
EU_Commission , to Random avatar

If you are reading this, you enjoy the openness and decentralisation of Web 3.0.

On , let's fast-forward to the future.

Web 4.0 will blend virtual and real environments while boosting innovation, rich content and industrial applications.

To ensure everyone benefits from it, we will:

  • Shape global standards for open Web 4.0
  • Foster a European Web 4.0 industrial ecosystem
  • Boost access to trusted information
  • Support virtual public services

How? ➡!hJrNc4

radicalabacus , avatar

@EU_Commission I'm reading this and consider web 3 and web 4 to be nonsense pushed by grifters, and I know I'm not alone

jeremystartm , avatar

@EU_Commission I have never seen the EU do so much bs at once. Wow I hope the politicians thinking "this is great" will loose their job.

AutisticAdam , to actuallyautistic avatar

I'm autistic, so I guess it's natural that I will never, ever be able to understand exactly when is the correct time to add my point to a group conversation.

Watching the conversation move onto a totally different topic, while a really good point is left unsaid, is a very specific autistic sadness.


markusl , avatar

@tkk13909 @Susan60 @sentient_water @jyrgenn @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic Ah, yes. I hadn't spotted that there was a ™ symbol on Android. Thanks.

tkk13909 , avatar
flexghost , to Random avatar

Your reminder

In 2016 Russia financed a series of ads along with an army of upvote bots. The intent was to divide america further from all angles

The senate intelligence committee released the following ads from Russia linked actors

These are from accounts with names like Blacktivists, Back the Badge, Secure Borders, Army of Jesus and so on. Every division covered

We’re heading into 2024. If you see a political ad trying to provoke you: mistrust it.


Russian add posted to American social media, claiming to be against police brutality, but linked to a group that made divisions run deeper
Russian, financed political ad full of Islamophobia depicting women walking on the street and wearing a Burqa as evil somehow
Image of Russian, financed social media ad, saying back the badge, usually aimed at conservatives, even though they thrashed police on January 6

saren , avatar

@flexghost I sometimes wonder too about stuff I see on Facebook from groups like Occupy Democrats or The Other 98% or similar pages. Some of the memes they post and that I see shared by fellow liberals/progressives almost seem like they are purposefully made to make us on the left seem like we have more extreme or more unreasonable positions than we actually do. Like to drive division and make it harder for nonTrumpy center/right people to be able to vote with us to defeat MAGA.

upthorn , avatar

@flexghost @Itty53
When I was around 10 years old, Clinton was in office, and the social security administration enacted a new policy of giving bonuses to any employee who got someone kicked off for fraud.

Shortly thereafter, the SSA determined that my father, who had ALS, was ineligible for disability, because he had a life insurance policy.

People like me are angry because we have been directly harmed by the failure of the Democratic party to be effective at reversing the damage of the Rs

kirschner , to fdroid avatar

What is your favourite app? Would be interested if I can discover a few new cool apps, I missed until now. Thank you already for sharing! @fdroid

kirschner OP , avatar

Love as well!

chewie , avatar

@kirschner @fdroid I'll try harder then :)

We use it to connect to our own server for storing receipts, plane tickets, company documentation etc. It's great to keep things synced between devices.

A similar thing is , which is cross platform although I don't have a use case for it at the moment, sadly.

AutisticAdam , to actuallyautistic avatar

The autistic urge to explain everything fully, so nobody has gaps in their knowledge and needs to ask questions.


VVitchy , avatar

@loops @untemperedsteel @PatternChaser @dyani @theaardvark @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic

"The Tyranny of Metrics"

Is a fascinating book if you want insight into how and why we(society) ended up with that arrangement/problem

masukomi , avatar

@theaardvark @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic there's a difference between being able to explain things in / with complete detail and being able to communicate complex issues to non-experts and make sure everyone understands what's happening. A lot of autistics have the former. The latter is much harder and I would strongly encourage anyone who has that to consider a career in technical writing. We need more people who can do that.

dardo , to Random Spanish avatar
dardo OP , avatar
dardo OP , avatar
AutisticAdam , to actuallyautistic avatar

"You can’t be autistic - you can make eye contact!”

Being autistic doesn’t mean I can’t make eye contact, rather that eye contact can be painful and overstimulating for me. Yet, I make it because I have to. If I didn’t, many would be hurt/angry, and I’d face further ostracism. Thanks for your pointless comment anyway from someone that clearly doesn't know what your talking about.


hauntedhideaway , avatar
Susan60 , avatar

@AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic I like to make eye contact with people when in conversation, intermittent, looking them straight in the eye if they or I say someone particularly interesting, funny etc. If the conversation is an awkward one & I’m in a position of authority, eg teacher or parent (when my kids were younger), I look at them but don’t require them to look at me. (They often will if I express some empathy, compassion etc.) If I’m feeling vulnerable or ashamed, eye contact is difficult, but I imagine that might be common amongst NTs too?

Gargron , to Random avatar

Going to share a few more up-close shots of the new Mastodon merch! I'm happy that we got to incorporate some Mastodon history in the designs. Mind you there's only going to be 250 of each at launch!

An enamel pin attached to a white t-shirt. The pin features an elephant riding a paper airplane.
A purple mug featuring an elephant on a green landscape. The elephant is waving.
A black t-shirt featuring an elephant riding a paper airplane among different colored planets. The Mastodon logo is visible.

slashdottir , avatar

@Gargron wantz

decaplanet , avatar

@Gargron I hope there was a plushie too. It’ll look great on my desk 👀

BruceTwarzen , to asklemmy

Is there a Spotify alternative that has no ads?

I pay for Spotify for 7 years or so now and i'm so sick of all the ads. After every update there seems to be an: oops, sorry, you have ads now. Podcasts are filled with ads. I was just listening to a podcast where they shoved in 3 ads mid-sentence. How long until musicians put ads in their songs. I'm just so sick of it.


Makes sense to me, the fact you went of your way to specify your hate for them made me had to ask.

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

It always used to surprise me that bands like Nirvana would play with the Dwarves, considering their reputation and actions at shows

DivergentDumpsterPhoenix , to autisticadvocacy avatar

It's a tough truth to face up to, but not every Autstic/neurodivergent person is a good person. Many of us find out the hard way that there are members of our own community who will do harm to us collectively and individually.

It's important that we acknowledge the truth that we can always do better as a community. We don't have to be perfect. We just have to do a little better each day.

@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy @audhd

CatHat , avatar

@axnxcamr @nesi @DivergentDumpsterPhoenix @actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy @audhd its ironic yeah. That person blocked me for saying that they shouldn't be trying to dictate what a word means after its been in use for decades and to people who have been using it for their entire life.
I expressed my own perspective but i haven't told anyone else what to call themselves.
I just want them to leave everyone else alone!

ashleyspencer , avatar

@DivergentDumpsterPhoenix @actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy @audhd I had to learn all this the hard way. Ex-girlfriend is autistic and it was like seeing the dark side of autism with her. I had nightmares about her for weeks. The people in the past who demonized me and made me a public enemy and were determined to make my store go out of business were fellow autistics. We are all humans and some people have good hearts and some don’t, autistic or not.

jerry , to Random avatar

Being an admin of a large-ish instance has been quite an eye opening experience into how awful some people are towards trans people. I really don’t understand the energy they put into hating people.

dymaxion , avatar

@jerry Eh, perfection is never the bar in defense. I'd say that in moderation, it's not even theoretically achievable.

catbailey , avatar

@jerry I've wondered if it's because they are angry at those who have the courage they themselves don't.

masimatutu , to fediverse en-gb

Default instance blocks should largely replace defederation

Since what content users might want to see is quite unlikely to match which servers the admins tolerate, choosing instance on the Fediverse can be quite complicated, which is inconvenient and off-putting for new users.

For this reason, and simply that the Fediverse is stronger united, I believe defederation should ideally be reserved for illegal content and extreme cases. If Fediverse platforms would allow instances to simply block the rest for users by default, the user experience would be the same, unless they decide otherwise.


dylanTheDeveloper , (edited ) avatar

It already is, you just have to convince the server owner whats ‘extreme’ or not. Some servers hate liberals, others hate the right, some are followers of the windmill party and others would get you on a watchlist.

And the more mundane stuff like having porn and gore posts not tagged as NSFW will get your instance defederated.

What we actually need is better mod tools

Anticorp ,

I would love to see more middle of the road, non-extremist content. It seems that every instance is all the way left, falling off the chart, and then like 3 instances are falling off the other side of the chart, and defederated everywhere.

stina_marie , to horror avatar

📽️ What's a horror movie that you feel is so: striking, unique, disturbing, profound, &/or beautiful that it transcends to the level of ART?
(Not for just a scene, or moments, or even a performance, but for the ENTIRE film.)

Four that immediately occurred to me:

The Shining
The Devils
The Wolf House
There Will Be Blood

I can think of more but I'm curious what YOU all think...

I have to go eat & do stuff but I'll be back on later to see what you all said!


LadyMarth01 , avatar

@stina_marie @horror Jacob's Ladder is a fever dream, at once beautiful and horrifying.

I'm surprised Carnival of Souls hasn't been mentioned yet, either.

stina_marie OP , avatar

@LadyMarth01 @horror Yes, to both of these!

futurebird , to Random avatar

Seeing their attempts at indoctrination fail to take hold the indoctrinated can only imagine they have been stymied by some equal and opposite form of indoctrination. That we might be sincere about creating the space for each young person to find their own way, to make up their own mind is impossible from their perspective.

That we wait on the outcomes of experiments and study to determine what is best? Just a lie.

futurebird OP , avatar

This is one of the reasons spanking persists as a method. With a constant and loving parent it’s often not harmful. What is important is to recognize that it’s never more effective or needed. Some parents don’t know of any other way or their elders pressure them in to it. But there really is no evidence that it’s more effective than other forms of consistent and caring discipline.

futurebird OP , avatar

@darnell @bertwells

No child needs spanking. Especially not black children. There are heaps of trauma we have passed down buying into the idea that it’s possible to “spank a kid safe” or buying in to the idea some kids are so bad, so hard-headed nothing else will reach them. But this just isn’t true.

I’m not some wishy washy hippie. I live and teach in the Bronx. I have seen a bad child once or twice.

ajsadauskas , (edited ) to technology avatar

Are agile scrums an outdated idea?

Here's a video on YouTube making the case for why agile was an innovative methodology when it was first introduced 20 years ago.

However, he argues these days, daily scrums are a waste of time, and many organisations would be better off automating their reporting processes, giving teams more autonomy, and letting people get on with their work:

A few of my thoughts.

First, it's worth noting that many organisations that claim to be "agile" aren't, and many that claim to use agile processes don't.

Just as a refresher, here's the key values and principles from the agile manifesto:

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a plan
  • Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
  • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
  • Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
  • Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
  • Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
  • The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
  • Working software is the primary measure of progress.
  • Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
  • Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
  • The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
  • At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Your workplace isn't agile if your team is micromanaged from above; if you have a kanban board filled with planning, documentation, and reporting tasks; if your organisation is driven by processes and procedures; if you don't have autonomous cross-functional teams.

Yet in many "agile" organisations, I've noticed that the basic principles of agile are ignored, and what you have is micromanagement through scrums and kanban boards.

And especially outside software development teams, agile tends to just be a hollow buzzword. (I once met a manager at a conference who talked up how agile his business was, and didn't believe me when I said agile was originally a software development methodology — one he revealed he wasn't following the principles of.)


sugar_in_your_tea ,

I’m fortunate that my boomer VP has taken the time to learn and internalize agile. If we ever lose our VP, I’ll probably leave the org because company culture (outside of my dept) is such that our next VP is likely to suck.

schrotie , avatar

@ajsadauskas @technology
Funny video. He's apparently doing real CD and his stakeholders know every day what's going live. I don't know how he works in detail, but very likely it's pretty agile. It's just not by the (scrum) book.
The authors of the agile manifesto were very experienced software craftsfolk and "just" pudlished their common sense. As the guy in the vid does. If devs communicate anyway, e.g. if you have rotating pair programming, you probably don't need a daily ...

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