
I’m just gonna drop this here for any artists concerned about companies scraping their art for their learning algorithms without permission:



AI can be a powerful tool when in the hands of artists. Hell, even for those commissioning artists. Use a generative model to create a concept piece you can send to them to better describe what you want. But when companies begin deciding that they can scrape your art off the internet and use it to replace both you and the rest of their graphic design or UI/UX departments, like some companies have done with their journalists already? Well, they’re in for a surprise when they lose customers due to the decline in quality, but the loss of entire sectors of jobs in the meantime ain’t cool.


Reminder that this is made by Ben Zhao, the University of Chicago professor who stole open source code for his last data poisoning scheme.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

why does that look like charlie kirk when he’s forced to shell reverse mortgages and gold at 3am on cable?


I was thinking Marshall from how I met your mother

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

“Removed due to bickering” now. Judging from the comments, this was something about AI art.


It was a simple post about how AI is fucking artists over. Which somehow devolved into a bunch of people shilling AI and calling all the artists irrelevant and obsolete because they can’t compete with AI.

It’s honestly one of the most depressingly shitty threads I’ve seen in a while, reminiscent of the old days on Reddit. I regret being a part of it.

@Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

I actually decided to check the comments myself and found that most of the shilling comments were from one person called “Lemmys Mom”.

Needless to say their account was full of AI shilling. Very obvious astroturfing account. I proceeded to block that singular person and what a surprise, 99% of the AI shilling disappeared.

I am surprised that person isn’t banned for intentionally antagonising the community

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

There’s also another user called Kedley or something who’s defending AI ‘’‘’‘’‘artists’‘’‘’‘’. According to him if you’re opposing AI art then you’re an elitist… What a fucking idiotic argument.

@sour@kbin.social avatar



Yeaaah, I regret posting what I thought was kind of a sentimental sentiment

@Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t get discouraged. It was mostly 2-3 idiots astroturfing that caused trouble

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Man a lot of people white-knighting for fully-automated plagiarism here.

I thought the fediverse would be better than your average birdsite thread, but no, it’s full of shills.

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

They just love their computer generated big tiddy hentai


Fuck people who simp advancements uncritically. However, technologies like this aren’t necessarily bad, just bad in our context. If there was no intellectual property, artists didn’t need to make a direct profit to live good lives, and we had a egalitarian understanding of artistic ownership, there’s little problem with the technology. However, the technology is very political in our current and near future context.


You would think that AI could take the boring stuff and us humans would be left to make art while enjoying life right?


I mean, its not stopping humans from continuing to make art


When you say humans you mean corporations. You don’t care about Debbie or Lucas making art. You’re not gonna pay 200 bucks for a wooden hand carved spoon. You mean Disney and Pixar.

@Muyal@lemmy.world avatar

This whole thread just reminded me why I hate techbros. Thanks


Feeling’s mutual bro, Thanks!

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

The future should stamp down millions of humans, this is an entirely normal and healthy thing to want, artists are useless and always have been, isn’t it great how we can now automatically steal their work? In fact human expression should be outlawed! Surrender before the great and powerful machine and never ever question the ethics of unethical things! Go get a real job like staring at an excel sheet for 8 hours a day, and never question capitalism either!

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social avatar

Exactly! What fools thought it was the menial, tedious drudgery that should be obviated in favour of art and intellectual pursuits and other frivolity? Humanity’s true worth and purpose is in serving the machines and the masters thereof. We must commit to the spreadsheet for it is the soul of humanity.


How awful that corporations no longer have monopolies on creating things such as shows, games, comics etc? I shoukd be a multibillion dollar corporation to afford to create something. I should have to hire hundreds of people.

Or maybe, little ol me should be able to use AI to make my ideas into real concepts and create textures and graphics and even voices for my indy games. Why should I not be allowed to compete with big corporations? And this is coming from an artist. I sculpt and draw and AI makes those moments where I can’t visualize what I want not a problem. What if I want a logo for my little business? I can’t afford to pay a company to make it. Describe it and boom, done. AI evens the playing field.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

People have always been able to make “Shows, games, comics, etc.” by putting in the work. By making contact with other human beings who can cover for the skills you don’t have. Corporations stealing valour when they are glorified middlemen is neither here nor there. But bringing them up does help my point:

AI tools don’t help “art”, they help people pretend they are the CEOs of the samesuch corporations you claim to be fighting against. Just saying “MAKE ME SOME SHIT” and sipping coffee while (in their case people, in this case a machine, though the machine is taking from the actual artists) does all the real work. Without learning. Without engaging with it in any meaningful way. Just put in a command. Get an output.


now is the time to support small artists if you feel like throwing your hard earn money away… i love art, i am an artist. I learned a long time ago that art isn’t going to make me money… it’s not on us as individuals to support artists. This is a societal problem and we can’t solve it with our low wages. We need that money to eat and have shelter.


Have you considered doing crime?


i’ve been a criminal for as long as i can remember and i’ll never stop, lol


Have you also considered being gay?

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“I am an artist, here is why art should die and be replaced with soulless automated reproductions”


that may have been what you heard but it’s not what i said

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

So you claim, yet in defending AI art, this is what you defend.

The death of human expression. The surrendering of all things to industrialists that never cared about art ever.


AI art isn’t the issue; it’s how it’s used, by whom, for what purpose. Those are killing human expression.

You are killing the messenger.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


That I can accept.

I apologise, to you anyway, not to the other weirdos. This whole thread has made me deeply depressed and I lashed out at 1(one) person that didn’t deserve it.


I mean, as humans we can chose to support artists but we already don’t. Unless you feel like buying up some of my polymer clay sculptures. Here’s a totoro ornament for 80 bucks. No? Ok then.


You should spend time understanding why the problem is capitalism.


I’m not defending anything, i’m talking about how the world works. I didn’t decide for it to work this way, i don’t want it to work this way, i’m simply stating that it does work this way… you have chosen to add all this other nonsense on to my words because you don’t know the difference between what you’re reading and what your emotions are telling you.


How melodramatic. I’m sure you complained this much when they started developing driving assist or vaccines.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I wasn’t there when vaccines were invented, but a life-saving treatment for disease is not and never will be the same as a tool that helps stamp down against Human Expression.

As for driving assist… Yea? Everything that makes life better for drivers makes the world a less nice place to live. Every improvement to personal vehicles just reduces the chance of society realising that trains are, have always been, and always will be cheaper, more efficient, and comfier.


Lol as an artist, exactly. I am never making money with my craft. Corporations are. Those are the ones truly complaining here because they no longer monopolize the entertainment industry.


You think that’s bad?

Just wait until AI gets good enough to replace your typical white collar job. It’s already starting to happen with call centers, and I’d say we’re about a decade away from self driving vehicles.

We may hit unprecedented global unemployment rates as a result of AI. And before you tell me it’s UBI’s time to shine, universal basic income is a leftist pipe dream that will either bankrupt us or pay an absolute pittance.

Our governments can’t even get capitalists to pay their fair share of tax right now. What makes you think they’ll fork up to give everyone a guaranteed income?


There’ll be a lot of people with plenty of time on their hands to go have a chat. You think rights are given? Rights are taken and secured with blood. No king gives up their kingdom without a fight.


The same amount of work will still be accomplished, why should the owners of those AI systems be the only ones who can sit on their ass earning all the profit we currently produce as a society?

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

because communism is a dirty word apparently


UBI is not Communism. Not even close.

In a matter of fact, they are incompatible.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

In a matter of fact, they are incompatible.

Well that could use an explaination

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Communism intends a society where money and a class system are abolished and a new society is built.

UBI supposes a society where capitalism still exists – But you get an allowance for existing and can take on a job as an option to get more money for said capitalism.

Neither could happen in reality without some billionaires being slaughtered, but the latter has a far less lofty goal, in that it doesn’t seek to rebuild society in an entirely new paradigm, only to make the “work or starve” paradigm of Capitalism less pressing.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

Good explaination, thanks.


Exactly! Which is why FOSS solutions like Stable Diffusion exist, and copyright free community resources like www.civitai.com let everyone have access to the socialised benefit of sharing knowledge and data. Here’s a referral link in case you want to make something to express yourself.
Referral link: civitai.com/login?ref_code=LOR-IYG

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Open-sourcing fully automated plagiarism does not make it less of a soulless abomination.


Being disingenuously obtuse and wilfully ignorant doesn’t make you a thinker, it makes you a pretender.



They hate the idea that the average Joe can finally express themselves without having to be a millionaire.

@sour@kbin.social avatar

protruding eyelid ._.


UBI was going to happen under a right wing government in the 70’s. It’s not just the left that understands the benefits to society. The current crop of Conservatives are lead paint licking snowflakes however so I’m not too hopeful either but it’s an eventuality. As more boomers die off more of these Conservatives do too.


We’ve always been a decade away from self driving vehicles


But there is actual progress now. For all its faults the Tesla auto drive is probably 95% of the way there. I get that we want it 99.9999999% perfect, and each 9 will take effort, but 5 years ago I think we were only like 40% of the way there. Progress is happening.


We are a decade away from the oil shock to end all oil shock.


Bye Felicia


I read your comment as “memes > art”


memes are art… i don’t like that that is true but literally anything can be labeled art these days and if i say “maybe that’s just some garbage that someone put in a box/frame and it’s not art.” then i’m the asshole.


If they arent doing the art for themselves then nah, I dont care if they’ve decided they’ve been replaced

LemmysMum, (edited )

Sketch artists gave way to photographs, traditional artists gave way to digital artists, now photography will give way to AI. AI is still enhanced by traditional art, as is our culture, and it’s value won’t change because the value is in the expression not the medium. AI is just another tool in the digital art tool-set. I’ve been a digital artist for 25 years, and if you’re threatened by AI instead of embracing it’s ability to improve and enhance your work then I’m sorry, welcome to the past, this is you:

This is an AI generated image made with copyright free community resources. Each AI generated image made contributes further to a global wealth of artistic knowledge at the fingertips of all. If you’re interested seek out FOSS AIgen software like Stable Diffusion and community resources as linked below, or visit the various AIgen communities here on Lemmy.

See more: civitai.com/user/lorom
Referral link: civitai.com/login?ref_code=LOR-IYG


In the long run, perhaps, but this is a sudden change that affects people’s livelihoods. It’s a tool that requires significant artistic input to even be copyrightable for the time being. This means it can’t fully replace big money projects, but can negatively impact some commission based art. They must focus on providing things that AI can’t easily replicate, which takes effort and time that struggling artists trying to make a living don’t have. It’s our system where people must maximize their direct economic value to survive that’s the biggest issue, not the advances in technology themselves.


Also when they make AI that doesn’t require real artist input to even do what it does now then I’ll believe it’s anything but the plagiarism that it is.


Plagiarism is disguising another person’s work as your own. Assuming the AI generated image is labeled as such, no plagiarism is occurring.


I don’t find this argument very convincing. All artists draw some inspiration from previous artwork, that doesn’t make it plagiarism. Even if it’s heavily influenced by other artwork it’s not plagiarism if it’s something original.


My art started as copying sailor moon. Then copying other anime styles. I make totoro and other copyrighted characters into figurines. Creativity shouldn’t ever be owned. It’s not property. If these Chinese knock off companies can do it why can’t I? Oh because I’m not a freaking corporation with lawyers.


When real artists make art without tools made by someone else, or knowledge gained form someone else, I’ll agree with you.

We stand on the shoulders of the giants who came before us so we can reach higher than they ever did.

LemmysMum, (edited )

Copyright will be forced to crumble or be enforced with physical force. The fact is we’re moving to a society where information recording and reproduction is improving to the point where physical likeness is a contributing factor in the socialisation of all knowledge and information. Anything that can be represented in the physical world can have a visual facsimile created. Our time is temporary but for the first time in human history something as little as having a photo taken of yourself can literally contribute to the advancement of all humanity.

Don’t let the corpos steal the right to your likeness, everyone deserves to see your beauty.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

everyone deserves to see your beauty.

the Algorithm disagrees.


Then they deserve to be disturbed by your beauty. ❤️


@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It’s FUNNY that an AI white knight thinks he is standing against Corpos when he is towing the line of exactly what corpos want.


Corpos want independent artist supporting themselves with FOSS tools? Nice!


@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“Artists” “Independent”

Corpos want artists to die, so does everyone defending AI “”“”“”“”““art””“”“”“”“”“”


So why are you trying to help them by attacking independent artists? Here, I believe you were licking these.



These corporate shills can’t be convinced. It’s their job.


The problem is that AI can’t create anything new, it can just remix old stuff.

Here’s a test: Try to make your AI system of choice create a picture of New York’s streets without cars.


create anything new, it can just remix old stuff.

Same thing different phrasing.


30 seconds and a basic prompt, no specific training data packages.


These people have absolutely no idea how AI create. It’s baffling.


The problem is that AI can’t create anything new, it can just remix old stuff.

Oh, so you mean exactly like humans?

Even if we try to imagine anything we have never seen, we still use things we know.

That is why the indescribable cosmic horror of Cthulhu still are mostly eyes, teeth and tentacles.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

Like how every populair song either uses the same four chords or is just a remix of Pachelbel?

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar
@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

A common misconception

You should try using it! If nothing else, you can then talk about it, instead of conveying misinformation


Lol no honey, AI isn’t the way of the future and some troglodyte like yourself certainly isn’t going to dictate what social and moral path we take as a people. You are not in control here.


Of course I’m not, society will move on without the chaff by it’s own accord, always has. So relax, sit back, and enjoy the view.



You’re the chaff.


You seem sad, here’s a fox made of your tears to cheer you up!


ooh could we have another colorful polygonal bird please? Preferably one that looks like a hawk

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

“no u”



You seem really abrasive for no reason…are you ok?


That’s the most hypocritical statement i’ve ever read. The fear of change is a dangerous thing.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Yes yes we should all give up on human expression and let machines do everything. AI art is great and totally not an unethical monstrosity generated on plagiarism of people’s actual efforts.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

No you’re just asking a robot to make shit for you. That is not expression, that is, at best, a more modern version of grabbing shit off google images and calling it “expression”


Your just using an auto collaging tool.

Like if you were to go to art school, but outsourced all the art making to some Photoshop artist in I dia for $3. And claimed it as your own.

If you don’t put in the sweat and tears, you aren’t creating. I’d go farther and say prompting is closer to story boarding at a marketing firm, and you’re the boss/project manager.

It’s pretty neat technology, but it’s so far from actual content creation through the artistic process.


Ok, on your bike, you have 30 seconds to post a reply image of your own making. Let’s test your skill against mine.

@mriormro@lemmy.world avatar

You understand that just shitting out images isn’t really doing your point any favors, right? Art isn’t about how fast you can make something; I’d argue that how fast it took to make a particular piece of art is the last thing anyone would care about.

But, this is the crux of all of this. You’re not creating art, you are making images. Images are a commodity all about the quick visual and so that’s how you’re engaging with these models. As though they were a throwaway commodity. There is no intent or exploration in any of these; no catharsis. It’s all just empty and devoid.


If you look at beauty and see emptyness then I feel sorry for you.

@mriormro@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing that you’ve posted, I would consider nearing an understanding of beauty. Again, it’s all vapid, non-critical, and lacking substance as well as craft. All well and good, since these are just commodity images and not art.


Ahh, so it’s only art if your subjective opinion considers it so. Good to know that’s how art works.

I guess a sunrise has never made anyone happy if it wasn’t from the sun.


It’s pretty neat technology, but it’s so far from actual content creation through the artistic process.

And this right here shows just how expansive your lack of understanding is.

@sour@kbin.social avatar



Learn how to gen ai images and find out.

@sour@kbin.social avatar

is the artistic process only typing a prompt


Try it and find out.


This IS human expression. I can finally express what I see in my mind. I can’t sculpt or draw everything. This gives me inspiration. You don’t want my art. You don’t want my music. You never bought anything I created.

You want a slave in a machine called Warner Brothers or Disney to produce your entertainment and heaven forbid an AI had a hand in making her job easier. Such bad faith arguing!

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I mean, fuck yeah I don’t want your art because by your own admission it’s AI generated trash and therefore not art.

Yet I buy art from artists. All the time. I have framed and printed pieces from a couple furry artists I know.

Also corporations have been positively frothing with joy at AI’s growth because it means they don’t need to hire actual people anymore. Already they are looking to replace writers and actors with AI generated facsimiles. That was the entire basis of the writers’ strike a few months ago. So the whole “AI ART WILL FREE US FROM CORPORATIONS” argument is a non-starter.


I think there’s a place for both AI images and artists, there’s no need to be tribalistic for this. I used AI to generate some albums covers for my personal playlists, but I won’t print out AI art and put it on my wall or anything. But this whole story got me interested in making commissions, since I’ve never done it before, and I think a piece of art can be a wonderful gift for someone.


id totally pay for someone to draw my playlist art. but my income isnt that indisposable


Yeah I wouldn’t mind it, but it’s only for a very niche use, just to appease my OCD. I can’t actually see the cover art clearly, the screen is goddamn small on my mp3 player. So paying would be overkill for this.


I won’t print out AI art and put it on my wall or anything

That’s a good idea. I think I’ll do that.


I’ve thought this for a while and mark my words this is where we are heading.

Online has it’s place but for all intents and purposes it is dying. The future is going to be local and physical.

I’m not worried for anyone let alone the artists. All AI art is showing is the importance of what is “real”. Sure I can ask Bing to create an image of Spider-Man in Toronto in the style of Todd McFarlane but it’s not a real image. People will start leaning back into actual ink on paper.

I see a future where The Internet continues to evolve but people move back into a world of the local and real interactions. A twitch stream is no replacement for a night at the pub. The pendulum is going to swing. I’d argue it has already started to swing.

@Neil@lemmy.ml avatar

I’d disagree, but it’s an interesting potential.

I personally see a world full of people that get mad for 10 minutes every time a giant corporation makes things worse and then relentlessly consumes just like they did before. I don’t see that stopping any time soon. Netflix was wildly successful when they banned account sharing and then raised prices a few weeks later. Sure, a bunch of people removeded and moaned, but nothing really happened except positive profit margins.


Please, traditional artists have been saying the same about photoshop for 25 years. I know, because I’ve been a digital artist for 25 years. AI is just another tool for expression. If you’re expression is valuable people will be willing to pay for it, online or in the “real world”.


The only things AI is really going to replace is the soul-less corporate marketing art.

Which I doubt any self-respected artists enjoys making.

That and maybe some furry commissions.


Just like photography, and photoshop before it.


Those are the things that artists use as income to pay their bills and draw what they actually care about. If they get taken over by AI it really does mean less meaningful art for the rest of us.

The solution of course isn’t fighting ai any more that the solution for textile workers was fighting automated looms. Our fight isn’t really with AI, it’s with AI being run by centralized private corporations that suck up all the surplus value created by AI and reinvesting it into pointless shit that we don’t have a say in… while we get table scraps. (again this applies for any tech innovation not just ai). Our collective labor helped create it so we should have a say in how it is run.

wish more “AI bros” would acknowledge this but lots of them seem to either not care at all or want to get rich off it themselves

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

They know, but like all technocrats they think they can will the utopian version of their invention into existance by just saying the words “THE FUTURE” a lot.

99% of science-fiction is increasingly flowery takes on the sentence “inventing cool new shit while maintaining the same incentives that make society suck will make neo-society suck in neo ways” but these guys read sci-fi and just go “ooh, cool new shit to invent” and forget to read the rest of it.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

AI Art is not expression, it’s plagiarism.

@sour@kbin.social avatar

plaggrism bullder


It baffles me all of these people who never created anything even once are whining. And yet every single one of us artists understand the true effect and usefulness of AI. It evens the playing field. These people never once bought anything we made. They probably had no scruples downloading our art and games off pirating websites!

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

every single one of us artists understand the true effect and usefulness of AI.

Every artist I have interacted with outside this shill-filled thread (the ones I buy from! And like 1/3 of my friend circle as well) sees AI as either “neat novelty, wish tech journalists would stop overrating it” and “actually pointless”, but go off.


Circle of idiots, is still a friend circle.

@Mr_Mofu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The absolute Toxicity in this thread is just so depressing the see. Lemmy, I thought you where better then this… I thought this was supposed to be reddit without the petty toxicity in every comment section…


like i’ve pointed out elsewhere in the thread, this is a place where people who hate another thing go. you’re kidding yourself looking for utopia here. Lemmy is a clone, not something actually different.

Mr_Mofu, (edited )
@Mr_Mofu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Non of that excuses the toxicity. We as a community have to collectively fight against this type of thing. Toxicity should have no place here, or anywhere for that matter. Ofcourse thats a pretty utopian mindset of its own im aware, but we have to atleast try. Because the second we allow it to be normalized, everything will go even further to shit


It’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation. There is no community here, there are many. Your words, unfortunately, ring hollow.

There are a few communities here that are great, but so many from the front page are just toxic junk, be it regarding economics or politics. I find myself closing comment sections and not interacting here way more often than in the past on reddit - so much childishness, it’s quite sad.

But I also have to say that I find it too annoying and empty here to properly build my front page with my interests, so I’m just cruising on the Everything page. Since there are no limits here for Everything like on reddit, of course I (we) have to dig through all the intellectual trash too. I want to block that toxic shithole hexbear so bad.


This is not a monolithic community, it’s an online link aggregator / forum


I’m ticked at how everyone is blindly jumping on the AI art train. None of these comments praising it even have any downvotes. It’s really disheartening.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social avatar

I’ve got your back :3 bashing those downvote buttons


Yeah, I’m noticing a nearly complete disregard for actual artists to the point where I can pretty much guess who is and isn’t an artist in this thread.


Well by definition most of us aren’t artists. Artists are a small minority. It would be pretty easy to guess who isn’t an artist by just claiming everyone isn’t except for the people explicitly say they are and it would be like 98 percent true.


True, but some of these people are making it pretty obvious even if they don’t explicitly say anything.


Artists burnt out my empathy towards them with their elitism and fear mongering. They arent special in capitalism’s march to take our livelihoods away from us, but they decided to lash out at their own class instead of lashing out at the corporations taking their jobs

Armen12, (edited )

So you hate art, not unusual coming from someone who complains about the “elites” which we all know what that’s code word for

Kedly, (edited )

Lmao, nice stealth edit asshole. Nowhere did I say elites. By class meant people who work for a living and barely get by, those who have absolutely ZERO impact on an artists ability to get by. But no, I don t hate art, I love it. I hate elitISM as in the shit you’re pulling by determining what does and doesnt classify as art, and I hate people like you, which a lot of artists are deciding to lean towards in their fear


Maybe that’s because their own class is stealing and emulating their art without permission, sometimes even on purpose as a “fuck you” to them. In this case it’s not just the corporations screwing them over.


They’ve decided to brand what the AI does as stealing in order to twist the narrative. It isnt stealing when the images are generated from scratch. And because they are using full manipulative tactics to enhance their fear mongering, they deserve ever bit of fuck you’s they can get


Generated from scratch? How do you think AI generates images? They need to be trained on images to produce anything coherent, there is no “generated from scratch” with AI (well, DL like stable diffusion)


Do you think humans create art in a vacuum? They dont, they use all the art they have ever seen or grown up around for inspiration. Do you owe Disney a cut because their movies as a child inspired you to get into art?

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

And how humans understand things is same as feeding pixels to a program?

Give some credit to your brain.


LLM’s arent a 1-1 comparison to human learning, but they are the closest we have gotten yet. These programs are capable of learning and storing lessons from previous sets of instructions that are no longer currently being provided. Its not completely ridiculous to compare that to how humans learn


I don’t, and I never said that. I was replying to your assertion that it isn’t stealing if it’s generated from scratch. Your assumption that AI (DL) generates from scratch is simply wrong.


Well I’ve watched them get made by scratch multiple times, and when I first started making gens I’d reverse google search them to see if they were too close to anything existing previously and they never were, so, I’m gonna need more proof than anyone who’s claimed it was plagiarism has been willing to provide has given so far

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It is stealing, the computer just copypastes shit.


Ok grandpa

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Also being ageist will not make what I said any less true.


Their own class is making FOSS tools like Stable Diffusion and training models on copyright free sources and AI generated imagery, the corporations are the only ones stealing.


Well there was the incident with voice actress Erica Lindbeck where someone used AI tools to make a song using her voice. That doesn’t fall under any laws currently but it’s still an asshole thing to do, without first getting permission. Or how about when someone was making AI art in someone else’s style and even tried to credit the original artist as if they were the creator.


New tools new problems new solutions. Identity theft has always existed, it’s time for society to realise everything they contribute can now be socialised as knowledge and information for all, including our voices. Other voice actresses, like the one who voiced Lydia for Skyrim, also requested that her voice not be used for mods and facsimiles, this was for the most part respected by the creator community, but can’t be enforced, and any person with less clout won’t have any control over their exposure any more. Society will have to accept that our physical likenesses are publicly accessible information than can be replicated, this was always going to become the case, recording information is what humans do best. Next up, thoughts and memories.


Funny, I don’t remember lashing out. I just wanted to use my art to make sense of the life changes my disability has brought about. Fuck corporations every day, but you’re no better lumping every artist together as this monster in your head. Your empathy isn’t as important as you think it is.


Never said my empathy was, just that you arent entitled to it. And cool, keep making art for yourself, and I’ll keep making art for myself. If you stop making your own art because of how I make mine however, I dont really have any sympathy at ALL

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“Their own class” like the kind of techbro that uses AI “art” counts as an artist in any way, shape, or form. 💀


Ah yes, elitism and othering. I mean, I’m making this art for myself, so the fact that luddites who paradoxically use the internet are angry with me arnet going to stop me using it (See? I can other too!)

VinesNFluff, (edited )
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“How dare you go against this unethical thing that works based on theft, even though you use technology?”


Yep. Maybe look into the supply chains that go into making the computer chips for your phones/computers. Pretty hypocritical of you to judge others for using tech that isnt 100% ethically sourced/founded when you are speaking to them using tech that is also impossible to ethically source and obtain. I specifically avoid using artist style tags in my prompts, and do what I can to lessen the grey in my usage of the tech. What are you doing to lessen the grey in your cellphone/computer usage? How dare you profit off of slave labour just so you can look at cat memes?

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Yeah yeah yeah whatever.

Bunch of losers that always hated artists and art started calling themselves “”“”“”“”“artists”“”“”“” because they can ask a machine to show them titties (like they couldn’t before), and then use the defence that “artists are othering me even though I’m an artist too!” fuck off.

You’re like a kid that got an easy bake oven and some cake mix and thinks they’re a chef.

Going to a restaurant and telling the cooks they should just surrender before your technological superiority.

Because don’cha know it’s the future and the future can and should roll over millions of people and human suffering is just a variable in an excel sheet and not even the most important, I can ask the computer to show me titties now!


Lmao ok there grampa, have fun yelling at children that are just enjoying their easy bake ovens that they aren’t real chefs

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Goalposts. Moving.

We go from “EASY BAKE OVENS ARE THE FUTURE, COOKS SHOULD JUST GET A REAL JOB LIKE PROGRAMMING” to “Children are just enjoying their easy bake ovens, why are you yelling at them they aren’t real chefs?” in a heartbeat.


Giving you the brainpower to understand what your points equate to is not moving goal posts. The vast majority of AI artists dont think traditional artists aren’t real artists nor do they really care if traditional artists jump on board or not, we are making the art for ourselves likely using completely open source models like Stable Diffusion, so no capitalist is being enriched by us. You arent capable of engaging with people who dont agree with you on your definition of art (or maybe not you but in other arguers point, theft) in good faith, so you attempt to character assassinate us instead

edit: Anyways, I’m tired of your celsius room temperature IQ takes, so in a couple minutes after you’ve read this response, I’ll be blocking you

@sour@kbin.social avatar

appeal to hypocrisy


I mean if the shoe made in a sweatshop fits. Why the hell are you allowed to use things not completely ethically clean and I’m not? AI art isnt dark enough ethically to be killed in its crib, its far less dark than other things we allow in our day to day lives, its just new and scary, and the Art field has a history of labelling new forms of it as not valid

@sour@kbin.social avatar

fallacy of relative privation


Most of my friends that are creative make art for themselves first. Some of them make a few bucks here and there and a small fraction of them makes a living with their art. None of them seem worried, their main concern is making art.

Egat i see in this thread is a problem with having a shitty business model if today’s AI is really putting you out of business. Any other technology improvement would have wiped you away regardless. Like I’m picturing people designing logos and all of a sudden becoming useless and complaining that that can’t make art any more

@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, but here’s a thing, if you want all of your art made by the middle classes and the financially secure, this is how we proceed.

SkippingRelax, (edited )

Hardly so, and not a new problem: art has been made for millennia despite lack of financial security. A couple of exceptions here and there with patronage a la Medici but neither prehistoric people making graffiti nor van gogh were financially secure, and they produced art nonetheless


With FOSS AIgen tools like Stable Diffusion and copyright free community resources like www.civitai.com? Express yourself. Referral link if you want to make something: civitai.com/login?ref_code=LOR-IYG


@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

My man are you paid to advertise these guys?

You plugged them on every reply lmao.


I’m confused, are you against independent artists using copyright free FOSS tools to express themselves and each other?


@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Uh-huh, is this copyright free FOSS tool fed on scraping images from art sites without the artists’ consent or even knowledge?

Give me proof that is not the case, and maybe I’ll shut up and at least go “okay, have fun with your computer-aided collages, at least they are dodging the worst of this fundamentally unethical invention”.

Also lmao at prompt-writing being “art” or “expression” in any way. Reproducing someone else’s shit is not expression.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I’m not gonna give you advertising money for this company you’re very transparently advertising, mate. Use your words instead. 💀


First you complain about me posting all over now you want me to use MORE words!? You haven’t even comprehended the one’s I’ve given you.


@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I complained about you advertising. Which you continue doing. “Referral” links 💀

Anyway, I’ll take the fact that you chose to be a sassy cunt over giving an honest answer as a sign that no, you don’t have a way of arguing that the model isn’t fed on taking shit from people who put in the work without their consent or even knowledge, and that this is exactly how it works.

Ultimately I know that in the end industrialists’ high-tech inventions will steamroll art, they’ve been doing so for millenia. It just makes me interminably sad, moreso that some people think this is a good thing. Enjoy living in the world you’re helping to build. As other AI shills in the thread said, I’m an old man yelling at a cloud. Maybe if you call me grandpa enough you’ll will that into existance and I’ll age 30 years in a day. Maybe then I’ll be dead before AI-generated monstrosities fully replace human expression. I don’t wanna live in that world after all.


Just because you refuse to listen doesn’t mean you haven’t been told. And I don’t get anything I need with the referral link, it only gives points on the site that I don’t use because I do all my generation locally. It does however give anyone who uses it more points to use the online services since they don’t have their own local installs yet. But sure, being wrong works too.


@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

At no point did you talk about where this “Civit” you advertise sources its shit from, and I actually went back through your history to check. Heck I even went to their site and looked for anywhere they say it. Nothin’. Just them showing off the slightly nightmarish creations of their infernal machines.

But go off. Call me names. Like I said, I guess you are right and this is the future, so I just hope I die soon so I don’t have to live in it.


That’s why I gave you the referral link, so you can educate yourself since you have no interest in anything that comes out of my mouth except to berate it like a child.


@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I’d have interest in it if you used some level of honesty instead of acting like a sassy cunt and adding these abominations under it.

Instead all you do is insist I “JUST DON’T GET IT” while refusing to explain literally anything.


You’ve been belligerent for far to long to be asking anything of me, educate yourself, or don’t, your insufficiencies aren’t my concern. I was just having fun flexing my skill, which when you attempt to replicate a fraction of you’ll realise just how far from the mark you’ve always been.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“Skill” 💀

Right then, mate.

Hope you made enough for a tasty snack from all those advert links you plugged. Just cuz I hate all you stand for doesn’t mean I don’t want good things happening to you. Bye~


Prove yourself, coward. Or don’t.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Ain’t got shit to prove to the guy that thinks “I asked a computer to make something for me and then sat back sipping coffee” is the same as “Independent art”. 💀


Chicken? Can’t do it?


Sorry I only understand interpretive artwork, if you want to communicate you’ll have to be more creative.


Why would it be different? Many folks here commented on Reddit to. There’s no like… Firewall


It’s almost like people call out bullshit regardless of the platform that’s being used

@sour@kbin.social avatar

what bullshit

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Techbros don’t understand art and at the moment lemmy is full of techbros


What a stupid take what does that even mean?

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly what it says. Techbros don’t understand art.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

I understand neither.

What now?

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

I’m so sorry to hear that


Edgy, did you come up with that all by yourself?

@sour@kbin.social avatar

rude ._.


If you think art and tech are separate things, then you understand neither.

What do you think video games are made on? Painting canvases?

~Sincerely, an artist that works in IT.

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Umm when did I say ‘artists don’t understand the tech that they need’? OTOH say something about AI generated content and you have techbros coming out of woodworks to give their hot takes while they can’t even draw a stick figure.


I’ll cry about not being able to use a pencil over my fancy keyboard. I wonder how many traditional artists make their own brushes and pencils.


@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

No matter how hard you try, downloading models from civitai and typing shit into stable diffusion doesn’t make you an artist


You’re right, what makes me an artist is being able to express myself through my chosen medium.



Stop labeling people something that has nothing to do with this. We aren’t peddling some obscure crypto. I’m no bro. It’s just so weird to me people on lemmy of all places are all fearful of AI… something I never thought I would see in my lifetime. It’s fucking amazing.

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

I clearly mentioned mindset.

I never thought I’d see people on Lemmy drooling after latest shiney thing unconditionally. It’s fucking amazing.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

These are not the same thing and you know it, despite your gaslighting.

People using technology to express themselves is not the same as asking a fully automated plagiarism device to create shit by copying other shit.

It never will be.

The human input is where we go from ‘reproduction’ to ‘art’, and is why photography counts as art despite just capturing real things, because a human is behind it. Sets what’s on camera. Expression.

AI “Art” is not expression and never will be. It’s just tracing with extra steps.


These complainers sound like people speaking for Japanese people when they scream cultural appropriation when a white woman wears a kimono her host mother in Japan gave her.

Stop speaking for us, we have absolutely no problem with AI, our art is not threatened.

@sour@kbin.social avatar



Its funny when a side only has fear mongering and elitism to its name, and then wonders why they dont get more people on their side

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

You keep using that word.

It doesn’t mean what you think it means.

If anything you’re an elite using expensive technology which has unethically consumed art to regurgitate it.

Pick up a pencil and put in the work instead of benefiting from work of exploited artists.


Dude my credit card’s have been maxxed out for the last 3 paychecks and I live alone in a sardine can, but yeah, sure I’m an elite. And btw idiot, Elitist is the word to pull off elitism, not Elite, we dont call people who engage in racism races. I’ve not once brought up elites, being poor or low class does not stop one from being elitist. Fuckin go commission some artists if you care so much about them instead of harrassing AI Artists


This guy won’t be buying anything you create so you can pay your bills so why bother even interacting with him.


A few things:

1: I’ve blocked them as their low quality takes so far weren’t adding anything to my life, so at this point I am no longer interacting with them

2: No one is buying my art, I dont make it to sell, MAYBE I’ll host a shop on Gaia for the online currency for people’s chars once I’ve got my wardrobing set up more efficient, but I’m waiting for more ethically clear systems and the laws around AI to solidify before I’ll engage on the monetary front… IF I engage on the monetary front.

3: Considering I make homes, yeah, theres a good chance some of these people will buy things I’ve created if they live in my region


I’m no tech bro, and so far us artists are the ones actually defending AI because, holy moly, it’s just crazy to think people truly believe in Skynet and all this conspiracy theory stuff.

My dad is an artist as well and he loves AI generated images. I will be training one in my own styles myself. It will make my work so much easier.


AI has the possibility to be an amazing tool for artists, but people are already training it on other people’s work to copy specific artists so that they and others don’t have to pay for commissions. There was even one case of somebody sending a copy of a piece of concept art one of the artists for Genshin Impact was working on on a livestream through an AI tool and then attempting to threaten the artist on stream with copyright violations, claiming that they had created the concept art.


I switched from reddit expecting something different. Turns out all those people that made reddit terrible decided to migrate to lemmy and mastadon too

@sour@kbin.social avatar

sacre bleuuuu


Yeah, I especially expected more out of 196 especially. I saw people attacking someone in droves today for being entitled for posting something mildly infuriating in mildly infuriating. It’s like everyone here is just looking to lash out.

SkippingRelax, (edited )

I don’t really see much toxicity. Some people are just afraid of change, and ai is just another technology jump, most of what Ive read in rhis thread so far is about this being similar tothe introduction of photoshop. A bit less fearmongering would go a long way, and this might be an opportunity for those artists that are being impacted to review and improve their business model if it’s really that delicate ai is not their only concern

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Digital tools still required human work. This is false equivalency.


LOL where did you get that idea???


The crap you’d do for money is no longer work you have to put up with.

Whatever you’d make for the sake of making it now has automated assistance.

AI is not the problem. Labor-saving technology is never the problem. It’s the fuckers who think labor-saving technology shouldn’t… save labor.

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