nyakojiru, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

It’s a good idea, so the pain will end and it will die one and for all

mintyfrog, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

Welcome to Linux, friends

Harry_h0udini, avatar

Choose either blue(Debian) or Fedora(RHEl)

CalcProgrammer1, avatar

Or choose btw (Arch)


I like Arch, but I don’t think it’s a good fit for the fed up with Windows crowd.

boog, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

Nice! I’ve always wanted to try out Linux.

cupcakezealot, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

gonna be great when you can’t afford to pay this month and you lose access to your computer

RandomVideos, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

Linux usage on pc jumps to 72%


Once Linux figures out a better way to install apps to other drive without causing the user to figure out complex systems it will start closing the gap.

callyral, avatar

It’s called a graphical app store. Most distros meant for desktop usage that come with a desktop GUI have a software store. IIRC KDE’s Discover even has Flatpak support which leads to a higher variety of apps.

Otherwise, you can install an AppImage, or just a .deb file if you’re running something Debian-based.


I’ve not once seen a software store app (besides something like steam) ask me where to install stuff. Discover, Software Manager, etc. They all just install stuff, typically from the official repos but maybe from flatpak but none of them actually let you change where to install something.

callyral, (edited ) avatar

binaries (executables) go in /usr/bin, flatpaks are installed in their own sandboxes, appimages are wherever you put them.

the shortcuts in application menus go in /usr/share/applications as .desktop files which link to the app, so the user generally won’t have to worry about where the executable is.

why would the app store ask you where to install stuff??


Because a lot of people have multiple drives. I have 2tb of storage across 4 drives. I want to use all of my drives, not just one. This is a very common workflow. Linux has never truly supported it.

LUHG_HANI, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

So is business moving to M365 windows lics no doubt. It’s been on the cards for a while.

dauerstaender, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

Since when has windows 11 been deprecated? After windows 7 I switched to Linux and all I hear is new windows is around the corner and even worse! How does this company even keep customers, when all they do is upgrade their windows?!


Microsoft only ever sticks to every other distribution of Windows because those are the ones that suck the least.

XP > good Vista > bad 7 > good 8 > nightmare nightmare nightmare 10 > good 11 > bad

Tho if 12 is subscription based this will change obv.


Someone once explained to me that Windows is like the Star Trek movies - every other one ia good.


Honestly I like Windows 11 better than Windows 10. I mean I don’t like or use either one, but if I had to I’d go with 11 (with debloat script, Powertoys, WSL2 and blocking telemetry with DNS as much as possible)

This is subjective of course but I prefer both the visual and sound theme of Win11 (I despised Win10 in both regards). Plus it has some additional nice qol features like, I think, tabs in explorer?

Vorthas, avatar

Anything after 7 is bad in my eyes. I HATE the direction Windows went with the UI style, doing away with the Vista and 7 Aero look. Plus Windows 10 drives me up the wall trying to find the proper settings (is it Settings or Control Panel? Why do we have both?!).


7 was the GOAT but i use 10 now and its almost indistinguishable from what i remember from 7 after tweaking some settings. I do agree that finding your settings can be annoying af.


Moving settings around is just user hostile behavior. Fucking psychos.


You skipped 8.1, which was good.


we dont talk about 8.1

gianni, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

And you’ll still hear “Well I know everything about Windows sucks and now I’m being charged out the ass, but I refuse to even consider switching because [one particular game doesn’t work / I’m used to it]”


Remember that these are the same people that used to not think twice about $150 for Windows and Office added to their PC or laptop purchase price.


I was asked why I can’t switch to Linux, so I replied listing the software I require Windows for, and then was called a fanboy and downvoted heavily…

Haui, avatar

May I ask what sw is on that list?

Haui, avatar

Man, that was a wild ride. Thanks for the link.

Yes, that’s lemmy for you. You happened to point out something in a way that showed some frustration and people started attacking you for it.

They are either 12 or 42 and live in their mothers basement with linux as their whole identity. They don’t read thoroughly nor do they accept criticism.

I‘ve encountered them before. Don’t worry. If this makes you feel bad, consider wording your comments differently.

Maybe expand a bit on why and don’t answer to obvious troll questions, at least not honestly, like the implication that you‘re using pirated windows.

A complete moron could have seen that you were just frustrated with seeing no way out of windows and getting it blindly suggested still. That is not your fault.


It appears that the other guy didn’t call you a fanboy. He implied that you might be a troll, before you’d listed that software and after you’d called him a fanboy.

But yeah, it’ll probably be a while before there’s a Linux version of Adobe Illustrator, and the alternatives are different enough that it’d be a lot of work to switch even if it’s otherwise practicable.


Which is dumb. We want adoption, because there’s no other way that software will be portrs to Linux. I’m all for a libre base operating system, but I REALLY want some commercial software to be officially supported under Linux.

That Bitwig is supported under Linux is a godsend for beatmakers and producers, but I want Ableton Live on Linux :( and also Affinity Designer. Inkscape is nice, and so is Krita, but there is no serious desktop publishing apps on Linux that focuses on usability AND productivity.

The more users there are though, the bigger the chance is…

So don’t listen to those bastard’s. A bunch of self-defeatists. May I suggest Vanilla 2.0 when it’s finished? :) Then you can try to run some of that software using Wine Bottles…

…which doesn’t work for Affinity Designer :(

techtalkf, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

Personally, the only reason I don’t fully switch to Linux is because of the Adobe Suite, but other than that, I would absolutely make the switch. I’m hoping that if this promopts enough people to make the switch, then Adobe will finally make versions of their Programs for Linux.


Realistically wasm gets good enough, that everything starts to become a webapp so that every app is an every os app.


Monkey’s paw: now every app becomes subscription based


Have you tried it on VM or wine and stuff? Try dual booting to test it out.


Have you used a gpu intensive application in a VM with good performance?

Adobe software quite heavily relies on cuda or OpenCL.


Not the poster above, but just wondering here. I don’t use Adobe products. I can see a VM not being the best. How about Wine? Can you just install Photoshop via vutris and go?


No, unfortunately. If it was possible, I think we could have gotten everyone that is stuck on Windows because of Adobe, over to Linux by now. Same story with M$ office. BUT that is kinda changing, because for M$ office, we have Office Online and Libreoffice available as alternatives that do the job really well, they got me through college. As for Adobe, there is an online version of Photoshop that you can run in a browser, so hopefully that will get good enough to allow some users to switch to Linux for professionals. Now for personal users they can probably just switch to GIMP. But even then, there’s the issue of the other Adobe Creative Cloud Suite.


I tried wine recently to see if I can get Total Annihilation to work. I played with Wine in the mid 2000’s and gotten office 2003 to run on Suse then.

OMFG the mess when I recently tried to just run a simple exe that doesn’t even need a full installation.

Adobe sadly don’t just make Photoshop which is a remarkably good product. Even more so with their new features. I use Lightroom and nothing that exists for Linux comes close. All that needs some serious GPU integration.

DaVinci resolve is amazing and a real alternative to Premiere. The problem I see is binary compatibility. Even Linus admits that the Linux desktop has a problem with that.

I do have high hopes for web tech to evolve enough to make cross platform a thing again. Maybe ChromeOS will help there. VS Code is a good example here. With WebGl Vulkan in the browser and OpenCL that should become viable soon.

phar, (edited )

haven’t tried Photoshop, but what exe didn’t work in wine for you? If I load them in with Lutris, I haven’t found anything I can’t run. Just having wine installed and double clicking an exe I haven’t had as much luck, it doesn’t find dependencies.

Edit: I misread. I can try out Total Annihilation and see if it works. Lutris + protonGE has been pretty much perfect for me these days


Was it Total Annihilation kingdoms or commander?

darcy, avatar

that would be awesome. i assume youve tried foss alternatives to adobe apps. they arent as good usually (ofc), but still great for most uses imo, unless u are doing stuff proffessionally i suppose

techtalkf, avatar

I work professionally with Adobe programs, but quite frankly, it’s ridiculous that there’s no Linux support. Heck, even Cinema4D and Redshift support Linux.


They would never. In their mind if you are using Linux is because you can’t afford windows. And if you can’t afford windows then you can’t afford adobe

techtalkf, avatar

But they used to offer support for Photoshop and Illustrator a while back if I’m not mistaken. That’s what’s annoying me.


Older versions are supported via wine/crossover, but not official support

The only mainstream professional graphics program with official Linux support was Corel draw, but for a single version twenty years ago, because they acquired a Linux distribution and they wanted to do a bundle os+office+desktop graphics. But nobody bought it (it’s difficult to even find a pirated copy of that) so they scrapped the idea immediately

mihor, avatar

Maybe just stop using shit products, I don’t know.

independantiste, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

The year of the linux desktop is coming for real this time…!

Swedneck, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar

didn’t they say windows 10 was going to be the last version of windows? hence why they jumped to the number 10 as it’s nice and round.


Yes, but they’ve always been liars.


I said it was going to by my last version of Windows. Coincidence?


I thought they jumped to it because ancient, poorly made software would check for Windows 9* to cover 95 and 98, and could now potentially catch windows 9 as well


Java was one of those poorly made software, but it seems stupid to program a check like that. What’s the chance that after Windows 98, Microsoft would release Windows 99? The check should just used the version number. If Windows 95 was 4.0 and Windows 98 was 4.1 should have done the check as “4.*” as a future compatible version could have been 4.2 (win me was 4.9) while one with so many changes that it might need a newer version of the app could have been 5.0 (windows 2000)

wander1236, avatar

I’m pretty sure they used 10 because 7 was build 7xxx, 8 was build 8xxx, and 8.1 was 9xxx, making at least the initial versions of 10 10xxx.


IMHO that’s a coincidence of the build counter. 7 was 7600, 8 was 9200 and 8.1 was 9600. Then they changed how often they redo a build, so now it’s over 23000

But at the time of win 10 release I saw on Twitter a screenshot of a decompiled ancient Java setup that did a check “if Windows 9*”…

Can’t find that again


No the company itself never said it

Anticorp, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

And they’ll still steal all your data and spy on everything you do!

UlyssesT, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

90% of all techbro “innovation” is one or more of the following:

“Put it on the cloud!”

“Make it a subscription service!”

“Put it on the blockchain!”

“Add more surveillance!”

pietervdvn, avatar

You forgot “Use AI”


It’s so blatantly in front of me that I was like a fish not noticing water doomer

deFrisselle, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak avatar


AlpineSteakHouse, to technology in Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

Anyone got any good reccs for Linux? Preferably something that plays nicely with both laptop and desktop.


I’ve been running PopOS, and it’s been flawless.

BlueMagaChud, avatar

I’ve had a very good experience with Fedora for the past few years, but I’ve also heard good things about Endeavor OS for an Arch based experience

darcy, avatar

if your looking for something super beginner friendly, i would reccomend Mint (ubuntu based). if you want something slightly more work to learn, then EndevourOS (arch based, similar to manjaro), because it has Pacman and the Arch User Repository. both have good support and community, and many editions (different desktop environments preconfigured), i would recommend KDE or maybe Cinnamon (better for Mint), though it is not as big of a choice as distro (you can change DEs). KDE has a lot of awesome features out of the box, so its a great choice for beginners


Pop_OS is where it’s at

southsamurai, avatar

I guess I gotta be the basic bitch here.

Try mint, particularly with their own DE, cinnamon. It really is a great overall experience. I’ve run it on something like five or six different PCs in my own home, plus two laptops. Zero issues in years. Right now, the only thing in the house that isn’t running it is my audio PC, because musicbee is a pain to get running on Linux at all.

That’s the only downfall for Linux currently. There’s no good audio programs that are Linux native. At best, stuff like clementine and similar options are acceptable players, but they’re shit at anything else.

My most recent laptop, it was as easy as popping in the usb drive, installing, and putting it to use. But that’s a ThinkPad, and they’re super Linux friendly. Mint has the important stuff on it to begin with, so unless you need specific programs, you’ll be functional faster than with a fresh windows install. Even if you have a handful of other programs you can’t live without, you aren’t going to run into major issues.

Mind you, any of the other distros mentioned so far are pretty much just as plug n play too, but mint seems to play well with any hardware at all. Plus, cinnamon is such a damn nice DE


Like the others say, Linux Mint. If you wanna spend a bunch more time configuring everything and solving issues then you can use other distros like Arch and Debian. For new users though, I suggest Linux Mint.

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