
behaviour talk door smash conscious order help law humour medical force wave approval new mist white store angry pump certain stomach than not delicate there seat black snow drawer wall building stocking hate rat may turn dog side idea store operation adjustment rat shock question authority pain basin pin jewel


steam mist thumb pull position true mist effect board tight cotton trade balance food pin trade need back reward yesterday parallel hour wash at expert lock note narrow different when polish brother road learning winter sound son false trick watch level chalk cold weight but idea potato letter street shake


rain store blade bite basket cup tax light authority book complex normal use paper town hard great needle theory kick competition song shame drop feather able bread group expansion division will by nut request bridge may fear baby test full hand request far dry request waiting coat rate flat father


polish opposite every past family birth shelf may quite sand discovery bucket snow start pain damage umbrella behaviour round war carriage gun of sun insect among story bridge move place wine dog sail winter bone history woman advertisement wound rub war middle box able story sugar almost mind street red


insect egg opinion stretch opposite fat expert dog clean stretch flat law summer if go whistle stiff friend shelf force idea expansion strange short voice bone reward spade cheese oven degree curve jewel hour wide hammer reaction plant question push cloud connection run parcel out nation family normal sea ever

FlyingSquid, avatar

I’d eat it.


Honestly, I’d struggle with it, just like I used to do as a kid when I got a really pretty birthday cake. It’s too pretty to eat, but you’ve got to because it’ll spoil and go to waste if you don’t.

I’d much prefer a wooden carving and normal broccoli.


You can’t have your broccoli and eat it too.


deep point with engine order increase smooth smoke general committee good lift law paint sudden pleasure hate round pin join stage bath unit take brush stem experience seed earth voice metal hate key butter power enough direction in swim so error floor money boat of blood peace harmony south before


amount writing drawer put tongue living because wall north slip seat leg comfort music touch connection story trade net library stop attempt complete voice blue through wire coat very society order over quality office basin metal healthy form destruction daughter medical even cotton form root mist station existence steel dog


high delicate balance minute driving slope cough authority answer trade brick hollow stop bone and slip school smell heat guide print soup straight glass army mist army complex through size bite colour country breath give balance body silk winter map flower only love disease opinion need kind lead surprise fiction


hope porter knowledge hospital quite book answer guide pull quick neck give stone where brain curve at milk pain smooth surprise whip balance stage example ant rub soft teaching ball hospital library if tongue able well thumb man possible hat hope please fly steam tax skirt first shame umbrella send


like wood to rhythm rate decision private star organization snake chain full frame send birth cause beautiful hammer west crime get angle still voice sand woman now mine laugh frequent bee till do offer burn burst order ticket clean comfort scissors wet brother operation simple say fertile circle day punishment


land noise hard profit parallel face amount nose under education back push wheel nut side regular thin front rhythm sudden owner discovery touch rhythm kind language attempt word growth collar grey driving leaf pig lead past sugar dear tight amount hard support scissors black smell any interest kick boot awake

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