
Son_of_dad, to news in Courtroom scuffle erupts after Capitol rioter resists detention order

Watch him get a slap in the wrist despite this

@Salamendacious@lemmy.world avatar

For trying to topple our democracy I think they’re all getting a slap on the wrist.


I think that’s the point. Gotta send the message that it’s a low-risk activity, or you won’t get more.

PP_BOY_, to news in Courtroom scuffle erupts after Capitol rioter resists detention order
@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

I know its superficial but Vitali Gossjankowski doesn’t exactly sound like the White American name you’d expect from one of these “patriots”

@Salamendacious@lemmy.world avatar

Maga is not the old right wing nut job. It’s a whole new breed.


He looks like one of those alt-right incel people. I don't think he's realized it yet, but his privilege card just got revoked. Also, let's see:

Sent harassing and threatening messages to a DC Police detective assigned to the FBI task force that worked on Gossjankowski's case, including antisemitic, homophobic and racist epithets and suggested the officer should be violently sexually assaulted

Instagram posts referring to FBI agents and law enforcement in antisemitic and homophobic terms and called them "animalistic subhumans." The posts also contained the names, email addresses and phone numbers of prosecutors, law enforcement and even court staff involved in the case. At least one post urged Gossjankowski's followers to "inundate" Valentini's inbox with messages.

Defense lawyers argued that the defendant was just venting ....


He looks like Tucker Carlson in that pic.

crandlecan, to news in Courtroom scuffle erupts after Capitol rioter resists detention order

EU block

Courtroom scuffle erupts after Capitol rioter resists detention | wusa9.com - archive.ph/cA9gq

crandlecan, to news in Courtroom scuffle erupts after Capitol rioter resists detention order

The corrupt judge should’ve accepted his authority!! No worries, the tribunals are coming 🔥💥😎


… wut?

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Looks like they’re making a Qanon joke. People sucked into that conspiracy think that the “good guys” (Trump and his ilk) are waging a secret war with the evil “deep state” for control of America. Once the “good guys” gain the upper hand and take control of the government they believe that there will be military tribunals not unlike Nuremberg after WW2 where the “evil deep state pedophiles” will be sentenced to death for their crimes.

It’s extremely unhinged; the people that believe it are dangerous to our democracy and those around them because they can and will justify any action as necessary to fight the “deep state”.


Ahhh… ok that makes sense (in a nonsensical way). I hadn’t heard of the tribunals because I prefer to surround myself with reality. Thnx for explaining.


Indeed :) And a PS: I refuse to use /s


jordanlund, to news in Courtroom scuffle erupts after Capitol rioter resists detention order
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Frankly, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often.

@girlfreddy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think it doesn’t because most recognize they’ll likely get more time added onto their sentences.


It happens once a week in criminal court. Not necessarily to this extent. Every day there is a moment where the marshals and cops all lean in toward the defendant because it feels like it’s about to jump off. Marshals seem to be out recovering from bite wounds more than any other profession I’m aware of.

@Salamendacious@lemmy.world avatar

They’re completely remorseful and teary-eyed in court until they get out then they’re the same old maga-morons

cley_faye, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

On one hand, this can be seen as a signal to allow shooting shitty people, which is bad for a plethora of reasons. On the other hand, shitty people.

doom_and_gloom, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

“I really don’t care, I mean it is what it is,” he said. “It’s God’s plan at the end of the day.”


@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

If he didn’t care, why did he take the dude to court? Being shot was part of God’s plan, was it not?

JokeDeity, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

Piece of shit is lucky to be alive. Hope he learned from this, but I doubt it, they never do.

I don’t understand how you can rightfully find him not guilty by self defense and then still have him criminally liable for firing a gun in a mall.

@ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

He didn’t, he was making fun of the whole thing in an interview and said he’d continue doing his malicious pranks all the same.

Chunk, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

Personally I don’t care what the law says. I’m happy the YouTuber got shot and I am happy the shooter went free.

@ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

He’s still needing to fight the charge for shooting into an occupied dwelling - judge is hearing arguments in October. He’s also been in police custody since the incident 6 months ago. I hope he wins though. I think the gun was too far, but the increase in lethality in any situation where someone has a gun is well known and documented, and comes down to a policy issue rather than his own personal failing imo.

@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar

Really he had the right to salf defense but not use a gun in crowned building, what about standing his ground.


This is a perfect example of gun laws not making common sense. You can have your shooting ruled justified and still get a felony on the fact of where it happened. Like you had a choice.

@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar

law only have to make sense to lawyer and judges not people


The vast majority of people are neither lawyers nor judges.

I think the people the laws apply to should be able to make sense of those laws or the laws are no good.

@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar



Absolutely not. If laws don’t make sense then they are inherently unjust.

@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar

I agree that that they should, not that they do


Yeah man, whatever happened to pepper spray? This seems more like a pepper spray kind of response.


I’m not trying to make a strawman argument with this comment, I would simply like to state the misfortune that some countries prohibit the use of pepper spray for self-defence. Canada is one such example that is known to me.

<span style="color:#323232;">tshLz68OTxAkqdrN0fsu2PS0B3WTZAEQxH9bUUpQeu0M/piF3foJbme1ziay5+3XkCIyRUqO6fornlpkXdp0QK9/xIIy7Z/vf+NOSZ/NC+hrZsvmplMjNkhRJ3U2kzKEMINpt6NDvnsNrxsHMVO+V/wJLsA2a7sV/WZcrtHaxQmk+n6dATEK1NzGx5Dcl96wsiSTHLI7Y5cXtp7VvzZ4xQ6Vefg1CDf44lQnQcKUWcdY9DeTCksEUzQba0ee/UCO1HaoPhzlYnH4wNLayMOZHjg+l5uRSDFeEzEK8+ElNAQaP9rCG/g/RpvuPrwAkM2I6cCCQkudj1FdGEPSgSzYmQ==

If the safety we pay for, and the justice we expect isn’t provided sufficiently by the state, I think it’s sensible to ignore prohibitions of this nature. I don’t personally view them as a misfortune - freedom is a practice.


I think it’s sensible to ignore prohibitions of this nature

While sensible, I would argue that it is ill-advised (depending on context). One would instead be better suited to protest for this right, or to build grassroots support with the hope of democratically achieving it.

freedom is a practice.

I do strongly agree with this statement; however, the rule of law must be respected unless one is absolutely certain that there is no other choice. I think the declaration of independence puts it succinctly:

[…] Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government […] Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. […]

<span style="color:#323232;">uNWFd160lwjPncmmtOMI7pnIQxbDjNaaogkRHv4troRYz5retihmjDJQuz/87YT91VYC5npys3BFwROqsqgQ7+4WAYIBob+nRktqKeu44el2IjlKjAh9OGlOMTroThnIte2FuswNR7A+jyx6uC5F4/Ryl7Fatk5tjHX91HAdpmRksqer5SYLgQzYYt9J5k28ZuyvhDSwQfWf5Ur4lF74j7+qDVH61kV7qFIfM4gJOy9vKHfP7k21+eKD9Wlv6RDFmk/Y8j/urt35zfdH5m/zGS36qo8RhIu3nap26ybFXb41SiLG0iOH+/iJLqgzALhpmLPO+6m7qGHCCdCXxws7fQ==

While sensible, I would argue that it is ill-advised (depending on context). One would instead be better suited to protest for this right, or to build grassroots support with the hope of democratically achieving it.

Sure, but it takes energy to protest & there are only so many hours in a day. If you’re fighting for something righteous, alright, maybe it’s worth it. But all that work for something that sits on the shelf at cabelas that anybody can buy? Nah.

the rule of law must be respected unless one is absolutely certain that there is no other choice

I disagree with this. There are laws that are unfair, discriminatory, puritanical, fruits of political gamesmanship, legislative overreach, arbitrary coincidences of time & place, restrictive on activities that harm no one, etc. I don’t think people oppressed by those laws should have to bear the burden of crusading against them. I don’t think disobedience needs to have strings attached.


Sure, but it takes energy to protest & there are only so many hours in a day.

Freedom is accomplished through practice 😉.

If you’re fighting for something righteous, alright, maybe it’s worth it.

You don’t think that fighting for one’s freedom is righteous?

But all that work for something that sits on the shelf at cabelas that anybody can buy? Nah.

What do you mean? I don’t understand how this statement ties in with what you were previously talking about.

I disagree with this. There are laws that are unfair, discriminatory, puritanical, fruits of political gamesmanship, legislative overreach, arbitrary coincidences of time & place, restrictive on activities that harm no one, etc.

I would argue that malicious compliance would be one’s best form of resistance in the case where one is not subject to absolute despotism. There is also something called “Jury Nullification” which can be a boon for making these sorts of changes.

I don’t think disobedience needs to have strings attached.

If disobedience carried no risk, then we would not live in a civil society.


He’s still going to prison for discharging a firearm apparently.

spark947, (edited )

I don’t like this behavior either. But the answer isn’t to start shooting. America is gross.


This happened in Dulles–just west of Washington, D.C.–not Dallas, TX.


Well Oops, this my bad. I guess its just america.

Kalcifer, (edited )

Correct, people shouldn’t go around shooting people that they don’t like, but that isn’t what happened here – Alan Colie was acting in self-defence. That is, of course, unless you are of the opinion that people shouldn’t be allowed to use firearms in self-defence.

<span style="color:#323232;">bUDnRZ0kjJqfm8GENhao9dovO6CydCHTMb8Fz1TYwUic8xy6bD8bTg6VkagwSSwVhltuqEdYkZnT/02TOcKdOJ9VKvL//3scGs/TlSSPZ8LU1SvaoYyb/czu4qi25f6hTh2S8iMkQ7e3bbvlKvnACnsFMZL3afsWICGwXXSZxk5VodS18XZ1m3fUJLxdjMju+M2U0WuXyMVNCP7LI2wQI2gs2SH/LoFZPQLiRvsv6o6ryQyWIp2MlBWbT9oj/wAycuWmPnn3oFTt3xUm7LdSX8kFEArCy44Zv0zyNn1Utyt7AX+KJT3XWgdqTDuC4cBIHOOUhuEzOOoQ89iXs312kA==

That’s incredibly reductive.

Sure defending oneself with firearms may be appropriate in some circumstances, simply walking away might be appropriate in other circumstances.

Some would argue the latter was more appropriate in this circumstance, and others would argue the former, but we can probably both agree there would be more people arguing the former in the US than in most other countries.


Have you seen the video? The shooter getting “pranked” had both hands occupied carrying a paper bag and was being followed and harassed for over 10 seconds while repeatedly telling the prankster to stop.

It does seem like an overreaction to shoot immediately instead of trying to threaten first but I’m not sure.

I would’ve fully sided with the shooter if they’re weren’t in a mall with other people around and probably security right around the corner, because then he would’ve been much more at risk if he doesn’t shoot and the prankster tries to rob him or w/e.


Someone walking up to you us bad, but it isn’t a credible threat to your life. On the one hand, youtube should be held liable for incentuvizing this behavior, even if it means repealling section 250. On the other hand, you shouldn’t start a shootout at Walmart over a tik tok. All of America will become a battlefield.


Someone walking up to you us bad, but it isn’t a credible threat to your life. On the one hand, youtube should be held liable for incentuvizing this behavior, even if it means repealling section 250. On the other hand, you shouldn’t start a shootout at Walmart over a tik tok. All of America will become a battlefield.


Someone walking up to you us bad, but it isn’t a credible threat to your life.

It entirely depends on context.

youtube should be held liable for incentuvizing this behavior

For one, YouTube isn’t directly incentivizing it. The existence of money, and social fame are the main incentivizing factors. YouTube simply provides the platform. Holding YouTube accountable for this would carry enormous ramifications for the rest of the internet.

even if it means repealling section 250

Do you mean Section 230…?

On the other hand, you shouldn’t start a shootout at Walmart over a tik tok.

That is a rather reductive statement – you are ignoring crucial contextual information. The victim assessed that, given the situation, there was a credible threat to his safety, and acted accordingly.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:dD+9B0nz63HWVwijeZIDB4gx0Ac++yPYtxsZJAd2m54y8qUwqFBgmQpjYkX5x8Xg/ERu81hD8Ar01Kmx06y+g/lznsz1YP6Hixn1qwK+0ydI4rONqDgWE33kcccF1tzBND93DpQDvgkkTPgrRq9cvakW42YgS8AJkrVgpGGkbMQmAD+1WosMncwtZRb3iObhjgf6qq7idc3wqpjsLsxvK9i476EK+9hygKwWwLwL7vAvX++igd8G0XARr7xeBA7oUcmc89OsF2CE9LEf4FUEsW3b9TMv57CFGu0WYpivqglJTKg/6F4VCKm9u/l7FT8E83MDqgtPHjx6CMvydWjPag==
Kalcifer, (edited )

Hm, one must be careful with such lines of thinking. Self-defense should be protected, and upheld based on principle, and not simply because it was used against someone who may socially detestable.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:Xpto6+CqmztueG93Hr9TWGrFEqsQlphBb5H+B7FKMK9J3SkSqbVdldBh2LPdJCBavk0ovU7/YXTEpWdkHnDRS/suKAKmDKrta0TpDY3CeF7S1iemSZ46Y4xa/texFQluvZ+OC6l6nGrYMoWRLeed/u7hgkD9DRafFiAmgP5uBxQeSAo2lKBQN5usXBJRU/80u7smOdbBj2t6HS/wRu4vkDYXmGpLqjPQvHAxcBvGR+4bDvQ28Df7Qnpea7NkK+gDBHKSMEW58WfdbQZihrwc/1oBGfbPXp2oR9rfPn3at3Ab/67PoyebHxJxvc7Ap7CAJveaSxfL0QCC9wepxo02jQ==

I doubt you’re ever happy. You sound cyclical AF.

brainrein, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

Just another reminder how stupid American laws on weapons are. In every normal country this couldn’t happen because that guy wouldn’t have a gun in the first place. It would have ended in a fight or in the shooter suing the prankster and getting a lot of money while the prankster would be told by court to stop this stupid pranks.

@ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

The moment a gun is involved, every single confrontation has a skyrocketing rate of lethality.


Deadly weapons make situations more deadly?

I dunno, doesn’t add up.

Kalcifer, (edited )

Do note that this isn’t an exclusive statement; a knife is also extremely deadly.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:SZvzGdmNHaRH7zTy1xJeSZp30zK/eCLiV+707z3BzZsDQ9rlW/2MgYJBsDgqndz51uKiovW3o3teh1NfzvtbN6n5BFtOSTkIYRazhkkA39WVI7rIikrWVtWvkHkexrdD1JGGJhLnbHrqMfnDfYbGIJbMLGaQ3Va6zSXQGxra1S+oE5sc9ENrOyIk62qpPHJ1MHEb4c7YK+CpVNHe9eZaYIEs8jfipU5vI3ICba3NaqnBj1g3VuJmJUGOGExlZoSi2froXRE4eqNAiSpl41zLfT9OMVJHXnZRUOdySRte8lWfIAkPWt7fxHA5+wTDogxzCNwn4CcQh3DgDyakocV8Fg==
@ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

Why do you have a crypto wallet address in your comment?


I don’t. The string at the end of my comments is a digital signature which serves as a means to verify that I was the one that posted it, and that it wasn’t modified by an admin, or any other external entity.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:GHnwqVFVDJFDAGt7Xg1oQecp04BoH+qJucdpFOblrg+YxSx8Vp7DfxEQudqcxK1+7yiOjgKvnVDCRP6oU7XTjttdl6sdMpFq9LcFHQ6OlVtjsvaSoIobck4ARimWs5vvTYMTBp6kCNYmhczFniJ52q3Blps7G1bw5q7sOf1z4rWG+CB99jb//02+x6KVjllnoiZJdVhqfa69dryG49W8QxTLvHqr20kTmAQzEpAK/kWgGL2/FLNhUYjvmVQtQAUJlXo/GJtj93AHyrApqwXEVmGSe/imIrosGgugG3UZSRGJzYd+/KwOVxsZNkTe+eMIyV8ceeouy9LcorEKJ1mq/g==
@ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

How does it verify that?


For more in depth information, I’ll refer you to this Wikipedia article on digital signatures. But, the long and short of it is that I distribute a public key which would be used alongside that signature to verify if that signature was generated by my private key for the content that is contained in the given post.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:Hdv6ZJpsd8MxqdThHqSL5gs/cQ+AbxhOPdoRYYOyL8Ip4/dA6VM3oWtTvItLLO1x+I8DiS+Al7ay5e4TasdNNvrXh5cFmq7+b/L523/tJTqheCpv4tNDETp2H6FY9tJa0HmtmIv4jskdeAMrV0Rnmf1HoqMjO729mGdi1fGxLKVIszlBc4TUKtwzLOOFqBYR5zJCeRw7hbNydGnFRCcJcKfhTX/ANkRChqmCU8AR8Vnb99IMUnchWosjno/88WyoVZEpp/M06iMhw63wKsLzwfDySES3UbMAQwLOEYYtC3B8Y+ApeySAfUkssQjVy7bQUtiE7t/5eYoOTCOBQMUJpQ==

In every other country if three people decide it’d be funny to beat you to death, you actually have zero you can do about it.

You take your robbery and beating, stabbing or slashing, accept the Belfast smile when they decide to give you one, and hope they stop while you’re still able to survive.


Ah yes all those stabbing and knife deaths in European countries like people don’t get stabbed more in the us…


What are the homicide rates in the US compared to those countries?

What’s the ratio of random attackers to friends and family getting killed?

Why are you burying yourself in macho fantasies?


I have no macho fantasies. More randos could beat me to death with their hands than the ones who cannot. You may have a bit of martial arts training and fantasies of obliterating some muggers with your hands but I have no such illusions. I’ve been the victim of crimes like this and consider myself lucky as I was utterly helpless at the time and survived. So fuck off with that “just run away or fight” nonsense you believe from watching too many movies where good guys always take damage differently from bad guys.


Read it again.


Read what? You said I’m buried in macho fantasies.

My owning guns has no bearing on domestic violence happening in a different household.

You know yourself and know you are the kind of person who might use a gun on your own family. I know myself and have no such violent tendencies. The broader statistics may be relevant to the question of whether you disarm everyone wholesale, but are irrelevant to one individual’s personal decision whether or not they will defend their own lives given existing legal constraints.


This is 10/10 mental gymnastics, gold medal


Your arguments are so informative and full of insight, you should publish to a journal.


thx bb


You realize these things still happen a lot more in america right?


I don’t dispute that.

Only question is: what is your plan for when 3 dudes surround you and the first one who is much larger than you makes every signal that he’s about to dominate you?


Who is out to get you bro, what did you do


You clearly grew up more privileged than me, and lived a more sheltered experience, if you truly don’t know that criminals work in groups.

Bored teens with no futures do exceptionally dumb shit, like attack people for fun. They pick the weakest person they see, and in NYC every year there are at least one or two stories where the attacks turn into homicides.


Mate my brother was a drug dealer, half my friends growing up were in gangs, and at no point did I wish I had a gun or any other weapon except in sad moments as a power fantasy.


In every other country if three people decide it’d be funny to beat you to death, you actually have zero you can do about it.

I don’t know if you mean that one would lack the means, or that they are simply prohibited by law to defend themself, but, in either case, it is false in that there do exist countries in which one can defend themself, or defend themself and carry the means to defend themeself. For example, let’s look at Canada (do not interpret this as legal advice):

34 (1) A person is not guilty of an offence if

(a) they believe on reasonable grounds that force is being used against them or another person or that a threat of force is being made against them or another person;

(b) the act that constitutes the offence is committed for the purpose of defending or protecting themselves or the other person from that use or threat of force; and

(c) the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances.

[(Section 34 of the Canadian Criminal Code)]

So we can see that one is allowed to defend themself. Things do get a little more trick when we are talking about the means to defend oneself. Canada’s criminal code defines a “weapon”, as follows:

weapon means any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use

(a) in causing death or injury to any person, or

(b) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person

[(Section 2 of the Canadian Criminal Code)]

and then further states

88 (1) Every person commits an offence who carries or possesses a weapon, an imitation of a weapon, a prohibited device or any ammunition or prohibited ammunition for a purpose dangerous to the public peace or for the purpose of committing an offence.


(2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1)

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

[(Section 88 of the Canadian Criminal Code)]

However, there are some loopholes in this. As long as one states that they are not carrying an item with the purpose of causing harm to another, and that such reasoning could be reasonably justified, given the context, one could, for example, carry a knife. Carrying a firearm, however, is significantly more complicated, and difficult.

<span style="color:#323232;">RvzKdXmHFIp8J+d3mmGIEyVSdsasZDUWhjSowB0IplIbNNRBto4TzFiKTueEaYakSsSQ9F/KQxtXK5NMbSWgeX3gSXr+ry5KvwAidi/9HxY0NFzHINnJ4682kK7E247jObijihDyootBL9nOMVeqEB0jFaHL5x6aQuNsmmOCmrMpjIeAiCimQXg1PFlEnY83JDLjlInwxh5uH5dnhCupXBpPFzj1dKwk8hsONY40w9wOK8i+3/lhVUMRXm3fwAAAUbuqlaizX9qp8yDrqd868pEbuCvrz6lh5Z4WQAvKkmO+GUWP+O0ARctxoHD5mhjDD/R2O3JVlIwYVf5Cc9PQXA==

My brother had a gun pulled on him while delivering a pizza. I don’t blame delivery people for arming themselves with the unfamiliar situations they have to put themselves in regularly. So long as the strangers they interact with may be armed it’s just an arms race.

Also, in this specific situation where someone comes up behind you and gets in your face something like a knife would be just as deadly.

Kalcifer, (edited )

So long as the strangers they interact with may be armed it’s just an arms race.

I don’t fully understand – are you stating this as a counterargument to allowing citizens to arm themselves?

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:B1AXrZBd/7FJJsrZK3eAstCO4snSAUMFuDO1KjwEAJU3xxtP0d7KJD2oTd9vS/0UHABSsREV9mDuethUyiv+QH++uWOlCvc2jVHOX6Q9UMN2QcAPbJm6hbqGQLMpJNjI2F94IPu8iZa6tnyAsagUQHbx6T8WBAlnv7nl5ukmUfFwtl6CP/lobNteFBlMKXOCRV+mJTbWq02L71ZA6EyfD2EUyLVb1iJ/NoDWOnI9whAoUHRHSOzLldEd/AoQ0/8HjvKsnFT+EAeqh7KEBYaMcKdduA3U2hqaIo5tIUpDOmCG9QGtbJq7m4Oo6Hxt95qxvBuRRiEzQ6rRPmVPsoKIIg==

No, the opposite really. If you are delivering things alone to strangers, it makes sense to arm yourself. You are putting yourself in vulnerable position frequently and can’t expect others to be unarmed. Otherwise you’d be the loser in the prisoner’s dilemma a society of guns creates. Things might be different if guns weren’t widespread, but that genie’s out of the bottle.

I don’t own a gun, but I might if I didn’t feel safe in my day-to-day life.


I agree that easy access to find isn’t great but this is a text book case of self defense.


Hey man, if he had to carry pepper spray or something instead how would you know he loves freedome eagle flags and trucks?


Hm, I’m not sure how practical this is. If one must defend themself, would it not be best to always be sure that one has the absolute best means of successfully doing so? I would argue that carrying a firearm increases these odds far more than carrying pepper spray.

<span style="color:#323232;">Pkr4gZz8OcH+N59ulney/B0zujS5vwLPawRI3io+8XhRumTMIu18/YlBE78Vu4eZpVHvQsNREGoMkkifDySYSSL7yjWE2KO4IKIxPUxQp2uyn2YFAjeX9xVBexuNrg/pL3X7oHhuGXUwy5QCHn7S6H/yXH7q7R0gpvpn1DPfkZYBmw62iMmcSss1lpxxSS5zhyroAjY5dVbCBmzfFUOEkjUi5I2k3MmxpfCTZlvTZvLEJil6lSwum+1H8Q5WDL1HpkuceyOgWAe4ATiB1Yay2056kIQiwrXbLO3EPzX9kW4GZAyYPABGZcjIYM4WlWzrD6wj5blsGFIT00gXckUMVQ==

Your right, it’s best to just kill the shit out of anyone you think might be a threat. There can be no better solution.

Kalcifer, (edited )

I take issue with some of the wording that you use.

it’s best to just kill the shit out of anyone

An argument could be made for reasonable, and proportional response given the context involved; however, do note that when one is trained for the use of a firearm in self-defence, they aren’t trained to make a killing shot, they are, instead, trained to shoot for center mass to ensure the highest chance of striking their target.

anyone you think might be a threat

There should be no “might” involved. You act when you are certain that there is an immediate threat.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:Re4nBlceIFwCUt0aa8Q0VJI/nf6k0y3v4LCvJXZvir3Xh1cRxppkyI5d8ml+SDupRCLkjo5IeKXiY/2ktiHtMQjgoFTBdlcRvKo54at63dp9OgmY6gYp5rq0u6096uIjk4+w/8U9YILmxNOlMbiNWtWM9CgnCbIWBdLhOMSAxxR2w1VOx6t+9sdfHN4j2rnBdZG+Sw70czdtBAKmasnXe0Mx5SAp7ccoq9YDjSSMYg6z5GkHs2RFkaW/EccRRRz88MRLz0hhSs0X8mgz5aa09pcKJTxBPD24AOUeY9DaH9XqHnmcMFS7b6gMIbWQkKyVrTWpNBiuzYm6J1dll5HJFA==

Yeah, instead we get the guy being shot but continuing to do his stupid bullshit. That laws in the US are broken.

Kalcifer, (edited )

I don’t understand your point. Are stating that if the victim didn’t have a gun – meaning that the shooting didn’t happen – then the perpetrator wouldn’t be continuing this behaviour?

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:ZXco0T3+z6ff9K0rbQCt+9w2lDEe4GHy9QuxOgIiJqKWfcGoazURsZea+8i/5DrTIHihOUN4GEY9HlHfzoEQCGLqZaby4yj+t0yUbP08HVgwPi1mV19bbieDKMJeXhNkpDwgqjc8rDcnyMgaPhlAY/W+nS6xWgIcrTMrf9H5LbhtZqIwHvo4kFgUz87mrt21L8rlOpvbiodZrrLx/1mHGXd3cdJJP92W1Z3x7t4E7NjKgstCnyCXtILMpejJkQH4cEPv1pdlHRQdjOrG32ZmyFWWn+LruZW+Xj4Vx5ueu87UupLpCPbTD5FWMGX/HTfBxR5XQs0oRYO8Eh1q8WY2Tg==

Yeah. I mean, this happened in a mall? With hundreds of people around? It seems like the best outcome would be: person having their personal space invaded tells the “perp” to stop it. Files lawsuit, judge orders to cease their invasive harassment against other people.

The whole being shot just shows how quick to violence and homicide Americans are. It’s like, the solution to everything these days. Dealing with people the past few years in public is pretty dicey, just asking someone not to cut in front of you at the checkout line could potentially lead to a mass shooting these days.


It seems like the best outcome would be: person having their personal space invaded tells the “perp” to stop it.

The best outcome, sure, but not a guaranteed outcome.

judge orders to cease their invasive harassment against other people.

That’s not really how the law works. If It is already illegal to harass people, then the court order would essentially be along the lines of “I order you to stop doing illegal things!”.

The whole being shot just shows how quick to violence and homicide Americans are. It’s like, the solution to everything these days. Dealing with people the past few years in public is pretty dicey, just asking someone not to cut in front of you at the checkout line could potentially lead to a mass shooting these days.

It isn’t entirely fair to group unprovoked violence with self-defence. There is an argument that could be made for proportional response in defence, but this is a separate issue.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:pAJkBsbiDHXMaSZ2SkenLgap0KT3Jnz3LV4F7n97GHsbMXIAVNZFFnsd4WxHZ6ryOSW6OvoT+fWGWCrTyCFjAH/IjqtLbk2uPqIXBNRAFv6AGQ3swX6kqtpKe97t35Of+ACUgyXM4BX0HGpoEojRhuHrKUU2EAD8brvTkHBVIXD5QTDWibmEm6aUZpnfCmBLoAyo8J/uiN1NBnbYZghJ9vgG8JVIo26MNFeP9Vq79LihQ0wp6PXHiS38+M4YQ65wk+cPKWXgxYfg4N/VNdsQkoAtEk4OVnMAZoh42eBiGNbTcp2xB4V9Qwk+eCkn1POi1DTKb7NYjpi03kj1lvRX1A==
Kalcifer, (edited )

In every normal country this couldn’t happen because that guy wouldn’t have a gun in the first place.

Are you referring to a shooting in self-defence by a law-abiding gun owner? If so, then yes, if said law-abiding citizen didn’t have a gun, then, by modus tollens, they wouldn’t be able to use a gun in self-defence.

It would have ended in a fight or in the shooter suing the prankster and getting a lot of money while the prankster would be told by court to stop this stupid pranks.

You state “ended in a fight” as if that implies that the total damage imparted on both parties would be less overall. You completely miss the fact that physical violence can quite easily end fatally.

At any rate, wouldn’t a victim defending themself successfully, efficiently, and likely without bodily harm to themself be preferential to the possibility of a violent and bloody physical beating with odds likely not in the victim’s favor?

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:BQVt7fAQqGvqjdNGUrvFp8iqrLRo8CmbObtXC5hFcYjFf60yg37xh7iyO8+vL4e2+pB5orcuBTuGgk1LMwFlyoDWKLb72FTczTCpRCwI6RoqF6YS1EOOli37Bi2Sod2Za/kjTaP6gijyrKUshxlhXQuiKPDkhGzpVtdKwgLlyziqBJzo3WQ0rIHKh/WWC0fmO6GQySYJQd6KVgDmrhzvIg0JXT7OpPPYM5QjnA+J14PXCqawJPmxmHbOF53MoV8QH8jszAt+ywzdRxI5eeM9aKifkX2+P8MUswT23ql95BEeG1egRAraue4yJ3OjaqeMUNFOPdDTGTguVSDjO1gctg==

I mean you lack the legal option of having a means to defend yourself.


Are you replying to the following?

In every normal country this couldn’t happen because that guy wouldn’t have a gun in the first place.

Are you referring to a shooting in self-defence by a law-abiding gun owner? If so, then yes, if said law-abiding citizen didn’t have a gun, then, by modus tollens, they wouldn’t be able to use a gun in self-defence.

<span style="color:#323232;">content-signature:MPvnKfx103YjaEk1xAXkZad4N/0g8T26skCzlxub/U2C7YlNL3ycnBO+T9uLoaM1EJ93KjJxWFjisQOWL6sw6znCkte+v0HXg6SP1KewjQGthXuEwCkFNvbmgNMs/yB9UCnqHQA94fdb1NKgi6NpZqh/Ja6cn6B/fsLAyOtMSAEtmYJWG/Dqa3I9p5GdHXUlMsWpKpZrd4oQ8qxDIDZPYgApZPhNKLHJijZK0lrsj91HbSapgCPY9gGVwT758MnEQ4MdgmywfwFlXxhzPU3qDLu6J/tqjNAPNiPdadE9VN9H/Oj5C2I235zLgmk9TCdMoNz1ZwjpXfg566OZxsjWog==
torknorggren, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

I’m really surprised the DA took this to trial. I can’t imagine a jury in the US that would have returned a conviction.


Well that’s called cognitive dissonance. You can believe it. It happened. It only seems unbelievable because you don’t really know what the law is.

If you did, you’d know why the person was arrested, prosecuted, and why the case made it all the way to a jury without being dismissed along the way such as at a probable cause hearing or on a motion for directed verdict.


Are you being sarcastic? It’s hard to tell over text.


Nope, not sarcasm. I legit think the DA should have worked harder for a plea and saved the time, money, and embarrassment of a trial.

unconsciousvoidling, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury
@unconsciousvoidling@lemmy.one avatar


iforgotmyinstance, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

When “it’s just a prank bro” goes too far. Imagine having consequences to your actions.

masterspace, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury

I guess there’s a reason Just For Laughs Gags is filmed in Canada.

Paranoia and heavy armament don’t seem to go well together.


Also Just for Laughs mostly uses people who are already in on the joke, which helps.


Cook’s lack of respect for people and his total disregard of the consequences of his actions is what caused this situation, not paranoia and heavy armament.


I don’t have any sympathy for Cook, nor do i think it’s a bad verdict, but shooting someone is a pretty extreme response to having a phone held near your face/ear for 20 seconds.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

It’s a losing battle trying to inject reasonable responses to situations here. Running away is apparently something that is no longer allowed. People somehow think going for violence is always the correct and immediate response to something like this. This place is no better than Reddit for that, there are some bloodthirsty motherfuckers itching to tell someone who is in charge via the point of a gun.

FlowVoid, (edited )

You don’t have a monopoly on reasonableness. Twelve jurors, not Redditors, agreed that the YouTuber was behaving aggressively, and violence is a common response to aggression.

And the YouTuber’s entire shtick is to make people think they might be in danger, by not letting them back away. Because that’s how fights commonly start. If he did the same routine ten feet away from his victims, the whole shtick would fail.


And that result proves that society is too quick to use a gun by deeming potential lethal force so acceptable.


Or maybe it proves that society has deemed intentionally menacing bystanders, particularly for money, to be completely unacceptable.


12 jurors agreed that they couldn’t agree on a verdict and the judge told them that wasn’t an option so they came back with a not guilty verdict.


Yes, they agreed they couldn’t agree and then they agreed they could agree. And the verdict they could agree on was not guilty.


You’re reading into that the wrong way. There was one incompatible charge about firing indoors. Somehow you can be guilty of that without being guilty for shooting someone? That’s almost definitely what the hangup was about and the judge is going to hear arguments for it next month even though it was the only charge they found him guilty for.


violence is a common response to aggression

And that’s the thing about US legal law: the active support for violence in response to aggression.

Most European countries have a clear legal principle of not allowing violence in response to aggression.


Most European countries allow the use of force in self defense.


Proportional force.

For example:

  • Shooting someone, for telling you to given them your wallet, is NOT proportional.
  • Stabbing someone to death, for trying to mug you at knifepoint, IS proportional.
  • Stabbing them and dismembering the body afterwards, is NOT proportional.

The main difference, is most European countries have a (mostly) functional police force you can expect to help you deal properly in most conflict situations.

Still, this case “could” be considered proportional if the guy saw the prankster and his friends as potentially assaulting him as a group.


Laws vary by country and state, but some European countries are actually more permissive than the US in the matter of self defense.

For example, Germany allows you to use deadly force to protect mere property, this is not allowed in many US states.


Germany allows you to use “up to” deadly force… if you can argue there was no other way to stop the attacker… and basically with your bare hands, because guns and weapons are way more controlled than in the US.

To have a gun you need to pass not just a criminal check, but also a proficiency test, a fitness test, and then justify a “special need” to own a certain gun. Even carrying a foldable knife can land you in jail before you get a chance to use it for “deadly force”.

On the bright side, you could probably legally run over a thief with your car.


Most Germans have easy access to a kitchen knife, especially if they are at home. And those can readily be used to kill someone.


You can have a lot of stuff at home, like a katana, a crossbow, a nail gun, or any sort of airsoft replica gun. You can also carry it in a bag, a backpack, or anywhere else out of easy reach.

The “out of easy reach” part is especially important for paintball, airsoft, archery and hunting enthusiasts; you better make sure that weapon is well packed and hard to reach while carrying it around in public, unless you want it confiscated and land your ass in jail way before you have a chance of using it for self defense.


Within a narrowly defined scope, yes. Pretty sure that with how the case is described here that he would be convicted in a lot of European countries for overstepping the amount of force he’s allowed to use in self defense.

FlowVoid, (edited )

Depends on the country, of course. Some European countries are actually more permissive than the US.

For example, in the US you must have a reasonable fear of great bodily harm to use deadly force. Reasonable means an average person would feel the same way.

But in the UK, any actual fear of great bodily harm justifies deadly force, even if it is not reasonable, ie even if an average person would not have that fear.

Furthermore unlike most US states there is no duty to retreat before using deadly force in the UK, France, Spain or Sweden. This means you can immediately use deadly force when threatened, you don’t need to reserve it as a “last option.”

magnetosphere, to news in Man who shot YouTuber on video at Dulles Town Center found not guilty by jury
@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

When he testified, Colie recalled how Cook and his friend approached him from behind and put the phone about 6 inches away from his face. He described feeling confused by the phrase Cook was playing. Colie told the jury the two looked “really cold and angry.”

What was the phrase? That’s kinda important. “Have a nice day” and “I’m going to skullfuck you” are not equally threatening.

@TheLowestStone@lemmy.world avatar

It was, “Hey dips, quit thinking about my twinkle” or something along those lines. A nonsense phrase intentionally chosen to be confusing.

@ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

It was Google translate reading out “Hey dipshit, stop thinking about my twinkle" in English then again in Spanish. It’s mostly harmless and just confusing, but Cook following after Colie’s definitely what forced the situation to escalate, as he held the phone uncomfortably close to Colie’s ear.


People keep saying that’s phrase is harmless. To me that sounds like the type of confused and stupid thing Maga people would yell while committing a hate crime. That combined with two people not taking no for an answer while advancing on you? It sounds like a threat.

When I was living in Virginia I was in a pretty rural area so my view of Virginia might be colored. I found it to be a really red state ( at leadt the part I wan in, not sure about the part this took place in) and yelling at someone there for thinking about your twinkle sounds like a prelude to bigoted violence to me.


I agree. this is exactly the kind of behavior I got before getting the shit beaten out of me in school in the 80s/90s for not covering up my sexuality well enough (bi), nearly lost a thumb in one incident, nearly lost consciousness from being choked in another.

Took me 20 years to work out my trauma and internalized homophobia — and still can’t watch TV shows that feature high school bullying.

This would trigger me (no pun intended) pretty hard.


Where this happened is quite urban. It's suburbia surrounded by tech companies and data centers in NoVA.


100% this whole thing screams hate crime, and on top of that delivery drivers are statistically one of the more dangerous jobs out there (delivery drivers are much more likely to be shot than cops).


Cook testified in court Wednesday, saying he was playing a Google Translate prank on Colie where he would play "goofy woods." Colie's defense lawyer later said Cook was playing the phrase "hey dipsh**, stop thinking about my sparkle."



Colie said despite backing away, yelling “stop” several times, threatening to call police and pushing the phone back, Cook refused to answer him and kept moving forward.

“In my mind, I registered that he was a threat to me, and he was going to harm me,” Colie told the jury. “I saw his left hand down in his left pocket. I didn’t know if he was concealing a weapon. For the sake of my safety, I took out the gun from my right pocket and I shot him in the stomach. At that time, I was fearful that my life was in danger.”


@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for the links. If what he says is true, it seems like Colie handled himself responsibly, and didn’t use the situation as an excuse for excessive force. There are cops who could learn from his example.


Also found this pic, assuming it's from the video of their prank. That looks pretty threatening to me.


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