
Socsa, to games in After a naked Chun Li scandalised a fighting game tournament, Capcom sounds the alarm about PC game modding: 'There are a number of mods that are offensive to public order and morals'

I choose to believe that this is the first time some Capcom executive became aware of rule34 content, and organized a series of awkward high level meetings about it where the rest of the staff all had to pretend like they haven’t known about the existence of lewd fan content from age 13 on.

It’s a pretty amusing head cannon.


Meanwhile, we’re all reading your comment pretending people only start to look at lewd stuff at age 13…

atzanteol, to technology in USB inventor explains why the connector was not designed to be reversible

I get why it’s not reversible. But why the hell is it not keyed so that is obvious which orientation is correct? A small, cheap, notch would have worked wonders.

squiblet, (edited )
@squiblet@kbin.social avatar

There were the early USB plugs that were sort of weird notched trapezoids about 8 mm square (predecessor of mini and micro, USB-B). I always thought those were fine.

Actually looking at this I'm surprised how many other styles there were.


Some USB sticks have the logo on one side, some have it on the other…

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Almost all connectors in use on computers at the time USB was introduced were already keyed, and a fat lot of good it did us. Ask anyone who tried fumbling around behind a three ton CRT monitor or computer case – even with the keyed connectors, feeling for which side was up, getting anything plugged in without eyes on it was already nigh on impossible.

What the USB A connector did do which was new at the time was introduce a connector that did not have any protruding pins on either the male or female end, and thus theoretically at least could not be damaged by fucking up the insertion. Unlike any of the then-common D-Sub connectors (VGA, serial, parallel) or DIN (PS/2 mouse and keyboard, Apple serial, S-Video, etc.). USB didn’t even have the little clip to breal off like an RJ-45 Ethernet or RJ-11 phone line connector.

@PupBiru@kbin.social avatar

okay but the clip on rj connectors is a locking mechanism which usb just lacks… break off the clip and they’re relatively equvelent no?


No. USB uses friction retention, whereas a clip-retention cable sans clip has real risk of simply falling out.


What the USB A connector did do which was new at the time

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Link_Cable#/media/File:Gamelinkcablecomparison.jpg did that earlier and subsequently inspired the Firewire connector (and also happens to look a little like Type-C with the contacts in the middle).


What the USB A connector did do which was new at the time was introduce a connector that did not have any protruding pins on either the male or female end, and thus theoretically at least could not be damaged by fucking up the insertion.

This is not true.

Some 80s computers had cassette player interfaces that practically looked like big USB connectors.



My first computer. Bless you.


It kinda is keyed. Seam goes down.


That’s true - I mean to make the keying more obvious. As it stands it’s all internal and difficult to see.


But does it go right or left, back or forward in other rotations?

shalafi, (edited )

Seam goes down, as oriented to the motherboard. If the slots are vertical, usually to the right? If you have a rare, weird machine, just remember which way it goes. FFS, there are 2 choices.

EDIT: Having said all that, not sure I’ve seen a machine that orients the seam to the left. ?


Until they created upside down Jacks


Keying does no good, have you tried fumbling with a serial port connection before? Same difference, and it's keyed too.

What'd have helped is clear markings and plug heads, like how some DIN connectors are done: The orientation simply cannot be missed.


Yeah, it’s orientation I mean more than keying. USB-B was much easier to plug in than A. Orientation is very clear.

@Satelllliiiiiiiteeee@kbin.social avatar

I honestly think that FireWire 400 had a better physical design for the connector. It was keyed more dramatically than some of the other connectors people are citing as being both keyed and easy to orient incorrectly. I personally never had issues plugging in FireWire 400 blind.

cheery_coffee, (edited )

I loved FireWire, if we had adopted it instead of USB we’d all be driving flying AI cars by now.

The stuff it could do was really cool, you could network computers, daisy chain it, it could transfer data in real time systems (like digital recording or audio setups), and it was actually designed for power delivery, plus it was much much faster than USB (at the time).

verysoft, (edited )

The problem for me was never the plug, but the socket. It was obvious to me which side had the connectors, it's the sockets on devices that would be random rotations most of the time. I never really understood the extreme hatred, while it wasn't perfect, it worked well. I inserted successfully a lot more times than not, USB-A served us well in all honesty, but glad we have moved on to reversible.

Treeniks, to gaming in Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'

tbf that’s a lot easier to say when you’re the president of one of the richest companies in the industry. I don’t disagree, but not everybody has the resources to just keep developing forever, and that’s easy to forget too.


Fun Pimps were a smaller company and they have been developing 7 Days since my gramps was in nappies!

@cradac@feddit.de avatar

In the documentary this quote is from he said that about thr development of HL1. To be fair the devs themselves said they voluntairily crunched quite a bit and had some time constraints at the end of the game.


But he’s also president of one of the richest companies in the industry because he always said this.

And while your point is valid for smaller studios, it feels like it’s usually used by the big ones that do have the resources, but would rather give more money to investors.

@Adori@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, no one has a problem with small indie groups doing early access, aka terraria, rimworld, factorio, minecraft. It’s about keeping expectations in check and having a good fun base game.


Rogue Legacy 2 had a great early access in part because it was regular releases with a lot of communication and they set great expectations for it. I knew what I got myself into and had a blast trying each new area as it came out.


The context for this was them deciding to take the time to finish the game properly even if they were no longer going to get paid to do it (the publisher would stop funding).



It’s often enough AAA with tons of money that force insane crunch to hit a release date and still have buggy, uncompleted games.

GrapesOfAss, to gaming in Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'

Is Gabe slowly turning into a wizard

@ADHDefy@kbin.social avatar

Gabe has remained a wizard through all of time


I’m pretty sure he is Santa


If he is then I guess nobody ever put Half Life 3 on their Christmas list

@grey@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I hope so.


wizards are turning into Gaben as he echoes across eternity. It seems like he’s turning into a wizard, but that’s because we can only see behind us in time.

makyo, to technology in OpenAI co-founder makes spectacular return mere days after ousting, with the board that fired him mostly swept away

I hate everything about this: the lack of transparency, the lack of communication, the chaotic back and forth. We don’t know now if the company is now in a better position or worse.

I know it leaves me feeling pretty sick and untrusting about it considering the importance and potential disruptiveness (perhaps extreme) of AI in the coming years.


Same here. I like Sam Altman but if the board removed him for a good reason and he was reinstated because the employees want payouts, humanity could be in big trouble.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

I actually like the chaoticness, because I don't like having one small group of people as the self-appointed and de-facto gatekeepers of AI for everyone else. This makes it clear to everyone why it's important to control your own AI resources.


I’m with you there, I just hope the general public come to that realization.


Just like it did with climate change?




Accelerationism is human sacrifice. It only works if it does damage… and most of the time, it only does damage.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Not wanting a small group of self-appointed gatekeepers is not the same as accelerationism.


… the goal is not what makes it acceleration.

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

"Accelerationism" is a philosophical position. The goal is entirely what makes it accelerationism. Quit swapping words in each new comment.


For fuck’s sake. You want bad things to happen… so good things happen, later. Bad shit happening is the part that’s objectionable. Saying ‘but I want good things’ isn’t fucking relevant to why someone’s hassling you about this!

The bad shit you want to happen first is the only part that’s real!

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

You want bad things to happen

No, that's entirely you assuming things about my position. I don't want bad things to happen.


I actually like the chaoticness

@FaceDeer@kbin.social avatar

Because it is having a good outcome, the disruption of of a monopoly.


Do you have object permanence?

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Given the rumors he was fired based on undisclosed usage of some foreign data scraping company’s data, it ain’t looking good.

Now that there’s big money involved, screw ethics. We don’t care how the training data was acquired.


Can I find out more about these rumors somewhere?


That’s not how rumors work.


What? Rumors work by people discussing them.

I didn’t ask for proof.

@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I’ve tried to find it but I can’t seem to find it. There’s been a thread on Lemmy somewhere about it that linked to a thread on Blind where someone claiming to be working at OpenAI having heard that from the board.

But, it’s ultimately just rumors, we don’t know for sure. But it was at least pretty plausible and what I would expect the board of a very successful AI company to fire the CEO for, since the company is obviously doing really well right now.


Now that there’s big money involved, screw ethics. We don’t care how the training data was acquired.

I dont care about ethics here, if the money would be excluded as well.

IF they would live up to their goals they settled for its fine.

But its similar to google, back in the days, with “dont be evil”.

tryplot, to games in Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'

suck is forever

I should call her


Tell your mom she still owes me for the Uber.

ZeroCool, to games in Ubisoft is on the NFT sauce again: A new partnership with Web3 platform Immutable aims to create 'a fresh new experience that players will love'
@ZeroCool@feddit.ch avatar

‘a fresh new experience that players will love’

Narrator: They won’t.


From the same people who brought you “you don’t really hate NFT, you just don’t get it yet!”



You just need more lube, really. Then you’ll love it.

chemical_cutthroat, to games in Valve adds new security check after attackers compromise Steam accounts of multiple game devs and update their games with malware
@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t want to be too cynical, but I get the feeling this is working as intended on the parts of the “developers.” If less than 100 people had the game installed, there is a good chance it was shovel-ware with a low or free upfront cost that was then sold to scammers. The scammers push the malware, get all the information they want from compromised machines, and then move on. The SMS will really only be a sort of “you gave the OK for this update to be pushed out, so you are responsible,” type thing, which won’t matter in the case of malicious shovel-ware and fly by night devs who only plan to sell out their install base, anyway.


It’s not a confirmation via SMS, it’s a verification via SMS, so the attacker has to have your phone number as well as your steam account to attack it, which makes it harder.

@ahriboy@kbin.social avatar

And SMS messages can be intercepted. Not a good option, use physical security keys instead!


Seriously, while 2FA via SMS is generally much better than nothing, it has zero security so might even make things worse in some cases by providing a false sense of security!

LoafyLemon, (edited )

RCS messages are encrypted using TLS.


RCS isn’t SMS though, nobody mentioned RCS!


RCS is a replacement for SMS, used by the majority of mobile carriers in Europe, Northern America, and Asia. It is used by default in all supported regions.


I know what it is, but it’s got nothing to do with this discussion. What company provides 2FA codes via RCS instead of SMS?

LoafyLemon, (edited )

Most of them do, because as you have noted before, SMS protocol is not secure.


Do they? I’ve never seen this as an option. In fact, I’ve never even seen RCS mentioned anywhere outside Android enthusiast forums!

LoafyLemon, (edited )

It's not surprising if you haven't come across the rollout of RCS. Google developed this feature as a replacement for the less secure SMS standards and aimed for a seamless implementation without causing user disruptions. This could be a rare instance where we commend Google for a change that benefits users, not just their bottom line.


Except there’s still very little support for it as they haven’t opened up the protocol for people to actually write clients to use it


And it appears Apple isn’t on board, and since the vast majority of my text messages go to my wife on her iPhone, it’s largely useless for me.

I’m also considering moving to a Linux phone (PinePhone), which I assume also won’t be able to use this. So it’s a nice gesture, but ultimately has limited impact.


Even authenticator apps are generally better than SMS.

One thing no one talks about with SMS verifications, though, is that it frequently confirms your phone number to the business you’re giving it to. If they’re in the habit of trading user data, this makes the data much more valuable. I think this is the real reason for many businesses that push for it, when normally they could hardly care less about user security.


Only if you have the access to the same mast, otherwise no. This vastly reduces the number of attack vectors.

@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

That’s why I was saying that this is “working as intended” and that more than likely this was perpetrated by less-than-savory devs who purposefully sold out the people who bought their games. There were no “hackers” only shitty devs that claimed they were hacked after they got caught distributing malware. Again, I may just be overly cynical.

TWeaK, (edited )

They’re saying the people who bought the game from the original devs may have been the ones to upload the malware. In that case, they could confirm the SMS very easily.


This totally makes sense. There’s so much shovelware.

Every day, there’s like 10 new hentai games. It makes it impossible to have the “adult” option turned on and look at new releases.

Calcharger, to games in 'We owe them a huge debt': Baldur's Gate 3 lead writer hopes they did '90s BioWare proud
@Calcharger@kbin.social avatar

My only complaint is how horny everyone is. I act nice to people and they wanna jump on my dick. Literally had a mind flayer try to smash my pelvis and I’m like DUDE MELLOW OUT


We are this close of having a proper RPG that’s also a proper AVN.

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

Absolutely agreed. I asked one person if they wanted to share a drink at a celebration (that’s just social decorum, right?) and have done no flirting before or after that and now that person talks to me like they’ve been in love with me their whole life.

And I get the idea that you want to let everyone sleep with their favorite NPC regardless of who they’re playing as but it just feels weird to me that everyone is so both pansexual and horny. It makes me feel like nobody has any preferences and just falls in love with you because you’re the main character.

And in general it also lessens the sense of camaraderie a bit for me when it comes down to sex so much. I wish some companions had other interests and had no desire to get in your pants.

@meldrik@lemmy.wtf avatar

Is there even a point to the romance? It doesn’t seem to have an actual effect on the story, so far.

bouh, (edited )

You could say that of real life too…

@meldrik@lemmy.wtf avatar

No? 😂

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

I can’t say anything about the ending but as of the end of Act 2 at least one romance can have an influence on the main story.


everyone is so both pansexual and horny.

Finally I get some representation in a game!


You not gonna complain about “woke” ???



I think it’s great for people to have representation but I’m hoping that someone makes a mod to turn it all off. I also really just want an adventure without having to deal with horny party members.

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

I think there is already a mod that turns off all approval gains, but beware that I think this also blocks off several companions’ personal quests, since they’re related to the relationship. At least that’s what I heard.

The mod I’m using tweaks approval so the gains are smaller for little stuff, losses are bigger and important story decisions etc become more significant (in both directions). I unfortunately didn’t find it until I was already near-max with several companions but it should in theory make it more difficult to end up with everyone being in love with you before the third long rest.


To be fair it almost feels like a homage to early bioware. I remember a few bioware games that had this issue. I remember the forums being full of complaints about surprise romances in mass effect or dragon age.

I do think the issue is more prevalent I’m BG3 though.

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

It’s made worse by Larians decision to absolutely juice the approval gains when going from Early Access to Full Release, apparently. Makes everything move way too fast and really exacerbates the issue.


I fucking love it, it’s great

Illecors, to games in StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS

that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be an RTS, and whatever shape it takes will depend on the person or team who goes to bat for it.

So… it’s not Starcraft, then. It’s just another game.


The name is moneygrab

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

You know how in Starcraft, Infestors could take over a unit and parade it around to do its bidding?

It sounds kind of like that, but with the Starcraft brand.


Would you claim if Starcrft ghost had not been canceled, it would not be a starcrft game?


So… it’s not Starcraft, then.

I think Starcraft has enough story and character development by now that its identity is more than just the mechanics that it started with.

It’s just another game.

It would still be a Starcraft game. If we were to ignore the lore and only consider the RTS format, then even the first Starcraft was “just another game”. Those mechanics weren’t unique or new.

Similarly, World of Warcraft is still a Warcraft game, even though it’s hung on a different framework from the original.


I think Starcraft has enough story and character development by now that its identity is more than just the mechanics that it started with.

I can imagine that, but I don’t think anyone but RTS fans know that.
I feel like, if they want to ‘bring it back’ as a brand, they would need to do an RTS game with all the marketing and such, to please the fans and bring it back into the public’s memory, and then they could follow it up with a non-RTS spinoff.

If they don’t do it like this, they’ll likely have another debacle like with Diablo Immortals, where fans are waiting for a full-fledged title in that series and they’re announcing something that’s just not that.


I mean Warcraft was originally an RTS. No one thinks about that now.

A StarCraft game in the vein of Mass Effect would be dope.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

StarCraft extraction shooter confirmed.


StarCraft doesn't have to be at RTS, you know.

RTS is a dead genre, but that doesn't mean the SC universe has to die with it.


WTF does “dead genre” mean? There are still people that love it and play it and want more.

The people shouting at blizzcon aren’t yelling because they need a new model and voice lines for protoss units, they are doing it because they want another RTS


StarCraft hasn't seen any significant development since 2015. There aren't many other competitors in the RTS space since about that time, as well.

C&C hasn't had anything since 2010. AoE's last major entry was in 2021 and had a pretty weak reception. I can't think of the last RTS that actually sold well and has large adoption besides SC2.

It's a very niche genre these days, and few developers are willing to make them in today's climate of looters, extractions, and battle royales. RTS games just simply aren't making the waves they used to anymore.


How about Pikmin 4?


Ye, and Stormgate and Zero Space don’t exist, and people aren’t excited for either, am I rite?

@AustralianSimon@lemmy.world avatar

And the new Total Annihilation game!


This thread is literally the first time I've heard of either of those.


Then you don’t follow RTS news at all. Stormgate is made by ex blizzard employees that made Starcraft. Zero Space is made by Starcraft pros and modders. Zero Space got funded incredibly well through kickstarter. Both of these are a return to Warcraft 3 / Starcraft 2 type of gameplay and a lot of people are waiting for their release.


Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Civilization, Total War… Not all necessarily “real time”, but still very much in the grand strategy mold.

@AustralianSimon@lemmy.world avatar

The next Total Annihilation is going to be balls to the wall good. Check the trailers.

Storm Gate and Zero Space are being made by ex Blizz staff. Both in alpha.

RTS is back on the menu, boys.

@Toribor@corndog.social avatar

StarCraft Pinball! I can’t wait.


Fans of Starcraft Mahjong unite!


StarCraft Ghost is making an appearance.

HawlSera, to games in Valve doesn't sell ad space on Steam so it can make room for surprise hits: 'We don't think Steam should be pay-to-win'

I really hope that Gabe has future-proofed valve. It really is a remarkable treasure and one of the most user-friendly platforms of all time. Especially in these days when we are seeing a corporate takeover of the internet, or realizing that we lost a long time ago when we put all of our eggs in the Google basket.

I could see so much potential for fuckery happening, can you imagine if steam was as fond of kicking people off the platform as Reddit is? Or if games were constantly being curated to make sure they check all the boxes like the YouTube algorithm does? Five Nights at Freddy’s would have never existed if steam played by those rules, same for every other surprise Indie hit


It’s private at least, a good first step


Not a guarantee, but apparently a necessary condition for consumer friendly practices.

Twelve20two, (edited )

Aren’t Google/YouTube, Amazon, Facebook/Meta also all private?

Edit: just realized you probably meant privately owned and also not publicly traded on a stock exchange


A successful gaming company going public ultimately leads to their IPs dying off thanks to executive meddling and the developers being sent to the mines to work on whatever is popular.

Thank God that the Sims appeals to such a wide casual audience and is one of the rare franchises in gaming with a higher female fanbase than a male one.

So much so that when the Sims 2 didn’t have a breast size slider for fear that perverts would take advantage of it, the decision proved to be unpopular because too many of the fan base was unable to make Sims that accurately looked like themselves.

Because if that wasn’t the case the life simulator genre would be pretty much dead, outside of promising looking indie games that try to replicate the experience, remain with a Steam page that says “Early Access” and a kickstarter that is ignoring all emails.

Even if every game after the Sims 2 was turned into a nickel and dime machine, and I say this as someone who not only has all of the DLC for The Sims 4, but also, remember the old days when people joked about The Sims 1 having an expansion pack for everything.

Incidentally I don’t think downloadable content and micro transactions are necessarily a bad thing, it’s certainly beats the alternative of going to the store and buying a new edition of the game that has like a couple of bug fixes and maybe one bonus dungeon at the end…

I just wish they were reigned in.

I’m all for private Enterprise being able to call its own shots as long as it isn’t price gouging and hoarding Necessities like medicine, food, or housing.

That said if legislation came out and penalized companies for openly basing their business model on FOMO it would be one of the first times I actually wanted the video game industry to come under Fire by the government.


I do not consider steam user friendly


State your case


Sorry, old post. There’s hidden controls everywhere that just aren’t intuitive.

How do you throttle your downloads? A ton of my games that I know I own are missing from my library - where did they go? How do you get to the store page of a game in your library? If I take a screenshot with steam, where is it? My steam library is showing my games by month. But it was showing them by categories I set for them before. How do I get back to that?

I can do all of these things, but when I try, I might need to search around steam a bit to find it, and I might get stuck entirely and have to ask someone or ask google.


It’s impossible to future-proof. You can’t for the rest of time have good leaders, inevitably someone will come and ruin it.


No but you can carefully vet a successor, in order to buy some time


Even if you carefully get a successor, they can still fuck up and ruin it. Or they just die/decide to move on 2 years in and you’re in similar shit Creek. Or hell, Gaben himself gets dementia and starts making shit decisions.

It’s impossible to control.

KairuByte, to starfield in Bethesda finally put proper ladders in a game, so of course players have dedicated themselves to designing Starfield ships without any
@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ladders are annoying as fuck in ships, that’s why. It’s essentially a mini cutscene you can rewind. Hell, even Minecraft has a better ladder system.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

I just boost pack up the hole, anyone actually trying to use the ladders would be silly


Sure, but even that is a pain when you’re trying to get through a ship quickly. And if there’s 2 ladders stacked and you miss the ledge grab on the second? Chutes and ladders, motherfucker.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

It sure is a bitch with two stacked ladders, I have a ship like that but everything on the third floor is just crew station habs with nothing I need to access, I kept all the important shit on the main level, that's all just stat boosting going on up there

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

Y’all are actually walking through the ship and not just teleporting everywhere?


I was before I discovered you can access the cargo hold from the pilots chair, but also I like to nap to refresh the xp boost before getting off the ship.


Hold up! What? How do you access the cargo from the pilot chair?


Open your inventory and you can push a button to switch to the ship. It works anywhere on the ship. If you aren’t sure which button opens the ship’s cargo (I have it set to Q but I think that’s a custom keybinding) it will say at the bottom of the inventory screen which button to press to open the cargo hold.

You can also access the ship’s cargo when interacting with merchants and sell things directly from the ship.


Not just anywhere on the ship, have full access to the ship inventory to transfer to and from it if you're within ~250 meters of it which can be helpful if you grab too much in one of those places that'll let you land pretty close to a building or whatever


What?! 🤯

I’ve wasted so much time getting in and out of the ship for this 🤦🏻




Yeah that was my thought when I read this article. I used the ladder once, thought never again, and just started jumping up. Only issue is a double ladder but those are better avoided anyway.


I hate that you can’t turn around or shoot from them, going up the ladder while three people are shooting you all nice and calm then turning around like a Terminator


It should be stated for comparison purposes that you could shoot from ladders in Half-Life.

25 years ago.

@emptyother@programming.dev avatar

To be fair that ladder climbing didnt have an animation. You just floated up or down.

Not that I need an animation in a singleplayer first person game. I’d rather not have any third person stuff at all.

@Its_Always_420@lemmy.world avatar

My favorite part is when you get to the top of the ladder and the cutscene ends just in time for you to fall back down into the hole.


I use a balanced boostpack to get through the ladder holes and thus ascend the floors faster.

One of these days, I want to create a ship that’s shaped suspiciously like the mothership from Homeworld (basically built like a tower rather than a flat building), just for kicks (and to test whether this tactic works with multiple floors in the same ladder chamber)


If only we could place a puddle of water at the bottom of our ladders.

jaycifer, to games in DC Comics adamant The Wolf Among Us' source material is not in the public domain, as its creator calls them 'thugs and conmen' and insists it is

I was reading a blog post that talks about exactly how much the author is able to put in the public domain. My understanding is that Willingham has a fairly individualized contract with DC that he is grandfathered in on and is rather abnormal nowadays and gives him more control. DC has been trying to, as stated above, “reinterpret” that contract to give them more control.

Essentially, DC may own the rights to the individual products they published, but the world and characters Willingham created can be used outside of those in new or reimagined context.


Thanks for that link, amazing. I didn’t realize how unlikely US is to change copyright length, or how important the creative commons license was


That creates a significant can of worms in regards to what parts of the character are derived from the source material that is owned by DC. See not allowing sherlock holmes to smile for an example.


Wow, just read half of it, it's a really murky situation (as the article mentions).

MossyFeathers, to technology in 'Personality-driven' influencer esports league revealed, immediately implodes over NFT controversy

So, if I understand correctly, the content passes use a blockchain system for authentication, but aren’t intended to be used as a currency or investment vehicle and can’t be resold or traded. It just uses a blockchain for authentication. The reason why it blew up is because the payment processor was originally meant for nfts and crypto.

Soooo… Basically it sounds like a bunch of people getting upset for no reason because they think blockchain = crypto. Cool. Amazing. Absolutely wonderful. Tbh I don’t really care about whatever the Mr. Beast thing is, but the fact that people are confusing the two frustrates me because I could see blockchains having legitimate uses, it’s just that scam artists and get-rich-quick schemes have fucked it up.

Maybe it would have turned into an nft scheme, but as it stands right now, it sounds like they were trying to use a blockchain in a legitimate manner.


Ya, from the article it sounds like people just don't know what blockchain is?

@morrowind@lemmy.ml avatar

The entire web3 hype worked on people not understanding it, not particularly surprising that it’s fallout does too. No, most people don’t know what blockchain is beyond blockchain|crypto|web3 = scam.


They know enough to not want to be associated with it.


Or perhaps they do know what it is.

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Basically it sounds like a bunch of people getting upset for no reason because they think blockchain = crypto.

Pretty much, yeah. Seems that people heard the phrase “blockchain” and instantly assumed the idea was to flog NFTs, which is unfortunate for the people behind the platform.

That said, this seems to be yet another example of people using blockchain unnecessarily. Wouldn’t a centralized database/authentication server have been a simpler choice?


Wouldn’t a centralized database/authentication server have been a simpler choice?

By far, which is why many people assumed that the plan was to start flogging NFTs later (once it became more difficult to back out).

@aleph@lemm.ee avatar

Possibly, although there’s also the fact that “blockchain” is the trendy new buzzword that companies like to use because they think it makes them look cool.


It’s past the point where if people want to use block chain tech for a practical purpose they just need to shut up about it and no one will even think about what’s on the back end making a system work. The crypto-bros have been so loud and annoying for too long. No one wants anything to do with it now.


Blockchain is so rarely the right tool for the job that I would be generally skeptical of any project which uses it.

Event tickets are definitely not a good use case.


I agree one time use events are not a good use case. The main solution blockchain brings to the table is to be a long-term record keeping system for where blocks in the chain are either non-fungible or act as historical progression of actions. This usage as a short-term verification for a one-time event is not a good fit for blockchain technologies. There is a good reason why it is good enough for banking, but people associate the value on a token as what blockchain is used for when the value is self created by people in control of the blockchain(which is usually the token holders). Blockchain is simple, and people just overthink it as having more than it is because it is “computer stuff.”


I wouldn't consider blockchain "simple". Especially when the alternative truly is simple, where the system is based on a "single" source of truth.


“blockchain is a distributed ledger with growing lists of records (blocks) that are securely linked together via cryptographic hashes.”

It is pretty simple. Blockchain is record keeping with cryptographic metadata as a form of discerning its place in the blockchain ledger/history.

The integrity verification is up to the creator of the blockchain or community, which is separate from what the blockchain is and acts as a supplementary system. In fact, blockchain can have a “single source of truth” because it depends on who controls most of the verification stake. such as having over 50% of the “mining” capacity coming a single entity will allow that entity to be the single source of truth. There is a risk that a decentralized network can become centralized. Fortunately, blockchains like Bitcoin and ethereum have a large enough pool of decentralized verification “miners” that keep the system from falling into a centralized entity. I remember when Bitcoin first started becoming popular, there were mining pools that were growing large enough that there could be a single centralized mining network that will control it.

You are correct that there is a complexity, but it is not the blockchain itself that is complex. It is the verification we attach to it when it comes to large-scale decentralization efforts.


The decision to use blockchain for this just screams bad decisions (and very likely an attempt to push NFTs or crypto later). There is no reason to use blockchain for authentification in this situation and people are right to be suspicious of a event which does that in this manner.


Right, they could just use pgp if they want some cryptographic authentication methods. Blockchain and other “crypto” shenanigans are strange and full of potential for future up selling/marketing push.

realharo, (edited )

It’s just inherently suspicious, because there is no valid technical reason to do it that way (things just end up being more complicated, more expensive, etc., for no benefit, not to mention the brand damage), unless you have some future plans for it that will involve crypto/NFT crap. The fact that MrBeast has a history with NFTs also doesn’t help.

Or course it’s still pure speculation.

Have they explained why they chose to use it in some plausible way?


What is the legitimate use you see? People in this post keep saying there are legitimate uses and gives no examples of what that is.


NFT’s are a form of ownership (I know, I know, of a JPEG). If we leave out the scammy bullshit that NFT’s have been in the past, then there are interesting things you can do with them. One company now is minting NFT plane tickets. The advantage is that if plans change or something you OWN that plane ticket, and could directly sell it on a seconary market or somthing. Another case would be for games. I personally like collector card games, like hearthstone and things like that. However when you play digital card games you never own shit. They could just close ownership down at any point…technically. with a set of NFT cards you 100% own it.

Beyond that, the ownership model in crypto can be empowering to users as well. One insurance company popped up that let you combine your funds with others directly in the form of their risk pools to provide the necessay function that insurance companies currently do and decreasing the amount of liquidity they have to maintain which can lower prices for consumers and provide for growth on your resources.

Not all of these things have succeeded. The main thing is a different take on ownership. Previously it has been that you give money to institutions and it’s yours because you trust them. In crypto it’s yours because that’s how it’s coded in the smart contract. I’m not a maximalist, but I think if that change can be capitalized on in certain cases it could work well.

SuddenlyBlowGreen, (edited )

One company now is minting NFT plane tickets. The advantage is that if plans change or something you OWN that plane ticket, and could directly sell it on a seconary market or somthing

You don’t own the plane ticket though, you own a reference to a URL, usually.

Also, your data would be permanently public on the internet.

I personally like collector card games, like hearthstone and things like that. However when you play digital card games you never own shit. They could just close ownership down at any point…technically. with a set of NFT cards you 100% own it.

With NFT cards you own what? Not the cards, you oen a reference to a URL in someone elses database. All they need to do is chance one character, and suddenly you NFT is pointing nowhere. And of course, the company can just stop honoring your NFT any time they want, just like with traditional digital content.

Owning an NFT doesn’t guarantee anything.

The main thing is a different take on ownership. Previously it has been that you give money to institutions and it’s yours because you trust them. In crypto it’s yours because that’s how it’s coded in the smart contract.

That’s the thing. Crypto doesn’t change it. You still have to trust the same institutions.


Exactly right


I don’t think that I’ll be able to change your mind. I get the bad blood with crypto, really, but I guess I just don’t share the absolute conviction that the whole thing is a scam.

The way you’re breaking down ownership is true, but it’s true about every form or ownership. The deed to your house? You don’t own anything, that’s just a piece of paper that someone says prooves that you have a right to live there. Whether that’s saved in a county records department or a blockchain that doesn’t really change. Point taken, but I think it’s a broader point than how you were using it.

I’m not really sure what makes saving your deed information on a blockchain less valid than in a county records department though. I mean breaking it down, a blockchain is really just a ledger that keeps track of information in a cryptographically secure way. I think that this has gotten out of hand because of all of the get rich quick schemes, and that’s fair. It’s happened…a lot. But does that invalidate the whole endeavor?

The current exchange system has rent seeking vultures sitting on top. Visa, MasterCard, these fuckers sit there and take a percentage of every transaction that theY fascilitate. What are they doing? Keeping a ledger. We trust them to do it accurately and pay them steeply to do it. Now we have a self managing ledger that requires no trust from anyone. Can you really tell me there is ZERO use case potential here?


I guess I just don’t share the absolute conviction that the whole thing is a scam.

It’s not always a scam (just mostly), but it’s most certainly not the gigantic shift NFT shills have been suggesting.

I’m not really sure what makes saving your deed information on a blockchain less valid than in a county records department though. I mean breaking it down, a blockchain is really just a ledger that keeps track of information in a cryptographically secure way.

Well, for one, not literally everybody on earth with an internet connection can go through my deed and personal information.

Also, if the records get stolen, they can authenticate and give ownership back to me. If the ownership gets stolen from you on the blockchain, you’re SIL.

I don’t really look forward to ransomware that targets deed and other such information, do you?

The current exchange system has rent seeking vultures sitting on top.

And with NFTs, all we’d be doing is add another layer on top of that.

Keeping a ledger. We trust them to do it accurately and pay them steeply to do it. Now we have a self managing ledger that requires no trust from anyone.

The thing is, they’re central authority figures. Which means they’re the authority on the ledger.

What happens if your deed gets stolen on the blockchain? Who do you turn to to get it back?

What happens if you lose access to your wallet? If it’s a hardware wallet, what happens if it geta stolen. If it’s a software wallet, what happens if it’s hacked?


Yeah that’s true about losing access to your shit for sure. There are options like multisignature accounts that could reduce the possibility of theft, but really the danger in crypto is shooting yourself in the face and losing your keys. Theft comes from bad software around the crypto like browser extensions and shit like that, the blockchain itself though makes theft numerically impossible on timescales like the existance of the universe. But your point stands that it isn’t user friendly, which isn’t new to emerging technology.

On a personal note, I very much like the model of self custody of assets, and this is coming from someone who almost fucked up and lost their keys. Loss of assets is a possibility and should be in the mind of users, but the tradeoff here is that you always have access to your funds and control over them.

Another commenter stated that crypto is solution in search of a problem, and I don’t think that’s not necessarily wrong. I see that as optimistic because it’s still a solution. It potentially broadens the space of possibilities from our sole option of centralized control by existing wealth/power structures.


the danger in crypto is shooting yourself in the face and losing your keys. Theft comes from bad software around the crypto like browser extensions and shit like that, the blockchain itself though makes theft numerically impossible on timescales like the existance of the universe.

Sure, but you NEED software to interact with the blockchain, and that software WILL have bugs. That’s just a fact.

Whatever wallet you use will have security vulnerabilities, and if combined with say a windows 0-day, it can cause huge amount of damage.

But your point stands that it isn’t user friendly, which isn’t new to emerging technology.

The theft stuff isn’t a user friendlyness issue, it’s a built in thing. You can try to prevent it, but it will happen, and when it does, whoever it happens to is in huge trouble.

On a personal note, I very much like the model of self custody of assets, and this is coming from someone who almost fucked up and lost their keys. Loss of assets is a possibility and should be in the mind of users, but the tradeoff here is that you always have access to your funds and control over them.

Depends on what your assets are. As soon as it touches any other system, you lose self custody. And if it doesn’t interface with other systems, it will be pretty limited.


That’s a nice pipedream, but why would airlines move to this system? They seem perfectly happy with the current system where you have to pay to change anything.

And the game thing doesn’t make sense. If the game shuts down, where are you going to use your NFT? There’s a few crappy crypto games that have tried making it so items are transferable, but for larger games it sounds like a nightmare to implement.

NFTs are like crypto, a solution in search of a problem. I’ll be honest, I’m anti-crypto and NFTs, but if a valid usecase presented itself I’d be happy to be wrong. I just haven’t seen it yet.

Numberone, (edited )

Your second paragraph is where I think the win is. When you have self custody of things, you have more ineroperability and stuff like that. Largely I buy the statement that all this is a solution in search of a problem. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing though. It broadens the possible space of options in the future, which I find to be exciting.

Edit…added the following.shit

There is at least one airline using this NFT model currently, in Argentina I think. It could be that the CEO is using the service because he’s just a crypto maximalist but I believe the win from their point of view is that they get a cut of subsequent secondary sales. They’ve sold the ticket once, maybe you can get a bit more for it.

As far as the card game goes, what your saying, that the game could be shuttered is not different than what we currently have. It’s only different in that you’re able to own the cards while it’s running. Maybe you want to gift your child a good card that you have, you can just send it to them. Impossible currently because you don’t control anything in hearthstone except how much money to spend on packs.


So these are the points I can gleam from you.

You can own plane tickets:
No you don’t. Airlines own planes and if they want you to be able to sell your plane ticket they will just allow that. People sell and change their plane tickets all the time. What you cant do if you have your ticket on the blockchain is easily change it to another flight because a storm cancelled the first one because allowing the airline to have that control over your ticket breaks the system.

You own things in games:
The company owns the game. if the company restructures at any point and closes down the servers you will find out that you actually don’t own a game card. You own a very long string of numbers that are useless without the game and the intellectual property of the game

You don’t have to rely on institutions to enforce contracts and ownership:
Nothing makes me sound like an anarchist faster than this kind of bullshit. Contracts are enforced by the dominant state apparatus trough the sanctioned use of violence. No other magic can make you own stuff.
Ownership and contracts as we currently understand them must work like this because most of society is still made out of flesh stone and metal. I don’t own my house because I pay money for it. that is part of the deal when I moved in, but the main part of the ownership is that I have a deal with the government that they will send armed men to the building I live in if someone else tries to live in it without my approval. I dare you to name any ownership that doesn’t work like that.


Guess you won. I’ll just pack up and head out with all my wrongness. 🖖


There are no legitimate uses, full stop.

As others have pointed out, it’s just a fully public database. Its use case is among trustless parties, and that’s why it fails. At some point, somebody is going to want to take action off the data and that’s going to involve a trusted party enforcing it. Sooo … just have the trusted party host the data (and make it public if you really care). And if all the parties are truly that trustless, 1) why are they dealing with either and 2) get a third party trustee to broker your deals

@Neato@kbin.social avatar

Isn't blockchain the un-editable database that tracks changes by appending new ones?

How does this benefit an authentication server? Needing it to be decentralized with multiple accurate copies sounds like a recipe for forking your auth server.


I keep saying this; blockchain is just a database and a particularly inefficient database at that. That’s it, that’s all it is, I wish people would stop wanking off over it.

As you say it appends changes, which is a stupidly poor way of doing it because your file size just gets larger and larger over time. It’ll literally never be able to get smaller because of the way it works. It’ll consume more and more resources until eventually the whole planet is either blockchain or we get bored and give up with it.

The only problem it solves is the necessity for decentralisation, but that’s not really a requirement for 99.99% of projects. So it doesn’t really solve that many problems. It’s nice that it’s an option that’s there if you need it but it ridiculous the general public even know about it. It should just be one of those projects that only people who browse GitHub know about.

vlad76, to news in Elon Musk appearance at Valorant Champions tournament met with boos, crowd chanting 'Bring back Twitter'
@vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Do you guys think there’s a part of him that realizes that people dislike him for a legitimate reason? I mean, he started out being the darling of the internet, when he was in the early stages with SpaceX and Tesla. His cult of personality was pretty large. Obviously he still has fanboys, but he has to realize that he ended up on the fringe, right? Right?


Not if he’s surrounded by yes men, which I’m sure he is.


He’s surrounded by his own, privately owned and operated, yes-social media platform


He’s basically Darth Vader at the end of the prequel series.


I think if it took him as long as it did to figure out people liked him, it’s going to take at least that long for him to realize they don’t.

Then again with the obvious ego boost of the first part of that, the question then becomes: even if and when he does realize it, will he care?

I look forward to the day his story is a cautionary tale.


I would think so. But at this point, he has made his choice. Don’t think a baby face turn is in the cards. Might as well become Emperor Palpatine at this point.

@vlad76@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

If Musk is Palpatine, then is Zuckerberg Snoke? Does Musk have a jar full of Zucks like in that mess of a Star Wars movie?


No way in hell. He thinks everyone is just jealous, not realizing that most of us don’t want the problems that come with being ultra-rich, we just think he is a spoiled brat.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d take a billion dollars though. Live out my life without ever needing to worry much about anything.

It’s that egotistical need to use that money to exert power to control people that I’m not interested in.


A billion is way too much. 5 to 10 million is all anyone needs to retire. I can see maybe “needing” 25 million if your hobby is racing cars. More than that is just needless hoarding.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, but in real life I’m Nicholas Cage and I gotta buy a bunch of crazy shit. Couldn’t possibly retire on anything less than $800 million!

@hackitfast@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed. Take the money and do your own thing. Or better yet, help people that want to be helped.


He knows, and he doesn’t care.

Once he became the richest person on the planet, he stopped giving a shit. Money buys anything he wants, so why should he.

Honestly, as much as I think he’s a db, and i dislike what hes become, I kinda find it makes him more relatable. I mean, who wouldn’t be consumed by extreme money and power? If anything, it distracts from the idea that you’re a giant cash bag and reminds people that you’re only human. Although from what I understand, he always been this way, and he just had a great PR team in the beginning.


With the tantrums he throws, I doubt he doesn’t care.

Pretty sure he employs a meme shitposter group that makes propaganda to make the internet like him.


I think he found out that all the money in the world doesnt make you happy.

This fucker could literally change the world for the better for all of humanity and he does nothing but grow his own wealth.


Hell you can figure that out by just making 6 figures straight out of college. There comes a point where you realize all you do is work because you’re too tired to do anything else, and your disposable income can’t get you anything meaningful to make up for it. I’m far happier for having quit and taking a pay cut for a remote job closer to my family.

I distinctly remember getting my hair cut when I was back home a couple months before I started working, and the stylist was someone in my high school graduating class. We chatted a bit and they mentioned money being a bit tight, and all of it just felt so wrong and gross to me. There’s no reason why I deserved more for my skillset than she hers.

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