
savvywolf, to steamdeck in [News] SteamOS will be coming to other handhelds before you can install it on your PC 'because right now, it's very, very tuned for Steam Deck'
@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

People will do anything to avoid installing “linux”…


I’m amazed there are people out there putting windows on a Steam Deck. It’s like buying a Monet and then bringing it home and doodling on it in finger paint

XyliaSky, (edited )

If doing certain things under proton was less of a pain in the ass, I’d agree with you. But proton still isn’t simple for some usecases.

EDIT: the people downvoting me very likely have only surface level experience with Proton. Sorry, it isn’t perfect. It’s based on WINE, which also isn’t perfect. It’s making a lot of progress and is damn close but it isn’t perfect.


The usecase being discussed is Steam Deck though. And it works perfectly on there.


I guess they are referring to playing some specific games or software which don’t work well on Linux even with proton.

That’s the great thing about the deck; You can use it for whatever you want.


I personally would rather not play those games than worsen the general experience by installing Windows. Other people feel differently and that’s okay.


Yeah, Mod Organizer 2 beta is still broken due to a qt6 dependency issue with WINE. Vortex Mod Manager still has issues and is a pain to even install. Certain mods for games require manually renaming DLL files and figuring out which ones to rename and what the name should be. You can’t simply treat it like Windows, which means for some usecases it’ll be far more complex to handle.


Mod Organizer 2 beta for Starfield still doesn’t work properly because of a qt6 error in WINE

You’ve got to rename .dlls nonstandard because the way they’re made breaks the WINE layer

But tell me again how it works perfectly? I’ve been using these tools since before the Steam Deck existed lol

Edit: Three weeks ago you were complaining about an issue with steamOS and external display resolution.

Tell me again how it’s all perfect?

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

If doing certain things under proton was less of a pain in the ass, I’d agree with you. But proton still isn’t simple for some usecases.

While true for those “some usecases”, Proton is the simplest solution for most use cases, though. Not because Proton is perfect but because it works best for what the Deck is designed as.


Proton is literally just the windows compatibility layer and doesn’t “work best for what the Deck is designed as”. Feel free to say that about SteamOS, sure. But Proton is literally just a side effect of most software not targeting Linux.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Proton is literally just the windows compatibility layer and doesn’t “work best for what the Deck is designed as”.

It’s not possible to make a Steam Deck equivalent product with Windows, therefore there is no alternative to Proton for making a equally compelling product.

Feel free to say that about SteamOS, sure.

SteamOS is part of the product that is Steam Deck.

XyliaSky, (edited )

Your first statement is essentially factually incorrect, and your second statement is true but I’m not really sure exactly what you mean by it.

Look, all I was getting at with my point is some things don’t work right within Proton, and the solutions to make it do so are really annoying. I still like Proton, I still use Proton, I still prefer Linux (and steamOS).

That doesn’t change the fact that certain specific gaming usecases (like using a version of Mod Organizer 2 with Starfield support that isn’t outdated) are just simpler overall under Windows right now, and relatively painful to get working under Proton.

Edit: It’s a lot of little stuff, like this, that makes various tools crash, that are the most frustrating. I still really admire and regularly use the WINE/Proton projects, it’s just that certain workflows are really complicated or broken in that environment.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Your first statement is essentially factually incorrect

Factually? Oh, I see. I beg your forgiveness for thinking that was subjective.


How is “you can’t make an equivalent product using Windows” subjective? My bad on that, I took it as a factual claim because that’s how I read that.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m really no Windows fangirl. I prefer Linux. (OpenSUSE Tumbleweed KDE always felt like home to me) I just think as an enthusiast and user of these products being honest about where they stand is important. And at least for a world where games and their associated tools are made for Windows first, there are still some valid edge cases where installing Windows on a Deck or any other handheld PC makes sense.

So, if we’re sharing opinions, let me get yours perhaps instead of just going at each other with snark? Why couldn’t Windows be used as the base for a handheld gaming device? I could definitely see an argument about the poor UI for handheld usage, but you can set it to boot right into the new gamepad UI which is essentially just steamOS’s game mode environment, which mostly solves that.

It’s definitely not as polished, and there are still some things that aren’t great (the software for using the gamepad itself, for example. It just isn’t as automatic as over in steamOS, which is one of my primary complaints. But that could be addressed by any OEM or Microsoft directly, if they chose to do it. Whether they would, or they’d get it done as well as what’s going on in steamOS is obviously another question.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

How is “you can’t make an equivalent product using Windows” subjective?

You said first statement which I thought was the Proton one. It’s absolutely not possible to make a Steam Deck equivalent using Windows. It’s like using Steam Deck exclusively in Desktop Mode with at best another launcher on top.


SteamOS is just Linux with the desktop environment replaced.

You can boot Windows into an alternative shell.

Do you have any firsthand experience using windows that way? Because I’ve been setting up big screen controller focused HTPC frontends on Windows using that exact method for years.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

You can boot Windows into an alternative shell.

On a regular version of Windows its impossible replace all functions with a launcher.

Microsoft would need to release the Xbox version of Windows to 3rd parties.

Do you have any firsthand experience using windows that way?

Of course, probably longer than you, dating back to Windows 98 running LiteStep. At some point something from Windows itself will nag. Be it the Windows Firewall displaying its Vista-era confirmation prompt, something in the old Control Panel needing attention (for a handheld gaming system Power Options come to mind), etc. And there are 3rd party things needed for gaming that are not required for your home theater like those monstrosities that are the auxiliary tools for hardware. I’m not aware of a single ROG Ally review that says that Amory Crate is absolutely seamless and that’s from one of the biggest brands in PC gaming.


The anti piracy bullshit that goes along with a lot of the online games. Or in rare cases, wanting to use windows for work related stuff.


That’s why they called it “SteamOS”, not “Steam Linux”

@vanderbilt@beehaw.org avatar

Fact of the matter is the most successful Linux devices are the ones that you don’t need to know Linux to use. Chromebooks and steam decks are popular because they don’t need tinkered with. You can if you want, but the average person can just use it.

@Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world avatar

I just spent 2 hours trying and failing to get a Hello, World! in Eclipse, I’m not brave enough for Linux


Depending on what you want to do the one does not imply the other. (And some times coding actually is easier on Linux, I had a way better experience compiling my c++ projects there then my friend had on windows)


It’s easy to compile things in Windows! First, set up WSL …

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

It’s easy to compile things in Windows! First, set up WSL …

Yep, echo “Hello World!” works just as well in WSL as under native Linux.


Are you bashing bash?

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Are you bashing bash?

No, I’m making fun of anybody who claims that outputting Hello World on Linux is somehow complicated.

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

Your first mistake was using Eclipse…

Which programming language do you want to use?


The Steam Deck is the first Linux machine that hasn’t killed itself on me or given me hiccups during basic installations of things.

The only thing the Steam Deck hasn’t “just worked” for me for is Rocksmith.

Again, the Steam Deck is the only Linux machine that I’ve had that just works and does not make me want to tear my hair out.

When Linux accomplishes that it will be more popular. Until then, it feels like trying to play whackamole with fixes and solutions to things that should just work in the first place.


Yeah as much as I love Linux, it’s much more tuned for tinkerers, developers, and techies because everything is rtfm and troubleshooting yourself. After the initial setup process though, you would have gained enough knowledge to fix a lot of things if it ever is broken.


I agree to an extent regarding the last sentence, things like networking make that a whole can of worms to itself!


I’d argue it hasn’t imploded on you because it’s immutable. You’d have a similar rock solid experience on any of the immutable Fedora releases (Silverblue, Kinoite etc) or some of the other immutable distros


That’s fair, although it could go further with how an immutable distro isn’t as effective for some of the desired uses - in the case of the Steam Deck it’s designed to do what it does and it does it. Other Linux installs are retroactively configured by the user, where whether it’s a regular computer for grandma or a server for a homelab will net you wildly different results of what distro you choose.

While it’s nice having options, it doesn’t make things easier for new users when searching. Having a hundred ways to solve a problem just makes the problem more annoying to solve (inb4 rtfm)

Also, I just remembered I lied. There’s one other Linux install I’ve never had issues with which was Tails, though to your point can be operated as immutable, though I think at the time mine was not set up to be RO

@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

Yeah, the fact that it just works and comes with the hardware is good.

However I think the article is suggesting a world where gamers go and install SteamOS as a regular distro. I think that’s going to be a lot harder and more error prone than just installing Mint and putting Steam on it.


The thing is valve is doing a ton of extra stuff. Game mode by default, for example. Mint won’t do that, or at least not to the same extend/speed. If your primary use is gaming, there’s value in a gaming focused distro. You can still do many other things with it anyway.

Schaedelbach, to games in Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

It’s all just buzzwordsalad at this point.

Who the fuck genuinely cares about a digital plot of land? The only reason stuff like this attracts people is the hope to make money, and therefore only people who only care about the monetary aspect play games like Legacy.

I highly suggest the YouTube channel “Jauwn”! The dude plays nft games “frome the perspective of a gamer”, so he tries to give those games a fair shot (although he is clearly biased against nfts in general). To no one’s surprise each and every nft game is just a grift to mine money in the pockets of idiots who think they are smarter than the rest.

kitonthenet, to games in The recent criticism of Linus Tech Tips, explained

The obsession with the fact that GN didn’t reach out for lmg’s response to the story is extremely rich given that ltt didn’t give billet labs that exact same courtesy

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

I mean Billet sent them a unit for review. That implies they’re expecting to be reported upon. Now, LTT half-assed the reporting and then accidentally put the prototype into their auction system, but I’d say “damning reporting” is an expected possible outcome of sending something to a reviewing org to be reviewed that doesn’t require special notice.


However they sent a 3090 GPU and a prototype cooler for that specific board, which they mounted on a 4090 board which has a potentially different layout and was not tested.

Imagine they were a small company , whose first product was the LTT screwdriver, and they had sent an early prototype to a YouTuber who complained that none of the bits he had laying around worked on that screwdriver, so no one should buy the LTT screwdriver because it just doesn’t work. When people complain that they weren’t doing the product justice by testing it with the wrong things they replied “I’m not spending money retesting a screwdriver that no one should buy because it’s useless”. Then turned around and sold the prototype at an auction. Then when people complained they said “we didn’t sell it, we auctioned it for charity, and have already sent money to replace it” having sent the email agreeing to pay seconds before saying that stupid excuse.

They did a LOT of wrong things there, a bad review is the least of the problems. For all I know the product is in fact shit, but because of their methodology, plus all that they did afterwards, I can’t trust that they would ever produce an honest review of the product. And this is a house of cards, as soon as one review can’t be trusted, no review can be trusted. Can you assure that they used proper protocol when testing other things if they can’t even use the GPU that was sent together with the cooler? And that when people point this instead of retesting they just dig themselves deeper into “we’re right”… Plus you should watch the GN video, they point a LOT of inconsistencies and errors in other videos, showing that the cooler is NOT an isolated thing.


For all I know the product is in fact shit, but because of their methodology, plus all that they did afterwards, I can’t trust that they would ever produce an honest review of the product.

Or any product for that matter.


Yup, the house of cards I mentioned in the phrase immediately after that one is because of that, which is why I said:

as soon as one review can’t be trusted, no review can be trusted

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

I mean yeah I’m not arguing that point. Maybe calling that “half-assed” is an understatement when they were clearly showing their whole asses on that effort, but still:

Billet sent a unit to get reviewed, and the reviewers made a review. A grossly incompetent review, but a review. I don’t see why that would be worthy of special notification. Losing/selling the prototype was just a further demonstration of that incompetence.

Whereas if you’re going to do a long-form report on a group’s involvement in an event, it’s considered good form to reach out for comment.

Either way, imho the Billet story has kind of been eclipsed by the Xeets by their ex-employee about the toxic workplace.

Basically, Linus’ company is a complete trainwreck and he has no credibility on fixing it since it seems like the disastrous culture is his own fault. Sitting and saying “this is fine, I’m taking care of it” to every disaster while pushing for more and more content to the point that quality slips to legally actionable levels is piss-poor leadership.


I understand that point but my counter is that if someone sends you a product/video in private to review you have more reson to contact them about what you will say before you do than if the product/video is publicly available.

Do you think LTT should contact the companies that they do secret shopping before releasing the video? Any comments that they might have won’t change what happened on their experience, and any promises of improvement won’t prevent them from publishing the video so it’s kind of pointless.

Even if GN had contacted and they had explained what they already explained, the GN video would be the exact same with an added part for LTT’s response, which LTT is perfectly capable of doing themselves, and would do regardless of GN’s video.

kibiz0r, (edited )

I’m glad GN didn’t reach out. Linus emailed Billet Labs 2 hours after the GN video with an offer to reimburse them for the prototype, so that he could claim that GN got their facts wrong. But we have the receipts!

That was the nail in the coffin, for me. Making mistakes is fine, even big ones. I understand that Youtube is the devil, and it’s easy to fall into a trap of shoveling nonsense out onto the platform. I’m honestly sympathetic to that. If Linus said “You’re right, quality has suffered cuz we’ve been going too fast. We need to take another look at this.” I’d be completely happy.

But to lie – not just by words, but by actions – in order to cast doubt on the people who are trying to give you a reality check and get your work back on track… That’s really bad.


Did you watch the response video? It explains that. Colton responded…but had forgotten to add the billet dudes email to it. So it was a bone head mistake that is compounded by bad processes and bad decisions.

It’s not as nefarious as people are making it seem.

The knee jerking around this is insane.


I did watch the response video before commenting. Did you read the forum post? He said it’s all settled, it’s just gotta go through the bean counters now. But the fact that he emailed them immediately before posting proves that he knew it was not all settled.

What if they replied “Actually, you can’t just reimburse us for that. The manufacturing process that produced it is being overhauled and we won’t be able to replace it for at least 6 months and we’ve got conferences to demo at between then and now. We need you to get it back.”

TwilightVulpine, to gaming in Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

What a ridiculous society we live in that someone can be so rich that they get to threaten people with a gun and don't get arrested. What an unhinged asshole he is.

@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

You don’t even need to be rich, being a cop is more that enough.


At least those bastards certainly aren’t rich, better than nothing I guess!

NotAPenguin, to games in CD Projekt recommends starting a new game when Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 drops: 'starting fresh will enhance your overall gameplay experience'

Finally coming out of early access!


Now I only need to wait until the game is <= 20 € on disc.

Exusia, (edited ) to technology in Games consoles are infuriatingly exempt from California's otherwise important new right to repair bill
@Exusia@lemmy.world avatar

Why yes! My product the Google iPixel ZFold 15 is a gaming console! You would think it’s a phone because of the calling and phone-like features however it is exempt from right-to-repair because it plays Genshin with more fraps than any other gizmo and doohicky in anyone’s pocket in this hemisphere!

And you would be remiss to assume my Grapple ThinkPad 2025 is a mere laptop! Nay! A gaming console it is! It can’t even run the Chrome Dinosaur for 35 seconds without running out of RAM and is really built for content creation and the school setting in mind, but it is absolutely built for gaming and also omitted from right-to-repair!!


So if you can play doom on it then it’s a gaming console. Everything is a gaming console now.


It should be the primary use so no.


You jest, however Asus makes ROG gaming phones.

gosling, to pcgaming in Your Ubisoft account can be suspended and subsequently permanently deleted for 'inactivity,' taking your games library with it
@gosling@lemmy.world avatar

What happened to owning something you’ve paid for forever?

These companies need to realize if they keep fucking over their paying customer, it’ll be more convenient for people to just pirate their product. At least FitGirl won’t knock on my door and demand me to delete his repack off my hard disk just because I haven’t visited his site in a while


I’m generally too lazy to even download the fitgirl repack of UbiSoft stuff. It is that convenient to not engage with UbiSoft cookie cutter crap at all.


If you read the page link to it doesn’t say anywhere that they will delete your old game. OP is being disingenuous.

@BombOmOm@lemmy.world avatar

If they delete your account with purchased games in it, how do you play the games you paid for?

Pyrozo007, to privacy in Plex starts narcing on its own users' anime and X-rated habits with an opt-out service, and it's going terribly

If you’re using Plex for porn and also adding friends on it, what were you thinking in the first place? Like, it was so obvious something like this was going to happen, and that’s besides the already existant risk of accidentally sharing the wrong library with your friend.

It’s a cool feature, it obviously would have been better if it filtered by age rating or adult film by default to begin with but I really see this as an overreaction.


Stash is far better for xxx than Plex anyway. It was made for it.


Stash? Asking for a friend.


Tell your friend to google stashapp.


It’s a pile of nudie mags out in the forest.

@RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

Can I use the porn Stash if I don’t have a porn stache?

@Lemmchen@feddit.de avatar

Ah sure, blame the victim.


i dont download porn (anymore) but if I did use a plex server for it I would absolutely partition it off from other users on my server

alienanimals, to pcgaming in After a naked Chun Li scandalised a fighting game tournament, Capcom sounds the alarm about PC game modding: 'There are a number of mods that are offensive to public order and morals'

Fuck the puritans and their morals.


So you’re saying you want to fuck Puritans? 😏


Yes. In more ways than one. It’s the only way they’ll learn.


Some of them can be very hot but a boring fuck i guess sonce they would just whant missionary.


I mean depending on the puritan, yes.

Endorkend, to games in A heroic Starfield modder just straight-up deleted those repetitive temple 'puzzles' from the game
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

All game content and story issues aside, what pisses me of the most is that a month after release, we still only had a microscopic amount of bugfixes that don't even address some of the larger issues with the game.

I don't want to bring up BG3 again, but at this timespan after the game release, Larian already fixed THOUSANDS of bugs, big and small and overall, the game was much less obviously buggy than Starfield is. It's issues were more inconsistencies in logic and a handful of quest breakers, but otherwise not even noticeable until you read the patch notes.

It's crazy to me there's so little action from Bethesdas side in fixing this heap. I guess it rolls into their bullshit PR of pushing for Awards (they are literally looking to get a Grammy ...) and saying the game is nigh on perfect.


When has Bethesda ever released patches to fix anything short of game breaking bugs? And even then more often than not they don’t fix those.

I mean, some of the most popular mods for fallout 4 and skyrim were community patches. I’m not saying I agree with that practice, just that this is par for the (shitty) course for Bethesda. Starfield probably won’t be an actually good game until there are thousands of mods for it.


Yeah, people tend to forget how shitty Skyrim was at launch. It was completely unplayable on PS3 for literal months.

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d wager technical debt is the reason. It’s no secret that Bethesda’s engine is bad. Bad code makes it harder to do bug-fixes, because it’s harder to find the root cause of things and the risks of having accidental side-effects is far higher. There’s only so many hacks and emergency fixes you can slap into a codebase before it becomes a house of cards that collapses if you breathe on it the wrong way.


Hopefully having MS money will allow them to take the time to learn/create a new engine, it already showed its limits in Skyrim


Yeah because Windows is definitely a flawless product


Might be a shot in the dark here, but a game engine seems like it would be different than an operating system.


so sorry
You get the “technically correct but missed the point” award


You’re the one who brought up Windows where it had no place. They said MS money not MS OS developers.


And the MS OS developers are backed by…?


Once again nothing to do with Bethesda. You just want to shit on MS because “MS bad!”.


The argument was “MS money == good product”.


No the argument is deep pockets = good product. Since Bethesda has nothing to do with the development of windows you are just making yourself look like a jackass.


Can’t tell if you’re trolling.
Are we talking about Microsoft’s pockets?


I forgot Lemmy is a continuous Linux circlejerk, my bad.


The engine is what makes the games so great though, no other engine I know is so flexible and open for mods, while at the same time can keep states for huge numbers of game objects that can be manipulated and moved freely in the whole Game world. Yes it has limitations but I am happy to live with those in exchange for what it enables. It is more then a fair trade in my eyes.


Why does this piss you off? Do you make a habit of getting angry at very predictable things? They’ve always done this.

Kolanaki, (edited )
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

“This is the way it’s always been done” is also the same rhetoric bigots use to justify racism. Just because Bethesda has always sucked ass doesn’t mean anyone likes it or wants them to continue to suck ass.

okamiueru, (edited )

What the fuck are you on about? I’m not defending Bethesda. I’m saying that if a company makes games with the exact same kind of flaws every time - getting upset when they do it again suggests the issue might be with the inability to make basic inference.

It’s like if you don’t like chocolate, buy a bar of chocolate, and going “Gah! This one has chocolate too!”.

They didn’t rewrite the creation engine. It’s going to have the same feeling and issues as other games made with that engine. It wouldn’t have to be this way if they had done a good job. But, they don’t seem to have to do that for a lot of people to enjoy their games. But being surprised by it? Nah, that’s on you (figuratively)

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Nobody is saying they were surprised by it; they’re saying they are disappointed in it.


Being disappointed requires unmet expectation. “Surprised”. Why don’t you pick a word you prefer that conveys unmet expectations? I think you know perfectly well what I mean. And if you don’t, then, well, I’m not here to argue.


Larian needs a good reputation to sell

Bethesda has a bad reputation and still sells so they don’t need to fix it. Their reputation is to make games with the things you outlined specifically

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Larian also just gives a fuck about putting out a quality game.


Can confirm, Divinity 1 and 2 and both fantastic and got free massive content updates


I got Hogwarts game the other day and there are known bug affecting gameplay for months. That fucking shield flashing up constantly is painful.


I’m almost certain most of the team went on vacation after launch. However, that should probably be over by now and there still hasn’t been much of anything as far as I’m aware.

thorbot, (edited )

Please explain the larger issues with the game. I have like 50 hours into it and the only things I’ve noticed were 1 glitched quest (Madam Devine won’t progress, which was fixed with 1 command) and some companion bonuses not applying. Also my chameleon-wearing companion’s head would remain invisible sometimes! But largely the game has played well. It’s great to bitch and moan but what actual bugs are you talking about, because personally I haven’t seen them!


I’ve noticed exactly 2 issues so far myself.

  1. Rarely, outposts can become unbuildable. You have to save and reload
  2. The bounty system is slightly more jank than I’m used to. Sometimes I’ll get a 15000 bounty for a stealth kill while unseen - those 15000 bounties never go away from witness death. Other times a 650 bounty that immediately goes away from “last witness died”. I had to save-scum a pirate ship because it happened with some specific folks, and I solved it by chucking a grenade into the bridge. I commented elsewhere, grenades are super-stealth and you usually get away with throwing a grenade in full view in a crowded room if you can hide before it blows up.

I’d like to see #2 fixed/improved, but honestly don’t mind either very much.


I had to use a cheat and kill a achievements because into the unknown was bugged. Where the temple should have spawned there was a mining rig and the scanner never distorted. It’s a pretty common issue reported over and over again on their discord (which is a freaking horrible way to deal with support BTW). And then on the final quest one of the mini bosses clipped through an elevator and I had to wait like 10 mins while he decided to teleport behind me.

davel, to technology in OpenAI co-founder makes spectacular return mere days after ousting, with the board that fired him mostly swept away
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

On the one hand, the board was an insane cult of effective altruism / longtermism / LessWrong, so fuck them. But on the other hand, this was a worker revolt for the capitalists, which I guess shouldn’t be surprising since tech workers famously lack class consciousness.


That's what happens when the wealth is shared with those who make it. Everyone becomes a capitalist.


Actually that’s just self interest. Both capitalism and socialism claim to benefit workers. But only socialism has remotely shown to do that to any extent. Capitalist hoarding and speculation is the primary driver of inflation and things like the inafordability of housing.

If you labor for a living, you aren’t a capitalist. You’re labor.


Nah. It’s more like the pusher man. Give them their first taste for free, and they’ll be a customer for life.


Genuinely confused by your first statement (in particular effective altruism). What does that have to do with the board?

Not an attack, just actually clueless.


Several of the [former] board members are affiliated with the movement. EA is concerned with existential risk, AI being perceived as a big one. OpenAI’s nonprofit was founded with the intent to perform research AI safely, and those members of the board still reflected that interest.


an insane cult of effective altruism / longtermism / LessWrong

I’m out of the loop. What’s the problem with those things?


It’s basically the paperclip maximizer combined with human arrogance/hubris. Just skim the criticism sections of the articles linked.

@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

People are asking what is wrong with these cults. It’s a lot to cover so I won’t try. People who follow the podcasts Tech Won’t Save Us or This Machine Kills will already be familiar with them. Here’s an article relevant to the moment that talks about them a little: Pivot to AI: Replacing Sam Altman with a very small shell script

@HairHeel@programming.dev avatar

famously lack class consciousness

How much money do you suppose the average OpenAI employee makes? What class do you imagine they’re part of?

@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m sure the developers make the lower half of six figures, but they still have to sell their labor to survive, so they’re still working class.

I’ve been an SF Bay Area software developer for almost thirty years, so I know them well. I consider us members of the professional–managerial class (PMC). We generally think we’re “above” the working class (we’re not), and so we seldom have any sense of solidarity with the rest of the working class (or even each other), and we think unionization is for those other people and not us.

When Hillary Clinton talked about the “basket of deplorables,” she was talking to her PMC donors & voters about the rest of the working class, and we eat that shit up. Most of my peers have still learned no lessons from her election defeat, preferring to blame debunked RussiaGate conspiracy theories.

nyahlathotep, to games in No, Cult of the Lamb's next free expansion won't be 'the sex update'
@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

I can see both sides of this. On the one hand, it’s a T rated game. It would be weird for a T rated game to have a big focus on sex.

On the other hand, the update is called Sins of the Flesh and the art for it depicts the characters dancing naked around a fire, with leaves covering their genitals.

On my mutant third hand, it’s weird for a satanic-adjacent cult game to be rated T in the first place. I guess they’re really coasting on their cute aesthetic? I haven’t played this game.


my mutant third hand

That would be the gripping hand.


You can murder and sacrifice followers, and there's mushrooms. But that's really it. Worshipping Satan doesn't warrant a content rating any more than worshipping a different god.

@Coki91@dormi.zone avatar

You can murder and sacrifice followers… thats really it.

We have really normalized cruelty and violence huh


It's a game.

There's nothing wrong with dark things happening in fiction. And there are plenty of T rated games with similar content.

@Coki91@dormi.zone avatar

Sure I agree but I meant to point something different, murder is the extreme of violence and sex is the extreme of love. Its not extremely graphical violence but I do want to ask if there was sex on display the same way murders are would it warrant the M rating? And if so, why Murder would only warrant T?

@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

What I meant was presumably it has murder and blood sacrifice, it would be a pretty poor cult game without those. And if that’s true, that sounds like an M rating to me.

I’m an atheist, I don’t have a dog in the “Satan v. God of Abraham” fight.


None of that has ever warranted an M rating unless it's graphically depicted.

@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

Can you give an example of another game with unambiguous premeditated murder on the part of the main character, that isn’t either in self-defense or as part of a war? I’m trying to think of any but I’m coming up short.


Final Fantasy series, along with a lot other JRPGs?

@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

FF is typically self defense and/or war, but there are probably some murders in there somewhere I guess


FFVII has what is probably the most memed on graphic onscreen murder in the whole franchise. As graphic as you could get with those polygons anyway.

urist, (edited )
@urist@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I can’t find the ratings for the original (the game may be older than ERSB) but black and white 2 is T for teen. It has sacrifice, murder, child abuse, etc as a mechanic for the “evil” route.

Link to ersb page for bw2

I’m sure there are more games like this. I remember drowning my Sims for fun as a child and I’m pretty sure that game is also T.

I have played cult of the lamb, and there wasn’t really anything in it a highscooller shouldn’t see.

(Edit: I have done no research on the dlc. The marketing does look edgy, but that doesn’t mean the content is inappropriate. I don’t plan on buying the DLC. Imho the art was cute but the gameplay was mid. Also, personal opinion, poop management as a mechanic is boring and dumb.)


Skyrim, you have a whole questline being an assassin for a god of death.

In Oblivion you could only join them by murdering a random innocent person.

@nyahlathotep@sh.itjust.works avatar

I intended that to be T and under games with premeditated murder by the player in them, but I realize looking back that I didn’t say that so you are correct. They are, however, both M rated. Although, Oblivion was famously T rated before being rerated to M because of some PC mods with nudity in them. Even the console version was changed to M, which I remember thinking at the time was BS. So I’m going to call that a T rated game with murder in it.


I remember the official Bethesda word on that back then was “whatever, Oblivion should have been rated M to begin with anyway”.

However, Morrowind has stayed ESRB T and has an assassin group you can join too. it’s technically legal in-universe, but they’re assassins nonetheless.


Interesting question honestly. Sims 4 (rated T) certainly allows you to kill off Sims, but you’re an omnipotent being, it doesn’t have Sim-on-Sim murder. I think this is true for a lot of simulation games where the player isn’t a character in the world. Cult of the Lamb is obviously inspired by those games, but also makes the leap to you being represented by a character.


Ratings always suffer diminishing returns over time. It happened with the Comics Code, TV standards, and Movie Ratings. The dilution of game ratings was inevitable.

gingerrich, to gaming in Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

What an absolute cunt of a human being.

Chozo, to games in Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder

The worst thing about Stadia was the squandered opportunities. Had Google actually put some effort into marketing it, it could have really succeeded. The tech behind it worked amazingly well. I played Destiny 2 on it from launch to the service's shutdown, and it was a fantastic experience. The latency was nowhere near as bad as people (who often never even tried the platform) would claim, and it was also the best place to play Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, as it was somehow the most stable version of the game. Streaming to YouTube worked very well, and some of the integrated features with YouTube (where viewers could interact with certain games) were also kinda groundbreaking.

But somehow, Google couldn't be bothered to advertise the product at all. They ran 1 Super Bowl commercial which didn't make a whole lot of sense to the average viewer, and then basically zero marketing after that. They refused to inform the public about what the product is or how it worked or what stood it apart from its competition, which led to bad-faith reviews and rumors being spread about the platform, ultimately leading to most people who knew about Stadia being wildly misinformed on it.

It's such a shame. I absolutely loved Stadia. It fit my needs perfectly. None of the other streaming platforms I've tried have even come close, even today.


I was intrigued but I didn’t want to invest in it because of Google’s history of killing great products.

They have some great tools for their cloud platform but at this point, I wouldn’t go all in on any new product of theirs.


Yeah a product like that needs a Big Personality to be a sort of spokesperson for it. To go around and do the press circuit, and be the face of the product. Get memed, etc.

My guess is it was just a bunch of well meaning nerds behind this one, and no one wanted to actually go out there and bat for it.


I always loved the “hardware running 24/7” e-waste part of it

I owned a ps4 that I must have played 60 hours on for spiderman and horizon and now it’s never going to be used anymore

Would’ve loved a streaming platform that doesn’t cost a whole console in a year in subscription fees + makes you pay for the games


But you don’t need PS+ for Spider-Man and Horizon? And you could buy and sell the console + games after playing the two games you wanted to play on the platform.

It’s not as convenient as just streaming the games, but it is possible.


I don’t know what ps+ is so I’d say no

Maybe for multiplayer


I wouldnt call a PS4 e-waste, if the PS2 is anything to go by it will end up cycling about for a long time in some shape or form. Seriously PS2 parts are a solid mix of old new stock, newly manufactured parts, or spares taken from scrapped dead consoles.


Even for ps2 I don’t know what percentage of it ends up seeing some regular use

It’s a narrow long tail


Regular use is irrelevant so long as it doesnt end up in a land fill, what matters is that they get some continued use and survive in solid enough numbers.


PS2 was before the days of internet-based games.

Now a lot of games expect an Internet connection and a store to download things from. When those are gone, the PS4 will be scrap.


Eh, I will still be able to play the base game of say far cry 4 or assassins creed black flag. I have the disks, and even then you could always buy the versions that have all the dlc. Nobody talks about the fable 1 dlc but they existed.

Unless its a multiplayer focused game there will always be games to play on it, even if ya dont get the DLC.


Would’ve loved a streaming platform that doesn’t cost a whole console in a year in subscription fees + makes you pay for the games

Stadia's subscription service wouldn't have cost more than a console for several years. It was only $10/month, and also not required to play the games or use multiplayer.

It would've taken over 4 years for Stadia Pro's subscription costs to reach the price of a PS5, not even including a PS+ subscription. And during that time, you'd have been able to claim ~150 free games. Realistically, Stadia had the potential to be more economic than buying a console.


I got one, was super disappointed with the functionality and didn’t like it at all. Returned it in less than a week. I got it after it’d already been steeply discounted and was so glad I hated it and got a refund when they killed it…


I would have tried it if I could trust Google to maintain a commitment to something for longer than a couple years (at best).


It was doomed from the start for that very reason. Why would people spend $60 on games if they didn’t think they would be able to play them in a year?


Because the TOS stated, from the platform's launch, that they'd refund all your purchases in the event of a service shutdown. Which they did.

Stadia ended up being a savings account for my PS5, which I bought with my Stadia refunds.


After committing to several Google services only to have them shut down I wasn’t willing to risk it again.

Did they refund the subscription fee? If I knew they’d refund it all, I might not have cancelled my pro preorder.

I was willing to potentially be let down again but once I heard you had to buy almost all your own games (again, if you already own them) to play them on the service I cancelled. I was aware that they’d give you Destiny (a game I have zero interest in, especially with a controller) for free. I didn’t seem worth sinking money into the service.


The subscription fee was for a gamepass-like access to a catalog of free games, so they didn’t refund that. The subscription fee also wasn’t required for playing purchased games (although it was required for 4K quality).

especially with a controller

I mostly used keyboard and mouse with the service, since the games I like to play tend to work better with keyboard and mouse. I had a dinky underpowered laptop but was playing AAA PC-oriented games through the browser interface. It was great.

I’m on GeForce Now these days but I find that it doesn’t work quite as seamlessly as Stadia did.


It was not advertised as a game-pass like catalog when I was cancelling my preorder. I literally cancelled because it wasn’t that. It was Destiny and 4k 60Hz with TBD games coming in later months.

I only had a gaming computer and a Shield TV so Stadia would have been pointless for me unless it was in the living room with a controller and some interesting games.


what about people’s save files though?


Oh those are lost to time lol


Nope, you could still same them via Google Takeout.


I pulled them all from Google Takeout. Most of them are unusable unless I figure out how to convert them to a state that can be read by other platforms, but at least I still have them, for such a day.


But somehow, Google couldn’t be bothered to advertise the product at all. They ran 1 Super Bowl commercial which didn’t make a whole lot of sense to the average viewer, and then basically zero marketing after that.

Google is really bad at marketing despite being an advertising company. Most of the products they’ve launched then shut down I just never heard of, despite finding the ideas behind them really enticing after the fact.


Google is really bad at marketing despite being an advertising company.

They're an ad server, not an ad producer. They don't make ads of their own, they distribute other's ads.

Small distinction, but helps to explain why Google is terrible at marketing their products.


The tech behind it worked amazingly well.

In my experience it was pretty shit. While visiting family in Minnesota, I got a better experience using Steam remote play to my desktop in Seattle than I did using Stadia, both in terms of latency and visual quality. I’m sure it would have been better living in California or New York, where you’re closer to a datacenter. But Doom Eternal was just unplayable for me.

@Dr_Cog@mander.xyz avatar

Despite Google being heavily invested in the advertising space, they have always been terrible at advertising their own products. It almost seems like the top brass don’t actually care about their non-search products at all.


Google couldn’t be bothered to advertise the product at all. Except, apparently, to me specifically. I must have seen the same handful of Stadia advertisements literally 100+ times while watching YouTube. I got very sick of it after a certain point.

Maultasche, to gaming in Starfield NPCs keep getting bodied mid-sentence and it never isn't funny to me

This Fallout video is one of my favourite occurrences of this issue.

@stopthatgirl7@kbin.social avatar

That is amazing and I laughed so hard I had tears.


Holy shit my sides. That robot has 0 fucks to give, get slapped.


This is the first thing I’m reading today, and I think it’s going to set the entire tone for the day. 

Thank you, it’s amazing!

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The last one linked in the article was really good, too.



May you rest in peace.

@storksforlegs@beehaw.org avatar

I’m pretty sure I woke up my neighbour laughing at that this morning… holy crap

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