
CookieJarObserver, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
@CookieJarObserver@feddit.de avatar


Jaybob32, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks

I’m sure the governor gets all the water breaks and air conditioning he wants. “I got mine, fuck you”

Randy_Bobandy, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
@Randy_Bobandy@lemmy.ml avatar

Guess they’re gonna have to pull extra hard on those bootstraps now. But hey, at least they don’t have a damn dirty librul governor.

LillianVS, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
@LillianVS@lemmy.world avatar

This is absolutely asinine. Water is a basic necessity for human survival. What you will end up with is staff too ill to work… At the minimum. Whoever nodded and went “yep, this is a good idea” needs to actually see what it’s like to go work a shift in 40c+ heat and no hydration. Pure, concentrated stupidity. Their blood is on the governors hands but I sincerely doubt they give a shit.

@jiji@kbin.social avatar

I don’t think I’d be able to do my boring office job without regular water access. It’s purely madness to expect someone to do a physical job without as much water as one needs.


I have worked outside in Houston during August. This is complete madness.

lowdownfool, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
@lowdownfool@kbin.social avatar

You have to dig into the article to discover that the deaths are completely unrelated to HB 2127. It doesn't go into effect until September 1st. I'm anti-Abbott and this bill but the author or editor is not being honest here.

@Fauxaly@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for doing the heavy lifting so I didn’t have to read it.


The title is definitely implying a more direct connection than exists in reality, and the article doesn't go into detail on when the bill is meant to go into effect. The author could be using it as an example of how much worse things could get once the bill goes into effect, especially with the references to the effects of past ordinances mandating water breaks.

But I agree, there's definitely some intellectual dishonesty going on.


Well, the article says the anti-water break part of the bill goes into effect September 1st, and that is as much detail as I personally need.


Huh, I stopped reading after the little star symbol right above one of the ads, thinking that was the end of the article.


High quality comment!

Most of us never click the articles lol

@JDPoZ@kbin.social avatar

I know this will undoubtedly get me some downvotes... but at this point I really truly don't care about honesty anymore with this guy. He deserves the same type of blatant lies his administration constantly peddles yet still allows him to be re-elected. I mean... this man got re-elected AFTER his policies literally lead to the deaths of many innocent people - including one little boy who died in his bed overnight while his family desperately tried to keep their mobile home warm - when the power outages occurred due to the "TX freedom grid" not being required to have the sort of equipment standards everywhere else in the US have.

Say Abbott fucking eats babies. I don't care if he hasn't actually poked a child's corpse with a fork and chewed their bones. He might as well have at this point considering how many have or will die as a direct result of his policies. At this point, whatever it takes to get him removed from office is justified. This "we go high when they go low" angle is and always has been unfair, and I don't care about how it hurts anyone's feelings or sense of personal ethics. I care about WINNING. That means getting a better person in office as soon as possible. Right now, I'll take anything I can get.

The spirit of what the article says is correct, and I know it's not technically the truth, but we all know people will die from this when it DOES become law. It WILL be true in the coming years as the policy goes into effect. This article is like pointing out how maternal death rates have been rising as a result of RvW being overturned... before red-state anti-abortion laws had fully gone into effect.

It is exaggeratory in the present, but it is a fucking FORECAST for what will occur in the future.

@lowdownfool@kbin.social avatar

It is exaggeratory in the present,

Which makes it easily debunked and future deaths ignorable to certain segments. It's not about "going high" - just not being liars.

@Pandantic@lemmy.world avatar

Since then, 11 people between the ages of 60 and 80 have died of heat-related illness in Webb County, the Associated Press reported. Most did not have air-conditioning in their homes. A teen and stepfather died while hiking in extreme heat at Big Bend National Park, per a National Park Service release. According to the Texas Tribune, at least nine inmates, including two men in their 30s, died in Texas prisons that lack air conditioning. And at least four workers have died after collapsing while laboring in triple-digit heat: a post office worker in Dallas, a utility lineman in East Texas, and construction workers in Houston.

Only 4 of them were even workers out in extreme heat, and none of the deaths are confirmed to be from that.


The suggestion that employers didn’t start using it to abuse their workers immediately is ludicrous.

These deaths are completely on Abbot and the GOP

@lowdownfool@kbin.social avatar

Do you have actual evidence or is it just something in your head? I despise abusive employers and don't trust any corporation but the breaks are still mandated until September 1st.

Web_Rand, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks

Archive of this page: https://archive.is/bhXGX

guyman, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks

Stay classy, texas.

afraid_of_zombies2, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks

I wonder if he got the idea at church mass.

just_ducky_in_NH, to news in Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks

Some context here:

(1) The bill doesn’t take effect until September 1st, so these deaths are not a result of it.

(2) While OSHA has very good guidelines on what employers SHOULD do for worker hydration, they do not require it. I other words, OSHA does not say the employers MUST do it.


I think things will get really bad NEXT summer.


Very good points but only if this summer ever ends 🥵

Blamemeta, to news in ‘Heartbreaking’: Anti-Trans Healthcare Law Takes Effect in Texas

Good shit. Kids can’t consent.


Guess kids don’t get any medical care anymore. They can’t consent.


That’s the point. Transgender care for underage people consists of meds to hold off body changes (puberty) until they are old enough.


Are there any permanent effects on the body from this that will follow them into adulthood even if they stop taking them?


But Hall emphasized that these forms of care are—contrary to misinformation spread by the state’s lawyers—not only scientifically proven to be safe and effective, they are also essentially identical to forms of medical care offered to cisgender (non-trans) young people. For example, puberty blockers, which temporarily halt the advance of adolescence, are commonly prescribed to young cisgender girls undergoing “precocious” puberty. These same drugs also allow trans kids to make more deliberate choices about their bodies as they age into adulthood.

The reason that this law exists is to hurt children, not protect them.

@darq@kbin.social avatar

Denying children healthcare is child abuse. That is what you are supporting.


Oh hey, it's you, spouting more transphobic bullshit again. Remember the other day when you were upset, thinking everybody was mad at you for no reason?

This is the reason.


Oh i knew the reason. Yall are leftists and think consent doesn’t matter when its something you like.

Also, yall ignore science when uts convient. Theres already a guy claiming puberty blockers doesn’t block puberty.

Newsflash: they block puberty. Things like sterilization and lack of bone density.

Heres a peer reveiwed study on puberty blockers and bone density. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9150228/

Chozo, (edited )

That's really cool.

That you can read, that is. Sorry, I should've clarified. It's cool that you can read. I was starting to have doubts, after you failed to identify what part of My Shadow Is Purple equates to self-harm. You know, a children's book that you seem to have been incapable of reading? That one. The one where I linked you to a video of the book being read aloud (just in case you couldn't read), and you still didn't provide an answer to. Remember that? I remember.

Anyway. Now here's a peer-reviewed study on the efficacy of gender-affirming healthcare:


Transgender patients experience disproportionate disparities in mental health, physical health, homelessness, and violence. These disparities are not inevitable, however. Gender-affirming care has consistently been shown to improve quality of life, improve health outcomes, and reduce rates of SI and SAs.

Note from me, "SI" refers to "Suicidal Ideation" and "SA" refers to "Suicide Attempt". Figured I should explain this, since I know with 100% certainty that you won't bother to read the paper, just like you didn't read My Shadow Is Purple.

Or, here's another study specifically about puberty blockers:


After adjustment for demographic variables and level of family support for gender identity, those who received treatment with pubertal suppression, when compared with those who wanted pubertal suppression but did not receive it, had lower odds of lifetime suicidal ideation (adjusted odds ratio = 0.3; 95% confidence interval = 0.2–0.6).

Fuck off with your bad faith arguments, bud. Seriously. You're just straight-up objectively wrong in your beliefs, which are founded on misinformation and hate, and I will prove it to you every. single. fucking. time. if you allow me the opportunity.

Since you didn't read My Shadow Is Purple, here's a quote from a book you're probably more familiar with, judging from your deep-rooted hate:

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.


Heres what we do for suicidal patients: we give them therapy and medication. So why is blocking puberty an exception? Because leftism is a cult?

And my beliefs come from peer reviewed studies. Sorry you’re so anti-science, maybe you should rejoin the anti-vaxxers?


Heres what we do for suicidal patients: we give them therapy and medication.

What the flying fuck do you think puberty blockers are, you absolute necrosed gonad?


The wrong medication, they block puberty. You want depression pills, SSRIs and the like.


Puberty blocking is a form of therapy. Puberty blockers are a form of medication.

Gender dysphoria isn't depression (look up "comorbidity"; it's a big word, so I'll give you some time), you wouldn't treat it with antidepressants. That's like taking an antacid for a headache.

"My beliefs come from peer reviewed studies" is such obvious horse shit. You didn't read the studies I linked you to, clearly.

This conversation is done until you can prove to me that you've read and understood the studies provided to you. Since, y'know, that's what your beliefs are supposedly based on. You can prove me wrong whenever.


Suicide comes from depression (or severe psychosis and a few others, but that’s getting on a tangent)

You don’t treat SI with changing the body. You fix the mind (or at least the hormones)


Again, puberty blockers are not treating depression. They're treating gender dysphoria in this example. I can tell you still don't know what "comorbidity" means.

In your expert medical opinion, how do you think gender dysphoria is treated? Here's a hint: It's described in the articles you still haven't read.


Homie out here thinking they’re cooking.

FoundTheVegan, (edited ) to news in ‘Heartbreaking’: Anti-Trans Healthcare Law Takes Effect in Texas
@FoundTheVegan@kbin.social avatar

Brought to you by the "don't tread on me" folks who eagerly tread over anyone they don't like.

In this case, children with loving families. No one is forcing. left hands transness on kids you absolute ghouls. Let go of those perals, stop shouting "save the children" and stop telling kids they are wrong for writing (or living) that way.


I should share this with my mother who “feels like there are a lot more autistic people these days.”

@FoundTheVegan@kbin.social avatar

You should! I mean, yeah, of course it has! As things become less stigmatized and especially in the case of autism, more ways are used to detect/diagnose then... Why wouldn't it?


Pretty much what I said. There are more diagnosed autistic people. Important distinction.


Honestly, I still think we are under-diagnosing. I routinely run into people that I’m 100% sure would be diagnosed if evaluated.

Now, they are free not to seek a diagnosis for whatever reason, but the diagnosis rate is nowhere near the autism rate for the population.


“Transgender children” is evidence enough that trans culture is a cancer of society. Absolutely disgusting.

@FoundTheVegan@kbin.social avatar

People know themselves better than you know them.


The entire professions of psychology and psychiatry enters the chat.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Yes, let’s go with what the fields of psychiatry and psychology say on the subject of letting kids transition!

The consensus being that transitioning is very good for trans kids and the best standard of care.


Oh what bullshit. The consensus is that it is mental illness you fucking retard.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

You seem nice.


Let kids decide when theyre ready to drink and drive. They know themselves better than you know them.

FoundTheVegan, (edited )
@FoundTheVegan@kbin.social avatar

The difference is that if ANYONE drinks and drives, there is a high chance of harming another. No one else is harmed, or even affected atll by someone transitioning. And the regret/detransition rate is astonishingly low. Never mind thr fact that puberty blockers and all options available to minors is reveraable.

You are simply just trying to regulate what people do with their own body.


My god you are a fucking smoothbrain. If we dont let kids drink or drive we sure as fuck shouldnt let them try and physically alter their sex organs or their hormones. And the regret rate and suicide rate is notoriously high what the fuck are you even saying.

@FoundTheVegan@kbin.social avatar

And the regret rate and suicide rate is notoriously high what the fuck are you even saying.

You are falling for clickbait outrage headlines instead of the actual data. 1% of people that get gender surgery experince regret.

Have you ever stopped to consider social stigma and the things you are saying why people experince regret? Societal pressure is immense for trans folk.

Honestly, if you really are considered about people's mental health. Then listen to psychology and let them transition in peace. It's clinically proven to have the best outcomes.

You can't have it both ways. Do you want people's mental health to improve, or do you want to ignore what psychiatrists suggest?

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

Ok, I’ll bite.

What, exactly, is “trans culture”?


“Man legally changed gender to gain custody of his kids. Trans groups are concerned.”

Burn_The_Right, to news in ‘Heartbreaking’: Anti-Trans Healthcare Law Takes Effect in Texas

Conservatism is bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, antisemitism and generalized hate. Conservatives absolutely delight in the misery of the vulnerable.

Teach your children why good people don’t do business or keep relationships with conservatives. Marginalize hate by marginalizing the hate group.

unconsciousvoidling, to news in Domestic Violence Murders in Texas Are Going Up

Oh nice… I hear it’s a good state to move to if you like death.

cedarmesa, (edited ) to news in Domestic Violence Murders in Texas Are Going Up
@cedarmesa@lemmy.world avatar


tallwookie, to news in Domestic Violence Murders in Texas Are Going Up

everything’s bigger in Texas

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

Except for humility or a sense of shame.

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