
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Zee, in What is a low-cost, easy to start hobby?

Disc Golf.

cecirdr, in Hey keebinetters and fediverse, what are your favourite kbin/fediverse magazines (communities)? avatar

How do I search kbin to find communities on Lemmy instances? For the life of me, all I can find are the local kbin magazines. They're great, but I'm newer here and already started participating in communities on beehaw and other instances. I'd like to be able to keep up with those communities too.

Honestly, the redundancy is looking like it's going to be a problem. There's a technology community of some sort on every instance for example. solarpunk, futurology etc.

Anyway, if someone knows the magic syntax where I can find and subscribe to these communities from kbin, I'd really appreciate it!

Edit: I'm an idiot. It looks like all you have to do is search for the right term. IOW, like Technology. So it's not likely that you'll find the exact same community if you don't know the correct community name or a partial name. There's no browsing of a Lemmy instance from what I can tell. Plus, I was using mobile until today. I think on my phone, the location of the community was truncated, so I had no idea that I'd already found the other communities I was already taking part in.

fiofiofio, avatar

A few I've found on my travels so far. is definitely a good place to look for green/sustainable communities.

OurTragicUniverse, avatar

The links don't work, could you fix them please? I'd like to subscribeto those places!

Ski, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you?

I'd wager keeping our narwhals and bacons out of this is probably a good first step? I'm here to join Kbin not turn Kbin into reddit 2.0. Hope we can get some real feedback on this one from people who have been here for a minute. lol

NumbersCanBeFun, avatar


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  • themadcodger, avatar

    To some extent, but I agree with @ski. I was on Reddit pre-Digg and did my fair share of baconing at midnight with France. But that said, I don't really want Reddit 2.0.

    To agree with you, though, @NumbersCanBeFun, I think we can show Reddit that we don't need their platform by creating something new and unique here that fits our needs. The fediverse is a pretty cool place, and we can create a section the way we want it. Let's make it awesome on our own terms, not beholden to any ideas of "how things have always been done".

    NumbersCanBeFun, avatar

    You know what, I'm open to both those ideas. Change is just as good. Maybe I got a little to hyped up on trying to make a point 🍻

    eamus_catuli_, avatar

    This cordial exchange evidence this [isn’t yet / won’t be] Reddit 2.0??

    Alto, avatar

    That sort of thing was the norm on reddit once upon a time


    This whole exchange is reminding me of how reddit used to be. I didn't realize how far the site had fallen.


    Do you remember how proper grammar used to be a big deal and any typos in the post title would get eviscerated in the comments?

    Alto, avatar

    How about when people actually followed reddiquette for the most part? Reddit really did use to have a cozy feel to it. Big enough that there was something for everyone, but not so big that you never saw the other parts of the site.

    LunarLoony, avatar

    Side note, is there an agreed-upon 'fediquette'?

    aroom, avatar

    be nice. don't downvote to make you feel good.

    Bendersmember, avatar

    It's been super refreshing to have some change, before I'd check comments on Reddit I could generally guess the top 3 comments and be right almost always. Take into account that sometimes things get crossposted and reposted and it starts to show you how unoriginal it all can be.

    Xperr7, avatar

    What do you mean, the same song lyrics or an endless string of "nice" after the number 69 show up is sooooooooo funny the umpteenth time.

    LunarLoony, avatar

    Or a transcript of the entire Spanish Inquisition sketch.

    Lazycog, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you? avatar

    I'm not a pre-migration keebinetter, but wanted to point out that kbin was published as a very early version of itself about a month ago by the user /u/ernest, Might not find many pre-migration keebinetters.

    Also lmao love that the "keebinetter" sticked!

    themadcodger, avatar

    Haha, is "keebinetter" actually sticking?

    aroom, avatar


    Ashley, avatar

    The “Kbaes” is my pick lol

    Cavalarrr, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you? avatar

    Slightly off topic, but why are we saying 'kee'binetters? Where is the 'kee' in kbin?


    I've been pronouncing it "KayBin".

    BiggestBulb, avatar

    Same here

    SpacemanSpiff, avatar

    That’s correct. Like sbin in Linux (the inspiration for the name according to Ernest)

    Cavalarrr, avatar

    Interesting, I thought it was just an abbreviation of the original Polish site, (which would also explain why 'subreddits' are called magazines, karabin = rifle). Either way, that's pretty seamless inspiration.

    lixus98, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you? avatar

    AFAIK /kbin is pretty new, even more so than Lemmy, I've been here for some days and the explosion of users is honestly insane, but also pretty exciting to see.
    Also the users that have migrated so far have been "high quality" and really friendly, in my opinion users like you, like us, are pretty much the base of what /kbin will be.
    We have to keep in mind that this site is not Reddit and probably never will be, but that's what I like the most about it.


    Wait are we part of the original wave of Kbin immigrants?

    themadcodger, avatar

    Yeah, more or less. I've been on the fediverse for a little bit, but about a month ago it was mainly just the dev Ernest posting to himself. The fact that this is still in prototype phase and working as well as it does is frankly amazing. Timing wasn't great with reddit imploding now, since it's a bit trial by fire, but I'm really excited about where we're going.

    bee, avatar

    Considering that we were able to make 3 letter usernames, we've gotta be in the first few thousand.


    I was so stoked to get this, you have no idea. hahaha

    Nepenthe, avatar

    I spent like an hour going back and forth about whether to keep the original spelling, number, and multiple underscores in my old name because that was just how my main always was and I haven't had a non-numeric handle in decades.

    Suddenly realized the sheer specificity of it meant googling my user could easily find the most ancient stuff, got creeped out, dropped it immediately. Now all anyone who tries to find me is getting is Victorian era poetry and pictures of plants.

    Become unsearchable.

    bee, avatar

    Become unsearchable.

    Words to live by, I'm so fucking hyped to be a bee.

    assbutt, avatar

    Couldn’t agree more, old chap!

    bornInbread, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you? avatar

    best thing you could do prolly is to never use the word keebinetter again

    Dav, avatar

    Dear pre-migration Keebieweebies...

    Cavalarrr, avatar

    We've all missed the memo, I just found out it's officially the kawaii boys international network.

    MisterMoo, avatar

    We could take a page from Utah and call ourselves Kbahns.

    Pegatron, avatar

    Sounds like a German highway


    Yeah, that word is giving me the keebeejeebees.

    CynAq, avatar


    How about kbinians or kbinistas?

    assbutt, avatar

    This isn't just kbin, that's kinda the whole point. A name based on kbin is short-sighted, because kbin is only one small piece of this thing.

    Instead of instantly doing the same shit we did on reddit 15 years ago, why don't we do things differently this time? We don't have to call kbin users anything. In any case, please god not "keebinetter."


    "Dear Fediverse Citizen..."


    "Hey there, fellow feds!"

    livus, avatar

    I unironically like this.

    Molliepop, avatar


    0xtero, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you? avatar

    What can we do NOT to ruin kbin for you?

    Just a bit of patience and understanding. The software is a prototype. It'll fall over a lot.
    Not every question needs an answer today.

    shatteredsteel, avatar

    For being a prototype, it's still damn good.

    I agree that patience will be key to making kbin into a greater place, the rest will come naturally as community(ies) begin to form and prosper.


    Does it show active user count somewhere? I'd love to see how much influx there really is.

    Nepenthe, avatar — At the time of this comment, there are a whopping 123,919 users on this instance alone.

    There's also a second kbin instance now called that lists an additional 18,296.

    May that number continue to multiply


    Thanks a lot!

    QuestioningEspecialy, avatar

    The software is a prototype. It'll fall over a lot.

    ...Remember that Man of Steel trailer?

    duraks, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you?

    /r/politics, /r/blackpeopletwitter, /r/whitepeopletwitter, /r/til, /r/tifu, /r/aita, /r/askreddit and all sorts of trans/terf/whatever activism should stay on reddit.


    It might not seem necessary, but Reddit was extremely hostile to minorities when those subs were created. There are parts of Reddit that remained hostile until the very end. If it turns out that it's necessary here, then it's necessary here, but a lot of those hostile elements are hopefully going to go off to voat or whatever.

    tjhart85, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you? avatar

    My thoughts on this is that things shouldn't be changed to conform with how Reddit did things.

    I saw people saying that default settings need to be changed because that's what Reddit people would expect by default and it's like .... How about no?

    I'm part of the migration (Saturday), but I don't want this to become Digg3.0! I want it to be better and its own thing.

    Now, those settings I was talking about (basically who/what you follow is shown to others by default), I fully think those settings should be changed by default, but not because that's how reddit did it, but because it's a good idea (imho).

    We've also got to keep in mind that KBin is basically a one man operation right now and not a company with 2000 people and expectations need to go through that filter first. This site is fucking amazing with that in mind and I think if you just look at it as Reddit 2.0 it's easy to forget the achievements that Ernest has made.

    lol, in People from Reddit or redditors, people from Boston are Bostonians, people from Canada are Canadian. What should the people of this site use for a demonym? avatar


    AdmiralSnackbar, in A lot subreddits end their blackout tomorrow. Will you go back to Reddit, or continue with kbin and the Fediverse? avatar

    Would it be in poor taste to steal posts from reddit and post them here? That would be the only reason I go back.

    Flames5123, in A lot subreddits end their blackout tomorrow. Will you go back to Reddit, or continue with kbin and the Fediverse?

    First comment here.

    I am not enjoying right now. The latency is beyond atrocious, at 10+ seconds to load each page. The UI reminds me of 2004 forums that don’t know how users work. The mobile UI is just the worst.

    Some pain points:

    • I’m a software engineer so I can figure this shit out, but how the hell do I subscribe to a magazine? If I go to it, there should be a “subscribe” or context menu at the top to subscribe/favorite/mute
    • Why is the comment box all the way at the bottom? Where’s the “add comment” button on a post?
    • Why are comments paginated like a forum? Why not just a “load more” like Reddit? What’s the point?
    • Selecting the comment box should NOT zoom slightly into the page. The mobile web UI needs a lot of work from people who know how to do mobile UIs.
    • Is there no “homepage” button? Clicking the Kbin logo at the top just brings up a menu, which requires another click on the homepage button to get back.
    • Edit: And you can't collapse comment threads? What even...

    I really want a Reddit replacement, but this is not it with this terrible UI. It’s unusable, literally–if I can’t subscribe to a magazine then it’s not working.


    •Subscribe is literally on the sidebar?

    •They want to encourage people reading before posting first, but there are style sheets you can apply to move the comment box. Really, kbin just needs a service like RES so people can adjust things to their tastes

    •Because it's not Reddit?

    •Yeah, some fixing needs to be done

    The great thing about it being federated though is that you can find a community that better fits your needs, and still get the content from here

    Kierunkowy74, avatar

    On mobile, the sidebar is actually under comments...

    StaticBoredom, avatar

    I can definitely see how that’s all frustrating, and I’m sure we all have our experiences with lag or with that goddamn Cloudflare verification or whatever, but I hope you and everyone else will stick around so we can help shape this space the way we want it. You’re already doing that with your comment above. Imagine the almost impossible chances of making suggestions to Reddit and having changes made. At least here that’s a possibility. I hope to see you around.

    bbqShapes, avatar

    The site is still in its infancy too, so people just need to be a little more patient for a little while.


    Thing is, most people use reddit like apps to kill boredom. So Idt they would stay patient much longer to see an infant site to grow.

    667, avatar

    I definitely used reddit during activity or social transitions. Maybe too much.


    Unrelated, your username scared me for a second because the notification read like 667 (people) replied to my comment lol

    667, avatar

    lol sorry! 667: Neighbor of the Beast.

    Talaraine, avatar

    While I know it'd be nice for us to just have a breezy experience where all our expectations played out before us with a snap of the fingers, please try and remember this site has been here like one single month, and the dude who's running things managed to accommodate like 120000! new members signing in yesterday. It's slow because it's new and we're all donating money to get this ramped up as quickly as possible.

    Just have some grace, and some sympathy, and maybe even some patience.

    Friend, avatar

    Personally I'm not here for a slick interface and lightning fast performance. Those things can be fixed. I'm here for the community -- that's something Reddit doesn't have, and can never be fixed.

    okbin, avatar

    this might seem silly, but - while the lag is frustrating - it kinda reminds me of the old internet and it's weirdly nostalgic for me? lmao

    Eggyhead, avatar

    90's kid here. Might explain why it's just annoying and not absolutely intolerable to me. Makes me want to go watch flash animations about badgers.

    FreeBooteR69, in A lot subreddits end their blackout tomorrow. Will you go back to Reddit, or continue with kbin and the Fediverse? avatar

    I'll stick with the Fediverse and kbin. It's got teething pains for sure, but it's a solid foundation to build on.

    recently_coco, in What is something you are looking forward to in the next year? avatar

    My continued transition. I started feminizing HRT in March of last year. The first year was amazing and I'm really hoping for continued amazing changes from it. <3


    Super happy for you! That's great!

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