Blackmist, to europe in Shell no longer allowing journalists to participate in financial presentations

Man, making so much money that even the shameless feel ashamed.

tal, to europe in Shell no longer allowing journalists to participate in financial presentations avatar

Shell's kind of got a point that the purpose of the shareholder meetings isn't to create a forum for political activists, but to report to shareholders how the company is doing. I mean, it's going to be disruptive to them doing that, because they've got a finite amount of time for that.

If you buy a share of an oil company specifically because you don't like oil companies and want to show up at the shareholder meeting and complain about oil companies, the shareholders who are interested in the thing as a business probably aren't going to appreciate it much.

If shareholders were saying "I don't agree with the CEO pay package" or something, okay, that's within the realm of the company's operations.

I'd also add that if you don't want oil extraction, Shell isn't the party to talk to, even via another route than shareholder's meetings. Shell is gonna do what regulators permit if it makes financial sense for Shell. You aren't gonna convince Shell otherwise. If you want to say "no crude oil extraction", then you want to talk to regulators and lawmakers, not to the companies operating within the bounds that they set. Hell, even if you did convince Shell, it'd just mean that another oil company would step in to do the same.

If crude oil extraction causes problems to people other than Shell or Shell customers, then that's an externality, and internalizing that is what regulators are there for. That's not the job of companies.


I’m not sure if we are on the same side, and honestly in this case it doesn’t matter, since you are right: a corporation only has to care about the externalities as much as they are forced to and not even an inkling more than that.

People who think that an enterprise in a free market will respond to any other force than economic force are wasting activism time that could be better used elsewhere.

If you want a corporation to stop performing a socially harmful business, you need to make that business unprofitable.


I agree with your sentiment, but I wouldn’t call activism (and especially not journalism) a wasted effort in that regard. Bringing issues to light is the first step in creating a visible dent in the balance sheets. Public perception shapes consumer behavior to some degree and can put pressure on lawmakers to introduce legislation against harmful conduct. On the other hand, if the general public only hears the company’s side of the story underlining how clean and ethical they are, there will never be any pressure for change.

dependencyInjection, (edited )

If you want a corporation to stop performing a socially harmful business, you need to make that business unprofitable.

This is neigh on impossible. I don’t shop at Amazon, but I doubt they even noticed. I try to avoid brands like Nestle but they’re still going.

The last thing I ordered that wasn’t from Amazon was still delivered by Amazon. I was shocked.


My intention was to suggest that you make those businesses unprofitable by intervening in the market with far-reaching regulations.


You are right, but a corporation is not run by robots. There are individuals making these decisions, and they must - and will be - held accountable.


When Shell stops donations to political parties, candidates and all of its lobbying I’ll agree with you.


Again though, Shell aren’t going to push for that. Their beneficiaries aren’t either, unless the rest of us make it untenable for legislators to fail to ban such donations.

RecursiveParadox, to fuckcars in Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system avatar

Yes of course long term we will need to get rid of privately owned (but not shared) cars, but time is far in the future. Even here in NL the infrastructure just isn’t there for it. Yet.

And we have no real government at the moment, and god help us with the elections coming up.


I enjoy driving, sightseeing, going on mountain roads. I don’t see public transport ever offering that.


Which is why shared cars as opposed to everyone or every household owning one makes sense. You’ll be more thoughtful of when you need it rather than using it because it’s always there.

lorez, (edited )

This creates availability issues for me and demand of cars issues for the market which translate immediately in loss of jobs for those who work in the sector, even mechanics and the ones who change your tires. Also the sentence “you’ll be more thoughtful of when you need it” doesn’t make sense. If I need it and it’s not there what am I supposed to do? Oh, well I should have thought about it. How could I know when I needed it? And I’m not too fond of people in general. Having some stranger drive my, ehm, our car? No.


Mechanics are going to be downsized with all the EV sales anyway. They just don’t need as much maintenance. I have had a Chevy Bolt since 2018. I haven’t had any routine maintenance, and I’ve just had to take the thing to the dealership once for a major recall, where they just flashed the BIOS. Admittedly, I don’t drive near as much as I used to, I’ve only put 60,000 miles on the ODO so far.


That leaves out a ton of people from dealerships to engineers, from body repairs shops to carwashes, from manufacture to after market components. And we’ve got two cars per household. Let’s see how it goes with a quarter or less that. No.

danielquinn, avatar

I love statements like this. It’s basically someone just deciding that gravity is inconvenient, so it won’t apply to them.

The world is on fire dude, and the only way it doesn’t get worse (we’re not even talking about fixing it at this point) is to dramatically change the way we live. Private car ownership is a big part of that. Your preference for living in a way incompatible with life on the planet does not entitle you to it.

But here’s the good news: you can still have a private car. You can even live in a distant suburb and the car can run on gasoline… but you’re going to have to pay for it. And you’re going to pay the actual cost to society for that preference, so it’s going to be very, very expensive.

Or you know, you can just take the train and plan your roadtrip holidays in advance.


Let’s share everything then: PCs, pianos, houses. No, a car is something too personal to be shared. I smoke, the stranger doesn’t what happens? Or vice versa. He breaks the car who pays? Legal disputes. I need the car he’s using it, what am I to do? It can work for workers from the same office. One car brings 4, it’s ok. Other than that, forget about it. Not to mention the economics at play. A whole industry would collapse. If there’s something I learned in this life is that money comes before everything else. Trying to save this planet as I watch more and more people install AC in their house is hilarious. Colder for you, hotter for everyone else. And the planet. We’ll never save ourselves. There’ll be harsh selection. And lastly, if even EVs are a problem I dunno what else to try. Public transport doesn’t get everywhere, it never will, so it’s not a solution. Oh, and we’re not talking about gravity.


The sharing concept is more like a Uber type deal, there is always a car available sort of thing. It’s not really a sharing with a neighbor or family member type thing where you are SOL if the shared car is not in your driveway.


That brings the same economic collapse to the automotive industry and deprives you of the fun of driving while jacking up the prices.


What do you mean about no real government? Did they all go on holiday/vacation?


There’s an interim government until the elections as there was some drama causing the previous government to fall.

blue_zephyr, to fuckcars in Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system

Dutchman here. Our government has been systematically gutting funding for public transport. I have to extend my commute from 40 minutes to 2 hours if I want to take public transport. It’s also unreliable and outrageously expensive since they run it through the “free market”.

Fuck cars but there’s also no way in hell I will sell my car before they introduce some massive changes to our public transport.

veganpizza69, avatar

Our government has been systematically gutting funding for public transport.

silent privatization


The one thing the EU is fucking up, forcing the free market where we don’t want it


Its only doing that because it has been told to. We should tell it to stop.

danielquinn, avatar

I used to live there back in 2015. What’re the prices for intercity trains these days? I remember NL trains being very cheap (€20 Amsterdam to Mastricht). Here in the UK is £50 from Cambridge to London (roughly a ⅓ the distance) so I hope you’re still doing better than here

With that said, I hope you get some more green/left types in government this time around. I’m watching your election closely from here!


Amsterdam to Maastricht will set you back 30 euros these days.

Pat12, to fuckcars in Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system

For example, the earth only has so much of the precious metals needed for electric car batteries.

They’re largely found in China too

Streetdog, to fuckcars in Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system

They already cry when you suggest eating a little bit less meat.


Why would you care what anyone chooses to eat?

coyootje, to fuckcars in Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system

If only our public transport was affordable. We pay way more than other European countries (besides maybe Germany and the Scandinavian countries), especially when you consider how little distance you’re really travelling. As an example, to get from Eindhoven central station to Amsterdam central station you take 1 train, it takes you 1 hour and 20 minutes and you pay €22,70 for a one way ticket. If we’re looking at distance, this is about 120 km. This means that to get there and go back home you pay €45,40.

If you travel by yourself you can argue that it’s worth it to take the train there since parking + fuel isn’t that cheap here either. However, as soon as you have more than 1 person the car quickly becomes the cheaper option, even with parking included. As long as they don’t solve this issue I don’t see any success in their push to get people to use public transport. And I know the solution will probably be to make everything even more expensive but that’s not going to help in the long run either…


A lot of people only tend to look at the fuel costs and maybe parking. However you’re forgetting a big part of the costs of driving which is that every km adds to the depreciation in the cars worth as well as requiring more maintenance.

It’s very easy to say just buying fuel is pretty cheap, but those costs are easily doubled if you look at the full costs. Check out for examples of how much variable costs/km actually are.

That said, this is for solo travelers… It’s true that when you add more people the costs become much lower / person if you go by car since the costs just get multiplied with public transport. Exactly why my next vacation with 4 people will still be by car…

However I’ve started taking the train for work now which still comes out a lot lower (40% discount outside of rush hours helps a lot too!)


Thanks for the link, I never had a look at that before. If I look at my car, the variable costs per km (without the fuel) are €0,15 per km. The fixed costs are only interesting if you don’t have a car and are looking at getting one, I have to pay those costs regardless of whether I leave it at home or not. That means that taking the car in my example above would add another €18 which does change things a little bit.

However, my main point was that people would flock to public transport if they were using the prices you sometimes see in other countries. For example, in Italy it costs me around €10 to get a return ticket from Florence to Pisa. The trains are slightly less fancy of course but they’re still very serviceable. If they could make it so you pay maybe €30 for a return ticket from Eindhoven to Amsterdam, it would make it a lot more enticing to take the train.


No yeah agreed I wish they’d make it cheaper too.


Depreciation and tax and insurance is mostly a sunk cost. Once you have a car, these are mostly irrelevant when comparing to public transport.


If I were to drive my car to work I would double the amount I drive per year. If you don’t think this adds a lot of costs then I don’t know what to tell you. If you drive somewhere incidentally sure, it doesn’t really matter.


You can save on insurance if you’re not commuting for work, too. I’m classified as a leisure driver since my work is remote.


I actually do work remote but come in once a week… Which happens to be a long commute 🤷‍♂️


In most countries the maintenance costs for highways are funded from the budget of the country, and thus split on the whole population. Those amounts are not included when someone makes a cost calculation for driving from A to B, unless one has to pay for a vignette for using the highway.
Also the cost of the car maintenance per kilometer is often not taken into account.

What is also annoying is that the budget allocated for the maintenance of the railway infrastructure is in most countries a lot less than that allocated for road infrastructure, further increasing the costs of train tickets (and thus the apparent cost of train travel) when compared to road travel.


Sounds like you’ve got public transit costs on par with America. What’s a city bus ride cost?

As a New Yorker I’m deeply envious of your rail network. I’d kill for Amtrak to have that kind of coverage even at current prices.


Last month I had to pay $14 for a one stop return ticket because we got on a Long Island train instead of the metro at Jamaica. Stupid prices.


The trains and subways are already very full. Just making things cheaper will not be enough. We need to massively invest in new lines and more frequent trains everywhere.


That’s because NS is trying to cheap out on things for some reason. You keep hearing about them removing trains from the schedule or shortening them.


One of the train companies here are using a 3 coach commuter train for long intercity travel. It’s extremely unpleasant, people are always standing in the aisle and sitting on their suitcases by the doors.

I honestly have no idea why they can’t just… make the train longer?! The 30 min frequency is not an issue for me, although it isn’t great. The constant overcrowding on the other hand is horrible.

MrMakabar, avatar

Germany has monthly local public transport passes for 49€ for all local public transport including regional trains. So if you wanted to go that kind of distance, you propbaly buy that instead and use public transport for some trips in the city or for some other trip. For groups some states have state passes, which can be very cheap as well. Lower Saxony for example has the Niedersachsenticket, which is 25€ for the first person, another 6€ for the next and then 5€ for each of the next three people. That works for a day after 9am for all regional public transport in the state. So you could get everybody within a normal sized car on a similar distance for 46€.

In other words, I am sorry, but public transport in the Netherlands is more expensive then in Germany. At least it is on time thou.


That pass doesn’t cover trains you actually want to take between regions. It’s basically a subway pass equivalent.

Source: I still pay €25 to go to the nearest city because it’s a 1+ hour train ride and going local station to local station sucks. Yes I have been busted by the Deutche Bahn employee checking Tickets and thought the country wide pass worked.



But no, that sucks. 49 pass seems a big upgrade but not ideal it doesn’t work inter-region.

MrMakabar, avatar

Ulm- München is abou 120km and it takes to 2:00 by regional train. Berlin - Magdeburg is also similar and at about 1:45. Both can be used using that pass.

LaLiLuLuCo, (edited )

Aalen to Stuttgart can’t. Stuttgart to München Can’t.

“using that pass” means not taking the direct train line. And stopping locally.

Don’t ask me, ask a DB employee telling me that pass isn’t valid for those connections.

Edit: here’s the carve out

Please note, however, that the Deutschland-Ticket is not valid on trains operated by DB Fernverkehr AG or other long-distance providers such as FlixTrain (e.g. IC, EC, ICE, as well as RE operated by DB Fernverkehr AG). DB Fernverkehr is currently in talks with the German state governments and authorities about exceptions on certain sections of line.

The Deutschland-Ticket is currently also permitted for long-distance trains (IC, EC, ICE) between Rostock Hbf and Stralsund Hbf.


Sounds like a nice concept, I wish we had something like that here. And you might think trains run on time but there’s actually quite a lot of delays recently. Because our network is relatively small and almost everything passes through Utrecht all it takes is 1 minor disruption somewhere around there and it’s mayhem.


Feel free to tell me if I’m wrong but I think it’s cheaper to subsidise public transport than to build and maintain car infrastructure. The way I see it is that every euro spent on making transport cheaper is 2 euros saved.


Oh I fully agree with you, it’s just that it doesn’t seem like they invest much in public transport. It feels like you hear more about lines closing down and capacity on the line going down than new lines being created.


Bristol to London is about 1hr20m, ok it’s 185km so a bit longer, but the cost of a peak time return is £252.80. So it could be worse if your country decided to privatise the rail services, a natural monopoly, while keeping infrastructure and strike costs public.


Oh they privatised it alright. It’s just that the government holds all stocks for the company. So they have to subsidize the losses while fat CEO pigs run off with the profits.

Sigmatics, to europe in Amsterdam to use "noise cameras" against too loud cars

I wish my city was implementing just half of the measures Amsterdam is doing

silvercove, to fuckcars in Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system

They already bike everywhere.


Yeah I mean just look at the bike parking at the F1 the other week.

dr_robot, avatar

I wish :( The city centers are very walkable and there's plenty of safe bicycle infrastructure, but cars are still very clearly the dominant mode of transport. Every weekend there's queues to the parking garages in every part of the city.


I like the way most city centers are set up but I think public transport coverage should be improved in most places before the government starts trying to push people out of their cars. My local municipality is trying the same thing and making the same mistake, they’re not improving public transport but they are trying to discourage people from coming by car. How is that supposed to work if you can’t even get there properly if you live in a part of town that either has no connection or it takes you 3 to 4 times as long as it would take you by car to take the bus?

freedomPusher, to europe in Amsterdam to use "noise cameras" against too loud cars

Please sell these cheaply to consumers. I would really love to have one that photographs the plates extremely high pitch 50cc scooters on my street. I would pay $€£ 1000 for the ability to launch rotten eggs when someone uses the horn at 2am.

bernieecclestoned, to europe in Amsterdam to use "noise cameras" against too loud cars

Otherwise known as microphones?


Cameras with microphones. Once a loud vehicle is detected the license plate has to be photographed.

bernieecclestoned, (edited )

Great, for added big brother points, the government could literally listen to every conversation on every street corner…

Edit. Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to why the police having live recording microphones everywhere is a good idea, generally you’d need a warrant to record citizens.

But sure, this is just for loud exhausts and has no other possible uses. Lol!

I always ask myself with these sorts of things, what would the CCP do?

China’s ambition to collect a staggering amount of personal data from everyday citizens is more expansive than previously known, a Times investigation has found. Phone-tracking devices are now everywhere. The police are creating some of the largest DNA databases in the world. And the authorities are building upon facial recognition technology to collect voice prints from the general public.…/…

I don’t think it’s wise to install potential dual use surveillance tech that a future government/leader could use

  • Sent from my phone

Hate to admit even the least paranoid among us to take this with caution.


I can turn my phone off or leave it at home…

nils, avatar

Yeah and where are you more likely to talk about sensitive information, at home or outside next to a busy street?


Er, outside in a busy street. Isn’t that tradecraft 101?

But, the police have other ways these days…/lip-reading-technology-t…


But do you do that?


That’s not the point. The point is we shouldn’t have to.

Mics can collect voiceprints. It’s like the police dusting for your fungerprints wherever you go. Which, if they had a warrant and cause, fair enough, but everyone 24/7? Seems like a privacy invasion to me.



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  • bernieecclestoned,

    I live in the UK. We stopped people having guns after a mass shooting.


    A system like this isn't any less harmful to privacy than speed cameras, is it?assuming it's not implemented with a bunch of other non privacy friendly features (which I'd argue isn't an issue with the microphone)


    They know where you’ve been…which is fine until the govt doesn’t like you

    A record for all vehicles passing by a camera is stored, including those for vehicles that are not known to be of interest at the time of the read.

    At present ANPR cameras nationally, submit on average around 60 million ANPR ‘read’ records to national ANPR systems daily…/automatic-number-plate-recognition-an…

    Why isn’t a microphone an issue? It could easily record everything and upload it


    Have you been sleeping under a rock for the last 15 years? If the government wants to listen to you, they’ll just use the microphone in your pocket. Or better: they don’t listen to your incoherent ramblings and go straight for your search history, which is much more interesting than what you are generally talking about.


    The fact that we have a technology such that do not justify his use nor an expansion of the surveillance. Au contraire it is the time to fight back.


    Well then fight back. Relinquish your phone first, as it’s the easiest thing to.


    I don’t know if you know this, but it’s pretty easy for someone to make private their phone, search history, etc. You just need to be a little dedicated and sacrifice some usability.

    You cannot do the same with microphones listening everywhere that you do not own.

    Have some sense.


    That’s what you think if you haven’t worked in the Telecom sector before.


    Unless there’s something beyond switching DNS, using a VPN and your own router/modem. It’s maybe 100$ up front and ~3-5 per month to be able to circumvent any telecom.


    Switching DNS does jack squat for your privacy. Any telecom worth their salt can read all DNS requests no matter which DNS you talk to. They only don’t filter content on alternative DNSes because they don’t care about filtering/blocking in general unless forced to by law.

    Using a VPN doesn’t add privacy, it just swapps out who is monitoring your traffic. Many VPN services are actually owned/run by secret services or cooperate with them (like NordVPN). Others are directly run by criminals who use them to steal data or inject malware. Also, VPN providers also have ISPs that reside in countries. In the very best case it’s not your ISP spying on you, but the VPN’s ISP. In the worst case, you now have an ISP and a VPN provider spying on you.

    Your own router/modem again does nothing at all for your privacy.

    That’s what I mean: people think they are doing privacy enhancing things, but actually what they are doing isn’t helping at all.

    aggelalex, (edited )

    As someone who knows a bit more about privacy in networking than watching the sponsored bits in YouTube videos, I agree with the examples you posed, but there are other technologies to fix your DNS leaking to your ISP. One of them being DNS over HTTPS. It’s default in Firefox, and pretty hard to crack just like any other HTTPS query. All your ISP can know is that you’re potentially making a DNS query. Another option is a local DNS server cache. Choose some domains you wanna be able to access, and diligently update your local cache using HTTPS from existing DNS servers every fortnight. Your DNS queries will never escape your LAN.


    DoH is an actual improvement, that’s true. But at the same time it’s a meaningless one, since the ISP can just do a reverse DNS lookup of the IPs you are contacting, and there isn’t really an option to hide the IP, unless you are using TOR or a VPN, but TOR sucks in real-world usage (and can also not really be trusted) and VPNs have been discussed before.

    I worked on the “evil” side for ~7 years, in a company that made internet monitoring devices. Originally I was told it’s only for debugging ISP network problems, but after a few years, when I was trusted enough in the company, they told me that a significant portion of our customers are actually secret services all around the world.

    The foreign ones usually wouldn’t just say that they are secret service, but they’d buy through other companies, which lead to some weird requests. For example, one time a small little British bakery asked for network monitoring equipment for their business. But they wanted the solution to be able to handle ~100 TBit/s, which was at that time roughly the total bandwidth of the whole UK plus some margin.

    Some secret services, though, talked to us completely openly.

    I’ve been at one ISP quite a few times at the department that handled secret service requests. I asked that guy what they do with our products, and he showed me the full suite that they are using. He entered a random phone number into the system, and an overview over the last year’s activities of that guy showed up. It had a list with timestamps of every site he accessed. It had all emails (of his ISP account and also emails that were sent unencryped) and SMS that that guy sent and received. It had a full movement profile of that guy for the whole last year, including his visits to other countries. The system allowed the operator to easily find contacts of that guy, even through the movement profile. So you could e.g. list all users that were close to that user at a given time, or all users that are frequently close to that guy.

    Tbh, it was a little shocking and eyeopening.


    Well yeah, you cannot completely cut deduction off the table. Not even in the real world. The fact though that the internet makes it easier is of course true. Even Tor is vulnerable to deduction-based MITM attacks using nodes that log activity. Nowadays though I think it matters less and less what you access, since everything in the internet has been reduced to a handful of huge websites (fucking SEO). If you’re in one of them, I doubt DNS info are going to be much of any use, apart from them having accessed Facebook, or YouTube. When I’m doing stuff I want hidden though, tor and DoH are a must.


    Well, centralized services make it easier, not harder. Now secret services can just call up their contact at Facebook or any of the other services and they can not only monitor metadata but get content as well.


    You mean the VPN advertising everywhere, who gives out the user data whenever a goverment agency knocks on the door? Or the other big name VPN, where the company owner has another business that makes money by selling users internet data?

    Yeah, i’m sure they will bend over backwards and file lawsuits to “protect your privacy” for $5/month…


    Your ISP knows all the websites you go to. They might not know the contents due to encryption, but they do know websites.

    And for search, well, google knows everything. Unless you use something else than google. But few people do, and bing isn’t much better.

    That’s even assuming the phones themselves don’t have backdoors. Unless you run a custom android OS… which definitively almost nobody does.


    All of those things are within the dedication to privacy. A lot of upfront time commitment but near effortless after the fact. On desktop it’s even easier.


    This can be done without constantly recording or transmitting what the microphone perceives. It can simply start recording sound and picture when a noise is detected that is loud enough / matches the pattern we’re looking for. This can be done just on the device. No big brother tech needed.

    bernieecclestoned, (edited )

    None needed, but that doesn’t stop autocratic regimes from doing mass surveillance.

    China’s ambition to collect a staggering amount of personal data from everyday citizens is more expansive than previously known, a Times investigation has found. Phone-tracking devices are now everywhere. The police are creating some of the largest DNA databases in the world. And the authorities are building upon facial recognition technology to collect voice prints from the general public.…/…

    I don’t think it’s wise to install potential dual use surveillance tech that a future government/leader could use


    This is like claiming speed cameras are filming all the time.


    It reminds me of the case in NY where they charged someone for murder because they caught his license plate while he was driving near a shooting with no evidence whatsoever other than being near the shooting.


    Many of them in a grid.

    One microphone would be like having 1 ear. If you’ve ever known someone who is deaf in 1 ear, they have trouble locating the direction sounds come from. IIRC, the implementation involves something like ~50—100 or so microphones. If you have a lot of noise entering your house you can point the thing towards a window and it will generate a heat map image showing red color where the noise is the highest.

    giantofthenorth, to europe in Amsterdam to use "noise cameras" against too loud cars

    Anyone celebrating this is a fool.

    This will lead to more spying on you, gives police even more power, and offers you only less noise for how many cars?

    Trees, greenery and better housing design might solve the issue or make it not bad.

    Self reporting, followed by an inspection to verify the car’s sound could solve this issue.

    But more surveillance for another ones of the world surveillance states is so fucking stupid.


    For me, it’s worth it. I live next to a forest already, far outside the city center, and there’s still assholes racing at night at the nearby street because it’s quite secluded and straight.

    Also, I’m not worried about microphones on busy streets. It’s a public space already, which affects the content of my speech already. Microphones at home should be much more important for anyone worried about privacy.

    Dinodicchellathicc, avatar

    I just can’t imagine how people in the comments are happy to see this. It’s like upside-down world.

    AllNewTypeFace, to europe in Amsterdam to use "noise cameras" against too loud cars avatar

    Maybe next they can introduce these in Sweden, to deal with the eurodanceraggare and loud-tailpipe dickheads that plague the roads.


    This seems to be a problem everywhere in the world where young drivers can afford shitty cars.

    Franzia, to europe in Amsterdam to use "noise cameras" against too loud cars

    Ngl would community self-reporting be better? I don’t even know how to report traffic violations etc. in the US. Do they also need proof in order to do something about it? I wonder if being able to record and send video to the police of loud vehicles would be better. Or perhaps that could turn out worse?

    sudo22, avatar

    Your solution has the major drawback of not enabling further surveillance of the population under the guise of public safety.


    If a motorcycle is zooming at Mach 3 in a general vicinity of your house it’s pretty hard to report due to practical issues like getting shoes on, getting to your Mach 4 capable vehicle, locating the offender and catching up with him to get his plates.


    I don’t think you want to outsource these kinds of things to the general population. If I have problems with noisy drivers in front of my house, I’d have to stand outside all day waiting for them to take a picture, or I’d have to install a camera. Both aren’t things a private person should have to do.

    taiyang, to europe in Amsterdam to use "noise cameras" against too loud cars

    Wish we had that here. I could only afford a home on a busy street and the pollution is bad enough we it is without the modded trucks, muscle cars and motorcycle racing by at 1am. It’s illegal, but uninforced.

    And that crying about being spied on… we already have cameras everywhere, actually having them used for something we want would be lovely. This and carpool lane enforcement, regulated in a way that can’t be abused (unlike red light and stop sign cameras, which local governments really abuse given lack of top down regulation).


    I hear that the UK is trialling them in England an Wales, and London also had a trial run in 2021/22. Not sure what came of it, though.
    Trouble is, the UK has no law limiting the noise a car can make. Only if there is e.g. a modified exhaust can the police even do something.


    This is not true. See rule 123 of the Highway Code which says it is illegal to modify your vehicle to make more noise and that the noise of a vehicle should be below 86 db.

    The current issue is that enforcement is not proactive and the fines are very low. Most police departments only issue a warning for first time offenders.

    See: ……/roadside-vehicle-noise-measurement-phas…

    For an extensive review.

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