edited ) avatar

Some of it was also political activists or people paid to actively work to sway opinion on social media.

Xeelee, avatar

"Some" is a huge understatement.


After years of nonsense, it all just got tiring. You can curate your reddit experience, but what happens when all the political doom scrolling finds its way into your favorite subreddits?

I'm not much into US politics, but you know, this reminds me of why I started disengaging from my own country subreddit. At the start it was mostly about the people and the community, and I liked talking to people and hearing their problems. I was hosting regular get-togethers and eventually became a mod. As Reddit got more mainstreatm, the anti-government political people started coming in and well, I don't want to be hearing about moaning all the time. These people also had a terrible persucation complex (not helped by my country's history of surpressing opposition views), so any attempt to moderate these people when their posts and comments got excessive and off-topic was met with fierce pushback. I just wanted a more positive place for people, instead of endless political bickering.

livus, (edited ) avatar

Until I got to the part about your country's history of suppressing opposition, I thought you were talking about my country's subreddit!

We went through the exact same trajectory from being a small friendly place with meetups, getting bigger, becoming negative and political arguments all the time. In the end I stopped dropping in there at all.


Yea, it's a shame. Thinking about it now though, maybe should've created a separate sub to dump those political posts to.

livus, avatar

Might have worked. They created one for my country, and also we could filter out politics on the main sub, but some people still just bring it up in other threads.

Bendersmember, avatar

I always stuck with front page and never was on popular or all, I feel that was my saving grace. Also reposts and crossposted content drove me batty, so overtime unsubbed from groups that got political or negative. I wasn't subbing to just kitty cat pictures, more so hobbies, movies, and specific YouTubers like rlm etc. That's why I mentioned that everyone's experience was different, just a few different subs and the whole experience is different.

I'm in a demographic that people actively try to push and radicalize as well, so even if I am frustrated with things and how they affect me, I always keep one foot out and try to be super aware of that. I feel some, not all obviously get caught up over time and it erodes who they are and normalizes some really crazy things. So when I realize something like American politics is affecting me and my day, as a Canadian, I step back and look at what I'm letting into my mental diet.

End of day I hope we all learn from the past and can improve on what worked and avoid what didn't. There's no reason to not learn from the past and try to grow in a positive way.


While I feel a bit nostalgic to leave Reddit behind, I recently realised it had become stale for me. Time to move on.

drinkleadsoup, avatar

Absolutely this. It got very homogenized. I joined reddit for the variety of people and their ability to understand topics I'd like to understand better. Then it all turned to bots and reposts. Then I would unsub from one subreddit and migrate to the new sub that was similar to the sub I just abandoned until the new sub became infested with bots and reposts, then rinse and repeat.


This is a great answer.

I feel like I can do away with the doomscrolling and time-wasting, but it's the specific advice and hobby subs that will be difficult to tear away from completely.

drinkleadsoup, avatar

I'm also going to have trouble avoiding my city's local subreddit. It's definitely a hub for everything going on here, and I've made some real life friends on there who I plan on keeping up with.

Hanabie, avatar

What I liked about reddit was its "googleability". You had a question and found an answer without reading through an endless article that winds it's way through rephrasing your question 5 times, adds extensive biographies of everyone mentioned, the wider history of the problem and the author's grandmother, all to pad the article and have you scroll through more adds.

But now there's ChatGPT, so most of my "googling" can be done that way, and I don't have to scroll through walls of puns or "this is the way" or "thanks for the gold, kind stranger", or "take my updoot and get out". I wonder how much of that bullshit were bots, anyway.

Bendersmember, avatar

First thing I did when I got chat got was use it as a search engine, it's not perfect, but google should wake up, when something is better at its own game accidentally, imagine what's possible if they don't fix their algorithm

reitoei, in Now that you've used Lemmy and /kbin which do you prefer and why?


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  • relative_iterator, avatar

    I’m on iOS and have the site added to my homepage as an app. There’s no way to refresh so I’m constantly falling into this trap 😩

    Freehours9, avatar

    I show the top bar and just tap “subscribed” or whatever to refresh.

    hawdini, avatar

    That's the solution I've ended up going with too. Hoping to get my hands on the iOS Beta of Artemis soon, though.


    The "home button" being hidden behind the hamburger menu and the fact that I can't collapse comment threads are my only 2 QoL issues, otherwise it all works great for a product that's only like 6 weeks old lol

    There's just a polish to this site that Lemmy instances don't have

    TimeSquirrel, avatar

    It would also be nice to have a "context" button on comments in your profile so you can quickly see your comment surrounded by the comments you were interacting with, like Reddit did. Right now I'm having to go back to the original thread and find my comment to see the sub-thread it was part of and remember what it was we were talking about.

    Also having trouble seeing comment reply notifications from instances outside of kbin. They don't show up at all and I am unable to see if people are replying to them. Have to go back to the original thread again.

    thereisalamp, avatar

    This is really the only fair I'm struggling with, wick access to the thread content before replying is important. I'm trying to avoid commenting on similar threads atm so I don't accidentally include something from a different thread

    BaroqueInMind, (edited ) in Are upvotes counting towards your reputation now? avatar

    I kinda hope @ernest resets all the rep to zero to undo the negative million reputation I've earned by telling tankies in lemmy to go fuck themselves.


    you have over 1k rep now so I am guessing it is fixed.

    Roundcat, (edited ) avatar

    Wear it like a badge of honor, or a neat battle scar.

    Beep22, avatar

    And there was me feeling all edgy at -1

    Flaky_Fish69, avatar

    I kind of hope he freezes it.

    I have 1337 reputation.

    This amuses me, and if I have to have internet points they might as well amuse me.Also maybe dates me.

    Osvaldoilustrador, (edited ) avatar

    Hahaha you're def super brave! You deserve a medal!

    BaroqueInMind, avatar

    Thanks man. I had to crawl through some filthy comments, I'm pretty sure it was worse than whatever those chumps on Juno Beach during the D-Day Normandy invasion had to endure... You got a medal for me? Let's see what you have.

    Guadin, in Let's say the worst case scenario happens with kbin and Meta. What are some alternate sites/instances that would be more resilient to enshitification? avatar

    This is way too dramatic. Mastodon hasn't caved. The instance might federate with META, but it is not said it will. The kbin developer is a tad busy with keeping instance running and fixing kbin software. So the silence doesn't mean anything.
    Host your own instance and do whatever you want. That way you can be sure what will happen.

    Ragnell, avatar

    Yeah, there's a list of instances that have agreed to defederate any Meta instance. Even if federates with them, there's still plenty of places to jump ship to.


    Could you please link this list? Asking for a friend.

    ADHDefy, avatar

    I don't know of a list, personally, but if you search the hashtag #FediPact you might find some instance admins that have pledged to defederate.

    Ragnell, avatar

    @ADHDefy @zhaosima Someone made this one, not sure how it's maintained.

    be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

    Closest I've found to anything that looks authoritative

    SJ_Zero, in Edit: TIL it doesn't matter if you make your community on Lemmy or kbin, they're federated and will have equal exposure avatar

    Lemmy can see kbin magazines. I’m on a lemmy instance right now. itself has had some federation issues in the past month, but I think that’s more growing pains of a new platform than anything inherent in the system itself.

    UnhappyCamper, avatar

    Oh, maybe that's where I got the idea that Lemmy couldn't see them, I've only been on the fediverse for a couple weeks. People were saying Lemmy couldn't see kbin, but I didn't realize that was temporary.


    I think it was a few specific instances, not lemmy at large

    wjrii, avatar

    There's some suspicion that the specific instance is rejecting incoming requests from kbin via a configuration, but,, beehaw, etc. seem to be federating well enough.

    VerifiablyMrWonka, avatar

    Not really suspicion at this point. They are proveably 403 rejecting requests from the KBin useragent. You have the letters "kbinbot" anywhere in your useragent (case insensitive) you ain't getting content.

    As a bonus they're still sending out stuff to instances though. But since KBin can't then resolve it it amounts to a DoS attack as the messages just build up in KBin retry queues.

    Melpomene, avatar

    At what point do the other instances consider this federation in bad faith and defederate from .ml?

    VerifiablyMrWonka, avatar

    A number of kbin instances already have. But not .social - which is obviously the largest instance.

    Aggravatingly .ml users can browse and interact with kbin magazines just fine as we let them in. It's very much a bad faith thing at this point.

    Melpomene, avatar

    Noted and I'll make sure that my list is clear of .ml subs. Honestly, with the "not so much rumors as facts" information swirling around out there about the devs, I'll not be surprised if they're intentionally tanking (pun intended) any competition that isn't parroting their views.

    I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

    G'day from a Kbinaut :)

    AnonymousLlama, avatar

    Yeah this seems to be a temporary thing. I've been following the federation issues we've been having on kbin and I'm hoping they can resolved as everything stabilizes.

    I'm unsure if the ingest from kbin > Lemmy was working because last I checked they were returning error responses on requests that had "kbinbot" in the name.


    There definitely seems to be something going on but I haven't found solid problem replication steps.

    For example it may be because the instance the thread was posted on is but I expected the thread here:[email protected]/t/163712/former-current-Twitter-users-what-do-you-do-on-there would still sync up with where the version of the thread where the OP is located even if it the instance where the thread was posted (maybe?) doesn't federate with

    It's possible my mental model of fediverse working is just still very basic and thread instance is the ultimate arbiter?

    AnonymousLlama, avatar

    Yeah that doesn't look like it's federation correctly. I'll raise it again with some of the other devs, maybe one of them will know. Pretty annoying ;(

    Pamasich, avatar

    I'm unsure if the ingest from kbin > Lemmy was working because last I checked they were returning error responses on requests that had "kbinbot" in the name.

    It's only, not all of lemmy, that's returning a forbidden response on requests from kbin.


    I hope kbin gets federated by it seems they have been rather trigger happy with blocking. It seems we will have to wait and see which instance is the most free.

    SJ_Zero, avatar

    A lot of the original Lemmy instances are quite trigger happy. It’s one really nice thing about the new instances with new admins who block but still prefer not to unless it’s really necessary.


    i kind of knew what i was signing up for with this lemmy ecosystem, so at worst people will just switch instances and the most free gain the most leverage, it beats this hopping from one centralized service to another by far.

    SJ_Zero, avatar

    I’ve been all-in on the fediverse since early 2021, including the threadiverse. It may not be the future for the masses, but I think it might be the future for people who value freedom and autonomy.


    there are like 10 times or 20 times more users online than back when reddit even started, i think we will be fine even if it wont be for "the masses". I respect that you got in early, a true pioneer.

    insomniac_lemon, (edited ) in Is there any way to be notified when others respond to your comments? I feel like it naturally extinguishes conversations to not have any notifications? avatar

    Yes, go to the settings page (notifications section). They seem to have been off by default.

    Note that notifications may still be late for whatever reason.



    Thanks! Some of these should likely be default on.

    Also I should definitely actually look before griping hahaha

    MisterMoo, avatar

    These should definitely be on by default. Users won’t think to ask or find threads where this is explained, and having it off absolutely kills conversations and engagement unnecessarily @ernest

    tal, (edited ) avatar

    I am pretty sure that he's busy with about a million things. If you can do PHP and Symfony yourself, you can submit a PR, a fix, and then he'll review it and include it. If you can't, you can see if there's an issue filed on the issue tracker and if not, file one, and that'll put it in line for people working on PRs. It looks like it's up to about 400 open issues.

    But everyone trying to drag his attention to their favorite feature in the hopes that he'll just go implement it really quick won't work. There's only one of him, and there are issues like the servers having trouble exchanging messages under sufficient load and patching SQL injection bugs (i.e. people turning up security holes) that are probably gonna be higher on the precedence list than QoL polish.

    EDIT: Some other guy did submit an issue for notification of comments, and someone on that issue pointed out that they're already there. If you want to follow up on an existing issue, you could maybe point out that maybe the defaults for these should be changed:

    I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

    I suspect it's off by default as part of the growing pains. It's probably a non trivial amount of work for a server to have to generate and track notifications. It is necessary though for non real time conversations.


    Yep, I'm inclined to believe this, especially considering that currently notifications seem to be delayed in many cases. My notifications will show empty for hours, and then I'll see new notifications for replies I've already seen by that point.

    Likely gonna be a few weeks before things start to stabilize after the influx of new users.

    ivanafterall, avatar

    Hallelujah. Thank you! Now I feel like an idiot, it's so straightforward and obvious.


    It took me over 2 weeks to figure it out, myself. Don't be hard on yourself!


    Took me a couple of days, was thinking eh, why was everything so quiet. Definitely should be on by default!

    Bendersmember, (edited ) avatar

    I have them turned on from when I first signed up, didn't even see a notification for you tagging me in this reply. Who knows maybe there's just a small bug, I'll keep checking manually where I can in case. Or maybe they are just late. Thanks for the help!
    Edit to add: just got notification, took 3 hours.


    I've noticed some times they just take a while to show as a notification. (This is assuming you have it enabled as others have pointed out in here)

    LegendofDragoon, avatar

    I've noticed that cross instance posts take a while to generate the notification


    Is this working though? I turned that setting on a week or more ago and I've never received a notification despite getting comment replies. I thought maybe I just didn't know what notifications look like, but I got one when someone mentioned my username.

    assbutt, avatar

    One of my accounts just doesn't get notifications or DMs for no apparent reason.

    LegendofDragoon, avatar

    If you visit the page that a notification would refer you to it automatically clears the notification, so if you visit the page after the comment is generated but before it's visible on your instance it could clear the notification or prevent the notification from appearing at all.

    Based on my limited knowledge of the fediverse that would be my hypothesis

    MeowdyPardner, (edited ) avatar

    Which setting is it? I'm really struggling to understand the wording of the options...

    Notify me of comments in my threads
    Notify me of replies to my threads comments

    These both sound the same to me, isn't a comment in my thread the same as a reply to my thread? Assuming "my thread" means when I leave a comment and it gets comments under it. What's the difference between "my threads" and "my threads comments" maybe one means all replies under one of my comments which isn't what I want - I just want notifications when someone replies directly to one of my comments, but "comments in my thread" sounds like it includes all replies to other people's comments under my comment but "replies to my threads comments" also sounds like it includes replies to other people's comments under my comment...

    insomniac_lemon, avatar

    I think you've got it, replies-to-replies is probably not needed (though if you don't get many replies or if a reply actually is relevant to you it might still be beneficial to be on).

    MeowdyPardner, avatar

    I gave both possibilities so I'm not sure which one you are saying I got right haha, I enabled both and got a notification from you so clearly one works. The wording for both sounds like they could both technically apply to any reply or reply to a reply from someone else so I'm not sure.

    Ie, if I make a comment and A responds, and B responds to A, both are technically "comments in my thread" assuming thread means all sub comments no matter how deeply nested

    At the same time both A and B are technically "replies to my threads comments" (or replies to a comment while being in the thread) so it also meets both conditions there.

    Maybe I'm just dense... But I'm going to assume the second one is nested and the first means direct, it feels like I'm trying to decode a logic puzzle on the SAT or something

    tal, avatar

    I would guess that one case is "I made a new thread and am OP and want to be notified of all messages to that thread" and the other is "I want to be notified of comments that are children to my own comments".

    MeowdyPardner, avatar

    There's also:

    Notify me of replies in my posts
    Notify me of replies to my posts comments

    So I think for an op one of those would be the correct one. I checked both "threads" and "threads comments" and got a notification, I just have to figure out which one means all replies and which one is direct replies because both "comments in my thread" and "replies to my threads comments" sound like they encompass both direct replies and sub replies (ie comments in my thread seems to imply any comment in the thread no matter how nested or to who they are to, at the same time "replies to threads comments" also sounds like it encompasses all replies since any comment under a thread no matter how nested or to who is technically a reply to a comment in the thread)...

    tal, (edited ) avatar


    Nah, that's unrelated. This is just kbin and Reddit terminology clashing.

    On kbin, you have posts, which are more-or-less the microblogging feature, a la Twitter.

    Threads on kbin are analogous to posts on Reddit.

    Threads can be either articles (a text post on Redditl or links (an URL post on Reddit).

    Threads go in magazines, analogous to a subreddit on Reddit.

    I've been essentially using kbin like Reddit, so ignoring the microblogs and posts.


    Yep while looking for something else I found the settings and itn improved kbin mainly when I turned it on read missing about 6 notifications a day

    sparseMatrix, avatar


    @Bendersmember @gramw @ivanafterall

    Thanks so much for this, I've been blundering around for a few days now wondering just what the hell am I doing wrong lmao

    gonzo0815, in Don't you think kbin has really gone downhill since the good old days?

    I miss the times where every post was about how shitty reddit is. Now it's only original content. It's really going downhill fast.

    redsky, avatar

    I remember that. People would just bitch and moan about how far Reddit had fallen. And how /spez ruined everything.

    Now we have to put up with increasingly wholesome and thoughtful content. Oh well.

    Xeelee, avatar

    I can call you some homophobic slur, if that will make you feel better?

    Dufurson, avatar

    please daddy don't threaten me with a good time UwU


    Yeah I miss just browsing through loads of stuff I'm not interested instead of having a bunch of magazines and viewing the subscribed list.


    I hate that the majority of posts on the Fediverse currently is about reddit. Like get over it

    goryramsy, in Since we’re here now, what common AskReddit questions do you NOT want to see in the Fediverse?

    Sexy sexers of reddit (specifically woman sexes) how sexy is your sex?

    man_in_space, avatar

    Those questions piss me off too (I’m a 31-year-old autistic virgin).


    Hello fellow autist!

    man_in_space, avatar

    Good evening and welcome to kbin (Kbin? KBin? How are you supposed to capitalize this)


    I believe it's /kbin

    HeartyBeast, avatar

    How sexy is your sex?


    livus, (edited ) avatar

    Yeah and adjacent to that: anything where I know the top voted comments are going to be about forearms, yoga pants, or how men love compliments.


    Don't forget the sundresses

    livus, avatar

    How could I forget. Sundresses, messy buns, being polite to wait staff.


    Maybe we should start an /AskSex Magazine and redirect it all there.


    There was, askredditafterdark

    stackPeek, avatar

    Without looking at comments, I already know there's going to be this kinda comment lol

    wjrii, (edited ) in Why is no one decorating their magazines? avatar

    So you'd need mods who (1) came over, (2) believe in the platform, (3) believe in the instance, (4) want to do custom CSS, (5) know how to do custom CSS, (6) are willing to put for the effort for a readership that's still fairly small, and (7) feel that the odds of a change that will break their CSS are low.

    That's a tall stack of filters, and you may not have a lot of company yet on the other side of it. /m/neverwinternights looks really nice, though. Well done!

    Saturdaycat, avatar

    I am definitely stuck at #5

    Jaysyn, avatar

    ChatGTP can be pretty useful for this.

    Saturdaycat, (edited ) avatar

    Hmm what about Google bard ?

    Okay, so why am I being reduced just because I mentioned Bard?

    Jaysyn, avatar

    I've not used it personally.

    Kill_joy, (edited ) avatar

    Following :) I know nothing about code and if Bard is helpful, it would be amazing!

    Saturdaycat, (edited ) avatar

    I'll test it out with bard!

    Another reduce - just because I have Bard access and am going to use it to test CSS doesn't mean I'm telling anyone else to use bard. Reducing my comment for nothing?

    JackGreenEarth, avatar

    @Saturdaycat That's only available from 18 years old+ (you have to give google your age/credit card data) and is otherwise tracked by Google. Is not so much better than the comparatively unrestricted Bing Chat

    @wjrii @Jaysyn

    Saturdaycat, (edited ) avatar

    Yeah unfortunately I'm already invested in the Google system so that's why I have Bard, not sure why you'd reduce my comment just because I mentioned bard


    Why do people care about reduces at all

    Saturdaycat, avatar

    Because it would make my comment appear to be unreliable or controversial, but it doesn't allow me to express any sort of argument for or against any avenue of disagreement. Simple as that.

    TheDeadGuy, (edited ) avatar

    Don't sweat it my guy, some people are passive aggressive and/or won't bother defending a position for character reasons. Most people reading your comment can recognize it as reasonable

    Also many people don't realize they aren't anonymous since they are new here, so people are still acting like they were in reddit. Give it time and ignore it regardless


    Imagine every guy of 1000 downvotes would have to explain why they disagree. This wouldn't work well. And also there are platforms without downvotes — twitter, etc.

    Anonymous downvotes are good thing imo - if I want to express disagreement with crazy antivax person, without him starting trolling me, I would be able to just downvote him and go away.


    It's very useful for this. I have a moderately good understanding of CSS styling after spending 2 weeks on a work side project using GPT 3.5 and 4.0. Had absolutely 0 prior coding experience.

    May, avatar

    Codecademy can be good if you are just starting out like the first time trying CSS. Probably would wanna do the lessons on html and then CSS but ya. I took already computer science course in school (only intro course yet bc is summer now) and there can teach more stuff, but before then i already did some lessons on codecademy and it helped to have context for the beginning parts of the class.

    CMLVI, avatar

    Yeah, that's gonna be difficult. Lol I want to do it, but it's a tall ask to work full-time, take care of my own personal stuff, hobbies, and then also learn basic HTML and CSS just do decorate a landing page for a forum.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do it. It's just far down on the priority list and will probably be there for the foreseeable future. Would absolutely welcome anyone to help with it though! Currently best I can do is an icon lol

    Xeelee, avatar

    I know some CSS. But that just makes me think very hard whether I really want to know more CSS.


    Come on folks, where's that MySpace/Xanga/Geocities spirit‽ Maybe younger folks here weren't active online at that time. Sad we've lost that a bit online. Lots of people learned lots of stuff to make their pages look cool.

    Saturdaycat, avatar

    Oh jeebus my first website online was Xanga, and I copied the shit out of code back then to bling it up


    Haha, definitely! Had to have that autoplaying music when people came to your page!

    Saturdaycat, avatar

    Hell yeah! Custom everything and just blast your favorite music lol

    artisanrox, avatar

    I absolutely LOVED GeoCities and totally miss that everyone-is-an-indie vibe.

    Lells, avatar

    Yeah, I'm at 7. With kbin still being actively worked on, basically still a prototype, and then just being exhausted from full stack web development all day, my desire to make something cool that may disappear in a month is just really low.

    ProfThadBach, avatar

    I started m/WNC and I have no idea what a CSS is . On top of that I post things to the magazine and they never show up. I have posted like 3 things today and a few over the last few days and the last thing I have that showed up is like 4 days ago. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

    Catch42, avatar

    Mine is 5, being influenced by 4, all being bedrock by 7. That is I I don't know how to do custom CSS(5), and I don't want to learn (4) right now because it'll probably break sooner rather than later (7)

    readbeanicecream, in So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy? avatar

    Came for the UI. Stayed for the granular settings (including turning federation on and off) and the content just seemed higher quality (though that is very subjective)

    SamXavia, avatar

    Fair enough, I seem to find it confusing as of the moment but I’ll give it a proper go to see if I prefer it in the end.


    How is it confusing? I've tried both and neither were hard to use, I purely picked Kbin for aesthetics.


    For me it’s more straight forward than Lemmy, possibly because of the UI. I still can’t find content I want, but overall it’s easier than lemmy and I can’t really put my finger on why. It’s interesting to me that you have the opposite impression!

    SamXavia, avatar

    I guess my thoughts are I can deal with the simpler UI, It doesn’t have anything on the screen without a specific use. I guess Kbin would be the same just has so much more on the screen than Lemmy does what I guess would overwhelm me.

    CookieCrumbles, avatar

    I'd say the best way to look at it is if you're enjoying your experience over on Lemmy, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with sticking with it! c: This is one of the major upsides to federation, since different places can appeal to different wants or needs from their users!

    That said, if you are curious about Kbin and wanna learn more about it, don't be afraid to! The extra toggles or buttons can certainly be intimidating at first when you aren't sure what they do. But in my opinion, one of the biggest draws for a website is having options! There's a whole lot of good in a site that lets you make your experience more your own than simply being one-size-fits-all, and Kbin certainly offers that in a few different ways! I can't speak for Lemmy on that front, but maybe they have similar options as well.

    Apologies for the rather lengthy reply, but if you're still curious about Kbin and some of its functionality, there is this post over on the KbinMeta magazine. It is a smidgen dated though since there have been some updates since, so if you still have questions or are still confused by something on here, don't be afraid to ask! People are very helpful on here c:

    SamXavia, avatar

    Thank you, you’ve been so useful and don’t worry about the long message it’s what these are for.

    numbscroll, avatar

    Which UI?

    ETA: asking since people will see this across the fediverse, and may not realize where you posted this


    Just the mobile website works pretty well by itself. I’m using the Artemis beta now and I like it a lot too.

    numbscroll, avatar

    I can’t wait for Artemis!

    dandan, avatar

    Hi from Artemis 🫡

    It's pretty great.

    numbscroll, avatar


    hariette, avatar

    yay :D

    readbeanicecream, avatar

    @numbscroll Good point. Kbin.


    Calcharger, (edited ) in Did you ever have a classmate that pretended to be a vampire or some other supernatural creature? How much did they commit to it? avatar

    A girl I knew in high-school thought she was Napoleon Bonaparte reincarnated.

    She sometimes wore that French military coat and have her hand tucked. She would speak in what little French she knew.

    I hooked up with her. She went on to do CS and is pretty wealthy


    With that backstory, hopefully making a tinder competitor - Bone-a-tart.

    yunggwailo, avatar

    you really fumbled the bag bruh

    Calcharger, avatar

    You're telling me

    Hondolor, avatar

    An interesting self delusion, hopefully harmless though

    Calcharger, avatar

    Oh totally, she was super fun. Just a bit eclectic

    anon, avatar

    Did you mean eccentric?

    Calcharger, avatar

    Nope, I mean eclectic!

    anon, avatar

    I thought perhaps you meant electric.

    Calcharger, avatar

    I could have meant ecclesiastic!

    Deceptichum, avatar

    Nah, she ended up invading half of Europe by the years end.

    iAmTheTot, avatar


    Krafter, avatar

    Computer Science, i presume

    Calcharger, avatar

    You right

    cyberian_khatru, in If you could place any object on the surface of Mars, purely to confuse NASA scientists, what would it be? avatar

    I would draw the iconic S on the ground.

    / \
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    \ /

    Saturdaycat, avatar

    Sometimes people just come up with brilliance, this is that moment

    Kaizo107, avatar

    Man, I was gonna saw draw Dickbutt but this is better

    Anomandaris, (edited ) in Can a rich person be a good person? avatar

    I don't mean doctor-making-150k-a-year rich, I mean properly rich with millions to billions of dollars.

    I firmly believe there are no ways to become "properly" rich that don't require you to be a bad person.

    To get out of that "doctor-making-150k-a-year" category you need some combination of greed, exploitative practices, manipulating broken capitalist systems, nepotism, ruthlessness, corruption, bribery, and outright lying.

    minnieo, avatar

    I agree totally, which is why I made that distinction. And my last point about participating in the system that oppresses the poor just to maintain your own wealth. I can't see how someone like that could be considered good.


    We're all arguably participating in that same system.

    sadreality, (edited )

    Not much choice but no doubt we are both victims and enablers of the regime.

    People first need to accept this dichotomy before we can move forward. Daddies spend good money on PR to keep us bickering among our selves while they cashing in on our labour and taxes

    minnieo, (edited ) avatar

    Not like we have a choice, especially those of us in poverty. You're dealt your hand and thats that. Born poor, die poor. Born rich, enjoy life. Shouldn't be that way but it is

    PugJesus, avatar

    idk, you probably have a small number of artists and genuinely lucky-sons-of-bitches who get proper rich without being bad people. Or at least with their wealth not coming from being a bad person.

    Anomandaris, avatar

    Yeah, fair enough, I'm not too arrogant to admit there are exceptions to every rule.

    And more power to artists and exotic chefs and others, who are able to get sociopath billionaires to fork out crazy amounts of money for their work.

    sadreality, (edited )

    They still benefit from regime in place to maintain their wealth and many are by default daddy's lap dogs.

    People love putting up singers or athletes as they earned their money "fair" etc but these people end shilling for the benefit of the same rich daddies

    Their art literally supports the status quo.

    For example NBA players and China, rappers shilling "prosperity rap" and many singers putting out generic catchy music. Wouldn't want to bite the hand that feeds them, ay?

    They mostly never take a stand but to be fair those that do get punished and removed from public eye.

    George Carlin was an OG about it, said shit that was so true when most of us were still shitting diapers.

    You can turn any of his content on today. 100% on point and relavent. It is a bit uncanny.

    I am sure he made good money but at least he didn't lie about how it works. Most celebs are more worried about other celebs accepting them into rich daddy club... Not their audiences


    I don't think I can 100% get behind the direct link that being an artist makes you a virtuous person, though I understand your bigger point.

    I think we are overlooking tremendously how the art world is often a method in which the ultra wealthy wash their money. I don't think that artists that rise to the level of success of becoming a household name are blind to this.

    PugJesus, avatar

    I meant more that art isn't an inherently morally problematic way of making a large amount of money, unlike, say, crushing surplus value out of the working class at the expense of their health and happiness.


    Yeah I get your larger point, but if an artist makes bank off someone who is crushing surplus value out of the working class, then isn't that still evil but with extra steps?

    PugJesus, avatar

    I mean, we're getting to 'there is no ethical consumption under capitalism' level abstraction there, and it's a bit early in the morning for me to be arguing for or against that. XD


    You can be born into it.

    I’d say you’re a bad person if you’re born into it and don’t actively try to get rid of it.

    I think the point of being a rich asshole is 1 billion dollars usd. Even 999mm is too much, but over 1 bil is an easy demarcation of excessive wealth.


    That was going to be my response. If you're obscenely wealthy but you're in the process of trying to get rid of that wealth via philanthropy, I think you get a pass.

    And not just "pledges". Actual donations.

    So like, almost no multimillionaires.

    minnieo, avatar

    1 billion? I think rich asshole starts much lower than that or 999 million, thats a fuck ton of money. Rich asshole begins at 1-3 million and up.


    1-3mm doesn’t get you far in many places in the US though.


    999 million what? 999 million net worth? What happens when the market goes on a 15% hike like in 2020? Do you become the bad guy? Or is that 999 million in liquid assets (spoiler alert billionaires don't have 1 billion in the bank). Thinking you have a point shows how ignorant you are about wealth except the fact you hate people who have more than you


    Dang dude pretty hardcore response.

    I think 999 net worth or 999 gold coins doesn’t matter. It’s a level that everyone can say is too much. You have to draw a line somewhere to start. Once it’s drawn you can go back and adjust but it seems people get hung up on where to start really easily.

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