The transphobia stops now

This community is housed on an instance run by two trans women, focused on the needs of the queer and gender diverse community.

We allowed 196 here because we were promised the community is queer and trans inclusive.

If you’re here it’s because you’re aggressively supportive of trans folk. Not middle of the ground, not “just asking questions”.

If your response to that is, “yes, but…” then this isn’t the instance for you, and by extension, this isn’t the community for you.

tl;dr - Unambiguous support and inclusion, or fuck off somewhere else.

Edit - I changed the phrase "aggressive support to “unambiguous support”, as there was some confusion over the intent behind my previous phrasing.



ada, avatar

Both are welcome, but unambiguous is the minimum requirement. You’re more than welcome to go above and beyond :)


What is aggressive support?




One of the first people to be arrested at Stonewall was just a random passerby that saw people throwing bricks at cops. He just started grabbing some bricks and joined in, saying anyone who would stand up to the police has his support.

It can be less aggressive than that of course, but that’s an example.

Peruvia, avatar

Trans rights are human rights. Trans people’s existence doesn’t get to be dictated on other’s whims, or have their validity be aproved by other’s checklists. Trans people get to live and be respected. Dismissing someone’s right to live that literally is just trying to exist peacfully just because you don’t feel like treating them as a human being says everything. I want to have trans people feel safe in their environments,whichever that is (online or irl), and we can’t achieve that unless we’re vocal, straightfoward and fierce in our activism for trans rights. Because trans rights are human rights. Thank you for being here and being a part of this community.

cupcakezealot, avatar

Ngl I joined this community because I thought it was a trans meme sub/community/whatever based on the colours in the logo :3

Milk_SDF_Possum, avatar

Basically, if you’re not in their bubble of bullies they’ll bully you out of the instance and you don’t even need to be offensive for that.


^ does not have context, doesn’t care, only wants to be mad


(If you do have context, that’s even worse lmao a good amount of the comments were pretty clear-cut)


Lemmy is in a weird state. I appreciate not seeing casual homophobia/transphobia in mainstream places like 196, but they’re also not exactly inclusive of actual out-and-grown-up queer people, and there aren’t enough people here yet for actual safe places to exist. I posted a comment self-referentially calling myself (a trans woman ) a “f-----” or something, and it got downvoted and deleted. This was a problem on reddit, where transphobes would report trans people for using self-referential slurs, and tone deaf reddit admins would ban their accounts. Now it seems like we’re going to do it again here.


it’s still early, have hope!

Nikki, avatar

thank u i appreciate it

-trans hyper nerd nikki


I wouldn’t say “aggressively supportive” is what I am but I do definitely support trans people any way I can!


Lol okay

thelsim, avatar

You have my full support.
As a… whatever the hell I am… I support everyone to be who they want to be. No exceptions.


I get the sentiment but damn are the trans memes painfully unfunny. Y’all gotta get better at making memes or this instance is gonna remain mid.

Arsecroft, avatar

k bye


You sound salty. If this is really such a “mid” community, why do you waste your time on it?


I don’t, funny memes pop up in my feed, I laugh and move on. Unfunny memes pop up in my feed and I move on. Unfortunately this sub seems to be targeted to me but I don’t subscribe.

maxmalrichtig, avatar

Oh stop the transphobic shit already!


How was what I said transphobic in anyway.

sexy_peach, avatar

Also people remember to report assholes! Don’t interact, report them. Mods will handle it.


Trans people are cool. Love em. Full human rights for everyone, end discrimination. This post, though, is obnoxious though.

Sending edicts out to the public is never the play. Use your sidebar. Moderate stuff. Make it cool to not be a bigot. But the second you start doing goofy shit like this, you’re painting a target on your back and coming across way more fragile than you must actually be.

I personally have a policy about blocking any community that has admins who feel it necessary to try to police people’s thoughts. As much as bigots piss me off, this isn’t how people conduct themselves in a place that purports to be a safe haven. You don’t patronize and denigrate the general public out of frustration, unless you want them as an enemy for some reason. The idea you needed you adjust your terminology in retrospect confirms how poorly you wrote your initial message.

Also, I have to say, “We allowed 196 to be here” is a curious statement. What exactly did you allow? Is opening a community a big endeavor? I’ve opened up a bunch, and never have I felt like I was owed someone for doing it.

Ban bad behavior. Don’t try to tell people how to think. We have a word for the latter and it’s not pretty.

Robaque, (edited )

They’re not telling anyone “how to think”. They’re telling transphobes and “trans sceptics” to fuck off. And who cares if they do it with a pinned post rather than a sidebar announcement? Some apps hide the sidebar in a menu.

Also when you say you opened a bunch of communities, do you mean you hosted them? Because those two women are literally running the server this instance is running on. Doesn’t sound all that easy to me.

regular_human, avatar

Boo hoo

v4ld1z, avatar

Moderate stuff. Make it cool to not be a bigot. But the second you start doing goofy shit like this, you’re painting a target on your back and coming across way more fragile than you must actually be.

Super hot garbage take. It’s not trans people’s job to make it “appealing” to you to not be a bigot, you should not be a bigot because you don’t want to be a steaming pile of human garbage. You should be able come to the conclusion that ANY discrimination is stupid by yourself.

It’s also not trans people’s jobs to make supporting them fun for you - they just want to live their lives like anyone else here does. And it’s well within their right to call out discriminatory bullshittery when they see it.

Plus, they are literally running this instance. This community wouldn’t exist (in this form) if their instance were not up and running. If they’re strictly against transphobia, which really isn’t a hot take but basic human rights, then it’s their perogative to enforce that as they see fit. Making this post and calling it out is exactly what any mod team on Rexxit ever did. How’s this any different from that?

animelivesmatter, (edited )

Yeah. Whenever this is pointed out I see people saying “oh so you DON’T think it should be cool not to be a bigot? Nice political strategy there”, and completely missing the point. It’s already not cool to be a bigot, and communities like this one are already reinforcing that with the trans-positive memes. On the whole, so is media made by trans people, and many other things.

So by denying this when they say that, they’re implying that “being cool” means even more than that. The implication is that trans people need to be conciliatory and open up their spaces to people that want them dead, and that when they “critique” us we should just sit there and take it but when we critique them it’s “thought policing”.

It’s a completely ridiculous ask, not to mention cowardly that they’ll wrap it behind implication rather than just say it to our faces.


So block this instance? I’m not sure why you feel the need to post about it.

Also I have a bone to pick about the ‘telling people how to think is wrong. We have a word for the latter and it’s not pretty’. Firstly that’s pretty polemic for no good reason. Assuming you’re dancing round the word fascist, it seems pretty unpleasant and unnecessary to allude to the group that committed genocide of queer people and deliberately destroyed research into trans issues to set it back decades.

Now onto the substance of the claim – that telling people how to think is fascist. This is completely absurd, the key difference being that fascists don’t just ‘tell people how to think’; they brutally enforce it with violence.

This post and the trans women making it are not about to use the full force of the state to prevent people thinking about transphobia. What they are doing is posting that, to take part in the community that they are investing money to host, you must unambiguously support trans rights.

The comparison you have implied is completely and utterly absurd, and the dramatic language and comparisons you have used to make it is cringe.


we allowed 196 to be here

These aren’t mods talking, it’s admins. They manage and pay for the server 196 is hosted on, that’s a pretty big endeavor


admins who feel it necessary to try to police people’s thoughts

massive self report that you consider the admins saying “don’t be transphobic on our instance” to be “policing people’s thoughts”

Rentlar, determines the rules of conduct. They have determined that “Just Asking Questions” to push anti-trans views and other types of masked, subtle transphobia is not tolerated in this space.

samus12345, avatar

You’re not being told how to think, you’re being shown the door.

RavenFellBlade, avatar

“Thought policing”? It stops being a thought when you put the effort into typing it on your keyboard and spewing it out into the world for everyone else to read.


flubuska, (edited )

Yeah I’m in full support of trans rights, but this post comes off as a bit overlordy. I read the comments that OP deleted through the link they provided and some were just talking about how they liked a trans man’s boobs. It wasn’t transphobia at all. Another comment removed was talking about the oppression trans people go through and how it might affect their mental states. Not sure why this is happening because it’s not transphobic to discuss trans topics, especially if you literally just find an aspect of the human body attractive. I’m out.


You have my support one million percent. No one has a right to threaten or intimidate anybody just for existing; we won’t allow it.

RavenFellBlade, avatar

Trans rights are women’s rights.

Trans rights are men’s rights.

Trans rights are human rights.

If you believe otherwise, you’re doing nothing less than questioning the basic humanity of Trans people. And you can fuck right off.

Anti_Weeb_Penguin, avatar

Wait, what happened?

LadyAutumn, avatar

From what I can tell, a stupid thread made by a confused cis straight person who was talking about why he wouldn’t have sex with a trans man. Then some transphobes showed up and were banned.

This instance is a safe space for sexual and gender minorities. If cis people want to talk about their sexual preferences with regards to trans people, there are a million and one other instances to do so in. This space is not the place to do so. It should go without saying that nothing that could even be perceived as mildly insensitive towards trans people should be tolerated here. This instance should be one place we can frequent without ever having to deal with any kind of cis and straight nonsense.

hawkwind, avatar

Was the OP a blahaj account, or someone from a different instance?


Does it matter? As long as you’re not harassing or hateful towards people and you grant them their freedom to exist as they want, there is nothing wrong with having a preference.

LadyAutumn, avatar

Cis people have every other fucking space in the world. This one is meant to be safe for gender minorities. Cis people can go to any of the other instances on lemmy and talk all about their preferences with regards to trans people.


A member of the community specifically asked for his opinion.

LadyAutumn, avatar

That doesn’t change literally anything. No one on this instance should be encouraging that, and it should be removed when and where it comes up. Again, this isn’t just any instance its one meant to be safe for us specifically. I don’t care who brought it up, cis people discussing their sexual preferences towards trans people can do so on any of the other instances that are not safe spaces for us.


Then stop inviting cis opinions into your community. People asked do he answered. It’s that simple.

LadyAutumn, avatar

I never did invite cis people to talk about their sexual preferences here, trans people are not a hive mind 🙃 its also not my community, the two women who do own and run it have said outright this is a safe space for us.


Both the post and specific comment in question were the result of members of the community inviting the opinion of straight people.

Talk to the admins and mods🤷‍♀️

LadyAutumn, avatar

Did you… read the post that we’re presently commenting on?


Yes. What’s your point? The author of this post agrees that the comment in question wasn’t transphobic.

LadyAutumn, avatar

Read it again. I never said the straight person was being transphobic. I said this is not the community for that. The admins agree.

I get sexualized and fetishized by cisgender men and women literally everywhere I go. Every space, every community, every platform. It’s never ending and I cannot fucking tell you how many times in my life I’ve had to deal with reading random unprompted opinions about how fuckable or unfuckable I am. This is not the space. This is not the community for it. Are you trans? Are you a gender minority? Do you have any frame of reference for what this is like for us?


It’s an open forum, and clearly some members of the community disagree since they are inviting opinions. Your options is to convince the admins to only federate with lgbt instances, or to make your own. Or maybe the mods can do that country club only type posts like in some reddit communities.

LadyAutumn, avatar

The community is not simply an open forum, it is made by and for gender minorities. This isn’t something the admins are taking votes on. The opinion of the admins is that this is a safe space for trans people.

And I’m not interested in compromises. Again, you have no frame of reference for what this is like. In all due respect, you’re talking to trans people about things you do not understand as though you do in any way understand them. You also have like 6 different comment threads going on all with trans people in this community who also expect this community to be correctly moderated to fit the standards of a safe space for trans people. So you’ve accused me a couple times of thinking the OP of the other thread was being transphobic. I havent said that. I said that this is a safe space for trans people and if people want to talk about how fuckable or unfuckable trans people are they can do it elsewhere. I don’t care who started it, this isn’t the place for it.


It is an open forum. When members of the community invite the opinions of straight people, they are able to see that and respond. It’s up to the admins and moderators to lock that down.


Nobody is asking for your opinion but you keep butting in with concern trolling even after people explain the issue to you. Fuck off dude


You don’t understand what concern trolling. I’m not concerned about anything. I disagree that the initial comment was transphobic. Quit making shit up to be mad about.


I think it’s totally legit to say you’re not attracted to a particular body configuration. It wasn’t OP that bothered me, it was all the turdbuckets who showed up to pilot on.

LadyAutumn, avatar

It bothered other people, and its just not the place to have that discussion. Like I said, this instance is a safe space for sexual and gender minorities. That’s the intent of the admins of And its the reason I chose to join here. There are other spaces on lemmy for cis people to talk all about all the different ways they do or do not want to have sex with or date trans people.


I think it’s fine to have sexual preferences, but it’s a bit weird to post about it, especially in a space heavily occupied by trans people. It would be like a white person going into a space, made for and occupied by black people, and talking about how they’d never want to have sex with a black person.

While the base point is fine, it raises the hackles because of the manner in which it’s put forward and the context.

samus12345, avatar

It’s like if you see a random post with any kind of person in it, then proceed to explain why you would or would not fuck them. Completely unnecessary.

Catasaur, avatar

I loved the original 196 and how supportive it was for LGBTQ+ people. Also because it was hilarious. Keep rockin

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