The transphobia stops now

This community is housed on an instance run by two trans women, focused on the needs of the queer and gender diverse community.

We allowed 196 here because we were promised the community is queer and trans inclusive.

If you’re here it’s because you’re aggressively supportive of trans folk. Not middle of the ground, not “just asking questions”.

If your response to that is, “yes, but…” then this isn’t the instance for you, and by extension, this isn’t the community for you.

tl;dr - Unambiguous support and inclusion, or fuck off somewhere else.

Edit - I changed the phrase "aggressive support to “unambiguous support”, as there was some confusion over the intent behind my previous phrasing.

rustyfish, avatar

Literally right below this.

cupcakezealot, avatar

basically lamb glinahan.



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  • toadstorm,

    i am old and cis but trans shitposters are the best shitposters, this is indisputable. you have my support

    solidgrue, avatar

    And my axe! 🎸


    and my d20


    Thank you so much. We need that more than anything right now — where transphobic content tends to be the default on the web.

    If this is the time to go full aggressive for our rights, count me in!

    (And if you’re here to passive-aggressively complain about how you « don’t care about people’s sexuality » and making everyone notice you’re leaving — let me be very active-aggressive in saying « good fucking riddance » to you.)


    heheh, i like this comment


    Ohhhh you are that crazy person that loves to censor the shit out of anyone who dares speak out against your insanity

    BNE, avatar

    Brother, that’s not how we talk to people. Everyone here is treated like people and respected for their personhood. This isn’t a theatre for bigoted nonsense - there’s other platforms available if you want to attack people and get that out of your system.

    Show people respect or leave people alone - but don’t be like that.


    She doesn’t like to, she does it because queer people are constantly being attacked and berated and then when we get tired of the shit, people get surprised and go, “oh why are you being so defensive, you’re overly reactive”. And she isn’t insane, she’s proud, protective, and proactive with a very low tolerance for any indication of more bullshit.

    Personally, I would discuss certain events more fully, try to educate and understand, but, for better or for worse, the person with responsibility for the instance and everybody in it decided less chances rather than more and doesn’t give a flying fuck what anybody thinks, and the more you press her, the more she’s gonna tyrant all over you, and, honestly, most of the users here have her back because she’s got ours.

    Just… Be better to people, let others walk away from you if they want without YOU being a crazy person and being sensitive, reactive, and lashing out unnecessarily. You ever think about that perspective? You don’t have to say anything, just move along and leave us in peace. Maybe once everything cools down in the future, she’ll renegotiate and reanalyze and possibly consider reconnecting. Y’all can defed from us crazy folk if you want at that time. You’re free to walk away too.



    Dee, (edited ) avatar

    Can you see my reply? I’m on and I thought it was still defederated from Beehaw so I shouldn’t be able to see your comment O_o (I’m used to being more active on my beehaw account so using my account threw me off, disregard this lol)

    P.S. Yay trans rights and having a pro-trans meme space 😄

    Mozingo, avatar

    Being defederated just means you can’t see new posts on beehaw communities and they can’t see your communities at all. If your instance and beehaw are both federated with a third instance, like the one this community is on, then you’ll still be able to see comments by beehaw users on that instance.

    Dee, (edited ) avatar

    I’m not sure about that. I think it might be a glitch or something because I never see beehaw comments on and never see comments on my beehaw account. Like, I can’t see the comment I made on this account from my beehaw account.

    Just thought it was odd.

    I was just being dumb, Monzingo is right.


    Let me just make sure I got this right

    Dee is on

    Zoop is on beehaw

    This thread is on

    So Dee and Zoop can see each other's comments since neither nor beehaw is defederated from

    It's like a border state or something

    Dee, avatar

    I can see Zoop’s comment, but Zoop can’t see mine. Because beehaw is defederated from but has not chosen to defederate from beehaw so it still gets the comments from beehaw users.

    Actually because all these replies are to my account Zoop can’t see this entire exchange, and I can’t see it on my beehaw account either. I just had a brain fart.


    Ah, okay. Because behaw defederated they're not seeing anything from They're also not sending anything to But they are sending stuff to, so you can read that stuff.

    I wonder if they're seeing my responses, from kbin, to your comments, from, on

    Dee, (edited ) avatar

    I wonder if they’re seeing my responses, from kbin, to your comments, from, on

    I cannot see anything from this conversation on my beehaw account, because it all stemmed from my original reply (which is from a account). So on beehaw it’s just Zoop’s original comment, nothing after.

    Edit: For example on beehaw this post as 37 comments, while on it has 97 (at the time of writing this edit)


    why did beehaw defederate from

    Dee, avatar

    That’s why. Which is to say they were getting too many reports from accounts to go through and keep the good vibes in their communities, but hope to refederate as soon as Lemmy gets more granular moderation tools developed.


    I see, thank you


    Accorded neutral ground

    ssfckdt, avatar

    I can see your comment, but I'm on 🙂

    Dee, avatar

    Thanks, bud. It’s nice to be seen 🙂

    Dee_Imaginarium, avatar

    See Mozingo? Nothin’

    (this comment makes more sense if you can see both and beehaw comments lol)

    Dee, avatar

    Okay, I had the dumbs. So because isn’t defederated from beehaw, but beehaw is defederated from I can see the beehaw comments on but not the other way around.

    False alarm, I got excited for a second there but had the dumbs. Carry on about your day.

    ssfckdt, avatar

    As far as I know the original subreddit this com came from was very trans, to the point where I, as a cis straight ally, was nervous that I was somehow not supposed to be in it. And I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one.

    So I'm witchu

    I must have good filters or something, because I don't think I've noticed any TP / TERFing in here. Sad.

    (of course i follow from a mastodon account so i probably miss a lot of stuff)


    Just so you know, before I say anything, I am happy that you’ve joined this community. I don’t want anything I say to seem like I’m discouraging you from participating. The overall point of what I’m about to say is that this should be a trans community. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable because you don’t know if you’re allowed, but at the same time I wish that non-queer people as a group had to have a moment of empathy of “oh this place isn’t for me”. It’s a similar fear to how trans people feel in men’s and women’s spaces

    196 is extremely trans oriented at this point, to the point that I’d consider it a borderline trans community. I like that it isn’t fully trans though. You know how often cis people have a monopoly on the conversation on a distributed community? There’s nothing necessarily wrong with cis people having that control, but why can’t trans people have that same space? Other people are allowed of course, but if we have to enter a separate reality for other people’s communities, other people should have to enter ours. There’s no way for us to force an equal medium, the best way we can enforce that is by wanting empathetic but easy experiences for other.

    ssfckdt, avatar
    LeylaaLovee, (edited )

    You realize trans people are only 1 percent of the population normally right? Trans women representing 15 percent of the group is quite a large demographic.

    Edit: sorry this sounds condescending, didn’t mean to make it so. Just explaining that statistically, there are a ton of trans people on here.

    ssfckdt, avatar

    I guess I don't know why you need to bring this up.

    I'm fully aware this forum has a lot of trans folks in it. And I am happy to embrace that. But up till now there hasn't been any "please no cis folks" pressure in it, either.

    It's not like 196 started out as a trans space. And there are definitely a lot of places that were. And I would tread very lightly in them if at all.

    Is it even a bad thing for trans and cis to mix and enjoy things together? Isn't that, like, positive?



    It’s not “no cis folks” it’s asking to recognize that this is a trans space, on an explicitly trans Lemmy instance. Cis people can participate here the same way trans people can interact with cis spaces. If we want to enjoy it whatsoever, we just have to accept a certain level of shittiness to conform to those social standards. I’m saying that in a space where there are 30x more trans people than average, also on a dedicated trans server, yeah this is an explicitly trans space at this point. You may not like that, but I hate how is pretty much entirely dominated by cis people, it is what it is.

    Cis people can come here, they can even make their case for things they believe. People of different perspectives add to communities. Monoculture is never good. However, there needs to be some empathy in the way we feel like we’re walking on eggshells anytime we’re not talking to other trans people. We both feel like outsiders in the same way, and I don’t necessarily like that, but I also don’t think there’s any way to actually explain that in a truly applicable way. Lived experience goes further for empathy than anything, yk?

    ssfckdt, avatar

    I would be sad if trans folks stopped communicating naturally in this space because in my opinion that's the main reason that makes the space worth being in.


    Did something specific happen ?

    alternative_factor, avatar

    There was transphobia in 196? HOW?

    unmarketableplushie, avatar

    One of the mods made a post about how this comment being really creepy about trans men’s bodies somehow wasn’t transphobic and then deleted it after people started calling them out lol


    Thank you for providing good context on this thread. The original comment was ass, but not important overall. If the mod hadn’t decided to explicitly defend it, this wouldn’t even be a conversation. This entire discourse would have been avoided if it wasn’t for a shitty mod post.

    unmarketableplushie, avatar

    Nedankinde. This is an issue we all care about, after all.


    Defending it is the only sane response. He was literally asked for his opinion. Is it homophobic for a straight person not find the same gender attractive? Of course not. Then how is transphobic for a cis man not to be into penises? It’s completely bizarre reasoning.

    good_girl, avatar

    Fuck off.

    Genital preferences are valid as far as any preference for physical attributes but when you’re reducing people to purely genitals it’s gross and no respect needs to be given to the argument.


    That’s not what happened. In the context of dating and sex it’s an extremely relevant point. Sounds like you’re mad at a headline without reading the article, in a manner of speaking. So you fuck off.

    good_girl, avatar

    The original comment literally boiled down to “boobs and vagina is woman, penis is man”.


    No it didn’t. He explained he would be put off by a transitioned trans man. Go through their comment history and you’ll see they’d be comfortable dating preop, as long as their partner is comfortable with them finding their femininity attractive.

    priapus, (edited )

    That is not at all what it said. The original commenter said that he would not be willing to date a trans man after they transition because he cannot find a penis sexually attractive and because he does find boons sexually attractive. This is a completely ok thing to say, it’s what was said after this original comment that became a problem. The post should not have been made by the mod, because it led to a lot of transphobes commenting.


    The mod could have just… Not responded to it like they don’t respond to thousands of comments. You’re not listening to the point. If you’re straight, don’t fuck trans men because you view them as women because vagina and boob


    You’re missing the point. His point was explicitly that he wouldn’t date post op trans men.

    What you saying right now was literally his point. To date a trans man because finda him attractive for his femininity wouldn’t work. That was literally his entire point.


    The guy said he wasn’t into dicks and that it would be weird to like something about his partner that they would want gone and dislike. That’s not transphobic. It honestly bonkers that people find that to be transphobic.

    unmarketableplushie, avatar

    All in a day’s work😉


    Most people seem to agree it wasn't transphobia, but here's the context:

    There was some transphobia that came crawling out like usually happens when a trans topic starts getting active, but they got shut down pretty quickly

    alternative_factor, avatar

    The post seems transphobic in a "chaser" sort of way to me, not trans though.


    It seems very “chaser” to me. In other comments, the poster mentioned how he was attracted to “post op trans women and pre op trans men”. Grouping those two demographics together in this way will never be seen as not chaser.


    What does chaser mean?


    Someone who fetishizes trans people. You find trans people hot? That’s totally fine, you can have preferences. But grouping post op trans women and pre op trans men sexually is saying that they’re being viewed as women regardless of their identity.

    If you wanna fuck a trans person, it should be because you’re attracted to them. Maybe you like boobs and penis together and that’s fine. Maybe you like a masculine chest and a vagina. You can be attracted to a certain intersection, even if that intersection is a straight one. But fucking them because they’re trans and exotic is chasing. If you like women, fuck trans women. If you like men, fuck trans men. But don’t just randomly flip them around like there’s no difference to you.


    Thank you. It was my first time hearing the term.


    The guy just said that penises put him off, good god. Is it common in the trans community for people to find it transphobic when cis people aren’t attracted to them post transition? Because while I fully support the right to be trans and transition, that is pretty nuts to find it transphobic just because someone doesn’t find you attractive.


    well, yes and no

    to my personal experience, it can feel kind of transphobic, as being in the position of being rejected just because of your genitals, and not because of the rest of your personality and appearance/gender expression just feels wrong and mean somehow, but if I try to rationalize it, saying that such pereference is transphobic feels just as bad, as you cant force someones pereference

    there needs to be said that the person did not see the implication of praising/complementing someones genitals that were the problem (in the case of the original post “And it would propably be difficult with me going ‘I love your boobs’ and they’re always like ‘I hate my boobs’”). As praising or giving a trans person a complement on the bodyparts which are a big part of their disphoria is just mean and very painfull for most of them (this was propably unintended tho, and I expect the original postter didn’t think about this, but still)

    [pre-anything transfem btw]


    Most people expect sex within weeks. And no matter how great you find someone, if sex with them is a chore due to you not finding their sexual organs appealing(which is something you can’t really control), that’s not going to be an ideal relationship.

    And on the point of finding something attractive about your partner that is the source of their dysphoria, that seems like a recipe for disaster and hurt.

    I can understand how it doesn’t feel great to read those points and how it’s a talking point that you wouldn’t want to see in communities you follow, but to call it transphobic just because it’s hurtful just doesn’t seem sound imho.

    But in this case at least it’s not simply boiling someone down to their sexual organs, but rather recognizing how their sexual organs could realistically affect the relationship.


    the person did not see the implication of praising/complementing someones genitals that were the problem

    Wasn’t that the point of the comment? They got asked if they’d date a trans guy and responded that it wouldn’t work out because what they’re attracted to is exactly what makes the trans guy dysphoric

    Edit: the post the comments were under was a bit weird about trans though, I’d be fine with that not existing here


    That’s not the issue. You can’t say “yeah I like women” and then say that includes pre op trans men. That’s fucking gross to say. He literally did the “oh noooo but your boobs!” You guys really go straight to being condescending before you actually try to understand anything, Jesus fucking Christ.


    He said the boobs would be an issue in a relationship with a trans man because he would attracted to a source of the person’s dysphoria, which would make them incompatible.

    Someone literally asked for his opinion on this matter, in a post that invited the opinions of straight people. There is no grossness or transphobia here. Someone asked him if he would date trans men and he explained why they would be incompatible.

    ada, avatar

    There was some transphobia that came crawling out like usually happens when a trans topic starts getting active

    That is what prompted this post. It happens every single time trans stuff comes up. There is no space for it here.


    To be clear, some of the comments you removed were from the person you are now replying to.

    ada, (edited ) avatar

    Yes, I’m aware. You can see the list here

    They were removed, because a meme community on a trans run instance isn’t the place for a discussion on the specifics of why you don’t want to fuck trans people.

    We hear that enough, every day, in every place we look online. We don’t need it here too.

    Was the post transphobic? That depends on who you ask, but either way, what it wasn’t is “unambiguously supportive”

    It’s also worth pointing out that those posts were not the trigger for this thread

    Dee, avatar

    It’s also worth pointing out that those posts were not the trigger for this thread

    That’s a relief! I was a little worried because I like this instance but was butting heads in the one post. Thank you for running this instance. I threw what money I can at the moment to the Kofi because I feel bad I might’ve made your job harder as an admin lol

    Zymii, avatar

    a meme community on a trans run instance isn’t the place for a discussion on the specifics of why you don’t want to fuck trans people.

    I really wish more people got this


    It’s like Pokémon, you made eye contact with someone on a meme sub and suddenly you’re forced into a debate you don’t want to have.

    👀 Barbie or Oppenheimer? Answer me, Zymi!


    I was thinking about this in the context of a conversation I was privy to recently boiled down it was basically “I don’t have a problem with trans people But…sexually assaulting kids is bad But…teaching sexual orientation to 3 year Olds is bad”

    I don’t want to have to feel like I need to “just leave”


    Honestly I didn’t realize this was a trans community. I thought ‘196’ was just some random number like the ‘4’ in 4chan. 196 just had good content. The fact it’s inclusive is just a bonus.


    Variety makes things better.


    That’s partially to blame for all 196 communities having this weird “if you know you know” approach to writing their mission statement and rules. I’ve seen numerous people ask wth is 196 because of how vague the communities they saw were.

    But, particularly about the social politics, here’s also the thing I think. Trans rights are human rights. Communities fall under two categories: Welcoming to trans people, versus inherently evil. So I don’t think that a community is pro-trans should ever have to be stated. It should be assume, and whoever has a problem with it should go fuck off from society, Satan has a place for them.


    Tbf, this one does mention it on the about page, so it’s more obvious to newcomers than r/196 was.


    The entire instance is a trans themed instance therefore every community on it is slanted towards trans community and support.åhaj

    ShaggyDemiurge, avatar

    It’s not a trans community per se, it’s more of a more trans-friendly shitposting community. Like, I think, even now majority of posters aren’t trans. And majority of content is not trans-themed, it’s not traa. It’s a good place if you don’t want to see only trans-themed memes, but also don’t want to see transphobia


    I have a feeling that this has a lot of room for individual interpretation. I’m aware that the world out there is insanely hostile towards trans-people, it’s just that… asking things about the LGBTQ+ -communities consensus or what the thoughts on the scientific community are… feels kinda like a minefield tbh.

    wildeaboutoskar, avatar

    There aren’t many things that there is a consensus on. LGBTQ+ folk aren’t a monolith anymore than any other group is. As long as you ask from a place of respect you should be fine


    Joining most of the people here in saying, “Huh, what community?” I’m not against trans people, and I despise bigots, but I’m not a part of your community either.

    To be honest I don’t care to be part of any federated community that defines itself by what it won’t tolerate, grow up and use the block feature.


    I see it as an effort to establish a mission statement and that they are only interested in conversations that further that mission. I don’t see a problem and I also agree with you that there is no community for you there, but I don’t see how maturity plays a part.

    Milk_SDF_Possum, avatar

    Based and lainpilled.


    Fucking THIS.


    I’m not part of that community either. I’m truly amazed at the number of indignant comments like yours, which demonstrate that you took the post as addressed to you. It obviously wasn’t. It was explicitly addressed to posters on 196. I’d recommend being less self-centered, but if you disagree, I’m sure that community would be happy to see you go.


    grow up and use the block feature.

    I’m really sick of this talking point. If history hasn’t demonstrated to you that ignoring a problem doesn’t resolve the problem then you take ought to go back and read some more.

    If you can’t stand to be bothered by others trying to carve out consideration for your fellow humans then I’m glad this may be our only interaction.


    Community is the term for a “sub” on Lemmy.

    HiddenLayer5, avatar

    Yell yeah!

    Holzkohlen, avatar

    Damn straight. Us queers need to stand together and there can be no god damn LGBTQ+ without the flippin T.


    Us queers need to stand together

    I’m not trying to co-opt anything. Far from. I just want to remind everyone that you don’t need to know your place in the rainbow to want to see its beauty.


    I’m here because this showed up in all.

    I don’t “aggressively support” squat. I do stand up for life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness. Someone being trans does not affect anyone’s life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness until they get aggressive.


    What does that even mean?

    until they get aggressive

    This like not being racist, but they shouldn’t be so loud with those blm protests?

    Not homophobic, but they shouldn’t have to make everything gay in the summer?

    Maybe in wrong (I hope I am), but that is what your comment sounds like.


    I do not support the BLM protests as they had them because they were violent, yet I support black rights. I understand also Martin Luther King Jrs statement not to have violent protests because it makes the protesters out to be the bad guys.

    I was at the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests in standing rock protesting against the encroachment of native Americans rights. As and I told them also, "it is not good if you break the law, it makes it look like you are the bad guys. Rather stress how much THEY are breaking the law.

    I do not support violent protests for the most part, unless life is at stake.


    The law got us in the messes. Ya gotta break it. Property destruction and defense from police violence is not violence.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    You think lives aren’t at stake in those instances? Hmm ok.


    Why are you showing up in a comment section without having most of the context on a post that doesn’t concern you or your communities? Legit asking, what is the point of this comment?


    I did not join this community nor this server, it was thrust upon me.

    I support trans rights, don’t get me wrong.

    I am just offended by a post thrust upon me and then they claim “this isn’t the community for you”. I DIDN’T JOIN THE DAMN COMMUNITY IN THR FIRST PLACE.


    This is the weirdest complaint. The post showed up in your popular/active feed because it got popular/active. It wasn’t targeted to you, and the poster was not addressing you. The post was clearly addressed to users who post on /c/196.

    Being annoyed at how the service works is not a good reason to be combative with the poster, and it certainly isn’t a good reason to share your opinions about trans folk being a problem when they get aggressive. Not adding up.


    bruh then just shut the fuck up and keep scrolling


    You know you can block a community right? And if it’s not for you, you can just… not participate, too. It was “thrust upon you” in the same way that every other community in c/all is thrust upon you. You make the active choice of browsing non-curated content, then complain that it doesn’t consider you?

    Seriously, you’re complaining about literally nothing. If you don’t feel like this is for you, block it.


    Yeah, seeing this in all and this person is totally right don’t give em shit


    You can hide posts and block coummunities without leaving pointless contrarian garbage on them


    Trans women are women. Girldick is best dick.

    Know that you are loved. ^And also sexually objectified. Sorry bout that… ^

    -Sincerely a cis lesbian.

    ahriboy, avatar

    And Trans women are cool!

    -Sincerely an allied cis man


    Can you explain the girldick thing? I’m a transman and that comes off as one of the many things that are low key alienating in expressions of support, but it’s possible I’m just mistaken.


    I’m not the person you were seeking clarification from but I took her comment to mean that she is a cis woman that’s sexually attracted to women, but also enjoys P.I.V. sex. Therfore she would be happy to discover that a woman she is attracted to has a penis.

    That’s just my interpretation though.


    How far removed from the instigating post is that? It doesn’t seem all that different if we’re immediately diving into fuckables and unfuckables.


    I think you’re saying I didn’t help you understand her position, fair enough.

    I mean this post is a place to voice support for the trans community and she said she likes having lesbian sex with trans women. I don’t think the statement was meant to support trans men, just trans women. Trans women tend to be the focus of a lot of the conversation. I think trans men and trans women have different experiences with transphobia and need different supports. If you’d like to talk about your feelings I’d be interested to learn.

    But also, she’s a lesbian so again it’s not too surprising that she would center women in her comment.

    I’m a cis het man that wants to support you. It occurs to me that the less time men spend thinking and talking about lesbian sex, the better adjusted they are. So I’m going to excuse myself from this conversation. Good luck out there man. I’m pulling for ya.

    MaryTzu, (edited )

    The original reference (which triggered the OP to post) is a cis man saying he wouldn’t sleep with a pre op trans woman.

    He said something along the lines that girldick is disgusting, I’m saying it’s hot.

    If that’s problematic I can delete (not sure how that works on lemmy though). I would rather hear it from a trans woman though. If you want to discuss, go for it.


    Maybe using a cis bigot’s words isn’t the best way to show trans support. Hurts that you’d rather hear it from a trans woman. I guess this place just isn’t for me or people like me. It happens. Pretty depressing though.

    ada, avatar

    FYI, the person that you’re talking about, is not the reason I made this post, nor were they talking about trans women or girldick.

    This whole line of discussion is based on a misunderstanding of the original context I think

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