The transphobia stops now

This community is housed on an instance run by two trans women, focused on the needs of the queer and gender diverse community.

We allowed 196 here because we were promised the community is queer and trans inclusive.

If you’re here it’s because you’re aggressively supportive of trans folk. Not middle of the ground, not “just asking questions”.

If your response to that is, “yes, but…” then this isn’t the instance for you, and by extension, this isn’t the community for you.

tl;dr - Unambiguous support and inclusion, or fuck off somewhere else.

Edit - I changed the phrase "aggressive support to “unambiguous support”, as there was some confusion over the intent behind my previous phrasing.


Somewhat relevantly, I’ve long since wondered what even is the use of a patriarchy if men still can’t wear skirts and nail polish.




Personally, I don’t think about other people’s sexuality all that much, so I guess that makes me a non-aggressive supporter.

It’s weird to impose this type of stuff, but I respect that this is your little space on the internet, so I’m leaving, as you asked. Thank you for the smiles and laughs.


Aggressive support. I’m with ya.

ssfckdt, avatar

trans is not a sexuality


That’s for the clarification! Like I said, I’m not super into this whole topic


“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s greatest stumbling block in his strike toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice.’

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Not to equivocate trans and black liberation because they are very different, but do you think “aggressive” or “non aggressive” supporter of race rights better slots into the whites who demonstrated their unwillingness to go along with racism or the ones who were like “I don’t care about your race, I’m not a racist, but how dare you ask me to support you in any meaningful or visible way?”


Good point! I do think it’s important to support trans rights, but I’d be a hypocrite if I said I AGGRESSIVELY support the cause. There’s just a lot going on in my life right now, I just want to keep a clear mind, is all.

That being said, I never agree with or accept signs of transphobia.


Thanks for replying. I don’t know OPs intent when they said aggressively, but I can’t imagine your description not fitting into some reasonable definitions of allyship. Most people (even queer people) are not hauling themselves to every protest. Calling out transphobia as uncool when seen is as aggressive as anybody needs, imo. I wouldn’t get hung up on the wording.


I don’t know OPs intent when they said aggressively



ada, avatar

What I mean by aggressively is, without caveats, without “but…”'s, without ambiguity. Your support needs to be clearly on the support side.

You don’t need to be an activist. You don’t need to be out marching or even commenting on trans stuff, but your opinion on trans folks should be unambiguously on the “support” side of things.


Oh, that’s a much better description. I think I’ll stay for longer then, thank you!


Yeah. If someone is ever writing out “I’m an ally, but…” literally nothing good ever follows.


That’s a quote from his letter from Birmingham jail, right?

While there are, of course, major differences in trans and black liberation, I read the full letter again recently and was shocked at how much of it was applicable to the current trans rights movement. I actually get the feeling that the two movements are more alike than they are different.

History repeats itself. I highly encourage everyone to take a half hour and read the full letter. Maybe if everyone took his words to heart, we could avoid some of the bullshit this time around. The conservative playbook of oppression hasn’t changed much. It’s just focused on a different target this time.


I agree that there is a great deal to be learned and analogies to be drawn. However, I’m not a person of color so I didn’t want to unilaterally co-opt a movement that isn’t mine to take.


Completely fair, and I totally agree! I’m also not a person of color, so I hope my comment didn’t come across as trying to co-opt the movement. Just wanted to, as you said, point out there are a lot of similarities and lessons that could be learned.

I, as a trans person, fully recognize that black people had it worse than trans people do now. While both communities face violence, black people faced violence that was heavily state-sponsored and far more widespread, even with the recent increased rates of violence against trans people. The entire U.S. legal system was rigged against them from the start. It was their blood that earned us the Civil Rights Act, which is the foundation our movement needed. And that’s a debt we will owe forever. And I also recognize that people of color continue to face discrimination. The fight isn’t over, for any of us.

I’m getting wordy. I think we’re both on the same page here. I guess civil rights discussions get me going (but tbh, I’m okay with that). Hope you have a great day!

DessertStorms, avatar

Btw, I don’y think “equivocate,” which comes from equivocal, means what you’re trying to say (that you do not wish to position the movements as 1-to-1 matches)


Thanks, I think you’re right! One of those words that somehow formed the wrong definition in my brain. TIL


I’ll be honest I think alienating people feeling in the middle is a bad idea, making an echo chainber is ehat those other websites are for, and people on the middle ground are the ones whose beliefs matter the most as they they are the only ones that will change things.


There shouldnt be any middle ground on the statement “trans rights are human rights”. If you think there’s room for compromise on the oppression of marginalized groups then you’re either a lost cause or willfully ignorant of the world around you. People that are in a safe space, specifically dedicated to them and people like them, have no obligation to educate or entertain disingenuous “discourse” about whether or not they should be allowed to exist.


That’s not what I’m talking about and yeah there’s no middle ground on the fact trans people should have human rights. I’m not sure how to put this into words but pretty much if you live in a place where you can’t see trans people around you (as in trans people not being allowed to be free and safe in public) it’s hard for people to just get a grasp on “this person exists and is trans and is a person” thats the big milestone. Getting people recognised as people. A while before i dated her i didn’t understand how to feel comfortable with the idea (much of it was through fun memes supporting trans stuff in non-toxic ways). But my point is that showing that trans people exist and are normal is really important for the world right now, we need the people in the middle ground to know that your rights are being violated and something needs to be done because the middle does change that vote the most.


Yeah I don’t know any trans people irl so everything I know about them is from 196. I was in no way anti-trans before I started lurking. I would have considered myself the “middle ground” because of my unfamiliarity with it, not because I wasn’t sure if they should or should not have rights. I really think this whole post needs to be rephrased because it would have turned me away back then.

regular_human, avatar

lmao “middle ground” ugh

cupcakezealot, avatar

Remember; not supporting trans rights means you’re on the same side as those using laws and judges to strip women of their autonomy around the world. <3


Which is why it’s important to give no quarter to fascism and theocracy no matter where you live.
Proud to carry my Satanic Temple card right next to my goddamn union membership book.


Aggressive support given!


I don’t want to give Aggressive support. We need to talk likes and prayers, those matter. Just so tired of all this aggressive support shit. You Trans, it’s weird, don’t act like it’s a social norm…so sorry people say shit about it but it’s weird so its gonna happen.

PugJesus, avatar

God I hope you forgot the /s


Yes, it IS not the norm. It’s a minority. But that doesn’t make it weird. Just because it’s kind of rare doesn’t make it a bad thing. It’s been and still is the society that is making it weird for the people themselves. But I see a positive development to a more open minded and inclusive society, even tho the “angry people” who are against this are loud, they won’t be able to stop it! And they know it, that’s why they are so angry at everyone who’s different as them.

lazynooblet, avatar

It’s good to be weird. Weird means not normal, not mainstream. I find not weird to be boring. So bring on the weird!

Jimbo, avatar

So with you on this, as a weird person I would not change anything even tho it sometimes presents challenges. Found a weird bf too and I’m in heaven

agent_flounder, avatar

Right on. It’s good to be in the minority, to be different!! It would be boring and if everyone were the same.

I have ADHD so there are always more people not like me than like me (unless I’m in a ADHD club or something lol). I could say I’m weird. But also I’m a different kind of normal. Who decides what is or isn’t normal anyway right?

Anyway… The problem isn’t being unlike some majority group. The problem is the fear and hatred and ignorance.

When it comes down to it we are all human.

mtnwolf, avatar

I had a discussion about weird vs. norm with a friend the other day. We decided neither type of person is good or bad inherently because they are weird or normal. Different things comfort them. A weird person feels safe surrounded by people that “get them” who are weird like they are. Their personal identity is often centered on the fact that they are not “normal”. They take pride in it.

But the predictability of a more structured “normal” life is just as comforting to those who are “normal”. There are no rights or wrongs here, only the need for each type to recognize and respect the other. I don’t really like derogatory terms like “normie”, which I have more than one friend who uses (I don’t say anything to them about it, I can personally not like it without making demands on my friends to feel the same as I do). It’s like when I was in school, there were mostly right handed people, but every now and then there was a “leftie” or “southpaw”. They were different. I don’t recall ever seeing anyone bullied over being left-handed, but we all knew who they were. Humans and many animals focus on differences. It’s probably a residual primal thing. Wolves will kill deformed or sickly pups, for example.

Normal is boring to some, and weird is chaotic to some. Both are acceptable stances and shouldn’t be seen as adversarial by either group.


but it’s weird so its gonna happen

But it shouldn't happen.

"This is how things are" is a terrible excuse for why we should allow them to be that way.

Hopefully you're just being sarcastic tho


Transphobes gtfo


Stick your hopes and prayers where you’re food goes.



agent_flounder, avatar

Trans people are regular, real people. Like my college friend. Or my wife’s HS friend. Or that one kind soul I worked with once.

I’m so god damn sick of all the hatred and lies and bullshit and murder and sadistic laws against trans people.

I loudly applaud any space that actively supports trans people and gives them a place free from hatred and assholes.


The fact that they need a space away from everyone else, and the fact that this post even had to be made, is a testament to mankind’s inhumanity to man. People are people, but there’s an unsettling amount of people that can’t see past creed, color, sexuality, and so on.
I’d say it’s a monument to our own hubris as well. We’re the most advanced civilization that we know exists, but still can’t seem to treat members of our own society right.


I’m here because 196 shows up on my feed and I really enjoy the memes.
I also have absolutely no problem with trans individuals or really any lifestyle anyone wants to live that isn’t hurting anyone else.
That said, was there an incident recently on here that spurred the creation of this post? Did something go down?
Edit: Changed “bothering” to “hurting” because I frankly don’t give a fuck about the feelings of the type of people that are “bothered” by LGBT+.


I’m also here for the dank memes. IIRC there was a post from a mod telling people to stop reporting a message that IMO seemed transphobic, but I didn’t see the context despite searching for it.


Someone asked if a straight guy would fuck a trans man, straight guy responded by saying he’d be down to fuck a trans man if they hadn’t transitioned yet. In a later comment he said he was attracted to post op trans women and pre op trans men. It wasn’t aggressive transphobia, but grouping trans people by their genitals in a space like this isn’t going to be appreciated.

The real problem came with the thread the mod posted. If I didn’t know better, I’d assume it was a baitpost. Mod made the post then quickly disappeared after people in the new thread started their “I’m an ally, BUT…” comments. Original commenter said he can’t be friends with trans women because they all have chips on their shoulders. Someone said trans people are the Karens of the LGBT community and weren’t wanted. Just a lot of shit that shouldn’t be on an instance that is literally a trans safe space.


Thanks for the explanation. He’s a “straight” man and he’d fuck a trans man? Idk, sounds pretty gay to me.


It’s specifically before transition. Honestly to me the original comment is pretty okay, a bit easy to misunderstand. From what I got it was “yeah since I like women, and a trans man before transitioning looks like a woman, I’d be attracted to them. However the parts attractive to me are dysphoric for them which probably causes conflict” which seems like somebody thinking aloud about something they haven’t put a lot of thought into ever.

Anyway the mod’s post was bad, the comments were awful, bloody mess.


Maybe it’s just me, but I’d have a hard time being with someone who was mentally a man, even if he was physically female.


Yeah imo it’d be weird. Like in a theoretical sense you could be attracted to them but a relationship I don’t think would work (for a straight dude which I am not so take that with a grain of salt)


Someone made a comment saying that they’d be down to fuck a trans man if they hadn’t transitioned yet because he likes women. It was controversial, but then one of the mods here decided to post a screenshot of that comment on the main, and the people in the comments were fucking horrendous. It’s all “I’m an ally, but…” statements. Some of them were fine, but even the best ones were just people taking the opportunity to say that they don’t wanna fuck trans people. And that’s fine, you don’t have to be attracted to trans people at all, but a trans safe space isn’t the spot for that discussion at all.

The mod shouldn’t have posted what’s essentially bait, nor should they have not actually moderated the thread after posting the bait. I’m pretty sure the instance admin ended up having to handle it. The guy who made the original comment is saying it was him, but that’s not really what matters. This controversy was more about properly moderating the space than anything.

samus12345, avatar

Random person: exists

Assholes: Everyone needs to know whether I would fuck this person or not!


Gotcha. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


Just read the post that started this all. I thought that hating a person for having a sexual preference that doesn’t agree with you, it’s exactly what the queer community was fighting against. Well you do you. Plus demanding aggressive support only is in really poor taste. Great job making a meme thread into political crap. Yes, let’s burn down everything because I don’t agree with a part of it.


You’re the one commenting on this instance. They manage it and can make the rules. I for one am happy to have a space where I don’t need to worry about assholes making creepy comments about their sexual preferences and casually bigoted opinions.

StarLuigi, avatar

For real, I love the way Lemmy works so much. It makes it so much easier to keep out bigots and creepy folks


This instance wasn’t a political sub. This was for the memes. A person stating their sexual preference isn’t being creepy. Just cause that one’s person opinion isn’t liked doesn’t mean they can be piled onto. Of course when you start stating extremist views you will get people that say the opposite no matter what. That’s what happens when you start hate. You get hate back. I guess you haven’t read the original thread.


Hi! Trans person here. Your heart is in the right place, but this post is poorly written. You haven’t even given examples of how this is currently/could be applied. Some people are just that uneducated about trans people. If they’re leading questions that invalidate us, sure. But otherwise what’s the harm? For 196 there’s no reason to ask about that stuff but the whole instance?? Your call in the end but I can think of a few ways this could go bad just from prior experience in other communities.


It’s comforting to know that this community is intolerant of transphobia

Milk_SDF_Possum, avatar

And intolerant of anyone who doesn’t agree with all they say.

BautAufWasEuchAufbaut, avatar

mask off moment

agent_flounder, avatar

“agree”… bruh. This doesn’t concern you. Just let them be and keep it shut ffs. You don’t have to tell them how you don’t “agree” with them. What’s not to agree with anyway? You going to disagree with ADHD when you don’t have it and don’t know shit about it? Maybe walk a mile in someone’s shoes before you decide you’re the arbiter of their experiences. Or better maybe realize there are other perspectives and experiences and the world is better when you listen and learn and stow it?


ENBY Anarchist here. I’ll gladly take my ban.

🤟😊🖕 🏳️‍🌈 Facist

moss, avatar

I’m sorry what Are you trolling right now Also anarchist and fascists are not the same thing at all

Dee, avatar

Also anarchist and fascists are not the same thing at all

I think they’re saying they’re an anarchist and calling Ada a fascist for taking this stance, at least that’s how I read it.

moss, avatar

Hmmm ok

Dee, avatar

Just to clarify I don’t agree with them, only trying to explain the dumbs. I’m unfortunately fluent, you see.

moss, avatar

Oh yeah ofc dw

Shit, avatar

I read it as 🤟😊(I love you) 🖕(fucking) 🏳️‍🌈(gay) Facist

I guess I might just not be hip anymore. ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

Please remove if this post is not appropriate!


I’m a queer anarchist 😂 It’s not that complicated. And yeah… You start telling people they need to aggressively support something or get out… I’m calling you facist.

Shit, avatar

¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯ I’m sorry keep on being you!


If you ever enter my home, know that I aggressively support not taking a shit in the kitchen, and, if you enter my home, I want you to aggressively support not taking a shit in my kitchen.

I’m not a fascist, just a decent person. Don’t like it? Don’t enter my house.

Now imagine my house is an instance/server, and “shitting in the kitchen” is bigotry.


I’m willing to commit to not shitting in your kitchen. 💜 No thanks needed.





Fucking hilarious! I didn’t get banned! Common mods, don’t you stand by your values? I’m not “aggressively pro trans” or whatever so let’s do this! Ban the ENBY.

ada, avatar

Firstly, I updated the post to clarify. You might want to re-read it

Secondly, unless you start posting transphobia, this post isn’t about you. I won’t be banning you simply for disagreeing with me


sorry, are you accusing OP of being a fascist?

Jimbo, avatar



Yeah I have no problem with you being trans, I do have a problem with this goofiness. Good luck, friends.


Defining people against hate speech is goofiness?


That isn’t at all what this post says.

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

I am here for shitposts, but this is real isn’t it?

HelloHotel, (edited ) avatar

Sorry, but I do need to ask a verry sticky question, thats because I need info about those who attacks our community. If I am in the wrong place, please show me where I can post.

post mockupThe videos that are cited on the news constantly for “corrupting the youth with trans ideology”, where are they from and are they real? they never cites sources.

Edit: its good to see a community like traaaans on lemmy, a place thats accessable to me, reddit needing the that much personal info put me off.

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