@OurTragicUniverse@kbin.social avatar

Wtf does the tilt of your eyes (canthal tilt) have to do with anything? Do incels not like eyes now or something?


I guess it’s an argument brought up by incels

@squiblet@kbin.social avatar

Incels think of lots of complicated theories about society and appearances to explain why they think women are not attracted to them


Nobody thinks I’m attractive!

How many people did you ask?

@squiblet@kbin.social avatar

Wait, you have to talk to people??


Wait, you have to not hate the people you talk to for them to be attracted in you?

pthaloblue, (edited )

That’s interesting, they’re pretty much the same techniques used by racists from the 17-1900s to determine “racial superiority”. It’s like it never went away, just crawled into 4chan


Yeah, I also think it’s no coincidence

@squiblet@kbin.social avatar

Racist phrenology is alive and well among the racists who hang out on 4chan, and definitely, they also apply it to incel theory, mixed with misogyny and a feeling that genetics and society dealt them an unfair and poor hand which can’t be rectified.


Imagine being trapped by your own shitty illogical standards. I want to say I pity them but I don’t, their hate has victims.


It’s less that there’s a thread of racial superiority that has been continuously passed on, and more than there is a human bias towards rationalizing away complex issues


Nuance taken literally


This is what rehabilitation feels like

@Th4tGuyII@kbin.social avatar

As it turns out, the majority of folks are just people trying to get by, and if you're nice enough to them, they'll be nice enough to you.

The problem with most terminally online people is that their social lives ended when they left school, which is when the population of arseholes is at its highest. Everybody is trying to impress everybody else, even at the cost of others.

But a lot of those same people tend to chill off as they mature into adults and become less self-centred. There are still absolutely arsehole adults, but nowhere near as many as the terminally online expect there to be.


I’ve observed this after I got into a college!


What I observed was people willing to throw someone off a balcony simply because he set the curve. People are either murderers, or murderer-enablers.

When people start punishing abusers to the point where it stats looking like a holocaust, maybe then they can be redeemed. Until the abusers are traumatized into submission, there will be no justice.


Dude, see a therapist or something man.


I’ve seen multiple therapists - but therapizing me doesn’t stop other people from abusing me. Getting people to stop is the only goal, the only way I can survive.


I spy with my little eye: A common denominator! You!


There’s more than one common denominator. You forgot at least human nature.

One person can only do so much; if the rest of society refuses to act in good faith out of malignant narcissism, what do you expect me to do?


Bro really took a comment by a guy named Willy Wanker 69, who’s trying to make a joke, seriously


The last person I failed to take seriously stuck a bowie knife in my gut; I lost a yard of intestine to that.

I don’t give people an inch - especially after that.


I don’t believe you.


Of course not - you need to protect your narcissistic world view.

I promise you I don’t give people an inch - and that’s all that matters. Disbelieve the rest if you want.


If the people around you are really that bad, leave that place and lay low. Has your dominance thing actually improved the situation, or has it brought more conflict?


Moving is what started this whole mess; moving made me an “invader” that “didn’t belong” to where he was moved to. That’s why people are wiling to kill me to get rid of me.

I am laying low, but I’ve been in the same spot longer than anyone else around here - it’s the only reason I’m still alive today.

And it’s not “my” “dominance thing” - it’s part of human nature and it’s the source of the conflict. People demand that I grovel to them, be perfectly obedient to them, and I refuse.


I really love the reddit level fake stories and gaslighting!

This platform has started to shape into a drop in replacement for normies!


Your belief that this story is fake exposes your own failure of character.

sounddrill, (edited )

Yes, I know

You got anything new that I haven’t heard?


Prove anything you’ve said. Share pictures of your several life threatening wounds. Share screenshots of your innumerable acts of kindness that were met with violence. Provide evidence of any of your unbelievable claims or GTFO


The fact that you find my perfectly reasonable claims “unbelievable” is a reflection of your character, not any part of me.

I’m not going to doxx myself to make it easier for you to hunt me down and torture me. Go fuck yourself.


My man here down to get tortured it seems


Punishment probably isn’t the best way to improve things. Even under your view of things, it should be clear that punishment does more to make the punisher feel good than actually solve problems.


It’s the only way to improve things. Things cannot improve until you stop people from making it worse - and the only way people will stop making things worse is if they’re too traumatized to act.

Things cannot get better as long as you let people have free will - their free agency will always drive them to worsen things for their own benefit. The power of free will corrupts them.


Sounds awfully fascist


You people have been exercising fascistic behavior towards me since I was a child. Who are you to complain about receiving your own medicine?


I don’t know you, why should I care enough about you to have “fascistic behaviour” towards you?


“You get what you fucking deserve!”


I sympathize with your pain but also holy fuck I hope you never get your way. I’ve seen what happens when people who think like you get power, they’re brutally abusive.


You need not worry about that - people will nuke the plane before they let me have any power. This is the extent of their zealotry.


Nuking a place that would give you power seems… acceptable.


Reported for advocation of violence against a user.


I read “Reported for AVOCADO of violence against a user” and I lolled. Then I reread and I lolled even harder


Believe it or not, most people will stop doing things if they are convinced that it isn’t in their self interest. The idea that trauma is effective at getting people to stop doing something is neither accurate or acceptable. Trauma could easily make some people lash out and cause even more damage. If there’s something we shouldn’t tolerate, it’s people who want to inflict unnecessary and unproductive harm on other people. It probably didn’t make you less of a threat.

You need help, and not just therapy. You would benefit from real life friends and positive interactions with people who treat you as an equal. Residential treatment might be a good idea if you haven’t done it before. Treatment will only work if you work with it. It’s assistance, not having the problem solved for you. You need to do some of the lifting.


You have my attention. A charged response like that deserves a moment of consideration at the Very least.

What experience or experiences brought you to this opinion?

i speak having come from a broken home, destroyed by alcohol. unwanted by my mother and never set eyes on my dad, abused physically and emotionally by said mother as she took her failures out on me…what i mean by that, is…I’ve been in the dark places and I still frequent dark thoughts. i was robbed of justice in a world that owes me nothing…I’ve felt my share of rage and misplaced entitlement. So when i ask you, what’s up? please do not think i am being dismissive nor combative. i genuinely would like to hear about ‘it’


What a fucking pant load. You’re so full of shit, it stinks.

the majority of folks are just people trying to get by, and if you’re nice enough to them, they’ll be nice enough to you.

Bullshit. The majority of people want to dominate everyone not in their immediate social circle. Go look up social dominance theory - it will tell you everything you need to know about how people really behave.

The problem with most terminally online people is that their social lives ended when they left school, which is when the population of arseholes is at its highest. Everybody is trying to impress everybody else, even at the cost of others.

But a lot of those same people tend to chill off as they mature into adults and become less self-centred. There are still absolutely arsehole adults, but nowhere near as many as the terminally online expect there to be.

And what magical fucking force forces people to “chill”?

They don’t. Because that magic doesn’t fucking exist. Only the trauma of punishment makes people stop abusing others. Without the threat of permanent injury on themselves, people will always try to permanently injure others as a means to dominate and control - at least for the sake of their social groups. That desperate need to dominate and control is what makes them human.

You are spreading self-aggrandizing lies; spreading an infection that will only cause more people to get more “uppity” and beat more innocent people to death. Stop lying about people and apologizing for their bloodlust. People are murderers, hunters for the only “game” still left - forcibly isolated human beings.

I wasted my entire life being kind to people, only to mock me for being so stupid, so gullible enough to fall for the con that they would be nice back. They beat me like they were mining for ore, driving blow after blow into my skull until it was permanently disfigured, and then they broke every bone in my limbs until they didn’t work anymore.

Don’t give me this horseshit about how people “chill out” - I did not get almost murdered over fifteen years by people who would simply magically stop being murderous because some timer ran out. No, those motherfuckers murdered as if it was a fucking religious mandate and they are the same type of assholes who tried to take over the U.S. on January 6th.

No one is ever going to acknowledge my humanity, no matter how kind I am, or what I do. I will always be seen as a “less than” because the ENTIRE human race are malignant narcissists - and there is an entire organization of psychologists and sociologists who reject the pro-human narrative and know exactly how evil people really are. Quit apologizing for rapists and murderers.


If this is how you act around other people … I don’t think the problem is other people.


This is how I act in response to other people’s abuse. How will you ever learn not to abuse me if I don’t punish you myself? No one else will do it.

The fact is, it doesn’t matter how I act - you made up your mind to hate me as soon as you found out I exist and crammed me into your “other” pigeonhole. Your reactions are now completely detached from my behavior, and you’ll treat me like shit no matte how kindly I treat you, simply because you now assert I’m infinitely “less than” you. This is how you protect your fragile ego.


If this is how you act around other people … I don’t think the problem is other people.


Then you’re a fool, manipulated by malignant narcissists, and now you’re on the end of their leash, permanently their tool.

If I don’t defend myself, you all will succeed in killing me. Treating you better will only convince you I’m stupid enough to fall for your con.

You’re an enabler of abuse. Piss off, tool.


Why are you acting like these people here replying are your direct abusers? We don’t even know you and you are accusing us of trying to murder you.

Do you not see how insane these words you are saying are?

I’m sorry your life has been hard and seemingly full of abuse, but we are not those abusers.


Why are you acting like these people here replying are your direct abusers?

Because not only is there nothing stopping them from doing the exact same thing my abusers did, those same abusers will force them to do it, or kill them if they resist. The entirety of society is a hierarchy of abuse - that’s it’s purpose, and enforced with an iron fist if necessary.

Do you not see how insane these words you are saying are?

Bullshit. It’s not “insane” - you’re just fucking ignorant and mentally lazy. You’re an enabler, pure and simple.

I’m sorry your life has been hard and seemingly full of abuse

No you’re not - as a human being, you’re not capable of being sorry for events that you ultimately benefit from. My social isolation clears the way for you - I cannot compete against you for resources because of being ostracized.

we are not those abusers.

You can’t not be those abusers, because you don’t have an alternate source from which to learn other behaviors. Your parents, and everyone of their generation were abusers too - and killed off everyone who wasn’t. No one is left alive to teach you how to not be abusive - that’s why exactly 100% of the people I grew up with abused me; the people who would have supported me are dead.


I’m just going to block you. That way we can both live in peace. Have a nice life


You’re the asshole who started lying. I should be blocking you.


Buddy, get some help. Seriously.


Nobody here abused you and yet you still went on a 4-5 paragraph rant about how shitty they are. You’re the problem.


I don’t necessarily agree with your aggressive tone but I do agree with a lot of what you’re saying, this from someone who was treated like complete shit as a young adult, shit enough to leave me with trauma and a really bad fear of people.

I’ve seen what the worst side of people while being a soft kind and caring person. Anyone who believes what the other person said is pretty naive.


Unfortunately the aggressive tone is necessary to survive. If you give anyone an inch, they will interpret that lack of aggression as “weakness” and double-down on the assault, “going for the kill” in other words. The only way to keep the wolves at bay is to constantly lash out at their snout with something sharp; failure to do so and the pack lunges in.


You will die alone


No, I will be murdered.


And what magical fucking force forces people to “chill”?

They don’t. Because that magic doesn’t fucking exist.

I don’t say this often, but visit a Buddhist monastery.

…and figure out where all that anger is coming from.

and there is an entire organization of psychologists and sociologists who reject the pro-human narrative and know exactly how evil people really are

As a target is not set up to miss it so the nature of evil does not exist in the world.

RubiksIsocahedron, (edited )

figure out where all that anger is coming from.

I know where the anger is coming from - its coming from being treated unjustly my entire life - and knowing that everyone is willing to do anything up to committing suicide to continue to treat me unjustly, because they can’t live with themselves if they don’t. They think failure to be cruel to me proves that they are “weak” and unworthy of life.

As a target is not set up to miss it so the nature of evil does not exist in the world.

Is English not your first language? Because that’s not written correctly. The first clause does not relate to the second.


its coming from being treated unjustly my entire life

That’s not something in your control. What is in your control is whether you add to it, including by spreading bad vibes by being chronically miserable. Don’t be a slave to your past.

They think failure to be cruel to me proves that they are “weak” and unworthy of life.

If everyone, ever, looks like a narcissist to you then one of two things are true: a) You’re one yourself and are literally begging for that behaviour to be kept in check, or, b) you’re jaded beyond measure. Is there not a single person that doesn’t give you the creeps? You included, btw.

Is English not your first language? Because that’s not written correctly. The first clause does not relate to the second.

It isn’t, but yes it is written correctly. But the Epictetus translation I paraphrased it from is better, I agree:

As a mark is not set up for the sake of missing the aim, so neither does the nature of evil exist in the world.


spreading bad vibes by being chronically miserable

What the fuck is this bullshit? And what makes you think you don’t deserve the punishment?

Don’t be a slave to your past.

I’m not. I’m extrapolating the future from what I correctly learned from the past, and preparing for it.

If everyone, ever, looks like a narcissist to you then one of two things are true: a) You’re one yourself and are literally begging for that behaviour to be kept in check, or, b) you’re jaded beyond measure.

Oh, definitely B. But you’ll accuse me of being A, because you’re the narcissist. And I ABSOLUTELY do not anyone to “keep my behavior in check” - the entire point of this is to liberate my self from everyone else domination and desire to enslave me. I am willing to hacksaw people’s hands off at the wrist to keep them off of me.

Is there not a single person that doesn’t give you the creeps? You included, btw.

“Creeps?” What planet are you on? People are beating me up - that’s not “the creeps”, that’s justified fear.

As a mark is not set up for the sake of missing the aim, so neither does the nature of evil exist in the world.

Again, that doesn’t make any sense. “Evil” has nothing to do with “missing a mark”; evil is defined as the will and desire to dominate others. That nature does exist; psychology relegates it to Cluster B of the set on personality disorders.


What the fuck is this bullshit? And what makes you think you don’t deserve the punishment?

You don’t deserve the reaction you’re trying to coax out of me. You’re trying to elicit it so that you can be reinforced in your beliefs, so that you can continue to say “see, it’s true, everybody hates me, everyone is an enemy”. But no amount of flailing will make me hate you. Best I can do is tickle you into submission, sorry.

And, yes, my intent here is to dominate and my methods are manipulative. What’s the motive, though?


You don’t deserve the reaction you’re trying to coax out of me. You’re trying to elicit it so that you can be reinforced in your beliefs, so that you can continue to say “see, it’s true, everybody hates me, everyone is an enemy”.

No, I’m not. I’m trying to teach you about your own nature, so you can correct it.

What’s the motive, though?

The same motive all narcissists have - you’re trying to “prove” your “better” than I am to hide from your own insecurity. You’re trying to hide some secret shame from others - and you’re willing do anything, including kill, to do so.


You do not know anyone’s nature but your own. You cannot assume anyone’s behavior except your own. By definition, you are entirely wrong, because your entire conception is based upon assumptions about people you’ve never met and likely never will. You are definitively the narcissist in this thread, making everything about you. You need to pull the tapeworm out of your ass.


Bullshit. Humanity’s common nature is a fact of psychology.

And I don’t need to meet every “individual” of a species every member of which compulsively tries to destroy their - and everyone else’s - individuality. You bastards hate individuality - that’s why you compulsively abuse everyone who’s different than you. That’s what bigotry is - and everyone’s a bigot.


Humanity’s common nature, beyond the last few hundred years, is actually one of mutual aid and cooperation. I’d encourage you to look into the various Peoples Histories of the various parts of the world. It is increasingly clear the more data is gathered that the current system of elevating greed, avarice, selfishness etc, is a historical outlier on a history that stretches back hundreds of thousands of years of people collectively cooperating.


Humanity’s common nature, beyond the last few hundred years, is actually one of mutual aid and cooperation.

That is only true for people INSIDE their social circles.

INSIDE, jackass.

Everyone OUTSIDE is prey - that’s why they’re “outside”.

I know “the various Peoples Histories of the various parts of the world” BETTER THAN YOU DO! I actually read the books and did the homework - you’re the type of delinquent who copied off of me. I spent my life studying sociology and anthropology just to figure out why you motherfuckers hate me so much.

What life-threatening condition made you research sociology?

It is increasingly clear the more data is gathered that the current system of elevating greed, avarice, selfishness etc, is a historical outlier on a history that stretches back hundreds of thousands of years of people collectively cooperating.

What a load of horseshit. Narcissists are in complete control of the Earth and have been since before the feudal era - don’t hand me this bullshit about how effective “people collectively cooperating” are. I’ll believe “people collectively cooperating” matter when they start carving up narcissists like it’s a deli counter.


Now you’re asserting more and more to me. I’ve read plenty of books, we could go through some we’ve read if you really want to. Have you read Graeber and Wengrow’s “Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity”? How about Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”? They’re pretty popular books, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have, but if not I’d recommend them. Do you have any recommendations for me?


Do you have any recommendations for me?

Reconsider your morality? Get some moral integrity?


Which moral philosophy do you subscribe to?


No, I’m not. I’m trying to teach you about your own nature, so you can correct it.

I know my nature thank you very much. And what do you mean with “correction”? Do you want me to be an asshole? You also don’t need to worry about me: I’m peaceful, not harmless. In fact, you can’t really be peaceful if you’re harmless, in that we agree I think.

The same motive all narcissists have - you’re trying to “prove” your “better” than I am to hide from your own insecurity. You’re trying to hide some secret shame from others - and you’re willing do anything, including kill, to do so.

That’s not a narcissistic motive. Narcissists feel shame when they, inadvertently, do something nice same as others feel shame when they inadvertently hurt. Their moral instincts are flipped and their function in society is to keep the rest on our toes. They’re the empty space directly around the mark so the mark is easier to see. Their purpose in life is to be a warning example. In that way they serve good.

Playing over fears is a thing every human is prone to, no matter the neurological makeup. It’s either a function of pride, to which the antidote is humility, or urgency/stress, to which the antidote is taking your time, avoiding snap judgements… or it’s foolhardiness. Courage, OTOH, is not playing over but actually overcoming fear, usually out of wisdom, the queen of the virtues, able to bring opposing instincts into mutually agreeable concord. That’s adaptation without the “mal-” in front.

And I don’t care about whatever shame the assholes put into you. Keep it to yourself, you deserve kindness regardless. The question is whether you’re willing to look beyond it and become receptive to kindness, or whether you carry it around as a shield because giving it up would invoke the ire of people you are, as I gather, no longer under the direct thumb of.


I know my nature thank you very much.

No you don’t. You actively try to be ignorant of it, because you don’t want to know the horrible truth.

And what do you mean with “correction”? Do you want me to be an asshole?

The correct is stopping you from being an asshole.

You also don’t need to worry about me: I’m peaceful, not harmless.

I’m not your gullible mark. I’ll worry about you as I see fit - not as you dictate.

In fact, you can’t really be peaceful if you’re harmless, in that we agree I think.

No we don’t - I can’t even make sense of this line.

That’s not a narcissistic motive. Narcissists feel shame when they, inadvertently, do something nice same as others feel shame when they inadvertently hurt. Their moral instincts are flipped and their function in society is to keep the rest on our toes. They’re the empty space directly around the mark so the mark is easier to see. Their purpose in life is to be a warning example. In that way they serve good.

This is directly contrary to even the wikipedia entry, much less the therapists I see. You’re just full of shit.

And I don’t care about whatever shame the assholes put into you. Keep it to yourself, you deserve kindness regardless. The question is whether you’re willing to look beyond it and become receptive to kindness, or whether you carry it around as a shield because giving it up would invoke the ire of people you are, as I gather, no longer under the direct thumb of.

I have nothing to be ashamed of. I never stopped being receptive to genuine kindness - I stopped being receptive to obvious, bald-faced lies and other bad faith behavior. I stopped being receptive to the idea that people can be genuine instead of being continuous, compulsive liars. I stopped being a sucker, and started being a skeptic - and I never took anything anyone said at face value again.

Human beings are incapable of being genuine to those they do not consider their equal. I have been branded infinitely beneath all others, a brand enforced by society itself. No one will ever interact with me in good faith - and nothing anyone can say will change my mind.


I’m not your gullible mark. I’ll worry about you as I see fit - not as you dictate.

Oh this is very interesting. I meant you do not need worry about my safety. As you seemed to be keen on “curing” me of my “naive” ways, convincing you of yours, seeing the whole world as nothing but enmity. It didn’t even occur to me that it could be read the other way around. How did you come to that interpretation?

No we don’t - I can’t even make sense of this line.

Someone who is harmless has no way to defend themselves. They will be afraid little tiny chihuahuas throwing their ire at anyone that they ever meet, considering all to be more powerful than them, that ire will be directed inside into self-hatred or outside into anger, but it’s still the same helplessness.

If you are not harmless, however, you can find safety, even in dicey situations, in your capacity to get out of them on your own terms. It’s the martial artists who is not impressed by chest thumping, and see no need to engage in that practice: If a punch flies their way they’re going to react, they can trust the back of their mind to deal with it. Any worry there might be does not need to cross the threshold of consciousness because they have achieved unconscious competence. That enables peacefulness even in a biker bar.

Human beings are incapable of being genuine to those they do not consider their equal.

Are humans fake to their pets, to their children? To their frail elders?

I have been branded infinitely beneath all others, a brand enforced by society itself.

How much do you yourself enforce that brand?

and nothing anyone can say will change my mind.

…never mind you just answered that.


How did you come to that interpretation?

To me, that’s the only interpretation that makes sense. Why the fuck would you allay my fears of your safety? To you, my fears would be you r asset you can use against me. Allaying those fears disarms you.

If you are not harmless, however, you can find safety, even in dicey situations, in your capacity to get out of them on your own terms.

Not necessarily. “Not harmless” does not guarantee “sufficiently harmful”.

Are humans fake to their pets, to their children? To their frail elders?

For this definition those beings are equal. Equal in social status, not competency.

How much do you yourself enforce that brand?

I don’t. The entire point of talking to you people is to break you of this obsession with putting down.

…never mind you just answered that.

It’s not my mind forcing you people to denigrate me; you choose, of your own free will, to do so. Even your belief that I influence that choice is your choice to allow me to influence , your choice to even believe that I can influence that choice. You can choose to not denigrate NO MATTER HOW I ACT, and that is in fact the only moral choice, but you all choose the immoral choice because it is immoral, because it is anti-social.

You choose to assert that I am less than you to dominate me, and you claim my behavior is the cause to further that domination.


To you, my fears would be you r asset you can use against me.

Now why would I do that. Humanity aside that’s strategically unsound: Fearful people are not at the full extent of their abilities. And if we are are to, what, hunt mammoths or some shit I’d rather have you at your best.

You choose to assert that I am less than you to dominate me,

I assert that your neurosis is less than you, that it diminishes you. Anyone trying to get you out of there does not do it to further their control over you – on the contrary, they want to see you fly and soar (or at the very least not get on their nerves). Those narcissists you speak of would rather reinforce it, because it is a leash they can lead you by. How do you clearly distinguish between those ends people aim for? “Everyone is out to get me” is not an answer to that question, it’s a cop-out, it’s avoidance.

Or, let me put this differently: If there was a single decent human being among the billions we are, and you might just by chance stumble across them one day… would you be able to tell that they’re the exception? Can you develop that skill? Is that a hypothetical you’re comfortable contemplating?


Now why would I do that. Humanity aside that’s strategically unsound: Fearful people are not at the full extent of their abilities. And if we are are to, what, hunt mammoths or some shit I’d rather have you at your best.

You know goddamned why; you’re not fooling me. You hate me because I prove your belief that that you’re inferior. And you don’t want me “at your best” because that results in me killing you the next time you attack me.

on the contrary, they want to see you fly and soar

That would be suicidal for them. Do you expect me to believe they’re openly suicidal?

How do you clearly distinguish between those ends people aim for?

No one is trying to “get me out of there” and anyone who’s trying to convince there is is exactly the people I need to destroy first - because they are the boldest liars.

“Everyone is out to get me” is not an answer to that question, it’s a cop-out, it’s avoidance.

That’s your strawman.

If there was a single decent human being among the billions we are, and you might just by chance stumble across them one day… would you be able to tell that they’re the exception?

It wouldn’t matter, because a single person wouldn’t make a difference. In fact, the idea of a “single person” is an oxymoron; an “individual” is just meat. Personhood comes from group membership; no “individual” is a “person” until a group recognizes them as such.

The social atom is the group, no the individual bag of meat. A human being’s worth literally comes from the group; one’s own estimate of worth is hopelessly biased and therefore perfectly invalid.


You hate me because I prove your belief that that you’re inferior.

Was that a Freudian slip?

Just for the record, no, I do not think of myself as inferior. Or superior. I generally don’t tend to think it those categories and definitely not as a generality. If there’s a shoemaker, sure, I’ll recognise their authority when it comes to the question of shoes.

And you don’t want me “at your best” because that results in me killing you the next time you attack me.

Why would I attack you? As I said in the beginning: No amount of flailing will make me hate you. Any aggression will have to be started from your side.


Was that a Freudian slip?

…no? I didn’t write it wrong.

I do not think of myself as inferior. Or superior.

Sure you don’t.

Why would I attack you? As I said in the beginning: No amount of flailing will make me hate you.

And as I have said throughout: I won’t take anything you say at face value. You have no reason to talk to me if you’re not trying to lie to me somehow.

barsoap, (edited )

I do not think of myself as inferior. Or superior.

Sure you don’t.

If you do not consider that possible, I suggest you suspend disbelief. Try it out for yourself.

As I already linked Epictetus:

These reasonings are unconnected: “I am richer than you, therefore I am better”; “I am more eloquent than you, therefore I am better.” The connection is rather this: “I am richer than you, therefore my property is greater than yours;” “I am more eloquent than you, therefore my style is better than yours.” But you, after all, are neither property nor style.


I wasted my entire life being kind to people

Sorry, bud - kind people don’t say that. Yes, I’ve been walked all over by assholes, and I’ve been taken advantage of more times than I can count. I’ve been bullied and abused because of my body, and I’ve been made to feel like I don’t deserve to share the same planet with some people, but I’ve also met some amazing people who accept me and love me.

The whole point of being kind is to be vulnerable, and to help people earnestly and without judgement. Why would I give a shit that some asshole got a leg up because of my effort, or felt bigger by making me feel smaller? If I help 100 jerks and one good person, at the end of the day, I helped a good person, and that makes my whole day, regardless of anything else. That’s how you find the good people in the world, and build your social circle with people who care for you.


The whole point of being kind is to be vulnerable, and to help people earnestly and without judgement. Why would I give a shit that some asshole got a leg up because of my effort, or felt bigger by making me feel smaller? If I help 100 jerks and one good person, at the end of the day, I helped a good person, and that makes my whole day, regardless of anything else. That’s how you find the good people in the world, and build your social circle with people who care for you.

You’re a gullible fool.

“Vulnerability” only teaches people they can succeed in killing you, and that you won’t defend yourself properly from those who try. This isn’t about “some asshole got a leg up because of my effort” or “felt bigger by making me feel smaller” - this is about motherfuckers who murder people for fun.

Get your head out of your as an see real life. Life is a war zone where very social group is hunting every other social group - and everyone isolated from a social group. The goals of those groups is to kill - nothing less. There are no “good people” to help - they ALL are on the hunt, and I will not accept your lies suggesting otherwise. I will not be changed by your attempt to dominate and subjugate my mind.

Sorry, bud - kind people don’t say that.

Yes they do - after they wake up and realize they were taken in for fools, haven been conned by society into enabling abusers.


Clearly you’ve given up hope, and need to reject the idea of other people people being happy, and surrounded by love in order to not feel like you made a mistake in doing so. Nobody’s trying to kill me, nor are they trying to kill you - people are pretty good at that, as you pointed out; when they actually want to, they don’t try to, they just do. I’ve gotten death threats before, and lo and behold they were just threats. Had anyone gotten a gun and actually came after me with it, I’d be dead. You would be too, if they were serious about their supposed effort to kill you.

I’m in a loving marriage, with friends and what’s left of my family after I cut out the bad parts. They all support me and want me to be happy. We hang out and help one another, and it’s been years since I even met someone who I remember treating me poorly, because once you have that support network you don’t even care about those kinds of people. You end up just seeing them for what they are instead - just normal people who never learned to interact with others; pity them. You’ve still got a good chance to find your friend group. Don’t throw that chance away by just assuming such lives don’t exist - they absolutely do.


Clearly you’ve given up hope

This is correct, but:

need to reject the idea of other people people being happy, and surrounded by love in order to not feel like you made a mistake in doing so.

People derive their happiness from torturing “other” people. That’s why they tortured me. That’s why my own parents tied me to a chair and beat me half to death with whatever didn’t leave bruise. That’s why my childhood peers beat me with whatever they could find and call me every name in the book. and that’s why no one ever did anything else. My therapists said the lack of alternate behavior - treatmentother than abuse - was the most damaging part of my trauma.

Nobody’s trying to kill me

No shit - you’re in a social group.

nor are they trying to kill you

They why was I shot three months ago, by a man who yelled in front of witnesses that he was going to kill me?

Had anyone gotten a gun and actually came after me with it, I’d be dead. You would be too, if they were serious about their supposed effort to kill you.

You grossly overestimate the competence of humankind. You also forget that maintaining social acceptance overrides even their desire to kill. They have to justify killing me to their peers before they can do it - otherwise they come off as someone who will kill anyone, a homicidal maniac. They have to build a casus belli before they murder me - that’s where I set them against their peers.

Their real desire is to dominate - killing is the consolation prize. I refuse to be someone else’s slave, so they’re driven to kill me to prevent the narcissistic collapse - to live with themselves after “failing” to enslave me.

I’m in a loving marriage, with friends and what’s left of my family

Bragging, really? You self-centered twat.

once you have that support network you don’t even care about those kinds of people.

The problem is that I can’t get that support network because you motherfuckers define your identities by who you bar from those networks. You bastards would rather kill an entire crowd than “fail” by letting me be tolerated by a group. You support your narcissistic egos by dominating other people and lying about them to others, making sure they’re permanently socially isolated.

You’ve still got a good chance to find your friend group.

No I don’t - I’m at the end of my life, and have absolutely no use for a friend group now.

Don’t throw that chance away by just assuming such lives don’t exist - they absolutely do

Prove it. Drag their bodies before me. I’m sick and tired of liars like you asserting this bullshit without proof, simply because your friends drive you to delusion and protect you from reality.


Alright, you’ve got people trying to kill you that’s terrible. You’ve definitely got it worse than I ever did, and you’re justified in thinking everyone’s out to get you. So start fresh. My mom never tried to kill me, but she did try to forcibly denounce my citizenship so I’d be utterly reliant upon her, so I moved across the country and lived for a few years in a closet of a bedroom owned by some lady I found on craigslist.

It sucked, and I had pretty much no money, but in about 2 years I managed to get back on my feet. I was even able to move back to my hometown, since I didn’t want to let my mom force me to live away from where I wanted to be. I made a new social group, and let some people from the previous group back in once I assessed whether they had my best interests in mind. I’m not saying starting fresh would be easy - it’s certainly the hardest thing I’ve ever done - but it sounds like you’ve got people actively hunting you down, so if they’re as incompetent at murder as you say they are, they should have an even harder time killing you with a thousand miles between you.

I’m not telling you about my life to brag - I’m actively encouraging you to find those same joys yourself. That’s what it looks like when someone encourages you - they tell you about how good your life can be if you regain hope.


So start fresh.

I moved across the country

Not only is there no way to “start fresh”, MOVING IS WHAT MADE PEOPLE WANT TO KILL ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Their murderous rage started when my parents moved from one place to some place where “I didn’t belong” and they’ve been trying to kill me ever since, because there is no place on this Earth I belong. Even if there was such a place, they’d simply destroy it to deprive me of it and dominate me.

they should have an even harder time killing you with a thousand miles between you.

They are experts at chasing me down - they are far more skilled at chasing and tracking than killing. Remember, their priority is DOMINATION - they have an entire stable of people they have enslaved, whether they are actually chained up, or kept in line through extortion. The most important thing in their lives is to keep control of those people - and the second most is to regain control once they lose one.

I’m actively encouraging you to find those same joys yourself.

And I refuse to chase down happiness, because that will only make me an addict like my abusers. They abuse because abuse is the only thing that makes them happy, now that they’re strung out on it.

That’s what it looks like when someone encourages you - they tell you about how good your life can be if you regain hope.

No, that’s what lying looks like. I will never take anything anyone tells me at face value again.


Sorry, bud. I’ve told you all I can. At this point, your life is in your hands. Not the hands of those who want to hurt you, not the hands of those who want to help you, but can’t because of your rejection of the world. Just yours. I hope you make the right choice in the end. You deserve to be loved - and you will be, if you let it in. Please at least remember that much.


your life is in your hands.

As if assholes like you would ever let that be the case. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you failed that badly as to let me regain control.

your rejection of the world

I didn’t reject the world - you assholes rejected me. And this gaslighting bullshit shows how much of a narcissist you are - it’s pure DARVO - Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender.

I spent my life bending over backwards, trying to convince you people to stop hating me, and the harder I fought, the harder you resisted. That’s not the behavior of a species who ever had any intention of acknowledged my equality - that is the behavior of a species that defines it identity by who they dominate.

I hope you make the right choice in the end.

I have made the right choice - I have chosen to be moral, instead of chasing the happiness dragon and abusing innocent people - which is the choice you all made.

if you let it in

How stupid do you think I am?

There is only one thing to be “let in” - the people who want to enslave me. My entire life is dedicated to crippling them, making sure they enslave no one. And I will not rest until every narcissist is quadriplegic or worse.


You is batshit crazy. I don’t want to dominate you but I definitely pity you. I wish I could travel back in time and just set up traps to trip and pants everyone who was ever unkind to you. I can’t do that though, but I hope you get it all figured out one day.

You need to allow positive influences into your life. Hell, some decent negative influences might serve you better than the version of reality you’ve made for yourself here.

And if everyone is so evil and hellbent on dominating you, why do feel the need to interact with them on social media? It’s like you can’t commit to the isolation, which is a good thing because maybe at some point something positive will come your way.

I don’t know man. I’m not dealing with the madness that you are so I know there’s probably nothing I can say to help you.

I hope you can manage to help yourself some day though. Your abusers poisoned your brain, and then you’ve continued to apply that poison up to the place you’re in now.

I hope you get better. I really do.

Take care fellow human.


You is batshit crazy.

Insults. Nice start.

I don’t want to dominate you


I definitely pity you

More bullshit. What makes you think I’m so gullible? What do I have to do to prove to you that I am skeptical beyond your ability to fool?

You need to allow positive influences into your life.

I’m not the one stopping them. You are.

The most important faculty I value in others is the inability to be manipulated by another human being. The entire point of what I do is to weed out people who can be manipulated. I am only interested in people who defy my resistance and treat me well regardless of my initial resistance. If you can’t manage that, then you won’t be able to resist becoming a manipulator’s puppet - which is the only way such an abuser can succeed in killing me. If you cannot resist manipulation, I don’t think you’re worth the oxygen you breathe - you’re just an extension of the person manipulating you.

And if everyone is so evil and hellbent on dominating you, why do feel the need to interact with them on social media?

I have to stop them on every front - including debunking the lies they tell others to recruit them to join their “war” against me.

It’s like you can’t commit to the isolation

I don’t want to be isolated - you motherfuckers ostracize me to dominate me.

there’s probably nothing I can say to help you.

No shit - you have to do things, not say things. Of course you’ll fucking fail if you simply say things. But now it’s too late to do things, too.

Had you people done things during my childhood to help, you would have succeeded. But you didn’t want to actually succeed - you failed intentionally, because you wanted me broken, but also wanted the credit for trying to help. It’s all disingenuous, performative bullshit.

you’ve continued to apply that poison up to the place you’re in now.

Fuck you, narcissist. This is pure DARVO - Deny accuse, reverse victim and offender. Quit your bullshit gaslighting.


Oh so now I’m directly involved in your misery? haha

Me, who spends all of my time alone playing video games lol.

Ok bud. You try to have a nice life. Not gonna happen as long as you think you’re the center of the universe and every person on the planet is out to get you.

You keep fighting your lonely little war and the rest of us are just gonna keep on living.


I never claimed to be “the center of the universe” - that’s a straw man you added. All I’m saying is that I’m the victim of bigotry, the same as every other victim of bigotry. I’m merely an asteroid, one of millions, orbiting in that universe. You need to single me out to justify abusing me, but not them.


This is literally by definition delusions of grandeur.


Bullshit. What makes you think this?


I don’t believe you.


Like… call the police idfk. This violence and abuse is foreign to me, its not most people’s experiences and you’re in a deeply dangerous situation. You get away from those people, and actually the majority of people are great.


call the police

These are the fucking police. What makes you think the police aren’t just as bigoted as everyone else? Have you seen police in the U.S.?

You get away from those people, and actually the majority of people are great.

  1. there is no “away”
  2. the propaganda that “the majority of people are great” is exactly the lie I’m trying to combat.

No one is ever going to acknowledge my humanity

What does that look like to you? People are talking to you right now. I know that no one has said “you are a person” but what specifically do you want?

Unless you were literally raised by wolves this is some self aggrandizing incel bullshit.

Coming up with an theory of the world that confirms that you are right and everyone else is terrible is lazy. I don’t think you’ve ever actually cared about anyone but yourself.


People are talking to you right now

You’re talking at me, lying to me and trying to dictate reality to me. You don’t respect me an an equal person - you think of me as an infinite “less than” that you need to dominate with your lies.

Unless you were literally raised by wolves this is some self aggrandizing incel bullshit.

I was raised by some of the most abusive people on the planet - enough to be jailed today - and surrounded exclusively by abusive peers.

I don’t think you’ve ever actually cared about anyone but yourself.

I did care, but you assholes taught me that caring about people who wanted me dead was a suicide pact. No one ever cared about me - not my parents, not my childhood peers, no school faculty. You motherfuckers demonstrated over fifteen years that my caring would be actively mocked as “stupid” and “retarded” and that I would be punished until I was capable of physically breaking my punishers. You all did that - not me. You all made sure no one would ever care about me, even going so far as to kill yourselves to guarantee it. You are quasi-religious zealots, dedicate to the cause of hate.


I was raised by some of the most abusive people on the planet - enough to be jailed today - and surrounded exclusively by abusive peers.

I’m sorry. Have you considered that they are perhaps not representative of the whole of humanity?


Humanity compulsively mirrors the behavior of other people, in order to be accepted by their peers. They have neurons dedicated to this mirroring. Furthermore, people compulsively fight and kill anyone who isn’t exactly like them - which is why my life is in danger, and why there are genocides.

This results in humanity constantly working to be exactly like one another - both to be accepted, and to avoid being killed. People who fail to do so do not survive, leaving only those who are almost exactly like one another.

Not to mention that asserting that people aren’t equal is simply bigotry. The only people who don’t think any person is representative of the whole of humanity are white supremacists.


This person did NOT go outside today


No shit - assholes like you would compulsively murder me.


Do you mean murder literally? Like you think if anyone saw you they would literally stab you with any sharp object near by? Or are you taking about a social pressure and systematic oppression that wears you down slowly over time?


Technically both, but they prioritize domination - which includes that “social pressure and systematic oppression” you mentioned. They will kill me, but only because I refuse to be dominated, refuse to submit to my own oppression.


No wonder, if you act the same in real life like you do in this comment section.


And how do you expect me to act - like a submissive bitch?

I’m not your slave; I’m not your property. I will fight tooth-and-nail to protect my liberty.


Furthermore, people compulsively fight and kill anyone who isn’t exactly like them

Citation needed. How is there any diversity at all in the world? Not everyone is exactly the same.

The only people who don’t think any person is representative of the whole of humanity are white supremacists.

A sample size of one or a few is never totally representative of billions. Do you think everyone in the world is exactly like Greta Thunberg? People have a huge variety of values and personalities, you can’t boil everyone down to a charcuterie of the particular people you grew up with.


Citation needed.

Uh, every fucking genocide? Read a history book.

A sample size of one or a few is never totally representative of billions

My sample size is in the thousands - more than that if you include everyone who has participated in a genocide. Even more if you include every bigot.

People have a huge variety of values and personalities

And none of them mean jack shit. You’re bringing up meaningless drivel to support your weak-ass argument.

you can’t boil everyone down to a charcuterie of the particular people you grew up with.

The problem - confirmed by my therapists - is that there were exactly zero samples of anyone contrasting.

A society capable of keeping such people away at all can do so indefinitely. So it doesn’t matter if they ever existed or not - people will keep them away from me forever, simply because they could not live with themselves if they fail.


Uh, every fucking genocide? Read a history book.

You’re taking about all of humanity, not just people who have committed genocide. Not everyone on earth has committed genocide.

My sample size is in the thousands - more than that if you include everyone who has participated in a genocide. Even more if you include every bigot.

Are you only including bad people in your sample? Obviously that would end up skewing the sample towards people being bad. Have you heard of the term representative sample in statistics? That’s how I’m using it.

The problem - confirmed by my therapists - is that there were exactly zero samples of anyone contrasting.

I’m sorry you haven’t met any non terrible people. I’ve met plenty. I hope you can meet some more people to change that.


Not everyone on earth has committed genocide.

But anyone at least supports genocide, at least theoretically.

Are you only including bad people in your sample?

Not intentionally, but the whole point is that 1) a random sampling obtains no “good” people 2) a thorough search also fails to turn up these mythical “good” people.

I hope you can meet some more people to change that.

The people I’m surrounded by would never allow that. They are willing to commit genocide to make sure the people they control stay in control.


What do you mean by genocide? What does it mean to support it? The only genocide I’ve been alive for that I know of is the current one against the Uyghur Muslims. Am I supporting that one?


Does fucking no one read a history book on this planet?

I’m referring to all of them ever waged. I’m referring to the fact that people practice genocide - and have become quite good at it for practicing it so often.


How do I support those genocides?


By not killing the genocidists.

JohnDClay, (edited )

By not killing ones killing the uyghur muslims? That’s the only genocide I’ve been alive for.


I am regularly blamed for things I was not alive for. Why do you get a pass where I don’t?


They’re wrong and you’re wrong. You can both be wrong.


Not on that - it’s an either/or situation.


No it isn’t. Both the people blaming you for things before you are alive are wrong, and you blaming me for things before I was alive are wrong. Both are wrong because they were blaming people for things they couldn’t have effected.


Could you give an example of something you are blamed for that you weren’t alive for?


The Sylmar Earthquake.


How many “genocidists” have you killed?


I plead the fifth.


What do you mean by good? People who don’t want to totally dominate all other people at every opportunity?


Yes. I define evil, generally, as the will and desire to dominate others. This is informed by the group of Cluster-B personality disorders.


Are you happy?

It seems like you are lashing out randomly and have a world view that everything is orchestrated to harm you.

You all made sure no one would ever care about me, even going so far as to kill yourselves to guarantee it.

You believe that people have killed themselves to make your life worse? I don’t want to sound mean, but you aren’t the only person.


Are you happy?

No, I’m not a happiness addict. Happiness is not the goal - it’s the failure state. Happiness means I’ve become an abusive monster, like you.

You believe that people have killed themselves to make your life worse? I don’t want to sound mean, but you aren’t the only person.

I know. They’ve done the same to and for other people. Bigotry affects millions of people - I’m simply an equal one of those affected.

I’m simply trying to convince people that I"m an equal one of them, but their bigotry makes them refuse to accept that - just as it does to the equality of many others. The only difference between me and other victims of bigotry is that I don’t belong to a group.


Happiness is not the goal - it’s the failure state. Happiness means I’ve become an abusive monster, like you.

That’s a wild take man. Like what are you talking about? Can you tell me exactly what I’ve done to be an “abusive monster”? Could you elaborate on how happiness is only the result of being abusive?


Happiness is like a drug; it is addictive, and “taking” it loses effectiveness over time. This means every person needs to do more extreme things to achieve the same happiness. Eventually, they need to start abusive others in order to achieve the same “high”.

You may not be actively abusive yet, but you have to quit cold-turkey and run directly away from happiness in order to avoid the grip it will gain on you.


I’m going to disagree with you. I have found it takes less to make me happy as I get older. Moreover, my happiest moments are those where others are happy. I take no pleasure in harming others and I don’t believe that’s a unique perspective.

I think your coping mechanisms have made your life more difficult.


I think your coping mechanisms have made your life more difficult.

By definition that’s not possible. Unless you’re accusing me of being incompetent; correct exercise of coping mechanisms cannot make life more difficult because they’re engineered as a ratchet.


It is common to develop a drug or alcohol addiction as part of a coping mechanism. That can absolutely make your life more difficult. Coping mechanisms can make it more difficult to make changes that will better your life.

The path of least resistance isn’t always the easiest path.


I promise you that this is not the “path of least resistance”. In fact, it may be the path of most resistance - that’s evidence it’s the right one.


Which is it? Your choices don’t make life more difficult or they do and that’s why they are good?


People’s reactions to my choices make my life more difficult, and that’s why they are good. They can choose not to make my life more difficult; they instead make the immoral choice. My choice is moral and therefore the only one I can really make.


It’s interesting that any pushback you is evidence you are correct. It’s also interesting that you take no responsibility for any difficulties you might experience, it’s always the result of someone else’s choice.


I take responsibility for things I have actually done wrong. The problem here is that people conflate their out-of-control feelings with factual incorrectness. I can’t be responsible for your feelings, especially when you go out of your way to feel things in bad faith to blame me for those feelings. It’s your responsibility to not allow your feelings to affect your judgment in any way.

You don’t actually care about me being truly responsible - you just want me to be stupid enough and submissive enough to accept responsibility for things I have no duty to be responsible for. You want me to be responsible for your feelings that you have in bad faith, so you can justify “punishing” me arbitrarily.


It’s shocking how far you will go to avoid the idea that people aren’t out to get you.


You’re the one avoiding facts.

Right now, a third of the U.S. - the white supremacy movement - has openly announced their desire to kill off at least another third of the U.S.

But, for some reason, those same people will refuse to kill me - despite some of them being the exact same people who beat me up in grade school?

They’re murderers, dipshit - they don’t make exception for anyone - not even their own.

And the only reason the other two thirds aren’t actively killing me is because they know the other third will - and they plan to help them kill me.

Also, “out to get” is your bullshit framing base on your laziness. It’s actually opportunism - but that still leaves me dead, and doesn’t excuse their behavior - or yours.

Finally, you still haven’t addressed the fact that you positively, provably manipulate your own emotions in bad faith to create a justification for abusing me.


Exactly how have I abused you? You keep claiming that, but all I’ve done is talk and notice that you have some views that aren’t very healthy or stand up to scrutiny.

a third of the U.S.

You believe that 1 in 3 people would support a racial genocide? Do you have any support for that?

Following that up you claim that everyone wants to kill you. Doesn’t that seem a little paranoid to you?

No one here is attacking you or threatening your life. No one. People aren’t insulting you, even though you are insulting everyone. Your world view is being questioned because it doesn’t seem healthy or rational. People aren’t saying “I think you are wrong” because they hate you and want you to “submit” but because you appear to be very unwell.

I know that my life improved when I changed my outlook, and I think you are clinging to unhealthy views because it makes it easier than trying to better yourself.


Exactly how have I abused you? You keep claiming that, but all I’ve done is talk and notice that you have some views that aren’t very healthy or stand up to scrutiny.

What you done is act in bad faith - your “talk” is spreading lies, you don’t gave a shit about my health or about honesty.

You believe that 1 in 3 people would support a racial genocide? Do you have any support for that?

Have you seen the fucking news over here lately? The entire Republican Party is clamoring for secession and genocide.

Following that up you claim that everyone wants to kill you. Doesn’t that seem a little paranoid to you?

That doesn’t matter. And to be precise, what they want first is to dominate me, to make me their slave. They only want to kill me because I openly refuse to obey them - which makes them look weak.

No one here is attacking you or threatening your life. No one.

Yes they are - they are a threat simply be knowing I exist. People refuse to control their own behavior; people’s behavior is only controlled externally. Bullies don’t stop their own bulling behavior - they have to be punished to stop them, but bullies stopped being punished long before I was born. So now everyone is a bully, and everyone is out of control.

People aren’t insulting you, even though you are insulting everyone.

Every contradiction is an insult. Who they fuck are they to contradict me when I’m the only one here who ever bothered to do the hard work of learning anything?

Your world view is being questioned because it doesn’t seem healthy or rational.

According to the unhealthy and irrational human species. Uh huh.

People aren’t saying “I think you are wrong” because they hate you and want you to “submit” but because you appear to be very unwell.

Again, judgment from the same bullies who called me names my entire childhood. Can’t you see why their judgement would be held in doubt?

Quit pretending people act in good faith. They are liars down to the bone, and I’m sick and tired of you defending them.

I know that my life improved when I changed my outlook, and I think you are clinging to unhealthy views because it makes it easier than trying to better yourself.

First, I have spent my entire life bettering myself. Second, bettering myself is far easier that defending myself against assault. Third, you don’t actually want me to truly better myself - the “bettering myself” you want is for me to be more gullible, more submissive. I’ll never believe anyone’s bullshit, and you’ll never get me on my knees. I will resist you until I die.

Finally, your life only got “better” because you chose to be delusional - which then exported the cost of living onto other people. Other people now suffer because you chose to believe lies.


I hope one day you get the help that you need.


You’re talking at me, lying to me and trying to dictate reality to me.

Let’s say someone actually wanted to help you. Let’s say they truly believed that going outside and interacting with people in person would do you good. How should such a person express their feelings and try to help while acknowledging you, respecting your humanity, and treating you as of equal value as a human?


They wouldn’t last long enough - they’d be murdered, or at least disabled, by the other narcissists in society. Such a person would be an obvious “freak” and face the exact same “punishment” as I have faced my entire life - except they don’t have the experience that I do, and fall for one of their cons. That’s when they’d be killed.

Narcissists rule this planet with an iron fist. There is no escape, and no effective counter.


I would like to act like such a person. How would I do that? (I do want to help you, but I don’t think you would believe me)


I’m not going to assist your suicide.


Thank you. But I don’t feel the urge to commit suicide. I don’t think the hypothetical person would either.

How would you like me to talk to you?


I don’t want you to talk to me - I want you to listen to me and internalize what I teach you. Saying anything back is simply the petulant resistance of a child that won’t eat their vegetables.


I am listening to you. But I don’t think you want to listen to me.

Is there nothing I could say that would convince you that not everyone is trying to kill you?


I don’t think you want to listen to me.

Why would I? All you’d do is tell me lies, or otherwise speak in bad faith with intent to harm.

Is there nothing I could say that would convince you that not everyone is trying to kill you?

NO! The entire goddamned point is that I refuse to be dominated by you - that includes my mind. My mind is off limits - ONLY I can change it. Every attempt anyone else makes to change it is interpreted as an attempt to brainwash - equivalent to assault.

Only actions matter - but the time to act was over forty years ago. Waiting until I am the edge of death to act is itself an act of bad faith.


If there’s absolutely nothing I can do to convince you, it isn’t a logical argument you’re going with. It’s a philosophical or emotional one. Logical evidence based arguments would change if compelling contrary evidence was provided.


You haven’t provided contrary evidence.


I’m asking what that contrary evidence would look like for you.


The problem with telling you is that it helps you fake the evidence. I have to assume that once I tell you, everything you give that looks like that evidence must be assumed to be faked.

Evidence can exist, but human beings are too dishonest to present it. Human beings cannot be trusted - and humanity’s history of dishonesty is all the proof I need for that. I will never trust human beings, as a moral compunction.


So no one can tell or show you anything to change your mind? Then we’re back to where we started with a philosophical or a moral position rather than a logical one.


Then it’s a moral one. It’s morally wrong to give human beings an inch - especially when it’s practically guaranteed that they use that inch to abuse someone else.


Thanks for doing what you are doing. I know someone is reading this comment chain and you are helping them out indirectly.


humanity’s history of dishonesty is all the proof I need for that.

Also, history books and discussion is more about grand state actors and conquests, not the everyday kindness and selflessness. It’s usually the norm, so not noteworthy to history.


Bullshit. What a weak argument. The entire goddamned point is that your fucking “kindness” is so ineffective it can’t achieve anything.


But you wouldn’t learn that from history books.


Yes you would - that’s what history is - the record of human failure.


But they don’t tell you much about human success where countries don’t go to war and genocides don’t happen. So you can’t compare effectively.


You seem to be defining “success” as nothing happening which… is the opposite of how I’d define it.

“Success” is when you achieve gaining more power over an entity - whether that entity is a country, a business, or one’s own life.


Hypocrite. You are just like them.


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. This is… not a shared experience.


Look at this guy humble-bragging that he’s protected by his social circle.


You mean like the majority of people?

Not having someone you can rely on is the exception, not the rule.

It is a great tool to perpetuate healthy human offspring.


The point is that you’re denying me that social circle by lying to other people about me - at minimum misleading them about me, for your own narcissistic ends.


No one owes you a social circle, so no one can deny it to you. Social connections are forged, not given. How can people you’ve never met lie about you? They can’t, by definition. There is absolutely no possibility that you’ve met every person even within your community, much less the world, in order to be able to make that assertion. It sounds like, you’re abusive, and blame it on your prior trauma, and when people don’t accept being abused by you, you claim that they’re liars or narcissists. Nearly everyone has had trauma in their life, many people have had trauma worse than can be imagined without experiencing it, and yet, they don’t become violently angry anti-social assholes.

Your response to trauma is a choice, and you have made a choice that prevents ever healing and creates further trauma.


No one owes you a social circle, so no one can deny it to you.

That does not give you the right to deny it in bad faith. If I do everything to earn that social circle, and I am still denied it, then you are acting in bad faith and must be punished - or you will permanently act in bad faith, and encourage others to do the same, virally.

Social connections are forged, not given.

The hell they aren’t. Every person I was raised with had their connections from birth. They were literally a birthright.

And I busted my ass to forge those connections, and you all fucking mocked me for it.

How can people you’ve never met lie about you? They can’t, by definition.

Are you mentally disabled or something?

A manipulator tells them false things about you to others, and then those others repeat it as gossip. I mean, the fucking Bible talks about this.

There is absolutely no possibility that you’ve met every person even within your community, much less the world, in order to be able to make that assertion.

I don’t need to. People go out of their way to be like everyone in their social groups to avoid being rejected; therefore everyone in a social group is similar enough to represent the whole group. All remaining difference are meaningless.

It sounds like, you’re abusive, and blame it on your prior trauma, and when people don’t accept being abused by you, you claim that they’re liars or narcissists. Nearly everyone has had trauma in their life, many people have had trauma worse than can be imagined without experiencing it

The difference is that I didn’t cause your trauma, but you at least want to cause mine. You have a compulsive need to dominate me to cover for your own insecurities. I don’t cover my insecurities - I blast them at maximum volume in order to make sure you can’t avoid the consequence for causing my insecure condition.

and yet, they don’t become violently angry anti-social assholes.

I’m not anti-social - you are the assholes rejecting me.

Your response to trauma is a choice, and you have made a choice that prevents ever healing and creates further trauma.

Wrong. I have made the only choice that lets me survive. You idea of “healing” is actually my complete submission to you, which I will never give; that is the only “healing” you want. I don’t want your “healing”; you can go fuck yourself.


There is no such thing as “earning” a social connection. You don’t deserve them, you cannot earn them or buy them or trade them. Again, you forge them. They are a product of mutual vulnerability and compatibility.

I made my friends from those who others rejected, and it made all of us stronger for it. I specifically seek out those in need and offer myself to them, and those who do not fit in other social circles. None of my friends are like me, we are all very different, with very different lifestyles and goals, and we do not even agree on basic things, yet because we have forged bonds together, no amount of difference can break us apart.

You assert many intentions to me, which is your right, however, it’s no surprise why you lack bonds when you treat people such and view the world through a warped, transactional point of view. There’s no brownie points in the real world, behaving like a human does not entitle you to friends. It is the bare minimum standard of mutual humanity. You must go farther than that.

Why do you assume the entire world is telling lies about you? Why do you care what other people say about you? Where are you that you genuinely think most people want to murder and dominate you, and what attempts have you made to relocate to somewhere more amenable to you? Do you find beauty in nature? Do you frequently engage with nature? How many social media accounts do you have? When was the last time you went to a social event by yourself where you know absolutely no one? How much time per day do you spend on self improvement, be it mental or physical? What are your goals for the immediate future? And further out?

Cheers, my angry friend.


There is no such thing as “earning” a social connection. You don’t deserve them, you cannot earn them or buy them or trade them. Again, you forge them. They are a product of mutual vulnerability and compatibility.

This is absolute bullshit.

  1. “Forge” has no clear definition here; this is just a weasel word used to justify arbitrary rejection in bad faith.
  2. There is no such thing as “mutual vulnerability” - by definition, if one person is “vulnerable” the other person is psychologically compelled to attack them. Humans are as predator species, jackass.
  3. I have no “mutual compatibility” with any human being, and cannot become compatible without throwing away my very soul.

a warped, transactional point of view.

Those are your transactions - “transactional” is your invention. I only adopted in the last couple of months because it’s the only thing you crazed, irrational motherfuckers understand. Anything you assholes do is less rational, less functional.

You must go farther than that.

I’ve gone much farther than that, only to be mocked for being gullible enough to believe that anyone would treat me well in return. Your insistence that I “must go farther than that” is simply your attempt to trick me into falling for that con again. What do I have to do to convince you assholes I’ll never be that gullible again?

Why do you assume the entire world is telling lies about you?

Why do you believe the massive list of names people called me throughout school weren’t lies? Because the only reason one would ask that question is if you believe that all of those names - including those that directly contradict each other - are true.

Why do you believe people wouldn’t simply adopt very successful strategies? People calling me names succeeded in making me modify my behavior; It would be zero-intelligence 8stupid* for anyone to witness that success and say to themselves, “I’m going to throw away that perfectly successful strategy that achieves my aims and instead do something completely unproven”.

Once on e bully did something to me in school, the entire school did it, almost immediately. It’s as if they didn’t have free wills - and I have yet to find any evidence that they gained that free will. I have seen a scientific paper recently that explains how mental laziness makes people gullible and prone to brainwashing.

Why do you care what other people say about you?

Because what people think drives what they do, and what people say spreads virally until no one has an original thought in their heads. It’s what they do that matters - and what they do is act in bad faith, destroy everything I own, and go out of their way to become and obstacle between me and everything need to survive.

Where are you that you genuinely think most people want to murder and dominate you


what attempts have you made to relocate to somewhere more amenable to you?

Relocation is what started the abuse. Relocation made me an “invader”, a person who “didn’t belong here” and people were willing to kill to get rid of.

Moving again simply means there are two gangs of people trying to kill me.

Do you find beauty in nature? Do you frequently engage with nature?

No, and no. I do not conceptualize “beauty”.

How many social media accounts do you have?

Two. I refuse to go on either Facebook or whatever Elon calls his garbage fire now.

When was the last time you went to a social event by yourself where you know absolutely no one?

I never knew anyone. I cannot remember names. I’ve never been to a social event unless you count school itself.

How much time per day do you spend on self improvement, be it mental or physical?

8+ hours - more on weekends. The moment I fail to improve myself is the moment the rest of the world catches up - and I die.

What are your goals for the immediate future?


And further out?


Cheers, my angry friend.

Don’t ever falsely accuse me of being your friend ever again.

Bartsbigbugbag, (edited )

So, you’re extrapolating your entire worldview based on experiences you had during school, a period of most people’s life notorious for tribalist cliques and irrational behaviors? School sucked for me too, that’s why I finished and didn’t go back. I’ve had all the classics, I’ve been pantsed, had a swirly, been physically beaten, robbed, stolen from, rumors spread about me, catfished before catfishing was a term, etc etc.

School sucks, the structure of it sucks, it encourages such behaviors and is filled with hierarchies and domination. The banking model of education is inherently flawed and hinders development of critical thinking and empathy, for sure. That doesn’t mean that all of humanity is that way though.

You say you’ve never even been to a social event outside of school, and that you have no mutual compatibility with actionsanyone. You have no hobbies you could share with anyone, nor do you believe there is anyone with a shared experience of school that might be a potential point of rapport? What do you do when you go to the book store, do you glare at the cashier because of your assumptions regarding them? Or do you greet them warmly and ask them how they are with genuine desire to know?

And whether or not I am your friend, you are my comrade. I care about unique, interesting people, and while we may not share a worldview, you most certainly are a unique and interesting person.


It sounds like, you’re abusive, and blame it on your prior trauma, and when people don’t accept being abused by you, you claim that they’re liars or narcissists.

I’ve had a friend like that. It was hard cutting her off, but in the end our whole social circle agreed that was the right thing to do after enduring so much of her abuse over the years. She was crazy manipulative and always the victim, just like this dude.


I dont have a social circle, I talk to random people online when I feel like I wanna be social. I was just at the hardware store, looking like queer me, and the cashier was clearly a strong middle-aged white guy. He might politically want me dead. But he was nice enough. I didnt get the fear response activation vibe that he could murder me or wanted to. My name is Franzia, and it is a female name, I’m not a guy.


I was just at the hardware store, looking like queer me, and the cashier was clearly a strong middle-aged white guy. He might politically want me dead. But he was nice enough.

No shit - he didn’t want to lose his job.


Dude (or dudette, or whatever),

You seriously have issues, really

@Th4tGuyII@kbin.social avatar

What a fucking pant load. You’re so full of shit, it stinks

Bullshit. The majority of people want to dominate everyone not in their immediate social circle. Go look up social dominance theory - it will tell you everything you need to know about how people really behave.

I'm basing this on my life's experience, and of those around me. That might not match your's but what I say is true to me.

I'm not going to say you're wrong. As long as inequalities exist between people, there will always be in-groups and out-groups of people. Humanity is tribal, and likely always will be.

But most people don't spend their waking moments trying to enforce these tribalisms. Arseholes definitely do, but that's not the majority of people.

And what magical fucking force forces people to “chill”?


The human brain doesn't come pre-built. There are many parts that develop at different rates, with the pre-cortex (the "rational" part of your brain) still developing even into your mid-20s.

During your adolescence this process is nowhere near complete, thus adolescents are generally severely lacking in the long-term judgement and planning department. They are more likely to be impulsive, to jump on the bandwagon of peer pressure without thinking through the consequences.

As they get older, most people become generally better at thinking things through. Less likely to act on impulse, and more likely to listen to others. They learn about viewpoints way outside their own and start to become less self-absorbed. At least that's my experience of growing around my peers.


They don’t. Because that magic doesn’t fucking exist. Only the trauma of punishment makes people stop abusing others. Without the threat of permanent injury on themselves, people will always try to permanently injure others as a means to dominate and control - at least for the sake of their social groups. That desperate need to dominate and control is what makes them human.

You are spreading self-aggrandizing lies; spreading an infection that will only cause more people to get more “uppity” and beat more innocent people to death. Stop lying about people and apologizing for their bloodlust. People are murderers, hunters for the only “game” still left - forcibly isolated human beings.

I wasted my entire life being kind to people, only to mock me for being so stupid, so gullible enough to fall for the con that they would be nice back. They beat me like they were mining for ore, driving blow after blow into my skull until it was permanently disfigured, and then they broke every bone in my limbs until they didn’t work anymore.

Don’t give me this horseshit about how people “chill out” - I did not get almost murdered over fifteen years by people who would simply magically stop being murderous because some timer ran out. No, those motherfuckers murdered as if it was a fucking religious mandate and they are the same type of assholes who tried to take over the U.S. on January 6th.

No one is ever going to acknowledge my humanity, no matter how kind I am, or what I do. I will always be seen as a “less than” because the ENTIRE human race are malignant narcissists - and there is an entire organization of psychologists and sociologists who reject the pro-human narrative and know exactly how evil people really are. Quit apologizing for rapists and murderers.

Jesus christ you went off the deep end quick, I am not responding to all of that...

I don't know what kind of life you've experienced, but you've got some deep-seated traumas up in that head of yours that you need to figure out.

Not only that, but you've seemingly driven yourself into an almost schizophrenic delusion that everybody is after you, looking for a chance to tear you down in whatever way they can. That's just not the case.

If your tendency is to explode on anyone who disagrees about your worldview, to compare them to murderers, then I'm afraid you might just be the problem in your lack of a social life - I'll leave you with this:

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole" - Raylan Givens, Justified


But most people don’t spend their waking moments trying to enforce these tribalisms.

That doesn’t matter. As long as they are enforced, “how often” doesn’t factor in. You only have to blow out an “invader” 's brain once.

As they get older, most people become generally better at thinking things through. Less likely to act on impulse, and more likely to listen to others. They learn about viewpoints way outside their own and start to become less self-absorbed. At least that’s my experience of growing around my peers.

Absolute horseshit. This stopped occurring in the early 20th century - if not earlier than that.

Not only that, but you’ve seemingly driven yourself into an almost schizophrenic delusion that everybody is after you, looking for a chance to tear you down in whatever way they can. That’s just not the case.

Then explain to me why exactly zero people supported me during my childhood. Not my parents not my peers, not school faculty, NO ONE.

If you can’t explain that with statistical logic, without resorting to sucking off the human species, you’re full of shit.

If your tendency is to explode on anyone who disagrees about your worldview, to compare them to murderers, then I’m afraid you might just be the problem in your lack of a social life

I’m not trying to have a social life anymore - you assholes proved that you’d sacrifice your lives to prevent that in my junior high.

I’m trying to secure my survival against a species that refuses to control itself. A species of rabid dogs that put on airs. You don’t just “disagree about my worldview” - you’re trying to annihilate my very identity so you can enslave me with your bullshit ideas.



I might be late to the discussion, but it seems that your life has been hard and full of abuse. A lot of people here answered your comments with compassion, but your replies were almost always aggressive. It’s ok to feel hatred towards your abusers, but the fact that you seem to immediately hate people that try to peacefully communicate with you is, objectively, very wrong. Even if all the abusers in the world died tomorrow, would you be happy?


you’ve seemingly driven yourself into an almost schizophrenic delusion that everybody is after you

It’s not almost, they sound exactly like my old classmate who unfortunately did spiral down the path of paranoid schizophrenia. Nobody here is going to change their mind, despite your best intentions. Even professionals don’t have much better luck.


you’re probably right, which is really fucking sad


I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I think you need to talk to someone and try and gain a new perspective. People aren’t inherently mean, and generally aren’t thinking about much other than themselves. People do “chill” as they get older and realize a lot of things really don’t matter in the long run.

Go find a team sport or a hobby with other like-minded people and focus on building a community of friendship and support. Your life is too short to not spend it being happy.


No, I don’t. My perspective is the correct one, and your bullshit is simply propaganda you’re gullible enough to be fed.

I will not believe anything else - especially if a lying human being sells it.

Finally, there ARE NO LIKE MINDED PEOPLE TO ME!!! The entire fucking problem is that you idiots sacrificed your minds for your happiness drug. I don’t want your “happiness” - I want moral integrity, and you want to kill me because that’s what I chose.


I sincerely wish I understood how someone can get to your point. I wish I could see this as some elaborate troll, but I can’t help but see this as something so much darker. I won’t recommend anything to you, as it’s pretty clear any effort to help is seen as an insult, at best. Just know that there are genuinely people who see reactions like this and wish they could help.

Just, sincerely, best of luck to you.

@isyasad@lemmy.world avatar

I will not believe anything else - especially if a lying human being sells it.

The way that everyone else seems to be getting along normally in their lives, maybe even having fun reading through this thread, while you’re getting angry and “shouting” reminded me of a line from The Count of Monte Cristo, where the count is trying to persuade a similarly unhappy person of the existence of a god.

‘No,’ said Caderousse. ‘No, I do not repent. There is no God, there is no Providence. There is only chance.’

‘There is both Providence and God,’ said Monte Cristo. ‘The proof is that you are lying there, desperate, denying God, and I am standing before you, rich, happy, healthy and safe, clasping my hands before the God in whom you try not to believe and in whom, even so, you do believe in the depths of your heart.’

Which is not to say that it’s a good argument; it’s actually pretty bad.
“Look at how fortunate I am to believe in my thing, and how unfortunate you are to believe in yours” when their beliefs are totally incidental.
But rereading it made me think about how little it matters about whose perspective is “correct” about something like that. To put it simply, there are plenty of “good people” in the world and there’s also plenty of “bad people”. Whether or not you choose to see good or bad is (in large part) up to you. Neither way is “right” or “wrong”.

I think you would be happier if you tried to look for good instead of bad, but as you’ve stated, that’s not a goal of yours. I don’t think that you really have any more “moral integrity” than the other side though. While I’m not asking you to abandon your point of view, I think you should realize that there is a reason why your viewpoint is not very popular; it seems that you’ve had negative experiences that have caused you to become cynical about human nature but here’s a rough analysis of the numbers: the fact that most people are not that cynical is evidence that most people don’t have it that bad. People aren’t wrong to believe in good human nature when that’s what their experiences reflect. They’re coming to conclusions in the same way you are, just the other way around.

If your experiences have been so negative, that’s an alright thing to base your views on. But I hope that you find more positive experiences in the future that might change your mind. You probably won’t find it on Lemmy.

@Korne127@lemmy.world avatar

What do you count as terminally online? I don’t differenciate between online and offline friends and spend lots of times talking or chatting to people online (as I spend time doing stuff with people irl). But I wouldn’t say that my or this social life is bad.


I would classify “terminally online” as almost exclusively interacting with people online with little to no IRL at all. A bit part of that would also be that the people you interact with are people you’ve never seen.


Wat makes you think that people will be better IRL? They may be more inhibited, but that just means they’re lying about themselves. The truth will burst out, eventually - better to be forewarned.


Being honest doesn’t mean telegraphing every impulse to the surface and acting on it. A toddler does that and it’s considered bratty, a behavior to be corrected.

Being IRL means having immediate feedback on our actions. No extended diatribes using cut outs of their speech. No linking to articles to convince a person. It becomes a test of the social abilities of each individual and how well they can listen and speak. It flexes different skills than reading and writing.

Try to buy from a salesman in person vs online to see the difference. IRL is vastly different from online. IRL also has the added effect of “fuck around, find out” with no down time. If you say something distasteful then you learn about it before you’re done talking by the expressions and reactions of those around you. Acting like you have been is a quick ticket to lonersville, which is probably why you’re so angry at the idea that IRL is different from online. Get out and talk to strangers. See how they react to your need to interrupt, dissect, and “win” when they werent arguing. People want to share information, not stand atop some invisible social pyramid.


I’ll also add another major sign is if you don’t know their irl names. I have close friends who I met over the pandemic who live far away, but we knew each other by name and hear each other’s voices. That’s a big thing. Your Twitter/tumblr mutuals or people you regularly interact with on Reddit/Lemmy are people that terminally online people will think of as friends rather than “no we’ve never met irl but we play d&d together or have a book club over discord”.

The other big thing is whether or not you go to irl events. Just literally being somewhere that’s neither home nor work/school helps so much.


no we’ve never met irl but we play d&d together or have a book club over discord

To be fair, DnD is one of those things I would never ever even consider playing over discord unless I considered you a very good friend, and even then it’s begrudgingly. Discord dnd sucks balls.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I’d call people that who lost contact with reality. So if something you believe could be immediately proven wrong by just stepping outside for a while, you are terminally online.

For example the 4chan theory of: “80 % of women date only 20 % of ultra chad men”. There are people who actually believe this.


That theory is used for dating apps, not for dating in general


Nah, unless Match.com was popular with 4chan chuds, that theory was overwhelmingly popular on 4chan way, WAY before dating apps were mainstream.

SwingingTheLamp, (edited )

Dating apps were mainstream long before 4chan existed, although not as dominant. The idea that all of the women go for the top tier of men gained prominence with an analysis posted on the old OKCupid of their user behavior, and the particular 80/20 split was just pulled out of somewhere, likely borrowed from the Pareto Principle. In any case, 4chan may have pathologized it, but certainly did not originate the notion.

Th4tGuyII, (edited )
@Th4tGuyII@kbin.social avatar

My definition is more or less the same as the one @ParsnipWitch offered...

The terminally online are thise who have little to no contact with reality. They are the shut-ins and the NEETs of this world. Those that would fully believe in conspiracies about life which could be disproven simply by interacting with others IRL.


What about people who use browsers instead of terminals?

@Th4tGuyII@kbin.social avatar

Well fuck, you got me there... In one sentence you've just given everyone on 4Chan the ability to touch grass.


Nuh uh there’s a reason why social anxiety was, is, and will continue to be a problem for many people


It’s obviously some kind of trap. Run!


When real life does not match up with the description given by social rejects on a site notorious for infidelity


notorious for infidelity

What does this part mean?

@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, when did 4chan suddenly become Ashley Madison?


I think they mean “inaccuracy to reality” rather than “cheating on their partners”


Yeah i was going to say, you’ve gotta have a girlfriend to cheat on a girlfriend.


It means everyone on this site is a handholding whore


He means that the stories and information posted there are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted there as a fact.


The consequences of being terminally online.


Hopefully this guy is in remission

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