JackbyDev, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

Y’all remember when Windows 10 was supposedly their last OS?



Dasnap, avatar

From what I remember that quote was taken out of context.


I could see that. It felt like a weird thing to say. Oh well. My next OS is going to be Linux if I ever get around to buying a new computer. I’ve been “doing it soon” for a few years lol.


You don’t necessarily need a new computer, you could get a new SSD, install Linux there and dual boot for a while.


Very true, but some context, I have a 3080 or 3070 GPU but a CPU from 2009 and a 5400 RPM hard drive with steam games. I’d get like 20 FPS in Elder Ring on lowest settings. My CPU has become a major bottle neck. Over the years I’ve upgraded everything else but that because that essentially means an entirely new PC


Poor GPU, the rest of the team can’t keep up


“Don’t worry, I’ll have those textures loaded to VRAM in no time! … any minute!”

ares35, avatar

the last one you "buy", anyway.


That was so hilariously either ignorant or deceitful when they said that.

01189998819991197253, (edited ) avatar

I reread that quote (in context) many times, and I’ve concluded that it was a poor choice of words. He meant “latest”. He was talking about Windows 10, the latest Windows OS, in a time where XP, 8, 8.1, Vista, and 7 were still maintained to some degree. I wish so much that Win10 would have been the last Windows OS…


I remember reading about that and it is some subscription fee to get replacements. I always wonder if someone is still paying lol

maegul, to technology in Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized avatar

Ok … so I think false preconceptions are polluting this topic. Apart from the passwords, nothing serious has happened here for your data. As for the DMs … yea there aren’t DMs with any real privacy on the fediverse, they don’t exist … you should presume DMs are public.

Because the fediverse is not in any way private. See for a good treatment of this:…/the-fediverse-is-a-privacy-n…

The basic story is that the fediverse is all about duplicating what we post all over the place … essentially to anyone who decides to run a server on the fediverse. The FBI could (and probably do?) have a server scooping up all sorts of stuff onto their server and you wouldn’t know about and probably couldn’t do much about it. Google is scraping mastodon (and probably lemmy?) … try a google search for mastoodn content.

This is all public internet stuff, you’re basically running a public blog that happens to be well connected to lots of other public blogs.

As nice as the fediverse is as a nice anti-capitalist-big-corp monopolisation of our social online lives … it is very much born out of the web2.0 era and doesn’t have any of the privacy concerns many of us would now hope for from technologies.

I’ve argued this elsewhere … I like the fediverse and am here out of principle … but in many ways it highlights some of the failings of our world at this time … because it’s about 10 years too late and the future is coming in hot and fast … in retrospect I wouldn’t be surprised if it will make a lot of sense to look back on the fediverse and think that it was effectively redundant at just about the time it gained popularity. An AI dominated internet with massive privacy concerns is here very soon, and the fediverse isn’t ready IMO, it’s still trying to catch up to web2.0 big social circa 2010.


What about 2013 seemed more favorable to the fediverse than now? Twitter, reddit and Facebook were pretty useful at that time - I don’t think I’d have left.

maegul, avatar

Principles. That the whole internet and all of the freedom and diversity it can harbour was being monopolised by big giant corporations that had no interest in embracing an open web. Instead, they were convincing the world, especially those growing up in that/this era that the internet had to be constrained to the few walled gardens of big platforms.

These principles were as obvious and relevant then as they are now. Unfortunately convenience is a helluva drug. And, in the “Google” era of the internet (~2005-2020 ?), there was a certain naive optimism about big-tech and the internet, which no doubt lulled us in by its being “free”.

In reality, we all really thought that good and useful world-changing stuff was just going to be made for us for free. That the internet was going to inexorably make the world a better place. It was dumb and naive IMO and marks very well the failings of the Millennial generation (to which I belong FWIW). Unfortunately, it’s a lesson we had to learn the hardway. There were probably only a handful of people in the world that understood what the new industry was actually doing and was actually about and that had the philosophical will and ability to think it through and communicate to the masses what the choices we were actually making.


If the fediverse represents the soon-to-be-replaced web 2.0 of the past, what do you see replacing it and why do you think that will be incompatible with the fediverse apps?

I could see some block chain security/authentication features added to federated apps, and hopefully end-to-end encrypted DMs will be enabled by that same technology too. I’m just having a hard time imagining something “new” that will replace this completely.

There will probably be several TikTok-like entertainment platforms, likely filled with ad-friendly AI generated content that is 100% under corporate control and costs almost nothing to produce, but that type of platform attracts a different audience than what we have here.

maegul, avatar

I don’t think the fediverse necessarily needs to be replaced. We still have, afterall, Twitter going hard and strong after nearly 20 years! THe fediverse may very well go strong for many years to come, and that’d be a good thing … it’s nice!!

In an ideal world … what would replace this? IMO, technology that basically gives every person a secure home on the internet in the same way that (most of us) can have a secure home in real life. Control, ownership and privacy over what you consume and publish and how. That technology would need to involve a number of things on a number of levels, but I’d bet it’s quite viable today, it just needs buy-in and people to have the time and resources to build it.

xChaos, avatar


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  • shreddy_scientist, (edited ) avatar

    The blockchain’s use of decentralization is pretty much a security measure. If you want to rule out the blockchain entirely, you’d still need to address the immutable and transpartent components. Only using one block once published moving forward is quite different than the fediverse. Then there’s smart contracts too. It’s a massive improvement to various current online platforms, to say it’s merely decentralization is highly misleading.

    Edit: So far, web 3.0 has yet to impress me and I’d be surprised if it does anytime soon. But blockchain tech is not simplistic and can be setup for anonymity as well.


    It was known before Blockchain that you could do it too. Ancaps just got horny over it and pushed it as the next thing to replace the USD.

    joelthelion, avatar

    Wouldn’t it be possible to add end to end encryption for DMs?

    maegul, avatar

    Possible doesn’t mean easily doable, unfortunately. Technically speaking, I don’t know how hard it would be for the fediverse. I get the sense that overall it’s been a mismanaged aspect of the ecosystem for a long time.

    It touches on a broader issue of to what extent the software ecosystem enables users to exist on the fediverse at large as a single user or through a single interface. At the moment, it’s basically not really a thing. Arguably, if the fediverse wants to make any claim to being an actual “federated universe” rather than just separate FOSS decentralised platforms (there is a big difference IMO) … then it should definitely be a thing.

    In relation to DMs, then, in a “true fediverse” the answer would be simply something like integrating matrix into your interface such that you and I could easily start a space on matrix and start chatting there if we wanted to.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that for this to happen it needs to happen at the UI/client/app level. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens in not too long a time. An app that understand and works well with all of the major platforms and gives you a single and well designed interface for working with all of them from a single space. This way the platform developers can focus on their specific funcionality and backend while the app/client developers can focus on the UI and the challenge of bringing things together. I see it as similar to the way we all have email apps that easily bring together multiple email clients.


    oddly enough i presumed this was how mastodon did DMs, i hope they can get E2E in the apps ASAP

    maegul, avatar

    And that’s part of the problem, they’re easily mistaken for something better. Either they shouldn’t be there or done at least semi-properly.


    Matrix integration really is the move to make imhol


    thanks for the link, explains it very well. how bout my activity, like IP address, up/down votes, clicks on links, favorites and whatnot, is that federated around or how does that work, i.e. who has access to it?

    drwho, avatar

    As far as I know (which isn’t too far, because I’m not a Beltway bandit anymore), the Fediverse isn’t on the FBI’s radar in any meaningful way. It /might/ be on the radar of the information contractors they hire for bulk data gathering and analysis (Palantir, ZeroFox, Dataminr, probably others these days) but none of me have heard anything specific.


    “…but none of me…”

    How many of you are there?

    big_slap, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

    now that gaming is getting better on Linux thanks to proton, I am unbothered


    Exactly what I was thinking.


    First of all they’re going to have to release a distro which actually has, shock horror, proprietary drivers installed on it, because your average user isn’t going to understand how to install them.

    I’ve said this a few times but no one wants to hear it, I understand why they can’t have proprietary drivers, but the fact that they don’t have them is a major reason as to why Linux isn’t more mainstream.


    I understand why they can’t have proprietary drivers

    Who can’t have them? 90-some percent of Linux distributions make them available to those who are unfortunate enough to need them.


    Good thing Linux ships with AMD drivers by default, no install necessary. Nvidia will have to get off their asses and make their drives less of a pile of dog shit though.


    So some drivers are not installed like I said

    I’m not casting judgement on whether the drivers are good or not I’m merely pointing out that they’re not preinstalled and a lot of people don’t even know what a driver is.

    If Linux isn’t out of the box simple easy like Windows people are never going to switch to it no matter how terrible Microsoft become. They will go to Apple before they go to Linux.


    Hang on…

    Some distros (mint, Ubuntu) prompt the user to install proprietary drivers during the installation process, it’s very easy.

    On Windows you have to download the latest drivers from the manufacturers website and install them manually, that’s crazy!


    So some drivers are not installed like I said

    No, you said:

    First of all they’re going to have to release a distro which actually has, shock horror, proprietary drivers installed on it, because your average user isn’t going to understand how to install them.

    You’re moving the goalposts.


    Debian comes with proprietary drivers now


    I think it comes with proprietary firmware, not drivers.


    Apologies, mixed up the terms in my head


    It’s called Linux MInt.


    VR Support is sorely lacking, though. And no, the Quest standalone is not a solution - it’s an android phone strapped to your face.

    PerogiBoi, avatar

    The Valve Index works natively on Linux.


    Virtual Desktop / Oculus does not


    Seriously. I’ve been using Windows for years and every time I’ve tried to move it’s games that stopped me. Proton is literally a game changer. I’m not a hardcore Guild Wars 2 player but I play daily. The game ruins flawlessly with Proton.

    Valve 👏

    nostalgicgamerz, to technology in Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized

    FBI needs to go after the actual “domestic terrorists” The one wrapping fascism with a cross and holding a bible

    Randy_Bobandy, avatar

    Why would they go after their own families?


    Some of those that work forces…

    root, avatar



    Are the same that burn s’moreses


    Who the fuck are you talking about?


    Right wing Christian extremists, clearly.


    Never seen any. Take your meds


    They’re everywhere here in the States


    It’s a pretty big problem here in the States.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Christian fascism, has been really widespread and common in Anglosphere for centuries.


    Uh, they do.…/13381742/…/index.html…/3272309/

    There’s plenty of garbage law enforcement agencies, but in general the fbi seems to do a pretty reasonable job.

    blindbunny, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

    I look forward to welcoming all the new Linux users 🙂

    Eezyville, avatar

    I look forward to all the complaints on how linux isn’t like windows. :)


    Will you? Do you? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health?

    darcy, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

    as always, Microsoft is the biggest advertiser of Linux


    And still Linux is nowhere close to being a usable desktop OS experience. I’d pick Mac over Linux any day.

    Neil, avatar


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  • Razp,

    You are not a regular user. You are tech heavy user. I have spent enough time with Linux (my fav distro used to be Slackware), and it’s not ready for general consumption.


    I would disagree. There are distros out there that make it so easy. Especially with flatpak. I think it’s not 100% user friendly, but neither is windows. If you can’t use Mint Cinnamon, you probably can’t use windows well either. That means you’re just using the web, email, and office for the most part anyway. With package manager gui interfaces, it’s easier to find things with Linux than windows. I think I could show my grandma Linux more easily than windows nowadays. A normal user will get around without ever having to think about PPAs or anything like that.

    darcy, avatar

    with respect, have you honestly tried desktop linux? what do you consider about it difficult?


    I keep trying it on and off since before suse/opensuse and redhat/fedora split.

    From someone who’s first distro was slackware: it has nothing to do with difficulty. Linux, even the most user friendly distros, kinda stuck for a regular non tech savy users


    I actually agree with you and I think I like it like that. It’s like our own little language that nobody else speaks.

    maxwisecracks, avatar


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  • Razp,

    A pretty minor mistake for a non-native speaker. Thanks though :)


    Had me in the first half not gonna’ lie.


    It’s a fun way to trigger modern Linux fanboys who have no idea that Mac OS is a UNIX compliant system that pretty much originated on BSD codebase.


    Using Mac OS is about as good of an experience as taking a hammer to my fingers.


    Now imagine it is still less suffering than Linux.


    Linux gives you the ability to be your own system admin.

    Most people don’t want or need that and have been steadily handing over more and more admin duties of their systems to Microsoft, Apple and Google since smartphones have become widely adopted.

    But Linux is totally usable to anyone who had enough admin skills to run Windows XP and not get totally wrecked by malware. It’s just a matter of learning.


    This makes sense for the edge case of power users. The general use case of Windows won’t learn to be their own sysadmin.


    Only power users want to be their own system admins. A regular user just wants stuff to work.

    Linux is unusable for general population.


    Then what the fuck did I do over past 2 years?


    Yes, because you are definitely a regular computer user who has no idea what sh is.

    vox, (edited ) avatar

    my only gripe with linux is… gaming. Not the AAA titles which usually run pretty well, the indie games.
    they are usually full of small but frustrating issues.
    Like for example steam overlay is broken in celeste due to xna/amd bug which makes is frustrating while using big picture mode/gamepadui.
    People playground just does not work. at all. immediately crashes with an unknown unity error.
    stormworks? random freezes after minifying or switching virtual desktops if running under xwayland


    That shouldn’t be a gripe on Linux, it should be a gripe on game developers not supporting Linux. This is like blaming Nintendo when your Switch emulator on the PC isn’t working right.

    KairuByte, avatar

    Apart from the fact that it’s a bullshit headline cobbled together from half truths to tickle your anger glands… sure.

    Virkkunen, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

    And there's NeoWin again with the Windows 12 clickbaits. This "leak" is just Windows 11 IoT Enterprise Subscription, and there's absolutely nothing nowhere that even mentions the number 12.

    yukichigai, avatar

    Yeah, this seems like the kind of thing they'd try to push on Business/Pro+ users, where management is willing to fork out absurd amounts of money monthly as long as the per-seat price can be vaguely justified. Doing this for home users would just be dumb. Plenty of people would see the monthly subscription and go "eh I don't need a computer, I can just use my phone."


    But… But… But… Russian propaganda! Microsoft bad, Linux good!

    wander1236, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

    Y’all really need to actually click the article and read the first sentence. This has nothing to do with Windows 12, and even Neowin has clarified that right at the top in an update.

    Microsoft is a bad company, but it’s a little worrying when someone can just say some random things in a title and have it be believed without question, just because it paints Microsoft in a negative light.

    southsamurai, avatar

    It is very worrying that they’ve detained destroyed their reputation so much that any negative news about them is automatically believable.

    KairuByte, avatar

    Let me introduce you to humans; tell them anything and at least one person will believe it. Get enough of them together and you too can have such crazy beliefs as: sky daddy is real and you make him angry, the earth is flat, the earth is a doughnut, the earth is hollow, you have 5g chips inside your body that allow you to be mind controlled, lizard people.

    Need I go on?…


    It’s more that MS has leaned into the subscription model with Office 365 and such.

    Windows is already kind of a “Freemium” OS, so I’m expecting them to continue in that fashion. Your are right, the article is mostly pointless speculation that was refuted anyways, but I’ll admit it sounded a bit off to me anyways. MS wants people to be running Windows, so they can seem then GamePass subscriptions, Office365 subscriptions, and whatever other services they can think of. As such, I expect the core OS to be very free. Just what constitutes core functionality versus Premium features might change.

    reddig33, to technology in You can no longer activate new Windows 11 builds with Windows 7 or 8 keys

    Who wants to use Windows 11 anyway?


    it really improved wsl integration

    also it’s kinda mandatory if you have a recent cpu, to utilize the p-core/e-core architecture.


    Can Linux not handle the big.little architecture as well?


    It can, and it does. It even has a better wsl integration than windows!

    insomniac, avatar

    Linux wsl has really come a long way


    Instead of “Windows Subsystem for Linux” it’s “Windows Software on Linux.” We should rename WINE for lulz.

    captain_aggravated, avatar

    Yes it can; that was added to Linux 5.18.


    Oh, I meant as opposed to previous windows versions.


    I figured tbh. I was being snarky and reminding that Linux is the real alternative to Win 11, not Win 10


    Linux: look what they have to do to achieve a tenth of our power.


    I ain’t switching until they implement vertical toolbars. I don’t want to use a fucking 3rd party tool, it’s SO EASY in 10, idk why the fuck they just don’t want implement it.

    “Not many people used it” so fucking what, I bet not many people used the default apps in 10 and now we have expanded functionality with the “suggested apps”. Bastards.

    kogasa, avatar

    I still can’t use WSL 2.0 because of the abysmal filesystem performance compared to 1.0. As far as I can tell this is a fundamental flaw with the design, not a bug that can/will be fixed.

    BeezKnuts, avatar

    I’m just getting ahead of the curve. In 10 years everyone will be making videos about how windows 11 wasn’t really that bad like how they did with Vista a few years ago and are about 8 right now. I just want to be able to relate to the videos.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    For what it’s worth Windows Vista Home Basic 32-bit was more stable for me than XP.


    Windows 11 really isn’t that bad. It’s no Wins Vista, 8.0 or ME.


    The only gripe I have with windows 11 is the lack of toolbar customization that was in windows 10. Other than that I don’t have any problems… but windows 8 on the other hand, I don’t get it

    EpicFailGuy, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

    They’re too smart to do this …

    More likely they will make the base OS free and charge for the premium SaaS features … like they already do with one drive, O365 and game pass


    Yeah that seems like the more likely move, have a free tier that starts off decent and a premium tier with ‘power features’ or whatever, and then slowly drift almost everything over to the ‘premium’ tier until in a few years you won’t be able to change your desktop wallpaper without paying. That definitely sounds like the MS way to me.

    ares35, avatar

    they've already done various low-cost or no-cost (to the oem) windows editions that you can't change wallpaper, or default search engine, stripped out utility programs included in 'regular' editions, and even one that limited multitasking, disabled some network functions, and had hard limits on ram and total disk space.

    EpicFailGuy, avatar

    Is that what Win 10 X was? I thought it was supposed to be a light build

    ares35, avatar

    windows 8 'with bing', and 'starter' editions of earlier versions, are the ones that came to mind.

    EpicFailGuy, avatar

    YUP! And then something like a 1 year free demo when you buy a computer from an OEM … to make sure all the normies get used to it.

    Right of the M$ playbook.

    I for once can’t wait, it’s going to be a fun dumpster fire to watch


    Seems a dumb way to destroy the desktop PC market.

    People will feel scammed that after one year everything needs a subscription, will dump that shit on eBay, prices will crash, and the market will be dominated by iPads with mouse and keyboards


    They may still for enterprise customers.

    RHOPKINS13, to technology in You can no longer activate new Windows 11 builds with Windows 7 or 8 keys; maybe last chance to activate using Windows 7 or 8 keys, for 22H2.

    Probably blocks the MAS activation scripts from working too.

    Sure enough, on their site:

    Note: Microsoft servers are currently rejecting HWID activation requests when activating through MAS, we’re checking what’s going on now. Use the KMS38 activation option for now.

    TwinHaelix, avatar

    This is the real blow. Truly the end of an era.


    It will absolutely get figured out and gotten around again.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    Looks like it’s time to start using reactos i guess… ☹️


    Wow, what a timing, just discovered MAS last month and used it last week. Was truly nice and easy, and I liked the technical explanations on their website.

    Never_Sm1le, avatar

    Lucky me, just used last month to upgrade to 10 pro

    jecht360, to technology in You can no longer activate new Windows 11 builds with Windows 7 or 8 keys

    Oh no, guess the people using Windows at home will have to just settle for using the easily found Microsoft Activation Scripts!


    This broke the "MAS" scripts, at least as far as HWID activation. From their website:

    Note: Microsoft servers are currently rejecting HWID activation requests when activating through MAS, we’re checking what’s going on now. Use the KMS38 activation option for now.

    asexualchangeling, (edited )

    Oh no, that messes up my future plans to have an extra SSD on my computer for dual booting so I can more easily do VR

    Oh well, I guess I don’t ever have to look at windows again, that works too

    me, to fediverse in Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized avatar

    Holy fuck that article is tendentious as fuck. I'm not too fond of anarchists politically but I trust them with my data far more than I trust Mr Zuck or Mr Musk


    Damn, I learned a new word today and I’m not even out of bed yet. That’s a good one!

    me, avatar

    @SpaceNoodle In Polish we have "tendencyjny" and I was looking for something similar and I've found it

    fossilesque, avatar

    I concur, that’s one for the back pocket!

    Giblets4all, to technology in You can no longer activate new Windows 11 builds with Windows 7 or 8 keys; maybe last chance to activate using Windows 7 or 8 keys, for 22H2.

    You can buy a used mini PC for less than the price of a new Windows 11 license. I know there are cheaper license sites out there (unclear how legit they are) but this way you get a Windows license and a spare PC to run Linux!

    PeachMan, avatar

    They cost like $5 online, it’s not like it’s a huge risk. I’ve bought OEM keys before and they work fine. Just use a credit card so you can easily get a refund if it’s fake.


    Those are usually Windows 7 or 8 keys.

    Which do indeed work to activate Windows 10 and 11.

    But not anymore.


    Or just install Linux and never worry about that shit again lol


    I agree, I don’t plan to go back! Just don’t like giving up the option.


    There could be a bit of a caveat here. I when I purchased my laptop it had windows 10 installed. When I installed Mint, I could not reuse that key in a VM because it was “different hardware”. The license, could not be transferred under any circumstance. I had also purchased the upgrade to Pro through the windows store. That’s also lost.

    I seldom run windows, even in the VM, but it still leaves one a bit bitter.


    I reused a Win10 Pro key from a mini PC from 2015 onto a brand new build and it worked right away. Not sure what the difference is with your situation. Maybe it was your license type?


    It was the license that came on an Acer laptop. Completely non transferable per Microsoft.


    Laptop licences are linked to the hardware. You technically do not have a key to begin with.


    Usually calling Windows support, they'll give you a key if you just tell them you replaced some piece of hardware due to failure, assuming you haven't been transferring the same key around for awhile. They tend to be more invested in keeping you in the Windows ecosystem than they are are just getting one more license sold.


    I called support, they said no. Asked for a one time exception, still no. The key to my knowledge was only used once on the laptop when I bought it new.

    I wasn’t investing any more time in it.


    Yes, an OEM license is not transferable from the hardware the OEM originally installed it on, even to a VM running on that hardware.


    Windows 10 links their license to the motherboard.

    So as long as you use the same motherboard, the key will work.

    This isn’t possible with VMs sadly.


    You can extract the SLIC value from the ACPI table, and then pass it through to QEMU

    See more details here:…/49bd034d43e054bd1d8d4fec38c305e…

    It is my understanding that this can only be used to run the OEM license one one instance in a VM, on the specific hardware that is originally licensed. IE, you virtualize the license if the bootOS is Linux, but you can’t run 2 instances of the same windows license inside each other.


    When I build a new PC, I could not transfer my old 7 pro retail license, even though it worked fine on my old PC running Windows 10 and it even said it was a digital license connected to my MS account.

    So I bought a Win 10 pro key from one of the ebay resellers aber everything was fine… until it wasn’t. I updated the firmware for my mainboard and Windows took that for a replacement of hardware. Troubleshooter did not show three option “I recently changed my hardware” and did not give me the option to call Microsoft’s support.

    Turns out it was a “one time install” key which was invalidated by changing the hardware. So it couldn’t activate a second time. And since the key seller was out of business at that time (they’ll change accounts every few months), I had no way of getting the key replaced.

    Luckily, I still had an old Windows 7 COA with key and CD lying around from an old Dell business Workstation. That activated just fine.

    But yeah, even if you have a valid license connected to your Microsoft account, there’s no way of seeing it in your account, and it’s not guaranteed MS will honor it.


    Dumb q, if I install Linux and later decide to reinstall Windows, is that OEM license still good?




    The answer is a resounding maybe. If you activated with a Microsoft account or if there's a TPM chip, the chances of it still working increases. There are different kinds of licenses, but if it fails, there's a better than not chance calling MS support and just telling them you had a hardware failure on your laptop and you need to reinstall, they'll get you going. Not a guarantee though. And I'll caveat and say this information is a couple years old (I don't work in tech support anymore).


    You can just reactivate by troubleshooting your activation in Windows.

    No need to call Microsoft about it.


    The multiple posts of people not being able to do that should have made it clear that doesn't always work.


    Definitely yes.

    As long as you use the same motherboard.


    Cheap license sites (windows, games, etc) usually use keys bought via stolen credit cards. Pirating it is much better than buying from those sites, including for the devs that get punished for chargebacks from those keys.


    Tbh if you want gray area keys. Microsoftsoftwareswap has always had verified users selling business generated licenses keys. If you HAVE to buy a key, at least buy one from vetted people and not some rando on a seller site


    the devs that get punished for chargebacks from those keys.

    Just to be clear… in the case of Windows, that would be M$…?


    So, hurting Microsoft and getting a cheap Windows key? Where’s the downside?

    Dohnakun, to technology in Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized

    You aren’t allowed to have anarchist worldviews in the US?


    It says he was arrested for activities unrelated to Mastodon, just happened to be working on an unencrypted backup which was also seized. No clue why he was arrested.


    In mid-May 2023, the home of one of’s admins was raided, and all their electronics were seized by the FBI. The raid was part of an investigation into a local protest. Kolektiva was neither a subject nor target of this investigation. Today, that admin was charged in relation to their alleged participation in this protest.

    p03locke, avatar

    The raid was part of an investigation into a local protest.

    Protests are illegal? Since when?

    linearchaos, avatar

    Depends on your definition of protest.

    If you want to go out and stand on the side of the road with a sign there’s no problem.

    If you block people from going to work or going home then you start to gather a little bit of attention

    There have been an increasing number of protests where people have damaged power substations, Shot up public places and driven through crowds of people.

    The FBI doesn’t have time or manpower to screw around. They’re not raiding someone’s house because some people are noisy about government. By the time they’re Knocking on your door they already have some substantial proof of wrongdoing.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    The FBI doesn’t have time or manpower to screw around. […] they already have some substantial proof of wrongdoing.

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