
vivadanang, to technology in Apple iPhone 15 relegated to USB 2.0 unless you buy the Pro

so very apple to punish it’s own users because they have too many old components they need to use up, but if you’re paying for PRO you get actual 2023 modern USB.

so very, very apple.

@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

Bro what modern it’s USB 3.0 lmao

@briongloid@aussie.zone avatar

USB 3.0 is already 15 years old.


the adaptor is usb3, the controller interface limits you to usb 2.0 speed. what part of the article was hard to comprehend?

@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Connector is USB type C, controller inside of it supports USB up to version 2. With USB you have different connectors but all of them are backwards compatible. So yes, Apple put outdated chip in the phone on regular versions so you get only USB 2.0 speeds. Type C is obviously capable of much more than USB 2, power delivery included… which is the part of OP statement. You get modern connector with outdated interface. Next year they will just trickle down Pro hardware to regular phones and call it “upgrade”. That’s what Apple does.


Well, they put last year’s chip in the phone, which does not support USB 3 speeds. If the non Pro iPhone 16 won’t support usb 3, then it’s deliberate kneecapping. Now it’s just unfortunate.

@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

I still find it scummy that you get a year old hardware at current year prices. If the price was not at flagship level, then sure you could justify older chips.


Well, the price isn’t at flagship level. At least not from Apple’s view. You pay less, you get less (which is still en par if not ahead in most regards, compared to the competition)

@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Simple anchoring effect at work. Price flagship higher, so expensive “cheap” option looks cheaper by comparison. Truth of the matter is, it’s all inflated prices, not only exclusive to Apple.


I mean, yea, obviously. Adjusted for inflation, the iPhone 15 without contract costs about as much as the iPhone 4 (it’s technically even $40 cheaper). The Pro models are much more expensive, of course, which was a bit less questionable, when pro and non pro shared the same chip. Now, the non pro is a generation behind… At least imo though, there’s not much reason to spend the extra on the Pro, at least not as an average user, especially since, performance wise, last years chip still outperforms the competition. But then again, I myself barely classify as average user since I’m a proud user of the 13 mini…


It’s kind of funny that when they used lightning, they got a pass for failing to keep up with the industry standard that’s over a decode old.


Well, not really. Most people complained for years now about lightning. Not necessarily about the lack of usb 3 speeds but that’s probably because for the vast majority of people, that doesn’t matter


What part of their comment was hard to comprehend?

They’re just saying even the usb 3.0 in the pro model is not modern.

nanoUFO, to games in Starfield design director calls out unfair game criticism: 'Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is'
@nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works avatar

More gaslighting by bethesda


No fuck you it’s good :(



I know people really like Todd for some reason, but i find it rather sad that they spend all this time and money and manpower to build his "dream game" since he was a child and that's the end result. Todd foe the live of god, maybe you should dream bigger

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I only “like” Todd because of how easy it is to meme him and his bullshit. Now that Microsoft owns Bethesda, they should change the BSOD to a photo of him saying “It just works”


I could never tell if people really liked him, or if that was just a meme? I’ve always found him smarmy and irritating.


He was slightly less irritatingly smarmy back when. Myself, I at least took his Skyrim hype with slightly less skepticism than "lol, yeah, pull the other one" before it came out.

rDrDr, to technology in USB inventor explains why the connector was not designed to be reversible

It’s not an issue of not being reversible. The problem is that it is symmetrical without being reversible. HDMI and DisplayPort are much less annoying. Even USB Type B (printer cables) is relatively easy to figure out orientation for.


So micro and mini usb are superior!


Mini is fine. Micro is very close to being symmetrical that it might as well be. For cables that small, reversible is the way to go.

naticus, (edited )

My biggest problem with those was that mini didn’t have a strong enough friction fit and would become loose easily, and micro would wear down and break so easily. Luckily it seems that USB C has all the right qualities. It’s symmetrical but reversible, it’s durable, it clicks into place well, and it’s form works well on desktop, laptop, and mobile equally.


I actually think that a big part of the problem isn’t reversibility or symmetricality, it’s that that the ports themselves are not designed in a way that easily accepts the cable blind, and I think the best example of the way it should be is probably the SCOMP link. Or for those of that aren’t super nerds, the star wars connector that R2 uses to stop the trash compactor, amongst other things.

Look at that thing. R2 could be stumbling around drunk after a weekend droid bender and still find the target. Now, I’m not saying that it should be that large, but imagine fi the receiving port had a 1-2mm meniscus like curve that allowed you to find the target more easily, especially combined with a modern cable like USB-C. If we just look at the physical shape of the connectors, I think Lightning actually got this more correct than just about anyone else - look at a Lightning connector, and the male end has a very small curve on the sides of the connector to make it easier to actually get into the port. The female end also has a very subtle version of the thing I’m talking about.

I think a real life connector should have a slightly more prominent version of this, especially if it’s going to be the one connector for literally everything. Like, plugging into the back of a monitor or PC you can’t quite reach or TV or something should be an easy no-look operation. I’ve ton tech support for decades, and there is basically no connector that doesn’t absolutely suck shit to try to plug in if you can’t actually see it. I want to be able to throw it from across the room and still have it stick though.

For more on this topic, buy a coffee in a DT in a place that has to hold the reader out for you. Your dumb meat body is holding the card and moving slightly, the dumb meat body of the person taking the payment is moving slightly, so you end up try to jam the chip in a way that makes you both feel like you have a stack of learning disabilities. It’s just bad design.


So a headphone cable?


Honesty, kinda? There are challenges to the connector when you introduce more connections than just tip-ring-sleeve, but the general vibe of it is pretty close.

stealth_cookies, to technology in Unity apologises.

This seems to be a case of start with a horrible plan that they know will make everyone angry only to roll it back to a plan that still sucks but isn’t quite as bad to try to reduce the sting. The thing is, I don’t think their customers are that stupid.


I hear this accusation a lot, but how many times does it work out for the company? Maybe the second plan doesn’t get any press and that’s proving your point?


Worked with reddit when they hired Ellen Pao as a scape goat to implement harse changes then they rolled it back after to what they wanted


I don’t remember what they were trying to change, what they ended up concluding with and what it was like originally.




Maybe? I don’t recall ever doing anything about it back then. I stopped using it now because I can’t use Apollo and interacting with Reddit on mobile now sucks.


Oh, I don’t think it often works out. But a business person can make the data show what they want to do while ignoring what is likely to happen.


People keep comparing this to how WotC had to give up more gorund than they started with after announcing their DnD bullshit. As someone who plays Magic I can tell you they do and get away with stuff like that multiple times a year and the DnD thing was a rare exception of people holding them to account. They’ve shown no signs of having changed things either.

Businesses who act like this know that in the long run they get very slightly more profit out of it than they lose from the times people stand up to them.


They underestimate their customers. They keep forgetting they’re business to business, not business to customer.

Developers are other businesses, even if they’re a business with an employee of one, although often they are small but not tiny teams. The relationship that they have with unity is a business relationship and it can end at any time should that relationship cease to be productive, for we don’t have random undying loyalty to one platform, that wouldn’t be financially sensible.


Good luck porting over a 10 year old game you released on Unity to some other engine in such a way that your overall costs are lower than just sticking with it and eating the fees.


For a 10-year-old game I probably wouldn’t (unless it was Minecraft level popular) but for a 1-year-old game I might, and for a game I haven’t developed yet I definitely will.

If the game is old not being played that much anymore then the fees probably are not going to hit me that much but if it’s old and popular it’ll be a big financial hit.

sfgifz, to technology in Games consoles are infuriatingly exempt from California's otherwise important new right to repair bill

Did Apple figure out a way to classify iPhones and Macs as game consoles then?


they did show the iPhone 15 playing resident evil village


Unless it switches to primarily being used for playing games that is a no.

That said that presentation (and some othe previous stuff)… make some suspect that an apple console that is only digital and pulls from their store isn’t that far fetched nowadays. Or s new apple tv more gaming oriented I guess.


Apple Pippin II


Breakout. And… Super Breakout.


Wait holy shit. I was in a thread talking about the 15 and it was mentioned that Apple seems to be heading this way with the hardware they’ve been adding. This would explain why they didn’t fight this bill

mp3, to games in Todd Howard asked on-air why Bethesda didn't optimise Starfield for PC: 'We did [...] you may need to upgrade your PC'
@mp3@lemmy.ca avatar

The missing part is that the user with a 4090 complaining had a CPU from 2017 🥴 https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/b8c595d0-663f-45d4-b60e-e8738b8945b7.png

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

What’s a CPU bottleneck? I have the magic gpu

@capt_wolf@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I’m not buying that either. I’m on a 2014 i7 and a 3060 playing on ultra. My sole issue was not running on an SSD which I resolved yesterday. That kid is clearly playing on a potato and lying.


At what framerate?

@Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

Lying at any framerate is still lying.


I’m shocked at home many PC users are still running HDDs given that SSDs have been standard ok consoles for three years now.


They’ve pretty much been standard for gaming and containing the os on PC for 5 if not more. HDDs are still good for storage, but only luddites and people trying to save money in the stupidest way would have their games on them.


Playing on ultra on a 3060 ? So you’re getting 20-30 fps? Because that’s what it gets on mine with a much newer CPU. I had to turn it down to med-high to average 45 fps


Lol, dude used up all the money to get a GPU.


Considering that this thing runs great on a Series S (which is CPU-heavy, but with a weak graphics card) that makes so much more sense.


Gotta love the Bethesda fanboys upvoting this one cherry picked comment. They’re are like 70 comments in there with all different combos of system specs complaining about performance.

FoxBJK, to games in The recent criticism of Linus Tech Tips, explained
@FoxBJK@midwest.social avatar

Linus really doesn’t respond well to criticism. He’s trying to act like a sale and an auction are 2 different things? If some hardware vendor tried to feed him that excuse he’d devote a whole video to it! Hell, if someone had sold one of his screwdriver prototypes he’d probably have thrown a fit and sued (as is his right)!

He’s picking quantity of videos over quality, so stuff like this is only going to accelerate.


Ignoring everything else, because other accusations seem to have more credibility, although a charity auction is certainly a type of sale, sale has completely different connotations than charity auction when devoid of context. It's a fair issue for them to have and raise.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Both share the actually relevant bit: The item went from LTT having it to them not having it, having not given it back to the owners either.

@FoxBJK@midwest.social avatar

No it’s not. It’s not how the item got out of LTT’s hands that the issue here. It’s that LTT didn’t return a fucking prototype! Sold, lost, melted down, really doesn’t matter. If I’m making products and want to send one to LMG for a review, I’m insisting on him paying a hefty deposit first, because he clearly can’t be trusted.


I see this as a “you’re technically right, there is a legal difference; BUT the issue here is not how it was passed to someone else and not returned to the owners, but that it happened at all” type deal.


Does billet have their prototype back?


The wording doesn’t matter. Call it an auction, sale, donation, grand theft, whatever you want. But that the end of the day, a small company now no longer has access to their expensive prototype. That’s very damaging to them as a business, let alone the damage that LTT caused to Billet’s image by their haphazard review process. Billet has every right to sue for damages over this, and I personally think they should.

zalgotext, to gaming in Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Exploring is supposed to be a reward in itself

Oh yes, exploring 6 levels of nested menus is incredibly rewarding


Pro tip: if you just fast travel between Far Harbour and Nukaworld over and over you get the same experience as Starfield for free

@stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar


Heard if you 3D print a copy of no man’s sky you actually just get starfield

secondaccountlemmy, to games in I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal

Me as a patient gamer: “I dont understand the problem.”


I played it on a dated PC (980ti) a few days after release, maybe a week. I didn’t understand the problem either. The gaming community is extremely fickle and loves to hive mind dump on things.


I mean it WAS actually a broken mess from what I saw.

Im saying I always buy games on a deep sale well after it has been released so Im not particularly impacted.


Yeah, my point was it wasn’t a broken mess (except on last Gen consoles), but the gaming community blew its flaws out of proportion.

The game you’re playing as a patient gamer is close to the original with some polish.

@Couldbealeotard@lemmy.world avatar

It was such a mess that Sony removed it from the PlayStation store and gave out refunds.


Yes, I explicitly acknowledged that the last Gen console criticism was warranted.


Sony did that bacuse they’ve skirted laws about refunds in some parts of the world for years and CDPR inadvertently highlighted that. MS, Valve and GOG left the game up and issued refunds when requested as that should be a normal part of doing business.


Or… your experience was different from that of others. I had some weird glitches in a boss fight early on which made it difficult or impossible to progress. The person you responded to said it was a mess for them, yet it wasn’t for you. We all saw different things.


And yet, any Bethseda game has the same or worse kind of “game breaking” bugs, and gets away with it from a community backlash perspective.

I never had a bug in CP77 that broke progression. I had one boss get stuck in an elevator that made him trivial to kill.

In skyrim, I had to search up console commands to reset main quest lines that were otherwise completely broken, and commands to restore companions forever lost. And those were common experiences.

My point is that the community reaction was completely overblown when compared to other, very comparable, open world games. CP77 certainly had bugs and areas of improvement. But listening to the community, you’d think the whole thing was a dumpster fire, which it simply wasn’t. And my response was to someone who didn’t play it at release, saying that their opinion of the game being a dumsterfire was “correct”, without any frame of reference besides the community backlash.


I did play it at release. CP77 isn’t very openworld, yet I had very few bugs in Skyrim on 360.

@AWildMimicAppears@kbin.social avatar

the issue was that they marketed it like a RPG (where the source material comes from), which it simply isn't - it's GTA with a skill system and limited choices. I admit that i was disappointed, but the game itself is good and got a lot better with this patch.


I played it on Seriex X at launch and it was fine. Few graphical or animation issues here and there you expect in a big open world game but perfectky playable.


The issue was that there were multiple huge problems with the game spread across various platforms that created a big shit storm of negativity.

  • It was straight up broken for many console players.
  • Some PC players had performance issues.
  • For those who had no issues actually running it (like me), the game still had floaty controls and weightless guns. NPCs and vehicles that popped in and out at odd times. Dialog that clipped or played over each other. Completely broken police/wanted system. Confusing and largely ineffectual skill tree.
  • Once you got beyond those issues with game polish, then you were dealing with it not really being the deep scifi RPG they promised, but more of a shooter with RPG elements.

So you’ve got potential issues from multiple angles, and it just all compounded on itself. For me, I just got bored of dealing with it after like 10 hours. It was janky and that combined with it being nothing like what they hyped it up as just sorta killed it for me even though it ran with no issues.

With that said, I played for an hour or two after the update and my first impressions are a ton better and it seems like they have really fixed a lot of things. I’m excited to come back to it.

vanontom, (edited )
@vanontom@lemmy.world avatar

Very nice summary, thanks. I just recently started CP77, about 30 hours in now. I will stick with 1.63 for this playthrough.

My notes: The story and writing seems mostly excellent and unique (but not near the magic and masterpiece of Witcher 3.) Feeling that development was chaotic (pieces cut, rearranged, “montage” with Jackie was jarring.). World seems quite empty, few “layers” (soulless, unpolished). Car controls are not great, very “floaty” and strange. Literally zero encounters with NCPD yet (lol?). Reminds of Deus Ex, but leaning more action FPS. Bugs still apparent (floating cars, missing items), but nothing game-breaking. Graphics underwhelming (city environment especially, characters better, mostly “very high” settings, but admittedly no HDR or ray-tracing).

Would rate 4 out of 5 for now, but a 3 is possible (hopefully not).


That’s an interesting comparison to Deus Ex. I hadn’t thought of that but I agree. It’s definitely got that feel, it’s just much more shallow. Good call.


Lot of missing features and loads of bugs. It just wasn’t what they hyped it up to be

@agent_flounder@lemmy.one avatar

Same. I’m still a little leery. Think I’ll give it another few months to settle down.


I bought it at launch, and on PS4 it was actually an unplayable mess.

I’ve since gotten a PS4 pro, and still haven’t loaded it up again.

Pretty sure I’ll get a PS5 this year, so I’m thinking of waiting till the to play it.

With large games like this, I know I’m going to sink a lot of time into my first lay through, figure why not wait until I can do it right.


Right? It’s not like it’s even the type of game you need to play on release. If you can live without always needing the new shiny thing, you have a better experience for half the price or less.

Of course, it does rely on the people who need the new shiny thing to fund the game and beta test all the bugs, but still…


you have a better experience for half the price or less.

And there are no downsides!

MossBear, to technology in Unity apologises.

If you believe it and keep using Unity for new projects, you’re kind of a sucker.


Even if whatever their new terms are turns out to be ok, it’s now an unacceptable risk to use Unity since they’ve shown us the terms can change at any time.


Not even the first time they’ve done it. Changing engines isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and corporations don’t have that big of an incentive to do so. Having said that, do migrate to Godot - 4.0 and beyond are much better than previous versions, having effectively 1:1 feature parity with Unity, plus some other cool additions.

randon31415, to news in Elon Musk appearance at Valorant Champions tournament met with boos, crowd chanting 'Bring back Twitter'

If it was legal, Mastodon should just rebrand as twitter.


Isn’t there a decent argument they’ve abandoned the trademark?




Elaboration on the reasons why would be nice.


If it’s still registered you’re going to need to wait far more than a few months before you can assume it’s safe to use.


3 years without use according to that reference

nxdefiant, (edited )

Ah, but they would have to sue to enforce it. I’d love to see his mental gymnastics on that one.


Meh, if they did such a thing, they should go for ‘Tweeter’ instead. Not infringing on Twitter, while still humorously jabbing at Twitter LOL!

yata, to games in Starfield design director calls out unfair game criticism: 'Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is'

“The game isn’t boring for the reasons that you think, it is boring for these completely secret reasons.”


rtxn, to technology in Websites stole and monetized a free browser game, so the designer replaced it with Goatse

Sometimes the best choice of weapon is a rapier.

Sometimes it’s a folding chair.


Sometimes what can be done with bare hands is far more horrifying.

kadu, to games in Games consoles are infuriatingly exempt from California's otherwise important new right to repair bill
@kadu@lemmy.world avatar

It reminds me of the absolute insane stuff arcade manufacturers would do to keep control over everything.

Capcom used to sell full blown arcade systems where the game’s ROM was actually volatile - in 2 years, it would vanish. You needed to pay them a monthly fee so that a technician would come up with a special device capable of rewriting the data periodically.

Tronn4, to games in New Halo 1 cosmetic armor in Halo Infinite costs twice as much as Halo 1 itself, straining recent fan goodwill

The whales will buy it and satisfy the management who approved this piece of shit price

FoundTheVegan, (edited )
@FoundTheVegan@kbin.social avatar

It's honestly sad. The whales are just a different form of gambling addicts, the wasted money isn't even a factor for some people.


I had a roommate who was absolutely a whale, and he would buy expensive skins in multiplayer games because they were expensive and he literally wanted to feel better than others who he thought couldn’t afford the skin. When in almost all situations it’s that they just weren’t idiots like him


Yeah your anecdote doesn’t catch the vast majority of people that this shit exploits though. Seriously, blaming the whales isn’t a useful argument to convince people this shit is cancer, it’s just a oh we can’t do anything about it cop-out.


How is this similar to gambling? I really do not see any parallels.


I guess they meant the addict part rather than the gambling part, unless this is some kind of loot-box situation

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