phi1997, to PCGaming in Madison on why she quit Linus Tech Tips. (Content Warning: Sexism, Self Harm , Sexual Assault & Harassment)

This is reminding me of the collapse of Channel Awesome. If this goes the same way, LTT will continue to exist but not be as big

schwim, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG avatar

“They’re super-terrible to work for and I’ve just coincidentally chose this period of the company’s social implosion to quit and speak up. This is definitely not a bandwagon move.

magnor, avatar

She quit 2 years ago.


In a shocking plot twist, Gamers have no sympathy for an abused and/or manipulated woman.

schwim, avatar

I don’t know if you’re allowed to assume sex anymore so I’m not sure this statement holds any water. This person simply might be awaiting bottom surgery.

The other issue with this statement is that I don’t game.


Being a capital G Gamer is a mentality, not really about whether or not you play games.

schwim, avatar

I see, thanks for the clarification.

EnglishMobster, avatar

Oh, for the love of- fuck off.

Nobody asked for your blatant transphobia here. The fact that that's the first place your head went shows you have some deep-seated issues you need to work out.


I absolutely do not wonder where you would have stood during gamergate - with the worst people fathomable.

schwim, avatar

I probably wouldn’t have been standing at all, seeing as how I have no clue what “gamergate” is.

AdlachGyfiawn, avatar

So you don’t have anything to say about the content of her statement, you’re just offended by her offering it when it’s relevant?

schwim, avatar

Not offended at all. This behavior is completely expected. Don’t share your terrible experience until someone else is talking about how your post-employer misled their viewers, then pile on when it will get clicks.

AdlachGyfiawn, avatar

Do you realize that this is simply how human interaction works? Of fucking course she felt safer telling her story when other people were already telling theirs.

schwim, avatar

I guess I fucking don’t.


I don’t know anything about any of these people one way or the other, but if you believe her account and just think the timing is opportunistic, then do you not also believe the part of her account that’s in, you know, the bigger more noticeable font at the top that says, “To stop the speculation and DMs I’m receiving…”.

As in, “I quit two years ago and didn’t say anything about it, but now this is all over the news and a million people keep asking and/or assuming things, so I guess I should address it”.

ulkesh, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG avatar

Wow. LTT, LMG, and Linus are just plain shit (given this, other reports, GN’s latest videos, and how Linus has responded). I’m still quite glad I never bought into their hype. Now I know to actively avoid the idiots.

downpunxx, to pcgaming in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG avatar

Only made it through reading half of her writeup, I figured Linus was a douchecanoe a long time ago when he cameo'ed on some guys video from schengen, and never watched anything with him in it again. JP Satre was right, hell is other people.

Kaldo, to PCGaming in Madison on why she quit Linus Tech Tips. (Content Warning: Sexism, Self Harm , Sexual Assault & Harassment) avatar

It's hard not to empathize and immediately jump for pitchforks but... does she have any proof of this, or other people that can confirm any of these? From what I've seen all we have is her word.

I mean, remember few years ago when the internet collectively descended on Mick Gordon or Chris Avellone? And then only after years it came to light that they didn't actually do anything wrong and were falsely thrown under the bus by other people or companies? Or that thing with Bayonetta's VA and everyone coming to her aid even though in the end she was the one outright lying about the whole situation? Or the Disco Elysium situation, or probably dozens of other internet dramas fueled by emotion? I think we should collectively wait for something more than one person badmouthing on the internet before we jump to conclusions.

Hellsadvocate, avatar

I dunno. I always believe the underdog with a lot to lose.


What does she have to lose?

Listen, I’m not at all saying she’s lying, but I do not know her and people do shit for inexplicable reasons all the time.

She is getting a lot of attention, something I’m sure many people would not enjoy, but some of that is definitely being driven to her YT channel, so the whole “nothing to gain” position isn’t really true.

Hellsadvocate, avatar

Um. Being hired again? She can be completely shut out of any earnings that she needs to survive whereas Linus has a fuck you amount of money. So...


Being hired again?

She’s going to be hired against her will? 🤔

jon, avatar

This is an important point. We're all pissed at LTT right now so are eager to jump on any story that supports that narrative. I'm not saying I don't believe Madison (what she says pretty much lines up with what I would expect). But before we convict Linus in the court of public opinion, we should allow him to argue in his defense.

appel, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG

Jesus, that is beyond awful. I’m really sorry she had to go through so much bullshit and I’m really glad she’s speaking up.

dinckelman, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG

Reading that made me sick to my core

avidamoeba, (edited ) to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG avatar

What the actual fuck

I mean, in hindsight, I don’t know why I assumed differently. If it looks like a bro club…


Makes you wonder about Maxine leaving now.


No it doesn’t. She moved far up North to be with her boyfriend. Can you stop trying to make shit up?


Wondering why previous employees left after the workplace is revealed to be a toxic, abusive shithole is not making things up.


But it is speculation.


Which, as you may note by your own word choice, isnt “making things up”

Its speculation based on new information.


Yes speculation. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.


Get out of here if you’re just going to keep defending a $100 million corporation like it’s your job


Defending? She literally said that…


And as others have pointed out… what she said falls perfectly in line with what someone afraid of recriminations would say, when trying to quietly exit a toxic workplace.

Seriously… are you Linus? I am failing to see why you have so much skin in this.


Thats the same reason I gave a really crappy company for leaving too. Not saying it’s the exact same situation, but just wanted to point out that people sometimes lie to protect their place in their profession.


I’d like to think that it’s generally safe to assume that a company doesn’t conduct itself in this manner, but employers will always be incentivized to exploit it’s workers so we must be ever vigilant.

shiveyarbles, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG

Seems like a real shit hole place to work

ksynwa, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG avatar

How come anytime I read about this guy it always involves his groupies sending death threats?

Wolfram, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG

It seems they may be deleting comments urging them to address Madison’s experience on their apology video too.

cradac, avatar


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  • PCurd,

    It shows up for me (although I have already watched it if that changes how it works)

    magnor, avatar

    Don’t think so I can see it.

    magnor, avatar

    Do you have proof of that. Cause if true this is really bad.


    I think they were early on. I caught the comments within an hour of the video being posted before there were a gazillion comments and after hitting refresh, the initial comments with mentions of Madison were gone. There were some more, refreshed again and any of them older than 10 minutes were gone. By the time I made a couple comments, the comments seemed to be sticking around.

    CrypticFawn, (edited ) to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG avatar

    I always figured LTT was a boy’s club, considering how few female employees they have, but I had no idea the environment was that bad. Rather naive of me, tbh.

    Ugh, I don’t think I can continue watching anything from LTT anymore. 😭 I hope Madison is doing better these days.

    Edit: I’ve zero issues blocking bad actors. =)


    Maybe let both sides talk before picking a side? Or I guess you can just unsubscribe like a child.

    PeachMan, avatar

    Lol this fanboy


    Fanboy because I’m not reacting like a child before I hear both sides?

    Jerbil, (edited )


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  • Polar,

    Look up super mega.

    Matt came with receipts that showed everything he was accused of was a lie.


    Great. So the other 5M times women come forward like this can be ignored because one time it was proven otherwise.


    1 time? You’re ignorant.


    You’re the abuser enabler.

    PeachMan, avatar

    No, because you’ve posted SEVENTEEN TIMES today simping for Linus. You keep repeating “wait for both sides” even though Linus already responded directly to the GN piece and his response was GARBAGE, which is the main reason a lot of people are unsubscribing. Madison’s problem isn’t the only issue, it’s just another thing we’re throwing onto the pile.

    If this was a male employee you wouldn’t be arguing this hard with the accusations.


    If this was a male employee you wouldn’t be arguing this hard with the accusations.

    lmao. You seem to be projecting.

    CrypticFawn, avatar

    What a stupid thing to say. Unsubbing is a mature response.


    Waiting for both sides to tell their story is the mature response.


    But we wont hear llts response to this… lol

    If she had several tweets of bullshit about the company, it might not have been like this 100%… but ill bet that this is just one out of several people who felt screwed working there

    CrypticFawn, avatar

    We already have their response though? They continue deleting comments that even bring it up. That alone should tell you everything.

    Stop licking their boots; there are better tech channels.


    Yup. Some favorites:

    • Gamer’s Nexus - recently called out LTT for consistent technical mistakes in reviews; very high quality testing on PC hardware
    • Optimum Tech - focuses largely on SFFPCs and gaming peripherals like mice and keyboards (GN has almost no coverage on any of them)
    • The Phawx - lately lots of handhelds like AYANEO and Steam Deck, but also does lots of game performance testing and some hardware testing
    • Louis Rossmann - Right to Repair fanatic, and discussion about some tech news, usually pointing out repair-related issues
    • SomeOrdinaryGamers - a weird hodge-podge of software config (e.g. went through installing Arch, setting up PCIe passthrough for Windows gaming VMs, emulation), tech news, old school mods, and lately aliens (from a skeptic perspective)

    I’ve also liked Hardware Canucks, Hardware Unboxed, and JayzTwoCents (dropped this hard since it became ridiculous imo), but I haven’t watched anything from them in a couple years so I can’t really recommend them.

    I watch LTT a handful of times per year, and usually it’s not really my thing (more hype than content imo).

    imaqtpie, avatar

    Can confirm that Gamer’s Nexus and Optimum Tech are absolutely superb. You can tell those guys are doing it for the love of the game. LTT is vacuous in comparison.


    Another I didn’t mention is Level1Techs, though they tend to focus more on server hardware and less on weird gaming tech (though they do gaming reviews as well).

    CrypticFawn, avatar

    Optimum Tech

    Thanks for this recommendation! I love SFF pcs.


    His production value is fantastic as well. I hope you enjoy. :)


    It’s a sub. Why are you acting like unsubbing is such a terrible, immature response?


    Exactly. OP can easily resub once each side has said their piece and OP feels comfortable that any issues were resolved.


    It’s also not like YouTube won’t recommend you channels that you unsub from. I had to into a 3rd party channel blocker because it kept recommending me AvE even though I very much don’t want to see that channel anymore.


    Sure, but I can also ignore most of that by just going to my subscriptions page. I don’t mind seeing irrelevant videos, I’m just not going to click on them.


    Both sides HAVE spoken. The fire was stoked by the shitty LMG response.

    UdeRecife, avatar

    I’m confused about your comment. Why assume it’s childish to act in a way that distances you of any drama?

    Why that us vs. them attitude of name calling someone as childish? How is that any different of the childish behaviour that is being hoisted upon in the first place?

    Perhaps that’s an indication that a side is already being chosen?

    Anyway, don’t take my comment in a wrong way. I really have no dog in this fight. I barely know who this Linus guy is. I just dislike seeing people being rude to each other, unneedingly escalating discussions by being unkind.


    Exactly. I stopped watching LTT when I felt they produced childish content a few years ago (first it was the clickbait titles, then stupid thumbnails, then annoying ads). So I unsubbed for much less than a sexual harassment case.

    Watch other channels, there’s plenty of good content out there depending on what you’re interested in. I mostly watch Gamer’s Nexus and Optimum Tech these days for tech stuff, but there are a few others I watch with some regularity.



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  • CrypticFawn, avatar

    So you’re actually going forward to “cancel” a company

    … Did you really just insinuate that unsubbing from a channel is the same as “canceling” them? LOL

    Begone, foul troll!


    It’s not just the one employee though. Gamer Nexus has been calling out LTT for inaccuracies too. The ethics of LMG seem dubious at best and the are lots of other options so why keep watching LTT?


    The other side has spoken, and Linus is attempting to plaster over things instead of addressing them head on.

    They have spoken. Both sides had their say. This is the reaction to that.


    Yeah they just want to change their wOrKfLoW…or something like that. To be honest, this is something that needs to be run through the justice system. If there was sexual harassment, then some people need to be tried for those crimes. This is a culture that cannot be changed along the lines that Linus Sebastian suggested. Justice needs to be served, however, I don’t think she really wants to relive this. My mother was sexually harassed by her boss (an optometrist)…it was pretty hard on her.


    As someone who has self immolated in order to bring sexual assault to light… I see all the signs of darvo in the responses from LMG and Linus, and it turns my stomache.

    Nutteman, avatar

    Cry me a river you fucking homonculus people have the right to decide they don’t want to watch the boys club anymore

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    As a cis het male, I feel offended by this “boy’s club” toxic generalisation. When you represent the queer community, you should carefully choose your words instead of labelling half the earthlings with a culture that is far, far smaller in both demographic and influence. What may be true in Western society is not true for the much larger rest of the world.

    LMG’s main audience is in US/Canada, and not as much in rest of the world, where many of us live. A lot of us use Lemmy because we find Reddit’s western culture incredibly toxic and abrasive towards Asians (me), Africans, Global South and rest of the world.

    Madison, and anyone, deserves a lot better, and I just got myself up to speed with the whole situation, which while it blows my mind, also makes me feel a lot of workplaces throughout the world have this corporate dehumanising mindset towards employees.

    I only watched LMG’s content here and there in the past year, but I can probably discard them for how bad people they are.


    Calling something a boys club in no way generalizes guys.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    It does. Boy is a cis het male human who is growing up to be a man. We as men are generalised by queer and feminist people as one giant toxic entity, and I am not part of that. I feel offended by this. The feelings of men are just as important as that of women and trans people, and we all are supposed to be equal beings worthy of respect.

    There exist fanatical groups like Proud Boys, but in no way is “boy’s club” the same as that connotation presented above.


    Boy is a cis het male human who is growing up to be a man.

    No? I don’t see why a boy couldn’t be gay, for example.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    <1% of global population statistics where people identify as nonbinary says otherwise. Most cis males end up growing as cis het males, and not mtf non-binary. A boy could be gay, but less than 1 out of 100 are.


    What? Roughly 7% of men in Western culture are not heterosexual. Across the rest of the world, 3-20% of men (depending on region) have had sex with men.

    Recent figures for young adults (i.e., 18-29) identifying as trans / non-binary in the US are in the ~5% area, which suggests that figures historically would have been higher had there been more cultural awareness and acceptance. Source:…/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-…

    Source for the sexuality claim (quote below): ……/Demographics_of_sexual_orientati…

    “Surveys in Western cultures find, on average, that about 93% of men and 87% of women identify as completely heterosexual, 4% of men and 10% of women as mostly heterosexual, 0.5% of men and 1% of women as evenly bisexual, 0.5% of men and 0.5% of women as mostly homosexual, and 2% of men and 0.5% of women as completely homosexual.[1] An analysis of 67 studies found that the lifetime prevalence of sex between men (regardless of orientation) was 3–5% for East Asia, 6–12% for South and South East Asia, 6–15% for Eastern Europe, and 6–20% for Latin America.[4] The International HIV/AIDS Alliance estimates a worldwide prevalence of men who have sex with men between 3 and 16 percent.[5]”


    It’s a boys club because its a club that only accepts boys. Its genuinly that simple. A girls club would be one that only accepts girls. There is no generalization happening. This is some real incel shit you’re on, and thats a pipeline you should get off.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    I am not sure if there is any “incel” vibe to pointing out these labels that are very much part of patriarchy. Selective patriarchy cannot be utilised, if the goal is to dismantle it.

    “Boy’s club” is a notion that affirms all cis het males are bigots, and is a word born out of binary gender patriarchy. This is the primary reason why this label is used. Using it in itself is a form of bigotry, no matter if you like it or not, since linguistics and contextual grammar works in only one way, and that way is same for all of us.

    Default_Defect, avatar

    Its definitely a commonly used name for the mindset they are describing. There’s nothing to try to defend. As another cis het male, “the boy’s club” is nothing to aspire to, unless of course, the goal is to belittle and victimize women.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    “Boy’s club” is just as bad as “girl’s club”, since those are both mindsets and spaces born out of binary gender system values. Neither is to be aspired for, but one of them gets more flak for arbitrary reasons. These labels need to stop being used in order to condemn and purge the binary gender values and in order to make society more inclusive. Anyone using these labels bolsters patriarchal values.

    Default_Defect, avatar

    At least in a stereotypical sense, the girls club is generally a group of women talking shit about other people behind their backs, sometimes bullying other women to their faces. You don’t commonly hear about a workplace of mainly women sexually harassing the few men to the point of self harm or raping them.

    The labels may be borne of patriarchal values, but the mind sets of the people IN these groups are too. In my opinion, you’re simply denying reality in favor of a progressive idea of how it should be.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Reality is that we live in a binary gender patriarchal system, and we are ultimately denying it and changing it. The issue I am pointing out is that even queer people like parent commenter are utilising these patriarchal labels, intentionally or otherwise, and that they are clearly not on the correct path to bolstering inclusivity by pushing boys/men away. Maybe I overestimate people.

    AceCephalon, avatar

    The term “boy’s club” here is really not generalizing “men” or “boys” as a whole, but rather it’s by its usage criticizing the specific group mentality it describes, that of a group of “boys” who treat women with less respect than each other, or otherwise exclude said women, as in at least some cultures is common from some generally younger “boys” who haven’t really matured past a mentality usually developed from a young age, because they lack the experience to know it’s wrong.


    You’re misconstruing the meaning and intent of the phrase to support your argument. It in no way implies or affirms that all cis het males are bigots, only the males it is directly being used against. Similarly, calling a man a misogynist does not mean that all men are misogynists.


    It’s a lot of techies and IT guys. Sadly it’s basically expected that there will be a toxic environment for women. It’s HR’s job to put a stop to that shit so the company does not get sued. However, when the boss’ wife is the head of HR and the boss is the one allowing the toxic environment, it gets swept under the rug until it becomes a huge issue.

    Shepstr, (edited )

    She isn’t the head of HR.

    Downvote if you want, but it is true.

    rammer, avatar

    She isn’t anymore. She was previously.


    Yeah, I believe when the company was a lot smaller.

    worsedoughnut, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG avatar

    This is the leat surprising information anyone could have told me about working for LTT/LMG. Time and time again, tech jobs and game dev jobs in workplaces run by “old internet edgelords” always (always) results in shit like this.

    Polar, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG

    Let’s wait for both sides before picking. The internet has a history of the “victim” lying.

    franklin, avatar

    We shouldn’t witch hunt but this should be taken very seriously.

    As for history of the victim lying… Never fall into this toxic mindset, even if it does happen you should never rush to this conclusion either. It’s disgusting


    Sitting here waiting for both sides is disgusting? Fuck off lol.

    franklin, (edited ) avatar

    No implying that people in this position have a history of lying is disgusting.

    It discounts and underlays the seriousness of the situations and discredits them without due process

    Edit: removed personal attack, my apologies I should take issue with the content not the user


    They do. But I guess go off and be outraged without a response from both sides.

    You’re a child.

    franklin, avatar

    Like I said don’t witch hunt but don’t dismiss her either, which you have tripled down on at this point.

    I’m not outraged I expect due process, what grosses me out is your attitude



    I’m not dismissing anyone. I’m fucking waiting for both sides because of history.

    I can tell you 5 content creators that were cancelled and proved with receipts they were completely innocent in the past couple years. By then, the damage was done, and people didn’t care to listen to the accused.

    So ya. Call me any childish names you want because I said I want to wait for both sides.

    franklin, avatar

    No stop moving the goal posts, you said they often lie whether true or not is Irrelevant.

    Given the power imbalance tactics like this have been used in the past silence people that were otherwise completely within their rights.

    I’m not saying that Linus did all these things and I agree with you that there needs to be a due process what I’m taking issue with is your language.


    My original comment literally says

    Let’s wait for both sides before picking.

    I’m not moving any goal posts. I’m waiting. Learn to read.

    franklin, avatar

    Then you clearly do not understand the subtext that saying something like “people lie in these situations” implies.


    Ok simp.

    franklin, avatar

    I know it’s hard to acknowledge someone who taught us so much might be party to something so negative.

    However we owe it to ourselves and society to hold everyone accountable with due process. You and I want the same thing.

    It seems you just don’t understand the toxic shadow that subtext can cast.

    We all have our own ways we need to grow.

    Sorry I resorted to personal attacks.


    Please don't use personal attacks.


    Ah there’s the Tate we all knew was in there all along.



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  • franklin, avatar

    Removed mine, you’re right I should take issue with the content not the user. Thank you


    Thank you. I'm taking down my comment.


    I think their response was covered in her post(s)… lol


    They’ve not responded to her. If you think what SHE is saying they said is a response, it’s not.


    Yep. There was a situation like that with LTT and Naomi Wu before, turned to be just drama.

    Hovewer, given her and LTT staff characters, I tend to believe most of what she said. Though, I expected Max to come out with it, not Madison.


    True, but the scale is completely different, Madison worked there for years and Naomi Wu was just a random idiot.

    I’m all for covering both sides and this needs to be addressed.

    PatFussy, to technology in Madison Reeves on why she left LMG

    Why am i seeing gossip on technology? Mods should not allow these sorts of posts


    It’s the biggest tech outlet with major accusations, sure just ignore it.

    But why post?

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