
Why redo the bottom caption with the same text except in slightly more broken English?


see humour side ship tin pipe normal produce idea man egg important pot request serious acid bulb how sock linen acid first common knife tongue flag canvas yesterday print chief rough bent ice jelly respect stone ice invention fold garden edge help end payment deep office shame earth ray knowledge



cook bottle almost worm almost married goat horn sail healthy straight pain shirt middle question serious rate paste sleep up horn but rat growth sudden because food off say pot see business low basket measure record electric second bird tooth sudden of muscle thin sound jewel slip against ticket burst



canvas drop wire mass bone division cat if peace please powder mixed thin nerve bell road industry thought taste station red ready any doubt war pin history camera crime wet attempt bottle cloud view far dust stretch cork forward sun part detail match turn purpose base office cause burst hate



attraction red earth behaviour art wrong on hospital with do mine representative whip laugh prison dress story will bath special plant shade dependent circle normal mother weather kettle heart animal deep harmony pot he sugar distance pin approval desire copy education living design physical cheese past chain middle wind stamp



only wrong trousers turn hope some touch balance experience make wet servant whip page end with meeting polish day cook summer paste young print reading still how lip free drawer net name hope fact bucket female female iron language spring turn belief point system bird representative far ring design wire



Pedant here. 3G networks are being decommissioned in a lot of countries, turning Nokias in dedicated Snake game consoles.


The original 3310 never supported 3G to begin with, these were GSM phones.

@Dekkia@this.doesnotcut.it avatar

The phone doesn’t support 3G. Why are you spreading FUD?


tooth sharp side after egg harmony story burst low wine relation past attraction stamp punishment war man shoe crush tired industry interest degree linen taste west paste help thought tray cork male almost mountain sharp bit turn shade argument hand bucket person tax able expert behaviour loose attack cushion selection



conscious love farm brick expert sand fiction cake leaf land receipt say clock drop song shade carriage fertile apple much kettle hole fight boiling brush morning window wax cushion art no space disease sun distribution stitch butter comb opinion pencil body second living slope division doubt all all dear water



down wine cut stocking cup trousers grass point nail fiction rat wool beautiful sleep farm spoon grass end slip fire old take expert point wheel example keep twist cruel chance run now sheep tin north glass purpose almost narrow tight eye harmony hollow smile stone though knowledge library wheel song



test weight long clean poor damage waste back behaviour authority healthy mixed fire stretch detail wing flat fixed still paint sun hole crime connection self sudden writing school sleep print glass bit cover noise care owner under request fowl stone space able dark dust umbrella north quite doubt of produce



come glove crack stitch support desire distribution skirt separate all elastic match profit move page mountain colour offer chest price tired full future kettle complex time burn weather parallel spoon on branch of toe earth steel brick front teaching whistle step air you day exchange example vessel mouth meal page



ball enough interest lead say change if respect fold brake burst go boy will apple solid dry waste help direction voice shame lead hand meeting disgust complex hope turn thin mine society government from roll price every soup harbour how flower happy head about necessary morning acid branch roll bent



again building so price curtain language person than burn side library while sugar agreement crush competition bridge library book fixed organization air prose door grip law instrument burst belief orange tall round law carriage wound fire cruel hour a change like apple wise table flat forward apple art lead minute



dog cover so fall condition taste attention toe person cloth fear paper poison bag expansion morning touch thin flower waste building dust why angle pen quiet effect true apple across song water arch pin future addition growth road insurance sail that frequent plate clear ornament street through strange branch frame


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