hiddengoat, to europe in Russian Physicist Sentenced to 12 Years for Treason over scientific cooperation with Dutch colleagues

Russia's going to have to go full North Korea to keep from losing anyone that is sober enough and has the mental overhead to realize that the country is going straight down the proverbial turlet.

But that many miles of border with nations that have seen just how ineffective they truly are... yeah, that does not bode well for Russia's future.

CodeMonkeyUK, to europe in As Putin’s Re-Election Looms, Kremlin Pushes to Indoctrinate a New Generation of Voters avatar

“Election”…? snort


To a large extent, the concept of an “election” as a driver of people’s wills is a Western construct. In China, for example, people’s wills are directly expressed my complaining to the government. For example, we saw that the government tore down it’s COVID-19 restrictions following mass protests and that they shut down the tutoring economy following a huge number of complaints. Meanwhile, the US is notorious for claiming things during elections and turning around to deliver nothing with no system of recourse for voters.

This isn’t to say that China has a free and liberal democracy, but it is to say that a free election does not make a free democracy and that the ability to impact government policy does not require elections to be free.

Of course, none of this is relevant because Russia’s government doesn’t listen to their citizens lol.

TransplantedSconie, to worldnews in Russia is Preparing the Next Generation to Die for Their Country

As is tradition.

nodimetotie, to europe in Siberian politicians slammed journalist of pro-Kremlin news outlet RT for her calls to drop nuclear bomb over Siberia as a way of sending a message to the West

Bombing will continue until the morale improves

fiah, to worldnews in Russia is Preparing the Next Generation to Die for Their Country avatar

thank you for posting this and baiting a few more tankies into outing themselves, I do so like adding them to my block list


Im a tankie :)

Do u want to be friends?

polskilumalo, to worldnews in Russia is Preparing the Next Generation to Die for Their Country avatar

Fuck if anything we all should be preparing to die for American shareholders if their bloodlust continues to escalate this conflict.

vzq, to europe in With Allies Scarce, Russia Paints Itself as the Enemy of ‘Western Colonialism’

Anyone who’s been on Lemmy in the past weeks could have told you that ;)


New to lemmy, is it plagued with tankies?


Sort of, but it really depends if your instance is one of the ones that still fetches posts from Tankie central servers. If it does, then yes. If it doesn’t, still yes, but way less.

bernieecclestoned, to europe in Russia ‘Does Not Need’ Western Democracy, Elections Chief Says

Muscovite bots are feeling this one

Spitzspot, to ukraine in Russia Pulls Thousands of Soviet-Era Military Vehicles From Major Storage Facility

Ukrainian artillery targets incoming.

Umbra, to worldnews in Putin Signs Gender Reassignment Ban Into Law

It's a good decision IMO. Some would argue voluntary surgery is okay but it's just a giant can of worms.


Another giant can of worms is deciding which individuals get to choose what to do with their bodies.


You already can't have a doctor amputate your healthy limb.


yeah, what a shame lol


If only a doctor would amputate your head, so you could stop filling the world with your ignorance.


What I'm saying is that you already can't have a medical professional do whatever you want on your body. Can't even sell your organs!


Don’t bother to explain they only get what they want to get, I just proved this point here in the comments


That's not what's happening. No child under 18 is receiving any surgical services to transition.

If you are talking about adults, fuck right off with that. Men have their tits removed all the time to conform more to their idea of gender, and women have both removal and additions to the same. That's not to mention the plethora of other cosmetic surgeries available to consenting adults.

This shit is 100% because regressive troglodytes need a Boogeyman, and no one is scared of generic gays anymore, so they needed a smaller subsection of the population to rile the masses up without risk that they might be friends already. Y'all are losing the culture war, so you want to make sure everyone else is as miserable as you are so that you can point to suicide rates and blame us for your abuse.


No child under 18 is receiving any surgical services to transition

But they can get hormone therapy that will stop forever their development phase, not to mention all the side effects (they never mention the permanent side effects nor even the risk of getting side effects, for what i saw is about 60%, but take that with a pinch of salt). They are children, they ARE NOT ready for that choice, like they are not ready to smoke, get a tattoo or own a firearm. It’s just common sense.

EDIT: almost forgot to say that in some states children can get hormone therapy without parents consent. This is absurd.


Absolutely false.

Look, you may have been lied to. Whoever or wherever told you this is permanent is using your anger and well placed desire to not see people get hurt to push their own agenda.

Please read up on this from non-right wing news sources. Medical sources, and direct stories from patients both young and hold. See how this stuff actually impacts people, because the points your making are well crafted astroturfing.


Well if you take hormones during puberty this will stop body development. And if you change your mind later and stop taking hormones your body won’t grow because time has come.


There have been cases of individuals with BID (body integrity disphoria) that have had perfectly healthy limbs removed. Gender reassignment surgeries are also a replacement, not just an amputation. At the end of the surgery, the patient will still have perfectly working genitals, just ones that don’t damage their mental health.


Perfectly working genitals? You can't be serious??


You ever heard of liposuction? Botox? Nose reductions?

gmtom, (edited ) to ukraine in US files war crime charges against Russians accused of torturing an American in the Ukraine invasion

Lmao the hypocrisy. How many US soldiers have been tried for the torture they committed.

e: so when Russia accuses Ukraine of war crimes, you guys take that very seriously right? Because to do otherwise would be whattaboutism, right.

charonn0, avatar
ivanafterall, avatar

Don't feel too bad, though. Of all the logical fallacies possible, it's surely the most-fun to say.


More specifically whataboutism.

It's so prevalent in Russian propaganda, an almost Pavlovian response any time Russia's criticised, that anyone still using it when Russia comes up, is either an idiot or pro-Russian.


It’s not whataboutism. It’s pointing out that since the US doesn’t respect international criminal courts, then they don’t really have a moral standing to try and hold Russians accountable in them.

There’s a reason we have the word hypocrisy.


It’s not whataboutism ... There’s a reason we have the word hypocrisy.

It literally is. Wikipedia:

Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") denotes in a pejorative sense a procedure in which a critical question or argument is not answered or discussed, but retorted with a critical counter-question which expresses a counter-accusation. From a logical and argumentative point of view it is considered a variant of the tu-quoque pattern (Latin 'you too', term for a counter-accusation), which is a subtype of the ad-hominem argument. ... The communication intent is often to distract from the content of a topic (red herring). The goal may also be to question the justification for criticism and the legitimacy, integrity, and fairness of the critic, which can take on the character of discrediting the criticism, which may or may not be justified. Common accusations include double standards, and hypocrisy


Yes, people can claim they are calling out hypocrisy to justify actually whattaboutism, but that doesn’t automatically mean any claim of hypocrisy = whataboutism.

The key line from your own quote is.

which can take on the character of discrediting the criticism, which may or may not be justified


Cool, so it’s okay to just condone torture then.


The worst bit wasn't the Russian war crimes. It was the American hypocrisy! /s


I mean I literally never said that, but go ahead and jerk each other off over it.


You may not have expressively said that, but literally in every post or news article about Russian war crimes, there’s always at least one person pointing at NATO and in particular US war crimes.

No doubt did that happen, yet you don’t see Russian state attorneys trying the US in court. And they can, international criminal law can be ruled in in any country of the world. Now why don’t they or the Chinese do it? For one, because they don’t want to poke the US too much. But if that isn’t the case, the only explanation left is that they don’t want to be open to the possible repercussions of being held to whataboutism themselves.

No why does it happen in the US or NATO countries? Simply because the executive power holds very little sway on the legal proceedings of the attorney General offices, at least when compared to Authotarian countries such as Russia or China.


Honestly my point isn’t “but America war crimes too!!!” Which would probably be fair to call whattaboutism, but pointing out that if americ adoesnt recognise other countries courts or international courts, then why should they expect Russia to care about what their courts say?


No one expects Russia to accept any foreign rulings. However as the Nuremberg trials proved, acceptance can be enforced by the stronger party. And in the likely case this doesn’t happen, the court ruling can mean a lot less foreign diplomacy leeway for the US government when it comes to dealing with Russia. Also a US ruling would extend to every country that has extradition treaties with the US. So anyone proven guilty would effectively be a fugitive in a third and the most powerful and influential third of the world. Look at what the international criminal courts ruling already caused. Putin didn’t attend the meeting of the BRICS+ countries in South-Africa. The same would go for Brazil who also accept den-Haag.

Even if the leadership of a country would like for any proven criminal to appear in their country and would like the justice department to not move, in any and every democratic country, they couldn’t without causing a major breach of constitution.

Anyhow, trials like these must, without fault, be spotless examples of correct rulings, for there to be any resemblance of unpolitical justice


Fair point well made.


I literally never said that, but sure, put words in my mouth if that makes you feel better.

Zoboomafoo, avatar

They aren’t trying to hold those 4 Russians accountable in international courts, they’re charging them in American courts


Fair point but that just raises the obvious point that Americans would never recognise the authority of a foreign court, even of their allies (like the UK for example) so do they really expect Russia to respect their ruling?


I need you to understand that pointing out blatant hypocrisy isn’t actually a logical fallacy, despite what reddit has told you.

Hyperreality, (edited )

Given how the first reaction of Russia apologists, is so often whataboutism, so much so that the wikipedia article on whataboutism literally mentions it being part of the Russian psyche, anyone who's first reaction to an article on Russian war crimes, is "what about America?" is pathetic.

Oh, and I notice you doubled down, edited your comment above and decided to add some "What About Ukraine?" and accused people here of being hypocrites too. Didn't work the first time? Try it again.

Please understand. I'm not saying you're a Russian troll. People who inadvertently propagandize without realizing it are often called useful idiots. But I'm not calling you a useful idiot either. I don't think anyone would conceivably think your comment was useful.


Jesus christ dude I can practically smell the smugness through the screen. I get you you like to feel like you’re oh so much smarter than other people, but maybe tone it down a bit?

Even though I fully expected this kind of knee-jerk reactionary given the community I’m posting on, I thought the responses wouldn’t be full on redditor. But unfortunately I was wrong.


‘’… I fully expected this kind of knee-jerk reactionary given the community …‘’ And you are talking about smugness ;-) Really, people mostly blame others for their own shortcomings and project them onto others. Talk about hipocrisy :-)


Calling out blatant hypocrisy isn’t a shortcoming.

Not being able to accept valid criticism of the US’ actions because of how kuchen you (rightfully) is a shirt coming.

uphillbothways, avatar

It's important to self regulate and prosecute wrong doing of your own people, but justice requires accountability to your accusers, those wronged. Ideally, these work in concert.


The point is America does not care about international criminal courts, so they have no business trying to use them for Russian war criminals.

If Russia tried its own soldiers for war crimes, you would rightly think they will probably go easy on them and won’t be a fiar trial with proper justice as it’s motive.


Key-point here being “if”, because Russia would never try their own soldiers. Apart from desertion of course, though I believe they’d rather execute those.


Fear point


Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") denotes in a pejorative sense a procedure in which a critical question or argument is not answered or discussed, but retorted with a critical counter-question which expresses a counter-accusation. From a logical and argumentative point of view it is considered a variant of the tu-quoque pattern (Latin 'you too', term for a counter-accusation), which is a subtype of the ad-hominem argument. ... the tactic was "an old Soviet trick". ... "Kremlinologists of recent years call this 'whataboutism' because the Kremlin's various mouthpieces deployed the technique so exhaustively against the U.S." ... Russian whataboutism was "part of the national psyche". ... "Moscow's geopolitical whataboutism skills are unmatched"


Calling out hypocrisy is not the same as whattaboutism.

anlumo, to europe in Russian inflation of 6.7% in October reveals only one symptom of deeper economic problems over Putin's war in Ukraine, economists say

As an Austrian, I’d love to have only 6.7%. How did they manage that? Austria is still somewhere around 8% last time I checked.


Austrian inflation for October 2023 is 5.4% (so 1.3% points less than the 6.7 that they had in October 2023 in Rusia). The ~8% was the inflation for 2022, where Russia had an inflation rate of 13.77%.

But to answer your question, starting a war definitely helped them getting a high inflation.

Source inflation Austria:…. Source inflation Russia:…/inflationsrate-in-russland/#:~:….


Thank you for looking up the concrete numbers!


Probably by lying.

Burn_The_Right, to europe in "Even children have become victims of denunciations:" As Ukraine Conflict Drags On, Russians Continue to Snitch on Each Other for Anti-War Views

What a nightmare. Conservatism is a plague long overdue for a cure.

Tomassci, to europe in With Allies Scarce, Russia Paints Itself as the Enemy of ‘Western Colonialism’ avatar

Enemy of western colonialism AND defender of traditionalism

Russia targets both tankies (by that I mean apologists of authoritatian states that may or may not be socialist) and traditionalists in such an effective way. Luckilyost of us have common sense to not fall for this.

lowleveldata, to europe in 91% of Russian married women have experienced domestic violence, which often includes sexual violence, poll data shows

91? Does that mean that only 9% of married men are non-violent?

ValiantDust, avatar

No, it doesn’t necessarily. Several women can be the victim of one man. Of course that doesn’t change that it’s probably a very low number.

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