
AdmiralShat, to 196 in Gay Agenda

“Back in my day, blowing a tranny was a car problem”


I don’t think the antonym of advance should be censored


I personally find it funnier when the slur is blocked.


This meme makes me think of a classic from Steve in Brickleberry


Nakoichi, to memes in Ohhh
@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

And yet they still use king George’s foot as a unit of measurement, curious.


And then became a bloodsoaked colonial power to surpass the previous bloodsoaked colonial power. freedom-and-democracy


A foot is defined as 0,3048 meter. They use the metric system, but with a conversion.


Miles, feet, and inches are all base 12 - just saying.


It would be awesome to have a base-12 number system paired with a base-12 measurement system. It’s just so much nicer to deal with than metric or imperial. So many measurements would become much easier. Take length. You could have the base measurement be equal to a meter, then use 1/3 meter sticks as roughly equivalent to a 1 foot ruler.

OscarRobin, to games in PlayStation 5- how sre the visuals so good and games run so well on a machine with the equivalent of a GTX 2060?
  1. Optimisation. Many, many games haven’t even had a proper baseline of optimisation let alone targeted optimisation for specific specs like consoles
  2. The PS5 GPU is more powerful than a 2060, and as a newer generation architecture supports more features which can be leveraged to improve performance
  3. The PS5 operating system is wayyy less taxing than Windows or any other OS because it does much less and does it more optimized
Ludrol, to 196 in Peak Gaming Performance
@Ludrol@szmer.info avatar
  • Games on linux


thisbenzingring, to 196 in Ramen Rule






GreenMario, to lotrmemes in It's called a boom stick
tdawg, to memes in Yes I actually had an argument about this

Imaging caring what other people are doing so much you need to argue with someone about this. What a sad way to live

PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS, to 196 in I love Twitter rule
@PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS@hexbear.net avatar
spicytuna62, (edited ) to memes in Saw a news story people about people getting arrested for at Wal-Mart for forgeting to scan one item
@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t use self checkout anymore. Here’s why

  • The scales. I bring my own bags and you have to tare the scale against your bags before you can start scanning and it only works right about ⅓ of the time. So someone has to come set it for me.
  • If I don’t bring my own bags inside, my only option at self checkout is plastic. Paper bags are offered by cashiers. I like to know my bags can actually be recycled.
  • Self checkout is constantly populated by old folks who would have had IE jam packed with garbage toolbars 15 years ago. They can’t work self checkout any faster than they could have waited in line.
  • There is a 25 item limit. I see people with 40+ items in self checkout all the time. It just bogs down what used to be a fast thing.
  • Finally, the biggest reason I stopped using it is because part of the cost of my groceries is to have a worker to ring me up and another to bag my stuff. By using self checkout, I’m saving the store owner money. I am being the customer and the worker. This is my way of fighting back. If the cost of my groceries is going up, I’m going to make sure that someone else has that little bit of extra job security. If we all stop using self checkout, they have to keep more cashiers on hand. I don’t think I have to explain how more people having more available hours to work is a better societal alternative.
UnverifiedAPK, (edited )

There is a 25 item limit. I see people with 40+ items in self checkout all the time. It just bogs down what used to be a fast thing.

Where? Self checkout isn’t express checkout. I don’t think express checkout has been a thing for 5+ years.

Edit: Lol also I appreciate this as a major reason you don’t use self checkout. That’s completely fair:

Self checkout is constantly populated by old folks

frunch, (edited )

The shop-rite in my area has both express (10 items or less) and regular/no-limit self-check outs.


Depends on the region. At least here in the states there are plenty of stores where the self checkout at Walmarts have signs saying <=25

@spicytuna62@lemmy.world avatar


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  • tdawg,

    Personally I’m in favor of extreme automation like self checkout. The real issue is that the workers don’t see the return the buisness owners do. Like imagine if we had UBI + good unemployment and then it wouldn’t really be an issue. Walmart would have to compete with people going home




    Then when you do move fast (I always do because I’m impatient af) a crowd of employees will gather behind you because they think you’re stealing. No, I’m just stressed that I had to watch all these slow fucks take their sweet ass time scanning their shit.


    And God forbid you move too fast for the machine to keep up! Fucking “modern” technology.


    It’s always some dumb Windows BS running on like 512 MB of RAM. I feel bad for those poor computers.

    seitanic, (edited )
    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I don’t think I have to explain how more people having more available hours to work is a better societal alternative.

    It’s only better if a human cashier can do the job better. Otherwise, you’re just making humans do money-work as an excuse to give them more hours.

    For example, I could do everything at work on a pad with a pencil instead of using a computer. I would certainly have more hours!

    The reason why that sounds insane is because everybody recognizes that using a computer is much faster and more efficient, so you should use that instead.

    @snownyte@kbin.social avatar

    I don't recall there being a item limit. Which is unfortunate because the people who have boatloads of carts and their carts already loaded. They're the most fucking slowest ever that they even give old people a run for their money. Slowly raising items to scan. Slowly putting them in bags. Slowly paying. Slowly moving the fuck out of the way as they try navigating a heavy cart with all of the junk that they'll barely like as soon as it gets home.

    Fuck them.


    There used to be pretty clear signage about item limits that were ignored anyway, and now they don’t have real cashiers, so the item limits either doesn’t or functionally doesn’t exist.


    Man, we have some space age self checkout compared to what you have

    SARGEx117, to memes in Saw a news story people about people getting arrested for at Wal-Mart for forgeting to scan one item

    I once had a Walmart employee follow me out of the building and start banging on my window screaming at me they’re calling the cops


    I, while using a cane in one hand and the other occupied by a bag of dog food that was making me regret not waiting for a scooter, didn’t stop to chat with the old woman who was arbitrarily checking people’s receipts.

    I told him he’s lucky I’m more level headed than most of my neighbors, because he would have been shot the moment he banged on glass and yelled, but if they want my receipt they can go watch the fucking cameras because I have somewhere to be.

    Could I have handled it more calmly and with more understanding? Probably. But if you follow me out into the parking lot and start screaming at me, consider all respect lost, all decency dropped. You get back what you came in with.

    Literally, the only reason I even went to Walmart is because the pet store I get the good food from had their registers all crash and wouldn’t start back up.

    Since when did Walmart check receipts anyway?


    Lol you should have done it, Rambo.


    Not saying it is right, but shopkeepers can legally detain customers long enough to figure out if a theft happened. They have to have a reason to suspect it, though.



    Loss prevention can, random cashiers cannot.

    Fuck em anyway, I pay for my shit and unless it’s a real cop who might shoot me if I twitch funny, I ain’t stopping for shit.

    If they don’t want to pay for cashiers, they can deal with people stealing shit. Walmart especially is a corp on welfare, they have the most employees receiving food stamps and Medicaid than any other company. I don’t really care if the government subsidized megacorp loses money every year, they aren’t providing worthwhile jobs anyway.


    I just smile and say “no thank you” and keep going. There’s nothing they can do unless they actually think you stole something and they don’t have the manpower to detain everyone who won’t stop for their receipt check.

    Note though that doesn’t apply to Sam’s Club or Costco or similar, if you’re a “member” there you agreed to the checks.

    assaultpotato, (edited )

    They can’t detain you even if they think you have stolen, though (from a store policy perspective). There’s a reason all these stores train employees “observe don’t interfere”.


    i really want to get tackled so i can sue

    now i always DEMAND that they scan my groceries for me


    Shopkeeper’s privilege does exist, many stores simply choose not to exercise it.


    As I mentioned, “from a store policies perspective”. The shrinkage isn’t worth the liability and risk for Walmart.


    so long as the shopkeeper has cause to believe that the person detained in fact committed, or attempted to commit, theft

    Shop keepers privilege can’t be used as a reason to detain customers for a receipt check. They don’t have “cause” as they did not see the person concealing anything.


    That’s true! Receipt checks can get lost! I was replying to “They can’t detain you even if they think you have stolen” though. The “can’t” is a store policy thing, not a law thing.


    A loss prevention guy followed my sister to her car after dark once, he thought she took something and wanted to check her receipt. she was sobbing cause she thought she was about to get raped. Loss prevention officers are just idiotic jackasses who aren’t smart enough to do anything else.


    When that guy gets maced or tasered, I would happily laugh in his face and tell him he deserved it.

    How did the thought “I should follow this lone woman out to her car in the dark” pass through his mind…


    It doesn’t matter what Walmart or anyone except Costco (part of membership contract) and probably Sam’s club (contract again) says. Once you’ve purchased it they have NO legal right to inspect and you have NO legal obligations to stop. That being said I know the folks doing that job are not assholes so I will politely refuse and wish them a nice day.

    In DC they they have the same type of legal witness called special police. Once one tried to stop me and I refused saying , “Call the police if you think I stole something” and kept going.

    I’m not going to be harassed by employees after I’ve legally purchased profucts.

    Please note if you are planning on running a scam or sneaking shit out, don’t draw attention to yourself. One law at a time is the rule.

    Viking_Hippie, (edited ) to memes in They say every time someone logs into the fediverse a billionaire loses its wings.

    Every time Windows goes against everything I ever told it to do and opens something in Edge (ugh), I get a popup telling me they “protected me” by removing the AdBlock extension, even taking the gaslighting as far as suggesting that I probably added it by mistake 🤬

    @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Please consider trying linux. Although I‘m having my fair share of issues using ubuntu desktop atm, I have a complex setup and am insanely thickheaded and entitled because I‘m a linux server admin. So, a windows user who switches to a clean linux mint install should be ok.

    Fun fact: a ton of games work wonderfully on linux now.


    I’ve already switched to Lubuntu on my ancient laptop and for just streaming/watching media in vlc, browsing and sometimes torrenting, which is all that it can really do with the ancient hardware, a lightweight distro such as that is many times better than Windows was. It’s several times more stable and also quite a bit faster than it was!

    As for taking the plunge on my main, though, that’s a whole different kettle of ballgames. Being able to run every game, including ones from “less official sources”, more or less effortlessly is my main priority on that one and afaik not even the gaming-centric distros have gotten THAT far, especially with Nvidia GPUs, which is what I have in the main…

    @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Tell me about it… I researched a ton but the problems with nvidia and the emergence of better and better amd drivers (and I think now intel as well) for linux was pretty hard to get so I ended up with an nvidia gpu and I hate it a little bit. I mean, it works but I assume it would have been a lot easier. Lets hope nvidia gets the hint at some point (like microsoft did by making shit more repairable).

    Anyway, good for you. I just switched on my main and so far its pretty good, games wise. Tbf I run everything on steam rn. I haven’t tried the other stuff (blizzard stuff, far cry, etc). I am not opposed to „alternative means“ but I happen to be happy with the reduced price games on steam etc.

    I would absolutely try and dual boot for a bit at least. :)


    Sadly a ton of games is just a small portion of the many games people like to play

    @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Yes, of course. Still, nobody plays all of them and the number is growing massively thanks to steam deck. So people should consider it and make an informed decision.


    You can check if the games you regularly play work on Linux with protondb.

    @Haui@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    I have seen that recently. Thank you very much.


    Is there a way to see the list of unsupported games? That’s the 20% of the data I’m interested in.


    Not that I know of. From my understanding is that most games work but any sort of anticheat spyware software won’t work.

    thisbenzingring, to programmerhumor in I'm pretty sure I've actually seen lemmy logs grow that fast

    Once I had a customer report that her computer was giving her out of disk space errors. This was weird because we script their My Documents and Desktop to network file shares. Like wtf could be using up the disk? While walking to their system I figured the drive was going bad. Nope.

    Just a 250+GB log file from a chat program that they used. Like OMG that was amazing


    Can you mention which “chat program” was that?


    it was an early version of Pidgin

    loudWaterEnjoyer, to technology in New! From Google! "Enhanced" ad privacy!
    @loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    The only time I see ads is when I look into someone else’s screen

    stilgar, to programmerhumor in I'm going to sit down and actually learn git this week
    @stilgar@infosec.pub avatar

    Pro tip: If your code gets flogged by git, you can always get revenge with git reflog 😉

    doingthestuff, to 196 in Gay Agenda

    There are few things in the world more satisfying than a real heavy duty tranny. I mean the kind that can take you from zero to blasting you back in your seat with more horsepower than you’ve ever experienced, and then do it again and again.

    @agentshags@sh.itjust.works avatar

    There is a joke to be made from this comment, and I’m trying so hard not to make it lol



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    After Steve Jobs died of ligma, his son Blow took over the company before being quickly laughed out of the position by Tim Cook.

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