
AnthoNightShift, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

So you’re saying if my parents had let me play video games, my childhood traumas would have been easier to deal with. Those f%*&ers…


Can confirm it doesn’t help. You’re good.

cubedsteaks, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

yo… everyone is laughing cause its kind of funny but I had a really intense and traumatic childhood… and I also played a lot of tetris as a kid. Like more than 12 hours a day of it.

Is that seriously why my trauma didn’t effect me like it would have with other people??

That’s fucking nuts. Like what.?.


Glad it worked out for you!


Sorry to hear about your childhood. Are you one of these superhumans I watch playing Tetris and thinking “how the FUCK can anyone react that quickly?!”. I’m pleased to hear though that you found a way to not be traumatised!

@seliaste@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Imo it gets impressive really fast if you play on keyboard, that’s what I like about this game: it surprises myself


I too, am shocked at how fast I end up going. I’ve gotten first place a few times in tetris 99 when I really focus.

@seliaste@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Dont hesitate to check out four.lol, a very good database of tricks you can use


that site just blew my mind, thank you!!

@seliaste@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Ur welcome!


yeah I can go pretty fast using the arrow keys on a keyboard. I’m out of practice these days but I use to be that kind of impressive.

nothacking, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

Thanks :)

havokdj, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

Me after watching family get brutally murdered in front of my very eyes:

hOlD uP gOtTa PlAy SoMe TeTrIs To PrEvEnT pTsD, mEnTaL hEaLtH aWaReNeSs BrO

On another note, does playing amogus with the boys increase the chances of it becoming PTSD?

@killeronthecorner@lemmy.world avatar

I think if you play among us after experiencing extreme trauma, that really is kinda sus

loopy, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

I remember a podcast on NPR a few years ago mentioning something similar. The psychologist that was on the show was discussing how doing something that does something that requires your full attention reduces anxiety. It’s interesting to see that this can also be applied to reduce PTSD.

Maggoty, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

Also, just an anecdote, but good music and puzzle games seems to help those of us who had PTSD form.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

For me, in my deepest depressive state, I found stupid movies to be a really good tool for managing my symptoms. My go-tos were Ocean’s 8 and Rampage.

There was just something about pointless entertainment that occupied my time well without eliciting emotional responses. (ie, emotional responses I was incapable of regulating)


That’s interesting, seems you use a similar strategy to me.

I have bipolar, knowing I’m going to have extreme lows in the future even with meds can be very dispiriting, but I know that I’ll always have a giant weapon in my arsenal… comedy shows. The difficulty comes when there’s nothing to watch and I need a boost, only so many times you can rewatch The Office, It’s Always Sunny etc.

(yes this was a thinly-veiled request for suggestions of funny!)

FlashMobOfOne, (edited )
@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Umm, a few.

The IT Crowd, Ted, Dodgeball, Zoolander, Office Space


Here come my suggestions, I find them funny and most have a feelgood undertone too: Parks and Recreation, My Name is Earl, Raising Hope (same writers as in my name is earl), Better off Ted, Schitts Creek, Chuck, Space Force, Brooklyn Nine-nine, Outsourced, Modern Family, The Middle, Community (the earlier seasons). Most of these are pretty well known I guess but I hope at least one of them is helpful!


Better off Ted,

Much appreciated! I’ve seen most of these but a few I don’t recognise so will check them out. Better Off Ted, imo, is so underrated and I never understood why it got cancelled. Made me laugh so much.


Great! I hope you like them! I know, I’ve rarely heard anyone mention it and it’s just so good. The Veridian Dynamics™ voiceover bits especially are so funny, and poor Phil of course! I’ve been hoping someone might pick it up and keep going, but I’m guessing that’s probably too late now… Won’t stop hoping though!


Some news to assuage the pain of no more Better Off Ted, maybe you’ve already seen but Community is finally getting the “… and a movie” fulfillment :)



Ooooh, they finally got it huh, cool! Thanks for letting me know, it’s always nice to have something to look forward to!

kool_newt, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

What if Tetris is the source of my trauma?


Tetrises lol


I have never forgotten “LINE PIECE”


College Humour put out so many funny little videos, this is definitely my favourite though. LIIIIINE PIECE! Still makes me laugh after all these years

HatchetHaro, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD
@HatchetHaro@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don’t know, chief; have you seen modern Tetris gameplay?



What in the fuck is that‽‽ Where are they even looking on the screen? Also how much Adderall has been provided to these competitors?


“That’s my secret, Cap… I’m always Adderall.”


The shape at the top is where their current piece is, they just move to fast for it to really move. The hollow piece shows where it will land, the right hand side are the upcoming pieces.

So, I don’t know what hold is but I imagine they’re switching between looking at the board, the hollow piece, and the upcoming pieces.

HatchetHaro, (edited )
@HatchetHaro@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Generally, they look at their own boards and keep their next piece queue in their periphery vision; the distinct colours of each piece is actually written into modern Tetris guidelines. Advanced players like these also glance at their opponent’s board to determine whether to delay their attacks, both offensively and defensively.

I’d like to plug my favourite Tetris match of all time: Salty Cup S2 - Doremy vs Wumbo

For context, Wumbo always uses the center 4-wide to win many tournaments, and while it was a very effective strategy, it was also extremely cheesy and boring to both watch and play against; he also maintained a “Tetris god” persona where he only ever uploads his wins to his Youtube channel. Doremy, on the other hand, was getting great attention for his flashy and fun Tetris plays, never shying away from uploading videos from his losses. Doremy also caught Wumbo editing out his losses from his Twitch VODs. All this culminated in a rivalry, and in this matchup, it was the underdog versus the overpowered villain. So while this Tetris match isn’t as flashy and fast as the more recent ones, it is definitely one of the most memorable.


you got me watching a half-hour vid on competitive tetris. that’s some crazy stuff

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar


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  • American_Communist22,
    @American_Communist22@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    well the good was ruined to the extreme in order to facilitate the profit motive. Everything must be new and flashy and in your face! All the time! 24/7!

    It makes me so burnt out.

    @bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar


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  • American_Communist22,
    @American_Communist22@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Dark souls too, it drives me insane but its not frying my eyes or holding my hand. I can just chill in elden ring picking flowers while trying and failing to dodge THAT STUPID DRAGON ATTACK THE HITBOX IS SO RIGGED-

    Evil_Shrubbery, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

    Oh noo, I can still hear the 4bit music from the Gameboy classic speaker …

    … how? Where is it coming from? Why won’t it stop? What is it trying to mask & protect me from?








    Daaa do-da

    affiliate, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

    time to put tetris in the mental health folder on my phone

    vegetarian_pacemaker, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

    Can confirm, not just with the game but similar activities eg: stacking those body parts into a nice cube really takes away from the stress of killing someone


    I like to do a thinking pose but with their hands on my chin.


    Oh, but be careful - stacking them however neatly won’t make the full rows disappear.


    Depends on how good your friends are.

    paddirn, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

    Can confirm, I’ve been playing tetris for three hours and I’ve almost completely forgotten about the dead hooker in my trunk.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Gotta solve your problems one at a time…


    Huh, that’s the kind of thing that would just make me start visualizing how many I could fit in there.


    It really all depends if you leave them whole, cut them up or use a blender.


    An industrial food processor would be best, but not everyone has access to those, and cleaning all the bits off can be hard


    that’s basically tetris, we’ve come full circle



    @samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

    My problem is that I always go for the biggest hooker, when offered the choice.

    stagen, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD
    @stagen@feddit.dk avatar

    My mum used to work with criminaly insane people in an asylym. I realize now why she frequently jacked my Gameboy to play Tetris.


    Can I ask what role she did? I read a book last year called ‘The Devil You Know - Tales of Forensic Psychiatry’. It was very illuminating and interesting, each chapter a different (anonymised) story of one of her patients. Especially her ‘bike lock’ theory of why some people can commit such horrific crimes.


    ‘Bike lock’ theory?


    She posits that some people have a ‘combination lock’ which, when the right numbers all come up together, pushes them over the line into a horrific violent act.

    EG if someone was beaten by their father as a child, go through some trauma as an adult, are under a lot of stress, then some guy in the street who looks a lot like their dad used to starts screaming at him because he bumped into him, then BLAM they’re smashing his face in with a nearby brick before they understand what’s happening.


    Whoa shit 😳

    doom_and_gloom, (edited )


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  • pythonoob,

    I didn’t know Muse did psychological studies. Fascinating!


    I mean that’s just a trauma response. Hardly revolutionary. Most people with traumatic experiences have that.

    @stagen@feddit.dk avatar

    Uh, I think she was a handler, of sorts. Don’t rightfully know, I just know it was a job with a lot of risks and it was hella stressful. Her workplace had one “inmate” escape and murder a 9-year old one time and that was just, well devastating.


    I take my hat off to anyone who does these sorts of jobs, it must be very mentally gruelling.

    GnomeKat, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD
    @GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    This would have been great to know 3 years ago… ahwell…

    @BaroqueInMind@kbin.social avatar

    What happened?


    You realise that if it’s traumatic to them they might not want to talk about it?


    Ok but I wanna hear about it

    @Vile_port_aloo@lemmy.world avatar

    The internet demands to know…

    @Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

    They are the ones tho brought it up, chill


    I get being curious, but different people have different timelines and levels of comfort when processing their trauma.

    If they’re ready to discuss and let you know what happened, they’ll offer the amount of information they’re prepared to share. If they don’t offer, then please respect their space.


    That’s good advice for real life. But this is the internet. The social consequences for just not answering the dude are zero. It’s not even rude to completely ignore him. The story was teased, almost begging for the question. They may have wanted it asked.

    If they want to share, they’ll share. I don’t think they’re going to feel prsssured because the internet asked.


    Right? And if they don’t respond, its not like anyone here is gonna fucking hammer them to reply. This thread will die of obscurity like they always do and most people won’t even remember chatting here.

    I have C-PTSD and I hate when people try to get all over protective about trauma. People can ask things. Especially if they are brought up.

    @NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar

    Same for me except last year. Also probably would have killed time faster in the hospital.

    MrScottyTay, to youshouldknow in YSK if you've seen something traumatic, playing Tetris for a couple of hours afterwards can drastically reduce the chance of it becoming a deeprooted memory and causing PTSD

    Is this too do with the focus you get from playing Tetris as well as the Tetris effect that can occur afterwards that’ll keep your brain occupied so you don’t think about the trauma as much?


    When you see something traumatic, your brain will over the next few hours create images of the traumatic event. These images will come back to you as flashbacks over the years. Playing a game that requires high focus on visual details prevents the brain from creating those images, and as a result you'll get less (or not at all) flashbacks after the traumatic event.


    I think you’ve summed it up brilliantly here. I’m sure anyone who’s ever played a game like Tetris a little too long will remember closing their eyes to go to sleep and still seeing tetronimos! So I guess it pushes everything else out of the ‘RAM’ of our visual memory, including the traumatic stuff. No room for this horrid memory, the mind-cupboard is full of tetronimos now


    This is why after a traumatic event it is advised to do stuff to keep the brain occupied.

    It can be Tetris or anything else, anything that can keep the brain busy.

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