
BigAngBlack , to blackmastodon avatar

It's a police culture problem, not just a few bad apples. But you knew that already

Black Met officers urged by colleagues to donate to fund for sacked PCs | Metropolitan police | The Guardian

> Exclusive: officers complain of collection for men who lied about the stop and search of black athletes


jrm4 , avatar

@kkarhan @bageera @BigAngBlack @blackmastodon @BlackMastodon

black lawyer here who thinks is nearly entirely bullshit

and you just said some sweet beautiful words to me.

and even better


thats wtf i'm TALMBOUT

they need to learn to BE GROWNUPS

kkarhan , avatar

@jrm4 @bageera @BigAngBlack @blackmastodon @BlackMastodon Eeyupp...

Sadly as maintainer of didn't took a single day of asking: "Maybe I'm wrong?"...

Because noone's perfect but how mistakes is vital:

I'd rather pride, owe up if I fecked up, apologize.and then just instead of letting personal vendettas loose and mindlessly lash out against people for bo good reasons...

fernandolins , to linux avatar

I would like to help an open-source project with UI design and UX design. I have over 18 years of experience in the field and have worked with desktop and mobile software on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile/Windows Phone. Unfortunately my knowledge of Linux is very limited but I'm eager to learn. Could you help me find a project? @thelinuxEXP @linux @macrumors @windowscentral @windows

gmate8 , avatar

You could help us at Organic Maps. We are in need of UI designers. Contact me or biodranik on Matrix if you are interested: and


Organic Maps is so nice, thank you for all your hard work 🥰.

skaeth , to bookstodon avatar

@bookstodon I need please! I’m looking for low recommendations. Romance can be there but I want plenty of adventure & banter to go along with it. Nothing epic- magic should take a back seat and it’d be amazing if the main character did not have magic at all. Best if MC is not royal/deity/etc.

The closest thing I’ve read to this is Intisar Khanani’s The Dauntless Path series (which is amazing and I highly recommend). Anything else like it?

JoanGrey , avatar

@skaeth @bookstodon

Legends and Lattes.

skaeth OP , avatar

@JoanGrey @bookstodon Thank you!

cynaq , to actuallyautistic avatar

I just did that test.

I went in blind and didn't think I'd score too high because as far as I understand what monotropism proposes, I didn't think it fit my profile very well. I tried to answer the questions as accurately as I could, without overthinking.


The result says I'm more monotropic than 73% of autistic people and 98% of allistic people.

I guess I was misunderstanding what monotropism would feel like, if these results are anywhere near accurate, because I'm quite surprised, to say the least.

Would anyone else like to chime in and discuss this with me a bit? This result was not at all what I was expecting.


arisummerland , avatar

@cynaq @actuallyautistic I’ve done this one before and I always score really high on it (207/235; 77%/99%). I take it with a grain of salt as the person who developed it said they are just a bored webdev. But apparently there has been some validation of it.

I find my ability to focus on something and eventually do it really well enlivening and self-regulating, and feel it is a strength, but sometimes I can over-do and wear myself out, forget to eat, etc. so I’ve learned balance.

sahat , avatar

@cynaq @neversosimple @actuallyautistic
when I enter a room, I perceive that wholeness conciously nad then I have to stop my self from going deeper into the mood of every single person and every other layer of everything in that room or I'll never make the first step in it. ( as long as my social person is working then smile, make I contact and find an appropriate greeting, and then maybe run into a chair, stumble, blush, sit down and take a deep breath.)

grafcube , to privacy avatar

Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet

I wrote this blog post to inform the people I know who aren't as tech savvy or otherwise don't put any thought into their choice of browser. Another goal is to help get enough awareness on the topic and make sure it fails.

@opensource @privacy

IUsedTo ,

Don’t forget GNU IceCat

argv_minus_one ,

If WEI proceeds, I won’t have a choice of browser. Or operating system.

franciscawrites , to bookstodon avatar

Join in to know me because getting to know people by the books they hold close to their heart is great,

The Tombs of Atuan - Le Guin
Frankenstein - Shelley
Hunger Games - Collins
Last Unicorn - Beagle
The House of Spirits - Allende
The Handmaid's Tale - Atwood
The Left Hand of Darkness - Le Guin
Annihilation - VanderMeer
Three Times Lucky - Turnage
Good Omens - Pratchett Gaiman
Jane Eyre - Brontë
Pet Sematary - King
Howl's Moving Castle - Wynne Jones


dance_along_the_edge , avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon

This is torturous, but... (not necessarily novels)

Frankenstein - Shelly
Poetry/Tales - Poe
Ghost Stories/Antiquary - James
The Martian Chronicles - Bradbury
More Than Human - Sturgeon
We Have Always Lived In the Castle - Jackson
Two-Handed Engine - Kuttner & Moore
Dangerous Visions - Ellison
Earthsea (series) - Le Guin
The Norton Book of SF - Le Guin/Attebery
The Dark Descent - Hartwell
Tales of the Flat Earth (series) - Tanith Lee
The Weird - VanderMeer

Liesvanrompaey , avatar

@franciscawrites @bookstodon
to know me

The Call of the Wild - J. London
Life of Pi - Y. Martel
Ocean Sea - A. Baricco
Timbuktu - P. Auster
Winnie-the-Pooh - A.A. Milne
Slaughterhouse Five - K. Vonnegut
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - R. Bach
Les jardins de lumière (The Gardens of Light) - A. Maalouf
Het huis van de Moskee (The House of the Mosque) - K. Abdolah
Shame - S. Rushdie
La Peste (The Plague) - A. Camus
Cutting for Stone - A. Verghese
Kafka on the Shore - H. Murakami

BolexForSoup , to linux avatar

Looking to dip my toes into Linux for the first time. I have a 2016 Intel MacBook Pro with pretty solid specs collecting dust right now that I think I’m going to use. Research so far has indicated to me that the two best options for me are likely Mint or Elementary OS. Does anyone have any insight? Also open to other OS’s. I would consider myself decently tech savvy but I am not a programmer or anything. Comfortable dipping into the terminal when the need arises and all that.


Pantherina , avatar

True Ubuntu and debian is standard and to this day many external Devs just provide .deb files or now even snaps XD

So layering, as far as I understood:

  1. your OS on your PC, every package traced through OSTree as with using Git
  2. an ostree remote, which is not directly a repository but the exact OS they build.
  3. Your PC compares the packages with the packages there and downloads the diffs.
  4. Your PC then builds another image, being exactly the one on their servers

If you install/layer additional RPMs, after 3. you have an additional step, where rpm-ostree also uses traditional Fedora repos and downloads regular RPMs to your system. You can use any regular Repos, even COPR but you need to add the .repo files manually to /etc/yum.repos.d/. RPMFusion has a fancy way where you layer a package and that handles the updating of the repo files to your current version, really nice.

So this package is installed along, and as its done through rpm-ostree its very well traced. It will do changes but an rpm-ostree uninstall PACKAGE will completely remove it again. If you are not entirely sure rpm-ostree reset will completely reset your system to be a mirror of the ostree remote.

If you have a background service, you could reset the system every month or so. Not necessary but this would make extra sure your system directories are not weirdly modified. You would do this through

<span style="color:#323232;">rpm-ostree reset --install PACKAGE1 --install PACKAGE2

Or maybe that doesnt work, not sure, and you need

<span style="color:#323232;">rpm-ostree reset &amp;&amp; rpm-ostree install PACKAGE1 PACKAGE2

Here you can also remove added packages like Kwrite or firefox + firefox-langpacks

mogul ,

I was just watching a video about setting up home manager and like the main config file it’s a neat idea. Now it’s got my brain thinking I need to wipe a computer and give it a spin lol.

islieb , to Random German avatar

Was ruft die Mieze?

Schreibt eure Idee als Antwort unters Bild. Oder schreibt euren Text direkt ins Bild und ladet die fertige Datei neu hoch. Is interaktiv!

tinoeberl , avatar
tinoeberl , avatar


"Klimaschädliches und wird teurer - das ist politisch gewollt. Im Gegenzug soll an jeden ein ausgezahlt werden - doch die Mittel sind inzwischen anderweitig verplant."

perspektivbrocken , to sociology avatar

So, ich habe mal eine Liste mit Accounts gemacht, damit sich Soziolog*innen hier finden können. Gerne bescheid sagen, wenn noch jemand drauf (oder runter) möchte, ich würde dann versuchen auf meinem Blog eine aktuelle Liste zu haben:

Zur Vernetzung als Gruppe: @sociology

Personen und Institutionen:
@AKOrgaBewertung (Arbeitskreis Orga + Bewertung)
@AlexMitterle (Alex Mitterle)
@amateur_garde (Désiré Waibel)
@bjoernkrey (Björn Krey)

perspektivbrocken OP , avatar

An some in the Fediverse. Welcome …

@Zeitschrift_fuer_Soziologie (Zeitschrift für Soziologie)
@fewohlgemuth (Felix Wohlgemuth)
@milo (Milo Kei)

For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


milo , avatar
AutisticAdam , to actuallyautistic avatar

Autistic people are often criticised for “reading too much into things” and “assuming” the worst, but usually what we deduce is highly accurate, thanks to our pattern-spotting and dot-connecting abilities. I think the real issue is we typically unearth truths others want to remain hidden.


ScottSoCal , avatar


No, that really is part of the job. I have the authority to put production on hold if they don't fix it.

@Vincarsi @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic

aloopapu , avatar

@AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic I work with people in crisis. I can spot misbehavior and fights before they happen. Occasionally it's a superpower.

samiam , to actuallyautistic avatar

@actuallyautistic so many thanks to those who have made feel feel heard and welcome here in the past weeks. the story thus far: 41 years of "muddling thru" depression, anxiety, misc mysterious health problems, etc when one day a new friend (very rare!) shared with me that they are autistic, and respectfully asked me if i might be too.
this [re]kindled lots of thoughts and feels and sent me down a path of recognizing and uncovering some fairly autistic-seeming traits and behaviors that i had been ignoring or suppressing. i have lately been thinking of myself as "provisionally autistic" which is how i'm trying to walk this line between, one the one hand, not mentally framing Autism As One True The Explanation For Everything and stretching things to try to force them to fit; and, on the other hand, not giving in to Autistic Imposter Syndrome. i want "provisionally autistic" to be a comfortable in-between place where i can "let myself be as autistic as i am" without "trying to be autistic when i'm not" and just observe myself and see how it goes. if that makes any sense?

but (and this is a question mainly to all you late/recent adult [self/]dx folks out there, but of course also anyone else who wants to respond):
How do you KNOW?
i'm stuck in this place where lots of things seem relatable and plausible but there is no sense of AHA IT FITS. there's no THIS FINALLY EXPLAINS IT. i know it's early for me yet -- i've been taking this seriously for weeks not years -- and i probably have to be patient with myself . . . but ggghhhghg.
maybe i'm just venting? i don't know. i'm having a day.

fishidwardrobe , avatar

@nddev @Susan60 @sfwrtr @petrichor @itsmeholland @samiam @actuallyautistic All absolutely true IMO. Before I knew I was autistic I likened it to a spy thing. If I want a job, I have to pretend to be someone else!!

Susan60 , avatar

@fishidwardrobe @sfwrtr @petrichor @itsmeholland @samiam @actuallyautistic Fortunately it’s less about hate & more about cringe, (sometimes intense), but yes…

youronlyone , to games avatar

Q: What are the five (5) video games from the 20th Century that you want to be able to play again today? And why?

  • Maybe you no longer have time, or, there are no modern ports or adaptation.

I'll start with mine.

(in no particular order)

It seems easier to play than , but as you progress, it is actually challenging. I love the challenge.

  1. / (DOS version specifically).

If I am not mistaken, before there was the franchise, there was “Empire”. It was a fun game. There is available on , but I miss the DOS version that I played a lot.

A very fun game. Once I start playing this, time flies fast. I miss this game.

Here's a video of it, it's hard to explain this game as there are many features/gameplay “modes”

Modern games today are usually limited to certain themes. If it's flight, it's flight. If it's tank, it's tank. If it's strategy, that's it. Carrier Command have it all.

  1. / (DOS)

Years before the era of came. RPG-ish space game that made me felt exploring space. This was new to me then and I enjoyed it.

  1. / (DOS)

I know, we can still play this today, however, what I miss with this game is the 2 player mode.

You just play with your friend and blast each other to friendly matches and laughter.

Being able to play 2P mode, face-to-face, is something that we have taken for granted, and now we're all just virtual avatars in online games (even online multiplayer games).

So, how about you?

Q: What are the five (5) video games from the 20th Century that you want to be able to play again today? And why?


@games @games @gaming @gaming

Katana314 ,

Elite Beat Agents.

The game came out for the Nintendo DS, and made strong use of the touchscreen. While emulators and even Osu provide other options for playing, even touchscreens can’t mimic the feel of hitting beats with a stylus. I even feel moderately the same way about games like Trauma Center, another good DS classic based on performing fantastical surgery.

cambriakilgannon ,

I know! I wish more people would have found it and gave it a chance. It was seriously so much fun. I MISS YOU TRIPP

lukasmiz , to firefox avatar
FaeDrifter ,

Edge does nearly all those things now too. Edge and Vivaldi are both closed source and yet another Chromium under the hood.

I’ll pass ty.

BurnedDonutHole ,

Ahahaha. Thanks but no thanks. I don’t have a fear of missing out and I don’t see myself using Vivaldi as my default browser in anytime soon.

Good luck with your conversion efforts.

rdarmila , to ksiazki Polish avatar

Co jakiś czas ktoś wyjeżdża, że przecież piracąc pomaga autorom, bo zwiększa ich popularność. Tyle, że zapomina zapytać autorów, co o tym myślą.

Małgosia @ithilhin coś nas ostatnio na mastodonie nie odwiedza...

#książkodon #książki @ksiazki

warroza , avatar


Podoba mi się ta idea, ale nie wiem czy jest w Polsce do zrealizowania na dzisiaj, gdzie nie ma dobrego zwyczaju wspierania i nagradzania dobrowolnego twórców. Nie ma właśnie tego społecznego oczekiwania :/
A wręcz odwrotnie często można spotkać się z postawą roszczeniową.

@deshipu @nathell @rdarmila @ithilhin @ksiazki

flamenco108 , avatar

@warroza @deshipu @nathell @rdarmila @ithilhin @ksiazki tak, ja mam postawę roszczeniową w polu filmów: coraz częściej uważam, że twórcy winni mi płacić za ich oglądanie.

venitamathias , to blackmastodon avatar

Jacksonville, FL Sheriff, Mayor, and FBI updating public on racially motivated murder of 3 black victims by a white male. The now dead shooter travelled to Jacksonville to murder black people. He left behind manifestos.

Godfrey642 , avatar

@IveyJanette @fulanigirl @thepoliticalcat @venitamathias @blackmastodon
Trauma is an interesting one. You can sometimes choose to leave it behind.. if you're lucky.
I think counselling is good up to a point like any "medicine". But you have to get stronger again and mend from that medicine, or you'll just descend into a pit.

I once read that trauma is an event or pain done to you, but if you re-live it and don't let it ğo, then the trauma is coming from you to yourself over and over again.

There's an element of truth in that for sure but in sthg like racism or war or abuse that's ongoing, its hard to let it go, unless you can fully remove yourself from it. In my case I emigrated. I was lucky it was a way out. Not everyone has that.

I have no idea what Id do if i was Black in a hostile community in USA with shooters wanting me dead.

IveyJanette , avatar

@Godfrey642 @fulanigirl @thepoliticalcat @venitamathias @blackmastodon I've had anger issues my entire life. Therapy and support groups have helped. I wish there hadn't been the stupid beef between our family over trivial bullshit like colorism and choosing to live and work in certain places. Otherwise I would definitely consider a move north of the border and applying for dual citizenship.

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