zShxck, to worldnews in Putin Signs Gender Reassignment Ban Into Law


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  • LifeInMultipleChoice,

    Well that’s bullshit.

    Also anyone anti-woke is by definition must fall into a category of pro slavery, pro women not being able to vote, anti civil rights, pro totalitarianism… and the list would go on. Anti-woke would mean asleep and letting the world piss all over you and you never even noticing.

    But sure though, hold onto your “programed” terms like woke and ride them into your ignorant rabbit hole.

    zShxck, (edited )

    Also anyone anti-woke is by definition must fall into a category of pro slavery, pro women not being able to vote, anti civil rights, pro totalitarianism… and the list would go on

    That’s the weirdest and stupidest assumption I have ever read. I am actually pro women and i am defending their rights. People that believe that men can be women and thus allows them in female competitions and then this “women” set new records impossibles to achieve by a real women. You and most people like you don’t even know how much is that offensive towards women. I will not answer on the other points since your assumption is just so ridiculous but then I am the one “programmed” to think that but surely you are not programmed to make that assumption as soon as you see the slightest thing against LGBT, LMAO.

    Anti-woke would mean asleep and letting the world piss all over you and you never even noticing.

    Funny thing is that from my point of view you like most people that think like you are “asleep and letting the world piss all over you and you never even noticing”


    I am a woman and your opinion sucks. Just how many percentage of people who transitioned do you think compete in sport at professional level? That's a completely invalid reason to make it illegal for people to transition. You can disagree with having transitioned women compete in women sport, but it's a completely different matter from the anti human rights and freedom of choice view point to stop people who want to from transitioning. It's ridiculous this even need to be spelled out to you.

    Moreover, this sounds like it stems from your insecurity more than anything, and I don't believe that is at all a valid reason for gate keeping people. And should I mention how you lump the whole LGBTQ in the issue you have with just transpeople? You're just hating (or conditioned to hate) and it's petty.

    Let's go a step further, there are non binary people out there. Are you going to hate on them just because they are born that way? It's fucking stupid.


    It’s ridiculous this even need to be spelled out to you

    Another incorrect assumption.

    this sounds like it stems from your insecurity

    So to make a summary, for you people I am insecure, pro slavery, against women be able to vote, anti civil rights and pro totalitarianism. Anything else?

    Are you going to hate on them just because they are born that way.

    Incredible, guess what? Another incorrect assumption. When did i express hate? The only one here receiving hate It’s me and i am being hated by the people who profess to spread love.


    Another incorrect assumption.

    And yet no reasoning given. A rather pointless response. It suggests you don't have reasons to support your hate.

    So to make a summary, for you people I am insecure, pro slavery, against women be able to vote, anti civil rights and pro totalitarianism. Anything else?

    How about you stop victimising yourself and reason something meaningful for a chance? Apparently, it's okay for you to say the side you disagree with is getting brainwashed (remember, you used the word first), and mutilating themselves (also, your word, which is wrong btw), but it's not okay for other sides to say the same to you? Quite a hypocrite we have here.

    When did i express hate?

    Literally the points you are expressing. You are supporting making choices illegal to people. Choices that are extremely meaningful to some. You are encouraging their persecution.

    The only one here receiving hate It’s me and i am being hated by the people who profess to spread love.

    Again, stop victimising yourself LMAO.

    zShxck, (edited )

    And yet no reasoning given

    i was about to but you are so full of yourself and your opinions that you won’t listen/understand. Anyway since you asked (not even in a gentle and reasonable way) here it is: I think Putin signed that law to put a stop to the spread of the LGBT culture in Russia because in US, Canada, UK and other countries are indoctrinating children by teaching 5 years old Gender and gender ideology (this is my opinion, you may like it or not but should be respected). A couple of weeks ago I was speaking with a canadian man, transitioned to woman (with hormones) and he was wondering if he should go to surgery for sex change but he was unsure. He told me he is confused (HIS WORDS), and then he proceeded to told me he was tricked (tricked is how he feels, i’m going to explain it later) by doctors into the transition process who didn’t mention not even ONE of the side effects of taking hormones (like the bones and joints pain that is chronic and will never go away). He felt tricked because every doctor and psicologyst with whom he spoke was very happy to make him transition but when he started to question the process, and started to ask to revert the process he is suddenly left alone. This was his experience is a summary, or at least is the summary of the summary he told me.

    And before you people lecture me on how i am misgendering him: he stopped taking hormones to be a man again. (I am walking on egg shells… XD)

    How about you stop victimising yourself

    You are so good on judging people that you don’t even realize I was mocking.

    which is wrong btw

    It’s an actual fact.

    Choices that are extremely meaningful to some

    If this choice is so important couldn’t them go transition in another country?

    stop victimising yourself

    here, again, I wasn’t victimizing but was questioning your, and other people that replied to me, behavior, you are not capable of having a conversation without insulting (this was another point a wanted to prove, proved right again, sadly). And for quoting you “It’s ridiculous this even need to be spelled out to you”.


    I almost forgot to mention this (it’s too juicy to let it slide):

    And yet no reasoning given. A rather pointless response. It suggests you don’t have reasons to support your hate.

    One of your answers was literally: “I am a woman and your opinion sucks.” 🤡

    I really don’t want to be mean but after getting insulted for things i haven’t said, after being lectured by you that I am not capable of giving a proper answer I am really sad to say that you are a clown. The only thing I want to add is that I hope that you learnt something today.


    So you are saying you are woke when it comes to women’s rights.

    Also it is widly agreed that trans won’t compete competitively in professional sports for women.

    If you don’t want people to see you as being against/for said things, don’t say you are.

    The point was don’t say pushing woke shit on people and not realize that means pushing anti-slavery values and equal rights for women, etc.


    If you don’t want people to see you as being against/for said things, don’t say you are

    So if a person is against something he shouldn’t express his opinion? What about freedom of speech? I basically said “good thing that children of 12 years old can’t go into the transition process, a process that can mutilate them for life for a choice they are not ready to make” I was LITERALLY called a “insecure, pro slavery, against women be able to vote, anti civil rights and pro totalitarianism”, I was surprised to not being called a “bigot” but there are a few comments that i haven’t read yet. How in the world is this behaviour ok? The people who said that to me, including the people who brainlessly upvoted them are toxic and moreover are promoting a toxic behaviour.

    Why LGBT people want to their opinion respected and then proceed to not respect other people opinion? When i posted the comment I was fully aware of the outcome and just wanted to prove a point. (BTW i was hoping for a less toxic community at least here on Lemmy, i was proved wrong sadly).

    Also it is widely agreed that trans won’t compete competitively in professional sports for women

    Yeah, they should be banned unfortunately just a few days ago a transgender man won Miss Netherlands. How come it is widely agreed and then LGBT community doesn’t speak up against this? I am genuinely asking, i’m trying to have a pacefull conversation here, but I still need to dodge insults…


    Let me play it back.

    1. Woke is to be aware / including being against slavery and for human rights.
    2. You said you were against people “pushing woke”
    3. That means you would be against people pushing awareness for womens rights and anti slavery.
    4. I was saying don’t say you are against people pushing woke if you are not under those beliefs.

    That is all. Media such as Fox news and politicians are intentionally trying to distort a term and make it hated. Then trying to put things they don’t like under that term to make people not like those things.

    It’s like me saying I am against the use of the color red, and wondering why red shirts fall under that.


    It would be nice if people would stop from distorting my words for proving their points, It doesn’t make you look good at all, but otherwise.

    First of all I never said I am anti woke, at maximum I am against LGBT forcing their opinions on other people without respecting others opinion and morality.

    Media such as Fox news and politicians are intentionally trying to distort a term and make it hated. Then trying to put things they don’t like under that term to make people not like those things.

    We agree on this point buddy, everyone should stop watching propaganda channels like Fox, BBC, CNN and others. They want us to fight between us so we are not able to focus on real problems and on the real war that needs to be fought, a class war.

    I wanted to test the waters to see if people were ready to have a peaceful and understanding conversation. You are not ready, I hope one day you will otherwise will be a loss for everyone and the billionaires in control of everything will win.


    Guys, please. Do not turn lemmy into Reddit.


    In what way is someone making Lemmy like Reddit?


    “the west” you ever hear of Thai ladyboys you fucking dunce

    anolemmi, avatar

    Imagine siding with a war criminal hell bent on destroying not only his neighbor’s house but his own house too.

    Don’t be a fucking idiot, nothing is being pushed on kids other than acceptance and tolerance of others. Which ironically, for the most part they already understand. They’re brainwashed to hate, just like you were.

    Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

    Akasazh, to europe in "I Am Navalny’s Lawyer. I Won’t Let Fear Stop My Work," writes Russian lawyer Leonid Solovyov avatar

    Brave man.

    andrew_bidlaw, to europe in Exiled Russian Journalist Marina Ovsyannikova Who Protested The Kremlin's Invasion Of Ukraine On Live TV Loses Custody of Children In Russian Court

    He accused his ex-wife of pressuring their son not to apply to a Russian university

    14yo is too young to apply anywhere, most courses don’t even start to specialize around that age. And as a boy, he has better chances elsewhere, let’s be honest.

    I’m half-sure he is consulted by the gov to bait Ovsyannikova into going back. Or and make news about child stealing, as they did with international adoption a decade prior to this mess.

    But does he want to get something out of it? Return children by getting their mother into prison? Is he pressured into it, or he is just that dumb?


    Igor Ovsyannikov, who serves as the head of the state-funded broadcaster RT’s Spanish bureau

    He's the head of a propaganda machine.


    She was too. He’s a head of some small national subdivision handling translation mostly, she was a content manager on one of the main russian channels.

    But that’s not the point, who take this propaganda bait, who doesn’t and just cash on it. I bet many topheads belong to the second category.

    His obsession with taking kids there and taking revenge on his wife sounds stupid, if not insane.

    HappyMeatbag, (edited ) to europe in Explainer: What Does Russia’s Exit From the Convention on National Minorities Mean? avatar

    TL,DR: Putin doesn’t understand the difference between “discrimination” and “consequences”. He’s mad that people are treating his government negatively because he invaded Ukraine, so by quitting the Convention, he’s giving himself even more permission to be a brutal, authoritarian asshole.

    Juno, to ukraine in Residents in Annexed Crimea Turned Away From Bomb Shelter During Air Raid Alert

    Sounds like russia.

    HappyMeatbag, to europe in Russian teachers resign over refusal to allow Ukraine veterans in class to teach what they believe is promoting war to children avatar

    These kids are learning early that the government is not your friend.

    theluckyone17, to europe in Russia ‘Does Not Need’ Western Democracy, Elections Chief Says

    Statement should have read “Putin does not need Western democracy.” Suppose that would get Ella defenestrated, though.

    0x815, to europe in Russia Sentences Navalny to 19 Years Behind Bars in 'Extremism' Trial

    Moscow City Court refuses to give details of Alexei Navalny’s sentence

    Ladies and gentlemen, there will be no comments from the representative of the State Prosecution today. That’s it for today, most likely — there’s no point in waiting. Follow this chat, our website and Telegram channel to get official information on Navalny’s sentence. So far, to date, we have no further comments,” Vadim Polezhaev, the Moscow City Court’s deputy officer in charge of media and public relations, told reporters following the August 4 hearing.

    pizzaiolo, to europe in Russia Edges Closer to Abortion Ban in Quest to Preserve ‘Traditional Values’

    Funny how much in common Russia has with literally any Western conservative

    noobdoomguy8658, avatar

    Both have to create conflict to keep the masses busy so that nobody has the time to actually think for two minutes and realize that neither has anything of substance to offer, only doing what they do to stay in power for as long as possible.

    Old tricks from old books written about even older tricks.

    Ildar, avatar

    And now read about workers wrights in Russia, and cry on the corner

    AGD4, to ukraine in Russian Theft of Ukrainian Grain Likely a War Crime, Legal Analysis Says

    Just add it to the pile.

    thisbenzingring, to ukraine in How Russian Propaganda Built an Alternate Reality in Occupied Ukraine

    A very disturbing read.

    zephyreks, to worldnews in Russia’s ‘African Villages’ Are White Supremacy in Disguise - The Moscow Times

    Moving white people to Russia is racist? Huh.

    zephyreks, to worldnews in Russia is Preparing the Next Generation to Die for Their Country

    Fun fact: The Moscow Times is majority-owned by a Chinese businessman.

    benjhm, to europe in Russia is Preparing the Next Generation to Die for Their Country

    How can russian teachers coordinate quietly, to discuss responses to this? And the older students too? Could the fediverse play a role, as it’s hard for the state to shut it down? I’m recalling how, in the 1980s, samizdat (self-printing of books) and later magnetizdat (self-copying of music), as well as anekdoti (complex jokes…), helped to crumble the general trust in the state propaganda (especially after chernobyl).

    deafboy, to worldnews in Russia is Preparing the Next Generation to Die for Their Country avatar

    They’ve been doing it for years. I’ve been both fascinated and disgusted by this song, recorded long before the fullscale invasion.

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