joel1974, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?


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    ledtasso, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    Hell yeah, 30% sync users. I’ve always thought Sync was the best reddit client, and now it’s the best Lemmy client.

    Izzy, (edited ) to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use? avatar

    Almost all of Syncs business model is ads. The free version has ads and almost everyone who pays for it is doing so to remove ads. Which is just rewarding the implementation of ads. I also disagree with the concept of profiting from free user content with ads like Reddit does. Which was Reddits primary goal of preventing third party apps. They wanted the ad revenue themselves instead of third parties getting the ad revenue.

    The only way this can be acceptable is to not have a free ad version and only have a paid version. That way you are paying for software and not paying to remove ads or profiting from free user content.


    Or have a free version to lurk only. Want to participate? Buy the full version.

    Izzy, avatar

    That would be a good idea too.


    Non-starter for non-GMS devices unfortunately where in app purchases straight up do not work


    Synce is hilarious to me. “You know how Lemmy is completely free to use? What if it had ADs! And what if you had to pay money to remove those ADs!”.
    And people lined up around the block for it.


    Yeah, developers shouldn’t make money unless granted a benevolent donation.

    Izzy, avatar

    Developers should make money. Just not with ads.

    lazycouchpotato, avatar

    You can pay one time to remove the ads, or sign up for Sync’s Ultra subscription which provides additional features like OCR in images and text translation.

    Once you do so, the ad library is not invoked at all.


    Then you can buy the ad-free version.

    Izzy, avatar

    I’m not trying to be rude here, but please read my post. Paying to remove ads is part of the ad business model. Anyone who pays to remove ads means the developer profited from ads.


    They won’t listen to you. They’re too wrapped up in defending it.


    So in your mind, what does the business model look like for the developer? If they can’t charge for their app and they can’t offer it for free with ads, then what is the expectation? 100% FOSS and assume that goodwill from users will give them enough in donations?

    I saw in your comment you are in favor of charging for the app, but how is the ad free version not exactly that? It’s a paid app for those who want that but it’s a free app for those who don’t mind ads. It just seems needlessly nitpicky for that to be the point of contention here.


    You do know that there are a dozen other apps that don’t charge anything, don’t you? Sync is the only one that costs money. It’s the only one that has ads.


    It’s also the best hands-down. If you want to use a worse free app, that’s fine. I haven’t paid for Sync for Lemmy, and I deal with 1 ad every 5 pages or so. I’m not that sensitive.


    Sure, and that’s great! There are so many good no-cost, ad-free Lemmy apps out there. And I suppose that’s what leaves me confused when people get upset because just one app happens to be monetized. With so many viable alternatives, why make this the hill to die on?

    People who donate their time and expertise to provide something for free are admirable, but it’s the nature of the beast called capitalism that makes that option not feasible for everyone. When people need to afford food and rent, and an app might be someone’s primary income, there should never be an expectation that someone offer something for free, just an appreciation when they do.

    Carighan, avatar

    So basically the solution is hobbyist apps only?


    Then pay for the ad free version, and you’re letting them make money without ads.

    If you just want to steal people’s labor, then nah.


    There are plenty of other developers, new ones that were happy to work on integrations and apps for the fediverse. While sync is great, it’s like a giant Walmart moving into the area, displacing other viable alternatives.


    If people line up around the block for it, maybe it does actually add value? You can hate ads, I do too. But if people willingly look at ads to visit a website (Lemmy) that does not have any in its original version, then for those people the app obviously adds enough value to make it worth it, don’t you think?

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    No, Sync has a loyal cult in a very similar way Apple does. Cult shall buy regardless of reasoning. Cult shall obey ads. Cult shall love it. Cult just wants another toilet app instead of Reddit.


    The app is really nice.


    Yes, because the lineup is worth it when the product trumps the competition.


    This is why I use Liftoff.


    I’m a sync user and pretty tired of these pointless statements. Don’t want it, don’t use it! I pay for ultra to support the dev and that’s my choice. Again, if you don’t want it, don’t use it. But can you please stop this sync bashing? It’s not as if the torrent of anti-sync memes forgot to cover what you are saying.

    ProvokedGamer, avatar

    Exactly, vote with your time and/or money. If you don’t like something, don’t use it. They’ll be people that are fine with it and will use it.


    Why do you care if someone doesn’t like your client of choice? They have some value that is different than yours, they have every right to express why they think people using sync is harmful. You are free to disagree but don’t complain because they express an opinion you don’t like.


    Because tribalism! If you don’t think like me then you’re the enemy and must be told that you are. Classic reddit lemmy.


    You are free to disagree but don’t complain because they express an opinion you don’t like.


    Does that refer to Izzy, or the people who complained because they expressed their opinion?




    I paid to remove ads from Reddit Sync in 2014. 9 years went by where I continued to use the app every single day, as ljdawson continued regular improvements and updates (aside from the incident). By the time Reddit Sync went away, I felt I had vastly underpaid for what I got, and purchased lifetime Ultra as a way of supporting ljdawson.

    I totally get what you’re saying. But at the same time, Sync is so much more than just the content that it displays. The ads are not there to profit on free content, they’re there to support the user experience that sync provides. They’re also far, far less obtrusive than typical ads

    The nice thing is, there’s choices! Feel free to use other clients and find what works best


    Same here. I used the paid version sync for reddit for years and got my money’s worth out of it. When the incident happened I switched to infinity and, while annoyed, I definitely felt I got my worth out of it. When ljdawson released sync for lemmy and added the ad-free upgrade I happily purchased it and I have been very satisfied with the app and all the improvements he is continually making. This is all coming from a hardcore open source 20+ years of Linux on the desktop guy.

    Justly0250, avatar

    (aside from the incident)


    Sir_Kevin, avatar

    WTF is wrong with supporting a developer (Either with cash or ad revenue)?


    This is such a bad take. Imagine being mad that the user has a choice for a low/no cost ad supported version and a paid version. There are other benefits too, like being able to trial the software for as long as you want before buying in.

    BigDaddySlim, avatar

    I’m using the free version of Sync for Lemmy now, I don’t see any ads. Maybe because my phone has the adguard server as my DNS server and it’s just blocking them all?

    How atrocious are they when not using adguard?


    Yeah it’s from adguard DNS.

    Ads just show up semi frequently. Definitely visible but not obtrusive. Just keep scrolling.

    You should still see the frequency with adguard. It’s just a blank area where normally there’d be an ad.


    I still haven’t paid to remove ads, and no Adguard, yet I’ve never had a single ad show up. I wonder if there’s a bug.


    I don’t think so?

    The frequency I see ads is very very low. And when they do it’s just a single card


    Yes, but what did Mary do?!

    BigDaddySlim, avatar

    I don’t have adguard on my phone and have never seen a single ad on Sync since day one.


    Wait, how is earning revenue from having ads in your app “profiting off free user content,” but charging someone directly to use the app isn’t? They both do the same thing for the developer (generate revenue), the only difference is who is paying.


    As re there any other Lemmy clients that are being worked on full time?


    I was considering trying sync. thanks for the info. never gonna touch it now. there are too many good free browsers now to even bother. I’m still trying narrow down between the last three out of five different iOS ones I downloaded. they are all so good and Apollo like


    I get like, 1 ad per 5 pages or so. That commenter is kinda goofy.


    Then shut up and make a better app. Because it’s sweet.


    Every time I see comments like this I imagine that Reese meme from Malcom in The Middle saying “Wah Wah, too bad!” Or whatever the English translation of that is.

    Picture for reference.


    FYI Izzy got permabanned for stating this opinion. That’s really insane.

    End0fLine, avatar

    I’m here from the thread where he let us know. I was expecting something a little more egregious than the above. That’s absolutely crazy.


    It’s not even mean. And this isn’t some niche sub specifically about Sync. It’s the most generic sub imaginable. Are they paid by Sync?


    Are they paid by Sync?

    Yeah, one dude is blackmailing Lemmy to advertise /s


    Did he get reported or what? I just saw somebody mention Izzy in a Star Wars meme lol.

    Carighan, avatar

    According to the mod post, this was far from the first time, and when they were warned they didn’t take it well, hence the permaban.

    bigoljim, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use? avatar

    I love whoever answered: “I use a web browser like a Luddite” 🤣🤣


    Yeah I saw that too!

    Justly0250, avatar

    LemmyUI is great. I’ve using it until recently I settled on using Eternity.

    afoutopatisa, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use? avatar

    Lemmy-UI and Mlmym with tampermonkey script lemmy-keyboard-navigation

    feanpoli, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    As far as I’m concerned, on an AOSP device, a good client should be available in the F-Droid repository.


    Jerboa is on Fdroid, but it’s not good I’m afraid. The keyboard bug is maddening.


    It’s good as a read only client :/

    GravelPieceOfSword, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    I’m a bit sad that my favorite (Infinity/Eternity) isn’t that high up. Loved it since my Reddit days. Tried different clients: Lemmy, thunder, liftoff, sync,… still like this the most!

    slacktoid, avatar

    Eternity represent!!

    squirrel, avatar

    Eternity represent!!!


    Eternity represent!!!

    Nyanix, avatar

    Eternity represent!!!


    I used Infinity for a while on Reddit, it’s pretty cool!


    Wasn’t Infinity not available until not long ago?


    Yeah, Eternity (the Infinity fork for Lemmy) is comparably new.

    I’ve really been enjoying it.


    I was using Boost on reddit, but their Lemmy version isn’t available yet. Read about Eternity. Thus far I have no complaints. It works.

    Justly0250, (edited ) avatar

    I’m loving it. Just to confirm: The last update was three weeks ago, right? I hope the dev continuous on working this.

    Dustwin, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    Thunder for Lemmy been solid for me since I’ve been using it.


    I tried using Thunder a while ago and didn’t really like it when compared to liftoff, but that was earlier in the development timeline so it’s probably better now

    MentalEdge, avatar

    I liked Thunder well enough to join the dev team. We’re preparing for another update, available on both android and iOS.


    Sounds interesting, I’ll have to check it out when it comes out!

    MentalEdge, avatar

    It’s already out on both stores, the update just wont hit for another day or two.

    WeLoveCastingSpellz, avatar


    techguy86, avatar

    Downloaded Thunder and it’s pretty sweet. I’ll keep Bean and bounce between the two. Thanks for the recommendation.

    gordonthefatengine, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    Love Voyager’s UI.


    I’m trying it right now in my smartphone! The design looks better than Jerboa, now I’m testing intuitiveness and ease of use

    Voyager, avatar


    NightAuthor, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    Which have push notifications for iOS paid or free?

    Odo, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    Kinda crazy how many people use Liftoff when Thunder is so much better.

    shadearg, avatar

    Thunder is so much better.

    Is it though?

    I use Liftoff as a secondary to Sync exclusively for its Nerd stuff data. The polish is mostly covered, the raw underlying data is what matters to me.


    The one thing I don’t like about Thunder is the lack of a swipe back to previous screen, but that’s pretty minor and otherwise it’s quite slick. Not sure enough about it to settle down yet, though, there are so many other apps and most are also great


    Yeah, Thunder is weird about their swipe to go back gesture. It works if you’re doing it over the post itself or if you’re scrolling through the comments (so while the comments are moving, swipe to go back).

    negativeyoda, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?



    Sync is pretty cool, it just works so smoothly!

    el_abuelo, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    Curious what sync users find about it worth paying for above say Jerboa or whatever? Would appreciate comments.

    I used sync on Reddit and was kinda sad to see the dev didn’t grandfather people into Sync for Lemmy - especially given the high price of sync and the reuse of work that I’d already paid for. Obviously the guy should get paid, but I think £18 is excessive, especially for existing users.


    I didn’t realise how much I missed image peek (long press a post to popup the thumbnail image) until I switched back from jerboa to sync when it first came out. Especially since I mostly seem to be reading webcomics.

    I don’t comment much, but sync’s draft feature feels very solid.

    Otherwise I did feel jerboa was good and would have gotten used to it.


    Is that any different to tapping the image in jerboa? Seems to act the same to me, so maybe I’m missing a nuance


    Peek means that as long as you’re touching the thumbnail, you see the zoomed in image (after a short delay). When you release, it snaps back to the front page. Without peek you would touch, view the image, and then gesture ‘back’ to go back to the main page.

    This works on articles and gifs too, not just images. So if the thumbnail is informative you can save a lot of time and steps and get a quick gist of what the article is talking about


    Gotcha - thanks!


    I never used sync on reddit (was on boost) The dark overlay feature is absolutely amazing for me

    Personally I don’t pay for ultra and don’t really notice the ads


    I don’t notice the ads either. They’re blocked systemwide. Lol


    I got close to a decade off a $5 purchase. (Or however much it was) I can’t think of a single other thing I’ve used daily for that long that cost so little. $20 now is no biggie to pay for a major update to switch to lemmy.


    Fair viewpoint.


    Actually I like the very fact that it is paid. Supporting the developer, and some sort of accountability.

    Also, after trying connect, liftoff, jerboa (all perfectly good apps), etc I find that sync is most smooth and customizable.


    Yeah I have no problem with it being a paid app - just disappointed that it’s so expensive and that existing users of sync didn’t get any kind of offer. No hate…I’m just expressing my feelings.


    There was a big thread about it where I got a lot of hate for saying that I was amused that sync users wanted to pay for no ads, when there are so many free apps. The consensus amongst sync enjoyers seems to be that they are so used to the UI that it is like muscle memory, which is a decent excuse I guess. I’m pretty sure that’s why people still use Adobe products, for example.


    Yeah a minority of folks don’t like any smell of negativity around their team, regardless of whether your point is valid or interesting

    deadlyremote, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use? avatar

    Eternity is one my favorite client

    chmonster, to asklemmy in What Lemmy Client(s) Do You Use?

    after trying a few, Eternity was the first one that worked without errors on my older Android phone. i enjoyed using Infinity previously and i’m glad it was repurposed


    I had tried the original port over and found some things were a bit rough. Now trying it again and it seems flawless!


    Which one though ? There’s literally 4 forks of infinity called Eternity coming up on obtainium

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